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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1860)
HE ADVERTISER., TjO cal. 7.0WNVILLE. JAN. 12, 1SC0. TEItMS: i r r,e year, If paid tn advance, - $5.00 I , 44 at the end of 6 tnouths, i 60 . a ; . jt 3,00 abs of IS or wort will be riuulsbfd at $1,60 per m, provided ita cub accompanies the TUer, nut ; tri! j- Tn "Nebraska Advertiser having ;b the largest circulation of any paper ia Territory, Wholesale UerchanU in St. a, St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other Eaat- ; markets where Nebraska merchants pur ! s, will find no better advertising medium he Western country-CI - inks Clanks- ebaveon band, priatei la stiperlor style, and for I tLep for eh, a freh supply t irranty Deeda, Mortgage Deeds, ?rut Deed. Bond lor Deeds, Justice. Sheriff and Constable Blanks, Blank Preemption Papers, Township Plats. Bills Lading. Drafts, Notes, etc., etc.. etc. Llch we call the e peel si attention of ttio.eui ueed. friiiting of any and every description executed to r in style inferior Vi Dune, produced Id any part of cmntry. We except no Mae In tbe Wert, or elte era, and offer specimen of our wot a at evidence. New Practitioner. Charles G. Dorset, of Brownville, is, says the Nebraska City Vetr, on 'ednesday last, admitted to practice in e Courts of Nebraska. The committee ere highly pleased vith the result of s examination they found him well rsed in the pints. :ctnrcs In Broumlllc. The s co id of the course ur.s delivered j Rev. T. W. Tiptox last Thursday rening, Jan.5ih. It was humorous, and :ry interesting. The suljct he cl o se jrthe occasion was "Hun b ig." He il .istratcd K'sdipcourse by numerous quo :tions of Ir2try and Anecdotes. The third Lecture is delivered t iis Tliurwday) evening, by Dr. A. S. Hoi.- . ADA r. ' On next Thursday evening, January 19, Dr. W. Arnold lectures in this city. The Weather. For the past two cr three weeks we "::ad enjoyed mild and clear weather, and were perfectly struck with astonishment on reading in our exchanges that at Oma ha, about seventy miles north of this place, the thermometer on the 1st inst , stood at 20 degrees below zero, while here, on the same day, it was several degrees above. We were almost congrat ulating ourself and the people generally, that the "winter was "among the things that Avere," . when, during the night of Monday last, the atmosphere suddenly j changed from mild to cold, and from cold j to colder. The winds ran howling through j the streets, tried to squeeze through crev i es, and thumped on windows, which, on I t e morning of Tuesday were incrusted j with queer and . grotesque forms, lobe 3 1 kened to nothing that ever existed. Weird, angular and tesstlaied shapes ; they were crystalline eriilroidi r ; 5 aud pearly net-work as varied and i beautiful as the surfaces and phases of i the Laleidescopes. It teas winterish, to c me right down to a plain way of talk- mg. a Lout ten o clock', tne sky darken ed with frowning clouds, and when noon came, there began a very heavy fall of snow real, regular, feathery, flaky snow j which soon whitened the earth, the j trees, the tops of the houses, and every- l thing outside. Yesterday morning, while I jvodding through at least six inches uf ! snow down our way to the oflice, much to our discomfort, we were half reconciled j to our fate, in thinking of the great time , there was for the boys with their sleds, the enjoyment procured to the lovers I of rport, for a ride in a sleigh, and the j sound' of merriment and cheer of the ''tintinnabulation of the bells." With I the snow, the moderator of the weather ? intervened, and now the cold is quite i supportable. PaDlIc Documents. J The Editor, on his return from Omaha, will find on his desk a huge pile of large 4 books, nicely bound, sent him by Hon. Andrew Johsson, of the United States Senate. It measures three feet four inches in height, and number seventeen volumes, bu or them are the Congres sional Globe and Appendix for the years 1&57.1S5S and 165S-1SJ9; ten are en litled "Explorations and surveys tor a .Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to The Pacific Ocean," the leaves of which are frequently interspersed with beauti ful colored engravings representing trees, flowers, birds, fishes, quadrupeds, land scapes, etc., etc. The remaining volume is a "Renort on the United States and Mexican Boundary." We know Mr. Furnas will highly value these books. Therefore we cut short this notice, to let him have the pleasure of thanking the author of this handsome present. PucIIc Sale cf Lets In Ibc Tovrn or " GLEN" HQ CK-r ' " Whereas, the Towtfite cf G!ca Hotk bar been entered at the Land oCco at Drownviilo. I r the I rebate Judge of Nemaha Count j, Nebraska Ter ritory, trust for the benefit of lot there in, according to their several intern! and shares therein, and whereas, all lots cot co deedod ac cording to law Larc been forfeited to said town. Now, therefore, I, C.W. Wheeler, IViLate Judge of said county, by virtue cf said tnnt, will, on Saturday, the 21st day of Janunry, A. I). 1850, be tween th hour of 10 o'clock A'M, o'clotk 1' 11 proceed to tell for cah in Land, ail the lots included in the following Blocks. n-wit. 5, 9,19. 23,4.1,47, i7,Cl, 7, 71, 75, 79. 5,8tf, M, 99, 101, 107, 111,117, 1.18,48,81,113. Al.-o Lots 1, 2, 13 and It in B. t3. Lots 2.3, 4,5. 