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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1858)
1! i n- of t j a ire-.- of wtl. "-led t aa Ulht in- r, rill . ' 1'" : -eft rt !: t t , i I if fld- 5111 . r- i t THE ADVERTISER. BROWNVILLE, JULY 15, 1S.S. F.roneycar.if r' risJvanco. - $2 00 .. at itic eiiJ of 6 months, i smj tt 12 3 00 Club cf 15 or Ki .re will be furnished at $1 60 per inom, provide!1 tie ca.-.u accompanies the order, not ethcrwi.c. JOII WOHK. With rernt extensive additions of New Type. Cuts, coioerf Inks, Bronrcs, Cards, &.C., m.i.le to the "Adver tiser" Ofiice.weclaim to be able to turnout Job w'k m matincr tmur:akse'i lt an o:n e. ju O'ders fr. n. a d-.tanco will l.e promptly attended to, ul afruioJ to sue satisfaction or no pay. We have jut completed a nc M fcof Rlat.ks of every description, neatly exc t.tcl fine siifstantial paper; a:vl arc prepared to till orders at a moment s nojicc and Wcbive :- a plate "l a small map I S oith Platte, Nrl ra-ka. for pniitin? common sired envelope, with any i:red t-usines card atta bod. orders Mlicite-1. Nebraska Territory. Uml'-r the above heading our coieinpo rary "The Wi-i," rmUiihed at Saint Joseph, Missouri, pays the annexed trib-u'.-i to the advantages of the Territory of Nebraska. In record to the allusion to our sister territory, we may s:iy that we have hut lilt'e faith in the ability of one communi ty t- B ill it-elf rp, by cnstj::i! rrTi.' r 2 i:s nf-i;ii.'rs. Mr. !...: ft '"' .-.! .i.;.',y s :is a. nr.j nictated by a srirr fair ar. 1 ! lionar.-tL! rivalry. There is one point upon which '"The Wft" i- in error. Itsavs: As rcarJs waf r, tiiiiher, and soil, Kansas and Ne 1 ra-'a arc jual." We Loliove that Xe l -.i-Ka is almost uiiivT:a!lv acknowlcd- . J t. bo th.- best wat. r.-d prairie country j on tne lace ot t;;e riic B;it here is the article: 'It ha ik-w 1 n f"iir years since the organization of Kansas and Nebraska Teinten'.'s. In that time volumes upon vohiiii'-s have been written upon the soil, products and climate of the former, while noilii:ir. c mparaiively, has been said or writt' ii in favor of the latter. While the on" sure, by has 1 -en peopled, in a great mea tlie wnr.-t class of men in the L niteil Mates, l.rouirht into the country it, by th" prwspiTt of war and plunder the 'ther by a totally diiien-nt ( lass, seeking homes f"r themselves, and cheap lands by the cultivation of which their families niiirht be supported, has been :radually populated and irives promise of becoming one .f the very ! est States in the coiifed traey. Ia Kansas there is no social ele ment in those parts of it where the dif ficulties have I..'u rif", and where, conse quently, is a greater congregation of bad m"n, the citizen m.-wr gets so well ac quainted with his neighbor as to feel as sured of safety. While the ditlicuties of Nebra-ka have been confined to her Leg-i-Iat.ire. those of Kansas have not been confined to the Territory, but have created excitement throughout the length and breadth ..f th" I ni. ;i. Th ' consequence is visible. Nebraska is b. ing settle up by a thrifty and working population, w hile Kansas wi'h greater numbers, ap plying for adi!ii-ion into the Union as a state, is ra. ke.l l y internal dissensions and evin. es all the indications of a phys ical and moral tmthrift. The found ition of this state of affairs mar be foun.l in hi:!if:tl(itin pictures given of the soil and c' of Kansas to induce emigration. A e remember ourselves, to have heard it averted, before Kansas Territory had a white inhabitant, and before there was a pound of hemp raised within her bor der, that th" average of hemp w as 2.000 pounds per acre and, with equal coufi-b-n, e, later, by Eastern men whose in formation was obtained from published arr.nmts. that all tropical fruits might be crown there, and that strawberries might be grr.hered from the prairies at Christ tin. I n l.-r these representations thou sands i-ame, who otherwise would have remained at home and made useful mem bers of society, but having been trans planted to Kan-as were embittered, dis satisfied and desperate. As to the set tlement of Nebraska, there was no po litical excitement and consequently no deception but what arose from the" bad judgment of the first visitors, and the hab it of over or greatly underrating all new fonrr:s. ll. r s.'V.Vr. lifore th-y rull- M OP HI ho 1. 1st L-nou- tint thorn vor, dnii.-:,!-,.-. to cui'.eihl with, ami th-y cuiiif Lrcj).iri',l to :ra-p ami oviTO'iiif t!..-iti M-. w n-Milis. It is trin the fruit !;-! rot vrt rii.-n.ll--jtevervl.r:ini-h is l'ii i;u with pronii lri'.'ii.-ntly now hear Nel raskr .!'' '.vcn ci as a JiiniUe place of reti-th-iice, wh-Toas a short time ao Kan sa i:i -a p..hz'.d tho attention of all migra tory, lis t iiiiiato is s-aid to he remarka My o l f.r the latitude, and its soil is uii.'vc .l.'d 1 y any country on the irlohe. As n-jards water and timber. Kansas Nel.ra-ka are c-iual but Nehraka is jTt'fcraMe as to every uiher conidera ation. Her mineral resources cannot le computed; tlure having heen no itooIot ical feurivy. tut we have little doubt that time will develop vast mineral wealth in Nebraska. The rapidly increasinT in. terest in that st in that country induces this notice, to supply the demand for iufonna- and tl"!l 'UC. riil! :-r n T..rrit.-vr- i'i. are u-. ply interested, we "will do all in our power, Prcb)tery of Nebraska. The following was ad adopted ly the C.eneral Assembly cf the Presbyterian Church, whu h has just closed its "session at New Orleans: Certain papers which have a necessa ry connection with each other, viz. Pa pT No. 1, which is the petition of cer tain ministers of Nebraska Territory, asking to be set ofTinrn.-i tipw Pmsi,,- - - l. L- ry. Paper No. 2, which is the petitition cf the Presbytery of Council Bluffs, ask ng that the ministers in Nebraska Ter-r-, with the Rev. D. L. Hughes of Huntingdon Presbytery, be attached to : the I resl.yiery of Council Bluffs ; and 1 apers No. 3 and 4, w hich are petitions of ; the Presbyteries of Des Moines and Iawa, m favcr of strenatheniu? the Presbytery r't Col::,, jl Wfe, anj arjainst the ofgan-izati.