Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1860)
KEW"Ga'CS!!! JOHN A. PONH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK IK 'DEI GOODS, GROCERIES, Frnsixrnc, ixaiidwaiie, . QUEERS TTAKE, &c, . BROWXVILE 21 T. Having established fcimself' at tie old stand repeat ly occupied by . . joiin Mcpherson, Es 1 bow eCering kni receiving for tale ote cf & AND BEST ASSORTED STOCKS Ever Brought xn this Territory St-.ttf aa xten:re and arted assortment cf ' ' STATUS AX D FAX Cr , DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family cox3imo or Flonr, Han, .. Eacca . Tea, Salt, Cheese, . . . Candles, etc., etc., ' And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, - Peppers, . . Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, . . Allspice, : ' etc., etc. He has also cn hand a large lot of BEDSTEADS, ' TABLES, chairs, DESKS, BUREAUS, 4G, C. ALSO, A well selected Stock cf .HARD WARE AXD CCTI.EXIT, ; QUEEXSWAEE, Soots and Shoes. ' ;lle pledges his customers to sell .as cheap cs any other house in the 'city, and tint Vis goods in quality .and style shall be unsurpassed. - y 371x1 rrvdolTpliix. A Benevolent ln'titution established by special En dowment, for therclitfcf the tick and dttresnd, cfl;ctcd with Yiruieni and Epedemic Ditto. tionof huuian life caused by Sexual (lisf-ascs, and the deceptions practiced n;on the uiifort una te victim of such disPki-e by Quacks, several year ago directed their Con- V1J.HU. 1- ' . 1. ' ' H . f B III HI 4 'II V . . ' 1 . . . , ....... name, to open a disji'mtary fur the treatment of this el of diseases, in !I their forms, and to give Medical Advicr fJratis to all who apply hv letter, with adescrip turn of tleir tnmdilion (g( occnpatn;n, habit of life, Ke ) and In Cieef extreme ioverty, to furnish medicine f ree of charge. II in needless to add that the Associa tion commands tlicliigliCt Medical skill of the age, aud will furnish the uit approved modern treatment. The Director of the Association in their Annua! Re nual Report up ui the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the -uccc whi ;h has attended the labors of their Surgeons in the cure of Siier-mtorrh;-ea ; Seminal Weakness; Gonorrhoea; Gleet; Syphilis ; the rice ol Onanism or self-abuse, el scase of the Kidney aid Bladder, fee., and order a continuance ' of the ame plan tor the nsning year. ; The Directors, ca 4 review of the past, feel assured thai their labors In this sphere of benevolent c.Trt have tern of .great benefit to the aflb.tvd, especially to the . y.iuiig. aud they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed real, lo this very Important and much le iisel cause. A aJmlrb!c Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Wealne, the vi.-e i-f Onanis-ra, Mturbtion or seif abue. and othr di:.eshC of the Sexual organs, by the rsut:inp Sarf iT, t-111 te sent by mail (in a sealed nvrlopc; FUKK OK CHARGE, on the receipt of TWO fcTAJIFSf'T fx;stFe. Other reports and Tracts on the ' iisturc and treatment of Sexual litteafe, diet, fee, are constantly beuiR published fur gratuitous dixtributicn. . and will be ent to the afllicted. Some of the new re nedica nnd methods of treatmnetsdiscuTered daring the last year are of ieat value. Adlrep-sf.T Keport or treatment, 1)11. J. SKILI.TS ItOfGUTOX, Acting Suristvn, H -ward Association, Ho. 3, South N'inth Street, rniladtlphia. Ty order of the lireiors, KRA 1. ITARTWELL, President. Y.o. Fairchild, Secretary. Jtly It. lSo8-Iy OiTice of American Bank Note Company. . J. J. O'SUAXESSY. ' Copper Plate & Lithographic Printer toriw of nsi dolph and Dearborn streets, CHICAGO, ILL.. 1 VTed-lincand Vi"Utinp Cards, loor Plates, Offlce Seals, J?otary Public's l'ies and Preese, Drafts, Invoices, and Labels of every kind promptly executed and cnt by Bxnrei-s. fj"j4 Pac k cf the very Vett glazed or Bru toit'artewilh pent for tvo dollar t, by c new end beautiful proves without cost cf plate, equal to thr very choicest enrrrannn, lamplc when required o reception foil : 9-JJGly $25SEWIIfGHACHEIE. RAYMOND'S LATEST I5IPROVED Double-Threaded Sewing Machine, Warranted Hie best In Hie IVorld. Vill stitch aitd hem. tuck and tell, rtber and em beuider vith jrftctioii, and -iilvw every kind of goot'.s. rvca leather, and especially adapted tot family Ltt. Any r?rsoncf ordinary iutclligenco can learn in cue fcour to ufIt sccex-'fully. We have a great number of references, but will give pdW the riatucis of a few, who are among the firfct latu t wit : "Wc. t1;c un.lersicncd dtirens cf St. Lonis.bavirg ls tely purchaceil one of Raymond's latest Improved Pa teu .Scing Machiiien, and use It F-j.vt":fi;I!y on ditfpr cat kinds of woi k, in our families' service, do rtieerf ul ly rectmiiiii'iid i to all persons as a Family ilai hinc: Mrs J Jowett Wiicox Jontc Cvfl'raa I. Mary Liver more n k wiici f H R Williams DHArbuckie II il iiiuf kom ilra. P A Slefrett i Clemeiia Jas A U Limpton I) 8 Gale l BTeruiiSon J A Hate V TiMnun K J btetcttt Machines without tab-ley, as hand Machines, wi'.h one reelleaid twurpoola of thread ou the machine, are -'ith tables, blf d..ivu, twls, &.c, $33. Xeedlcs $1 per t . CoiLi IcieiciK'"! dire'ioTis will Ve senfwi'.h every luachiue. Thse macLiiies take the same tstitcn- as the Gr'Praid Baker. No iMturs vf iti:rj auswereJ except as extra post sge stamp i enclosed. ' alanines warraaied, and may te returned in thirty ly if not ratisfMC.