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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1860)
j ! ' TIlB YEKTISEIL (;'-; . - - . i k.:.: n. ' rrBaWIIVRT THUE.SDAT ET rTJRNASc;'' L"2 ANNA ' Id gtorynoadley'a'Elock.-IIaln Street, ' : :: ' BROTFXTIIalaE, X. T. TERMS; V , 1 , 1 t .:: " nTT,tt paidtn advance, .... $5 00 f. f " " if naid atthe endof 6 months 2 60 12 3 (W ! :v-.i,'"! ! , t - (7 i?:t ' -': .7 rvir i-.-i'.r..-' i 1 ,.! ,.-. if. ,. .1 . .; . : ! ; i .-. v -! f : , . ... 1 - . : . . ,t t... ..... . v i i v i' 1 :? of 1" or ni-JTC will I'C furtii-Lc-d at $1 60 jf rre iJci th cash tl.e rJr, nut 0 a sqiare (10 lines or less) one iti???'.! .n, Eicii aJJ,Uot!i iiiertion, ------ l)ne sq'iare, one Ei'.'ii;. - - - - - - Business Cr Jsof ix l.aesor let,, enf ycir, osiColair a so? yer, ------- Utd-LU CoJciaa ol yer, ------ Oae focrth Column on rear, - -Oneeisttii Coiumn or.e yer, '. One eolnm;x mrrtti. - - -One hIf Cotnnia ii tnfictb, - - - - Qnefonrth Cn!Bir '.SB!T:b, - - One f .hli CoiiacBi.x rioolba, ,-.. One Cuinjan three monilis, - - - - - One half Colntnn thre mooths, - - - - Ooe fourth Clnnui three monUi, - - Oneeishth Colr-iin three n)"nt:js. - - --.cajancrns can iiatef tor cS-f ;;aaTirce, - - f 1 '1 - - o . - t to - . 5 tv - - t . - u . - 4 - - ISO .- - 5 ( a - . :j t - - 10 (9 - - i w - - 2) - - 12 CO Jt . - ! 0 ,) - - i -3 VOL. IV. BEQWiNVitLE-' NEBRASKA,::, THUESDilY; FEBRUARY 16, 1860. LJ. oJ attokney- at. law, . SOLICITOR IN WIANCEUY : ; Tipal Estate Acnt, 7 . BPrnVS VILLK. K. T. HEFEKNCKa. r k 'Jr. Chicago, 111: LIATHIOT D. L. M'CAKr. O. B. HEWT:TT. E. W. TtttiilAS. McGarv, Hewett & Tliomas! ATTORNEYS AT LAV ; SOLICITORS IX CIUXCERY. CrotfCTiUc. Kel)raska. VTil! practice la the "Courts or 5"etrasVa.,aniJ Xorth west Husouri, t .BEFERENCZ.S. . , 1 ' HesBra. Crow, McCreary 6c Co., St. Lonis, ilo. Hun. JaBe M . Hnshn lo - Iiu. JbnK. SJiepij,. -. . 1) liuD.Ja'j'.ef Crais. - . - Et.Jot;ph,,lio. Ili.n. StlufVcwHjw.n, ' - - Vo II..n. Sainnef W. Btatk, " NerasYa City, K.T. R. F. Xu'olls, Lsj., - . -!) Cteev;-r h"ect t Co., ., is . ' R. "VT. Funis' Tironrimr.e " Bwn-nt-ilic. K. T. OH . 23, 195S. -'"tinl6 H. Wlt.COX. T. W. BtDOkL et w ..rt neat'rexecuiru. lUiws. etc., prompt LAW J. B. WESTON .iTT QUll EY AT " nro!Tivill!, Kebrnska. 'isvineTmJl 1 C. V7. V7HEELEH, IrcMtect ' and Buier- WILCOX s BEDFORD, LAND WARRANT. MUII1ER MID "'DRESS MAKER. JAMES. W. -G'v-x BIACKSMITH .AND" EASTEU.V EXC II IS" Q E , Land .Wawiants Loaned cn 'Time From One MoDth to Ten Years, Land Warranti Loanca to'Pre-einptors ; Tases Paid; Collectiousrusde; Ileal ltie lioucht au1 S ld ; I-ands Located; and earc Investments maiie tor Eastern Cap- LanJ Tarrants Md by us lire guaraisted perfect in all res.iectB, '. A ; , :u :.. ! Acres ' of. Cfeoice Lands, For Sale in Nemalia and lucfciara son ConBtlcs, :;cljraska. : Tbee Und were elected and located liamodiate'.y after the Land Saie. aal are auior.gBt the most valua ble Land in the Terrii.irr. ' " ' . , We will ell ihoui at lw prices, and on long time to actual attlera. BROWNVILLE, X. T. T. M. TALBOTT, DENTAL SURGEON ...I ' irtr, r.rnwnv:!e. 1 to L fteional services to the coauianit j AU job arrat)ti. . ten- DR. D- GWIN, Uavincr .permanently located m UROWVILLE, NEBRASKA " Tor thej)rcticc of Medieine i.dOTper ; r hi profesrfona! ervices to tbc aCictcd. atid r-Mrrpery, Street. ten- Mv3 Y A;,S. UOLLADAY, M. D. . eftrt!irmi.l friend, in Brownvilie and lLe ncmuy that be,. rued the Pract,r. f Medicine, Snnrcrj, Obstetrics, t,.e. tv .tries attention to Us 'V-'Tn - a a- iatronape l.erene exteuded toh.iu In 'J-Z 1 wor? it ipo;fclrpedieiit. a rrerlptun wi n lone City lrug Store. Feb. 21. '59. 