-m of a Presbytery iu the Territory ? ct .At bra ska. , The committer, after consultation with : the partes interested, rerommended the .toiUnvu action as the best under all the ; circi.nis;;itlf.s . Rctotted, 1. That a new Presbytery practical pri.iter himself. anl .... a.C. rushed a:.J CM erie-d la.KyJ.t, Printer, i oe-te-m.i.od not to be ou.-l-.e 'c ec.;t!ou 'f J"V? i Cirds fUavm- one f l-os'.or's laio.-t improved ta.d P roB 'a";: W. - ..!.., BrouM Work, kc. will be erected out of the Territory of Ne braska, to be called the Presbytery of Omaha, which shall consist of the follow ing ministers and churches, viz.: Rev. William Hamilton of the Upper Missou ri Frcsbytery, Rev. George P. Bergen of the Presbytery of Cincinnati, Rev. S. Pock of the Presbytery of Findley. Rev. William Young Brown of the Presbyte ry of New Lisbon, Rev. Charles Sturges of the Presbytery of Long Island, Rev. William B. Hall of the Presbytery of , together with all the churches in Nebraska Territory. Resolved, 2. That the Presbytery of Omaha be connected with the Synod of Southern Iowa; and that it meet for or ganization on the second Wednesday of July next, at eleven o'clock, A. M.. at Omaha city ; and that the Reverend Wil liam Hamilton preach the opening ser mon, and preside until a Moderator Le appointed, and that Rev. G. P. Bergen be his alternate. Resolved, 3. That Rev. D. L. Hughes of the Presbytery of Huntington be trans ferred to the Presbytery of Council Bluffs, and the latter Presbytery be directed to meet at Pacific City, Iowa, on the third Tuesday in July next, at eight o'clock, P. M., and that Rev. John Hancock preach the opening sermon, and preside until a Moderator be appointed, and that Rev. D. L. Hughes be his alter nate. . . ... V- Fro m Salt X?.L:c. The United States Mail, reached St. Joseph on the Gthinst., direct from Salt Lake : Gov. dimming and the peace Com missioners were in the City. Young and the Mormons were at Provost f!itv Hp haJ ra;j a visit t0 Sah Lake Cj tQ con iVr with Gov. dimming and the Com missionrrs, the result of which was un- known. Nothing of importance, howev- 'r, had transpired. Salt Lake City had i been almost totally abandoned. Not I more than fifty Mormons remained in the , city. It will be remembered that the j population of the City was about fifteen l thousand. Mr. Clayton says it now pre- tents a most ioriorn ana ueserteu spec tacle. Gen. Johnston was met about 50 miles this side of the City, moving on through Echo Canon. No opposition whatever would be ollered to his entry into the val ley and city. Col. Hoffman's command was still at Bridger. Capt. Marcy had j"ined General Johnston, and was mov ing on with the army to the city. The universal opinion was that there would be no lighting. This may now be regarded as a fact ui-11 otaLlilied. Mr. Clayton reports the roads good, but South Platte still very high. He re ports a vast number or trains on the road and all getting along well. The Indians are quiet and offer no obstacle to emi grants and trains. The news generally is otherwise unimportant. Saint Joseph Gaz. Starratlon in Iowa. A party of some two hundred laborers who were out of employment, formed in a procession in Davenport, on the 2nd, and marched to the residence of several ; of the wealthiest citizens and to the office of Mayor Cook, demanding work, decla ring that they must either become a charge upon the country or starve, unless they can get work immediately. Those addressed promised to do their best to devise some relief. R. W. Furnas, editor of the Brown ville Advertiser, .i a candidate for re election as Councih.iaa t.' the I.'jislature. Durin'jf the late session, M I'tuis dia tinrruished himself as a rirm friend and supporter of the people's interests, and in resisting the aggressive, domineering spirit of a facetious minority. We hope he maybe re-elected it certainly would be a cood choice. Florence Cuvricr, Steamer Galena Burned. A few days ago the steamer Galena took fire and was burned to the water's edge at Bed Wing on the Upper Missis sippi. The Galena was bound from Ga lena to St. Paul, and was at the landinir at Red Wing discharging freight at the ! time the fire broke out. Her passen gers all escaped, but lost their baggage. No lives were lost. The United States Mail which was onboard was lost. We have no information regarding the origin of the fire. The Galena was worth S'JO. 000, and .owned by the Galena and Min nesota Packet Company. Rij.ublican. War Feeling inFurone. The whole of Europe, and we might add, the whole of America, is on the tip toe of expectation to know what Louis ! ' 1 11 YWl napoleon means oy nis armaments, nail a million of soldiers, seventy thousand sailors, and a steam fleet as large as Eng land's were never got ready for a mere show. That somebody is to undergo a thrashing seems pretty certain, and when is it to be is the question of the day. Iu the meantime, while we are trying to find out, and before a blow has been struck the mere sound of his preparations is arming all Europe. England is furnish ing up her fleets and calling out the mil itia. Austria and Prussia are fortifying their frontiers, and Belgium and Sardin ia, their little hosts already in the field, await the future with that mure resigna tion which only the weak can wear. Any mail at all may now bring the news that MaiostV has let slin thf j . i dogs of war. St. Louis Dim. Laws of Nebraska. We have often been asked why the Laws of the last session of the Legisla ture have not been published ? We are unalle to fjive any definite answer to the inquiries, but understood that at the close of the last session the copy of the Laws and Journals was given to the ' Nebras kian office; and that thev have been trans ferred to Cleveland, Ohio, to be printed at the office of the Tlain Dealer; and , .,. iii-i e they will probably, in the course of time rnmo hxrl' tn nur TVrritnrtsil I.iKrnrv bearing ou the title-pace the imprint:! "Printed at Omaha, by E. S. Chapman."