6, 7.8, , 10, II, 12 and 13 iaWock 33, lot 1 iu ii20,L:ii2S,L5iaH40, LUin U41, L S ia B i4, L 6 in 11 SI, LoU 1 and 1 1 ia It 11, loU 7, 3 and 9 in 11 14, Lot 1,2 and V, in li 62, LoU 1, 2 and 14 in H 70, Loti I, 2, 3,12. 13 and 11 in B 3, LoU B.feand 13 in 11 VI, and LoU laal 2 in B 1 13. Uir en under w.j Land January 5rb. 1S30. C. Y. WllLELLIt, fxobiie Jaip. Jan.5,lF.60.-3t$1 ' SHERIFFS. SALE. Theodore Hill ) r. t T. II. Ldward. J ia hereby given that by virtun of an exe catiou litutd from the Cco of the tHvrk cf the District Court for Ncmiha County, XcbrVa Terri tory, agninetT. II. Edward aLdin favor of Theodore llill, for the sum of three hundred and ninety dol lars and crenty-Cre centand ten d.illurs cost. I, J. B. We'la, SherilTof sail Jiemaba County, bare levied v(on,and will aellatpublio auct.on, lioiu the door of the house where the last term of the said court wabeld,at BrowtiTille in aail county, to the highest bidder for cash in Laud, as thj prop?rfy ci T. II. Edwards, to ant aaid execution, on Satur day tho aerenth day of January, a. P. 1SG0, at 2 o'clock 1. II., the following described real estate, to wit : the east half of lot eight and north-cant quar ter of lut nine in block one in the city uf Brownirillo as deaignated cn the orieinal plat. . . J. B. VELIS, ShcrifTof Nemaha County, T. BrownTjll-.Drc. 8th. 1859 n22-lt- $7.50 for fee. Better than Gold I Curpcutry Viatic JLasy. Tblrtr-eulit plates, two hundred Ci?un?. The ranat prcucl aud valuable book for (arutcm extaut. Tell bnvr to build lUms, aod IluuseJ, BriitKet, 3lC. &c. Trie $3; aniilc c-py $2 by tni, posipiiJbv JAMES CUALLKN t SOK. Pl.l!aJelpUia. Afeots wanted. vlnt Probate Notice. Wbereaa it ba Lecn made to appear that claims are cxistinjc asitinht tie eUte of Jolm ilvore, deceased, Utecf Neiutha Cuuoty, NcL-rark lemur.)-. Nutue is is hereby given thai I bare appointed S.itunt iy the Uth d ay of January, A. D. ISG0 a the dny for the licariug of aid claims, and ail persons bvin? claims nKinst the aid estate are hereby not in ed to flit tfce tame at my (jflioeon or before tbat day, or ttcy will be forever bar red Xroru recovering: och cUitrii and from setting off the same iu any action whatever. iivcn under my hand this Sth day of December A D 1359. CYRU3 W. WIIKfcl.LIt. Probste Ja(le. Ordered that tbe above be putllslied six aucceosive weeks iu the Ncbrahka Advertiser. Brownville, Dec. 8, 18i9 -e:$7 ' . Probate Xotice. X07ICE is lereby given to all persons interested tbat as it appe.iro tbat there are claims agiut the estate of Andrew J. Datr. late of Johnson county, Kebrirka Ter ritory.decpaeed, 1 bave appointed Mi.Udj, ihe bi b ly of March, 18C0, astheflnal day for b Pari n claim 4 against vai4 estate, rcrson haviiic claims against ajld estate are hereby notified to ftlethcm .at my offlco on or be fore the said dy, or they will forever be debarred col lection; and from teitlnt tff tie ttme in any actin whatever. C A tiOSTIKX; Actinz Judxe T Probate. Oidercd that tbe above notice be published fir twelve successive weeks iu tbf Nebraska Advertiser. G. A. GOS11EX, A.J. P. AnnAtiAM Max. Administrator. JuhiiKn County, November 15, v4n20-12tf$t3 1859. 1859. IIAXXIIML &. ST. JOSKl'lI IS. It. FALL AnRANUEMKNTS. Mornln; Train leave St. Joseph at - CcOO Kvcning Train leaves - C do - 6:40 St. Joseph is reached by the Wchtcrn Sla?e Line. Passengers savetiine and tiresome slagi.ig by thin route. Daily connections made at Hannibal fii'ii allJEuktern und Sonthern Railroads aud Packets. J T D Haywood, Sup't., Hannibal. D C Sawix, General Agent, St. Joe. P. 11 G hoat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'lal Tiieo. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brotvnville. Xovember 24, 1SS9. SHERIFFS SALE. Leknabp AdamsJLCo, vs.' E. M.McCumas, J NOTICE ia hereby given that by virtue of an ex ecution I5?uid troin the otlice ot the Clerk of tbe District Conrt for Nemaha County, Nebraska Ter ritory, ojahift E. M. McConiM and in favor of Ber nard, Adums Uii.. for the sum ct i.,3 dollan- and 6G cents: I, J. B. Wells. Mu-riir of said county. have levied uivn. and on Tuesday, tho 21.h day of January, A. I). 1SJ0, betweey , tho honrs of - tet. u clock - A. at. and four o clock, r. i., item Uiedooi of the houjo in which the last term of s.iid Couri was held at Brownville in faiJ county, will soli, m uuLlic sale. to the Lishest bidder, for tah in hand. as the proicrty of said E. M. Mt-Conia?, to satisfy said execution the following descri&ed Kcal-ctate. to-wit . lot 3 block 2t lot C 1-l.K.k 2'J lot 3 block 2:: lot 15 block 23 lot 5 block 27 l.t 16 block 28 kit 1 block 37 lot 2 block 3Q lots C and 8 block fifty lot 1 block70, all lyinjrand boingin Ncru:iha('.ty.Ncbras Wa Territory, as designated on tin original ol said town. situated in said county of Ncimiha. togeth er with all the improvement tlierounto belonging. J. U. LLI.iS, Sher ff of Nemaha Co., N. T. Brownville, Nov. 24, 1S59.