35. ly Brownville, K. T. Pec. 8, 1359. JOSEPH L, ROY, A. C O S S T A . . IMPORTER AKD IltaUS ID IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, SPKIKGS, ' AXLES, FILEi '.'rsEijrjOwa, B L A CKS MIT II IS TO 0 L S ' Third Strt, between Feltx and Edmcnd SAINT JOSEPH, MO. t Which he rcllsat St. Louis prices for cash, llicliest Price Paid lor Bcrcp Iron. ; December I, lt03.-ly. . ;. joaxl f. kixxet. - CHAS. F. noixY. . . KINNEY .& HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, XERRASKA' CITY, X T. : "Will praclicciii the Court, of this Territory. Collec tion and criminal bnsine uttended to ihroufrhout Xe brasksi, Weatern Iwa atul Hiaaonri. "Will atte.d the Courts at Brewnville. v2n33-6m - :E. S. DUNDY, A T T 0 RN EY AT LA W , AltCnEH, RICHAKDROIt CO. U. T-' WILL practice in the evcral Court of the 2.1 Judicial District. nnd attend to all mr.icr connected with the Pr.JeKjion. Wax. 3IcLe"Snan,. Eii.,oI.'etrasia City, will as-itnein t!:e prosercticn of important Sniti. Sept. 10, '57-11-tf , , r GEORGE EDWARDS,-, ,- , AIIC XX IT.EOT. OrriCLMainSt, Ecsl of Kinney (r IloU'ft office, - Nebraska City. JS..T. "reraonswho contemplate buildint; can he fnrnifTied with Ietijrns, Plana, Speji3v-atioui. ic. for buildinol anyclass or variety of style, and tbe erection of the aatneperintendedif desired. Prompt attentien paid tu busiuessfrom a distance. , 6'Jtf FRANKLIN TYPE Si STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY 2J0.16S Vine St.. bet.FourthanaFifLii. Cincinnati, 0. . Miscellaneon Original . , . . A HeYiered Propliecy Eedncea to AND HAIR DRESSER Main Street, rSXIOYFZVYILEE, T. c. r. o'unistoEi. &. co Tanufacturerp and deaiersin News, Bookana Job jl 1t.L Type. Printing Pre8sej.Casei5vt;allie.i.e.. i:c. Ink?, and rrintin? Materia! of Lvery ie5cnpiion, KTEHEOTYri: .f all kind liookf-.Mnsic. Pa-entMedicineDirections.Jobs,VoodEnsTCvins?, Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, Clocks, Watches & Jewelry. J. SCHITTZ SAINT JOSEPH FEMALE : COLLECT . ST. JOSEPH,. 310. 7. ' Kt Wou'd announce to the citizens f Br wnvllle d vicinity that he hat. located hiiaself in Brownviile. andinteud.- keepir.e a f u. i a.sort. uieni or everTinmp id ui iiuriM low f"r cash, newillalsodo all Vindt Jit re- nairi:.e t rlocks. watcheb and jewelry. . All wi.rk war- 1 V ranted. 3ul81y CITY LIVERY STABLE. 3Irs. Uciidgeu & Miss Lusk, iliLLIXERS AXD DRESS 51AKERS, 1 First Street, bet. Main and Water, RROWNVIL1 .i:. NEBRASKA, ,-Mrt llfad-Drttxetend Trimming give i on hand . jT'X.I JOHNSON, LI D.f rill ICIAN AND SURGEON, iirfct ttreet, between Hain and Water, , - : - vy eraTE AtTHtmrTY. INCREASE OFCASII CAHTAL Phoenix Insurance Company,- ' liartford, Connecticut. VM. ROSSELL, Announcei. U.the public that heis prrpaml to acer.m-nnuiethi-e wihin?with Carriufes atiJ Hu?;:ier; to (teUw witij aotxl a'e horsefc. for comfort ai eae in t ra velling. He will also hoard hore by the day. veek &r mouth. ,TrJ,iIS TAV0RAZLZ1 JnnelO.-ls. 50tr Fin rETOTED TO ' ... haii rf-f i UiSSIRAiJGE EXULUSiVtLi . nhartrr Pcnsetual. Csh Capital, 400,000 00 Dollars. Casli Assclts,54T,TI2 37 S. II. LOO MIS. President. H KELLOQ i, Secretary. Branch OfTicr, 31 r 33 3d Si. Cincinnati. MMAGILL General Agent. ArenU ia the prineij! Ciues and towns in the ;l tion. loer.roini.t!yr- Applications receir ami policie? iwued and renewed. , O. B- HEWETT Agent, At Brownville, N. i. "ErowDTille, Not. 17. ISM. ly MIT' LITIMTBSB NEW SPATE US,.. ' ' A XD . "oTeYer' descripticn, fcr sale at . SCH1ITZ & DEUSER'S LITERARY DEPOT, South-east corner Main and Second, " hbo vv irrii.iiii, m. t. , ;"Bept.S2i.lSi9. 