! Here we would ask, if OOtl policy re ..;o .1,,. Uo ,,ll-: ,Wl.l done out of the State, when it could have . been done equally as well at home, and home industry enrouratd thereby ? The: i lines othce nas plenty oi material ot tne right sort for Uiis work, and we should have had the laws of the last session prin ted long before this-date, and distributed, had the copy been given to us. One rea son which induced us to establish the of fice cf the Times, was the great com plaint that there was no printing office in the Territory prepared to do the Terri torial work a large surplus of type was purchased, over and above what was ne cessary for the use of the paper, for that purpose but still the work is sent abroad to be executed. We have just been told that Bird B. Chapman expects to visit his constituen cy in a few days, and he will bring with him the laws all "on the square," of course. Omaha Times. Grasshoppers. The heavy rains which have prevailed during the present Spring, has swept away the millions of grasshoppers which hatched out in the early part of the sea son; and so far but little damage has been done by the insects. We have noticed that for the last few days they were disappearing very fast ; but cannot tell whither they goeth. But few can fly at this time, and we hardly think that they are hopping away from this parr of the country. It must he that the extremely hot weather that has pre vailed for the last few days, is rather un healthy for this kind of hopping insect. One thing is certain, they are fast, dis appearing, and there are not enough now' to do nny serious damage. -Conn. Blvff Wheat Crop. We have from time to time alluded to the prospects of the harvest in the North west, and a few weeks since, predicted that the damage from rust would not be so serious as had been apprehended by the farmers. In this instance our pre diction was at fault. The damage to the crop has been very heavy; and, as we learn from a variety of sources, very gen eral. We know of some fields near here which, a few weeks since, promised an extraordinary yield, have not been deem ed worth cutting, and have been left upon the ground. Spring wheat has not and will not, suf fer to the same extent that fall wheat has. With the product of this crop and that of the fall crop which has not been lost, there will however, be a great sufficien cy for all the consumption of this imme diate region, with perhaps a fair over plus. 57. Jo. Gaz., Ji lt bih. AVatclimaker & Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. PEGS leave to inform the public Ih3t he his located in the aluve ii-iined town and ulieri for sal.; a cLuice stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and other articles n-iully kept in surh pstablisdimeuts at prices wl.ich cannot bpromplaiiic 1 of. Hein an exper ience 1 watchmaker he Matters himself that in repairing watches, clocks and jewelry be can give periect satisfac tion. 19 6tn. "UAM FAC TORY. NO. 10, MAIN STREET, Brownville. A". T. WILLIAM T. DEN, Respectfully inf-.rms the puMic that lie lias just re- i-iiiOii liic tlHU' Ti.lL ilf Unit Mint Kl..n T.iililr-il in, I no prepare Ho furnish any doMie.l article in his hue at as low prices as any other establishnieut in the Ter ritory. All w uk warranted. He hopes ly strict attention to business, ard keeping constant ly i'ii hand a superior as-. rtuieiit of Leather, Trimmings, &.o., for home manufacture, to Mill merit that lilioiu! patronage which he has heretofore received. fj"R(pjiring done on the shortest notice., All work to lie paid lor ou delivery. April 22. v.Jnl " W. E. HARVEY. L. VAX -tVYCK. Civ. Knc., Sjur. &. Uraft'D. (Jeueral Land A-ei l- IIARTI'Y, VAX TTYCK. & CO., General Land' Agents A RK eornectid with, afeacies in Whinjrton City by hi:htliv ure cnaMed to prosecute claims .uraiuxt the Cured States ioverninent. or attend to ar Business he fore the Land rillcc uiih fli.patcti and to the satisfaction (f theircustomers. O le of the firm bein? a practical Euineeran't Survey or (havinn been for many years connected with the I'nited S:aies (''i: Surveys engaged on works of.ltitorMl Im-prmemont-) we are prepared to make Surveys of Towns, Farm, kc, in any part of the Territory; and having Mumped tie t'Ot Urattsman In the Territory, can rxo:me Maps, Town Tiats, and .li if ail kinds (imvhanlca 1. architt-ctvral. kc.;) to the perfect satisfacti-jn our cus tomors. CMo'ier S2-1. lS.j. nolvg ED. IV. 3iooi:c, General Steamboat Agent, FORWARDIS'O COMVISSIOX MER C II A XT, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. Coot's sold on Commission ami prompt retutns made. Particular attent on ttiven to receiving. Storing and For warding all km is of freight and produce. Oaiceon the Levee. 1 jrek iu. e in ihe same block with Kearney Hotel. Hcfcr to the Merchants of Nebra-ka City; Kife &. Mid ael St Louis Mo? I Harper &. Sender St. Louis; Ji hi. A . Warden " Joseph .Mclntyrc " Si al.eU.ird. Kmnev&Ca" Barcklay, HiukleSi. Co " April.?.', 1S'S v2-44-ly Brownville Steam Ferry ! 311 SS 01 III RIVER. The Koute from Brownville to Ft. Kearney, aua trom tneiif-e to auiorma, is tne nearest and most practicable. BAKER & CODINGTON ANNOUNCE to the Traveling l'ulilic thai tliey are now running as a Ferry aorv.-is the Missouri aivcr ,4 rntirrt't new. ih?!,intinl and commoiiout STEAM FERRY BOAT, Vhich airaiiiiemeiit will secure a certain avd safe ras;a:rc at, all times and in all kinds of weather. The Proprietor do not assert boastinj;!y or for the purpose of gaining cus-totn merely, but are soverned by facts, when thev say this is the best crossinz of the Missouri River in Nebraska, and when they say the route from Brownville t3 Fort Kearney and from thence to California is the nearest for evidence thev refer the reader to the map of the Country: and are warranted in saying it is the practicable route bv personal experience, aj well as that of hundreds of others who have traveled it. We claim therefor that this crossing and route holds out peculiarly favorable inducements, to jiersons g lir.g to Ca'.it" rnia, and solicit their patronage. Not withstanding our superior arrangements lor a sale and speedy crossing, ourcharges are the same as other I I-wricsm -Nebraska, all bcir.g regmatoa by nogtsla- tive enactment. -e?"Kect llect that with our facilities cf Power, no kinds of weather will xrevcnt our LoaU from making regular trips at all hours. JriA skiff and hani will be in readiness tocross foot passcn ers at all times if nijjht. n20 Ncvembcr 11th, 1So7. Notice Is hereby cicen thatWlTlLET TT. HORK has obtained from the Prtbate Court of Pawnee county letters, testa ta.noutary on the estate of Roddick Horn, late of said coiiEty, (ieceascd.beurins date January Uth. A D IS5S. All persons bavin? claims aitain said estate are hereby required to exhibit iheui for allowance to the Prolate Court of said county onor before the 9th day of Aua-jst. 18oS. or they may be precluded from ar.T benef t ! 