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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1858)
41 j, 't r -' t is THE ADVERTISER. ' II. W. rUKNAS, EDITOR. TIIURSDAY MOUSING, JULY 15, 1S58. ApoW r'l Being compelled to spend most of the past week "at pre," and in the "job room," we have been able to give but little attention to our paper. Archer Ilalf-Breed Line. In another column will be found a no tice relative to the town of Archer, in Richardson county! We learn by J udge Ferguson, that by an act of Congress, what is known as the "McKoy line," has been established as the half-breed line. This leaves Archer off the half-breed land, and also relieves many settlers who had spent their all in improving claims, and had the "new line" been established would have lost all. Too much credit cannot be given E. S. Dundy, Esq., who went on to Washington in person, and to gether with our Delegate, succeeded in accomplishing what has been done for the settler. Our Delegate Returned. We had the pleasure of welcoming again to Nebraska soil our worthy Delegate, Hon. Fexxer Ferccsox. lie and fam ily arrived in this city by the steamer Mansfield, on Monday evening last. Af ter remaining until Wednesday, he proceeded homeward by stage, via Ne braska City. He will meet with a hear ty welcome all over the Territory. Taxing Lands. As we stated last week, a floating par agraph has been going the rounds both through the press, and in private circles, to the effect that the Supreme Court of the United States had decided that lands sold by the General Government are not taxable by the States or Territories until tho jirtual iacue of the patent. We had no faith that the report was true. It was so directly in the face of all right and justice ; and we intended to have written somewhat at length on the subject this week. The following letter from Hon G. W. Jones, to the editor of the Du buque Express and Herald puts the mat ter to rest: Washington, June 15, 1S5S. Sir: I called on the Clerk of the U. S. Supreme Court, relative to the decis ion of the L. b. Supreme Court with re gard to the illegality of taxing lands be fore the issue of the patents. He informs ine that there is no such opinion given and as he owns much land in the West that it is subject to taxation, which would be exempt under sucn a decision, it any such has been made. He says the news paper report is without the least founda tiou. G. W. Jones. Falls (it). In another column will be found an in teresting letter from Falls City. We thank the writer for the compliment paid us, and assure him and all others, that in the future as in the past, either in private or public capacities, no effort shall be ne glected, calculated to develope and ad vance the interests of Nebraska, and es pecially the southern portion. W reje with jour neighbors that the navigation of the Nemaha, to the Falls is no longer an ftxperiment; mat over the future prospects and importance o Falls City no longejr hangs a doubt. W acknowledge fraukly, that at first sight of this place ; the beauty of the site ; the inexhaustable water-power; the abun dance of stone and timber, and the vast amount of unexcelled farming land around, we were forced to admit Falls City more full of promise than any other point ofl the Missouri river, it has been our for tune to visit. In addition to the advanta ges which nature has bestowed, no point can boast of more energetic and enter prising citizens. With such a combina tion, who can fail to prophesy correctly as to the future of this young city ? We will Trade. Many complain that mo ney is too scarce to subscribe for our pa per, or even continue it. To our subscri bers or others who desire tu become so in this and adjoining counties, we say we will cheerfully exchange our labor with you. In other words anything you have to dis pose of that we can eat drink, wear, or pay debts with, we will take as money, for subscription advertising or job work. Beef, pork, chickens, butter, eggs corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, turnips, hay, wood, stone coal, brick, shingles or lumber, are just as good to us as cash. They Come. Our streets have been jam med continually, the past week, with em igrant wagons having crossed the river at this point. They settle in this and ad joins counties west. Numerous families have also landed from steam boats. A Social Hop " " Was participated in the Brownville House on Thursday evening last. The Nemaha City Band discoursed excellent music. City Livery Stable- Wm. Rossell has completed, or at least so far as to be able to open out his new livery stable on Main