7 f-pt11 ABCADB -SALOGS! TZZt STREET, (Orcr SeiRtc 4 Cretnbstim's Clothing Jtorr,) Erovrnvills, I T. Le proprietor wx.uIJ rwptict fully it-f irm ttie rub st ii LHojiened upaud estallialied fur the re trt.o -it of tie inmr the above raertioned .aa.!. taCalI cmi beeUinundati wiLa the best .r Wine? and I.iquo.s. and cnji.-y the e.x.thinj m-fla-nce of the be.tqu-Ufj f tSears. ; A first class X3XXjiXX-XIXD T-XIXjX:, Phelau's Patent Combination Cushions, all the modem imiroreinri,f. i.- also on the rr:mi.cs for the enj.'vmrnt t.f all w!u d.'iiirht in this -rntleraan- IrmJ icicntifie come. tA. uuiiii-u. ,septcniier zn, iv. WTIiLIAH CAMEEON, A. SlJ" 'Principal. O.mpletely organized a Srt class Female RiaidioK anl DaySchool Number limited to 120. tociuaing hoarders. Scholastic rear ctimmenciug first Monday In Scpteiuber. For Catalogues, with f all particulars, ad dress the Principal. ' Aajust 4th, 1S59. yum A. W. ELLIOTT, DKT o. 2Tas ery SEED AJXEP0T, Cor. nroadway and"Wnli Street. ST. LOL1S, MlbbUUiU. rr,-in r,i,rrh.tJ Hie entire surscry strckof John Sicjprf...B&. Bro.,1 am prepared to effer to thf pnMic tlje larpestaud tesi teiecie-i . " , 'i , I Ornamental taees, rul-s nnd plants ever offered for ...i- k. r-. ir rrPiletermined tocfrcr vicii m- d icemems to tree planters and the trade as will ensure the most entire aatisfactioti. Descriptive cta!oBnewill be furnished, and any informati on fen hy addressing, jy , T . ata a-A w f Siint Louis, Mo. .)verafcer 35,55-Ty. ' - : HIS fill 1M MANUFACTORY! JOILN "W. illDDLETOX, BKO'SrSTII.I.E, A". T. ' IlEKKET Inform the puhiic that he has located hum-elf in tti City, and ii prepared to M?rve those n want of aiiylhms ia hi. line Iiha aelerted hi? stck rlth care and will msncfactnre Xo. 1 article of everything rfered. lie deems it mv rw-TtoeBnaierate: botwill keepou haud eveyarti auaUy obtained la Saddle and Harness Hiopa. JOaX W, UWJL.ZTOS. i Brownville Mar 13. . . nolti-6aa w BKOWITVILLE a m m. JESSE XOEL Bvin rented the interest of Lake and Emmtrios in arownrille Steam Saw and tiriat Mill. annineea to 1na anblic that ha is prenared Xo coininiodate the 'aervs f Brownrilie and Nemaha County with a u- 'te-mn: aslUT of tnmher ef all kind. Also witnthe I C T w Hill, to erre all in that line. ' TbeiacTkt price at all times paid for Loss and Corn. ?he bid hnti of Kwel.Lakefc. Kramer son will be ud t-y Uarrr Lke. All future bwinensc irMlucted Ttbeinderrtirne. - JESSK I.OKL. rMrilief April 7th, IS53, - - ' IT ... 1 ... . nil -6 m . CHARTER OAK Life" Insurance" Company, Hartford, Conn. Inccrjoraled ly Ihc SluU of Cornedicvt. Capital Mock $'200,vavo. With larzanl inereasinu: surplusrf ceipts.sccnre- ly invested under the sanction ana n'' "7" CoiEptrullcr of Public Accounts. OFFICKKS AND DIRECTORS: JAMES C. WAT.KLFY, Tresifierl. JUIIN I: WSCE, -Vice President.. - KL1 AS tilLL. Mxretary. E. D. DICKERM AN, General Agent. Alfred Gill, II. P;..dct, '.Ylvcaton, DlilECTOnS: Daniel rkillips, JobnL.Ilance, J. A.P.atlcr, E. D. Dickeraan Sain. Coit. , JTelaoc HoLister, James C.Walkley." S.B. Berrsford. M 1, CoriTiilting-Physician. A. S. Uol!adHT,M I. Medical Exnminer. A nlicat ion ? received by U. W. FURNAS. A s"t, ijCUu- . . . ' Brtiwnviiie, K.T. Pioneer iooEbuideiT ASD Manufactory. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITEIi, Would respectfully inferm the citizens in Western Tnwaar.d Nebraska that he bas openct a first class Cindcry, and the only one ever established in this section'of country. I am now prepared to do all kinds if work pert lining to the business. Harpsr's, Graham's, Uodej'f . Peterson's, Arthur' Bailout. Frank Leslie's, Knkkboeker, Wa ver!y, Hunt's, and Putnam'g Magazines. ewyork Ledger, BallouV Picto rial. Harper's Weekly. Scien tific American. Yankee Motions, Musical Reriew, Les lie's Illustrated, Ladies