'fs.nd estate, mid if not presented within sit" montts 1 from tLe date last above niout.oned they will be forever barr?d. ' n G. I.ORF. Jndeeof pr -bate. AMBKOTYPES. - ! Tie undorsisnr-t havins entered into a co-partr.ersliip I mM ,mm sy-H2Ht -..te licnts enm-ct.!) Uaenerrean i.auery mi corner of Main and h irt streets in the city J B owaviile. v,.,uld respectfully anii iiiiKe to the public that we are now prepared to t ike pictures 4ih all the beav ties ot the art. and at red:::ed prices. Pictures iu sert.vl in l.nkets. ; ir.s. &.c. in the neatest style. 1 . Bem; ) Wat-t goud piciures canie piea;td. tvu and ee. j BrWBVij,e,My e, mSiKn USnioa Boot Ik Sh LUTHER HOaDLET. EOBEET T. 1CCIR. IIOADLEY &. Ml Hi, LAND AGENCY, BroAvnville, Xcnaaka Co., T., Office Corner main and First Streets. Will select Government Lamls; locate Land Warrants in Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri and Iowa; collect debts; pay taxes for non residents; bny and sell property ca commission. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. Pre-emption papers prepared, 4c. WE HAVE FOR SALE LOTS JX THE CITIES OF BROWNVILLE, SOUTH BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CITY, TABLE ROCK, OMAHA, ST. JOSEPH, MO. EL WOOD, K. T. ALSO FOR SALE Lands near Table Rock, Pawnee county. Also, In Nemaha county, improved property for sale or rent. REFERENCES. Imeius TIopVin.,rrs't Importers & Trnders'IJank N.Y. LUvpI lioadtov i rs t i'aiiama Kailroad, GcmC. T.llulrer... -Charter Oak Hank, Hartford, Lee, Du tier & C. llnrtford. Conn., (Vilhns, kV.Me fc KLrty St. Louis, My., ThomM W. Phelps - - M.4ile, A!., C. Wilson J.- Co. Eutaw, Ala. Win. P. Wubb.At'y " ii Co., - R.iek Island, 111. Ja's H.ArchibalJ, Gen'l Ag'lD.I-. AW.K.U. Scranton Gillespie. Pearee k Co., Bankers Carbondale, Pa. Itev. T. S. Ward " " Lathorp & Jones Scranton, Pa, 11. (J. Morse Red Falls X. V. William Frothingbam, Att'y Albany, X. Y. Rev. R. Nelson, Principal Wyoming Seminary, X.Y. J. A.Parker ( Co., "- ..Washington, 1). C. A. T, Gilmer, Receiver Land Office Omaha Horace Everett, Council Bluffs, Ia. ltrownvillo, April 1, 1S58. Notice to Contractors. The County Commissioners of Nemaha couuty hereby give notice that they will let to the lowest responsible Liilder. on the sixth day of July next, at the court-house door in the city of Brownville, the contract for erecting astoueor log Jail in the said city of Brownville, Ne maha county. Specifications of both plans can be seen at theclerk's office in Brownville The commissioners re serving the right to refuse any or all bids. Terms of payment made known qn day of sale. By order of the Board, K HASH'S K. PARKER, Countv clerk. June 1, '53 49-5w NOTICE. All perjiis are hereby uotnied that 1 will take the necessary steps to the re-opening of the contested case or James Ferguson, for the purpose of more fully in vestigating his right to enter the outh west quarter (I I Jot s tilll vest quarter (li4) and lot number four (4) of section eighteen (lri) in township Ave (5) range six teen (lb) east, 1 hereby warn all persons not to pur chase, trade for, or in a uy way to negotiate for any por tion of the above described property. ilayT, :oii v2n46tf AUGUSTUS KOUXTZE. Caution. I caution all persons whomsoever against buying from Augustus Kouutze and Wm Kuth certain t(.wu lots known as 'Kcuedict's Addition' to Brownville. Nebraska. JOHN Mcl'HERSOX. Honey Creek Mills. The undersigned respectfully announce that they arc prepared to till all orders in their line promptly at their nulls four miles northwest of Urownville, near the mouth of Honey creek. They have on hand the largest and best assortment of lumber, shingles and lathe ever iift'ered in the county or Territory, cum-isting of 40.000 feet seasoned sulimt; 40 000 " cotton-wood flooring; 20.000 " Bvcamore ;" 10.000 " cat and ah 25,000 " cotton-wood, sift maple, lynu and walnut tiuishing lumber; 50.000 " fencin?: 100,000 " joists? sills, stnddins ard scantlinjt of al most every size both hard anil soft wood; 20,000 " ronsh and sipiare edced sheathiii;;s; also 200,000 suierior sawed shingles, oak, walnut and cotton wood; also 150,000 lath, a superior article, of uniform length, thicknes and width Their mills are under the charge of experienced and efllcient men, and the undersigned flatter themselves that the quality of their luinhcrwill compare favorably with any other made in the Territory, all of which win be sold to suit the times. iRBK , 5PF.IXULE fc CO. Honey creek Mlls, May 20 'M 1 . . 43tf jBagic Mills. S I". JOSEPH, MO. JAMES CARGILL Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on band for sale, all kinds of Flour, Meal, and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. paid constantly for v heat, ror character of flour refer to everybody that ever used it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1S50. vln!3- y Fashionable Tailor. JACOB MARIIOX, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Ttespectfullyannounces to the public that he has on hand a iarge stock of Cloths, Vestings, &c, Also a lari-'e assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING AVhii h he will sell at cost prices. He tiatters Pim-elf that he understands business thoroughly aud all voile warranted coming from his es tablishment, and charges as low as any other competitor in this place or the West. A eat Fit Guaranteed. PRODUCE DEALERS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, No. North Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders for tiroceries and Manufactured Articles accu rately tilled at lowest possible rates. Consignment for saie and re-.-hipment respect ully solicited. Shipments tt all kinds will be faithfully attended to. Beferrences : Messrs. G n Rea &l Co St. Louis K irtlett. McComh & C do 'Gilbert. Miles & Siannard do TTnn. W II l!ufTin!;ton, Auditor S'ate of Missouri J Q Harmon, Esq, Cairo City, 111. -Messrs Molony, liro's it Co' Xew Orleans, Louisiana J u JacKson, Ksq., Messrs Hinkle. Guild & Co, F H.iuiniar & Co Bratidell it Crawford Wucdruff & Huntington, n. IVillincs., -M iv 12, ISoS 45-3m do do Cincinnati, O. do Louisville, Ky. Mobile, Ala. Beardstowu, 111. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFOItn & nonx, Sonora, Mo , have for sale, cheap ioi fjuviu pounds excellent Dacon. v2n3t-ly March 1, '58 T. V. BF.DFOP.P, County Surveyor UCDSOX GEORGE, Notary Public BEDFORD & GEORGE, SIRVEYORS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ittu tt - 1L.1-J5 teitAcfca. Office on Main Street. TVII.I- attend promptly to all business entrusted to them in the line of their profession. Will buy and sell Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the selec tion and location of Government Lands, Survey Town sites, subdivide Lands, make out City Plats, tc, ftc Having been located in the Territory fur the past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections t actual settlers. Win pay taxes, investieate title, and render assistance iu contested cases at the C. S. Laud Office. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. WE REFER TO non. W C Reynolds. Kingston. Perm. John J Pendleton, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio HonGalutiaA Grow Washington City, D. C. Hon Joseph It. Crane Iayton. Ohio Ryall & Charles, Land Apents, Sioux City, Iowa, i K tsterit Hedires. Bankers do do I Lushtwich Car..n, Bankers Brownville, X. T. i R. W. Furnas. Esq. do do ! 1). W. r. Cleaver, ideological Encineer. Scranton, Pa. ' Rufu R Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Col. J. tm G. Fell Waverley Pa. . W. G. Georee, Real Etate Ageat, Daytua Ohio Apri! 8. 1S.VJ v2:iil-yly JOHN McDONOUGH. , tt C" ? r i t- . HoUSe, OlJTn, Cv UnTllTlPntal Painter. ' O ' ' J GLAZIER, l-e. BROWWILLC, X. T, CT" Orders can be left at the City Drug Store. 3 Number G02. PROCLAMATION By tlic President of United States. In pursuance of law, I, James Buchanan, Presi dent of the United States of America, do hereby de clare and make known that public sales will beheld at the undermentioned land offices in the Territory of Nebraska, at tho periods hereinafter designated' to-wit: At the land cCice at BROWNVILLE, commencing on Monday the uixth day of S pt rmber next, for the disposal of the public lands within the fallowing named townshin, viz: North' of the Base Line, and cast of the 6t'i priac; Meridian. That part of township One outside of the Sac and Fox and Half-Breed Nemaha Reservation, jf range 17. The parts of townships 1, 2, 3, and four, outside of the tfac and Fox and ILtlf-Breed Nemaha Rerer vation, and fractional townships 5 and 6, of range sixteen, Tbat part of township one outside of the Sac and Fox Reservation; township 2, the parts of townships 3, 4, and 5, outside of the Half-Breed Nemaha res ervation, amLractioniil towuship 6 of range 1J. That part of township 1 outside the tiac and Fox Reservation, townships 2, 3. and 4, and that part of township 5 outside of the Half-Breed Nemaha lies- crvation, and township 6. of ranirc 14 Townships 1,2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 of range 13. Townships 1,2, 3, 4,5 and 6 of range 12. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and G of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of raugo 10. Townships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and (5 of range 9. At the Land Office at mcLeing on Monday the sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public iands within the following named townships, viz : North of the Base Lino and East of the sixth Principal Meridian. '! Fractional townships 7 and 8 of range 15. Tawnship 7, and fractional townships 8, 9, 10, 11, an 1 12 of rarge 14. . , Twnhips 7, S, 9.1ft, 11 and"l3, an-! fractional tow )tup 13, of range 13. I jwusbips J, 8, v, lo,ll, and fractional townships 12 and 13. of range 12. Townships 7,8, 9, 10,and 11, and fractional town ship 12, of range 1 1. Townships 7,8, 9, 10, and 11. and fractional toivn shijs 12, 13 and 14, of range 19. Townships 7, 8, and 13, aud fractional townships 14, 15 and 16, of range 9. At tiie Land Office at OMAHA CITY, commenc ing on Monday, the sixth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the fol lowing named townships, viz: North of the Base Line and east of the sixth Prin cipal Meridian. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, and 10 cf range fourteen. Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, of range 13. Fractional townshipsli and 13, townships 14, 15, and IB, and fractional townships 17, 18, 19 and 20, of range 12. Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14", 15,16, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20 of range 11. Fractional townships 12 13, and 14, and town ships 10, 17, 13, 19, 20, of range 1.0 Fractional townships 14, 15 and 16, and townships 17, 18, 19, and 20, of range 9. Lr.nds appropriated by law for the nso of sc'iools, military, and other purposes will bs excluded from the sales. The offerings of the abowlands will be eomtaenc cd cn the day npointed, and will proceed in the order in which they arc ntcrtised, until the 'vhole shall have been offered, and the sales thus elosed:but no sale to be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private entry of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March . D.ouc thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. JAMES BUCHANAN. By the President : Thomas A. IIf.ndkicks, Commissioner of the General Land Oificc. NOTICE TO PliE-EMPl ION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled -to Ihe right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships: above enumerated is required to es tablish the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for tho commencement of the public sale of the lands em bracing the tract claimed, otherwise such claim will bo forfeited. THUS. A. HENDRICKS, Commissioner of General Land Office. Anril 22. 18,"8 no 43 TYPE & STERMTYPE FOUNDRY No. 163 Vine St., bet. Fourth and Fifth, Cincinnati, 0. C. F. fTimiSCOLL &. CO. MirjufiMtarcrs and dealers in News, Book ana Job Type, Printing Presses, Case?, Gallies, Ac, &c. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description, STIM? KVTVMf J ef U Uooks. Putent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Vood Engrcvin j, sc.. arc. Brand and Pattern Letters, various .styles, JOHN P. TVSOX. W. W. II A L'KVE Y . TYSON & HACKNEY, GENERAL LAND 'AGENTS. liHOWNViLI.E, XKM.UIA CO., S'. T. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. ' Land entered on Time. Claims and Town Lots Bought ami Sold. Loan Money, Make Investments and Innate Warrants on time, for Distant Iiealcrs. Prr-i'JiiptJOii Iapcrs Prepared. Ut t n.t -ext uoor to l . b. Land Otticc REFERENCES Geo. II. Xixm. Register L. O., Brownville, X. T. U. li. Smith, receiver, Sni.ick it Williams, Lexington, Mo. Omaha City. N". T. Council Bluffs, ljwa. Warren, Pe:m. St. Louis, Mo. St. Joseph, " L. It. Turtle. B. R. Peirram & Ci., Bankers, Hon, (i. W. Sc-lield, K. L. McGhcc it Co., Tootle it Fairlcigh, Oct. 1. '57 A. W. Pl ETT. M. G. WILKINSON. PUETT & WILKINSON, a tL3 ANT) ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OAIADI, IN. T Will attend to all business entrusted to their care REFERENCES Col. Jesc Williams, liuv. Jus. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. lioock, Hon. John li. Davis, Hon. Geo. L. Miller, FairDc'.d, Iowa. Indianapolis, Ind, Washington City. Kockville. Ind. Omaha City, X. T. 33husk Mattrasscs just received at tliesfore of Aug. 6, 1S57. nS I. T. WHTTK. Land Warrants. 17,000 Acres of Land" Warrants for sale nni to loan to pre-emr,tors, 1-y T YSOX k HACKXEY. DOIICILAS SALOON. Main street, one door West of Post-Office, Brownville, N". T. The 5uhscribers respectfully inform the public that they have opened, the above saloon, where the best 'jua lity of Wines, Liquors, Eegtrs, Oysters, Sardines, and every refreshment for ihe inner man, usually kept at such estahlli-hments, will be found and served rp in first style. GOFF&EBF.E. Brownville April 15:h. 1S5.3. 42-6:n Wagon for Sale. I have a lijtht two-hurse wagon which I will dispose of cheap for cash. C. S. LAXtiDON", INotice. Persons indebted to the undersigned will come for ward and settle as loncer indulgence will not be given. Uotci scrip taken at par. THOMPSON" & MARSH. Brownville April lorh, 1S5S. 12-tf Lumber ! Lumber ! ! We are prepared to furnish at our Steain Sa w Mill, opposite trownville in "Prairie Forest,", all kinds of lumber usually found in the West, and some choie lumber suitable for w.i:p;d?, furniture, and for build- in? purposes, d o., such a$ Hickory, Oak, Ash. ll'.ack Walnut, Sycamore, Linn and Cottonwood, which we have constantly on hand. or will prepare at short no tice, at the lowest market prices, bills sawed to or der, for steamboats. Will saw logs on the shares, or by the hundred. Bills for lumber can be left at our office, in Brownville. We will also furnish 1am bor saw upon the shares, or by the hundred at our mil! at Table Ruck. JJOADLEYi ML'lIt. Brownville. April I. J. D H. THOMPSON, Attorney at Law, reumi nis pmressKnai f isiness. ar.a will prac- ti,?e in n ,h,? Courts of Nebraska, and the Court in I 1 t, l.o.-.,r, r- nis reum-M his professional business, and will prac- Atchinson c mnty, Mo tiffii-e one door west of I. T. Whyte's Store, Brownville N'ebrasKa. BrowcviI, April 22, 1513. 13 ly tr3 iT to? 1. H. M'LAVCHLIJI CHAS. DORtET. Mclaughlin & Dorset, "S3 Main Street, Brownville, N.T., Buy and sell Land "Warrants, make out and file declar atory statements; make out pre-emption paper; pay taxes, investigate titles ; Buy and sell property on commission ; furnUh land warrants for time entries, and attend to all other busi ness connected with a general land gency business. Particular attention paid to the selection of Govern ment land and the location of laud warrants for parties residing at a distance. McLAl'GlILIN &. ORSEV respectfully refer to Gorge II. Xixou, Ksq.., Register Brownville Land Cfii-e. fairies B. Smith, Esq., Receiver of Public Moneys Nemaha Unl District. Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. T.'ishbaugb & Carson, Bankers, Brownville, lion. W. 31. T. Hamilton, llagerstown. Marylaud. Lewis R. Newcomer Esq. Baltimore, Md. O II Bamet, Esq , Dayton, Utiio. Hon. Fenner Eurguson, Delegate in Congress from Nebraska Terrritory, Wahiugtou, I. C. John A. Beal, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Peru, Ind. Brownville, April 22. nol3tf "COMBINATION PATENT." I'l'KIGIIT STEAM SAW MILL,. This mill commands the universal admiration of saw mill men everywhere. As its merits become known, the demand for it increases. Orders arc coming f roui every section of this country, Canada, Cuba, and Sou!h Anier. ft It i c cinf ml f t'firv ccutiin rf t rt n-,.p'H nhoraoap there is timber to be saw'ed, no matter of what character how hard, how larceor how small. Two cxteiisave ma nufactories arenuw en? ged in buildmn these mil Is, yet it is almost impossible to turn them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace several valuable patents and improvements, and combine all of the following ad- bun illicit y liuth the mill and power are so simple in their construction that anyone of ordinary mechanical ability can comprehend them, put them up and ruu them without danirer or difficulty. Portability The whole establishment can be very quickly taken apart and put together, thus rendering it easy to be movj from place to place aadcired. and sav in; the necessity cf drawing the logs a lung distance to JurabuttyH U constructed in the mot solid and substantial manner, runt perfectly still, is rot lutble to get cut of order, and will last for years witb-tit repair. Rapidity It will tcrv f:ister than any other upright uprinut m.ll. The sr:el of tin saw U about three hun dred strikes per minu e, and the letil from one-eihtk to t'u w-!iiiirier of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the saw will cut through a log twenty-four feet long in about three minutes. From this data any one knowing the character of the timber can calculate how much it will do. F-Jfiiciencj It d cs its work well, cuts smoother and straighter than the ordinary mills, and the arrangement jf the saw is such as to render it utterly impossible lor it to run out of line. Ckcapntts The entire iost of the mill, with fifteen horse pjwer and everything all complete and ready for running, boxed aud ready for shipment ia St. Louis, is only $1,750. Tins mill requires" less power to drive than any other mill, ami the power furnished is suftk-ieut to drive extra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will be sent to any one desiring it. All ordert should be addressed to 1!R VOU & Bl'RUOWKS, Corner Third and Market streets. St. Louis, Mo., sole agents for the Western and Southern States. March 25, '5S 4S-ly JOHN A. PARKER & CO., lTASIIiaGTOA, W. V. JOHN' A. PARKER, late Register of the Land Ollke, Omaha, X. T., having resigned his office will hereafter. n ionnec;ion with one of the best Land Lawgivers m the country, attend to all business confided to him; and es pecially PRE-EMPTION CASES, Which he has uale himalf tbomrtaly acquainted with by study and practice for years. He refers to the Heads of Departments aud Members of Congress of both Houses. All applications for services must be accompanied with a fee to insure attention. January 23, ISoS. no31-ly JOHN. F. KIXXEV. CHAS. F. HOLLY. KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALHil lMt l 11T1,A. X. Will practice in the Courts of this Terntrv. Collec tion and criminal buMiiess attended to throughout Ne braska, Western Iowa aud Missouri. Will attend the Courts at BrownvUle. 2n33-6m People's Independent Line. Season Arrangement of the new Mis souri River Passenger Steamer ALONZO CHILD, CAPT. JOE HOLLAND. JT" fc. Regular Council B lulls, Omaha City, Flor-i1-Il-TrVi-'1100 ;"'d Sioux City Packet, for Sioux Cily, 1 l'rciice, itiiialia, Council Blutls, Bellevue, St. Mary's, l'lattsmoutli. Wyouiius City, Xcbraka City, Liraien, Brownville. Rockport. IIouiTiiioV Landin, Saint Steph ens, While Cloud, Forret Cily, Oregon, Iowa Point. Sa vannah, St. Ji.seph. Uoiiiphan, Atchison, Weston, Fort Leavenworth. Leavenworth City. Kansas City. 4.c. Thene. swirt, and majrnilicent passenger and freight steamer AI.ON.O CHI I.D. Joe HuLLAND MaMer, w ill, up'in the opening of navigation, resuineher regular tris, in the above trade, and to all the intermediate p"i:itseii the Missouri river. Her patrons can rely not miy np.n her continuing in the trade diirmt! Uiemitir nnating m i--.11. ! .utof rinding tins season, as during the past, that f .r ciuirknera and regularity of trip, as well ag superi ority of pasinrer accommodations, snd general arraree mcnts, teat thry are not ex'Iled by .liu.e .f any othr b.iat ruunina on lue river; bavin receDtlr been placi in the miat tmexceptionshte cunditk n throughmtt., pre paratory so euaasutK iu ihe approving feosoii's busi ness. The steamer Alonzu Child, is new, having run but a portion of one season, and f .r the very liberal patron age she has received, Capt. Holland desires to pree:it his th inks to his friends, and to .iy to them thnt they will lind his boat and i tit ers fully up to the st.imi.ird of a lirst class, we1 1 oflKered Missouri River p.issinser steam er, and as su-h hopes to receive a reasonable share of ihe patronage of the shij'peirs and tl.e public scnerallv. March 25 v2l:39 JONAS CRANE. THEODORE HIM- FOnwARDING AND COI MISSION MERCItAKIS, AM) STEAM BOAT AGENTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Oouds, (Jrocerics Hardware, Oueensware. Furuitwe, stove?, Flour, Bacon, N.c,, sept. 21, '57 Brownville. N T, SfRIXG SALES. 1S3S W.F.ENDERS & CO., Wholesale Clothing: Warehouse, Ao fi2, ITain S'reet, S't. Lonim, Have just received a full and complete stock of Spring and Summer clothing; whiih is unsurpassed in extent, qualify, and workmanship, in any ,ther house in tl.e linon. All our clothing is made by us expre-s!v for this matket, at our Manufactory, Simmons block Boston. ' Large and close buyers will find it for their interest ta give us a call, as v. c pledge ourselves to sell for cash, or to prompt men at prices that will defy all compe tition. A full stock for Sutlers and Santa Fe trade. Wm. F. EXDKRS, St. Louis, Jjhn W. B1GKLOW, Boston. nu42 McCORMICK'S Reaper & Mower for 1858 C. HYATT & Co., Agents, St . J nrji1t , AUhko a ri, Is ai.iin offered tothe farmers of Missouri, and Xebra-ka. a the be-t Rvaoer in the vtl., ami the best combined Reaper and Mower, and is so warranted. For Ave years past I have avoided attending the various State and County Fairs, for the p'.rpoe of seckins premiums, re eardinit my machine as too well known to need that sort of commendation. In July l,it the Cnited States Ag ricultural society, at their Fair at Syracu!e, New York, awarded to me a GOLD MEDAL and DIPLOMA. For the best reaper, after a severe test, in heavy fan cied rye over hilly and uneven ground. ANo tho 'Great Council Medal' was awarded by the exhibition of all na tions in London in ISol to C. McCormick. on the cronnd of the orioinjllity and value of his AMERICAN REAP. KR. and also at theeieit French Exhibition at Paris, in lSoo. was awarded the iirand Gold Medal of Honor. Also thehiSuet prize awarded to any reapins machine by the Royal Agricultural Society of Encland in l-io7. and till more clorious, the richest satisfaction and approval of over lOO.OtiO farmer of my own country. Farmers desiring the McCormick Reaper and Mower for the pre-erit year will secure by leavin? their orders should be sent on before the 1st aay of March next. April 15, 1S59 no43 W. II. 1TILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DEALER IS STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, TAvTo., TAKES pleasure in announcing thecitizensof Or gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sale at Wholesale and Itet: il at St. Louis Driees. I would call particular attention to my stock of tuuMJU "51UY r.?, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Amonj them maybe found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Siicsand Patterns, which I will SELL LOWEU THAN AXY HOUSE IX TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Clutters, in the town arid cuntry. Also, re pairing done on short notice nn l on reasonable term. Old crpper. Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS, vl-ni Oregon. Mo-, July 5, 1S56. Millinery- A siprrior st-ckof Millinery and Dress Gords at try new M; ilitiery etabli-hmei!t. un door atn re Lushbacgh Sl Carsou's Backing IIoUe, Brcwnville, X. T. est& a1 ILK 0t Buchanan Life and General Zzisuranoe Oo Office cor 2d and Jul stt.t AT. JOSEPH, MO. RTF.UF. AT TIIE LAST BESHTON Ol TH MO. US Authorized Capitol $3,000,000. DIRECTORS: J.TJ.Jennin-j, I. K. Howard, J. A. Owes. Mirtoa ooth, John Colhoun, John II. Likens, W.H.Paaaik, James Kay, N.J. McAshan, A. C. Manafieer. J.U.JFO.XlXG3,Pw. .K. McAsfiAX, Sec y. IS no ready to receive application fo Life, Fire, Marine and River risks. A caab return f 2&p cent, will be allowed on cargo prerxJumi. Loasar promptly adjusted, and the tuual facihtiei jiti U the patrons of the office. April loth, 1357. 