-rj-. . X machines delivered nr.til pcid for. All order ty nitil or cxmeas, itu the cit'h, will re ceive riiupi attention. B. Atreuts wanted for e-ery town in the South and wct, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Address ftUWIX CLAKal, Xo. SiKoria Tot-rtti street St. Ltiii,Mo. iU0-3a THE 7 717T T77 f T T 777 7 G The onJorsijnil LviDg bongbt tho Mi'.Is for tncrly owned Lj Dr. Hoover of Neuia'ia City, is now j-rewad" to prind Co: n,, and ?" vr Lumtar oe the mt roajKiaab!i terms. I'cijj'efsinjr tic lest wa ter privilege in Xrmuh, he can at all times icec.UiinAji.tebi? customers on abort notice with the Vet qmtlitj of jriist. I'lour,Corn Meal and lumbir e yriiUntlr on band. Ju'.Tli'ib tltf J. G. 11ELVIN. NEW GOODS pan tiS' niMOB! Wholesale aiid Ec'ail. THEODORE HILL, V IMain Street, 17, BroTmvillc, Ilebraska, Has just received per steamers Sioux City, Ryland, Asa Hiius, and Ilesperian, their : or SPRING GOODS WHICH IS THE LARGEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. C0SSJSTI5G or r aa "J w r ! QUEENS WARE, HARDWARES CUTLERY, Iron and Nails, HATS & CAPS, IBoots and Shoes, 3? L O W S. r B1B1SIES feflllOl. Outfitting Goods for Tnr GOLD MINES, Picks, Axes, Cordage, Camp Kit, Ox Yokes, etc etc LADIES! Call and Examko his SUPERIOR STOCK or - Ladies' Dress :' So oils Of the Very LATEST STYLES. The experience he have had in trade in thii city warrants him in saying he is confident we can give ENTIRE SATISFACTION. To his old Customers in NEMAHA, RICAHRDSON, '; PAWNEE, . x - ' 1 GAGE, CLAY, .. AND JOHNSON COUNTIES, He returns thanks for past, and hope for, not only a continuance, but increased pa tronage. THEODORE HILL, April 1st. n40 , IIIiL:S IKAL1IGGIXGS AHC iI And will pR-duoeniore gold thiaany other tiigsiegs yet discovered, and 23 353 IST OK THE City Boot & Shoe Store, Will mnkeyou a superior pair of b ots or Fhes if you Ciil r lcve yourmeanre. or hewill seMynn a cheaper gsiter, a neter shoe, or prairie lols. arid lady's hue gaiter or slippers, chopper th;in any other hotiso Vett of 51. Louis i:mploj inegot.d workmen, utid keeping a variety of material ar.d tnmmitcs UT liotiie muti alau ture. 1 hope to receive that liberal pjt.ronace heretordre bestowed on me. Give me a call.' W.T. DKX. fcrowuvilleJu!yC7, TS53 .' 1:3 -13 ( i ' Iltts? I-atciit Ulaclilne. The S-ibscriber Is the Invetiter an l patentee of the above celebrated machine, and h:is m juufj.-turel them f.'-r over twenty years, ami is propa-ed this seanon to fun.iah either eifhtor ten-horse omcLinci. thiriy-two-iuch cylinder, with all liisnow improvements, gearrd In foui distinct ways, viz. bevel gear -icw improvement, spur gear short belt, loT.g' bcit. This celebrated ma chine, in i rdinary grain wfcet. oats, harloy, rv. wiil thresh and clean ready ft-r Tuirkct from 300 to 5'JO tush e!s of wheat a d.y. on from ISi tnsbeli of oats or bar ley, and i without a rival in the c-.nintry. This Eorse Povcr, known as the Ioub".c Pinion Power, is the only one in the country or the kind, an J Or strength, dura bility ud ease of draught cannot he surpassed in the country. The track wa' tt for hauling the ir actlnes arc rased to run on toe wide track witli larce heel and can be used for farm purpose if required. Tie Equalizer for thoroughly regulating the draupbt of the horses so that one horse cannot do any more than another, nor any Jes, and saves all t train on the machinery. The bag ging api a'atiis Is a rew invention, attached to the ma chine for bagging the grain as it come front the cleiwer, and saes one hand; iides avoiai all disputes between threshers ami farmer. The Straw S'aoker made by me for piling the Bt.raw, are rude of any length and are the Jlcst known for that purpese. AH repairs for Separator or Eorse Powers furnished at the thortest notice. Kor prices, terms, &c, address H1EA.X A. PITTS, oclrt lIZ'.iAilA LftliD AGEtIT, SURVEYOR & KOTARYPlIIIaXC, , Willselect Unds, Investigate titles, p;iytaxes, &.c, either la Kant as or KcbrasVa; buy, sell, and enter landson comiiission; invest in town property, hey or tell the same, and will always have on hand correct piata of townships, counties. showing alllsn lssub-k-ct to entry, and where desired will furnish par;, e liv ing in the taU with thesame. Beicg the oldest settler in the county will in all cases be able to give foil and reliable Information. Address A. L. Coat e. either at Brownvilleor Nemaha City.NebraskaTerritory. 6m-42-v2 A. SEIGEL &. GREENBAHM, Main ' Street,' BroimviUe, Nclrasjca Ilae Jaat received pcrslcanier TThite CIcnd a Complete Stock ; READY-MADE CL0THIIJ3. Which ttey will sell for cash a shade cheaper ttaa baa ever before beci offered in this mat ket. ' ' March 3I,J8o9 n40 .' M'NUTT'S Oeletora-ted. ylre an unequalled Tonic and Stomach;e positeiv and palatable Remedy for central Debility Dy pejitia, lou of Appetite and atlducattt of tli -Digestive Organs. -These Blfters are a nre Preventive of - FEVER AHD AGUE ! They are prepared from the purest materials by an old and experienced Druggist, and thereforecan be relied on. .' THEY AID DIGESTION! J Pygeatly exciting the system into ahealthy action; are pleasant tothe taste, and also give that victor to the system taatis so essential toheUa. - 5j"A wineglass fuli maybe taken two or three times a day before eating. Prepared oniy by W, L.M'WUTT, " ' ST. LOOS, MO. Oct. 2$. '69 is-iy " - ' SEW ASD HIGHLY IMPROVED ( Talented ) MET TL1C UN DIALS, manu factured at Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by W. W. Wilson, Agent. For All EatitutSes. In adJiti H to the hour eirJe, subdivilod to show the true time to minutes, these iiiala have engrared Equation Tables, showing the difference between ap parent ai d true time every day in the year : a mii ror inserted, which reflects the cloud., showing their exactcourse, and the consequent direction of tho wind; a compaw, circle, &c I5ei ng made with great accuracy, of beautiful and durtblo workmanship, and very ornamental and useful, thi. valuable work of art should have a place on the grounds of all im proved country residences, plantations, garden?, lawn, Ac. A cast iron column of Doric Order, three feet high, is furntched at $5 each. Tbc diaisareh" to 9 inches diameter, Prica of No. 4, $15 ; No. 3. i 10; Mo. 2, ?7; Nr. 1, f 5. The No. 4 Dial and col umn, $20, is generally preferred. Direction? accom pany by whi'jh they are easilyset up and adjusted to the true meridian. Order promptly filled. Aug. 13. 