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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1859)
- THEAWERTISER.; 11. W. FURNAS, EDITOR r TIIUUSDAY MORNING, APR1L-2S, 1859.. : . Laud Sales. 1 ' . . Heretofore we have announced iLe fact .'ihautiie President had issued his "procla mation for Lind Sales in Nebraska. We below five 'the Lands proclaimed in the Nemaha Land District, "and say to the .settlers there is no probability whatever, and scarce a possibility, that the sales will te further postponed." Therefore it be hooves all mteVcst'e J" lq fail abt in making t all necessary arrangements to secure lands yet -unprotected. If you. have, friends ' thinking c coming to -Nebraska, have them come immediately, while they can .-terare lands s.t 1.25 rcr acre. The jaadi offered will be commenced on ..... v, . . the days appointed and proceed in 'the order in which they are advertised, "and -continue untH' the whole shall have been t offered.- No'sale, however, will continue longer than Iwo' week's, and no private' 'entry of lands will be admitted uc't-i.aftcr the c-piration of two' weeks'. . Sales. take place at "Nebraska City. or Avg. 1st and 29th. -At Omaha -on the '5th' and 2Jih"of. Jlyi and at Dakota on .'the 10th of July. " . .Vtthe Land Office at Broivnvill.e, com . in'encing on Monday the Sth day of Au gust next for the disposal of the public lands within the following " named town- . Ships, XVll . - . . ; ' 'North cf iL 'Pes: Linear. J East ofthz siiih Ptir.circl S&redicz. ' . The part of 'township.!, outside the Sac and Fox and luilf-brted Nemaha reserya ,tioR..of range 17. ' . . ; " The r'arts cf townships .1; 2, 3, and 4 'outside of the Sac and Fox and half-breed ' Nemaha reservation ; and fractional town tlWpsa and G,"cf ia'!;g 1G.. The part'of -township .1 outside of the Sac and Fox reservation; township 2; the parts' cf 'townships 3, 4, and 5 outside of the. half -treed Nem-aha reservation ; and .fractional. township 6, of range 15. . The part 'of township 1 outside of the Sac and Fox reservation ; townships 2, 3, and 4; the part or township. 5 outside of the 'half-breed Nemaha reservation; and . township 6, of range 14. . .Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and6, of range 13:.-:. . Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of range 1 Townships 1, 2,3, 4, 5, and G, of ransre ; n. . Townships .1,2,3, 4," 5, and G, of range 10. ..At the Land Office at I3rownvilIe, com mencing on Monday, the Oth' day of Scp- . tember next, for the disposal of the public lands within tho following named town- . ships, viz: - J "orth of the East Line and East of the sixtc Principal .Meredian. Townships 1,2,3, 4,5, and G, of range 9. '- The pans cf townships 1 and 2 outside cf the Indian reservation; and townships 3, 1, 5, and 6, cf range 8. The part of township 2 outside cf the .- Indian reservation; aiid townships 3, 4, 5, and G, of range 7. . The part of tuwnship 2 outside of the Indian reservation ; and townships 3, 4, 5, G, of range G. The part. of to7T.ship 2 outside cf the Indian reservation ; and townships 3, 4, . 6, and 6, of range 5. ' "Th? pirts cf townships 1 and 2 outside cf the Indian reservation ; and townships 3 4, 5, and G, of ranje 4. .The Route from Brownville to the Gold iiines. The following letter, voluntarily' fur .tiished us by Mr. S. B. Wright, who left this city for the gold mines on Tnesday last, we. take pleasure in placing before our readers. Mr. W. is an old and re liable adventurer "has grown gray , in the service." Was for 15 years a resi dent of Adair Co., Mo. Bkow-villi, N. T., ' April 22, 1559. R. W. Fcrxas, Esq., Editor drcriiscr Sir: Having select ed your city as the point from which to . start for the geld m;n?s ; . and being under .promise to numerous friends in Adair, . Putnam and Schuyler coun'.ies, Missouri, to write them tho point I might select ' from which to start, I take this method of informing my friends and giving testi mony in favor cf Brownville. I . have been across the plains four different times, starting each time from different places, and tun free to say I greatly prefer Brownville as a starting point to that of any ether on the river. If my friends in Adair, Putnam and Schujler counties, Missouri, are disposed to govern themselves by my advice and experience, they will start from Brown ville. On this route, the road is better, shorter, better supplied with wood and water, and you can travel farther through settlements than any ether I have travel led. : '' - As to supplies and prices in Brownville. The merchants have every desirable or ". needed article, and at prices, to say the least," as low as at any other point. A ' friend cf mine who purchased supplies at St. Joseph and came cn to this place in forms me that prices are evea lower here than st St. Joseph. '. If you ihinlc this brief note will prove ' beneficial to your readers who are con- ' teraplating going to the mines, you will . please give it a place iu your paper. . Respectfully yours, . . . : Scott B. Wright. ' " I ... . : U The Iowa State Gazette says that in seven days, from Friday April 1st, 109 ' teams have crossed Court Avenus Bridge, 09 thf ir way to Pike's Teak, making a total cf 357 since February 23d. - - : Egotism. The editors of the --crib fed" organs at Omaha and Nebraska City are just now' playing extensively the interesting little game : "you tickle me .and I'll tickle you;" and at the same time -indulging in an amount of egotism never witnessed in practical newspaper men; and ' misrepre sentations towards other newspapers in the Territory,- quite unbecoming. One produces, and the other copies, an article "Nebraska Newspapers," in which is at-' tempted to convey the idea that there are really but'two papers iu Nebraska, "the J t braskian and A'etcs ; " the others ail be-. ing "kiting'affairs." The article wasun-1 doubtedly - not written-' for 4home ' con sumption," where the papers are known. In defence of our own paper, the "Ad vertiser" we have only to say, we have published it now near three jTears,' during which has in no instance failed to appear regularly oh publication day,' and has issued a half sheet but once, and that' on account of an accident just as going to press. . uan eitner or "tie two papers in JWbrdska" say. as much? Not by a long way! As to standing,, and patronage bestowed ly thz people we will go a small wager pf S50j to go into the Sch'ooFfund of the Coarity or district of the winning party, that the "Advertiser?' can show a larger iubs'cn'ption list; a better advertis ing and job patronage than either "one of the saH&-"i'J:o'.papers in Nebraska."' Vill you come to the scratch?" ' . . Could- there-te 'a possibility cf.acccmi plishing any good by so doing, we -feel like complaining ,lloud and long" in regard to mail irregularities, and failures. But while those having charge of the mail services axe ct responsible to the people for tktir ccs" we need hope for nothing b'etter.. Although 'we have mail lines to this city and county sufficient to aceom-. modate our wants if faiihf ully and honest ly served, we can place no dependence' whatever in them, and they have been growing worse and worse, cf late, until our accommodations amount to just nothing at all at present. . In fact were we with out any mail facility, we -would' expect nothing, and consequently escape a huge amount of disappointment and vexation. We are confident the principal cause of mail failure at this point is at 'Reck Port and Nebraska City. Instead cf cur mail matter being stopped at Rock Port and. sent to this place daily, as it should be, it is permitted to pass on to Council Bluff, then across to Omaha and -f rem thence down on this side cf the river to this place. At Nebraska City mail matter is permitted to accumulate, because of a failure on the part of the contractors to carry it. It is the duty of the Post Master at Nebraska City in such case to employ the mail carried according to con tract, at the expense of the regular con tractor. No Laws Yet. Notwithstanding it was announced some time ago, by the pseudo Territorial Print ers through their respective sheets, that the laws of the last session were out; and the "pets" talked much of the "typogra-r phical appearancs of the work executed by us," which was, however, really printed in New York the people of ' the Territory are in blissful ignorance of the contents of said Books, except as procur ed on the payment cf two dollars for a copy ! We notice quite a nice dodge practiced in getting up their present edition, "on sale at the Book Stores," viz: the names of "C. C. Si C. D. Woolworth" are insert ed as publishers in place of the Territorial Printers. Jlap of Nebraska and Dakota. Hon. S. A. Douglas will accept our thanks for a copy cf the New Military Map cf Nebraska and Dakota, by Lieut. Wahrex from the explorations made by him in 'cG-7, while attachee to the staff cf Gen. Harxev, commanding Sicux ex pedition in 'o7, under the direction of the cfHce cf Explorations and Surveys, War Department. Half-Breed Lands. Commissioner Stark has received all the plats of the half-breed lands, situated in Nemaha and Richardson counties, and is now allotting to the Half-Breeds en titled. His head quarters is at Aspin wall. The Aspinwall Town Company, which is strong and reliable, are now making renewed, and we doubt not successful efforts to push ahead this famous town site. New Lands Open to Pre-emption. We understand that the Land Office at this place is in receipt of plats of town ships 3 and 4 north cf ranges 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, west of the sixth principal meridian, containing 3 1S.000 acres, and embracing some of the finest lands and timber that found in Nebraska Territory. These lands are traversed by the Big and Little Blue rivers, and are not included in the tract of country that will be offered for sale in August and September next. These lands are situated alonrr and contiguous to the great thoroughfare lead ing from Leavenworth, St. Joseph and Brownville, on the Missouri