-18 lt-$7,60 Congressional Globe. We are under oblicratieus to Hon. E. Xstabeook, the sitting Delegate in Con gress from this Territory, for the receipt of the Congressional Globe, and a pro mise to have it sent us regularly during the session. ro:withtandinsr we are in mid-winter. improvements are stui coins: on in Brownville. Several houses are in pro cess of erection. SHERIFF'S SALE. Finey Codington for tbe nsoof 1 S. F. Nuckolls and Codington Wm. W. Mills, "VVr. Benedict and K. W. Fmme. J , Notice U hereby riven that by rii-tua of an exocu tion isued from the oflice of tho Clerk of tho Dis trict Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, mninjt ni.W . Mills, and Wa.cs Benedict, and It W. Frame, and in favor of Fioey Codington for the use of S. F. Nuckolls and JoSni Codington, for the sum of one hundred and filly-two dollars and ninety cents, I, J. B. e'.lf, bhenaof aid county haro levied upon and wiil, on Saturday the four teenth diiv of January, 18o0, nt one o'clock 1 M. from the door of tho Court House in which the last tern of siil curt w.n lull, at Brown ville i j said county, will offer and sell at public Bale, lo the hiehest and be?t bidder for cash in hard, as the rojerty of William W. Will?, Wales Beuedict, and li. . frame, to satiiy saia execution the following descriocd real estate, (and one Hore Bower), to wit : Lois four (4 )in block one hu-idred and twclve(U2), lot seven (7 ) In blwk eight (8). lot eleven ( 11 ) in block one hundjid and fortvieren (147), and lot six 1 6)in blx:k eighty-six (SG), with an undivided third of the lot six (6 ) and undivid ed one-third of thehonso thereon, all in tho town of Bern, Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, as is evidenced by the recorded plat of said town in the Recorder' office of said county. J. B.WELLS, Sheriff of Nemaha County, N. T. Brown villo, Doc. 5th, n22-4t-$10 for fee. Masonic Notice. . The members of Nemaha Valley Lodge No. 4, A. F, &, A. M., are notified that the next Masonic meeting will take place at the Hall ia Brownville, on Saturday evening January 21st. And as some im portant business will necessirily be bro't before the body, it is desirable that all the members should be in attendance. T. W. Uepiosp, Sfc'y- SHERIFF SALE. NOTICE is hereby given that I, the undersigned, J. B. Wells, Mienff in and for tho toualy of Nema h, Nebraska Territory, will offer for sale, and sell at Lublic auction, at tho door of tho house in which ho last term of tho Nemaha couBty' District Conrt of tho 2d Judicial district N T was hud atthecity of Brownville in Netnaba county aforesaid, on the twenty-eighth day of January, A, I). 1860, atone o'clock, p.ji.of said dny, the following rcalcstatn to wit.: lot number three of the ncrtbwe-st fractional qn.iricr of section number thirty-cue and lot nix rind seven of the southwest fractional quarter of Section numbsr thiriy, containing in n!l rne hundred and thirty acres more or les, together with lols number four and five of tbe north woet and northeast quarter of section number thirty-one, containing in all lev-enty-oue acre: al?o the following described real es tate, to wit: commencing at tho northwest comer of lot number four in section number thirty, township number tix, range number sixteen, in Aciuahaccnn ty afor(5jaid,then'0 west Sve rod.- .thence northeighty roils, thecco catto tbo Missouri river, thence nptbe Missouri river to . he p!ace of banning, containing tn acres more r less, all of which eakl property is in the eounly of Nemaha afonsaid, and in township numbrreix. range number sixteen, tf the sixih princisil meridian. Nebraska Tcrriiorv. Also lot. n. nine and eleven in block n . six: ?-nua in the town f l'eru, in Nemaha county a foresaid, as i evidenced by tho original reirr.rded plat cf the said place, re corded in the recorder's ofu.'c of tat J county, together with the improvements therein, s" of which probi ty is taken as tao property of iiliam tdwardi, James Emmons, and Jehu Edward, on an execution in faverof Joseph Teagae,i-iued from the Nemaha county Ii-trict Court cf ihc Scrnd Judicial district Nebraska Territory, and lo mc directed as tho sheriff of the said county of Nemaha. Given nudcr my hand this twcafy-seTenth l.ij of Uecemocr A. D. J. B. WELT, SberifT ;f Ncaaha Ccnnty. EnwBTi!!?. Pes-If. . 4TFfI50 IIHHH IIHIIH HHH HHH HHII HHH HHH HHH HHHHHHHH . HHHHHHHII HHH IIHH HHH HHH HHH HHH IIIII1II IIHHH IIIIIII inn inn . mil inn inn urn mil mil iiiiiii ' AAAA LLL I.LL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LL LLLLLLLLLL LLLLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LL LL LLLLLLLLL Sells all kinds of Goods CH TIUX M'Y OTHER. HOUSE LY THE UPPER COUNTRY. TO PURCHASE DRY-GOODS, TO PURCHASE GROCERIES, TO PURCHASE PROVISIONS, TO PURCHASE BOOTS fc SHOES; TO PURCHASE QUEENS WARE, TO TURCIIASE FANCY GOODS, To Purchase Ladies Dress Goods, tw a m Provisioa & Grocery O T O n. 23 , MAIN ST., BROWNVILLE, N. T., Luthbowjh 5 CarsonOld Banking Hoiue P. J. HENDGEN CALLS ATTENTION TO HIS Fresh ami Superb Slock or G- 2 0 O O 1 O Recently opened ott in Brotcnville, Flishtock Is all frcfh and pure, and cannot tail to give purch.iert aitUlacUjii. Provisions, Confectionaries, Choice Liquors, Preserved Fruits, Groceries of all Kinds. I3llcnicmr,er that lTond?en sells cheaj cr than any thcr hoie in ltrownvi!:-!...? .)ctober27, I&5?, v4nlCyly HEW STOCK. IK lOlTlI SHOES JUST SUITS THE PEOPLE. TIIEY ARE OF EVERY GRADE, Made of Good Stock, AND OF EVERY PRICE. And lie is bound to Sell Tor Casb, or Exchange f or Hides, Peltry, Furs. etc. CALL AND SEE HIM IF YOU WISH TO SECURE CHOICE SELECTIONS. Ladies, Gentlemen and Children in want of any kind of covering!. the leet, should not fail to go to DEX, where they will fltutan immeLto stock ct well made Bocts, Shots, Gaiters, and Ladies? Walking Bods, VVhrch for cheapness and excellence he rlcdscs himself cannot be surpassed in the upper country. . ELemova,!. LTJSHBAUGH & CARSON, GENERAL LAND AGENTS, Dealers in Coin.TJncvirrent Money, Exchange and Land Warrants, Collectiontmadi on all accettiblt