Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1860)
THE ADVERTISER, . , ,,,'- i PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY ET j FURNAS &. LYANNA, j Second Storj Hoadley's Block, Main Street,! . DROITKTILLE, X. T. J ... TERMS: ' fr one yer, If Ptl in advance, . . - $S 00 ; " ir paid tibc eudof 6 moiitbt S 60 i it ' 12 3 00 Clot 12 or tnorc furnUhed it $1 60 per Bam.priled thecanU ccou:poiei the rder, not ;hrwie. VOL. IV. A ! i ! I . i " ; ,:,.) Mm: IT. M 4 vy.'sy -s Ay Ay Ay Ay t r ii Ay .a Free to Form and Reflate ALL their Domestic Institutions In t&eir otto 7aj, sabject only to the Constitution of the United States." BKOWNVTLLE, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1860. ! THE 1DYEIITJSE1V f.ati:3 or ADVi:r.T:n:NCi Oa jaare (10 lines or Itss) one insertion, - One square, on month, - - - - 8jsiaeCrdJ0f ix l.u-for less, &oe rear, ae Cvlumn one yeir, - - -.,- Oae-hslf Column oce ffr, - -Out fourth Column one vcar. ----Oaeel?!itU Colutna one year, '- OnecoScinn six rrjntts. One hi!f Column six cK-e'.t,' - - - - One fourth &lon;ai'.xirentl.i, - - One eisbth Co'.atrtii six lloTitlis, - - ' One Column tfcree mici'is, hi!f (jilmnn thrpo tio'ilh. - - - - One fourth C-!timn three m:ntl:., - - - - Oneeiahia CoinTrn turer-aj'Ttts, - - - .aajancin j cind.a'.cu'or i.e (la a'iTni.ce, J . $1 CJ . U t 2 & . 5 C' . 0 i . 20 CO IS CO . 25 10 . 53 CU . 33 CV - 3 CO 21 CO - 13 CO . 10 CO . t CO - ft ccr NO. 31. BUSINESS C AltDS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY AND Heal Cstale Agent, BROWNVILLE, N. T. RSFKBNCE3. Hon.Wm.Jesaop, Alontrose.P. B.S.Iientlj, John C. Miller, . Chicago, 111. ' Wm.fc.McMli.ter," ' Charlo.F. Fowler, " " " n V Farnas,lirownTille, .T. O. F. Lalte, T! T.TATHIEU (Jabinet & Y7agon-IIaker . J. B. WESTON, ATT0RI1EY AT LAV, Brownville, Nebraska. t5"0Sceoa Main Street, one door above tbe Post ; OWce. ... , ,,,. BromTUie, ircen)eri,jf. C. W. WHEELER, Architect and Builder. " MRS. MARY HEWETT MILUIKR AHD DRESS MAKER. Main Sty Ctff .Uonnef ani Triwmings clwoys on hand. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH Scond Street.betsrccn Main and ebraska , t BR0WNV1LLK, JN. i. T. 51. TALB0TT, DENTAL SURGEON, " Haring locate! hiiuself in Brovrnville, X. T.f ten ders Lis professional services to tliccomuiumty. All jobs warranted. DR, D. GWIN, Having permanently located in BROWN V1LLE, NEBRASKA, Tot the T.ra'tke of Medicine and Surpery, ten ders hit professional services to the afflicted. Office on Main Street. "o23v3 A. S.UOLLADAY, M. B. Benpectfnlly informs his friends in Brownville and . mmcdiate vicinity that he has resumed tLe practice of 51ellclnc, Surgery, & Obstetrics, and hopesby strict attention to his profession, to receive that generous patronaue heretofore extended tohitu. in all cae where it is potisiMr or expedient, a prescription .buslnes-ilthedoiie. Ofllce at City Urus Store. Feb. 24, '69. 35.1y Mrs. Hcndgcn & Miss Lusk, MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS, First Street, bet. Main and Water, BROWNVILLE, N EBRASKA, Bonneti, Ilfad-Drctietand Trimming alvcyton hand L. I.t JOHNSON, VL D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offl?e at U. C. Johnson's Law Ofl'C, First Street, between Main and Water, BROWXVILLB, XEBRASKA. BT STATE AUTHORITY. INCREASE OF CASH CAPITAL O. L. M'OART. O. B. HEWETT. E. VT i THOMAS. McGary, Hewett & Tlioma ATTORNEYS AT LAW SOLICITORS LY CIIAXCER Yi Brownville, Nebraska. practice in tte Courts of Nttraska,and North wekt Missouri. REFERENCES . i Jfessra. Crow, McCreary &Co., Hon. James M. Hughs, Hon. John R. Sbeply, Hon. JimesCraig, - Hun. Silus W'oh1s n, Hon. Samuel W. Black, $. F. Nuckolls, Esq., Cbeever SwcetJt Co.. . It. w. Furnas nronllle Brownville, X- T. Oct. 23, 185S. . St. Louis, Mo. Do Do - St. Joseph, Mo. '. . Do Nebraska City, Jf. T. do o. II. WILCOX. T. W. BEDOUb WILCOX & BEDFORD, " DEALERS XX - ' ' LAND WARRANTS, AND E ASTER X E X C II A XCE , Land Warrants Loan on Tlme' From One Month to Ten Years, i Land Warrants Loaned to Pre-eniptors ; Taxes Paid Collections made; Heal Estate Bout;ht and Sold ; Lands Locatdlj aitdsafe Inrcstmcnts made for Eat tern Cap italists. ' : ' All Land Warrants sId by us are giaranted perfect in all respects. fooo. ; Acres of Choice Lands, For Sale in Nemaha and Richard son Counties, Nebraska. Tbeiie lands wero selected and located immediately after tbe Land Saies, and arc amongst the nxo&t valua ble Lanls