river, to the gold mines of Kansas and Nebraska. Conference .Appointments for Ne braska, for 1859. We are indebted to the. Rev. Philo Gorton for a list,, entire, of the appoint ments made by the Kansas and Nebraska Conference, M. E.. Church, recently held at Omaha. We have room only for the Nebraska appointments, which are as fol lows": ' ; '. . Omaha District. Wii. 111. SkiTH, P. E. Omaha, . Bellvue, ; . DeSotp, Tekama, . ' Omadi,.. Neobrarah, Fontenelle, ' Platte Valley, Ft. Kearny, H, F. Davis. Jerome Spillmari. . Hiram Burch. . T. M. McHunhall. to be supplied.' . do' . do Zenos B. Turman. .Lorenzo- Smith. ,to be supplied. Nebraska City .District. J. M. Chivingtox, P. E. Nebraska City, Kearny City, . Rock Bluffs,-' Plattsmouth, Table" Rock, . ', Beatrice, . Brownville, Peru, . . 'Salina; .Fails City,' ' : Oreaopoliis, Isaac Chivington. to be supplied. . J. T. Cannon and J.Adrian.. Philo Gorton. J. W. Taylor. . J. W. Poster. David Ilart. . M. Prichard. ' to be supplied. J. L. Toart. W. H. Good. Important Opinion of 'the Attorney yencrai. The Pittsburg - rest, of the" 9tli inst., says ''We have received from.' Washi ton City, a copy cf an itnportabt opinion x)f Attorney General Black, in relation t.o the persons legally 'qualified to take the titles' for town sites in the new Territories The. cases' submitted,' which called forth the opinion, were from the Territory' of Nebraska; but the same rule." applies to Kansas and all the new Territories:'- The decision :of the Attorney General is-one of interest, not only to tha-cltizens of th Territories, . but' . to all owners of .land : in iliem, resideh'i' or non-resident, and . to those who contemplate emigrating." and settling in them... . ' . We give below the' letter of the Secre tary of the Interior to the. Attorney Gene ral, stating the cases, and his reply there to : . ' ' . ';.. Departmext-of. THE iN'TirHlO-Kj ) . Washington',' March 21, '59. air : cmnnssjoner crtne ueneral Land Office has .suspended two entries at the La.ndOffice at Omaha, Nebraska,, .as follows, to-wit':' No. So,. dated March 31st, 1S57, for 294 '70-100. acre's; -No.'210,-dated May 13th, lSo7, fdr-300 40-100-acres, as having been made in due form as required by the act' 23d May, 1S44.- Three entries have been -made. by. the Mayor of Kearney City- and .Nebraska City. Were they, the trustees legally qual ified, to take the titles at the date at which the entries were effected? : To tai3 ques tion I invite your attention, and request your opinion upon the same. The certificates or. entry are herewith'' enclosed for your examination in connec-. tion with the case. Very respectfully,' . Your cbt. serv'i, J; THOMPSON, Sec'y.' .. Hon.. J. S. Black, Att'y .Gen'l. : ATTonxEY General's Office, March 21, . ',59. Sir: .In . compliance, with the request contained in your letter of this date, rela tive to the suspended entry of the town site, I have to- say that I can see nothing on the face of the .entry which ought to prevent a patent from-issuing. It was made by the Mayor. The Commissioner of the General Land Office thought' at. first that it-should have been made by the City Council: The act of - 1S44, which governs the subject, -does not say it must be done by either Jmt by "the Corporate Authorities," Now,. the Mayor is no'less a portion .'of the ' Corporate ' Authorities than the Council; besides, I -do not know, (and I suppose you do not,') whether there is . any Council under the charter cf Kear ney City, . At. all events, it appears that the Mayor, being an.ofiicial organ ef the City Corporation, has made the entry with the assent of all other parties;. The pre sumption is a fair orie that he was author ized to do. so, if he was, then he -is the' proper Corporate Authority. '. It is v-ory clear, that the Mayor, in the execution 'of his official dbt-y, entered the land on which the city stands, acknowledging, all the proper obligations, and trusts .which he could and would have assumed for the benefit of the inhabitants.- Their .title (that of the inhabitants,) became per fectly good, and it must be enforced in any court cf law or equity. The object of the law was to give the owners of .'lots a good title to their property. When the patent issues under this entry, they will have a good title, and I do not. see the practical use, nor the legal necessity, of requiring another entry to be made. This opinion applies also to Nebraska City. I am most respectfully, yours, &c, signed. J. S. BLACK. Hon. J. Thompson. Br. A. S. Knnekel. A person by the name of Goemlat, writes us from Brownville to ascertain the "real character" of Dr. Kunckel. So far as we know the Doctor has no parti cular character that we can describe for the benefit cf our correspondent. ' In. an swer to his query we will state that he has a wife (no children), who is at . present in Ohio, we believe. The Dr. left here last fall for the mines; returned . this spring, and left again in a few days. He never did either much good or much harm hereabout, so far as we are adviSed ; ap