Street, near the new Hotel in this city. This is something we have long much needed, and we hope Mr. Rossell will meet with sufficient patronage to enable him to branch out still more extensively. Read the advertisement of A. Gv IN THE TERRITORY. r Mrs. C. Eorup, who resided two miles west of Cumrning City, says the Star, was, while walking in the grass, on Saturday last, bitten by a snake ; and, although all that a kind husband and attentive friend?, with medical assistance . could " do, was done, yet the sufferer died on the follow ing morning. Waltar Lcwrie, the Senior Secratery of the Presbyterian Board of Missions arrived in Bellevue a short time since. He brought with him the United States patent for that portion of Bellevue, gran ted to the Mission, by Act of Congress, which has been duly recorded, by "the Register of that county. This is the first patent issued for lands in this Terri tory. The Rulo Guide says we have taken pains to inquire of numerous farmers re cently, as to the prospect of crops in their different neighborhoods, and all concur in stating that they are truly flattering: in deed they Lave never before seen such prospects in the West, so early in the season. The Cuming City Star says: Coal is known to exist alonsf the banks of New York Creek, and there is no longer any doubt about it. Scarcely a week passes without a specimen having been "brought into our office, which had been washed down from the banks of that stream. All the specimens we have seen indicated the best cf coal. We are happy to learn, says the Ne braska City News, that a large colony of French are about to locate themselves on the Big Blue in Gage County, Nebraska. They are a thrifty, energetic community orfarmers and mechanics. John Calhoun; Surveyor General for Nebraska and Kansas, has arrived at Nebraska City. The Platte Valley Times contains the following announcements of candidates to the Legislature : Coukcil E. A. Donelan, John Howard, L. G. Jeffers. House W. M. Slaughter, T. M. Mar quette. Forty thousand dollars of the issues of of the Platte Valley Bank, were con signed to the flames by the officers of that institution, on the 21st inst. A man, name unknown, supposed to be a deserter from the army, was drowned in Loup Fork, between Columbus, Platte county, and Cleveland, Monroe county, the 24th ult. The citizens of Washington county have adjusted the preliminaries for the organ ization of a vigilance committee in that county. Its object, being to protect them selves from the depredations of thieves whom infest that county. B. P. Rankin has been appointed to the office of Clerk of the Courts, for the first Judicial Distric t, in this Territory in the place of J. W. Paddock. The Y yoinmg Tost has again passed into the hands of its former editor and proprietor, J. W. Dawson. New England Bards. This excellent troupe of Vocalists, sang to an overflowing house at Johnson's Hall, in this City, on Satur day evening last. They have lost none of their interest since they were here a year ago. Durand is yet as full of droll ery as ever. , No one will regret an in vestment to hear the New England Bards. Candidates. In Richardson and Pawnee counties Charles McDonald is candidate for re-electton to the Council, and for the same office, E. S. Dandy, W. P. Loan, and P. M. Rogers are on the track. For the House, Mr. Griffin of Pawnee, and Mr. King and Hamby of Richardson, we learn out. In Douglas county, A. D. Jones, Dr. Miller and Capt. Moore are, we are in formed, candidates for the Council; "and about fifty others for the House," says our informant. In Johnson county, Mr. Townsend, Mr Loomis, Dr. Goshen, and Mr. Lawrence are spoken of for the House. Removed. The Post Office has been re moved into the new building erected ex pressly for that purpose, on Main street, next to the City Drug Store. E. E. Parker, Esq., offers a bargain in his advertisement. See Advertisement of G. W. Bratton, in another column. Mr. Giedincs has for sale a lot of light Spring Waggons. See advertise ment in another column. J. Horison Advertises fresh and abundant supplies cf Family Groceries. Call on him, at Clark's old Stand. Any one wishing to see D. L. McGary vdtile he is abserJ, can do so by calling on Judge Hewet. It is stated that the troops destined for Utah are deserting at every opportunity, and that Mormons in disguise, who fol low the army, give them encouragement and opportunity. Since the first of January, 19,122 em igrants have arrived at Ne.v York, being a decrease of 24,405 as compared with the same period of last year. - Home Correspondence.. - Falls Citt, July 7, '58.?.'