in the Territory. We will sell thorn at low prices, and on long tinia to actual settlers. ' WILCOX 8t BEDFORD, Brownville, X. T.,Dec. 8, 1839. JOSEPH L. ROY, IB jEI. BBR AND HAIR DRESSER. JIain Street, . miOWXYIIaLE, W. T. Clocks, Watches & Jewelry. J. SCHITTZ (TjL Would anuounccto thecitiien of Br'jwnrille and vicinity that he has located himself in tiijiBrownville, inUntcnls keeping a full assort. ueni of everything in his linenf buviuess, which will besold low for cash. He will altio d all kinds of rc pairiDR of clocks, watcbes aud jewelry. All work war ranted. v3nlSly CITY LIVERY STABLE. rhoenlx Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut. DEVOTED TO FIRE INSURAMCE EXCLUSIVELY Charter Perpetual. Cash Capital, 400,000 00 Dollars. CafcH Assctts, $5-IT,T12 37 S. II. LOOMIS.rresiJent. ' II KELI.0G i, Secrctarj. Branch Office, 31 S 33 3d St. Cincinnati. M. MAGILL General Agent. Agents in tho principal Cities and towns in tbe t'nion. Losses promptly paid. Applications rcccir and policies issued and renewed. O. 13. HEWETT Agent, At Brownville, N. T. . Brownville, 'ov. 17. lS59.-ly WM. ROSSELL, BROWNVILLE, W. T. Announces to tbe public that he is prepared to accorc m..dateth"e wiKblns with Carriages and BuKifs ; to gether with good safe ho: fes, for comfort and ease in tra velling. He uillalso bvftrdhorscb ty the day, week or mouth. ' itf-TERMS FArORABLE.mCi June 10, '68. b'Xt ARCADE -SALOON! MAIN STREET, (Over Stifle k Greeubaum's Clotliiug Store,) Brownville, N T. The proprietor would rcppwtfu'.l.T inform the pub "t he Las opened up and established iV.r tbe re r 'it of tho inner tnan, at t!e above mentioned lace, wuCe all can be accommodated with the best f Wines and Li'juos, and enjoy the ioothing in- r l.a.t Militv .f A first rl.i.a L161T UTIBtTIlI NEWSPAPERS, A'D 2P erio cliols, Of every description, for sale at SCHIITZ & DEUSEirS LITERARY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and feecond, hhownville. N. T. fA IS.'iQ. f-ntll SIDIII MID IMS MANUFACTORY! . JOHN W. MIDDLETON, XJROWXVILEE, X. T. TIEREBT Informs the pub'.ic that be has located himself in this City, and in prepared . to serve thiwc in want of anything in his line. lletts selected his stock rith care and will manufacture a Xo. 1 article of everything offered. He deems it on. OeMuallT obtained in Sadlle and Harness shop. JOHN" W. MIDDLETON'. Brownville Mar 12. no46-6ra BROWNVILLE w m ESIST UL JESSE NOEL Havinc rented tte interest of Lake and Etnmerjon la the Brownville Steam Saw and Gnat Mill, announces to to the public that he Is prepared fo accommodate the 'tisensof Brownville and Xeniaha Ounty with a su Trior qnalitj- of lnmer of all kinds. Also with the nt Mill, t erve all In that ; The market price at all times for Lrps and Corn. Vieold business of Koel, Lake &. Einrucrson will be 'Wed by Henry Like. All luture bnineR o inducted tv tbe nndm-bigned. JSSE XPKL. BrownriHe; ArrilTth, 1S53, " " ly Hiclan's l'atcnt Cura'uination Cushions, with all the uioderm- 1m prove men Ip, i also on the premises for the enjoyment of all who delight in thin entlomnn- d scieutif.a frame. EVAN WUKTHttU: ly and scieutitus tru Beptcmter zza, imv. nll-6m CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn. Incorporated ly the State of Connecticut. Capital Stocli. $200,OOO. With large and increasing surplus rcceipts,seeur ly invested under the enuction and apprcvaluf the Comptroller of Public Accounts. ' , OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: ' JAMESC. WALKLEY, Trosident. ' JOHN L. HUXCE, Vice President. ELI AS GILL. Secretary. : L.D.DICKEliMAX, General Agent. DlitECTOKS: Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillip?, John L.TJunee, It. lilodiret. J. A. I a tier, K. D. Dickcrman N.Wheaton, Sam. Coit. IscUon Ilollistor, Jamc3 G. alklej. S. B. Beresford, M I), Con?ultirr Physician. ' A. S. Holladny.M D, Sle lica) Exnininer. ' Applicatiocj received by R. W. TCUXAS. Ap'U n8-tf Urownville, N. T. CITY TRUHK STORE, FASSETT & GROSSMAN, - Manufacturers o:f Traveling Packing VALISES, CARPET BAGS, SC. South West corner of Pine and 3d st's, Saint Louis, -Ho. D. A. C O X S TAB IaE , -' ' IMrOKTEK AND DEALEU IN IRON, STEEL, NAILS, Castings, spklxgs, axles, files i :'ZXIiZiZjO WS, BL A CKSMITirS TOOLS Third Street, between Felix and Edmond, . SAINT JOSEPH, MO. - Which be sells at St. Louis prices for cash. Iligbest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December X, lS03.