Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1861)
THE ADVERTISER, FUKN.VS & LYANNA, .l:llllT .'rii.i-c, .. T. T B II i . f 1 00 ,1 oiilliiftBft f of T"'' ..... inv.ntB. J ftO ,T ..- ,5 .. Soo ' , , ' . ,.,rr -i;l l 60 r c -.r ,4.w ,..f )M(,. lie .fJr, not VOL. V. .iUalNBSS OAItDS. " FAIRBANKS' gS.C A L E S 2ilJ ly I ,1 THE ADYEUTiSE-U, riTEii or At-vrrvTicit.'a 111 ii Ay "Free li Tom and Hesalale ALL their Domestic Instllntlons In Ihelr own war. snbjcft onlr tn the rnntltntlon of the TnllcJ States.? t)ar (13 untaf laa""-15 ;:. K-a J4it,.a: iir ia. Oat iuit, r. suuata, Bun C-i at it t i iai af : o J (.-t:t e.easr.a ota y 4r, I O-; f aria Column .& yaar. - . . ! Otit t.ftaa C'loma rs yr, -; ()3fiaT.ii B)"Oii, . !i)3iillCo:3n3ium.T!ti, . . . . ! Ua t'iria Cviama ii rt' . ' (ijijhik C"I'-ihb !i m. o:hi, j On tViuir.a ta- trj-ith. .. ' Oa batf externa ! ar ni atl.t . j Oa t Mirth C:ai!t isr oi'.r'.M, Oa!stt6 Coicmn trrt ra. r 'h. . . .vjacia caa l.i:f jr s.'!aJTa; ft (. 1 frJ m 1-4 t) r (91 l i r' . i ti . i . 1 -u ; o. H K 1) (3 I I )- i c BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1861. NO. 44. Or ALL !X' 172 LiUi: -VI, CIUli.", V , c,. r,.r of Mvn & Walnut Stt. Et. Louis if v only i"c cr.MCiKi:- T1I0MAS DAVIS, ECLECTIC.PHYSICIAN Tu: HOCK. NEIMASKA. Mrrrnr. Dr . 1 lire w nr il!.. 4,,r,t II. ' I. I."-J !...,. M I. ' , t . L.vo utute.1 oi.d.1 i..v-T Mrt ijnui"" ' IJl4ci l'cak, or Xlukt." PROVISION STORE AFD DRY GOODS HOUSE. TsJo. XX, ZVTaIxx otrootf BROWHVILLE, IT. T. "JOHU GftRHETT & CO, .. mi. rMUii or Agricultural Iuiplcnient Ar 'ri:i;d business. Thry ;!! r.,ntantly k-P !'' f"11 "'PI',Jr,,, Ln.'Irdh'M Warranted Garden Seeds, ', frr.h, arl of tb. Ut.Hr, growth. fcnd iUcufine ihir l'f 0r..Kn -.1, i J,r-u t Th.j v--n '' -;J .7.7 lmjdfmmU and Miehmtry in U' gBCl AM- Tiff lMVJ Al:TICI.M l Til THAt'K. Of TIIK Br JUM-KAt-Tl-HK. 7.y ihi r-intin'i".I h ' t ,.f Uvi-kcth A So. t S; I.' iii. l' ,; r.-iy I w in 1 ih ,h" """ ' 1 I.. n-jr ll w'" ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ,M.S y . I . r. H k. in I .. ? r : - (J r T ., '' -"" ""' ' mjiin ; hm: i i o . x,ti I.O. I. ! r , , ' irml hi rtriim-DTtll- in i i 1. .i;, .irxt i, X OiMlrlrfi'M. r, . . . . . m..r. -I- ir..fe-i 'ii.i"rPcf l i ."i m fi i xiemled Iii iii In ri 1.0 1i-iii , iireitciiplloi. j,....v 4- t in-' nr' , 14 'SV 'S I .If ll I ": il ri.i.AOAV ALEXIS MOOI II t.ilJ V Ill 11, 1U' i- L,: - MISSOUBI. llt'OIt Cw llI.I.ll IV. ;.. I ill, I hi r-t. 7o iv TTorli, . NVi iii''1' i i . I Commission 7VT B TT O II y- TNT TO. . . h tR V fi:R l TO I. 'vr l, n n, - Sjt.Jjlifrph, r ! V l' irlflllb, ... " f x I " i' l - - - . . . t ixc . - - -I , ! ii . - - - - BIIJDERY, r (I NCH. HI.riTK. IOWA. ! WILLIAM F. KITER. : M i n i -fill IfiTe ) lift t completed itnlr Hfw tulhf- kouf u Uam Sttert, ficr tL l3 LnJ (iffirr. in Brtwavliie whfrf Miey tve 'jLCued uut aiiJ reilrrins on ibe iuui f rorb ici tii, Dry Goods, Provisions, IM all lk.lli.Ji, F LO U H , CON F HOT ION ARIES. c;i:i:i:v ami ikii;i ritti is, Choice Liquors, Cifart, Ami a "itioaanl nJ otje," other lLinj ?rybody unci. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK HpwiivI ;e, Apri1 20, ly CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. !ncorj.oraff(f by ih Sla1 of Conn-rticvt. Capital stork S20CUMJO. Witi. li i'-in I M-riM-ii. . ir'liiffn-.-ijc c ie.:ure 1 v iiivc-i'il iiti'l' I 1 1 UK-' H'd i. ' flie nn r I'lil li- Ain i-M' i )- i i:i;s ni ii in ( i i:s: I Ml.S i W I.K ' I' V. i'roi.lvt t. I . I V I. '. :'.. V ce 'r- ii! ! 'ilt.l,. S.-r".-iry i' I). 1M;"KI.K! .':riTalAj;'?nt. vMr.-l Uijl I n ii 1 1 'ii 1 1 i i ji? , J .'ii I, Kunce. . !'.! -1 t. J . A . I tn ' ! i . K. I. Ii k'Tiimn VVImutiii. M in. !it N'oh 'i' Moilinler, r i -'Viiikicj ii. t I I. 'inultinp Miynician. 1'IU Lit . ! I. li'licnl KtMiniiKT. liiHc';Sonr rcrritKl y . V . Kl'UN A . Ac't ,Htt UrownTilli .T. 1859. 