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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1858)
Euciians:! Life and General " Insuranco Co., " OFp-e or 2-1 and Jy,'e ., ;iT. JOSEl'IL .10. T.TKTU AT TH I.AiT sr.sSKS CP THE iTO. LEG "Auluorized Capitol 3,000,000. - VIRECTORS: J. I. Terming?. I. If. Howard. J. A. Own, Milton f-:-!h, .TiuCoi tnis, Ji.l, nil. Likens, W.II.i'taeik, iTarv-i K.-v, N.J., A. G. Manefiecr. J. D. JENNINGS, Pres. K.T:.McA5tia5, Sec'y. IS cow r -ady to receive application for Life. FIre; Mjri:vvnd Hirer ri-ks. A'J'li return of 25 pee .ent. will bo allowed e.n cargo premiums. Losssr promptly adjusted, and the usual fitcilitiee given to The pitrocs. of the office. April lfi:h, IS57. 44-3m 'loth HIS. WEBSTER, MARSH ic CO., ManoTacturers and Wholesale Dealers Ready Made Clothing, S3, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. StllP.T VUVEHS. OVERALLS, 71!5:T3. - - .i k.r.u of PURIilSEING GOODS. ALSO I" A L T STOCK OT GENT'S AND HOY'S CLOTHING, WLi:b we cCcr i low as ar.v Hoiise i; tr.e City. WKHSTKR, MARSH it CO. WHEELER & WILSON'S INCOMPARABLE SEWING MACHINES j. w. Mcdonald co., No. 79, Fourth street. St. Louis, Mo. K'C talons the place ! all o'ber Tna-tiPe to Families, Dress-Makers. AND Tiicy are ! S:-.ipi,-sf, r-p.-ediost, C'inipe-t and most jirable MsrVi"P exist:-...'.. Asrcnls Wanted in Every Town in tne Wot. B. F. SNYDER, Forwarding and Coinoiislon And Steamboat Agent, ST. JOSEPH, MO. to. st the Levee at all hours up.n -be arrival of "c.T.ihoats. zrj-i attend to the Collerii.n of lii '. 1 and I "; if st wiili lam withprumrt di'pat'h; also attend to the Rf-cel-r.r-i c-f for t'.ati, cither lor St. Louis or upper Jli.-soiri. Will le f'jnTi in the . mce of D-jlman & West Heal J'atate A sects, Market Square. MILLER & ifOiSAL'IJlN, 1 mrters f French and German LOOKiNG-GLASSffLATES, Slieci, SUy-IAzlit. ami floor Glass, IS, Second St.i St. Louis Mo. Maa'-Uii'.'ire.s cf OrnmnUt t klt:ff-iias Frames. S rained Glass in till its Various Branches, ir Chare!:'.', Public aad Private B.iildir;. Oinuui'idal Work for Sicamloats. HA YD EX& Vi LS7 S". Ii,ir.rt(, s end Manufcct'trert of Coach Hardware, C-miairo Trhnminirs, Siddlc Trees, lLim?s. i-rings and Axles, Fiilfnt and Iluaciclcd Leather, ' SKIRTING, HARNESS, & BRIDLE LEATHER. No. I!, Main Strict. St. Louis, Mo., "Are prep u ,j itler t their C'j.stner and the trade an assortment 'f articles u:.?crrase4, in -lUality aud iLciptiers, ly any 11 use iri their line. or V'et. 185 a 1858. 8CARRITT 4 JIASOX, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers oi Furniture and Upholstery Yi'afcinsiton Avenue, between " ttiOND AND TliIRD Sf's, ST. LOUIS, MO In our Warer. oms wi.l le f.uul the !ateta!l be-t i.ud- ! y the I'C.-t wjrkaiea nd of .-i-porijr iculc r ;.l s.r. 1 ts;:!-h. VLl -aTrAl'S Fine Tl- sew. od and Mahosany, Walnut OaX r.rt ! tcrv. ith lo-i. -:ts aiid C-noj.y. Mi.'Ki'.: VKl'S It scw-'-.l. Malr ;any, Oak aul WaI nnt wl!i Slie'' - i a.. 1 Miohie 7 ps. WAU1:!U'I.S a: i.l SKCUKTAlllKS. Rosewood, Ma-J..-7-.-y, PaV- V' .'ui.t. ,Vi AS il-h c ir.y Walaut, cevcrid hair Cloth, Ittrc pr.d !.- ic'.. lth'ltMAirS S'i;.e V.- --ewj d, Mahi-cat.r, Cak :i':JWj'.- net. wi'li s:dC c?s. Jf trhic T.-p Kid oval (il.-ts. j 11 ev.-e:,-1. il."'. :. uy. ..k r.:. ! Wahiul Wa. h.-;a:'al, Co"'er S.'!n T'I'oj -'..h lijit' !e Toi s. HAT It At ll.sewocd. -Msh .,;itr, Ok and Walnut i t r tr.anv rtvp s. Also: R !. ?!ah-.?a:ir. Oa: ard W'lnMt I r-.r'. 'r. '. ivr , Tt,. k-i.-' C r..r : o ery XArietr C'ih-f-n, Isu-l. 1 Ca'ie Seat ).! i..n arid (' '.: .-e "iiii r ; Tiocir.iiVor.t I .- t s. I': "!-o :.-!. Traii, V m.Mki, C-rifr ci'd Side 'Vt,.,i.i,.ts. K.!e:.,.oil S;.i.hpi Uath'.t e B.'Tes, Wire ar.d Tin Hafif, S arnf.'s Talent r.i'J:ir H .!- .: S. (ill.T l.ooXiNi: C. T.A ?knuid Tirr (.lasses. Ov.ils. .i ::.tie a;.d Square ; Wood l'ran.cs in Irrye as sort nen. UtnUlXG Sprir.R. Htir. Moss, F.:irtW..:T and llcsk Mitra-se.s ; realtor P.e-N, lMI.-ws, Holte-s. tm"i ts, Shetds ?;., Ml . r tiw het i.uterial, t.a.1 .varran'.ed to OS fre-h. ' r.-ct nod Evi-ry at .::; v.vrr:oited &s rf ;re'-er.t.'' I, an 1 at prices as Ijt as 3uyotl.fcrh u.-e in toe c;ty f. r ;or:e?ixiniiiig ijn ''i'v. . irUers r ifd ar.d f.M.fu'iy fl".-d. We cordially ir.vitL- p ery ..Be who v.i-hfs t- call ar.d t?.lii!rie a;, i i . ice ci'.r i: ji,! -, c are jdca.-ed to show u'jr p-ds, aiid f ive you ;ill U.e infornriii.'ii m or.r p.. cr. All articles - 11 t'V iiicreiully j,a-:kt-J .'i.d delivered cn B T-t or at t'.c I. ie, Very lie-iC-tluily, ' SCARR1TT St MASOK. r.v37 SPRING AND SL3IMER GOODS. FIELD, BEARDSLEE & CO., Importers and Jobbers, ricce Gootls Tor 7:c'S Wear, .Vo. 0" Jj'fin t'ftit. St. lentil Wc sren-.w in recti; t f a larc and ' mtplcto -twk ft suit 1c I r Stiaimcr trade !i toC re-.-t f-it terms. The (lockcoti-H'.-tiiin part d the foll'-wir.-: it .!, v.z: (.horns. Casitaerr; P. e?'.M T-i-e'-t C.i-hmeretts; Jen; C m '.r..-..vs : ;.; t. -'. inn; L:.t!t-:i; O- tt-n ; Al . l';a U'Eitf?; i".iriuei"s Mt in ; A e-ti ii;-; Vel u iseipc ; every uc-rr;'.i.n of t.uh-r-.' mid ehith ic; ttininii-Ur. A complete ;-:--ik.d l'.:ai:ke'.s. A full arsrrtmeTit ot v.o 1 shirts and drawers. 5ie:cfc:.nt:, Clothiers ur.d T.nlors v!-:t:s city for the purine cf l-nyiM? thtdr fj-r.-.s S:.ik will find it ta their interest to examine ov.r ?"