-ly. j . ,. F; IISVET. ' Cli AS. F. H0LLT. KINNEY & HOLLY, 1 ATTORNEYS ; AT LAW, XESJUASKA CITY, X T. TTUl practicein the Courts of this Territory. Collec tion anil criminal business attended to throughout Ne braska, Wetcru Iowa aud Missouri. Will attend the Courts at Brownville.' : v2nS3-6m E. S. DUNDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ARCHER, RICHARDSON CO. N. T. -WILL practice in the several Courts of the id Judicial rutirii t ami urtvid tj !1 matters connected with the Profession. Wm. McLesnan, Esq., of Nebraska City, will assist me in the prosecution 01 unporiauisuua. Sept. 10. '57-11-tf GEORGE ED WARES, ' B.OKITE O T . OFFICE Main St, Eatof Kinney 4- Holly'M office, Nebraska City, M .T, Persons who contemplate building can be furnished u-iih nsirna pi mm Snt?ifications. S.C. . for buildineoi anyclass or variety of style, and the erection of the sasnexupermtendedif desired, rrompt attention paxu to busiuessfroni a distance. ' till FIUNKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 108 Vine St.. bet. Fourth ana Fift'n, ' Cincinnati, 0. C. F. O'DRISCOLI, & CO Manufactnrer and dealers in Sews, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac., Ac. Ink?, and PrintinMatcrial of Everv Description, STEIIEOTYPINCJ of all kind Book?. Music. PatentMedicine L)irections.Job8,V:'ood EngreTingJ, Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, SAINT JOSEPH FBSIALES" COLLEGE, ST. JOSEPH, MO. WILLIAM CAMERON, A. 11., Principal. Completely orsanized as a firit classFemale BoardinK and Day School. Number limited to 125, including 25 boarders. Scholastic year commencing first Monday In Sontember. For Catalogues, with full particulars, ad dress the Principal . ylUgUSt.itH, I3CJ. .. "'.., A. W. ELLIOTT, ul 3Ais ery SEED AjDEP0T9 Cor. Rroadtvaj and Wash Street. ST. LOUIS, MlbbUUKl. rr ....rMxicori thn pntire Kurserv stock of John Siiruersunii Bro., 1 am prerared to ofl'er to the public the largest and bebt seiectea sioca oi rruiv ouauc, u Ornamental taess, nhrubs and plants ever offered for sale in the West. We are determined to offer such In ducements to tree planters and tbe trade as will ensure the most entire saDsraction. uescripiiveraiauui?..! be lurnished, and any information given, by addressing, . it. T 1 T TAT'P Saint Louis, JIo. November 35, 'GD-Iy. We are now preparedly fill all orders ie with promptness anaonite casenubie terms. t.turnora5 rnmnlrttpiinit All if tiHT own manufacturicg. Those in want of artictes lit our line, (wholesale or retail) will do well togive us a call be- G I iJf.Wlarpe and fore puvchasins eUcLere. apeif nolicited bhare of public p.itron- ni33-ijr JAMES. HOG AN, a vn BLANK BOOK 31AKUFACTFBER. SoutJipa.t cr. Snd aiid Locust St's ST. LOUIS, MO. tutiniiinf ni.nV R, io lis mide of the heft rarer, ruled to any pattern, aud sewed i a tue net? improved patent mfxle. " ' " LirKAILIiCS TERIOUICAI.S.MUSIC.&o, bound in any strle, and at the shortest notl e. . , lTavirp Kn a u-t cifi thp Prtninni at t"5fl last ifft chanic't Fair, be feet cir.dnie'it in injuring satisfaction to an wtio may cu e hiiu j call. . S2d,l6&j. " ' lyv? Pioneer OooKbindery AXD nmm b a ok ' Manufactory. COUNCIL . BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER, Would resnectfullv inform tbe citizens in Western Iowa and Nebraska tUat ho ha opencl a first class Cindery, and Iho only ono ever extiibliabed in thi3 section of country. I am now preiArcdto do all kinds of work pertaining to the busmen. Harper s, Graham s.uodej s, reterson s, Arthur s . : , liallou'a. Frank Leslie's, Kuiukboekcr, Wa ver!, Hunt's, and Patnara's Magnzine8, . Xcw York Ledger, I'allou'rPicto ' rial. Harper's Weekly. Scien tific American, Yankee Motions, lu?ical Review. Les lie's Illustrated, Ladies Hepository, Ladica Wreath, . Atlantic Monthly, . 