pears to be clever, sociable and very .talk ative. If he has done you any harm, Mr. G., no doubt he will make it "all right" when he next meets you. No more at present. Sioux City Eagte. A horrible rumor prevails in the Rep ublican circles in New Jersey, says the N. Y. Day Book, that their, newly elected Senator, Mr. Ten Eych has been discov ered to be a slaveholder, as he married in a well stocked plantation down South. "Sorn? body in de house wid Dinah." Territorial Agricultural Fair. It is hereby announced to the Farmers, Mechanics and Artists. of Nebraska, that in accordance with a resolution of ' the Territorial Board of Agriculture, and the authority thereby vested in me, 1 have decided that the First-Territorial Fair shall be held at Nebraska City, on the. days fixed upon by the . Board, viz? 21st, 22d, and 23d of September next." .. The following is the proposition upon which the Fair was awarded to Nebraska City. R;W. FURNAS, ' PresH Terr. Board of JgYe: ' ' ' Nebraska city., March 5, 1.559.'- To the President of the Territorial Board of Agriculture for the. Territory of Nebraska-. - . . Sir: To secure. the holding of' the Territorial Fair at Nebraska ' City in the ensuing fall, the Board of Managers for the Otoe County Agricultural Society, ' in accordance with a resolution passed by the Board, at its session held on the -22d ult., offer to. the Territorial Board for the use of the said Beard at its First Annual Fair : Fair grounds, . ten acres in extent, having water and shade' in. abundance the whole to be enclosed with a 'substan tial bcard-fenp3 eight: -feqt- high, the boards being placed- upright aad close to gether; and-to contain all the necessary stalls for stock a floral hall sheds for agricultural,' mechanical,- and other im plements -and- mechanism', and a first class' show ground for ;exhibititig horses, Sec There will be provided hay, '.corn, and other feed for stock-at the fair grounds.. ' Our position, it being-central and con venient to all parts' of the Territory,- ought, to be ari important consideration m the selection of the place at which the. Fair should be. held. . Besides . the ac commodations for boarding and. lodging, afforded in our city, are equal, if not su those to he obtained in any oth er place in' the' Territory there being in the - city two first-class hotels!' ind about ten second class hotels, besides . a large number of' boarding houses. . .Believing that the- Territorial. .Board wrillda what, under all the circumstances, will' most advance the. agricultural inters ests of the. Terr:tory, and entertaining the highest regard for yourself and for- the Board of which you are. the distinguished head, We are, sir, respectfully, &c, J. JI. CROXTON, Co'r.resp. Sec'y of-Otoe Co. Ag. Soc. Attest:' ': , J: L. Armstrong, Fres't. ' " ' II.- II. Harding, Rec. Sec'j. . ', .In. the old' times, ..when slavery was sanctioned in Massachusetts, a wealthy lady-residing in Gloucester was in the habit of giving away the. infants of her female slaves a few days after they were born,.as people " are . accustomed - to dis pose of - a litter of kittens. One of her neighbors begged an infant, which-in those. days of comparative simplicity, she nourished with her own milk, and reared among her children. The woman had an earn'esi desire for a brocade gown, and her husband not feeling able, to purchase one, she sent her little nursling to- Vir ginia, and sold her when sne was about seven yeara clu of JVomsn. Child's History Kews Steins. A. report comes to' us from Augusta, Georgia, that, the bark E. A. Rawiin has landed G00 Africans on the. coast' of Flo rida'.. A woman in- New York recently com plained against a Chatham street merch ant for' selling her a horse-hair, mattrass line 'with rat-tails. A colored man' in Cincinnati has begun to turn white his back., one cf hi's shoul: ders, and one arm having completely lost their color. '. Miss Maria Mitchell the astronomer, is preparing to establish an observatory at a suitable position within the .limits cf Nantucket,' her native town. . The wife of Gen. Miramon, who has recently become President of Mexico, is said, to be a 'regular trump card. -She notified her husband a young man of 27 yetrs that he must fight his way into thePresidential chair or she would not live with him. Washington Irving has completed his fifth volume cf the Life of Washington. . The Richmond Enquirer threatens that "if Mr. Letcher does not repudiate. Mr. Buchanan" it will repudiate Mr.' Letcher. The editor, of the Michigan Farmer is informed by a gentleman who has had extensive observations in different parts cf that State, that the prospect for the growing wheat crop is better than at any corresponding period for ten years. The latest style cf hoop-skirt, is the self-adjusting double-back-action bustle, etruscan lace expansion, Piccclomini at tachment, . gossamer indestructableV It is a very sweet thing. ' The following premiums are offered by the St. LouisAgricuItural Association, for their fourth Fair, to be. held on the 2-5th of September next : Best. thoroughbred Stallion, SI 000 Best thoroughbred Bull, - .1000 Best Roadster Stallion, . 