points. Taxtt paid. and jirompt attention given to all outlines j-erlmiitto a Srt class Land .?enry. AGENTS TOR TTTE UXITED STATES EXPRESS COMPAXV, A safe and reliable cuiapary for tbe transmisivn of uioucy package. Alsi Aaer t far the TTartford Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut. We have remove 4 cnrc flVeto the new boiidinjr cn ITain trecl, next door to 'Theodore mil's Store, and near the r. S. Land Office. Oct 27, 1B6C, nl6 LCSIIEACGil & CARSON'. The public arc now respectfully intortned that the nnderiignod have procured fmra Cincinnati and put in operation neof IIomerA Co.'s flour mills of the Litest patent, and the grit brought to this Territory. They were isdajed to exchange their former mill for this one, from tbe high character they have gain ed in the oast, and from the personal testimony of millers wbhavo tried them throughout the Western States, and in view of the increased demand for grinding which will exceed that of any previous year in Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do tho work better aud quicker than any heretofore ia ope-rati-in. In addition to their flonr mill they will keep the Corn Mill constantly running, ready at all times to accommodate the farmers without detention, and by giving their undivided superintendence totbobui" ncs3 ( assisted by their former miller, Mr. Wells. they hope for the continuance and increased patronage cf tneir irieuas. Assorted Lumber, Shingles and Lath constantly cd hand. GREEN MAkTLN. Ttru M.i, nrt. l.t, lt5?. THE GLOBE, Tiic Oncial.Papcr cr Conrcs 1 shall publish the Dily C. ' . zri the Ccr.r:3 sional Glubo, and Appendix d-r' ; the next 5f iiion cf Congrea. The Laily Globa i - I contain a report of the debates in both branches f CoBrtss,as ta ken down Lyreporters, equal 1 :ist, to any cirps of fhortband writers in this or tny other country. When the debates of tho day do cot make more t'san forty-live columns, they shall r "ear in the Globe ot the next morning, which will contain, also, the news of the day, together with such editorial arti cles a? passing events sagjest. The Congressional Globe and Appendix, will con tain a report of all the debates ia ConCress, revised by the Speakers, the Messages of the President of the United States, the Annual reports of thehiadi of the Executive Departments, the Reports cf com mittees of Uongre33 on important subjects of en oral interest, the Laws passed daring the session, ud copious indexes to all. These will be printed o iaduuble royal sheet in book form, royal quirto size, each number containing sixteen pages, arcr- aging Zfivi woras per pago. lae wuoia wm nsaae bt ween 1,700 and 2,000 page. It is believed tbat n j book has ever Lean t nbliibed at so low a rate. Last year I advertUod. in tho Daily Glebe for six months, and in about one hundred other news; jKirsia thi United States, a reward to any persuuof two hundred and forty-five dollars, who would pro duce a book published ar so low a rate, and none was produced. The large number cf topics Bub-a.-ribed for by Congress enables mo to afford ths de bates to subscribers so cheap. The Congressional Glohe and Appendix pass free through the mails of the United Sutes, as will be necn by reading the fallowing joint resolution pas sed by Congress August 6, 1S52 : Joint Resolution Providing for the Bis tibution of ihe Laics of Congress and ihe Bcbates Thereon: With a view to the cheap circulation of the laws of Congress, and the debates contibuting to the true interpretation thereof, aLd to mke free communi cation between the representative and constituent bodies : F.e it resolved by tho Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in the Congress assembled, That from and after the pres ent session cr Congress, the Congressional Globe ami Appendix, which contain the Laws and th; de bates thereon, sha.ll pass free thi-gh the inaih, so long as tho same shall bo published by order of Con gress: Provided that nothing herein shall be con strued to authorize tha circulation of tho daily Globe, free of postage. Approved, August 6, 1852. '. TERMSr For a copy cf the Daily Globe 4 months $3,00 For a copy for a less timo (per month) 1,00 For a copy of tho Congressional Glebe and Appendix during tho session 3,00 Uank notes current in tho reetion of the country where a subscriber resides will be received at Far. The whole or any part cf a subscription may be re mitted in postage stamps, which are preferable to any cunrency except gold and silver. Where Bank notes under $5 cannot bo procured 1 will send two copies for $5. , A paper will not be sent unless tho money accom panies theordcr for it. I cannot afford to exchange with all the newspa pers that desire the Globe, but I will send tho dai Globe during tho Session to all who 3hall publish this prospectui threo times before the first Monday in next "eccmber. Those wbo publish should send their papers containiaing it to me, marked with a pen, to direct attention to it. The Congressional Glubo and Appendix wiil bo stereotyped, and there fore, I shall ba ablo to send the back numbers f r this session to all .who may subscribo after the ses sion commences j but if the first edition shall have been exhausted before the subscription money is re ceived,I hall charge ono dollar additional per copy to pay the expense of putting tho plates on the press. Subscriptions should reach ms as early as the firs' week in December, to insure complete copies at ih. prices