5'r.sic, Law, Books, and XcwFpapers. or books of anv kind, oldornew. bound or r bound in the most approved styles, on short notice and low prices. Old family Billed rt bound so as to look and wear equal to new. ! . August 21, 1353: . " n7-ly i KUOWX CL.IXTOX, ; PRODUCE DEALERS, .m Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, No. 78, North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately filled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for gale and re-shipment rcspectully solicited. Shipments of all kinds will be faithfully attended to. Eeferrences : ' , Messrs. G II Bea it Co St. Louis Birtlett. McComb & Co do . Gilbort, Miles &Stannard do Hon. W n BufTlni'ton, AuditorState of ilissouri JQ Harmon, Esq, Cairo City. III. Messrs Jlolony, Bro's &.Co' NewOrleans,Louisiana J D Jackson, Esq., do do Messrs Hinkle.GuiM & Co, Clccinnati,0. F Uammar&Co d Brandell & Crawford Louisville, Ky. Wooiirnfr&IIuntington, Mobile, Ala. IT.BiHintrs, I'.sq., Beardstown,Ill. May 12, 1SSS 45-3m A. D. KIRK, Attorucr at Law, Land Aj?eat and IVotaxy Public. Ruio, Richardson Co.,. T. Will practice in the Cunrtsof ssistcdXebraskaja Aflardingan i uenaett, Nebraska l.ity. ' ISHALI REAVIS, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, HEAL ESTATE AGENT, Palls tJity, Richardson County. Nebraska. Wi J fC re prompt attcnti n to ail professional busi ness intf astcd to hiscare in Ri-bardson and adjoining: Ciuntie; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa pers, fcc, e. . ... .M.yl3.'fcS ,n46-m HEDGE FEHCIHG. Th ennSerflgnttl havine had consideraMe experi nee t plantiu? acd cuitivatiur Osase Oran?e Hedges, here by inform tl.e public mat tiey are prepared to con tract either pUniin?, setiing them out, or grcwira na cultivating the fence , complete. . Growing edges of their plantios c.n l.e Ei?fii on tbofa'-ms of S. W Ken nedv, G. Crow.,. ices and others in this county i D. C. Jt T. N. J.NDEES. Sept. 5, lotf ; . i r.x . . . REPORT , Of Commissioner of common Schools. Omaha, Jan. 3, 1S30. To the Hon. the Council and House of ' Representatives of Nebraska; . In accordance with the requirements of Sec. 52, of "an act provi iing for a belter regulation of schools in Nebraska," ap proved Nov. 4, 1S58, I have the henor to submit the annual report of the School Department. :. . , : .- . , On assuming the duties of ray office I addressed a circular to the Clerk of ach organized county in the Territory calling for an enrly report upon lhe condition of schools in their respective counties. Nearly all have responded to the call, and the accompanying documents are the re sult, . Much difficulty has been experienced in the organization of our Common School system, from the iodefiniteness of the word "Township" in the law, and there are no civil or municipal townseips in the Territory, and no law for their organiz ation, but little could be done outside of the incorporated cities and towns; conse quently a full enumeration of scholars has not been taken in the rural di&tricts. As it would manifestly be unjust to distribute the school monies collected during the past year, as provieed for in tection 31 of the law upon the partial enumeration roturned to this office, the time for mak ing the full returns shou d be extended. The amendments which have recently passed the Council, should they become a law, will remedy the above, and, other defects in, and objections to the law as it now stands. ; . - ' The amount of taxes due the Territo rial Sohool Fund for XS59, on the assess ment rolls returned to the Territorial Au ditor, as provided for in Sec. 60, is $15,- 216 60, and is made up as follows: liurt County, S 2S0 54 Cass , 2,192 15 Cedar . , 37 41 Dakota 216 49 Dixon 64 48 Dodge 318 89 Douglas . 6,318 10 Johnson 135 90 Nemaha . GS7 68 Otoe 2,375 85 Platte ' '. - 47 89 Richardson' ' ' ' -408 79 Sarpy ...'', 1069 60 Washington , , 762 33 .Total 815,216 60 I am informed that there are other counties from which a school tax is due, though I am not infjrmed as to the amount. ' There should be' due in the several counties for poll tax, license fees, ferry charter fees, fines, &c, an aggregate of near, if not above 810,000 or say a grand total of 825,000, to be applied to educational purposes, exclusive of local taxes, for building and furnishing school houses, supplying deficiencies, &c. No library tax has been collectedas far as I can learn, in any of the counties. . The report of William R. Craig, for mer Superintendent of Common Schools in Otoe county, shows that he paid, tho' he does not state the amount, a sum of attorney fees in contesting fraudulent entries of school lands, and has agreed to pay a contingent fee of S300 more in another case. I am unable to find any authority of law for such a disbursement of school funds. There should be some one authorized to settle the accounts of county superintendents under the old law. Several instances have been brought to my notice of the fraudulent entry of very valuable school lands, which might be re claimed to the school fund, if there were any