1859. - - nO-tf Patent Portable Mill, nnUE subscribers have entered into a partnership I under the firm of Reed, Holabird & Co.. to manufacture tho J. C. Ueed, Patent Tortable (Irist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those m want of a ?ood Lorn or neat .Mill that lor aura bilitv.simnlictvand economy : excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanics iutitato in Cinfirwiti,!! Gold Medal waSUWardcd themfor it. i It is adapted to all Grain grindingpurposes; it is superiorto all other? forthemostextensive Merchant Mill, as it isforgrinding the Farmerffccd by Horse rower. Thcabore Mills are manufactured by the under signed at thoirshop. in Cincinnati, O., where they :on be furnishedin anyquantity atshort notice. . The above Mill? warranted to perform as follows tn. diam.. per hour 50 Ii. Cora, 25 Wheat, $ oOfl SQ " " " 30 " 15 - 250 24 u t( . k 20 " 13 " 200 20 " " " " 16 " , 8 " 150 As this Mill tells its i unnecessary t efrom pernumerousrecommendations received. box & mirn ROBERT'S 1P jSlTSKT isJiiiiii imu u Made by Kin?Iand & Ferguson, . ST. LOUlOlO TIIE above named machines are unquestionably the tmst simple, cheap ;ind durable offereu fr sale. They T!uesh HiidCieun the Grain ready for Mai ket andean be managed by the most unskillful farmer. This m.tchit e received the first premium at the last Pair ol the St. LouiH Agricultural and Mechanical Aso- nation, for being tho HEST FOL'ii DORSU TIlREsilK AND CLKAXKK exhibition. It having threshed aud cleaned more Uheat, In a better style, in a given time, than any other four horse Machine on the ground.. . Oar Lever Cabin Horse Power wh- awarded at the same tair the Grand Gold Medal of Honor Vve are this season prepared loi ariu-h inese macnines with several late improvements, and weguarrantee the workniamhip and material shall not be excelled by any other m ade. W e sell them with lover or endless chain horse power, as preferred. Orders tilled promptly. J. II. 31 ASSY'S PATE N X C O M B INED HOWES AND EEAPER. : " MADE BY ; Kingslands c Ferguson, ST. LOUIS, MO.: VTE are this season prepared to furnish this widely known and jtstly p-jpnlar Manhine with all the new and valuable imprv mewts- au4. made in a style certain to place it in advance of all others. It pant success, buth as a Rcaier and Mower, warrant us in recommending it to purchasers as a machine that will give perfect satisfaction in every particular. Our facilities for manufacturing will enable us to fl'l all orders promptly, but would be pleased to receive order, so that we may fill them on the day they are wanted. ' . t3"r(Jcrs respectfully solicited. ' K1NGSI. NUS& rEPGUSnN", Cor. 2d and Cherry Sis. St. Louis, .Vo. 79 no47-tf That Remedy, SO EC.Vfi SOt GUT, This remedy, claimed by thij medical proiessioa and the multiplied thousands that have osed it and tested its wonderful curative properties, to be the greatest discovery in medical science, ar.d nature's own remedy, is tho result of yearaof to;l and study, by one of Ohio's favorite physicians, in order to produce somethini: that would meet the wtehcsof suffering humanity, atid thou sands from the princely palace and bumbiest cottage can testify tothe immediate relie found by its use. For want of space we oniy t-ffer a few of the many evi deuces in its favor. . ' . ' JIOLirE, 1L., Feb. 19, 11357. lIESSns. S. K. MAXii te CO H e nud your Ague balsam superior to any remedy iu ocr market for the permanent cure of all maiarioas di&eases. Vecheer fully recommend it as worthy that gieat came it has wherever sola and uted. Very Truly Tours, EICIIARDS & TIIOXAS To the suCerers from Chills, Keverand Ague, I cheer fully submit the following: Having observed closely the effects of Dr. Mann's Ague Balsam in this vicinity for the past three years, 1 am well pleased with its re medial virtues a an antidote to- malaria, l have f re- ocentlr used it in my practice, and with entire satu faction. From my intimateknowledgeof this compound I recommend it as safe, promt and enicient. K. R. UAUKEUOlf, JI D. Gallon, Ohio, April 1st, 1833. Bluftom. Ind., May 17, 1S53. MESSES. S. K MANX it CO. -Having sold your Bal sam for the past three years to scares of persons in tnU vicinity, and closely observing its effects, we do not hesitate in saying.jvc believe it the best remedy ever sold in Indiana, and will effectually cure chills fever and will effectually cure chills, fever and ague without fail. Truly Tours, P1I1LL1MAX &. KEAHXS, Drafts. LOGANSPORT, Ind., Sep. 13.1556. ER.MAXX Please send me one half gross more of your Aue Ualsam immediately. It 1 in great demand. and may he truly styled the King of Fever aitrt Auue. J. LYTLK. ST. I.OCIS, March 1st. 1S8. MESSRS. S t MANX & CO We have sold a large amount of your Ague Balsam the past three years, and find that where Introduced and sold it has n euual in the history of asic remedies, and from all parts of the west we hear the satrl cheering news it never fails i to cure its paMent aua is looked upon in this country as the best medicicine for cluits, lever and agus ever in our market. O. J. V'OOD&CU. S. K. MANN & CO.,, Proprietors, Gal lon Ohio. Sold by J. II. MAUN & Co. no37 " Brownville, N. T. NEW ABRIVAL OP Two Hundred The Ivlissouri Republican Published Daily," Tri-Weeily Weekly ' By CEOECE KSarP, ) . pasciiall, ; Proprietors. JBHN KXAPP, V 1 Uo. 11, Chestnut Street, St. Ixiuis, Mo. Terms of the Republican. Daily, (in advance) ' $10 CO Tri-week!y, ( n advance) . 6 wl Weekly, (m advance) ' 2 Ci "Weekly, not paid ia advance, iavariai: ' : 3 CO Sunday Republican " t To clubs of five Dailies iu W To clubs of six Tri-Week!ie 25 W To c:uls of fourteen Week lie 14 H) 3rWauis, It aud Fouul. Boardlsg, for Rent, ai d Removal, will be charged uriy cents per square ol eiKt lines or less, for firt inse' tioa. and tmeuiy-ate cents for each additional oue without alteration. OXE SQUARE, eiht lines or less $ three times on first cr fourth pace 1 " one week " . . " . " two weeks ' three weeks ' one mouth " two months " " three months ' " six mouths " " twelve months ' 3A1 1 advertisements required t be ke; t on secor. 1 pat:e. charged as new each day, and on third page an ad vance over stated rates. " Jrj-Advertisenienfs required to he displayed, or set in laK type, charged double rates. 5rj-Traaieni advertisement mnet be pail for in ad vance. FL0URI1IG MILL! it 8 no 12 00 Brownviile Steam icrry! ifr'T BEST CKOSSLMi OS THE ki is sou u i aivjtiii. The ltoute. fiom Uvo auvHj.o lo i ,. '.earxiej. O r! . 