1859. ii iwiniL & st. josepii n. n. FALL. ARIlAM.EiiKMa. y-ir'lu( Trjlu Si. Jureph at - C 00 Kvp nut Trln lejvf Co ! - - 6:40 St JephU reiciJty ih Wetern 5:aie Line Pi-ii:-r mvf ti.iie :' iirene UtnK by thiroute. UjiIt cjinirciiotir mJ ai llnnibal with .ll'Cattern -u jiricrii K.iiroai and r.n.keia. J T D Haywood, Sup't.. IIoHnilal. I) C Savi!, General Acnt, St. Joe I 11 OnoiT.G. Ticket Agent. Hailal Tiieo. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownville Nov. ml. .r 24. If6. RKAL ESTATE A X l Collection Office o r 27. "7xTm Bedfora. ip o w n villi:, n e h h a ska. Btu:em Ltve. and I'irsi "'" .. Particular attention given to flic Purchase and Sale ot'Sleal i:talo. .flakiiiK C ol Iectioii iiiul Paj mcnt of Taxe for .on-Ut-Ki-(1 c n t w . LAND U AUUANTS FOIiSALK,'r--h m d r. time. HSU WARRANTS T.0fATI!) ( Fu r:i rr i r.l i r t f . on IiI'mI -fl-'O'i-il trim H-r'niiil iui;n -iii n. ithI a -i'iiil' if Ti. i . I ii Mn. -Imwiri S:r nil.-. Tini'x r, A-.. f -rw inj I with h.; (Vr:!fi-ifc f 1km 1 lip i t 11.- N.T n. 1 '' . yl B ii dTcl'cgrap 1). HE POUTED EXCLUSIVELY FOIt THE P0o" Advortisor. Ii lb St.. JMieph,IiruWDTilland Dearer Tclcr) h STEB13INS LINE, OJf.ct norcr of Main nd Tint Street. PIKES PEAK GOLD! I will '-rceiv IVke' ri'ak rul itvic ii ni'r upi"i Mi .tm" ti1 m mi" 'mlancr i.f pi-icrd wu a M in! fiir- h:i1 In i I r-.r- I i' exhibit ihr 'rinie l -etnru- -r Mi (uite' -taie-i Vu r Aav "ITlre. J NO. L . C A R S O N . RIXL10N AM) EXrilWfiK BROKER BROWSVILLr., r.USKA. ni.204 V C JOHNSON A. Sril0EKHr.IT : PEASE & FOWLER, BLACKSMITHS, Wntor Otroott ; RROU'NNILLE, NERRASKA. n iv rtvrntjjr t,catri1 In thl place and olldt a nhnre 'p'il)ic pHnnk-e. . Tlinr Tint a nd pric.t r!ii"t f 1 1 t tn. ii-f.-i ii-ii. IM ti.K'iiig hTn $1 0 I ' !i fiiii all tuima with upw hues. Dc. 30; 3m T. W. TIPTON, Attorney at Law, Xn 0 H'.V V I L L E , X. T. 5 J D. N. THOMPSON, Justice of the Peace and Convoynnccr, XROWXVILLE, .YEBIUSh'J . T-kf kn. m !fOffti,rnl of Terrt Mrrl T pic . O!?., tr,x jr uutb ut Maua tV. k Dru . B-..nvii;, j,,f ;ut fiQO. ' . .4. C O S T A IX I. C , mrokTr xxii dealck i IRON, STEEL, NAILS, :sri(x, spiux wiva file 01:1,1,0 wa, r, . AND J'L A C KSM I r IPS TOOLS '. " H i ! Snfc,-, ,".,1 Rfnt St ti tT. j '- .'.i i.(wii KW 4111I Kdinotid, N! .lO.EPil. MO. "" ,n t lit. l.uu pricrcfoi cah. n - " - - GENTLEMEN'S WEAR J-U'Oli MAKIION, Ji't rvurjit-j ir,.m St. L.uU with a rBtire or l'ATKST STYLES -k Ji'-.l.-r'It 'Vn',- "Mr, which lie will t . i ' ,rt " ''ice. aaJ ia a minner be . in ii .f ii-.i. .1 i - - i I "I ViMK . uiMnrrn Mill "wekT ?'-7 "nl "' im-ri: iw J C- 4,. k- ,'k- C M..n-.o.. Lingua, dril- C. uraitiii. ituii-i.nsi, uru "na ' "ou,l",i'k .o th pcutlcm-n vf thi tlf.....,V'M,!"7 f"r lhcir r't lirrl i-itroriajf. iu;i lorii... ii,. ... ..n I - ' - lUl ...II nn-1 V A llll Ul) ' '- t,1' p",,fi''-t that iii th fu lvtn I'A't. h will t..MetosivoDlirf at- ? T. M. TALROTT, ;-fi?NTAL-SURGEON, :-. ,J( ''-' 1 hitnif i:-. v.T..ta A.4 ( X ',f,'""n' crTicei to tbeeommunJtT. Johnson & ScJioenh it ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A V ! SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Corner Firat and Main l"trefs. !Ci o(y:m iile, - - - Nebraska ). D. GWIN, Ilavin? pcrnianentlv located in IIKOWNVILLK, NKUllA.sKA, For tlu j ra. tin- f Mr.lii in' i nil Surgery i-n-Ii r lii iroli" i:iil crvicc to the aillicuu OZct on Aijin Street. iiu2:vj Johns & Crosley, SOLE MANTFU'TI ItKllS OK TIIK IMPROVED ta i i pi:ie i!t CEMENT ROOFING, Is the Cheapest and most durable Hoofing in vse. IT IS FIRE. VXD IVJTER PROOF It mii l-e anilitM to nfw anil nll nx'tn ut all kinJii, aul to l.i i.