way provided for the payment of the necessary expenses of suits brought for their recovery. In other instances, school sections have been stripped of valuable groves of limber, which might have been prevented had there been any "person authorized to look to the matter, and dis burse money for the protection of school lanJs. " I would therefore respectfully suggest that a memorial be presented to Congress, asking the present use of school lands, on condition that the Territory protect them from depredation. Could we get control of the school lands, for the purpose of renting them, I do not doubt that a very handsome revenue might be derived therefrom. : I have opened a correspondence with several of the State Superintendents of Public Instruction, with a view of acquir ing for our Territory the benefit of their longer experience in the cause of popu lar education. I have received from several publishers of school books, copies of their publica tions, and have been offered more by others. As soon as I can obtain the dif ferent series of common school '. books, I shell call together a committee of - teach ers, and submit them to their examination with a view to recommending a uniformi ty of text books in the Territory, as it is highly desirable that the best series should be adopted in the commencement of our common school system. The reports from Nemaha, Cass, Dou glas, Washington, Otoe, Dixon, and eth er counties, are very creditable and en couraging, taking into consideration that this is the first year of the law, and the seeming difficulties in organizing under it. All of the counties seem determined that, before another year is cut, a much more prosperous condition cf schools shall be shown, provided the Legislature will aid them, by enacting such amend ments as will enable them to fully organ ize their school districts, ; .. . It is to emigration that we look for the means of developing the resources and prosperity of our Territory, and that we can only secure by showing the emigrants that we pay some regard to the welfare and happiness of our people. Almost the first question: asked by the better class cf emigrants is in regard to the schools; for but very few would be willing to surren der the advantages of an education for their children, for the other advantages to be found here, considering that para mount to all others; and that to good schools more than anything else, depends the welfare, happiness, anu prosperity of the country. ' ' All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. E. HARVEY, : ' . Com'r of Common Schools. AN ACT To amend an Ad entitled an Act for the better regulation of Schools in Yebras ha. Approved Nov. 4, 1853. ' Src. 1. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives cf the Ter ritory of Nebraska. That for present School purposes, and until by future en actments, civil townships be formed , in this Territory, what are now known in the organized counties as precincts, or that may hereafter be formed as such, shall be known as townships. ( ) Sec 2. That. where no sub-districts exist, the qualified voters of the elective precinct shall elect a board of education, consisting of three citizens, on the same day and in the same manner as provided in Section 2 of the act to which this is amendatory, for the election of School Di rectors of sub-districts. And said Board shall have all the powers and perform all the duties, both of the Board of Educa tion and the Board of Directors, until sub-districts are organized. And the said Board of Education shall, whenever they may deem necessary,' establish sub-districts which shall be organized according to the provisions of the aforesaid act. Sec 3. ' Any and all sub-districts in this Territory which have failed, for, any reason whatever, to make reports as re quired by law, and hereby authorized and required to make reports on or before the first day of March A. D. 1860, direct to the County Clerk of that county in which sub-districts are organized. Sec. 4. That Section 13 of the act to which this is amendatory shall be so am ended that no sub-district shall contain within its limits less than ten scholars by enumeration. Sec 5. That section 21 of the afore said act shall, be so amended as to limit the estimates for Central or High Schools to cne mill on the dollar, and to require the estimates of the Board to be made known by certificate in writing, on or be fore the first