advertised abete. JOnX C. RIYE3. Washington. October, 1S53. November 3, 1853. ' MORTON HOUSE, MAIN STREET, NEBRASKA. CITY, A ERR AS EA. T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. September, 29, 1S59. tf. A History of .all Religions Containing a Statement of the Origin, Development, Iloctrincs and Government of the Relig ious Rcnominations in Europe and the United States, With Biographical Sketches of Eminent Divines, by Samuel M. Smuckcr, LL. D. Published by Duano Kulison, Quaker City Publishing House, 23. South Third Street, Philadelphia. Thesubject of Religion and the Doctrines of sec t; must always havo an absorbing iutcrest for ta thoughtful observer, and a work whien aaordj ta desired information, in a convenient and accessible form, at a moderate price, has been urgently deman ded, and will bo sought for with avidity, and musi command a large sale. Ia tho present work, the origin, devclopcmont. doctrinal belief, Church Government and peculiari ties of ever eighty different religious sects, are trea ted in a style clear, compendious and accurate, and wiil afford all tho information which might be pro cured with great difficulty and expense, and mucl labor and research, from tho larger polemical wok. and encyclopedias. Dr. Smucker has evidently prepared this worl with much care, and it exhibits great ability e no learning. Tho crticleson the different religions an very impartially written, and show the care! ul stud of an unprejudiced and sound mind ; and tho im portance and value cannot bo too highly estimatcu of such superior and unbiassed effurt in a work oi this kind, as too often, those pretending to give cor rect information upon such subjects are prejudicco in fnvorof some particular sects or denominations. Mr. Rulison has brought out this great work in r. very handsome form, and tho public is indebted t him for a vi-ry valuable, instructive and useful book. The price, $1,00, is remarkably low for such a work, and in order that it may havo a rapid and extcniuvi circulation, ho will send it to any address, accompa nied with a valuable Gift, on tho receipt of the prici and twenty-five cents to pay postage; Mr.Iiulison will scad free, on application; his nevi enlarged and revised Catuluguo of Cooks and Gifts containing all information relative to tho establish ment of Agenci23 ia tho Gift Uok business. Ad dress DUASE RULISOX. Quaker City Publishing House, 33, South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICE. I hereby caution all persons indebted to the late firm of Green, Sprinkle & Co., alias, Sprinkle, Daker k Green, egainst paying any debtc, notes cf hand oi bock arcounts accruing to said firm except to myself, from my oflice about a year ago, and as yet I hav not and cannot get any satisfaction as to the disposal of tho collections. LEVI SPULNKE. WAR ENDED! ISIJETUV" GOODS WE aronow in receiptor our FALL GOODS, which comprises everything a GENT, or LADY i likely to want. We invito our friend, and tho pub lic generally to COME AND SEE US, as we will not be undersold for cash. D.J.MAUTIN&CO. October 20th. 1350. 15-tf We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat 65 cents per bushel : and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnUh sacks for wheat and re ceive it, either at our btore in Lrownvillo or at Mclvin's Mills. D. J. MAItTIN & CO. lirownviile, Oct. 20, 1853. nol5-tf S-1VE YOUR MOXEYAjXD GOTO WAI T DEN mi mm in Wholesale and Retail dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES. Brownville, X. T. TT t Q Vim- rtV II VTI t-rr- in.! vail c!t. TX?3 cd atockof Boots and Shoe, Lady' and Cent.'s r i Gaiters and Slippers of every variety; also. 1 V Misses and Ctildrens shoe of every kiud that I will sell cheaper fr Cash or Pnwiuce than any otter bouse west of St. Louis. All work warranted ; orders respcctfullysoliclttd. . Tbe Uishest Cash prkepaiJ fr TTMea. Pel's and Furs, it the City Boot and Shce Store. Cat Leather kepi (oi sale Brownville, June 21, '59. n49jf- a. LTyonn. j. t. nous Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Bcalers in GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, 1 XaiIs.iioT, Stovs,FurnIli;rc, &c SONORA, MO. Afr!!9tb,16:S. - 43-t Great Etusli for J J. MARTIN & CO., 7 'Wholesale' & Retail 2Z S3 -l Zi SS R S, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announce to the Citizens of the COUNTIES OF NEMAHA, RICHARDSON, JOHNSON. PAWNEE, - CLAY, AND GAGE, AND ATCHISON COUNTY InMissouri, THAT TIIEY HATE Just Received, Per Steamer Emigrant, A HEW, COMPLETE AND SUPERIOR STOCK or" cl GKOCERIES, p(Q)WQa?35 Queensware, SADDLERY Glassware, SASH D00ES, EcadyjadeIotIiiiiff 25? Boots, Shoes, Hats, 7 Caps, etc. JSVERYTISIKG deeded or Desired Can be had at our Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any other House in the West. THE DOLLAR DEALER roa TVe Do a Casli, or Exchange for Produce Trade, and are Deter mined thereby to Give our Cus tomers DARGAirCS. We' solicit a continued and increased patronage, pledging, ourselves to spare no pains to give entire satisfaction in prices and quality. Our Atchison County Friends Will find very much to iheir advantage to deal triA n. Give us a Call, And salisfryour&elve3 that we have the Or OOD And are selling t oeui OHBAE D. J. MARTIN. & CO NEW .VOLUME N EWT TYPE. For twenty years the "Cleveland Hain Dealer" has bcea owned and controlled, Pubiiahtd and El ited by the same inlividaal. It has never r.ijsed a rublicat: :n day ntr scratchel