. The annual ebulition of patriotism on the immortal Fourth is overand we are quietly Testing from the exertions of the great occasion. j-. 'It was a great feature with ourcitizens first, because it was the anniversary of our municipal birth, the first house being completed-one year ago ; secondly, be cause the White Cloud Ferryboat, with some two hundred citizens of Oregon, White Cloud, and Forest City, were ex pected on'a visit of neighborly fraterni zation with our citizens. A free dinner, on a large scale, was gotten up. Beef, roast pigs, chickens, bread, p'fes, cake, &c., &.c, were prepar ed. Flags, banners, and martial para nalia, in the most approved style ; and to crown the whole, the entire Sack na tfon, without respect to party, were invi ted to rejoice with us in the destruction of eatables and drinkables. Early in the morning the wagons came rolling into the town, and unloading the men, wo men and babies fine fat children, the fu ture men of the Territory. A committee with wacrons and teams nut out for the Nemaha River, to escort , the White Cloud delegation from the boat About eleven o'clock Mr. McDonald and others made appropriate speeches, and next came a procession to dinner. Af ter dinner, the Indians rave us a war ' t.j dance, that was to me the feature of the clay. Dressed in costume, with feathers, and gaudy skins, led by the majectic Massauquet, there was a force and en ergy in their evolutions, that seemed to infuse them with the fire of other days. It would have been a treat to you. They are the finest body of men I have ever seen, and their conduct and deportment would shame many who had the benefi1 of civilization. About four o'clock the dance commen- ced, in tne new nail wim sucn music as the Nemaha City band know how to dis course. No wonder they kept it up unti' morning. Q About nine o'clock, Capt Moore of the ferry-boat appeared, with a report from the crowd of excursionists on the Nema ha. They had run into a drift in the Mis souri, disabled their boat, but they stil kept coiner until niaht, when a drift at the mouth of Muddy, that had been over looked, while cleanmr eut the stream stopped them. A Committee immediately went down loaded with provisions, to express the mu tual disappointment, and to furnish con veyances, if necessary, to bring them up either in the night or morning, One thing is settled, and that is, thefea sibility of navigating the Nemaha to Fall City. This boat draws two leet water and up to the place of landing (about three miles from town) they had 10 feet water in the channel A project is already on foot to build a small boat carrying about 50 tons, and to draw 10 to 12 inches water to make reg ular trips via White Cloud to Saint "Jo seph, and then we of course will be at the head of navigation I need say nothing of this county. These four counties lying on the Mis souri watered by ihe two Nemahas, are emphatically the garden of Nebraska. Then with our water power, which can be obtained to the amount of 30 ft. fall without impeding ihe navigation of the stream, we will be found adding our mite to vours in develoninir the land ot our adoption. Uv the wav. let me sav one word in j ----- j - - -reference to a charter to dam the Nana .ha, above the Falls, and to make use this power. As a work of public utility tending to the advancement of our com man country, it seems to me, all private interests should fall before it. As citi zens of Falls City, we will yield all pri vate interests. Let a charter be passed by the next Legislature; we care not who are the trustees. If there are those on the River whose interests would be affec ied, make them the trustees, and indem nify them to the full extent of all losses The drainage of the Bottom by the pro posed race, would or ltselr almost repay them, and if after all that could be done, there should be a factious opposition, let the greater good be paramount to the les ser. Southern Nebraska appreciates the la bors you have already effected for her progress and advancement, and the eyes of our people are turned to you as the earnest promoter of every enterprise of general utility. The latest item is the capture of three young men, recently of this neighborhood, and six Indian ponies taken from the Sacs. It was their first attempt in this en terprise, and they acted very imprudent ly from the day they set out; waking up Mr. Herkendorf, at the crossing of Mud dy, loitering on the road, dancing, and frolicking, and on the day they were ta ken, they had left their pistols in a wag on and were perfectly unarmed. Instead of bringing them to Falls City and there trying them, as was the request of