Repository, Ladies Wreath, Atlantic Monthly, Mnsis. Law. Book, find Newspapers, or books of any kind, oldornew, bound or r bound in the most appruvpd styles, on short notice and low prices. Old family Billcs rebound so as to look and wear equal to new. August 24,'ISM). t7-ly We are the creatures here on, earth of omo supreme ' ' " " ' '" 1 "first cacse. Ere sin was Lorn, or Adam fell, that power parens . . ': r .. " " .Pa1"- Those laws were perfect,, o wo learn, and. recoj ': ' " ' tviz'dlyGod; ' Wbe -.weuU break tbcsn r.reduraptaocjlT'wa? isude , - ' - -.ftoleeih;3rod:': nsttben as now some lor'd this Eing, and also bis ' . '."' - commands. One Enoch taught them every Say and laboT'd with his hands. A city by hisskiH was built; ttrGod a temple given. This work on earth accepted way; the 'builder took v: to heaven. . . ' - The world now lost in wicknednes3; content with- out the law.' They Beither had a prophet '$ Toica, nor open Vision A Xcah was yet with this king engaged in his work And in his correspondence ho was told to build an ark . . ' . V ... ..." Yea ! build an ark your Gd commands; all flesh ia gone astray. 1 Sly holy law they will not keep;"by water all must die. A pattern now I give to yon; let nothing be delayed, And fail not, for it must be done just &s the Lord i ... hath said; Thus by the Lord of earth 't commands did Noah eu- ,'1 ;.- ' rely do.' : And of all flesh into the ark there came by two and 1 two-: Thus Noah by the pattern wrought, nor murmur'd ' '-I;, against hcaren Of bcats for food and birds that'sclean he took them ...... in by seven.. Nowall these in the ark were sav'd before the wind .7 " .'. v ""- it flew;" or jost as God the model gave just so did Noah do. Now Lad a thing been diTerent. a plank too long or ' "'wide,"' The vessel would hare useless . been, and fonndor'd . - , , in the tide, s Look farther down the stream ef time. ' A Moses . counsel tonght: : The Lord he gave a plan to him and see thou change w . it not; Twas tbe pattern en the Mount, and" this divine ... command ' By which the temple stood when in the promia'd land This temple when twas all complete was recognized ' '. ' above By Him that doeth all things well, who fill'd it with 1 his love. nis presence fill'd the mcrey seat: he said I'me God -' alone, A nd I am Israel's saviour to; beside me there is none . ...... 1 This temple's fame flew far and wide; some envii-d ' . some adored; And same mistook in zealous whim and chooso anotls : . ' - er Lord. A temple nowhe too must have;Samaria boasted one And Egypt too must do her part; so said the pries 'I of on. And several others now were built, 'tis true by ' ' zealous hands That on 3Ioriah's mount alone'was built by GotPs commands.. That pattern not to others given, their work not re cognized by heaven, They had no voice their ears to greet;' no 'pre3ece fill'd their mercy seats Yet Israel's king, to whom God gave such wisdom . and sue a plans, Was made to sin by bowing to the gods of other Land To Mullock he an altar rais'd, and Baal was wor- . : . ship'd too; The word then from his God went forth his king- dom to undo. True teachers from it soon were driven, and one by ravens fed, Said I alone of all am left and yet they reek my head. The Lord then said not quite so bad, for many yet . '- ' - I own, Who kUs not Baal and still confers that I am , God .. alone. DROITX i CXIXTOX, PRODUCE DEALERS, For wardin 2: . & Commission MERCHANTS, . NoTS, North Levee,- St. Louis, Mo. Orders for Groceries ano Manufactured Articles accn rately lil'ed at lowest possible rates. Consignment tor sale and re-hipment respectully solicited, frhipments el all kinds will he faithfully attended to. . Beferrences : ileasrs. O n Xea fci Co St. Loci Birtlett. KcComh & Co do Gilbert, Miles lc Stannard " do Tton. W n r.4iT.n;toa, AnditorSUte of Missouri J Q Harmon. LVq. Cair City. 111. . . .. AtessrsMolonv, Bro'fc iCo' JewOrleaas,Lauisiana CITY TEU1TK GTOSE. FASSETT i CROSSLIAir, J-Tanufacturers of - Traveling & Packing 9 VALISES, aiRPET2.1GS,SC. South West corner of Pine and 3d si's, Saint Louis, 2Io. Ve are now prepared t. tL'.l all Tders in oar line preniptneis anionthe Li (tLe most reasonable teres. Onrstoct is 1 -1 J nd complete and a P. of our own mannfactnrinf . Those in want of articles in car line, or retail) will d well topive i a call be fore purchasing ei&ewuere. ap i solicited.' V Aahare tt pu jltc patron- nl8.-S-iy JAMES 1I0G AN, ELAXK COOK IIAXITACTUIIES, Soullieast cr. ilad ami Iocust Sts. ST. LOUIS, 310. AH kindof Blank Borks.mjde of the hest paper, mled Ktwenypstterpjaiil sved enewiMproYefi patent Amr3 rrr.iaDiCAi-s, sursia&e. bound in any style, and attte shortet ttice. Uartug been waried t"!ie Premioni at. the last Me chanic', i'air, hetecinnd;det;V in iaBr:i latistactioii toallwb nv ttm a call. July S2i.lSiS. 1yr3n4 J D Jackson. Ksq., . . ; Messrs HiLkle, Guild & Co, F Ilair.niar c Cj Brarde! 1 & Crawford Woodruff St nuntington, Tf.Billinss. Ksq., May 12, 1S58 45-3bi du da Cincinnati. O. Ilu Lontsville, Ky. Mot ile. A la. Seardstown,Iil. .A. D, EIRE. Attornpr at law, Land Arcat and Xotary Public . Rulo, Richardson Co., A . T. Will practice in the Coortsof sistedNebraska .a Xllardingand Bennettebraska City. ISHxlLIHEAVIS, ' ATTOKNEY AT LAW, RF.AL ESTATE AGENT; "Falls '.Sty. Eichard?on Ccttnty. K"ebrafika . V i ICff prompt attetl n to all prt.fe&Kicnat busi ce intracted to his car in F.ijhardoii and adjoining coitutieis a!.- to the drawing ol desls. pre-emption pa- rr. avc., c. -Jiay 13.7&s nl-ru I gave him troops and treasures too, and aWI'er- - ; sia's throne. ' This man he shall your chains undo ajii set yen In - fyjnrland,' For Ln my strength he shall go . forth njholden by ' 1 ' my hand.' Tisjilsohii decree, and I shall make it stand, j . You shall the temple raise upon the holy land; Again the word of God from Zion's hill shall tow,' ' In p.aeef al accen te to the j ust, and to the wicked wo. ily i-crvirt row the branch pluck'd from the rqyal : . ' " " line, And sived ficna CLaldaic wrath,by favor ail divine, To Ilia th r'.::r-ir?: I commit to guide him in his " ' ' , . ". power. A?jt't:ee must his actions try and prove 1hem every . .-. i . . ' hour,: Tis strict with him, tis true the plan to build I've And though he Is most wise I counsel him by seven Seven tial possess my love and do my spirit feel In saeokness they shall judges stand nil differences . , , , to heal. ThoLord still Iov'd Jerusalem, there let this temple ... .'; . : ".stand, Toward it let my people priy dispers'd in every land On Zion's mount it rear'd its head in splendor and - in power. Its builders in God favor stood increasing every hoar. Lojk farther on the stream of life. Again the Jews - - -' rrangres3, And now the nations round about most sure did :. . .. " . -: oppress. At length the Lord stirr'd up a power, one they eouid '.' " ' ' ' not withstand, Who took them out andscattcr'd them like seed in . i ' j - ' every lane. Aiin the temple is destroyed, and yet the sito ii . . known: A mosque crowns the sacred spot. - There mockery hae a throne. The Jews rejected: now they say the "Gentiles take '.',. tte word," Tliey say a surer way is found; also a milder Lord. Ah this is pleasant news indeed, for had the law been kept, No barrenness had Judah saw and ne'er had Israel Bat power and greatness in their hands would to this "'-.." . time remain And all must