1G00 The ; democracy cf Kansas have put forth a call for a Territorial Convention. We have, not learned its object nor at what point it is to meet;' The London Morning Star, of March 2Sth, says there is every probability that Mr. Spurgeon (notwithstanding he has once declined to do so,) 'wiH visit Ameri ca during the coming summer. He is to lay the foundatxon.of his new Tabernacle in May, and as it will require a year to complete it, he will, it is thought, take advantage of that interval to cross the Atlantic. Next week we will publish the premium list of the. Nemaha- Countv Agricultural Society. - , . Died. In this city, very suddcttly, April 3J, Ceot-GE. V. Blakely, of New' York, 'more recently ct Heatrice, K. T. . ' ALT. and A. I.L Grand Lodge of. Nebraska. A. The Grand Lcdje of A. F. and A. Macn3, of the Territory of Nebraska, will hold it3 .jk ncir Annual Commucicatic n iu the City rof BelleVui, cjinoicnciiig on the 2nd Tues day ia June. 1359. It is earnestly hoped that tho comtnlttee on ''Col lection cf historical facts, as to the introduction of ilasonryin this Territory," wiil not fail to inako f ull repcrt3 from their respective Lodges. .TheComrcit tee consists cf Keller, Bellevua ; Lindly, Nebraska City; Clarke. Omaha; Bratton, Brownville; Will kicson, Omadi ; and Wheeler, lJuttsmsath. R. C. JORDAN, Or. Master. R. Y. Fcrxas, Gr. Sec'y. 2Wiil Territorial papers please copy or notice. KemaJia Tallej Insurance Company. NOTICE is hereby given that Books are now open' at tho oine'e of Luihbaugh & Cnr-on in the City of Bro-wnviUe, and, will remain' open, for tho.purpose of roeeivics subscriptions cf stock until a least Five Thousand Dollars Capitol Stock-is s.ulnoribed. Masonic .bodge Meeting Neman' Valley Lodge JTo. 4. raeois at Ma son.ic llatl ii'Allister H Pona'a Store on first and Uiird Saturday evenrnBd ofr each . . " b. y. tuii'AS, vr. ii. T. VT. Bedfoed, Sec'y- . ' - ' ... ' Jlarkets. COUBZCTED VTEESLY. BT Crane Hill, Bkotnvilij:, Apni 25, 1S59 saelt i,00 Bfckwukat FlOL'E, tl'SACK Cur.v 3Ikal, ) bushel Coi::j, y bushel' -. (jxts, y bushel, Sugnr, 9 lb '" CoiTEE, ; 3,C0 0 40 45 40 12' liir. .100 2,00 10 CS8 40 3,50 C,U0 0 '. ICc 6,00- 3.0 (g-10c i,60 . 75 2,50 -10 I ' FX. ClIICEENS, d0Z., EgCp. . do. . Fk::sh Beef,- $ lb--- ' " 1'orK, per -10 E3. Potatoes, bushel, . ti-LX, . Li'JiBER, Cottonwood, per 100 ft., Yellow Fine,-- BcTTEr., . Chelse, !!, . t '. Lard, . Nails, por kc-g, Wheat, none in market." VvniSKV, per gallou, .- . Salt, i sack, Molassks, - '.Beans, bu'h, f'- ....... i p . . . DHY 11IDE3, 1 U, St. Loci3,'A'pril 22 ,1S50. ."VTiiat. "i bsh, . ' IOC.145 Co.KNn y bufh, 1 O.vtp,' bush, "Flolt.,. y Lbl, . Buckwheat, Flock, per cwt; Beans, porbu'sh, Potatoes, per t.ushel, VniSKEY, Dr.Y Hipf.3, 45 O 87j iioCU,0') .2,12.:g2.25 $1,25 . . 100(77115 3;5 (4 :ic 2"' -" (Ji 25 St. JosErn, April 23 1S59. r0;(i!lj!0 V,'nEAT..";3 .bush, Co:i.s,y.buh, ....... Flock, y cwt, lUcsiviiEAT Flock, y cwt, Fkhsh L'or.K. V ; Potatoes, y bush, AVCITE 13EAVS, ) bush,'-.-- Pcttett, y iu, Ecgs, y doz ..... ...i CnicXENS, y'doz, .. Dkv Hides' y 1, Coffee, y lb, , .. . 'Sl"G AR, 7? lb, .... .... TEA,Vib, Rice- IuiED ArFLE3 y bushel, .-f. Green, uo. ' . Leek Cattle-- IIocs o.vTs- : C0v5fi53 $3,04.25 3.504,50 :o(lu0 1,50 1 . 15(250 lW.t 20c $2,0d(f'.2.50 . ec-123 12.iJl:?o 5Ul'C0 ' ro 2,53 4. .0 ...4,755,00 60 .75 BroTTiiTiile Mail Arrr.ngemcats, . rASTEHN .MAIL.' . '. Arrives Daily (Sundays exceptcdni Cvc r. jj. ' Depart Daily (Sundays' excepted) at h-lf past ciht, a. n. SOUTHERN MAIL. ' Arrives T.i-Treehiy, ca Uondiry's, IVednOcdaysand .Friday?. Departs On .Tucadari, Thursdays and Saturdays SOr.TIIEIlJf MAIL. Arrive On Tu-esJayv, Thursday-i nn-i Saturdays Dfjarta OnMonda.y?, Wednesdays and.Fridays. "'. FOKT IiEAItNEY MAIL. Zcaie Brownvil'o co tho first of every mouth . . reaching Ft. ' Kearney in st-Teu days; lca . ring Ft, Kenrroy on "the 10th Arrives At Brewnviilc ia T.days. ' TAHK.IO MAIL. Leaves 'Rrownviue. on Slonday?, Wednesdays anp Fridays at 8 o'clock, a. si. Arrives rAt Tir.iiTTnviile'.'n Tuesday?, Thursdays and : Saturdays at 8 o'clock, a. m. OFTiCE nouns. From 7, o'clock, a. ii., to 12, M: and fr'm 1, r. y. to 6, P. ii. . C. G.'LOItSEY V. M. UPIRIOIIS OI DlSiinj?!! Ili'SIXESS 31K.V. Adrcrtire your bininess. Do'r.ot bide your lisbi urder a busbd: Whatever your calling occupa tion may to, if it necd3 support fr; :g the f ulbc. ad vertise it thoroiiTbly.'anl ctl'cctually fn souio shape or ot.hc.rj that wiiLarrest public attention. I freely cenfoad that what succe-i I have had in li.V nay fairly bo attributed more to the pul'.i.; than Cj nearly all ciiuss combined. There iiy .pcs sib'y be occupations that do not require- a-U-rti?!Dr, but I cannot well conceivo waat they are.. -P. T. 11 AKN'CIi. . 