Monday in April in each year. Sec 6. That section 60 of the afore said act be so amended as to read as fol lows: "Sec. 60. For the purpose of af fording the advantage of a free education to all the white youth of this Territory, the Territorial Common School fund shall hereafter consist cf such sum as will be produced by the annual levy and as sessment of one mill upon the dollar valu ation on the grand list of the taxable pro perty of the Territory, and there is here by levied and assessed annually in addi tion to the revenues required for general purposes, the said one mill upon the dol lar valuation as aforesaid, and fhe amount so levied and assessed shall be collected in the same manner as other Territorial taxes, and when collected shall be annu ally distributed to the several organized counties of the Territory in proportion to the enumeration of scholars, and be ap plied exclusively to the support of common schools, Provided, That all colored per sons shall be exempted from taxation for school purposes. Sec 7. - That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to conflict with the provisions of the act to which this act is amendatory, relative to cities and incor porated villages. . Sec. 8. That sections 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59 of the act to which this is amen datory, be and the same are hereby re pealed. ' . Sec 9. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, January 13, 1860. AN 1CT To provide for the selection of lands in lieu of Sections 16 and 36, iv cases where said sections, or part thereof, have been sold. Sec. 1. ' Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Ter ritory of Nebraska, That the Territorial Commissioner of Common Schools be. and is hereby, authorized and empowered to select lands in lieu of Sections 16 and 36, or any part cf said sections which may have been sold by the General Gorern ment, 1 Sec 2. That all necessary expenses incurred by the said Territorial Commis sioner in the selection of lands, shall be paid by the Territorial Treasurer on the warrant of the Auditor. Sec 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved January 13, 1660. "Well," said the: old lady, throwing down the newspaper in disgust, "I do think, they ought to make Mr. Sherman Speaker without any more talk. If them fellows only knew what a heap of good j his lozenges had done, it would certainly niCYe their bowels of compssioa." V AN ACT To amend the Code of Civil Procedure, and to provide for the stay of execution in District Courts. Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Ter ritory of Nebraska. That on all judg ments and decrees hereinafter rendered in any of the District Courts of this Tei ritory, there shall be a stay cf execution, order of sale, as the case may be, as hereinafter provided. Sec 2. The orJerof sale on all de crees for the sale of mortgaged premises shall be stayed for the period of one year from and after the rendition of such de cree, whenever the defendant shall desire such stay, and shall .within twenty days after the rendition of such decree file with the clerk cf such court a written re quest for the same," provided that if the defendant make no such request within said twenty days, the order of-sale may issue immediately; after the expiration thereof. Sec 3. .Execution on all judgements hereinafter rendered in said courts shall be stayed for the period of one year frcm and after the rendition thereof, provided the defendant shall within twenty. days after the judgment is obtained show to the satisfaction of the clerk of such court that he or she is the owner cf real estate in the county of sufficient value over and above encumbrances to pay such judg ment. ' ' , Sec. 4. On all other judgments or de crees of said court, execution or order of sale, as the- case may be, shall be stayed for the period of one year, whenever the deft, within twenty days after the rendi tion thereof, shall enter into a bond to the plaintiff, with one or more sufficient securities, residents of the county, to be approved by the clerk of such courtj con ditioned for the payment of the amount of snch judgment os decree, together with the interests and costs that may accrue.' Sec 5. That the fifty-eighth section of an act entitled an act to establish a cede of civil procedure, approved Nov. 1, 1S53, be so amended as to read as fol lows: . Whenevsrthe time for bringing parties into court is