either serve their God or other climes i ; "" regain.' - - ' ' . " . . But aow our Lord is lenient, and temples in all land, 01' every shape and fashion too, accepted at our hands, The distance need not now he great: a church in every I town, We can to heaven ride in state; perchance on beds o (down. We need not send up yearly now, mount Zion to sustain, For all who choose may preach the word, and all who ! ' ... J ' fchiioe refrain Now this is kind and suits our view, the teacher now is free. And we will just sustain the one tt at salts both you and. me. A temple too we will bnild him, also it dedicate, Fjr he a much the priesthood has a any onef late. And we'll stick to him, that we will, yon see his words are true; TJ e proves them as he goes along Joel like taeoihets do. Tis true there are of various forms six hundred sixty six. Sut, see, we have minds made up; with none of them . we mix. We know them wrong, says each of ethers; . They should give way ; we shou Id be brothers. All this I like, it seems so free, I only oae thing fear, That is While qnarling o'er our cnoice, a Single voice we ' y ; ' . .-. . hear, .;. Declaring that of .all this strife no part for him has charms, And that be is about to take h i first love to his arma. 13 Millard Fillcnere . . $ 14 Franklin Pierce'; , 1SJ3 to 1So7 15 Jaies Buchanan " ' 1S57 to 1SG1 Vice-Presidents. -When elected. JohriXdams ' . 1759 ' " 17D2 Thomas Jefferson 17DG Aaron Burr ' ; 1S00 George Clinton . 1S0-1 -;;'";v". ' .isos Elbridge:Gerry ' V 1S12 Daniel D. Tomkins ' - -1516 z ,;;;. :i ,7.1 1C0 John C. Calhoun ' ; 1S24 . .... "is2s Martin Van Buren 1532 Richard M. Johnson - . 1533 John Tvler ' ''- - 1540 George" M. Dallas . . - 1S41 Millerd Fillmore .. . 1S49 W. R. King . 1S53 John C. Breckenridge. . 1557 -' ' 1759. ' ' Gedrge Washington CD . John. Adams 34 John Jay 1 9 R. H. Harrison 6 . J. Ruttedge 6 , John Hancock " .4 George Clinton ; 3 : Samuel Huniinq-ton 2 .-John Milton ; . .-. ... 1 J ohn Armstrong 1 "Ed; Telfair' . ; ; ' 1 lie njamin Lincoln ' . ' "1 -Whole number of Electors voting, 69. . HEDGE FEITCIIIG. ThenndersifnedhavinR had eonideraldt! cx;eri nee m plantinaand cnltivatintr Osape Orange Uedpes. here hy infir the public that they are n-.wrejared to con tract either plantinc. settinp them ont. or rrowir-' and cnltivatini: the fence -txiiplte. Growing edires of their planting can be sHn on the fumis of S. V." ten nedy, G Crow, J. Skeen and otl.ers in this eonntv ; . V.V. 4. T. X. AKDEIiS. Scpt.2, tOtf This prophet by the power of God Baal's teachers overcame. They pray'd and cried from morn till night, and then were put to shame. The prophet call'd on Israel's God: their mock ng : 7 ; raised his ire. He made them know he was his friend by answering him with fire.' Elijah's heart was grateful too; he knew he'd been -. r a guest, And for the ravens that him fed he made a noble ' ' .' ' feai;t Not of the blood of bulls and goats was this great -' v . . 1 " sacrifice. But of fear hundred impious men who had been teaching lies. Yet Israel's still got worse and worse, more witked they grew. God's presence left the mercy seat and back to hav- en it flew.- Their holy things were now expos'd. they had no ' ' ' ' ' power to stand, And years three score and ten they servd all in a .'...r.. - ..; ;: ; .7: foreign Iaai,. n Their house of God Chaliea overthrew," the other . - . -temples stood; Why not of them have chosea one and .said it as as ......."