-ou witluu; reiiMviiiit the fchincir. The cost liOiil3 one-third of Tin, and is tvicc as durable. Gutta Percba Cement Tir prp-errinit ainl roinirinc tin ntvl i-tlior motal root "f everp locrip,ti.n, trnin it rcl e!tlc:ly U In-jure-! liy th C'lilriic ' I ui aixl spiiiM n of metal, ami Will uct creek in cold or Hun in warm wrath vr. Tti nntril! h.iv tin ih-irmishW t't1 in cw Y. rk unit il.ri"i Mi S .int ern unit Wmt-ii -t.iie ainl me cm puc alu:i I in' p'oof allwt claim in tlnir Tliv ar!r ji'iO 1 1 J ' di'iirv 'ath.rer at trifl. in? i-ai-rti - . NO HE T IS RE cUiREO." Thrxf iiuit'-ri'its air if j na.'y for ux aud ror Shij'j ihix t all fails .f Co I-1. try. with lull pnnte-l -u ;. for aif!icatan. Full ifrxt rij tire cirt-vlais will be fur' uished on a ' ation ! y maii, or in jfr .VOTl, tit our principal tifiirf. 510, BROADWAY, (.vu.nSl Nulmlti. II tl ) SKWVOIIt JOHNS x CROM-EY. rb 2S 1SCI A 'E .rT3 WANTED. ni.v It ii New Eating Saloon. BEN J. WHYTE, ll.m iii!tiil a i;w E;itin H'U!e an Xl;in tr ct, ni xt 1 M,r tu the U. S. LiuJ (J'Jico iu Urownviiie, w ti-rc "tTVuxxrxxx Moals CAN BE HAD AT ALL HOURS. A!! lvinJ. nf gruno served up as desirtJ, at the flmrtcst nut ice. Oysters, Quails. Prairie Chickens, Fu-h, Venison, Pies, Cakes, Hot ColIVe. Sweet and Milk. Mthand Milk, mid alt Mich. Como xiicl Soo 3VTo ! ! I . i i . i -'! CITTUTEirmiU ASD HROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS & BROTHER. AXN'OCNCF.S t Mi pi:l!ic Mint h h pMrrtiH Livpry Si .1 1 p mill Sin k f. rinrrly . n l h W U..!e'il ami .Mol llierpin fi r t-t -ck and i m' p Cl tu actLiuniiHlatc tlie public t'h l Mn ! ! ! I. .11 1 ri i. Ciiri-gi, Unties, Sulkies, Kiddies lit il'St r- MRS. IIEWETT, MAIN STREET, ititoTrvit.i.r.. vcmt istii. Annoiiuce to th lauie ol B.-owuville an t vicinity lli.l tp b. jut rvMMvrU ber S 1' It I N O STOCK iMILLINEKY GOODS, T wbicb ftp ca!U rr,ic",,r att.n-.ion. nr Fids are .. tb rprj latp.-t .tylesauJ arp vflprea at nuuuliy luw p' ice. Ain. 4, 1S60. Clocks, Watches k Jewelry. J. SCHITTZ (TJL Would tnu unceto ttifJitlipn. of BrwoTille VyVatiU vicinity bp bar iwtaicl tiu.l in , i Hi f anJitiien-S kpppinp a lull .sort. u.11.. i.i e rrj iluin; in tib ,in ut tUMoei vbicb will bP l l law tor cah. Up will Uo lo all ki:il- f rp pA'rinitof clyct,wicbPacJjpwHry. All wurk wr aated. vJclSly THE TMAVtLLiNG PUBL'C Can flu. I at hl Stable ample afcomnndations for tiorbP inulpi ! oi i - BKNJtVIS .V JO SHT'A KOUERS B'nwMvtlip. Oct . IS 1S60. nlS-ylv JOHN L CARSON (SucxTr t Ln-tiliani'h ii. Carn. LAND ANT) TAX I'AVLYJ Dfutrr in Coin, incvrrtut Mcuey. Land IVarrai.t. Exchange, am! Gold Lint M VIN ST I? KIT. ISKtn . II.I.i;, NLliK INULA. I will pivp psppcUl a'.tpnrit.n tonuyln nl .pllinc px rhn:p till thp principal CitiPs f tbp l"niipl SttP and Kuri'p. Gold Silvpr. uiirurrpot K"k Bill., and lin'J Uust, Col lctiiii mail o all accpMblp puiut... 11 prK-pd rniiitod Id pichnp at currnt ialp.. Vt piit rcirl un currecl cxuut, and interest al lowed uu ri.-pA.-ial de; ut. OFFICE, 3IAI STRUCT. nCTVFCC THE Tclegnipti and the V. S. Land Ollices. REFERENCES: Lind & Brvtbpr J. W. CufHin t Co., Hpr. I)i k k. Co. Tuiiiie & Cartii, Jp. Tb-m:n U C'l'r f Port, wm T Smiih E.-q.. IL.nkpr, J. T 8lvn. Kmi.. AU'y at Law, Jn S. Cailahpr, :tp3d Aud. I'. S.T. T.rl..r a, Kn!;h, lUnkprs, McCl land Pre Co., II. .n Tri"iii G. Pratt, Ili'ii Jj. . I'arHin. P. H. Sni il K q.. Prpt S. Bick, C !. : Sv hlf y. Av at Lw. C.i im.M tntiiiptouAtfy at Law, JrilvpThi. Piry, Prol. II. Tutwiler, PtiUJe'pliia, Pa. Ba'.tiDiorp, iii. . it WaibicpoD, D. C. Cbira. 111. St. 1jul. Mo. Ann. .Ii. ii.l. Sipic(rbur( Pa Ha;rtown, td. F.itn, li l. Cnnibpi land, lid Havana. A tat ma. Xv 8. ISSO-tf. JAMKS S. TJKDFOUD ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Master rflmmlvsioiicr In Chacccrv. -ehovx TILLS, IT. T.- St. Locis. May 1st, A M. The bridges on the Northern Central Railroad are being repaired, a lare niitnhf r of worktnt-n and engineers have bwti concentraitd at York tor this pur pose and will Le protected by troops. It is their ihteniion to guard every bridjj'' tb. ar vt Baltimore lorulicanon. It i reported i La t mi urmiaiice of six t'ays bus Let ii iuaJ.- at.t! itn- Secretary ut War hits e to Richmuiid. Cien Iliiruev tm arrived at Waaliin ion. Th.' Vu Coiivt-ntion ha paM d an tr- i ii.niir t4e navy ol Va. 1 iirf lijIiiljjijM. iii cap-ai Hvnrv and Ci.atit o fehow Iji liirl.ta. I'tte C.'ii ajro Ev H i) Journal learns ir. in a ml lii'iu j return d trmn .Ut??j.