not fixed by statute, the sum mons shall be returnable on the second Monday after the day of its date) but when issued to any other county than the ono in which the action is brought, it may be made returnable at the option of the party having it issued on the 3d or 4th Monday after its date. It shall state the day of the month on which it is return able. Sec 6. That section one hundred and two of an act entitled an act to establish a code of civil procedure, approved Nov. 1, 1853, be so amended as to read a3 fol lows: The answer or demurrer of the defen dant shall be filed on or before the third Monday, and the reply or demurrer of the plaintiff, or on before the fifth Mon day after the return day of the summons, or service by publication. Sec. 7. The supoena3 in Chancery shall be made returnable within the same times as is provided by the fifth section of this act for the return of summonses in suits at law, and in cases where the def endant may be brought in by publication of notice, in suits in chancery, the defen dant shall be required to- appear and an swer on a day named in the notice, and in all chancery suits the issue shall be made up in the same manner as respects the times of filing the respective plead ings, as is provided by the sixth section of this act in suits at law. Sec 8. That section 416 cf an act entitled an act to establish a code of civil procedure, approved Nov. 1, 1S53, be so amended as to read as follows: Whenever hereafter execution may be levied on any lands and tenements, the officer levying the same shall call an in quest of two disinterested freeholders, who shall be residents in the county where the lands taken on execution are situated, and administer to them an oath impartially to appraise the property so levied upon, and euch officer together with said freeholders, shall appraise said property at its real value in money, and each appraisement shall be signed by such officer and said freeholders respectively. Sec 9. That section 4 17 of an act en titled an act to establish a code of civil procedure, approved Nov. 1, 1S5S, be so amended as to read as follows: The officer holding such appraisement shall forthwith deposit a copy thereof in the office of the clerk of the court from which the writ issued, and shall immedi ately advertise and sell said real estate agreeably to the provisions of ' this title, but in no case shall he sell any such land fcr less than two thirds the appraised va lue thereof. Sec' 10. That section 413 of an act entitled an act to establish a code of civil procedure, approved Nov. 1,1858, be so amended as to read as follows: That nothing contained in thisand the preceding sections of this title shall- in any wise extend to affect the sals of any land by the Territory, but all lands there in the property of individuals indebted to the Territory for any debts or taxes, or in any other manner, shall be sold with out valuation for the discharge of such debt or taxes, agreeable to the laws for such case made and provided. ' ' Sec 11. That all sale os land3 and tenements under any decree or order in chancery shall be in accordance with the provision regulating the sale cf real es tate on execution as provided in this act. Sec 12. "That in all cases where real estate may hereafter fca levied upca by virtue cf any execution, cr crdcr cf sale, and shall have been appraised and twico advertised and cflered for falj, and 'shall remain untold for . want cf bidder, it shall be the duty cf the officer to cause. a new appraisement of such real. es'.cte to be made, and successive executions or or ders cf sale may issue at any time' in va cation after the return of the officer not sold for want cf bidders at the request cf the plaintiff cr hb attorney. . . .. Sec 13. Thai all actior.3 and suit3 now pending, shall be' conducted to final judgment and decree in all respects aa though this act had not been passsd, pro vided that all sales cn writs and on.1. era hereafter issued shall be conducted ac cording to the provisions Lereof; provid ed further that executions and orders cf sale shall be stayed on all judgment j and decrees hereafter rendered according to the provisions cf this act. ; -; ' Sec 14. That sections cne. two and four of an act entitled an act to amend chapter second cf the laws cf 1557, rela tive to District Ccurts, approved Oct. 14, 1853, and all other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act be