-o. u Ve:o-e raakius their i-electior.s All orders will receive vn-mpt iifenu-n. f:i:lii, i;r. ko; lkk &. co. Aprins.jriJir " New Spring Goods, BROWN b& CO., Xo. S, Sluin ftcct Saint I.oui-s. ' iirit MercLaut iitiii St. Ljuis to U.c'.r iaiuieuse 'o.tcf Ne Sarins G h.Js. IIMPORTATION OF 1S58, tl-it. Cra 1 Rhin Silks; Black and C.'l red Sititis ; Printed J.i'.ne'f; Chaliies; Duoases; WLt:e G-od; EnhroiJerifce l'-S G.iU; Glove i Eit-.y; Lace Jlit'-t. Brctrn &. Co . have ready fur e-rhihlt i..n the latest Uar.;e',"i ul nerUiU M ic of licvp ar d hi ; skirts: French ?kiri rejC"; til'' ol'S of all ftyle-, ti krt?vat, drett triie n'ir.r-; hr-chf coi l s, Ititu rc. t..;et).er :th avc casei Talari.-; the latest and nosi lauionatie do-'.fn. Ca.-a hv.ycri, t loie ; uro"u.-.7, ar.d pr. :'i;d men. vT l;'.r.? this marvel, aroi.iv,ir-i ; extuiiitf cr r'.vU and BV-Cw y, it CO., T3 Maia Sircet SaiM LjuI. Anril 15. I'SSi na 42. Potter Wanted. 1 alii eniphyment t-j X J sh. ili.llstri. l: P..:for 'ell sci'imiited witii tie Br-wrivllle. Tv 5. 157 ell sci'isiiited with the t us.iics.. jiMtN x.TT.Enox. ATTOHITEY AT LAW, 1SE0VVXVILLE, X. T. - Will write (i.s cf every k.a l al c.itraUi fur every pv.rn .. wiih warranted aitv.rar . U.e, i:i -.he U.iT iir.iH -wei.f Lu.-L'cash &. Carson. LXFElt TO Hon. J :bn A. lvnh.tM, Cadii. Ohio. " W K C'lcve'.Uid, " " K 1 al. " " It " JL- :.o.-. Caric-n, " " P V.; i. VCn R S-i;i. :.ft. V.-rra, " . " S?Ci-w. r.-lucius. " reri..yn.fu. r:-w'c 0-t ."T Jwi:-H Valuable Claim for Sale. Tfco iR-icr-!:-dVilI fell a val-iahle claim at a bar- rain, as tlic-j are Ueterui'.ned to -c!l. It consists of 160 teres, all bottom land; arout one half cf which in timber tnd ihc talance prairie; 40 acre under fence and cn'.ti vstioa. It is riin..'ui on the Little Neiraha r.ivtr; nine ru!es from Prownvilie and about the same distance from Nemaha City, u.e mile i;;rili cf Long's bridge, y to the tadcrfis-ed ta tLcprcrr.ifCR joiix i:rni:?i Jm-3t-;d LEMUEL IirOHF-S NEW ARRIVAL 3 TP O "" 3SS S T I N W A RE. CHRISTIAN DEISER. UKUW.NVILLE, ANNOUNCES to the puUic that he basjust re :oived. per Steanvor Emraa, a very lure and well as?.,rtod t-ti-ek .f 1'j.rlorsnd Cook Staves, of new and iint.roTed jttern?,as follows: Shanghai Elevated Oven. COOK SIOVES, i'.rh,i Clipper Oven. " ri:n n,-r, Pattern " Clmrt.r U..k " ull of which I j lcde myself to pell at as fair rate Jir.i on a j. nee, in'-, dating term? as any other estab li.hraent in this region of country. I hiive now wi hand every requisite variety of Tin, Copper and .Sheet Iron ware, and am prepared to put up guttcrinirnwd spoutius and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workiaanlike manner, which 1 warrant to give satisfaction. A ebare of patronage is solicited. C DEUSER., July ICth. 1S57. v2n51y A. R IIOLLABIUD & CO., Machinists, Founders and Engine Builders, I xont street. "West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O. "T"ou!J irost re'jiectfiilly inform thcirfriendjand V tbe public gfiieraUy, that they are now pre pared to ex'-outo an oruor.s m tac-irl ice, with prompt ness. Having lat- 'y ei.hirpcd their shop and with the ir creased fa.-iiit;-;.? they noiv f.os.-ess, thej-hepeto m'Tit a cont:r.ii:it:on f.l the liheral patronagu whico has b;rct'fjre heen extcnilel to their). aw Mi' Engines of every Description Constar.t'v on Lan': eonsirtir of the, Circu lar at d Muley. iS ill (Jears and every description of iiiagsarianiea to oe ei: luaiie m every particu lar. Th v have al-o a Roller Yard attached to their estahlishmeit. whi.-h ene.idcR them to overjee all wort in that line furnished by them, and arc pre pared to work on as rea.soL.Lle terms as any other sCoo iu ijio c-oiitilrr. Those in want of anything in our line, would do well to give uf a call and examine our new rattern GEO. S. EAYEIt & CO., IM ESTATE HIS, AND 7 General Land Agents, Glenwood, ieiattsmouth, y.iii c, iown, ta?s co, Nebraska. T JliX. T.r'-inptlr attend to T-r.d Aencic, Inves tiatinir litio. l'tiyirr Taxes, lnvostin mon ey, l'uyiiiir a: J Selling Town Lots, iJuying: Soiling ar l Lo-i'tin? I. '.iMi AVarrants, and nil other business o' litioctcJ with their profos.-ku in Vcstera Iowa and J. M. PEWS, Associate Aliornev. (Greene, VTcare i Ueaton, Bluff?, Iowa. li. lou-!,ty i Co., Greene, YYo:ire A Uice, Greene & V.Varr, Nixon A. Good man, Tootle k Greene, N. V:. Thoma?, Schtoly i Son Gen. Win. Lrick, Il.J .hn on, I. IUed s Son, R .hinson k. l!ro., ll'irlinstoii Co. Hank. Ft. Des Moines Ct Jar Kapids, Cinciiitiati, Ohio. (jlcnwood, Iowa, C incinuaii, Ohio. Viticentown, N. J. I(irrht--town, " l'hilad' lphia, Ta. o u Medford. N. J. j. v. ,vr.sTLi;r. A. A. BUTTON YYESTLAKE & BUTTON, MACHINE SHOP & FOUNDRY. Ratlro;i! Cai ISIoiii Pump, ISult Coriier of 3Iniii oc liid Jte J?t., st. Lors. .vo. Contiacorf en- its e.iniaiit!v on hand, siti h as Rotary Pump Car.-, SiJecr V.nd Cars heelburrow? , bcraper?, Single and Horse Power Derricks, &.c. niacksm.ihinir of all kinds, 11 idee and Trnr Bolts of any length. Wikmnnhip warranted of best quality. Groceries ! Groceries ! ! Fresh Arrivals ! 