4i-Im WEBSTER, MARSH & CO.. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers is Ready Made Clothing, S-3, Main St., St. Louis, Mo. SHIRTS. DRAWERS. OVERALLS, SHIRTS, XT-XJ 1333 13 GOOBO. an. I all kind.4 of FUEH1SHI2JG GOODS. ALSO FALL STOCK OF GENT'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Which we offer an low as anv lbmse in the City. WEBSTER, MARSH &. CO. WHEELER Si WILSON'S INCOMPARABLE SEWING MACHINES j. w. Mcdonald & co.. No. 79, Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. Are taking the place of all other machine ta Families, Dress-Makers. They arc the Simplest, Speediest, Cheapest and moat durabie Ma tiiiics existant. Agents Wanted in Every Town In the West. B. F. SNYDER, Forwarding and Commission And Steamboat Agent, sr. JOSEPH. MO. Will he at the Levee at all hours upon,tb arrival of teauiboats. and attend to the Collection ul Btllt an4 Business left wi:h him with prompt U-pa'c&i alM atten4 to the Receiving of goods for boats, either lor St. Lom or upper Musouri. Will be found In the office of Dolraoa it Yait fteat Estate. gent. Market Siuare. MILLER & BOISAUBIN, Importers of Frencti aMtGermaa LOOKING-GLASS.PLATES, Short, Sky-I.I slit, and Floor Glasv, IS, Second St., St. Lonl, Mo. Manufacturer of Ornamental LooKing-Olaa FT met. Stained Glass in all its Various Branches, fcr Churches, Public and Private Buildings. Ornamental Work for Steamboats. IIAYDEN & WILSON. Importers and Manufacturers of A S D Coach Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Sidtllc Trees, Ilames, Springs ami Axles, Patent aud Enameled Leather, SKIRTING, HARNESS, & BRIDLE LEATHER. Xo. 11, Main Street. St. Louis, )Io Are prepared to ciTer to their customers and the trida an assortment of articles unsurpassed, in quality ami cheapness, Ly any House in their line, Kast or West. 185 a 1858. SCAUR ITT 4 MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of Furniture and Upholstery. Washington Avenue, between SrtO-ND AND THIRD St's, ST. LOUIS, MO Ia our Wareronms will be found the latst and bt styles, made ly thebest workmen and of superWr male r ai Hiid tinish. ItKHSTKADS Fine Rosewood ami Mahoganr, Walnut. O ik ami Cherry, with hih pjsts and Canopy. SIDF.BOAUHS lb sewoud, Mahogany, Oak and Wal nut with Shelves aud Marbie Tops. WARUROBKS and HCRETARIES. Rosewood, Xa, O ik and Walnut. S(F.s M ibosany and Walnut, covered in hair Cloth. Li'-tuo: and 15.oca"''l'.e. BCUEAl'S Fi ie R tCwooiI, Mahopiny, Oak andWal- nut, wi'li side c.i.-es. Marble Top and Oval Glasse. R i sow . .', M.ih pauy. Oak and Walnut Wasustandi, Center and Side Tables with Marble Tops. II AT RACKS Itosewwd, Mahogany, Oak and Walnut of many styles. Also: Fine Rscwmd, Mahogany, Oak arl Walnut Parb.r, K.i-y anJ Eti:i; Chair; every variety of Cush ion, Rush ainl Cine Scat Reception and Cottaue Chairs Recumbent Chairs. 1'i.inn Sto,ds, Ottoman. Footstool, Corner and Side Whatnot. Externum Tables, Sbowet R itUs.I e Iixes, Wire and Tin Safes, ScarriU'n Patent Lounge lijdste.ils. GILT LootLiXG GLASSES SpletnIiJ Pier Glasses Ovals. Mantle and Square; Wood Frames iu lare a sortmei.t. 1SEUDIXG Sprine. Hair. Moss, Excelsior and Husk Matrasses; Feather Beds, Fillows, Bolsters, Comforts, Sheets. Xc., all of tl.e let material, and warranted to oe fresh, sweet and new. Every article warranted as represented, and at prices as low as any other house in the city for corresponding iiality. Orders solicited and f.iitbfully filled. We cordially invite every one who wishes to call and examine and pri e our goods, as we are pleased to show our Cooi's, and civeyou all the information in our power. All articles s-.ld l y us carefully packed an-1 delivered on B at or at the house. Very Respectfully, SCARRITT 4. MASON". no37 SPRING AXD SIMMER GOODS. FIELD, BEARDSLEE 8c CO., Importers and Jobbers. I'iecc CJoods for 5IenS ITear, -Vo. 5. If-1 in utrrrt, St. Louis We are now in receipt of a lar?e and complete stock of CiM,ds suitable for the Spring and Summer trade whidk we offer on the most fatorable terms. Tba stock con sists in part of the follow ma goods, viz: CLOTHS. Cassimers; I.eskiti; Satinets; Tweeds; Cashmeretts; Jeans; Corduroys; .M .lekin; Linens; Cottonades; Al pacas; Drap R'F.ttes ; Farmer's S.ilin; Vesting ; Vel vets Si-ru'es &c; every descriptijii of tailors' and clothier.-' trimmings. A complete stipek of Blankets. A full as-ortiuont of wd .-Lirt.s and drawers. -Merchants, Cb tliiers and Tulors visitin the city for the purpose of buying their Spring Stmk will find it to their interest to eximltic our stock lefore making their selections. All orders will receive prompt attention. riELU, BKAKUSLEH CO. April 15. 1S.-.S no43 New Spring Goods, 1S5S. BROWN & CO., .o. tS, 3Iaiu Street Saint Loafs, Invite Merchants vi-:irs St. Louis to their immen stock of New Spans G o!s, I1MPORTATION OF" 1858, Black Gro de Rhine Silks; Black and Colored Satins; Printed Jjcoi.ets; Chailie?; Dubagcs; White God; Embroideries; Lace Goods; Gloves; Hosiery; Lac Mitts, 4.c. Brown k Co., have rei.y for exhibition the latest European and American styles of hoop and hoop skirts I French Skirt reeds; ribbons cf all styles, siik cravat., dress triiamines brushes, cotnhs, buttons, tcgether with Ave cases Parasols, of the latest and most fashionable desigp. Cash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt men, ! it in? this market, are invited to examirie our stock and prices. BROWN', k CO., 73 Main Street Saint Looia. April 15, lbtA no 42. Potter Wanted. I will give employment to a good, industrious Frjtttf, well acquainted with the busines. JOHN' MtPnEBSOX. Brownville. Pec 5. 1337. ni-3tr ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNTILLE, T. Will wTi'e dee-ls cf every kind anl contracts for every purpose, wi:n warrante-i leia: accuracy. U;M e, in the Banking House of Lushbaugh k Carson. REFER TO U :n. J. hn A. BiCKbam, Cad:x, Cbla. " W K Cirter, Clevelaad, KPSpiMmc. " " " B F Letter, Canton, " S Lahm. " " " Wm R s.ipp. Mt. Vemn, " " S PCht-e. Columbus. " " Thos. Ford, MansSe! I, " Jas. Craiff. St. Joseph, Mo. 3.-wnv:'.:e, Oct. 2M, "67. rtnl7-ty