1 have always considered advertising liberally and long to be the great medium of siu-c-csa in bu nes?, prelude to wcaltli. And I .have made' it an invariable rule; tco, to a Ivertida in th ? dullest times, a long csprrier.c-e having taught xac that no ney thus spent is well laid out; and by keeping ray business coiit nua'ly beforo tho public, has secured mo innny sales that I otherwise would Lavo lost. Stephen Giua-1'.p. . ' Whatever success I mny .have tad in business I otto iiiaialy to continuous Advertising, and I deem It good policy to advertise long . in the same papers. From a ciosa observation, I am fully that it w impossible) to make much headway in anv branch of commerce, without the facilities which the Press alone can give. Jac b Hipge'vay. ily motto through life ha? been work and Adver tise. In business, Advertising is th true Philoso pher's stone, that turn's whatever it touches to gold, i ha-e advertised much, both in the weekly aud tho daily papers; r have I found that thoso o tho largest cicculation cf filter class benefitted me the most. John J. Astoii. Advertise ! advertise ! advertise ! This is the life of trade.anl standing advertisements, you wi'd find will prove the most remu crative, at least I hav found it so, daring rr.y business-career thus far: t-jr should you withdraw but a single week fr(,ni the paper in which you.are accustomed to advertise, ten ehanc?3 to one that would be the time whan seme would-be-customers will lo;.kinto the ruier lV.ryour business, and not Endir.g it you wili k-ose several profitable sales. William Guay. GREAT SALE OF OTZSL iLfiOt S PAWNEE CITY, PAWNEE CO., X. T., On Monday, June Qlh,- 15-59. TIIERK will bf sr.1.1 fA tSo V-t-s .;.- rv t. : Pawiiec City; Pawnee C., 2 T., cn iiona iy. J ;:ic 6-h, fc-r tie erecucn cf public builijicss. Pav.-uoc i-t sitnaicd-ncar tne of Pawnee county, uv.l ii'tle pcrrnaiicittly lrcatc l county seat Oi sai.l -county. Tee.a are anions the public and business houses. tLc f: lew it 2 S.'csin Saw, anu 1 Grist MUI; 2 Dry Goi-d St-rw; 1 Drus Store. aaU a Hotel and Store in process at erecsi jn. TtiS tf.wn f-itt! Lolur.z tn th'n r.r x .A i. x, Pjoxtl! tMs 3ie e- c far tfce ercr.i.,n of y-i-!ic bui'.ii'.r::?. A Court House is rjw erectrd on tho public Kiua.-e; v.-l will bo cm:!etca tLis so..i..n. Many in Ibis place Lave been .:.ld t!r three sr.4 iur times lUircyM. HIRAM EILL1N"G5 JOUX C. PKAYT. i Co- (-om-Attest ' . T.. vr. Tt.'y Co Ci'lt. r--nec Cny, S". T., April S7:h. 1S.53. . 44-it UHIOH HALL, MORRISON &SMITH, AXXOCXCE to the public taat they have opened a Billiard Eoom and Saloon in the old Nemaha Valley Bank EciMin?. Brownvi!Ie, Xcbrasta, where lovers of the interesting game or Bil liards caa be accemmodated in a style, they trut wilite satisfactory to ali who may patronize them. Our Liquors, Areall pure and cf the choicest brands. The famous Tippecanoe Ale The best rade is kept contant!r on hanl at this es tablishment. It. ilORHlSON'. no44-jy. J. Q. A. SJUITII. - CITY BASERY First St.,' feet. Main and Atlanlic, BROWHVXLLS, COMFORT & TICE, . ANNOUNCE to the citizen of Brownville and vicinity that they have rented the bakery tormerly owned by E." Vr'orthinj:. anii 3reaow prepared to furnish Bread, Cakes, Pies, CoafictioLery, Ice Cream, Lemonade. &c. &c. VV. C. COMFORT, ' JOSEPH TICS. Brownville, April 23, '53. . M4-tf . KTotice. Exccnter't; bale cf -persoaar Pxoperty.. XOTICS is hereby given," that :l, neath Xucknlis, executor 0! the personal prcperty of C.'ias. M. Greever, deceftsed, in pursuance of sn order of th'o Probate Court ef Kema.ha elinty, Xebrasfe3 Territory, will on the 21st day c f iliy, A. D." 1S53, between tho hours' of eisht o'e!ck A :l, an I sir o'clock P M, of said day, and at tiie town of Siut -Ueroiu, in Xcmaia county. Nebraska Ter ritory, fell atpnbUc sale to the hi-best. bidder, allof the rerscnal estate of the estate of said Greever, deceased-,' consUtini: in.part of horse, catUe, furniture, one gold warch and chain, a bujsy; farming inipleme-nts. the un divided third cf a steam Baw mill; lathing au'd thlugie tnaclrir.e ic, &.c. . . TEItilS All SUT-IS Un.!.-1 1f) ("l ;Ti !n V-n . ,i $10 on six months time, arproved sccurrty 'to to "iven by purhsser. . . Saixt 1Ep.oi.x. X. t., ) it April 18;h 5 . . LTSATil XCCKCLL3, Ex. n . . To Wi.iiacx I'cii, and ail others whom it may COn- ;Dr ;-a, nr- hJeby nrttiScd tiiatI will appear at tho Lata OUioe Prownv,!ie,4:T., on Monday, the second day of .May, 1859, at 10 o'clock, to prove up my right of pre-emption to the north west tftiarter oi section seventeen, TowEshijrve, range fourteen thereto1' uC-r0i'cu c" a?P-ir to-contest my right t, . ; ' W1I.SKILLIX. '- Hrownville, -April 21,1?j0. 2t . ' VXVX -FOUjSTD. 1IOUANDUJ1 HOOK', w'l.h A j;i have by calhn- at tnis office, describing and rayih far tins auvcrtisomcnt. 0 jlOO Acres of Fpk SALS. " The tract of land kr4own ns tfco '-Co.,k Farm," one and a half imlcs sctrthof the cityx f, will be sod on easy terms, if applkation bo made scrn If not disposed rf before ho 13th, first dav .f tho ltrict Conrt,-it will be'sold tu the hi-heat' bidder. 