-ij'j i in many parts ol win iMult ;ti fam.iit- prevails. I'll'- tu-onl- nr u Ii rin' lor waul of eno.iiil to tat Corn, vvliitii i3 ti.e principle article ol lotnj, i .. ii-jvv .-curce thro.i''!iotjt lotli town and enunirv. At on- $4 lion ther vv-n- lliiO .-ucks which Hit.- all Hi re was in that ii-raiity. who are at !. art- lift ing ih: ro .nrry to e.-cip- urvaiion. Siatioris aioni: the L.tiileanJ Ohio R R are pa k- ! wr.h Jreilit. lli0.i; to ivlio ;, i: li i-.m;-;i':it! L' iitij too p'ir to pay ih chari'. Tlte R R Cn to protfet t:ae!f has l n obliged to a Jopt a rule to receive no in ire irighi ur towns in the Missi.-ippt utiles; th-- ireight wa j tepai i. A Lancaster, Pa. disjatch says. Ex Pres;dj'nt Ruchanan eutt ria m.- no itica t f h aviii lor Europe as v. unuoune- d in the papers. It js wt 11 known amoti i . personal fri-: tids that he warmly t-a-p. -jses the cause of the NoM.'i ;ti.d tt'-: lie w ill pass the i einamder of hts days at Wheatland. His -nephew has enlisted in a Pennsylvania regiment. Tite ship Iron-ideIor Liverpool with 24U0 bale of cotton and 6000 barrels at tl inr, caught lire at New Orleans, the o vcning of the 29th; It was partially consumed. St.'Louis, May 1st P. M. Union sentiment in Baltimore is repre sented to be on the ascendent. Three Union meetings were held there Monday and resolutions passed in favor of sustain ing the Governor, and maintaining ihe honor of ths Stars and Stripes. At Bal timore to-day the American flag wa raised over the Post Ofijc and Custom House by order of the newly appointed officials. The N. Y. Herald's Washington spe cial says that Gen. Harney denies any intention of resigning. Regular trains for the North commen ces to-day. It is reported thai Gov. Letcher is about to issue a proclamati n forbidding i lie passage of Southern troops thiough Virginia. A man was arrested in Gov. SpragueV tjuariers as a spy. The Secretary of the Trt a-ury at Washington ha adver i i d U.r p-rposals until the oUih inst., i.nle.-s the a uouni shall be sooio r taken at par for nearly 614.000 000 of slock ofllie United .Mates under tt.e act ot June IbCO, authorizing tin 1 an ;it. d providing tt;r tlie redemp tion ut iii' Ti a.-iiry n-iief. A I' u r tr. in Fi.n M.-nroe .-ays there io im ilai;. r ut an atiaik, 2u00 men are in t'.e Fort 1 Ley ;i re oiiit o animyed by I'iiu'I ' sbiv s ekliii! Ti ue, III- in ah i a . i; v ar- r turn d No tuiterie. w Ii be ai! .el tn te rectd within rai . I li" Conn, i tic'.' Li iris.'a'tire convened n-tl iv. G v B i. k 1 1 1 -r i i no's in'-s-aie r- -enitiiie n i t g a. i liicunl btt'C nnht a, s:y-, 11 i l int- i r c mpanies have b-een aci p -d. and t'.e reioienta fully eiptip f - t! . -1 1 (;t!!ji aid I aife;jie trains pr j'arr d i" 'a'e t art. o! Hums' Ives. i'lie L gi-ialurt will u ake liberal prt para lions loj war purposes. Annapolfa di-patihes ay fortificalinns CLiiiitiaiiding Annpoli and country for two miles around were thrown up yesterday. Annapolis was made a military depot ysteiday. Butler will re main there. All ihe movt-m tits are as snretas no s bie. Orders were given to arrest all uewr-ptp -r vorrespoodt tits. Someihmg iintortant ging tn In-j fonnut on lias een rei eiv d from 1 mingtoti N. C. to the ell'ect that the se cessionists have the entire control there. Two vessels have been compelled to dis charge their can;o of rice on account of the Serreiary or Provisions. Troops were arriving daily. The Secretary of War has tendered to Gov. Sprague the office of Brigadier General. The Gov ernor telegraphs that the second Rhode Island regiment is not needed at present. Mr. Adams, minister to England was to leave on the Niagara from New York-to-day. The banks of Vermont hare tendered 8300,000 to the State for war purposes. St. Loci?, May 2. A M. Judge Bond of the Baltimore