1 Ii-nm LliSIiVO . ..... . . VMW nLircst iiitl most piactictbic. TFIE undersigned laving leased the Steam Flour and Corn Mills lately erected on the Missouri Kiv:r at Nemaha City, are now prepared to grind WHEAT OR CORN 1777 DISPATCH Having one cf Clark's Celebrated Flonring 31111s, Manufactured at Philadelphia, we can manufac ture 100 ("neks of Superfine- Flour aud grind 600 bushels of Oorn daily. Our building for storing and shipping grain or produce is unsurpassed on the River. uE3 0 3H3 S IlrowuvIIlc, Scbiaska. A NNOUNCES Ui the public that he has just re- ii. ceived, per Steamer Kyland, a very large and well assorted stock of Parlor and Cook Stoves, of new and improved follows: vick'3 Pattern, Plymouth Hock, Elevated. Oven, Ifew Ef , olden Era. and every vai isty o -Parlor and Office Stores. Also, - Japaned VFarc, Brass Metllcs, laaiitlierim, Copper Wai e.Jsli o vels and Tonjrs. All of which I pledge mysell to sell at a? fair rates and on as accommodating terms as any otner estab lishment in this region ol country. I have also now on hand uvery requisite variety of Tin, Copper and ishcet I ron ware, and am prepared to put tin gutterinand spouting and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmxnlike manner, which 1 warrant to give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to ho undersold in the upper countrv. Brownville September 2, 1SC3. ulO-ly PRINCE & CO.'S IMPROVED MEL0DE0NS, .Y5 ITII IJiriDEl) SVEIala The Scut-Toned llfed Ltxtrttment in the tcoriJ. List of Prices: Pour Octave Jtrlodecn Four-aud-hair ctave Melodeon -Five Octave Ale lodeon Five Octave le!len Fiano Case, Fonr ftops FivectaveMelodCoU l i b'e reed, prtahlecase Six Octave ileiodeon, Pisno Cae Five Octave XeUideuu, Piano Ca?e. double reed Five Octave Xelodeon. Double tanks, fwir stops 200 OC The Orcan Melodeon. ftveets Reeds, two Banks Keys and Pedal Ra - - 350 00 First Pi emiuru awarded wherever exhibited. Illus trated price circulars sent by mail. Orders hTerarjtly i'lilen xsj GEO. A PRINCE &. CO.. Buffalo. X. T. GEO. A.PniXCE&CO.. IlOLakest-.Chicflo.tM. GEO. A. PR1XCE & CO., S7 Fulton st. X.y. City. July "th. ltu9. 15 CO 60 00 75 00 iTOC 00 130 00 150 00 Douglass Sugar. JIHls. Douglass Brothers have made arrangements for man ufacturing to an uuliuiited extent their Sorghoor Far mers' Portab.e Sucar Mills, wilt bo prepared to supply the demand however large'and wiii a!s ) prepared to P.ll all orders for Douglass and Cooper's Porta'lefur. nace cd Sugar Evajijrator. our Mills took tho first Premium (a Silver thel'niteil states AgTicultural Pair at Sandusky, conten ding with the MilHt of Hedt-es, Free&. Co. of Cincinnati and II. X. Cox. of riamiitoa county. Ohio, also the first Premium at the Xorthwestcrn Virginia Agricultural Fair held at Wheeling, Ya., aud at numerous county Fairs in OUi.- PltlCES $W. $93. $100. ?)125 and upwards. Priceof Furcaws and Evaimrators, f 00 to $100. Circe lars and Pamphlets furnished ou application. All orders addressed to the undersi ? neI will be prompt ly attended U. DOCGLAS BROTHERS. Zanesville. Ohio. - HUGH TU0XA5 DOUGLAS, General Agent, BE1TER THAN GOLD. To Drnggists and Physicians. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to convey an nIecua :e idea of the immense good now being dona by Dr. Smith.' "Electric Vu"ni 1'biIadclpLia. 1 is important to rlace it in the hands of oil turd teal men ?.s sion as mav be, to save pain and suffering, in all cases ol accideut Ac. Nothing has ever done what this arti cle is doing tn same time. Files 3Icre Wonderful Cures Electrical Oil. Phtlapelfcia, June 6, 135S. Dr. Smith : I was suffering intensely from Intern al Piles : was sriven up by tw physicians. 1 was ad vised to trv Dr. Smith's Electric Oil, by injections. Tho first application relieved tho pain, and alter four applies- ions I was relieved the pain, and after four applications! was entirely cured. Yours, gratefully Mks. Makv CmmcK. 271 J uniper St., two doers above South. fFrom the N. V. times, 13.1 TnE Rrsil. Yesterday more than twenty Indies visited Dr. Galutia D.Smiih,at the Trot' House ome coming five to ten miles, suffering from Asthma. Nervous Pains, KhcuniHtieiu and general derange ments. Ihe "tleetnc Oil" is already luaiule-'tin': tranquilizing and curative powers upon tho alHictd of Iroy and vi linty. tail early. Will It Stkike Is? Yes, a pimple, an incipient gathering which loratimo appears ou tuo t urla je and by a tnaing change in the absorbents is taken on and carried out thougu the circuiaiion "stt t ve in." Justsodoes this (genuine) Oil act on the alor Offif of the human being. J3T1T iMILD,itdocs NO HARM It CAN DO NO Greatest Cure In The World! For Toothache or any other Pain, DR. SMITH, of Philadelphia will forfeit S1C0 if the Kk-ctrio Oil fails to cure a single case of Kheu- matism. or pains in thw back or limbs. Piles, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Soro Nipple, Swelled Glands, Ptlou?, stiffnes in the Joints or eek. Dr. Smith's L'kctric Oil eur s Rheumati.-m. Smith's Lloctric Oil a cure tor Pain. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Toothache. Smith' KlectricOil a cure for Deafness.' Smith's Kleutriu Oil a cure for Neuralgia Smith's Klectriii Oil a cure for Swelling. Smith's r.lcctrie Oil a cure ior stiff Joints. Smith's KlectricOil a cure fur Felons. Smith's Electric Oil a cure for Urokeii Breast. Smith'jj Electric Oil a cure for Soro Throat. Smith's Electt ie Oil a cure for liurns. Smith's Eleofric Oil a cure for Paralysis. ' It is soothing aud pleasant ; it gives mure perma nent as well as instant relief than anything ever b -fore used, and its sedative inllucm-e over u-.tvous pnin is highly appreciated by modica) nuu. many of whom have uvu it. Kcad this lroin Or. Likiutou. a physician who has practictd sinue 1S38 (too well known for comment): At intervals during thirty years past, my wife ha3 been suMevt to rheumatism .f the most iolcut cast say fourtitnes a year soinetim -a so severe as to make it necessary to administer l.ityrc doses of the tincture of guiacuman l mcrp'iia.aLd rock her like on infant in a large rocking chair, to induce any re pose. H.iviiig fr-'quent correspondence wi:li iny sou H02 Chesiitit stroetof yturcity) ( iulorm.d liim . an attack she had about the middle of List n. nth. (January), which was of fuch severity as to coiu- pletely pamlvze the svs etn. lie, in his anxo-ty lor his mother's welfare, seui uioahottleot' your E etr.c Oil, but as I am one of tliw pnwtiontrs of m.