Mr. Tesson and the Indians, thev were taken to Saint Stephen, and there lynched, tarred and feathered, and then set on the other side of the river. The punishment, though very severe, was merited ; and, it is to be hoped, it may result in their reformation. It seem:- to me, that in the community where, the deed was done, I would, if one otV the suffers, strive to regain my char acter, Tesson and the Indians were in 'avor of letting them go, on a public con- ession of their guilt, the Indians could not bear the sight of men being scourged likjdr "Death to the resistant, but pardon to the penitent is the natural logic of the Indian. - News Items. Mr. Henry Kessler, an old and ex tensive currier of Cincinnati, is Having an elephant's hide tanned as a curiosity, lie purchased it in Wisconsin, where the an imal, which belonged to a menagerie, had died. He gave 10 for the skin, and the reight to that city was $15. It is an immense hide, so bulky that the tanners handle it with great difficulty. It is near- y two inches thick, and a full year and a half will be required to tan it thorough- y. It will be a curiosity when thoroughly seasoned. A letter from Florence, Italy, to the Newark Advertiser states that Mr Hart's marble memorial of Henry Clay for the ladies of Yinrinia, is in nrorrress, 'and will probably be completed during the year. ;The same artist is further occu pied op the model for a collossal bronze figure of Mr. Clay for the city of New Orleans. Mr. Jefferson is also beinrr commemmorated in marble for the State of Virginia by an aspiring young sculp tor of the Old Dominion, Mr. Gait. The Lafayette, Ind. Journal says, at present there are not less than 2,000 people sojourning in Illinois and Indiana, from other States, for the express purpose of netting rid of their husbands and wives. j single rose busn now in nower in a garden at Providence, Rhode Island, fills a green house 70 feet in length, and contains some 9,000 flowers. Sir William Gore Ousley has complet ed his arrangements to leave Washing' ton and is awaiting orders from his Gov ernment, In France there are no less than nine teen Presidents of Commercial Societies now in prison, awaiting their trials for fraudulent operations. The Pacific Mail contracts has been ex tended for one year from the first of Oc tober next, for the sum of $316,000. The amount of sugar destroyed by the inundation in Louisiana is estimated at 50,000 hogsheads worth $3,000,000, The cotton destroyed by the overflow on the banks of the Mississippi, it is sak; will be 190,000 bales, whose value woul probably be $4,000,000. Jewish Disabilities Removed. rwi 1 T1 1 1 TV Y 11 11 ine i.ngnsn House or laorus nas yieldet to the Commons, and the principle adop ted, that, hereafter, Jews shall have right to a scat in Parliament. Riht and justice have triumphed ot last. Some of the Southern papers are talk ing of Senator Green, of Missouri, for President. The Sugar plantation of the late Sam uel S. Harrison, in the Parish of Bayou Goula, La., containing 1,613 acres of land, with 95 negroes, all told, good, bad and indifferent say 50 working hand was recently bought at Sheriffs sale by a free man of color, for the snug sum o $240,000. The fortnnate purchaser is now the proprietor of 4,500 acres of the richest sugar lands in Louisiana, and over 200 negroes. The following is supposed to be the number of newspapers in the world : Ten in Austria, fourteen in Africa, twenty four in Spain, twenty-sixain Portugal, six ty-five in Belgium, thirty in Asia, eighty five in Denmark, fifty in Russia and To land, three hundred and fifty in the Ger manic States, five hundred in Great Brit air and Ireland, and two thousand in the United States; total 3,154. From the foregoing it will be seen that in the Uni ted States are issued nearly twice as ma ny as in all the rest of the world. Martin Kosta, the Hungarian refugee, who was rescued from the Austrian au thorities in '53, by Commodore Ingra ham, of the United States Navy, died recently in very indigent circumstances, on a sugar plantation, near the- city of r i i uuatemala. Support your Coanty Taper. Recollect, if a home weekly paper is to be supported, home influence must do it. Everydollar sent to Eastern papers is at an expense to local papers. The county acquires prominence through its papers, more than in any other way, and to every one who has county interests at stake, his home paper is a necessity. Never will such a man take a paper prin ted away from home until he is able to take a second paper. His first paper will be his home sheet and he will so identify his own interest with that of his