Criminal Court charged the grand jury yesterday morning. He called attention particular ly to the attack by the mob on the military on the 19th uli., that the guilty might be ! brought to punishment. After the crowd had left the Custom Housj yesterday a man named Geo Ler- . r -.L I i uon, in tne uuiiorm oi me jiaryiana i Guards, deliberately cut down the Atne- rican flag which fell icto the hands cf the bystanders. He was immediately arrest ed by a deputy sheriff, and with some dif- I ficuhy saved from the wrath of the Union j men preseut, and conveyed to the police sta ion where he awaits his exaimniiion. The following circular to the govern ment was extensively signed by Bain morians yesterday : In cur opinion mill tary forces or stores ought to pass thro' Baltimore without hindrance, and we will use our best efforts to prevent obstructions. The police commissioners have removed ihe restrictions on the exportation of of breadaiulls. Resolutions were adopted to appoint a committee to wait on Davis and Gov Leit'hr in rirJrnr Mfinii! an tinderstaiidinT whereby civil war may be averted. An American flag wiil be presented to the Home Guards by the ladies of r red enck. A speeial dispatch to the N Y World says arrangements have been made tor tne resumption of travel by rail by Balt imore. York and Pa. All souihern journals received yester day stale lar:e numbers of troops are gathering and I r e negroes are being im pr. s.m d into the service. Nearly every loitiiM) of Was.'.iuglon and District is connect! d by Telegraph. Letters received itom Paris state that the French Governun ut is fully posted in American ntiaira and no sympathy is felt lor ihe Confederate Slates. Scott will soon change his head quar ters to Pniiatii Iphia. Troi p. are to be concentrated at U a - !.in' I. .ii. G-n. il..nbaifi is reported as in com mand of ihe rebel troops in Virginia. Lord Lyons denies tlie report that he had solicited an armistice. La; r ihe 7th regiment say six ecevioiiij;s were caught on ihe 2Uih. Two wvte slr.t mi th- morning of the 30h and an jti;er ua-. to be shot on tlie next morning. Several had been arrested, tor learner 1 p Railroad track. A jonait; I -iter from Annapolis says ihe i ri Cal.idouia has two meu hanging I t orn her yard-arms. Oue tor stnugling powder ami provisions to Charleston, aud the olher for piloting the 7lh regiment into Chesap-ake Bay with the iutenlion iii it the Baltimore Secessionists thould capture Annapolis before the regiment reached there. .No fortiiications eithei side of the Po tomac or Chesapeak Bay, in the hands of the secessionists. The secession flag was floating at Al exandria when the steamer lieveillee left. A leave of absence will be granted Col King minister to Rome, to enable him to command the Wisconsin volun leers, also to Carl Schurz, minister to Spam, wqo proposes to raise a company ot Cavalry. The Government has authorized ihe contradiction of the ruir.or that the Ad ministration had proposed an armistice ol GO days. Ii i3 stated that Marshal law will not be proclaimed in Washington. unbss there shall be a reason for it which does not now exist. St. Locis, May 2nd, P. M. Orders have been issued to Comman ders of Regiments and independent tom nanica to make their reports to Head tjuariers at Washington, stating among otner things, iho- strength of their respec tive commands, and character of iheir arms, supply ot ainuuitiou, degree of pro-iKi.-ncy in their drill, and the character of trie same, ii th y understand ih'v drill as bail nil;hers, it they have practiced at the large I, and ihe prolicieucy thereof, if they know the manual ot Ihe Bayonet Exiii isi s, th y will also state their abili ty to lake tlie O camp end camp and yarriaou equipage, and u( ganizali n ui ihcii company, Quarter Master and Mi tlital Di pal tuieuis. Commanders will he held accvuntaO.e lor the waul of god disi. ipilite. Ihe aruchs of war will be read l the re.