and thi? same . are hereby repealed. Provided that this act in no way e:iect uo tia cr redemp tion, or any right of the defendant where lands have heretofore been sold, or may ' hereafter be sold under anv judgment or decree hereafter rendered. ? v Sec 15. This act shall take eflect.and be in force from and after its passase. Approved Jan. i J, Ibbu. . Speech cr IIou. J. P. Baker of Xc raaiia Co. on the Slay Bill. Mr. Speaker: When this bill was under consideration, cn Friday last, , and its friends proclaimed thas it was intend ed for the benefit and r.dief of embarras sed debtors, who, under the preseLt ex isting scarcity of money, were ULatle to discharge their indebtedness without sa crifice and ruin, I fel: disposed to contri bute my feeble efforts to accomplish so humane an object. . 1- Believing that the best interests of the Territory would be subserved by protect ing, so far as possible, the 'farm and homes of its settlers, I became ccr.four.d- . ed with the unjust and inhuman features of this bill, as, section after section, it ' revealed its true tendencies; and. now, after fully considering its provisions, I; have come to the., conclusion that, what-' ever might have been the intentions cf the framers of the bill as a relief tnea- ' sure, its practical effects and results would be to relieve the poor embarrassed debtor of his property without a consider ation, and, in many instances, without re- lieving him of hi3 indebtedness. This bill, as amended and perfected by this Hoiioe, proposes twelve months stay' of execution after judgment hall have beenobtained, provided the debtor will within twenty days, gire ample security for the payment cf the debt, interettand costs; but repeals the present term, ana also the appraisement and va i th uation of the property, and the provision hat it shall net sell fcr ks3 than two " thirds of the appraisement. Now, sir, if this bill should become a ' law, I honestly believe that its practical . workings would bo most disastrous to tho unfortunate debtor. For instance, if a man owning a farm worth S 1,000, if sued under our present Iat,-s, would by rirtuo of the appearance term, have six months stay without further securitv: and aftrr judgment is obtained and his property has to do soia to malic the money, the ap praisement law requires that his proper ty shall not be scld fcr less than two thirds of its value, which would be $CC7; hi3 farm would either not Le fold, cr, if sold, his debt would be paid and he wculJ re ceive the surplus, seme 8300, with which to begin again. But should this till be come a law, and the 8200 to bo collected according to its provisions, judgment would be obtained at the first term of . court after suit i3 commenced, and with in twenty days he appears before the clerk cf the court, claiming the stay cf execution. Although he may ihow satis factorily that his farm ; is worth G1,CCQ, ' and is unincumbered, he may yet be re quired to give additional security, by rea son of the possibility cf the farm net bringing 8300 at a forced tale. Owing fo the extreme scarcity cf mcney, he nTay not be able to give additional security, . and an execution is issued. If the sherilf fails to sell it for what he shall consider two thirds cf its value, within forty davs, he shall then proceed to sell it fcr what ever sum it will bring, and it may ba bid off for 8100, or even , less, and hi: will thu3 be stripped cf his property, and his debt remain unpaid, a judgment cf S2C0 still hanging over him to relieve him again and again, should -he be able by . his subsequent efforts ta accumulate any. On the other hand, should he:bo able to procure the required security, he may not only ruin himself, but hi3 friend also. Sir, I hope this till may not pas3 ia its present form, it i3 unjust ia it3 provisions and destructive of the best interests cf the Territory. I appeal to this House ta recommit the bill, that it may be s j am-. ended as to meet the just demands cf thj oppressed debtor. : i One great secret cf the speed cf Flora Temple, the fastest trotting horse ui the w.rld, has been discovered. It ha.i been found by measurement that her stride " small as the animal herself is is "crnicl to a sixteen-hand horse." Sh v.ins ty herlont;. low, locomotive stvle cf "up?- L which works with the savic" cxa::itt tle . of machinery, and watrs i o- paw.T, in unnecessary action, or in whit is moro graphically termed "atyle." , '