a Deczocratia Ticket, it Las fuuhtiu W3y sins'-e-b&nded evinst all tp positk.n, until it has gained a National circulation and a ational reputation... From Jlaine to Cali fcrr.ia the I'l.ia Dealer is known and read, and it never was ia so ood a condition pecuniarily, cr In better pluc?c, poU.ically, t f ght C Unlet f D mora:ythaa now. i or tbe cooing jt&r it will be particularly devoted to Popular Sovereignty! It has a-ainst fcia authority, darei to auvocite the right tf 'the people of a territory as well aa a State, to regulate their domcstio institutions in their own way," and it will continue tj df saaia't said hijjh authority, "tha world, the f.esh bd i :l;e det il.'" Against ail Lecompton Consatatioa?, slave codes, and the re-opening of the Slav Trade, this Pajfcr is devotedly dedicated froa this time, heacs t'orth and forever 2 'Come one, coiao all I This rock slall tj Frem iu trtx Imo as soon as 1 , . , . Besides the current News of the Day, tbe Flain Dealer will contain in each number a TALE, Cor respondence from a host of Contributors, and Ttl graphicReporta from all parts cf the World. Tho Commercial Department will be undsr the solo charge of James Drckenshire, Esq.; who is ac knowledged to be one of the Jbest market reporters it the country. " ' - The Lcal Department will be presiJet! ever by that original and laughter provoking genius, "Arte mus Ward, Esq.," whose Letters, Jokes, Oddities and Quiditie?, are alone worth tha price of the paper, la short wo are prepared to present one of tho Iks: and neatest and cheapest family N'ewjpapers ia t West. - v . ..... . SUDSCRIPTIOX. Single Subscribers, per year, - - $1 50 f0r six months, 1 Cd ; Clubsof Ten, per year, ' - - - - 15 C3 All over Ten Copies, to one PostoCce, I 0J To ea h getter up cf a Gab, ono Copy Extra. Post Masters are requested to act as Ajuzits Douglass Democrats are expected to act as agents and to lose no time in getting eery lo lievcr in Popular Sovereignty, no mitter to what party he may belong to take this paper. Ntfw is the time to bestir yourselves preparatory ta the next Presidential Campaign. Thoso who want an account of the openiat: of the New Congress, the organisation of the New llousoof Representatives (which will be a protrac ted and rich affair, a majority being "Opposition,") the President's Message and Reports of the depart ments, will commence their subscriptions December First. The new Volume will commence January 1st AU payments to le in advance. AdJres?, J. W. GRAY, Cleveland, Ohio. Octobers, 1859. FRUIT TKEES. , ORITALIENTAL TREE3. Shrubs, Rosc3, Vines, Plants, etc. II ILLS & CO., .Agents for A. Ffllmestock & Sons., TOLEDO ' NURSERIES, ATtK QowcanvaHslngXemabaand Richardson counties, Nebraska; and Atchison county, atUiouri; receivlai orders for Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Vinos, Evergreens, &c, &c. Thej call the attention ot Farmers anj others de sireing anything in their line to the advantages of pur chasing supplies at their Xursery. The stock is com plete and prices as favorable a that of any other Nur sery anywhere, and all warranted to be as represented. Orders can also be left at the Advertiser cmce Brown ville, N. T. - " . c a o 1- TfS c3 to i i 2 o 4t z s S S 5 5 T a- -3 a- "3 3 " s : IS "S S -3 J ; m 33 3 x 5 a 36 p,, fcl?Oh r t to 4 2 - 5 a q. . "B - " i - w w u e k. 3 s 3 ? 3 fc- a, rn S-.SaSS53g0g"i .as -; , e c'3 " - & - o it a 13 X 3 3-e 2f a C ST -3 e 5 u n fc. S : e w -3 5 25 i3 U k 3 "3 41 ' . 3 3 S tx s - si o Braworillc, August 1st 1339. ". OZ3 3 x n - 3? a - w - S h . y r- -J) U T- E 25 S J 15 - eg m a eS O a r aL i. a k -z a ax. 1 a 3- - f ? - 2 e 31 IS- COSTlXVtD StCklii uf 11m cosmofolita:; V W m A ' I 3 a - & 01 I - -' 3 . -3 IT 3 P. I -!: u Z m a. o C F tfl - si ; 0 J S ! s - 2 . 1 3 ; tj - - 5- 03 co o o u 3 - s a- r 3 r a- - 1 9 S c Z 5 S - a - 2 3 St 3 . s 3 a .5 o g o s - c 'i 2 c A - a & m 5: - Z " O v. "S e ! ." o 1 - z o - r 2 - i S i Cp5 2 HS2g r. S -3 j? ZJ fee a c fl -3 tt 3 U 3 . u u x 3 O. - 41 & tf . tt tt 3& 2 91 IB - s 3 3 f. a .a . ma -'5 J 3 2 i a r- 3 0 w fl. -2 -J 'M i 9 o "5S 3 tr a. 51 a " o - JL B . 3 Cy 2 - t 3 V J S 3 1 A 3 C k Si 3 O C . 3 -a - 5 " . . , u , w - I i O 'J J g o c W For sale aud by all 3 . 3 si 3 2 ? fl S m 3 V 3 1. n 5. 1 - 32 TT 3 " -1 0 2 w -5 I 3 b "2 1 , - (D T3 A 3 3 a 4 m 11 ? :i2 ; 1 . 3- : 2 l. 3 3 3 31 - 5 c 2 5 rf - - 5 1 13 ?. 3 a V a a 3 " tl a moo O 3 2 9- 3 55 3 3 i . o a 2 k- -3 .3; 5 9 r- w 2 by T. J. ?TIITE, 8c CO , Brownville, X. T., drugRistsgenerally. A CARD. To Pse-Emptors axd OnirRS. rcrson who may hereafter desire tho services of tho unrfertifned, and Associates, will please send to m 1st. A description of tbe land in contett, . 