1 Icavy Additions ' Prices CrcalJy I5odi:cctIlT CERLEXCV TAKE.X AT PAP.!! J, B. JEIINIITGS C(,r. n! ith'l Frances sfi, St. Joseph .Vo lr S .m:-. received at iiis si .rc room, crner of Secoii and Kr-nci Mreet:--. St. J ep!i. everytoinjr desiralde in !.. Hue. wliicli he pt.tciia-ed t-r the Fall ami Winter tra 1, at icieatly rednriKl pri' e for C;i-h, and which he will sell at corrc-potidinc prices for ea-li, or to piinctni l custonier. Anioiii; ins re ent receipts are 50 doz Kresh Perches. 35 doi Prime Apiiles. 20 doz Assortcl Fruits, 'iOioz Lohhters 1 Jv 2 ;b cns, 3u0 doz Fiel l's celebrated y-.tcrs put tip this fall. 20 half Barrels new white Fi-di, ais (l;i-li. l'W boxes W H Cheese. M boxes K I) do. M ii Currant, SO b ie li esi; raisins, 10J boxes dried her riiu, fKJ lbs G '.-hen Butter, 2o0 l.l ls crackers, M bb!s s assorted, "O I !s Peanuts, 100 boxes assorted ai d fnnry (aiiiiies. 100 do until dr .ps aiel motto Li zoneers, 200 drums Fi'.rs.tvC Al- a lai 'e lot smraa and m lasses, which will be s-old at pi ices considerably 1 clow the prices sixtv ?. St. Josep'i. Nov. S. 1S57. 21n . l.(K'Ktlon. 1857. Ii. E. I'OJtEKOY Lcckvoocl & Pomeroy, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in is IMPS. li STRAY GOODS. Also, Si.iprers of Amoricin Furs of every de &cription ; for which they vill pay the highest Market aviiee, IN CASH. C13I NTKV Merchants are invited to examine our stock of Hats & Caps fer the appro icliing Spring and uipmrr trad", which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variety cur stockshall nut be excelinl by any House iti St. Louis. Our prices will be low. term? accommodating. Call and see us it our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph. Mo. ".2-fin r. i. a uit. w. ii. nnovEit. iJrownvil'.,'. N'cmnhi City. LAKE & HOOVER. 11 BTi AND NOT A II Y8 PUBLIC. Erowaville and Nemaha City, x n is n a s k Trr.RiTouY. VT 711.1. proTTtdly attend to Land Agencies, Paying taxas. Drawing tuor.ey. Itiyinrj and seiiing Ii:al Est.i.e, buying and stlling on Ccmmission, Making Coll?ctious tor distant dealers, and all kindc of business crtair.iiig o their pr.ifessien. P.trtie-jlaratter.toin will be given in filing deelan-to-y statcn;ent3 to pre-empt and .rK-uring War ranty Deeds fruc the Town author '.ties. Persor.s otrning rows lot, residing at a di-tanee vcishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well to pi iee the agency in rtir hipd. i 1 w n m pres?ntirig their Quit claim D'-eds for said L.'t s "within :he e.-pirati.-nof six met.; hs, as tlier that time lUl Ivts n-jt l) .rdcl will be 1-lanks always -i'i hand. N. 1?. I.vtters of ir.piirv answered promptlv. March 2i'. Vi7. ' 41-ly New Wholesale Grocery House. W. C. RITCHIE, WHOLESALE AXD RET IX 1IL Groceries, Vines, Licjuors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Corner vf .Vtin eni Frrnrit Strcett. Piddh's Old htoit!, t);)fif7f Stouts Hotel, ST. JOSEPH. "IO. HAVE rer-ived the iai-vst a:,d cmpiele ftvof t'i c.i'.ts ever opened in t.i ter V.'-si'iiri. tc-which to at tetiii Tu.f merch."".ts ai d dealers j res rctfa':ii? iavitisj Inv-.jj urchased tbeta principally ft r cish at the vp-r !,.-pst possible price, in lv .-ton. NewYTi and S:. l.ri:is. feel confident that I c .n ofTr iiidureiie'-.te that are rai ely found. a.d htr;op. l yfair a id li1-'. dcaiir;. bw pnee atil c i,xis, to :.ierit a iilieral f hare of patronsze. Call and xanii.i. my sto- k and j rnes be. re basing -ales ar boan-l to follow. In r,y s;.:i will befuuvl cvry 4:'icl csmI'.t fcppt in K-? t rr"f'i V!m. Rill nPSPF? m Mm. s ATER'S PILLS. FOB ALL THE PTJSPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. Turin Vn Innir Gristed a nuLlic demand for an efTective purgative pill which could he relied on as - i ., r : nrmr-it;nTi This rian sure anu jmjiicciij mm: w..... ... heen prepared to meet that demand, and an exten sive trial of its virtues has conclusively shown with vchat success it accomplishes the purpose designed. It is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy to Make the lest of all pil.'s one which should have none of the oln'ections, but all the advantages, of every other. This has been attempted here, and with what success we wonld respectfully submit to the public decision. It has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine is acrimonious and irritating to the bow tls. This is not. Many of them produce so much priiing pain and revulsion in the system as to more than counterbalance the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their i se in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we nay mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms cf jaundice. Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlessncss, Irritability, Bilious Headache, Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Tain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an aperient they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tivencss, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrofula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and impurity of the blood, Irregularities ; in short, any and every ease where a purgative is required. They have also produced coma singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy-, 'Gravel, Krysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and towels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, arid restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too f;ir, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to tne reason oi every body ; aiid it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped, they are Eleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no arm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on the Box PR FT A RED BY DR. JAMES C. AYEE, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price 25 Cents per Eox. Five Eoxes for Sh AYEIt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For tlie rapid Cure of COrC.IIS, COLDS, IIOARSEXESS, MiO.M HITIS, H HOOPIAC.