-dieiue in our pl-.icc.and not a proselyte to any kind of patent me Heine. I d d hesitate to give ita trial: hweer. on reQoctioti, I coiulud'd t try it which I did. and after the third ami fourth application she becutti" rather passive, aiid bt U re one-third of the -bottle w is Wit-a not a rc-stag? vf ti:e disease remained, and she s'i!! contiunes well. though she n-de out adi -tan e of fourteen in K-s without a renewal of any of the s itiptr ms. I thero'ore felt it my duty, for the sake uuj;it:g humanity, to forward this testimonial. I m v'urs truiy, JOSEPH" P. ELK1NT0N, M.D. Wo will provide the public with a Free Ferry at all times.- - , , -. . , - , . ' ;- - LR0WNLEE A TIDWEIX.. August 11th, '59. n5-3m Spear's Patent Com Iluskcr. A machine capable of Husking as much Corn iu a day as ten hand.-! S,eare's Pi tent Corn Ilusker wa introduced to the uoticeof Eastern agiiculturisis, in Jauuay U.-t, and the immeiJtate recugnition of its great merits, -and he apt roba.ivn it has met with fruiu the fai miug commu nity i tuiiy teied by the tact Uui siuce i a iutrodui tioii to the notice ot Uie agricultural pub.u in the east ana sou-ii, ( .uly six mouths silt ) 2oo0 huskers nave been sold. . The machine is now upon exhibition at our tClce n St Loi is aud we respectfully invite the l.irnier an i agicuUurists of thi- aii'i the Counties and States to call and satioiv theme.ves by pe.soiu. nt ) c tinii of the machine or the simlici.y of its coiisiiuc liuli. the ea.-y and pei feet mil. her in which t performs itswoik, and the immense saving ol time ana labr it etlects. ' - Dealers aud accntshave now a chance of niure ample rftiiiuneratioii, by purchasing this machine thau will agaiu occur tor yca.-s in this" section ot the West; Let themai once cviiiitninicate with lit and tl.iy i . 1 S. d our ie ms (o bo the most liberal kiid encom aing. Vie alsootrer for sale county rictus at a very low liu.e aiid up n e isy terms. Tiie Ha.-ker wni be on exhibition at the next Siate Fair in St Louis, aud we wis I guarantee to the piircL- a.-er the t'ol thatiis performanco niMs'ive them eioire saiisr.iciiou, otherwise the purchase mt.Dey wilt to le-loinK-d. I'.ice twelve d.dlars each. LUAGU it BURP.0 S, St. Louis, ilo. JOHN CODINGTON & CO. . ANNOUNCE to the T ravtlitg Public liatthey a re now runo ir,' as a Ferry r..s.- tite Missouri nver at An enlist! i neio. sui.ila.Uial ar.d commodious STEAM PEEK.Y BOAT, Wh;ca tir'-angement will secure a ortaiu una safe pvssa-ca at, all times and in all kinda of weather. The ProprieU rs do not assert boasting! j, or for 'be purpose of g'iniiig custom merely, but ara governed by facts, when thty say this u the best crossing of theMissiun River in Nebraska, aud when they say the route from Drownville to Fort Kearney and from thence to California is tha nearest for evidencethey refer the reader to the loapol the Country; and are warranted in saying it is tho moet practicable route by personal experience,as well as that of hundreds of others who rare traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route bold out peculiarly favorable imiuceoients. t jtrs'ins goingto California, and solicit theii pa: r.age. Not withstandiag our superior arracgemeut lor a safo and pocdy crossing, our barges are tlio -arneas ther Ferries in Nebraska, ail being regulated oy Legisla tive enactment. . .. SJfRewooect that with ourfacilitics of Power, no kinds of weather -will prevent our Coats from making regular trips at all hour. jA skiff and hand will be in readiness tocross foot passergers at all timc3 of night. t20 ovember llth,1657. . NEBRASKA (ITY " Capital Stock i)50,0uo. NEBRASKA C1TT. X. T. V. iVIM'.' A - w IT It(trt'. J '"""J. A Hit-... , - T . . . L.H A' UUM- t ... , .. " ucmj sun iiijrj iii tic la. ceirid fi ui r i glaJ. Irtlai 1, .i t. -.-.. . uiiur.i i Li3ai:;joii ju ci.rj Irt(,f (Jja HIiJ dirottd to T,lit:cj. 1. fi rm ii- :. . . , '-I r.K.v,. fr' I Ury, 4c. Ac. ' . , -sfci. T2ic ".'tew! frcm Il0rue-, W ill be r. rwrd-d poa-'ae tree upyU te . labscnpiit.u, til : . . t -pt jf $- for ow) )car; Iter six cuntha Si. tuite m'-nth. ' r Fostuustcra atd newpapers oT;?rrt) to ait as agent.-, A liUr.! allonauto ms,i. "-''r,'l rp clubs. , TOWNDIiOW I ':,i.' NEW YORK TILEs" Bally 3IornIns ana lie" KEViSlMPII. "r Indq.ev.daU in FUitics. Its columns afford a cm pi eta ri-u-r ties gottir Addresa ryiniS Companymder a liberal charter, is now L fully organized, and theirentirecapitai stock cf rifty Tit oumiHd Dollars: paid in atidsecured. lliey are prepared, from thisilate, to grant open policies and take risks, upon- equal terms, with the most arored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, its patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of the company. , The operations of the Company, will be confined forthe present, to SfARtXK, or caiigo risks, with a maximum liability of ? 1 2,500 on any one bottom. Doing theonly Insurance Office, on theabore pop ular plan, West of the .Missouri, it confidently ex pects a generous nupport Iroin W esterti .Merchants We respectfully invite the Missouri Rivei pu- ronage. directoks: S.F.Nuckolls, . Chas. F.noliy, H. P. Rennet, J. L. Armstrong; W. N. Hinchman, ' Miles W. Urown, A. A. Bradford. ovficeks: CnAS.F.IIOLLY, President. J.GAK!EE,Scc'y. St. Louis Agent Col. W. P. Howard. April 2.1. IfAS. 4'Jl- TESTIMONIALS. J. hn A. Clark, one t f the Kditors of the Kvouaig Dispatch, Augusta, Geoigia, wriies as follows : N'EW TOBK June 17 1859. Messrs N. T. Spears 4" Ct Sirs Ait r bavmg at- ten'.iveiy watch .i the operation ol your Corn uusker ii is a privilege to bear tesiiuiony to the great meiit it the iuvcmiuii. Vou havecluiiued for it nothing whi.-h it has not iu my presence proved itt-eif tvpabe. Our fa' ners will apieciate your labors, aud it is not uceil ed thai 1 shouid wi?h you a succesa is already iu your grasp Respectfully, &x., JOHN A. CLARK. F.bizabeth Town, N. J., Jan 22 lS;r. Messrs X. T. Spears 4 Co Kims Vour C rn Iluiker was received this un-ming. 1 stanetliU imme diately wiib uiy horses aud wg.ii to try my hand at shelling. 