2d. The tint when the cases are tried at the local of fices ; Aoto decided ; and when scDt cp. 3d. A cojiy of the evidence taken. Patests When Patents are wanted, the Certincates most be sent to me. The cost uf obtaining patents is only $10. By cemplyln? with the above, tnnch time will be sated, and the butlness can be better attended U. JOHN A. PARKER ras'U:n;ton City, September, 1$, 1S53 nol0v4-3m THE LAST CALL. I hereby once more notify those indebted to me that they can liquidate their indebtedness with corn potatoes, or almost any kind of produce, at the highest market price, in lirownviile. This request is made because I am in debt injscii, nd need mney, but can make use of corn. Heretofore tho excuse with thoso owing mo has been, that they cannot raise the money, I now in form you that I will take produce; I hmtc you can r"e that. Such an arrangement will be taken as a great accommodation under present circum stances. I wi.rh to be accommodating, but I repeat, this is TII ELASTIC ALL. JESSE XOEL. Brownville, Nov., 10, 18 j?. Probate Notice. . fc.i kfpn nurtn to fli Prrhtl Court of Xemiha County, Xebraki Territory, for tie appointment of Genera! I druimstrator of the eute t Henry Gtdier, decead. late ot said county, n .tice is k.r.hv cnvpii tn ail whnni it mv Civnirn. tt.iit Katnr tbo ZSlh day of Jjnaaiy, A. I)., ISM, at 10 o'clock, is the time n:i for tbe hciriai uf said app!icit;un at niv oftlce, in lirownviile, in sjid county, when and where ail person ft interested are requested to atprar arwlthow cause by David Gwyun should not be appointed as said adminihtrator. Given under my Land t'ii 9ih d.iy of December, ci lit a iv., rruoaie jiiute. Vr.23 MONEY ADVYCED OjY PIKES'S PEAK GOLD ! We will receive Pike's Peak Gold ant advance Eioney upon the same, and pny over balance cf proceeds as aoon as Hint returns are nai. in an cae. we win exhibit the printed return of the United States Mint, i f Assay office. ILSIintXGII & CARSON", BULLION AM) EXCHANGE BROKERS - a 7? rP : From all le..; r j if t:t.'i .'ry : .-:r. 1 , it popular Art lss:it:i!i-a, (ri..-v ,1 1:.- ..b yc-sr.) ate ::ig rc.eirei ia a ratia ui.jin.:: i i:a Hi cf ay previous year. Ar.y pirtcx msy ln-ie s mtmltrby l...- ; t : "R-fcich will! t; '.it: t last j r l3t.-Tie beauMfl rr-rav-, ": ilts- pera ana t.i I'uzr.di.' 2X-Ac:rycft3 f.rr r.Uj il!--trr:;-I Jciri;al, ess j i-r. 3d. A I'ree fceoa .luia'j-.a ta - Galls- nes. 51S, Broadway, i.'ew Vcr In ai.' twii:b uuDjr-4 Ti.av" Ti"t-rt of Art are ien to l ;,-criberi an premiums. coiipriMiaj choice Pjiatirzj. 8calpiBrs,, k;., by ar Aineilci!? Fvreisu ArUsta. - . Tliesurerb rnrivi.':-, vhuj rttry iutfribr fl'.l lecelve Immediate:; on twt:;'. -t sufccf vt.a.eii:i;U4 ' 'Shalispsaro and hlz'Txizzlz, . s cf a chsricter ta (tire un p '-. a r tid f .tcioo. 'u wurk cf e":l "vii'ia f eer ter-re plr m i .hia re j-h cf ti re.pis itv-h 1 vn e, 'Itf i cit. - vna i ' f very larse iro, printtd a ty p ill p: cr. 3J by 3i IrLe, unliiit 12'. r?:;c. i ,-Tr.;.c.ei i..:i:3for the wails cf i:her te ;..raiy, i-.-.r c w""..-e. Itcia be sent toanypa-tcf te c--':r'-T, ty rvil. w', ia safety, belli? packed ia a cj li:. V-r. t".C pi e-i j 1. Tiiuk of it I S'-ch a work ue-irere-l fr ol tlMTfe, and the Jrl Journal, cne jear, f-r f.'irf? 4ollart ! SubscrlpU.twa be ro.eived cnul U eveu'.oi .f TuetnUy tfce J1U of Jii;tJ7, at ws'.lu t.a e the books will iicse, ind tlf eaiium be fi veu to seu.f r berj. Periocs wiiirj tofaru duts win srp:;fjr a circa sr cf tarm. i.c. - The beaati.'n':; Llui'Titel Art 3nrrl. riix tn' particular!, will be tea: 0:1 rc-eipt .t 13 ceuu, :.a4 or ct!n. - AlressC V ActciryC A. x. .. . . 613 irii iii, i.. july, saiiorlptlon a. so re-eivel ty U.ff.rfEA3nA fur Briwaville, S.T., and vicUlfy. , Peru Chair Factory, A5D .' The underipned, bavin purcbaM the Chs.r act Cabinet shop lately owned ty T. II. iUrshai!, te k: metliod of Informing tLe public lh: they ara Dow irt- "" pared to All order f t r aU k!ud cf furuitu-e, ;b it Chiirs. Ubles, ttsndj, bdntead, bu:ci.t, cr.b, crtdies, lounies, etc., e-c , ci'.hcr at huic; vr-ra tail) as cheap as can b9b -;;.t at -ir other e!i . iiii mentlathe wet. TLebeit of crr.u lunitoran4 mlo;s ccDstant!; on hsnJ, which will cnt:e ua to til order for evCas at short notice. w"e have attached oar thop a itoo.1 Jlurse Power rJ Turning Lathe, and we are prepared U do aiy tiiiiip tioaof turulrst from a Ctair It up j a Sisr Jlili.r Chairs and Farnitaie cf all kin:s repaired in tht 1mI style. . H.B. Corn, Whenf, Floor, Dry Goods, Groceries. Lum ber and produce of all kinds, Hcutf riot exepte-i. . kea In exchange for work or goods. by utr-.ti atteutlon to business to merit a share of pujiu pttron- ?e. has SDicr i. Peru, Xebraiks, Xovembr 21. tio9. Dissclnticn. The copartnership of It.iper St TTesto. a heroto'ore eiistioK, ar.d trmstctinj buainets at Pawnee Rau.h , is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Pordycr Sopor having purchaiied the entire Jnterct of J. B. Weston, will remaia at the oi l tfind and will nJtn all nc tat tied business of said flrci. FOHUTCS Ri;s:t, . j. . wlstux. Pawnee Eancho, Xvs 21, ISiVco -1 . . , BROTV5V1LI.I:, ?IEItASIA. nc2?Tt Arnold's Combined Grinding I1H Corn and Cob Cruil:cr, nal CornShellcr. Three valuable machine la one t This 1 anew la vuntlon, and one that is well wor;Ly the atieutUnuf the public, the farming portion l particular comtlB ation has been prono jnctu by thoe who have trie UAl in use 10 one of the test ever made. aid the irrrit val ue cf this combinatiou will be rejdi.'y seen wtm the fact Is considered that ect naduae makes a fee sii for the ether. Thus: a if ill rukes a necs: f jr a' Sheller, and SheKer for .a ili;!, etc. lieiuj adapted ta the ue it the firmer, by tone power, as a farm lEpleinent It scarcely has ao c U value. It Is also adapted to .trim anj water or wlud townr. 11 is capaoie 01 Rrioaicj i:ua nve to ten bufclH ;r hour, reauiringfrom two to three ho.