-peciive c ii.iuands o.i t:e ab(.at;l, at Uic iucj eclioo. b'.fjfe going lo Church, and the) wiil be gjveiueU l y the regula lor the Army of Uie U. Stales. A nieeiing ot the merchants ol Wheel ing, a., was held i'eslt rduy. what action shoald he taken in regard to a renewal of a fcUit license, a Committee was ap poiu:td io diult rcsoitilioiis, and tne meel i. g adjO .rued, until lo day. The mret iug wuS itrougly itioppsttiOQ to the re newal. Some peisous expressed a dt ter .iinatiou to close their aiores, rather ;em to pay a iriluie to the Southern Confederacy. Capt Corsou of the schooner R. B. Petts from Charleston, who has arrived at New York, stales ihat he was at the wharf near Fort Moultrie during the Sumpter bombardment, and says that on Sunday night (50 dead bodies were carried across his track lo land, and Monday night 40 more were carried out at oue time, then GO at another. Capt. Carson and Mate saw and counted all the bodies and say that all the soldiers were sworn to deny auy loss ot life. Dispatches from Montgomery yester day to New Orleans says, nothing of a general character transpired. Congress j has been in Secret Session most of the time; ihe 1st Battallion of the 3d Ala-; bama Rrgimeni left yesterday morning for Virgiuia. Two Companies of Dra-1 goons are ready for Pemacola. A dir-paich from Milledgeville, Ga.,' states thai Gov. Brown offered a procla- j nation prohibiting the payment of oil j debts to Northern creditors, until the end cf hostilities, and directing the payment of money ia:o the State Treasury to be refutded with interest at the end cf th? war, to Depositors. Adams, minister to Engisnd, C M Clay, minister to Russia, HalJVman, min ister toSweden, left on the Niagara for Europe yesterday. The bodies of the Massachusetts Sol diers, killed at Baltimore, arrived yester day at Boston; they received military honors. At St. Joe. Mo. yeaterday, a Union meeting was held and was addressed by Ex-Guv. Stuart, who was received by ac clamation. Mr. Sipscomb Union Ciniidat? for the, tofill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Ament. was elec ted in Marion county over Th s, Ander son, Secessionist, by a maj nty of oue huudred and eighiy-six. At Independence, Mo. M. B. Mauch. Secessionist, was elected on Tuesday to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Clayborne. At Springfield. III., the LegMatare passed a f ill to prevent the trai s i i-.-i m ot telegraphic messages iu cypher, they passed a I ill for sending 10 regiments into camp if instructed to meet the future calls bj ihe General Government. Line down. St. Louis, May 3d, A. M. A special dispatch to the New York runes from Baltimore yesterday snys the Legislature is in session ut Frederic i, and is appalled at ihe strength of the Uu lon aeniiment in Maryland, and at th. certainty of making that State the battle tieid, if they throw her into the vortex of secession. The Tribune's special Washington dis patch sayj ihe policy of the administra tion henceforth as war, and the Cabinet is now a unit of this policy. It is aid that the Navy Yard at Nor folk is to be immediately retaken and re- buih. Commissioners from Western Va., as sured the President that if they were furnished with arms, their portion of the State would b cared for. A man was arrested at Annapolis Thursday with dispatches from N. Vork, tor ihe President. Gen. Scott, and the War Department which were found open upon li nu. He will be tried by a Coun Marshal. Several steamers from Baltimore to Norfolk with the Mail were uot allowed to land. They landed instead at Old Port Comfort. Tne Blockade is evidently being vigi lantly enforced against Va. The steamer says that Norfolk Bav is uoiieu over with Government transports. 