1 traveled only a few miles, as every fai mer wished to see the Hunker work. I got back about eight o'clock, makiuga circuit of about four miles 1 sold iei.. That will do for hnira day's wotk. Icanscll&CU. Tour fortune u made. Yours, respectfully. WiLLIAif X1LKS. , It has also received strong expressions ot O'turjcnda- tion from lloti. C.S Flint Secietary of the llas -achu- setts Board of Agi icuiture, lion. J. V C. Smith ex- May r ot Bslou Hoilis Bowman, of Bangor. Ate lloo. Jainei Alii n, of Massachusetts, 11-m ilaisbail P Wilder of Massachusetts, Prof. Mapes. of New Tork, and nu merous others. Iu addition to the above, wc have certificates from a large number of distinguished men who are interested in 4iur as-' industiy. whi' etulor.e the mciusof this machine in the strougest terms. Among ihctu, the Hon. Henry W. Benchley, of Mass., who guys : 1 have hail repeated opportunities f witnessing the practical oi-eratioii of Mr. Spear's Corn liiisker, anl have tested it thoroughly, aud uuhcsitaiiugiy pronoiinie it beyond cumparisoii the best, il not the only practical without injury to the corn, and with astoiii-hir.g rapid ity. Its simplicity of Construction, rapid and ett1;ient working and low price, will, ia my judgments command for It an un.imited sale. The undersigned have the pleasure of Informing the farming coinmuni'y that they have this day. Augus. 2i), IS69, purchased from the patentee the right ot man. utiiCturlim and selling "Spear's Corn Ilusker." aud ato prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch Farmers and all others ititcresiec, dfsiiiu furlhtr information will please write tor circular. All orders and letters shon Id I e addressed to . BKAliG &. BrUlt . YVES SL Louis, Vo. OfSce, corner of Third and Market streets, no Ivl b f. LrsiiBAron. jr. L. carso LU3HBAUGH & CARSON. BANKERS AXD GENERAL LAXD AGEXTS Dealers ia Cin. Cncurrent M inev. Fxehmreat'd Land 'vrjrrants, BHOWNVI LLfc XKM AH A CO. . N. T. Rspecial aaeuti. n will le given to Bnyinir and Sellins Kxch.oie. n the priucipai wifo.i tlie I'tu-ed Slates Gold. Silver, and uncunent l'..nk Note. A c nstnnt sup ply of Land YA'arrautson liMiid fur s ile for cash or en teied on time for Pi e-emptors Ail W inanis soM by ns gu irantced in eve.y re. pecf. riil fl'e DH;l.iratoryS a:e ments of inrentiuii to p. e'-'mpf . and pi .p ire Ire-mprit.i: Papers at short n-iticc. Money loaned up--n test secui i tics at western r.tte-i of interest and Investment- m de in Liu.; r ri;y pn.periy fur distant c ipita.i.-.;s. C-A c -tions upon all convenient p inis will be pioio.)tiy attend ed loand pneet remitted in exchutige. atenrrent ra'e. Hills of Kxchatige on Knulafit l. eiaiid aud FiiUicc b tained at Usual rates, wllh c.-t vf Kxcbane " the Ea-t added. Peposits reci ived .n Cur. eat account and iu teres ilowNi.n special deposits OFFICE Main St.. near V. S Land Offlce. ntFERENCES Lind Brother t C., .viert-liants, McNaugh'on Carson &. Co., " 11 ier & White. - Tour.K Carson St Bryant. " Jno. Thompson .Mason Col'rof Port, E. M. Punderson &C. Alcvrchanta, M. At. Yeai; & Co. Xo. 17 Broadway, Win. T. Sinith.-on Emj., Biaker, J. T. S even, ksq , Att'y t Law. Jno. S. tlall.iher. Lnt-3Mul. V. 3. T T.iylor & K.: iouh, Bankers, JlcCIelland S.Yiiggs&.Co. Merchants, Hon. Tho. G. Pratt. Hon. J. W. Ueary. Ex-Got. Kansas, lion. Jas. O. Carson. P. B. Small Esq.. Pies't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley Att'yat Law, Charles Parsons & Co. Bankers, H. C. Nuitit Co. " Greene Weare it Bice, ' PuUktlass &. Watson, " Col. 3. "ci liambletou, Att'y at Law, Judge Tbf s. Perry, Prof. n. Tntwiler, , Oct. 8. '57-v2-nl5-tf W ..r!.t' iliLin.ri ti-.Lm il . . ... . . - , potiduce, Kept-rj. Lttensry cuuti'ovtiou,' ', , ." g.-ge public stttnfiot!. C-zf I'rice ly mail, Six DcIIa.-j a jn.u. The SeiaMYctlil)' Times . U issued on the morning of ertry Tue$i,6l(j day, aud coutaini, ia ai lid a to taa lu.' kr' ; ligence given ia the Dail Paper, A Literary. Department, Embracing Standard Novels and Talcs a J Jj- nevus Selections of the highest interest. ' The Agricultural Department Ij compiled from a rariety of sources, n.aay oftii, iaaoccfrsibio to the Aaiericaa rter. Trie Three Dollars a jcar: Two Cn. ;,. . Addresa, Five Dollars; Fire Ccple to ot a AJi 511.3; Tea copies to ose AJJress, 2). ' The WccJilj Times. Appearing every Saturday laorniiij.taihtn injjae,-. prcbensive digest of the news of the pru-eidii!. ,e,.k with attractive Literary features, and o hir tb-.trt reading. It a.'sw coutiuue t. furuiji iu tiiu. ble iuformatiou K r the Farmer ana Garden cr. A department which has becoms 'tlWar Prree $2 a year: three cnwii.J,' dross, Fire dollars; five copies to one myu, j; it dollars ten colics to one address. tia d, lul. twenty copies toone addnsstor twenty d.ilUrj. person sending us acfub of twenty or Kore wiU ji entitled to an extra cojy. For all our i Jcs ca-ia must invariably be paU ,a' advanco. . . ' .... Specimen numbers f irwarded upon ap ficatioa. All letters to b addressed to tho -New YLrtTiaifj New York Citj. "' Dollar Weekly Enquirer,' l!K T AND CHEAPEST FAMILY AClYSIMPEi: I. THE DetcUd tojuu. Politics, Literature,'.! g. ricullure, .Monetary and Centner- rial Ihteiiig'-.nre. . . A' COMtlMNfl l KAt.'I M 34S :a Tljirtj-Six Colnnjns cf Kcadlrz! TECMS OF OQrirER. $1 13 up ot esekj'.ik Philadelphia. Pa Baltinsore, M l. Xew Fork. Wa.-h:ligtou,B.C Chicago. IU. St. Ims Mo. AniiHjoils Md. Pen Mercersburg, Pa IiagorsUjwii, Md it 4 Keoknk Iwa. Council Biufl " lrH,M,ii;e, Viuttti, " K-istoii Md. Cuniber'aod Mi II a vain Alabama J. J. H. CHILDS. c CO. tlTl til. Tcrucn, Olia. Believe and Avoid I'ain. Pain iitho ppnaltv forrblated law. veLin Otxl's Providcnrr 'pfiin is a fricn llyvdmonition instf-ad of &v;iidirtire cruelty. Were there no pain f otn a burn wo would bo k.iL.e U lose ocr limbs and not know it, die and not cognixnitof our situation. Thank Cod frr pain if m.t well, that you mar dis cover a remedy tosrtt SPEEDY RELIEF, ad be ctrcful in the future. Faetsarrstuhhorn. and if you have a limb swohen frm GOUT. INFLAMATOIiY KHEUMATISM. a HAD SPRAIN, aLUUN.a lonz growing and PAINFUL AlCESS, you wtiulisiwu know it if relieved, without the aid of im.igication. tfThff public are rc-ftifeipiliy ctiutioncd to be ware cf SPUMOUS OIL. ami to uotiee the name of "A K. SMITH." and "CALUTIA L SMITH, on the label. "A. E. SMITH" is also blown ia the g!a of 3 siies. The largest bottles may bo bad at $5 for six bottles. ry""Larg.T bottles are ten times the cheapest. Western Depot and Mai.ufactory at the Ware house cf VAN LEAR, HRITTAINX HARDY. Wholesale Druj-ist and Chemists, St. Joseph, Mo. To whom all crder must be addressed. n-13-tf WHITINGS & V.'AKEEN, -Wlililr A tat j, Nebraska CJf. THE undersigned desiring to start about thelOiliof Septumberfor Texas, wliisell either for c.ish in hand c-r upon a short time to good men : One Dwelling House in the City of B.'ownville with Two Lots enclosed, a good gtrden and outhouses upon the pi cmiscs. T-o C.iod Vacant L ts In Browiivillc sitnatedncar the levee and convenient for bn;ineas purposes. -! 