-e im er. 101:1 d- tng to the quantity and qaailty of the work d ne. It grindi sufflcieutly flue for family use, uiakiu a u- perior article tt Meal, leaving it round and "Ifely, which is iadipeuable for JUht bread or pudiUai. Everyone will be astouUhcd at the dl.Terence in this respect in favor of the well made in this AJiil otnip w ed with that mado in any stone mill. They have on'; to make the trial to be convinced. It will shell titty to sixty bushels per hour, and n 111 grind and shell at the same ti:ue. It will crush flficcn t twenty bushel of com and' cob per Lour, and It all! crush aud gnad at the na.. time. It isliht ar.d portable, wciihin ihrehunjred pjar! , and cccupylus' sace ct lets lhau tw feet i t tires feet. Thegrind'.ns surfaces are very dursble.beir, ms-leet iron as hard at hardeueil cast ateel, and whea woru o-u.. can be replaced without the aid tf a mechanic, at it . trifling cost ot onedollar ard fifty cents, thus orercoti J ing entire!; the great ebjecttou to iron mills. Particu lar attention Is allet tn this feature it. the ill, as nulla when worn tot u i,. 01 ,vi;fl-.Vx IXlFZL'..-: '? ways been urnei with great foice, and baa had !). cUumi to prevent thousands f 'om purctii.iuz. who ('tliurTvi, would ba glad to do so. That objection is euti.'e Cou ,mv wlih thia mill. Miliers will do well to examine this Still, there ba- ing no doubt that they will Audit for their interest v adopt it for a feet mill. the grinding aurfaoi.s r re- . placed at a much le Cost than is required to Le4 a Stone Mill In order, to say nothing of the great aaviug in power and cost of Mill. An examination of thiamin is earnestly solicited, a , It must be seen in operation to be fail; underatowl and appreciated. Cards of direction are attached tn eich mill, whicli will enable any one to ict cp and opeiale thcu wlJiout" further instructions. Rtate and county rishts fr.r s tie on reasonable term. . Prlc of mill complete $75. For ptrtcciart Inquire of K. ItAWO.V, J'. C'act tlree.. or aikiruta O. SnEPABP, PastLface, Bex, 2ioS, Chicago, 111. nolvi JloKlfs Patent Ohio Thresher. The subscriber have now re-sdy si' vera! hinn.'i cl of the sbove eicollciit m-ichiuc. Wherever thou U'.-rst's Tbtether h.tvo beeU introduce !, it 14 c! 1 khot'n that they ar altoKeiher uui!iualied ', arid, tbercfjie. a ma ny flrt clan relet ecu' can be furcUhcd a m'j t'j re quired. They are bui.tof 4, . 3, and 10 Uk rapaci ty, aud every machine u run tetirl hour, a:i l ih r ouhi; tested ia all ita parts, before IcavU. i ar factu- rie. Wo have a!o now rta ly fur delivery SOP-GllCif SU GAR CANK HILLS, ul the ci jat v?rotd pi tcrn. an t Uo:i the necesnary tpparalu for the Pouicati-: il iri-. ufactareof Sugar and Syrup. We are u.r prtiirrd t t supply our cuatouieis with iliil of tin m,i ( rM-.cnt operation, at prices la Sr.. L-jui a low a in Cincinnati. He-criptions of thee Mills and opj.-anci. a'. a T.-ea,- tie on S'rghum uar Cjbc, au i u Snsrir :nl iiyruj making, wl.l Le cheerfully frwjrde-1 tuail appuranta. A our farmers are fast learning the ear uulla-ie proflts of raiding hay for TMrket, we are nmr nuking ready to supply tt e d m:inl f..r a large niirul er f lb;- well establnacd Uedciick'a 1'aralol Lever IXotttpw er Hjy Pre!ei.- t , s We m inuf aetcre aiKI bve on-:a;tly for sala the fol- lowins hiunly pprvd MarLinm: . . .. . Selby's Patented Praiuliitn Cri.a Drill! tlie clcSra- tcl Kenturky Harvester; Alk:n' Self-rakios; 1tper Pace's & CLi: t's Portable Saw Mill. funt Grint ilills; Mill JIaclvuory, and itationar; t atnLti- gmes, ana lioiier and fixtures Orders resLe-ful!' olM'ce' 1 - ai! pamiihlots with price. ternraudfuli deriptiots cheerf ally furi;iUed gratuitonsly. i , . , St. Louis Arrieultirt! Works, Corner MUcn Bid- die streets, it. Louis, lit. CLAEX, UlCIIAUSOiV A C). nolvt Proprieiurs. Land Warrants. Por Caoh. Axad ou 17;lzxi o We are prepared to laan Iirid Warrant or all t settlers on utt time as they may de.ue i jnu or L:rrt . at the n.ual rates. A comtant (QcdIv af Warrant, will La krnt on hmj for sale as cheap as the7 can bo bought elaoa tere lit town. Buy of rejTilar dea'ers and beware cf bo;;-i warrants. All warrants solfi ir us wiil be l 10 be geoninela every reipcct and will be exch. i. j ed if de fective. Being permanently locate In Brownville, vi al ways be found at th'S old uud a few djrs cs-st of the Brownville House. LCSIICAlGil & CAKON', Banker, and Lteaicrs in Laud Warrants. Who Wants a No. 1 Farm? One can le had for a small sum cf Money. The un:err?nel Is authorised c!I on faro-a! terms a mont excellent piece of land, timiro u niiiea West nf Brownvil le a tbe great route tt Ft. Karney, Gold Mine, 4tc. T3e tract ctritaiD 3"-0 acres. 61 acrr of which i fine timber thronsh which run a livlns tream of tk watrrr, ar.d on which i several tie: lent springs. 69 acre tn-ier cultivation, two g.od Comfort able log houses stid ordinary out fcr.ilJin;.. r. vr. vrxsT.ts. XovIt, '15 At A1ver".ir ( An Improved raim ' FOim SAILS. . A very valuable and !cirabie lnitrovet firm itate 1 l-2nnlei lt m Mrownv'nie and 1 1-2 fro7i ei!iiha City, can be had or very favoraMe term. It coinnu of li4 acre; 40 act r-s unler cultivation; 24 lu tim ber; g xl well; stcci water, and gKl frarrf t.oute The stock 2 joke cf oxen. 7 cs, aid 1 yoai g cattle. the farm implements, and household ft rnitnre wiil t told with it if tie- irci!. A rare ippnt"r.iir is hre pre sented. Enquire .-vf K. W. Faruas, at te .,ivert.vr oCV-e. Brownville. X. T. N'ov 17. '.V nlJ Auction! Auction!" ' T. G. SJafoese Offers Lis services to the citizen of Kctraha ar.l the adjoining counties a gfnerhl anctiirver for tl.- sale of real and jrvnal i.rcj', ii. ilo nnj be found it Ja." V Lite-v' o?.c. rnwati::e,:vfcr3j,i;. Xoir