- ' - S00 Tp to that time God had Tot chang'd, his covenant ' ' - ' still was new, And as he promud Abraham justso we find hiai do. He knew to him' they would return when mads to - ! feel the rod. And for their sins sincerely monrn and own him for ... Iihr God. Yea children I am God alone, when sought I am at ' hand. I will without your gold er blood now give yonljack ! ... ... your land. A saviouxl have rais'd for yon, a man yon bav not . " " . rtaonTL Tea, hear my word, it shall go forth all Israel must re- tarn: For my great name and covenant's sake they shall no . , longer mourn. A gain Moriah's mount a tempie shall adorn, Ihe law go from Jerusalem which none may treat with scorn. And all must now this lawbey, and all to Israel seek, For all whose powei is not with them will find too late how weak; . Xi'W is this true, and must we all through this old oo- venant claim," Andean we find no better plan than in this ancient -'- ' " name? We have a triple tie. and they one God alone, Their worship is absurd, as we have plainly shown; Let's gather now our host and meet them In the plain, Or in the valley near Jehoshopbat by nasae; The man they did reject we will onr leader mate," On the wsue of that day all our salvation stake. And now I leave the scene; the wise will look it through Whichere you think will win, with them yon better do. Brownville, February 11, 1S60. - George Washington elected President, and John Adams Vice President. 1792. George Washington . 132 John Adams " . 77'. ' George Clinton - 50 . Thomas Jefferson 4 Aaron Burr 1 ' Whole number of Electors, 132 1796. "Johns Adams 71 Thomas Jefferson ' OS Thomas Pinckney ' 59 Aaron Burr . : . 30 - Samuel Adams 15 Oliver Elsworth '.. .11 John Jay" ' . . . - George Clinton ' ' ' 7 James Iredell 3 George Washington 2 J. Henry .' 2 R. Johnson 2 Charles C. Pinckney Whole number of Electors, 133. : . . 1500. . Thomas Jefferson . 73 Aaron Burr 73 John Adams 65 " Charles C. Pinckney " 64 John Jay 1 Whole number of Electors, 133. The votes for Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr being equal, the election de volved on the House of Representstives, wherein, on the 36th ballot, the votes cf ten States were given for Jefferson, four for Burr, and two States gave blank .votes.;: .' . . After this election the Constitution was amended," so that each Presidential Elec tor chosen by the States voted for Presi dent and Vice' President separately, in stead of the original mode of voting for two persons, without designating which was his choice for President and Vice President. The person receiving the greatest number of votes by the original mode, if a majority, was to be President, and the next highest Vice President. When no choice was made by the Elec tors, the House of Representatives deci- ded me question. President. Election of Presidents and Vice Presidents or the lT. S. The subjoined tabular returns giving the election? of President and Vice-Presidents of the United States from the De claration of Independence up to . the pre sent date is of much interest, and will, no doubt, be carefully scanned hy all our readers. ; , The first portion of the returns gives the names of the Presidents, with the date of their election ; then follow the Vice-Presidents. The. third section gives the number o . votes for President and Vice-President. Altogether the . docu ment is, as we have said, is interesting and attractive. I ' Presidents. 1 George Washington 2 John Adams ; 3 Thomas Jefferson . . 4 James Madison : - 5 James Monroe , 6 John Q. Adams 7 Andrew Jackson 8 Martin Van Buren 9 Wm. II. Harrison 10 John Tyler 11 James K. Polk ! Time cf service. 1759 to 1797 1791 to 1S01 1801 13 1S03 1S09 to 1S16 1S17 to 1525 1525 to 1529 1S29 to 1S37 1S37 to 1S41 1S41 to 1545 1545 to 1549 Those marked with an asterisk () died while in office, and the Vice-President succeeded thern for the balance pf tss ter 1504. Thomas Jefferson . 