1 erm'3 made known on the day o slo. A. . IIOIXADAY. . Urowcvilb, y. J. April?, 1S59. r. U2t G.' H. WILCOX , DEALLa IN LAND WAKE ANTS ' EASTEH. EXCHANGE. Land Watjiants Loaned o. Tiiie And located after the Land 'S 1 es for d'stant rarties. All land warrants sold by i:;e will be guaranteed perfect in all. respects, and exchanged if lumd defective Brownville, N. T., April 1, no 41 EROWjnILLE rnrn itiui hiinh. JESSE NOEL n-.vir. rented the interest of Like and Emtncrsonin the "Brownville Stccm Saw and G rist Atiil, aimnur.cos to to the public that he is proparcd ti;..djte the citizens of Brownville and Xem 3 hi County with a hu perior onaii-y of lumber of all kinds. Also with the GrUt .Mill, to serve al! in that liai. The market prue at all times paid for Lf cr.d Cjrn. The o'd tubiiiCss of N'. el, Lake & Kmnierson will bo settled iy Henry Late. 'All future ha.-iooss c -nduc'ed by the undersigned. ' JE533 XOKL. Brownviile, April 7th, I SG), jy JOILT 'M'PHERSON, WHOLESALE AA'D RETAIL DEALER .V D.R"Y-G-0023S, GROCERIES, HARDWARE Q UEE.YS WARE, , FURNITURE, And Country Produce Front Street, BronnvlUe, Kclrashd. 15 rownvilie House. NEV AIIUAXGEMENT. v7EE2L2.n & HAINES, Announce to tho n!iti:i flint tvi-1,.- . ch;iPed p:id rctittc-;! Hie KI:V. POPTjIjAt? A NTi ww4Uij.u U J JlO i Z1.XJ 111 BUOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, known as the Brownville i:.i'-.o, .md are n,w prrrarcd to ei.tertain ami accin'.ii.Hl.ito tr..vf.iio-: and day boarder in a sty 1 second to n other il-tVe in 1U " l- c v y eiuri win 00 r.i iie to entert3ia r i, ...... . v. uiiu. lauie fin oo may lavor the Urownviiie K'jUC wiih their patruau. will at a'.l times be yu?',Upd r-iti, the snt starfi. dehcucies of the seasons, dy, nod coui.try ia whi.h we I.i well fitted up, and supplied with the choicest Ji.; a.jr8 to be found. Arrangements have been made with tVrn. r.-5sc;i pro prietor of the City Livery stable. h i prep irell with as got id accouunotiiitiuuii h cm be f..r.nil anywhere- Mr. It. also keeps a excellent Livery fciiLic for the April It, ISoD, 40-ly lJt 1 ' To the Ladies. MiSS f.lAnvL TURNER, Maiu Street, Brownville, .Xclrasla, Has just rcceivsj a fre.-h Inppljof MILLINERY GOODS, Coasisticg of New Style Eibbcns, Lacos, Flowers, And the finest and best materials for manufacturing aiijthins in the Uiillinerr line. April 1st, '53 n40-ly mi mu jJ FRESH GARDEN SEEDS OF -A-HXi KIISTDS AT THE ADVERTISER OFFICE. SEIGEL & GREEMj Main Street, Broicnvilk W LT-Te just received per steamer "Vnli c. Complete Stcc or READY-HADE; CLOTKSHj, Which they will gel! for cash a shade ch)C. ever before beeu offered in this market March 31,1353 n40 ' Sena Four Stamps for oiV? "KEWS FROM IIOME: A Wecklj siirr.raary of tha late3t icfp"- ceivei from Ecglaud, Ireland, Scotlaad, "V ' tho British Possessions in every tartr' ,-4,-t and devoted to politics", literature, 8cknl'"!, J r . The 'STcits from Hq'ti Will bo rorwarded pestao fr.o tsp.ja subscription, vis : : "" $2 for ona year; $1 tor six nicn'iu3- j three months. . . ' Postmasters and newspapers o5'ersa-eri' ties eettid? vd clubs. ' " l,y Adiresi ' . TOWNDHOTT Editors ac-d Froprietcrs-. Nr.,1 April L4, 5j-ly . . . r S25SSWIHi3.HACSIJ: RAYMOND'S LATEST IMPEg Doable-Threaded Sewing Warranted the host in the Vio, ' 11 in S-..1U1 sua lieu:, met anu ieii, Cithtrj-i hroi'ier with periectimi. and will sew ero'T . ' poods, even leather, and especially adaptea t'r - i ait. - '. .' ' Asy person cf ordinary inteUIsence can Icatn iiour to use it successfully. . AVe have a great nutuher r references, ht only the names of a few, who are. amonstliC nri"-" ilies, to wit : We, the ur;ie'rsicrr.c-d citizens.' bf St. Lenis.hws tely purchajed one of Raymond's L;et l-nprov rent Scu'ina Afachiues, aud use it aucceisfaliy cn 1 ect kinds cf work, id our families' service, tt .jcbe. 1 V rfifi FT t Til .' n.t if'f.. nnr.... ... t.".. :i ... . Atrs. 1J A AleSett Ati J Jewtt Wikui J Cien.enn Jas A. II Laaptoa D Utia.:e JU'BTer.r.iscn JAIi;.lo ETill-m:n . E J S;evenj . Jvi'e C fr.'an I. iTary Liveraw Ji 11 VT i.urf .M Jt W ilii inn ,UU Arbnckle "ilachine without tah'cv as hand MacfOnej iii?' 1 r.eedleatid twucp-jol of on the m.Khiao, are 1 Mtli tables, half d. zea extra needles, tools, ic. . Needle $f per U. z'en. . '' Complete printed directions will be cent "with n machine. These machines take the same stiitou Gn.ver and Baker. No letters'of in.'iniry answered except an eiira p; 'a?e sta-jip i cnclu.-cd. Machines warranted, and may. be returnea ia v.: days If not rati.stictory. " . No machineii delivered until paid far. All order by mail or express, with the tasa, wi;; ceive prompt attention. " . . X. B. AgcnU waiteI f jr every town in tin" j; p;rqeij, i. w.ionia nocai ci-couni wi,; !io-f:vj-Ad.lrcs.-i EDW1X CLAT.Z, Xj. 82 North Fuu;t:i it- St.. LOU!a, Mo. ... . IltjJ. . . Public Kotico . To Prc-emjiion Cfaimants'c'aiminghr,. Utn-'een the .VjCuy Line, cr.d 7,'cj Line, lying bttireen the. tiro Xi.jr.Xi Rivers cn the Half Breed Rcserz:i JWbrasha Territory. . . Ey the sixth "section cf an Act cf frr.;re. -: f An Act makin? appropriations for tho curw. t. continpent expense of the Indian Dep.vtnic:." i approved SSih Fcbrn.ry, lSi. pro. i.