-COIGII, CIlCl'P. ASTHMA, AXD coAsmrnox. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been cmnloved. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so" numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming aiid even desperate diseases of the lungs by its lise. When once tried its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appa rent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no loncer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not "only in formidable attacks upon the lungs, but for "the milder varieties of Colds. Corc.iis. Hoabseness, &c. ; and for Chita- tires it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has Ions been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best that it ever J. 11. JlAi a tu., Browuville, X. T 1S3S CARPETING. 1S5S SPRLYG SALES. a. Mcdowell & company. Are now in receipt of their sprinir importations, which have been purchased in Kncland for cash, for thou'-h oiher houses arc advcrtisum direct linportatioiis from Kurope. wc take pleasure in announcing that we are the only uirect importers from Kmilaud France in the west ern Slates, and h ive now on hand the largest and finest stiW ever iuipuricd to thiscuuuiry, consisting in part as follows : 9-4. 6-4 4-1 and 3-4 Xew Medallions; 6-4 royal Velvets; 5o0 rolls French velvet?; 200 rolls Royal Wiltuii; 1000 Dj Uobert Crossiey Brus sels ; 2WK) rolls John Crossley St Son's T.ipesty Bru.-sel-; 2 100 rolls P.; intoii's; 31KXJ rolls Prardoe ii Iloonian's; lfKK) rolls liriuht's new de-itriis; lljoi) rolls heavy En.-lish three-ply; looo heavy superfine; Together with the Ijrces stock o Domestic Carpets, for the wholesale trade, ever brought west of the moun tains. Also2CC0 r'lls4-4 whiteand check matting; 5mK) " 5-4 " " " 3000 " 4-4 and " 3IXJ0 " Cocoa matfine all widihs. 150J sheets of oil cloth 12 to 30 feet wide; 20)picres 3-1 4-4 5-4 5-4 and 8-4, oilcloth. Also the larc-est sbekef ruizs, tabic covers, sofa rn;s, Mats, stair rds, table oil clothes, 4tc., of any cstalish ment in the cmtntty. To the retail customer, all we ask is a call.toccnvinre them that we can and will sell lower than any other house in the west. Tothe wholesale purchaser we would say that we can offer them preater inducements than any establisln..ent cither in New York or Boston, havim: piircha.-el our cn'ire stock f-.r cash, we are preparer tn offer uiir txis at tl;" very l..we: prices of ini)virtatioo. A. .Mi IHiWKI.L it Co., 5s .Main st., it. Louis. Jf.iy la, lb-i no 42. ZOOK & IJALDWIN, Porcat Oity, IV-To., Doalpr m 23 "ST Or tEZ , MEDICINES. Dye Woods, Dyestutfs, OiN, !aif s, and Painters Articles Yarnislies, Windovr-glass and Puttv, GLASSWARE, French, English, nnd American Fcrfumcry. r I'I-I- toilet and shaving soaps, fine hair and T7 toothbrushes, paint brushes, surgical and dent 3 al instruments, spices, snufTs. manufactured tobacco: all the patent medicine of the day; pure wines and brandies. f,.r medical purposes; choice toilet and fancy articles, cic.ete. Agents for the sale of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherrr. " Roger's Liverwort. Tar and Caccualagua. " Osgood's India Cholagogue, " Jones' American Cholagogie; " (Juysott's Yellow d'jek and Sarsaparilla; " Pmith's Tonic Syrup. July 23, Ibjl. ' v2nl-y!y Lightning Sods. mxnrROM fader ! To an wh. m it may concern, you are herebv informed that the unucrsizneil ls nw emrazed in puttir.e up th! best class of I.iihfninp ILis nianuricturcl in the East, and on the most reasonable terms Having had lone ex perience in the twismt-ss, Le warrants all work done bv h.iu to be Ujiie riitht. n n .MAIU-II B EFKKEXCES. Jame Bnclnnan, Washincton. 1. C.; J.'C. r.recker-ri-lce, W.ishirc-ton. n C; Mrs Victoria. London, Enp land: Iyuis vapoiem B inaparte. Paris, France; Emper or Alexander. St. Peter-burg. Russia. Bwwshlle ilarch2o r.o3;f ISHAM REAVIsj " ATTORNEY AT LAW, AXD REAL ESTATE AG EXT, Falls City, Richardson County, Kebrasko. Will p:vn jir-'Tiipt aripnti n to all pTufessknal bui- j Di! (puirusiiM x-t hiz care in Ji;-UArin an-i aijcinins counties alvi t - tn drawing rf -leods. pre-cmpiion ri- MM SPfilAti Ai S CRANE DEALERS IN q5 Pl T f" ai AND Main St. between Front and Seiond s'.s., Browuville, TST. 17. 1J A i HATS & CAPS, Stove Furniture, i Flour, Bacon, AND w E hare just opened a heavy Stock of Fall and and lancy line, which we are now prepared to oner to the tradeatextrtinciy low prices, ror Casli or Country Produce. , 13 5. tv2nlS-tf CP. AXE k HILL. SIEGEL & GREEXBAUM, KTO- 27 TiKl13. Street, Brownville, N. T. THE proprietors would most respectfully inform the citizens of Brownville and the public pv-nr-r-illy that they have received and are now opening one of the largest and most couii lcto Stocks of Clothing Ever brought to this market. Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Texture ifYid Prices : as to Color they have Brown, Blue. Black, visible and invisible Green, and Cloths. Cassimcr. Sat inetts. Cashmeretts. and Jeans, all made up according tothe latest fashionable cut. Their variety of vests issupcrb, 'embracing the very la est styles and patterns. In the May also be found at all time a fine selection of Cravats. Stocks, Tycs, Collars white or colored. Handker chiefs, Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell as cheap as any establishment in the Wct. Wc have the finest and best assortment of SPUING AND SUMMEIt CLOTHING Ever brought BOOTS HATS APtflO oa: Warranted to suit the most fatiduous. A fine a.-soitmcnt of COATS, Iress, Frock and Sack. FAA'TS, Every Style and IJescription. -VESTS, To please S-arc and Snuall. SIClit IS, ISoili VSiite and Fancy. TTE would but ask the public toeall, axamir.e nnd judge for themselves whether the Clothing at the Y Baltimore Clothing Ktnporiiim is not id' better ni.iJo nntcrial, cut with better taste, butter trimmed xnd twenty-five percent, cheaper than thev have ever bought elsewhere. October 2fth, la". v2;iM-ly SIF.GF.L A GBEF.NBAUM. VICTORIOUS OVEIl PAIN. ! Acny or :e ! Sitliws. or !'.' or ct.illi ! Tiiese are tL' tj'iftiitiis int'1p(l in tlit rr r-jHcUtJil of tliis o cil c by liie in;irtui la Mtni;il ii--;i-.-s :unl iiijurics. ijnviiijjje cmm1 tit? iiil.riiK'iit l ti.iMlis-tiiiiiiln-'l fttfuii liie It. K.i.K, :uil it- iJir:ic tented dur ing two auti.l iitirTs in t lie le L i 'lis of cU'i n:i1 k o. it is iiit c.-iiii-iiti; into ue in every n.ic-ti-iii of the ci jN -I :tul its inarvelutm ciip-s :tie eer !ucn exciting a,toiiihn.ciit. THE AFFLICTED 11EJ0ICE. IirXI'MrPS and TIIOF.ANr'? liavp tested it h iitucs, and ate rcjoicin-r in freedom from long litiut'-riiiir I'AIN" and MI"AM:. w hich otle r Kiiii dics h:id f;iiled to core. I line ton the UlluX ( IIIT1S, M'.l'll.M ;., pin r M AT ISM, MltoH'I.A, EAlt A( lIKorTdO'lll A( 111- tn. miii lf$?33i'i nlllicti'd with H)l:iSor- :v -t'S3 '''''"s f' out 1:1:1 ishj sflt.MXS, N--irf colts.-, toiti: i-.yi-. ni i f ;TIIC arctic uminxT " will aiTonl von in-taut relief. Lverj buoy is liubie to For these "'rendrid .irridrnta the Allelic I.IMMPM should be Kept on h.-md, lor it .iIIolIs sue and immediate relief, oli.n kiv in from ileal li. lverv steam boat and railroad train shoidd leeji it. tVho lhat has heard the shrieks of niifiot. niin..) l.i it.p ""3 scalded and ioaiioe,l i i-t in s of eplosions and collisions. iioe- not ll lee I that snioe nioins of r a in"" their 1ort lie shonl 1 nlna. be "accessible J Such does exist in thi- uainivpain lln:ga"ent. His THE KOTEERS' COMPANION. It ecr-s C.Mir? IV TIF nr. east. s"i:i: Mirir. SidtE I II S, I'IMI'l.IS. kr. l a. dies who ne a pnie i-kiii. void of imj L's. blotches, fcurf and all discoloiations an.1, i-x-rre-cences, should attack these tiesp.-iss rs f,n beai.ty '.s doinii in as -oon as thev a p -ar with the Alt' liC l.l.VIMI NT. H is evm lli id f..r the I i:-ir, rin;: it a l.i-althy, glossj aji peaialice. 1. is J ri : I :-s- v-t- -.r J GOOD FOR MAN AND BEAST. It is a Fovereiirn rer.ieily fot 1he aiions ili-es-en i;!i v hich l:mss aie aiille'ed. e::r ioc Ihe tno.f alal niin ca-- of I I I I.-I-S. SI-ilAINS. MltlNti 1IAI.T. Wdl NPS. .sl lt Alf II K SWI.l NY.SI'A IX. r.INC- pi'Nr, l:l';-HEAl. )d.I LVIl, Ac. No laniier, Ii' err stable keeper, or nnv e--.n owning valuable llHltSES, si.oitld be without this valua bly rente-! v. For Bale by all respectable I'rnr;;:st nnd Prafer. rrice- of the Unim'-nt, - W. roiNri.l $1 a lit tle. A one dollar bottle c ntaius as much Uiiinit-ut as eight tvienty-fire-ceut bottlt EXTRAOnDIXArY AXSOCXCr.MEXT Frery pnrcl:aer of a doll:: r Lottl-of tie-Al t 'llf I TV PdKXf re-ive. at Ir. I'.ia:'s epin-e. the l.Nill P STATES J'JCl'.VAU of N"'.t York, for one ynr. U.e Journal is a large iiluOraP-l paper :!cii nuiobpr ren tainin? sixteen paT'-s. beautifully printed on clear white paper, and lilled with or-.-ral nafr from the iuo-t bril liant writers of the eonntrr. Cert'Iici t e sub.epf tmn aad full particulars of t':i? novel and iohmthro; ic en terprise, of which this oiler forra a par., mill aceoiniany each bot'.K An ACiKXT TVAVTFTt in FYFTtV TOTTN" and YTTT.ACE. BltAGU S; BtUIItlWKS, St. I,oiil-, Mo Xkw Yorh I'-rH'K. No :.7I piltlAl WAY. Communications should al vays be addressed to t. Ixiuis. J. II. MAUN Sc CO., Agents, Drownvi'.le, Jf. T. Land Sales! The undersigned, owner of fortr-six acres of land nd joininz the city of Brownville was original!- laid ft as a portion rf the town tite desirous to dispose of the I same, and will do so cn ex rer-d irmly favorable terms, j Apply to JiHX .Mrl'OXOl Till. ; May . 13? r47, X". T. mm y :' 7 i i urn .-. -sf.z - i- ! i Wi- : . 'H'-.Kii & HILL, n mi n o s 3 3 -Iks COUNTRY PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Staple to this Territory. KEROSENE OILS, i :.s ; ill; j i ..o:.: c".'L. (Secured ly L Iters Tateiit.) Kekomkse Ii-I-VMInatini; Oil. The light obtain ed from this Oil excedin briliiancy thntof any other Oil or fluid heretofore discovered; is inexplo-.