120 Acres of land in Nemaha county near the Missouri river; well timbered ami watered. One halt of an Original Stare (equal to 60 lots) in the Town ot Aspinwa'.l. Xine Lotsin -'McLennan's addition" to Nebraska City, near Nebraska City wharf. The undersigned finds the fiscal department cf his affairs in a very embarrassing condition. It the who are indebted to him will please to come forward and py their little note and accounts, he will take it a a rrest kindness upon their part, and will bo happy to present each of them wih a sli-ht token of his hinh reeard in the form cf a small receipt, neatly written, with, Li autograph appended toercto. V. L. McCAPT. !fiy 19 ' 7-i4)' "COMBINATION. PATEiNT.- L'Infft2IIT STIM32 SAY1 3III.L. This mill cjium nuls toe universnl udmir.i'i n of saw mill men eve. ywhere. A its me: its bee. me km wn ihe demand tor it inci esve Orders are o.ming ttx ui evbri -"ecti-Ji ol this ouutiy. Cauatia Cuhl and i nth A uteri- ca. u is sui .cu ior cveij secjoo oi iae w..r.i wiieiever thee is timber to be sawed no matter I what character how had ht-w large or li-w -mali. Two ex'cu-ive ma nufactories are now engaged in buiMic the.-e rnltls vet it is aliiiupt imrxissible to turn ilu-m out a.- f i.-t as they are wanted. They embrace veial valuable patents and improvements and coml.iue all of the fioluwine ad- Simp'City ll-'Mi the mill and pnwe' are so simple in thei- .ns'.riic.lou lhat any opa of ordinary al.i.i-y can comirrl.'eid tlicni put them up and ruu them wi ll- 'tt d infer or diffl I'ity. Portability TUe estab'iihiient can be very ii:L-k':y t .ten apart and pnT toge har thu renderit:g ii eay to be moved frm place to place asde.- i'Cd. and sav ing the nece-siiy of drawing the lgs a long di. tance tf Durability -It is const nwicd in the most solid and substantial manner, runs perfectly still Is not li ib'e to get rut of order, and will la.t for years wi:hut repair. Rapidity It will saw faster th in any other uprichl uprifht mm. nie speeu or the saw is ats.r.t three hun strokes per minute and the feed frm on?-ci.2b-k li three-quarters of au inch per stroke. Thus, at a mcdicn speed the s.w will cut through a log twenfy-fonr feet l,.ng in abojt three minutes. From tfcis data anyone knowintf-.the character of the timber cu calculate how much i! will do. EJ' It does its work well, cnts smooiber and strun-'htcr than the ordinary mills, and thearranyement of the s?w ia such as to reader it utterly impossible for it t' run out of lire. Chcapnets The entire lost of the milt, wirh fifteen hors power and everything all complete and rea?y for running, b -xed and ready for shipment lo St. Louis, is only $1 750. This mill requires less power to drive than anyo'her mill, and thepower furni.-bel is aufSuent to drive extra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will be serf t. any one desiring it. All ordert should be addre'sed t BltACG jc BL'RKOWKS, Corner Tfiird and Market streets. St. Louis, Mo., sole agcuts for the Western and Southern States. 43-ly Important to Farmers. Me"'. Jauie Challen K Son, Publiaber Philadel phia, will eud any Agricultural Work published lu Amciica, postpaid, o:i receipt cf the retail price. vlnl Iaaivton BlacJiberry. To obtain ti.o original variety for gxrdcu or field cul ture, or circular wita directions, address. ATM LA WTO X, lnl - Vav toctuile. X T B. JS.SMMiS. J, B. JENNINGS EXt li:mveey Vholesale Grocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Cor. '2nd and Frances sts, St. Joseph JIo. HAVE just recievedl.y late arrival, at much be low the regular r;ites of freight, a heavy ol Groceries. hich having been purchased at extreme y low prices, will be sold unusuallr cheap for cash U c rt'sjctf ully icrile buyers to an examination of our stirf-k. 60 hbds new crop Sugar, fair to prime, at reduced pIKTS lOOOsa.jks G A and Kana-a salt 501 bis superfine, extra and extra fine Flour 600 sacks " " " 20 tierces new Rice 400 hf and tjrboxea Star Candles lot) boxes family Soap 500 boxes Iiio Coffee, goid fair to prima tt i , ... oo nis crusneu ana txwaerea ru ';ir 200 bl? and hf bis butter, ada, sugar and wiiie CrncKcrs 400 kegs assorted Nails , 150 coils mannilla rojie, frcm to ljj inches 75 boxes pearl Starch 50 boxes 8X10 aud 10Xl?GIass 500dozSXl0and I2and 12X14 window sash 100 sacks new dried Apples 100 boxes imperial. gunpowder, young byson and black Tea 150 boxes aj'nrted and fancy Candy 50 bxt' sugar Toys and uin drops 100 whole and hf drum Figs 50 boxes layer Raisen.i 200 lxixes Glasgow and Virginia Tobacco 00,000 S ?gars. rarinu - bra mis 150 IxiXt-s. ind 25 bis Smoking To acco 6l)0dogcu Field's eelebnited Oysters 1 AO boxes W U. P F nd E D Cheeso Wooden waro in every variety: Cotton batting. C-'ndle wick, wrapping yum, hemp twiuo, white Est I otomae herring, fresh Goshen butt-r. cranberries, range ,frc?h and pre.errd fruits. jel!i-s, picklwa lolrsfcr. pepper sauce, tat.ii. jaippcr. aM-fdce. gin ger, currants, prunes, vermaciili. m icaroui, nuts of ll kimls. t; etc. -J3?Hide!i. pelf rie. beeswax nnd all otb-rhi;-'" of pri Jucc take n in exchange for good- by J. D. JiiNMXGS & &.. Jany 20 lS530yly GEUTS DEESS GOODS. JACOD MARnOX, MERCHANT TAILOR, UKO WI.'VlIiL.D, JZTHSUA.tK.. Re-pectfuKyaMU'iince to th gt-ntlemeu of B-own- vi 1 le ai.d v iciniiy tmI he has ji;sr re"eive! fruin tie East a large tjk of very npeiior icvA and latest style. Cloths, Ve stings, &c., Which be wili m.inuf.:ci ure on ve y favorable termh. lie flatters him-rlf that he nnde--tiir,ds hi huiness thoroiichly and all work warranted coming from hi es tablishment, andchareesas low us any other comnctitor in thia place or the Wwt. A Aeat Tit ti a ran f eeI. ts owffiio? m II. G. S. KXEPFER, Informs the public tint be iunw ; repnml with all the necessary appur:i:us such as heavy iron jaok i-crtwsfor tnoviug, rais;ngor I.itiering building .f every description, without injury to Ihe plasterin. His faeilifiea arc sue. in this, lir.c that, bo cannot fail to satisfaction. Sing' copy ... Ten coiiiea Tarcr.ty copici An additional copy fr the getter 1 ten sub-cn bt-rs. Subscrit tioii. iiiall case p.