600 Mechanics are to be employed iu rtpainijg the damages to the Northern Central Railroad with a sufficient num- her ot iroopa tu protect thetu wiiil tlie work is progressing. St. Louis, May 3d. P. M. An application just made by some of the diplomatic corps at the State Depart ment Washington, the following poiuts ari ascertained : First vessels iu Mock uded ports when the blockade took ell'ect will be allowed a reasonable time to de part. 2nd vessels bringing emigrants, though thoy had no notice ot the blockade at ihe Urn of their departure, will njt b; ullowed to enter the blockade ports. That class of persons come lo the Lulled States chiefly to settle in the upper States of the Mississippi River and it will be belter lor them to enter an open prt, thau lo encouuter lee dangers ond casu alties incident to the insurrection. A di -patch from Raleigh. N. C, says the Legislature met yesterday, the as sembly spetdily organized a bill felling a Convention lo assemble o:i the 20ih. It was pass-d unanimously. There was no re ference of its action to the people. The Southern Confederacy llig wa. dying over the Capital. Nor.h Carolina virtually out of the Union. The Govern or has organized a camp of in: t ruction at Raleigh He says the Northern Govern-in- in is concentrating a large furc-j at the Di.-trict ot Columbia lo protect the prop erty of the Government, but such a force cannot be allowed lo regain within the limits of Maryland or on the border cf Virginia without endangering the liber ties of the people of these States, and if they be conquered and overcome we will become the next prey to the invaders, ihe policy then as well as a feeling of broth- j erhood, engendered by common interest : requires us to exert our energies in the 1 defence of Virginia and Maryland. Ev ery battle fought there will be a battle f ught iu behalf of North Carolina; there our troops should be speedily sent. The Petersburg Express of yesterday says a Kentucky Regiment of 400 men are enroute for Lynchburg, the Gov. has determined to station a large number of troops at Petersburg. The Charleston Courier of Tuesday says, we learufrom a reliable source that Pres't Davts will take command in person as Gen. in Chief of the forces gathering io Virginia. The principle officer! of ihe Military Department at Washington are Colonel Mansfield, Commanding. Maj. Barnard. Chief Engineer. Maj. Butler. Chief cf Quartermaster Dep'i, Lieut. Bckwith Chief of Subsisiance Dep't and Sergeant Lamb, Medxal Inspector. The G9th Reg. guard the Railriad from Washington junction to Annapolis. The garrison at Fori Monroe numbers 1000 Massachusei'3 men and 300 R -gu-lars. 5000 Virginians were ou the oppo site side. The Virginians are erecting a battery at the entrance cf the Hamp ton Roads. From infcru;a:io:i receive 1 frcm jp rival- Secretary of Go. UicUs, it is ancr tamed that Maryland w;I not call a Con vention. The eceialjuirts d.ire Ct UIJ the power suddenly acquired they t v all is lost, and the Statu has Uvti s;l'l by the Governor, a requUxc.i uii: ia tune be made for Federal velar-tee n, 8i rder for the same was drawn un'whia .U L I . ... luunuiorean occurreJ ia Uiitimorc. tr -.. rrom private luforuutjua IthercJ ti be reliable it is believed that Virj; nerstlf does not un dilate :i aitatU c.i VNaahiugtou, thai sub ect beis; Iqa fcr consideration cf the Coufederv.e Still-., Tneir throwing troths i::;a Virginia, it said to be i-janticipjt.uu cf a Jtciar-iti-M of war by the Congress, as it is ei pec ted that a large gathering ia WdJ.u-ioa is ultimately intended to invade tha Sovth. By permission sf the Secretary cf thi Treasury the steamer Bradford cf iha Bostou and Baltimore hue wnl talo t morrow wrh a full cargo for Ealixicro. She is forbiddeu u call at Norfolk. Iu ihe Maryland Legislature day the Comuutiee cu Federal Relations, made a report. They cou-iJercd thu i icrruption of travel au aggravated evil, but if lac. lilies for invasion were cSerel io fanatical and excittd multitudes fieri, tee North who Dubliclv threatened nr.r destruction, it could h udly t; consistent . '.I. I . wiui pruuence lo re-open the chatneU cf intercourse with