-ivc, and will remain limped in the very coldest Werither. . - The Company recommend as the lamps be?t adopt ed to O.dl, the Kerosene Lamps, manufactured by the following parties: Messrs. Corm-l us !t Haker also, lyovt.f I'hila.lelphia. K. V. ll-iu.'hwout i. Co.. 4 I'.ro.nhvay. the Urooklyn Flint 01a Co., .No. .i liroail ip'i'l, Messrs. lu-ti k Co., .;.; Wil liam Street, I.. Mercier 137 Klin Street, N. Y. Sainples of di j'crent styles of Lamps can be scen'at the Oifice of the Comjiany. KekkSENK Lt'liKiCATlNG On., Xo. 1 Trcpared to suit the finest, and all other kinds of Machinery burns briilianty in Locomotive Head Lights, Cur Lamps, and all the ordipary Solarand Hand Lamp, and stands .is grea a degree of cold as best Sperm Oil, and isadmirably adapted tu Kailroad and Steam ship use. IvEitosEsn LrnniCATixr, On.?, Xo. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantages over any Oils in the market at same .rices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re ipjirements of Kailn ads nnd other.-'. Kekosene KiNAtLE O I l. 1 Ve pared expressly for Ships' inn, and will be found aduiirably adapted for use of .St -am-hips, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lake an 1 Kiver erafl. and burns in all cab'n stateroom, binnacle, foreca.-tle lamps, signal lan terns. Ac. llinnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as b"st Sperm, and will burn nil night without re-miring to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmaster. The Keroeno Oils can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil I'calcr--. Ship Cha i.dl' rs. I 'ruggis's, and (irocers in New York, ami the regularly n plant ed Agents of the Company n many "of the principal Towns and Villages of the' ("nited States, the Cuna d.iys, and the Island of Cula. Local Agents appointed ( in conformity with the rules es'ablishcd by the iloard t 'f Trustees,; on ap plication to AVSTE.YS. Gem rctl A'jrntu, h n w O'f.f".. No. 60 leaver Street, N. Y. N.B. Cimilnr? with full partieu'ar?,testimor.ia!s, ices, ire.. ,vill be forwarded onnprdifatiun a- abnyp price June 2.1th. I - "i7 -Is I Patent Portable Mill, j rplIE subscribers have entered into a partner-hip ! 1 under tlie firm of Peed, Ilolabird k Co., to manut ieture the J. C. Kced. Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in want of a good C-rn ( r Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simpli.-fy ar.d economy : ex-el any Mill in the world. On the la'e exhibition of the Mechanic, institute in Cincinnati, a G.A1 JA Ial was awarded : them for it. i It is adapted to all Grain grinding pnrpo-ps : it is s'tpcriorto ail ;tlir- f-r the m-n extensive Sler-ha nt Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmcri feed by Hor-e j power. i The above Mill? ars rnannf.tcnrel hy the umler i gl at their shop in Cin-innati. (., where th'-r , con be fiirni-licd in any .pnantity at short notice.. " : Thc ibove Mills warranted to perform as follow-: i:.. diam., per hour oil I!. Corn, 25 Wheat, 3!0 : .) ' - ;;i) o ,t o-q '21" " 20 3 2Dd -J " " " " 16 8 " h) As tiiis- Mill tells it own is unnecessary to : quote from our numerous recommendations, received. . Tailorinir! Tailoring.. Tailorin-:!: E. K. I'AIiKF.R. i Mcrcliant Tailor, i Atlintie sfroef, W"e.:- rf IToblitzeirs Store. i r.nowyviLLE. xebeaska tfj:r.' HAVINi; bought property and I-oatcd rmnnent ly in Pro-.vnville, I ...if.-r my services tothe , iiub'.ie generally, if they want any'thingdore in mv i !llie "f busine?s. I can always b found at my post. ; or. worn prof.i-rlysp-'aking nt'mv b'-nch. i iTcr!i llarranioO o Fit Xo Pas! I Particular attention paid to cutting spin.ii-nts and layiug off work for the Scam-tress." 'J'1C rep.tcst i portion of my life has be.-n devoted to n.y trad. . in ' which I consi.b-r n-y-t lf inferi-r to none esj.i.-ialiv in the cutting department, and I In pe by eb,-e att n ; tion to my business to merit a share if public patronage. E. E. PA UK Kit. Urowcviil" April lfifh. P37. 44 lT ITcv7 Hardware Store. Sign of the Saw. J. FLAHEBTY, Iraportcr, AVholesale ar.d Itetaii Dealer in Aniorican German, English &, French HARDWARE AXD CUTLERY. st. josErn, mo. TS NOWrecei vinz and openins the hirest nnd most L varied arsorlment of ;roods iu the above line ever olfered in any market west of St. Louis. My sto:k embraces a full and complete &s?c.r!me3t of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechaa ic's tools of every description, direct from the mc st approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in j;reat variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the giving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfjily request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent tor the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe fjctary prices. Also a 1ar;:e assortment of Gun, Ki2"s and Pistols. Iron. Steel. Nails, Ac. of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, jfoi its ru ility and price, I am determined to offer siich inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjtiininj; countie. My arrangements for importing and agencies lor American Hardware Minufacturers, together with a long experience in the srcnral Hard ware trade, enable tne: not only t i defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is siiia'.l profits ar.d fu;ck re;urn. Janunry 1, 1 rhuL'if iniiMsiii JOIIX COLIIOtX & BKOTIIER, (Sign of the Padlock, .ppo-itc tlie Post Oflioe.) WHOLESALE AXI EETAIL PKAI.EI-. IN Building and Saddlery Hardware, G 11 0 C K 11 1 E S , Cools, Slices, Lcntl:cr and Slioc Findings. ST. JOSEPH. .10. HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and 1'oreigu Hardware, such as : Greaves A; S. n's Piles Seiss. rs and Kdge Tools P .eiict kr.ive, Hutclier's do do Knives and forks Spear i; Jachsf.u'.s saw's L'ras- curtain bands and Gimlet pointed serews p:ns Griffin's and American Door 'ccl; horse nails Anders and anger bit's Post hole au rers Coin knivos Ames' -hovels a?.. 1 spades Hilar scyrhi'S Lull A Porter's .