-ion is nu t! :. t-aleof the l.mdi lyins between the lite su:tcjp.1: Jnhn C. JlcO.-y in 1C7 and 1SS3, and the western" d.iryofthe Hair Breed Reserve, asspeciiel ia t:,e X articieof the treaty ,f Hrairte du Chieu X loh.'- lbuOjaad the p--cee-i3 of the 5aic are dirrvted tu It to tho extent of $l,5f5 reracre, t.t the Secretary gi?.. Interior, for tho ue or the Half Breeds cnt.'.jiJ 'in ! same. Therefore, all person interested are dm:', taie notice that pre-emption c'ami.ints who tai r perfected their cluicis prior to the 2;h I'etr-ujry. r; will he required to pay for their oia:ni in in-;-,! c. :r of the United Stat.s and that Bvunty l-.V. i.--:. will n:t he receive d ?.i satiafactioa or c;i:;.n't l.-.l lyin? between s. iid lines, cr any of the smallest '.t. sulid.viii ;ns teiotiinsj it uny claim, which nujert ocyond or be cut fcy the said weterTim -st lino. O. II. NIXON. ItcKl tT. C. B. SMITH, Becener. Brownville, Slarch 51, IiS-J nJO-3'V. Probate Notice. TThereas It has been r.uIi to nnwir tn mr niuv tion. that thera are claims existm air.ii'n-t the e-vt 1 j Joe:n icroin. i&te r Xcmaba CVubty, XM.-aIil ritury, deceased; notice is hereby given, tfc.t It. 't app:;iniea jdorniay, the Ertecntn day of Auar, A D ! as a day for the hoarius cf said claim?, ar-l V! ;r havli:;: cUluii against the s.iid estate r h.rr n..t. !-;. i they will he forever ocrred from Tccoverlrj 'jift-.'.. an i from setting c ft the same ia any actio si wh.vr. uiven umter ciy handen this lt;h iy of i H-.:T, A D 13. n. J. wniTXt.T Proha-rJe. Ordered tint the above t.oticc to puta-n? f-r il successive weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser. Brownville, Feo. 17, liS3. . Sr.. Probate !Vofirp. Trhercas ; it has been made to a; pear to try 1 ' 1 f i n . ihflFd r 1 . ' . . . . . . . I . . ..v.., ."viv .lc kiai:u.i cilllll,; ';a;fl l.f f Charles II. Greever, "uto of Xemaha Comdv. -N, ka Terrilorv. drroitfi! ! r...ti.-. 1 -mm bare appointe At-wday, the l.'th dav' f A:n. ' s iue uay lur ine tfarir: cf pa. J c;:uli-, persona havi:i(? claims thcM e--ta;ea:' notitlrd to flie the same at n-y (fTu-etii or U' dav. r thev wi! I h '..rover ir. m r-,..-i. 1 ' et'.i: claims, and from tettits effthe same in arv act.i.a !:: V r 1 . , . Given under my hand, t!i$ lit h ,Uv -of Fr' '"an-, AB lj- R. J. V.Ii;T'7.V -ft ,t J :' ' Orderpd that t..e above notice t e ,,Mi-l--l f successive wesksia tha Xet,rau Aiiiv:i:,rr It. J. WUITN BrcwnviUe; Feh. 17, IS. Special Election. Tcritory ot N'ehrahka, J t coi.o.y 1 .cm.iiij, . NOTICE is hereby sivcu Jli,it.tlirra will to j't?-'1 e!f-t-i,n l.eM in Nenir.ha cotmry at the a n.l P J 1 holdins clcctiuiis, on the 2V.h day of April, A. U t,x t!ie piirpr,e of e!f-irtirs one (o;r.ty t'olnaii "' f.r tl.o 2nd C .mr.iis!,;J!jeiV UUtrict. ia.tdace uf Jfr-- Cle, rcsiznc-d. . , Bj!,e by order of the Board of Comm'isi.ic.-?. la e-tiiu,ny where, f I h.'ivfl.o-"' Ji- 'J' ot !"7 hanu and arnxo l tl J sc-ii -f . ?'f; county, at my cffl.-e i.'i Br-, lY:i2Z April, a. i..j5. 'orTt CurrtjC'.s-- Equilization Board. ' Territory cf Nbri-ka, ? C.iunty of Xem..La, s' ' ' . XOTICK is herchTCiven th.i? f- 1 .-r l'rf r.-.nilin'" of XiMiuiwi county will p1ief io? t'onm-.issionprs' Court of y.ifd c .no'y. on tV: Ji-.nd.iy ( t next June, or the pnrrxr e.f cx imin;r.:.i A. sestmen: Tax Ruil of Xeroaba Coonty f r lie ens year. Dne by order of the B ;ar1 cf CommiMK-ner. ..... In tvs irii.riT ihnriv f I h ivC iC'f"-" ' .'i.'i, !. set my band and aCixvd the C;,: ' ' " , - V " J -....J ....... ... ; V .' Cthday of April, A. I. Ic?. SEEDS! SEEDS!!' ' Field, GAnrcx and 'lower 5rrr?- Vt'earo now fU'.y st;p:ird with one cf the y' and nust complete stock of G.irdfn, Flower ni Seeds ever t tiered to tho L'Vsteru people. O k has been made up with much cure fr..:.i Hie i-esi ,rl Kardens cf Arnctica atid Europe. A Ure si.are." borne scc.'s.bcin g.-uu i: under our cu :--"'"j li'.n.and which we can recmaieud as tri;e laMa; cr the best quality. ' ' ' Anions our assortment sf seeds may bo fouud ovfcf tr-r varieties of Flov. er eeis: SfO Co Garden secdi: Iltir.rtarian Grass sj-. e : : Ciiineese Siunr Cat.e and Imphee seed, ic., if From a lonpac iiianitaricp wirh Trade, we c'"''m dent no one cau oei better inducement to thUe lcf ii s see Is. r. Those who dcisn to emiprare fa Cherry Crf r P.kt's Peak would d-j well to take with thew a tr ircsn itarorn swt.s, we also!nf!y on hind a full nort i.'irj.f.;it.r, .m JI.U1II.M?, ,, r-.itPd to the Field. Garden. Orchard and -foo''.- V.'e ar- fliy prepared tj supply the trade on tic ot--' liheral terms. .'. Full Cataiocruss fnrn:.hed gratis cn arp' mail iucluse aNtamp. Address rr u FMT"!Trr,nnt'. ' 2"! Lake street, Chka2., Tcbruary 17, IfC. 3 Cash for Produce. TTc are now ra jin- eas'i for corn and vltit v on the return of ilr. IIlLh, now ea :t, we' P CASH for ail kinJj of country produce. . CRANE A EIU- TJrowTiTilX March W.1S!5. FO SALE AT THIS OFKffH- i! r'.r 1 a- 1 1 - f r i :i t; i 1 4 Tr