102 Charles C. Pinckney 14 . ISOS. James Madison 122 Charles C. ; Pinckney 47 George Clinton ... 6 1S12. James Madison 129 De Wilt Clinton 69 1516, James Monroe . " 1S3 Rufus King . 34 .1520.. James Monroe 231 Jchn Q. Adams 1 1S2L Andrew Jackson 93 John Q, Adams 61 Wm. H. Crawford 41 Henry Clay; 37 Election of President decided by the 'ouae of Representatives, viz: Adaus, J States; Jackson, 7; Crawford, 4. - 1523. . " Andrew Jackson " 178' John Q. Adams ' S3 - ; 1532. - " :'- Andrew Jackson 219 Henry Clay ' , : r ' 49 ' JohnFIoTd' '"'V ' :: .. 11 William Wirt . ". ' , ' "' 7 . . 1536. ; Martin Van Baren . . 170 Wrn. II. Harrison . 73 HughL. Whito 20 Daniel Welter 14 Willie P. Magnum 11 . 1540. Wm. IL Harrison 231 Martin "Van Buren CO 1544 James K. Pclk 173 Henry Clay - 105 , .. - 1543, ; . ; Zachary Taylor ; 163 Ecwis Cass. .-. 125 a.v Franklin Pierce Winfield Scott 153. James Buchanan Jchn C. Fremont Millard Fillmcra Vice Presidents Gecrge Clintcn Rufus King . 1SC3. : ' George Clinton . -Rufus King Jchn Largdon James Madison Jut p " rn-rva .. :1S12. ' ' Eibridge Gerry . Jared lngersoi 1516. D. D. Tomkins John C. Howard James Ross Jchn Marshall Robert G. Harper 1520. D. D. Tomkins Richard Stockton Daniel Rodney Robert G. Harper Richard Rush 1S2L'. Jchn C. Calhoun Nathan Sanford Nathaniel Maccn Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren Henry Clay is2a . John C. Calhoun Richard Rush . . William Smith Martin Van Buren John Sergeant '. William Wilkins Henry Lee Amos Ellmaker 1S33. 174 " 114 S u 11 - 113 47 ,. 9 ... . o 3 lot 153:, . 5 ' ,- 3.: sis 1 s . 4 1 ' : l 12 " LtQ , 13 9 . 2 . T 173 ; S3" '. , 153 ' 49 0 11 147 77. 47 Richard M. Johnson . Francis Granger John Tyler . William Smith Richard M. Johnson elected Vice Pre sident by the Senate ; Johnson 32 voter, Granger 16. 1SI0. John Tyler Richard M. Johnson L. W. Tazewell James K. Polk 1S4L George M. Dallas T. Frelinghuysea 1543. Millard Fillmore W. O. Butler 1552. W.R.King W. A. Graham 1556. J. C. Breckenridge W. L. Dayton Andrew J. Dcnnelscn 31 45 11 1 170 1C5 163 127 2i 42 171 111- 9 Congress, passed a rBy an act of 1545. the choice of Elector cf Prpr't and Vice President must be made in all the States on the Tuesday succeding the first Monday in November. 9 m 0 m. m . t Lsconlc Correspondence. The following interesting correspond ence, says the Albany Statesman, went through the post office a few weeks be fore election. The wnter3 are "among the knowing and the known in the State: , Oct. 16, 1559. Dxah Jrccn: lama candidate fcr Senator. If you would come inta the district, and make two cr three it would "help the cause." lours truly, rpeec , Oct. 17, 1559. Dear CoLosri. : I will coma with pleasure, provided you'll promise to lc half honest if elected. . 1 ours, ; : , Oct. 20, 1S59, Drill J VTtr.T T rTtf rrn it-i ate unpledged. X UUa3, The Judge made the speeches, and ths Colonel was elected unpledged. the Lawyer "Now, Mr. , was fence alluded to, a good, strong fence! Uncle Will "Yes, sir." Lawyer -"Well, what sort cf a fence was it?" Uncle Will (holding in) "It was a buncombe fence, sir." Lawyer (thinking he had cornered the old gout) "Now, Squire, will you oblige the Court by giving your def-nitica cf a buncombe fence 1" Uncle Will "A buncombe fence, sir, norse-, is a fence that is bull-strc and pig-tight." Uncle Will was dismissed from the stand, and retired with flying ccicrs. An anti-tobacco lecturer speke so pow erfully against the use cf tobacco, that several of his audience went heme- and burned their cigars holding cne end cf them in their mouths, by way cf punish es en: f An epicure once asserted that two wsr required to make a meal cf a chicken himself sd the chicken. 1