-.ynl!-! in n paper will bi-toiitinucd afur the limn paid U. Sj'ecim-n copies scut rjti. Address, FARANd M.-ESAN, ""' Ciin inn.ifi. 0. ):) Defer WU ij , J an. j , - ry bark j 9 d iiidie- I IU tid. . V ctakip- Also Carpenter and Builder, In which bnsinc. ho trusts his experience and qualifications are such as to secure fc h:a a jjjC-aj patronagn. STIJEN GT11 L.L0' COBD I A L BLOOD PURIFIER!! rrn E e'treme ' dy ia the w..i it!. This co. u i I is di.-ni it d fn ni a acrty ku. : to uiyfccl, r. micxlly tvuibii'i- itb M.ijje f the m. valuable mcdica I ria," hetbsai.d 'ia k.- knowu to the u.iud ,t man. via i blotj n.t, bi'-k iwl wi;l cherrv I yellow dmk loins sarsaparii er flowers rb others, pr-atbcilig the most in fallible rt me:y fi r the riM tur;itti ii 1,1 tealt IT IS NATURE" S MliV UIWZL OH'X REMEDY, coiug diear by r.ataul law When liken its heaiinz itir.neticels fell rourinr thro-'th every vein of the tady, puriiymg and accelerstiur itt circulation of the bix!. It iieutrshxes ny tlii'ts matier iu the stomach, and streiiKthens the irh'u.'e ' nixation. McLean's Strenthm-vr; Cordial will tJfve.'vsVy rari Liver Complain 't Dyapejsia Jaundtct ( Lrunie or Xervou Debility Utsensesof the Kidneys, and all DUei.ies arising from'a DuvraereJ Liver or Stomach, nearthurn, ina-il piles, acidity or sitkaets of the gt..rt ach. rolliie.-sof b!o. d to the he.-d, dull pain i r s itumu in the head, palpitations or the heart, cto k nt or .fT . aiiuir feefings when laj ing d- n dryneso." 7el!i'tis of the skin and eyes, sudden flushes of beat, depre.s of spiiits Ac. There is no mistake alovt ii. This cordial will never fail to cure any c'tha sbon diease. if taken as per directum oo fti tvttla, ia German, Englmh and French. . . Over half a million of lctVe3 . ITave been sold durinu the past ix montLs md in instance has it fai!4 in giving entire ssfinfaciiorj Wi ihtnwill snfler f-om weakness r dtbiiltj Ltn Hi Lean's Strengthening Cordial will cure you? To the Ladies. Do you wish to be healthy aud strong? Then go it onte and get some of McLean's Cordial? It ill tre"l then and invigorate your blix d to flow tkri uab 1 vein and the rich rosy biimni of health to mount tyi'r checkagain, Erery bottle warranted to gne satuue- tion. For Children. We say t. parents, if your childreg are si. klv pnnr afflicted with c-niplainls prevalent among ttiildifn itiem a small quantity of McLean's Cord a I. !'' rapidly, becaasest alwBy cures. Delay a I a moaitnt. Every Country .Mere ha t ' , Should not leave th city until behad procirn" ' . ply of McLean's Strenst henine cordial. A ill''! disennt win be made to thos who bar to se. I sgit CA UTIOX Beware of drmritlst or dea:e-t B1,r try to palm upon you some Killer or far-a;iaril a traifl bich they can buy cheap by saying il is jii.-t as go"l av.mi such men. Ask for McLean'- Streugi jei-ic"'- dial and take iiothina else. It in the tiiilv renirUf tnl will purify the blood ihroBshout, mi at the iai strengiben thefystem One tt!( sjmxh.I al taken every mnminf is a f p ereniive fori-h-dera chil.. ihI fever ye f twt'i v any p evalen di'ease. Piice niy $1 per battle, or 6 botf !e. f-.r f.r. J 11 Mcl.KA. S-de proprietor oi i he c i;l Also McLcat.'s Volcanif i: l.i!im.i"it dPrincipai-P'ti ihe corner ,f Thl'd ai d ee' St l..,ni M,. .HeLcair Volrnnlc Cil Uninicnl. The test Liniment in the l ortd for nian o' t a-t AnoiUr liui aikaH. i'v.r Performed by Mi Lean's Volcauic Oil Limni' tt- rj"J ii for ymirseives Thomas P'nrd, a Mat k-miib living near Ciss- Tt-iith -treet had horail.le i um iup oe hi' JJC tried v-'i ,us LiiHon i.r Snn it hii:l.n d nog.H.d. lie desji.t.-i edi.r eer Lei;;(t ahie tc -i k trat.'e a?:iili brt'in- he -slol not bear miy fivbt i P ' foot; and ty ot.e U-ttiei I MoLeau's Voicau.c t.u bia; meiit be is nw pert ectiy cured. Kheuma:i.-m Mtiraltij. pjralv?! lrtl?f nr'i3f aiitTia in the j .int. r tuuctds swe :r g. "J throat. erache or t oihaol e c yic.d tu ttr iafic ' tluence -t this mie. iul iicimer.t - Kor hor.e ard cattle it i-t an infaWibl tenifl' fuf chafe scratches cracked heels lanietics spivm 6-f' la. brnise swelhnrs. woiin'ts. rattl mike bite' uther diseases which urnmals are lialleto fi'D Uiiciics or accident. Every country merchant shouhl obtain a "f P "c Le.i's Volcanic Oil Liniment. It sells r;:dij bf caw I it alwaysciircs. 1... ... . hrf a in eiai tti-coiint win te " to ei agjin. 5ZjF'T sale ly J II Mi-LEAN proprietor, ccJCf e' T.nrd and Pine stre t?, St Loci. Mo. ri.cnrKiis, rni'iT. &r. JOHN A KEXNiCOTT. at the Or-r .VcrsOT. "Mt Nor'brte;d, III.. harcaJy lor delivery: - B.r.&s, sptialiir Tulip, at tit low raip ef l&'i ami $20 per M for large 'wts: Strawberries of all the nu t approved Trirt:e. f r. ni Sito$4per.M for m.'; ifrwtn ts, like ': A. baity, hinder Rvercreens 20 t40cenr per Lt, . curditig to variety and form average 25 emu. Fruit Trees, iu gl rarie y. Appie t $3 to$i3rfJ 100 and the smaller the cua;er aud tetter for iiistai . customern. Small Fruits Currants. Iloneht Goo.efc'-yt J1 berries, Blackbernea, 6lc, muci, lower than ".'r berore. , v ' Ornamenta! Trfs. R.e and other II ar-h .trc.i. . . in arreat variety and abnn t.ince; n.l Iff tt" smi.i larre plants of 1'pricln II .neys.Kk ;e Lilac f,rr ' Leut2.a Sc..bra, Pr:m. &.c. r fr.m 4 ! $;0 P' 'B"" dred. Andthebeaotif"! Ditbytra Specab. tr choice perennial at t 60 to $.2 per ten aciwu m- n thins. all nesiratle at afc""1 '!',!, fnt- ,v.B. CU!cgrfs byn il on app.'icatir.D ; and rfry safely paccl for distant tracsrtation ; aud ksswj. rr'.t tSin ic:j at iht-: t cent.. 2e .a taaaS;r!e; it