-butter Cm and grain do Ib-.tls N.i N Morticing machines Shove l-mi l tongs Circular, mill ai.d muly C.ii;oii--riel;s saws Frame ! .co- d sins Planes.Hid llane Ir-ns Ilia. l:ji. ith-' P.. llows and Coopers dra ing k'lives Vi i j do ades and wood Mon-eholc Arir.itagc an t mis vils Tre-s Hoops Ain- rem ar.vils Putts, east and wrought Stocks and dies Copper rivets for belts Pa I hooks, hrceeh'g loops Tuyere Irons Pad screws, e-K-keyes Plated and com. sHrrups Ornament', rucks do do Uirts Girl ii rein and roller vcb do do ltin-kh'S Sill--, -'! eor 1 thread do do Kings Calf sl ins Preast and rein snaps I'i per leather Lasts, pegs PiM.lle do Peg floats Skirting d) Pincers Harness do Shoe thread !'lting do Itristles. was float -kins Lining skins Enamim Ucd leather llindir.g AV i tli many goods eni'.raeio? a com-'-te a-ort-nient of the inn-t desira'ole w b i. h thev will s. 11 at the lowest prices'. J.COLIlUl N i 11KO. liltti. 1 s .;, 7 . 1-I v Gcorgo Teruscn, MILLWKK.IIT & EXfJIXELK, ur.o wiiviLLz;, i;. t. NN0rXCI-:. t. the p.i'.H.-. t'.at h is r r-prre l to ere.-t St. am and Water Saw and M'-r Lent Mills a! short notice and reasonable tenn-. Impair ing of machinery of all kinds. ALL WORK WARRANTED. He is also Agent f . r A. 13. IIOLLIRIRD & GO'S Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O. LEE & LEAViTT'S Saw Manufactory, CINCINNATI, O. And are prepared to rcceiveand Ll! orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kcj t 01. hand, by these es tablishments. Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. KKlTLUHMIiS. Noel. Lake A Co., lin.u nviilo, X. T. Steam Mill. K.W. Kurtrw, llr .vMniile, " Muir. Haiui iV Co., " ' " " I'r. Hoover, Xemnha city, " " " P. M. Kogers. Pinvnce eitv", " " Nuckolls White, Kocki rt, Mo. " " James Lowe, Lii.drn, " " " A. 15. H .lhber l. Ciocirjati.O. Pruwiu ill,-. .June l'5r. 2 l-ly OLIVER EENXl-yrT co if A Nt' F ACT I P. KT S AND V. II U.W.n'.s IV Eocts Shoes 6c Ercrans, xo. 7 .i.i.v sriErr. saxp i.ri.. 2:0. K KM NOW IN PKfKIPTof ae. m;v tea-or-m-nt Ix. of goods from ih"ir i wn atel t!:.-r n. n. 11.10 torie,:idaptijdespefia:!y t,. i'io Western trfd. Purcha-ers are invit'.-d to e i-ioi.e th.-ir stock, manufacturid and se'..-t I with -gr-ff .-are nnd warranted or.superior ijiiality. Orders will receive rompt andeareu' attention. .NEBRASKA UTY Capital stock .V.10,()ti0. XEBUASKA CITY, X. T. rpniS Cmpary. under a liberal r-hnrfer, is now . ""J organized. n::d their entire en cita I f y'.V T.;;,ud lh.ll.,r. paid in and secured. Tii.-v are prepared, from this date, to grat.t ..p-r, p .!i,-ie". and take risks, upon frm-. wi:h the nest favored Intir.u,-je Com; u;,y nr,y where. Havitig adopted the mutual principle, its patron, without incurring any liability, will share iu the jrolits of the company. The op-ratior of the C' rnj any. w ill bo eonfinM. forthe present, to maimnf, or cai;-;o ri-k. with a maximum liability of 12.Cmi 1.11 u-y one bottom. Ueing the only In-nr:ir:ee O'lice. on the above pop ularplan, West 1,1 the Mis-..rri. ii e. t.f l. r.tly ex pect a generous upp. rt fn.i.i Western M . rehniits. We respectfully invite the Ml-ouri Kivcr pa tronage. riUECTOKs : S.F.u.'k..:!s, Ch.i. F. Holly, II. P. .1. L. A-iii-troiig, W. liinchiiian. Miles W. Prown, A. A.P.-a '.f ,rd. 11FFI' : C1TAS.F. HOLLY, Prcsid en t. .1. Gar-ide, Sec'y. St. Louis Arrer.t Col. W. V. Howard. April 21. 1 -j7. 42-ly T. If. tPWAKPS. ANLP.EW J. fcEKUY. EDWARDS BERRY, Prorrietors of the NEBEASKA HOUSE. Krovnvillr, ZY.T. TTie cn.!er-i:"tr-d h ivrr:i ri ered into a c.-.-pirtr..r'lii;. in the b. tel bu-me-s .a the n.nue I II u-e. and h.-ivini n: ide an en; ire -.-e ..f r -n- r . nwli ..lapip tely rep.iired an 1 renovated tho whole r-t:ildi-hmpnf . they are prepared to a: c iniii d ite the travel. m. t.uI.Ii.' and reeuiar b ..-.'ers m a .;j ie not Mi:.t.-.-ot ty a:.y oiherl;to; in the Tern;, ry. CisarsiCM 3!ot!cr:itr, and every ficiiity oifered to place ur ci;r:s at e.i-e, and su; ply them a.-near a.-j. -ol.ic ni'.t. tLe comforts of a h- me. Apriih I-r,S. ril-Cn EDTARPS & P.KP.nT. PliESEUVKl) FUPiTS: Str:' b rr;.-, "lWhe, Whvrtiibcrrk ic . Lr., U ! 0 at - T. WIIYIFi CO S KEW GOODS!!! A T - JOHN McPIIERSON. I haTe just received an entirely new and 'ar assortuiejit of EUTERIOR GOODS, TThich I will -oil at as reasonable prices tf 4r.T Citablishmcnt in the West, 7 I have now in store a great variety of the . lowing article-, which wera j un hased for CASil and consequently.caa sell cheap on the same term DRY 'GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, SADDLERY, BOOTS AXD SnOES HARDWARE A.I C-X'TLLRT, QUEEXSWAIIE, LOOTS AND SHOES, Ready Made Clothing. And a. fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Toppers, Soda, Salaratu?, Ginger, Allspice, 19"NoveinLcr 5ih. etc., etc. LOUIS WALDTER, House, Sisn, and . Ornamental Painter, . ft I - - i-D P A 1 K II II A XAi E R , KEMAUA CITY, N. T. T.ikethis me'.h A ot infoi nnna the jmhi-C that If ha removed his p unt 1...,, fr,,m R. kr,.rt. Mo., to this p;jr 11a thinks LiiiiM-lf iji..,: to undertake any Work ter tainins to Iiis line..t b i-ine-s, aud lespecttullv mutes the public to cue hi ;u a cill. leave orders at u.e "Advertise! " office " Nov. 19. IS.,7. ,l2,.t DO WD A L L, .M A It K 1 1 A M , & CO. , V7ASINGTON FOUNDRY, riuino and -Hat hi no shop, coKxtit or sririi a no morgan kinitri ST. I.Ol lS, Mo. M inufact-irers of Sieum Uridines and IV. iler. Sjwar On.