the Northern Stntc. they cennot be efficiently re-ettalluheJ WlteoUt UUarrantee from snm Pinrti-f ,J the safety and pence of Maryland. The report animadverts on the cc-jr-" of the general government in taiionin? troops at Annapolis and seizing the ro-.d to Washington, an J considers such acour?i us being treated as a conquorrd province, and it is therefore the duty of the Legi. biture to ascertain the position the generil gorerumeui is to occupy towards this Stat The committpe concludes with the fo! hwing: Resolved, That their be appoint ed commissioners lo confer with President Lincoln with regard to the present ars4 any proposed military occupation cf tho State by the general government, errl also to ascertain and .eport whether any arrangement are practicable for the irt un. tauiauco of the peace and honorof Miry land. Adopted by both Senate and Hju-u The Union demonstration held hit night at Lexington, .Mo., was broken up by the secessionists, one man was thl but not very sarioualy hurt. There was to be a Union rnetirg nt St Louis at 2 p m to-day, but it has t-.-Cii suppressed by seceisionists. Di.f vib, April CO. An Indian Council waihei J at quartert of B xjii'?, Indian Agent, yesterday, in vvhich deputations cf Arappahej tzl Camanches took part, g.iod fetling-vat expressed, and it ia hoped the ihrrarecic; storm of Iudian huatihtics will to di-ji-pattd. Ft KrAasiT. May 4, A M. Piinw pTnfu.. r-...... I in i i - San jancisco dates to April 21th A M : The a Hedged corruption case iu tho- Assembly involving the inte -ritv nt i'i chairman of commiue o;i Clairni Ir.i resulted in the conviciiii' oti-of th elerL of an attempt to make a heavy brokerijo by atstimiriir to renresent ifn. r,,m, - . ' WVIt.lL.1... im . TKo i hki nrta uiscnargf-j. The settler difficultipi ...... ms. . t r i w-miny woniuiues, ana 11 is ailed -,.( that l.tVV men are ready to take up arm to restst ihe enforcing of ihe decree of if court ejecting tieitlers from th- mx leagu-i of hnd known as the Chebniio Rant:?!. Gov Downing so'ine days ng $em a tn-i-sender to remou-trate with th -.eftl" and endeavor to persuade th?m to rci-v-e la- orJer by s-uhmiiori to the laws, ! ut nota- - mg wa ehectrd. Inere i a rep,rt cow that the Governor proposes calling ou th military companies of Sin Frar.ei'.r-, in. as-ist in cot-rung the sotilers, t'-t r.-jthir; definite is determined on yet. bT. Louis. May 4:h. A. 11. ' The Police CommiVo :tt..-r tlf il.i ritv have notified Cant Lvon. c ;'er rr ihe Arsenal, to remove ihe svl d;er.i sta tioned outside the Arsenal wall tm perty within th-? city li.-nirs. For U Si- i 1 . soiuiers to occupy such property tho com- tnissioners tnin in u n of thJ Constiiutiou and lawscf the US.. Capt Lyon replies that he does net con sider such occjp-incy in coniiict tvith ar,y law, as he has leased the prop?ty. j;.. fore taking any action on the co-Wt h? will coniuh the Government ia Wishic"-" ton. The commiisior.ers intimate that their will be trouble if the soldiers are nr. re moved ; and have referred ibe matter u the Legislature. The President haa issued a prcchtrrta tion calling into service ur.!e:s scorer Hij. charged 42.000 volunteers, ar: J directs an increase of the regular army cf 8 rcigi nents of infantry, one of cavalry, cr.oof artillery and 15.000 searr.en. f.r r.ct thanonetor more thin tl.r.-c ve-rs j fs Tr... Vf... a.i. t r ijiu, .nay ii.:, j. The special Wa.-hingt cn dispatih to tho Post tuya that it is coi.fidetjtly arre-,'...,: that the Government will c ;v.iiui.r as live operatioru against the Cvnfedtratt forces on Monday. Two first cl-ii-i steamers are now rlr- ing between Perryviilj a-1 Anna; j.Ij daily. Valiprain advices cf the .?rd say t:.a: an earthquake destroyed th cty l .Mni- . doza, S-000 kii! d. Sau Juan also' re ported destroyed. Connecticut L"ci-.!a::ire t.nnn'u.culv appropriated S2.CU0,Cu0 for mu.-ry p.rV p0SC5. Southern camps are forrr.ed at Ly lurg and near Alexandria.