-t Mill -Mji hmery. .s,i,ie and 1. cble Circular Sm Mills, Toba-ci Serews ami Pi e-e I.ard Kettles. Urd screws ami Cylimlers. W,h,I faidaii .Machines Building t'asiines Yoiin;'-Improved Patent Snnt Mills. i.c. CJ.i;KXTs for the saleof James Smith & Co 'Su perior Machine Cards. vinft-ly NEW STORE MT. VE1L0N,V NEBRASKA. A. MEDLEY, Ann-uncos to the pnbiic that purchased the n:n sive Slock cf G..- t roii;M to tins piece ty Mr. Uailt and liow i.flers t.i -ell B ry G o nth. ii a o cr i i r s. I la rI IT a rr, at prices as f., i,m ,. i..mi , rhe Western Cott.;rr, Dr Cash or 1:1 exchai .'e for country pn ilm e f..t. I. o7-nl 1 Scott city Steam Saw-MHl joiix c. nrrnrAX, st oit iiy. Mo.. (Tmmedttitilj ujij.outt liroiruv.llf. .V. T) Announce-p. i (o,oii- t,.,t le i,..,n.Hi the nrv (.te.iin sj ..--!;ii!l riH ent ly c ci ted hv Mr. Meek, bciti-1 a- a; ve. ai.d i- n.v pre)..iied to furnish the nturns if Missouri and Xeb-.i-k.i wr.b an e.xti a .4'ialitj of Ll)fi ot every de.-cript ion and SAWED LATHS of an ex el'et.t i-:.ia-y. A shai e of patronage is solicrtrd. X .vein I er 1 1. 1S..7. t..'0-lf .vi.'i l rori; cousin, Land and General Agent, WASHINGTON CITV, D.C. Il.tvitii: resigned tlie Mti;ati..n which he has held n the General Laid tUll.-e for ihe last twenty yrmn 111 ciiarue of the Pie-eiupi ion Bureau 1 fter.- lasseiv ces m the p'o-( u;i. 11 of 1 ham- b -tore the Department, under shepr. -enip;c 11 I i", s. t. n n M;e act of MI, k.- . Mr. I', u 1 II also i;ik e aitention to c ih.s before the Pen si n . tli e .r..c;i, e I W.i-ra:i!s to parties eutitlcd. and prosecute claims before (Vm-tess. 111. r r as pi IIjIi. S A. P :;!. i-. Illinois. C. S. Senate. J l U--:-fit. In ii in 1. C. K Mn.irj Me r.. W. J h i ,1, Ai k a.- is. Din 1 el,s. Ili-o n-in, IIoUe Rel C. C. IV.i-i, !.;? e. -. ' It b"f Sin ir!i Illinois. John l. Siiel'd.-e I., iiisi.m 1. T'i in 1- A Hindi k- C.-tu'r Itnil (nrt. e J -s. II m. - W1.-0T1 ' t'U'nf l''o.W K M I! i.iii i.'.. 11 Kx-t'vm'r. Indian.. J ii.;es !.:ei N. Hx-Cm'r. Minnesota - C. V b:;nii: ( ,,r."r I'eu-i. ns. Me.' st. I'm;. Alauii -oia srs eeny. Kent ft. Co.. BatiKers. tr-..u,t n C, v Mes l'.o'o x X-tir-e, do .1,, I, Lb llr ,il,( ,1, S i. er. ! i-.i (',,. ,j , j,, Also, tothe lo,tn,-t I. n.d (dli-prs -enerallT ar.d t a'l whohavel el !.i:.d l,,,.,,,,., .,, ,i.c..ltljf p.venncent :..r years, r ..( t,. t.,;prs Wlil reci-ve utteii n niui.e-s jo.,iii,,,.il(., i.y alee. nil-lr NEW FIRM J'.na. Crane a-id The. . lore Ilii! have this dar forir'd :u wc.-p;irtnership under the ihe firm rd ntvleof Cr:ine H. .-. nnd will roiaini.i. 11, c Men antile theuli stitd '.I McAlii-ter, D .zier Co. Jn' A3 CR A !n! TIIK iinKK KiU.. P. LK'KHAUDT, -V A T r U HAKE IK .ncl Jowollor, nni.(.(i. mn.r i ot nty, mo. rrAKES tliu liberty to ibfi.rni tlu; citizer.s of X lirownville and that 1 e bn. opened In Oregon. 11. Ue.omty.M,,.. where ir,: Keep en--t:::;t!y ,,n h;;:i 1. and for s:ie, , ,H .,,. ,,.,. t ,f '"Id and S:l'. r War, 1,. s. fl,,et - :i; . Jewelry. h he wn M-ll f xfr nolv 1,,, f.,r CASH. Al-o. a l.'.o I'd .f Violins. A-coid-or-. Silver, nnd Plated S: ta.-h s. Gobi pe,,., ,,., v,ilver t.Uclf., a ea-es. Silver 'i tiin.blc-. Ac. Ac. II is pr-.,:, red to repair Wat.-he-. C!oek--and Jew elry, ot every .leseri-ti.-n, in the test rcauner arl on . ie pi .-t rea - loil.le t( rins. Kcery arti le l-.ti-I.t in his establishment, is war ranted H, be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warrant,. d f. r one year. July 2'". ! ,.). vl -n t f t. n. ctiifNc. ,((IIS c. xl KS. tnilXG & Tl'KK, Attorneys at Law & Ileal Estate Asjcat. OMAHA CITY, ?r. T. VT 7 ILL attend faithfully nnd f r..nn.f ly to ail bu.-i V ne-s ciitru-t, d to t hem, i n the Terri torial o low a Court, to t!,c piin ba-eof lot-and laods, cu-trrie- and pr"- i.-.p'i n-.e ; 1 ti. r.s. Ae. Oliii-p in th" -1 opd story of llnnry A- P.' t new inillinv;. n ar'.y oppu-iiu the Wcbtern Lxeiiarg I'i nk, I a rnh. 1 111 sip-el. Dec. 27, i;,r;. v! ,2-tf EROvVIi VILLI MILL, XOKh, PAKE & KJIKItSON. N. P. We would r .sj e.-tfuMy infonc t ho citi zens I.. .Nemaha county and adjoiuiae; Mi-souri. that we haveaiwnya ..n hand a large ai.d well -electc i fupj lyof H ..lnilU, which we can furnish at low er rates than s.ny mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for log, delivered at the yarl or on the bank of t ne river. A'.l orders accorcrnruid with the cash, will rcccif our immediate atf'-nth.n. a. Lvrop.n. J. T. HORN Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dtuh rs in AND GROCERIES, II A R DW A K E. Q U E ENSWA R E, HOOTS, SHOES, IIAT6 AND CAPS. I'Iuit.w. SUi cm.rurniturc, i.c SONORA, :,io. April 9'h. l-j7. 43 t I - PINE Do;;.-4, Frr? i.J I. T. WJIYTE CO.