county paper as to consider his subscription as much a matter of duty as the payment of taxes- Cleveland Herald. Tassports for France. Mr. Sartiges, the French Minister, writes to Secretary Cass that the regula tions in regard to passports to France have not been changed. The 'visa' of a French agent ahead is obligatory on ev ery perscn who wishes to proceed to France. The Consul-General, Consuls, and by exception the French Vice Con sul at Baltimore, as well as the Legation of the Emperor at Washington, have the power to grant these 'visas'. Carriers bearing official dispatches of a foreign government are exempted from the gen eral rule in regard to the visa, on condi tion tha they are provided with a pass port issued on the responsibility of such government, and mentioning their character. To tiic Voters of Nemaha and John- son Counties. I hereby announce myself as a candidate fr re-elec tion to the office of Councilman from this District, to the Territorial Assembly of Nebraska. - Mr Editor. You will please announce tne name or m r o.a as a candidate for Representative from the counties of Nemaha and Johnson and oblige MANY- VOTERS. Mr Em Ton : Yon will please announce tne name or henry Hocgh as a candidate for the office of Superintendent of Common Schools fur Nemaha county, ami oblige Mr. Editor : You will announce tne name of Ii.kisxisos as can didate fur the office of County Commissioner, and oblige MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: You will please announce the name of 3. n. k.eje- DY. as a canuiuate lor Representative iroiu mo iuuim of Nemaha and Johnson and oblige MAX Y VOTERS. Mr. Editor : .nor hfia an itrtnrx;i va eircntiit i.lll in Rich- - j 1 - - - -v - - - ardson and Pawnee Counties, please announce the name of E. S. DUN'DY. r.sq., as a cauuiuatc ror . ominmiaa, from those counties, and oblige MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor : Please announce the name of E. Reid, as a Candi date for the House of Representatives, from Nemaha and Johnson Counties and oblige MANY VOTERS. Appointments- R. W. Furnas, candidate for Councilman, will ad dress the citizens of Nemaha and Johnson counties as follows : On Friday, July 23. at Tecumsch in Johnson county ; On Saturday, July 21, at Helena in die same county; On Monday, July 26, at London in Nemaha county; On Tuesday, July 27, at Dayton, in the same county; On Wednesday. July 2S, at St. George; On Thursday, July 29, at Peru; On Ki'lday, July 30. at Nemaha City; On Saturday, July 31, at Brownville. Mr. Holmes, and any other candidates hereafter an nounced for the office of Council man, are hereby respect fully invited to attend on the above occasions and parti cipate.. . -r m - - i MfTN America Men ok Tne Agk. The great est man, '"take nun all in all, . ot tne last hundred years, was ucorjje asmnmn an American. The greatest Doctor ol Divinity was Jonatnan ttl- wanls an American. The greatest lhilusorihcr was Benjamin Franklin an American. The greatest of living Seu.ptors 13 Hiram Powers an American. The greatest living Historian is illiam II. row ers an American. The greatest Ornithologist was J J Audubon an American. The greatett Medical Chemist of modern times, Dr J. C. Aycr inventor of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and Cathartic Pills is an American. The greatest Lexicographer, since the. time of Johnson, was Noah Webster an American. The greatest inventors of modern times, were Ful ton Fitch, Whitney and Morse nil Americans. BrownTlIlc Mail Arrangements. EASTERN MAIL. Arricct Daily (Sundays excepted 1 at five F. M. Depart Daily (Sundays excepted ) at half past eight, a. M. SOUTHERN MAIL. Arrive Tri-weckly, on Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays. Depart On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. NORTHERN MAIL. Arric On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Depart On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. FORT KEARNEY MAIL. Leace Brownville on tho first of every month, reaching Ft. Kearney in seven days ; lea ving Ft. Kearney on thi 10th Arrice At Brownville in 7 days. TARKIO MAIL. Leave Brownville, on Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 o'clock, a. sf. Arriie At liriiwnvilleon Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 o'clock, a. m. OFFICE HOURS. From 7, o'clock, a.m., to 12, M : tin J from 1, to 6, P. M. C. U. DOK.SEY, 1'. P. M. M. Married On the 12th of July 1808, by J. I). N. Thompson. J. P., Ceoroe to Elizabeth Wortnim; ton, all of Brownville. X- o. O. JF. Jlectinpr of ftraml Lodge of Ne braska I'ostpoiicd. -vv"2i"v. Owing to uncontrollable circumstances. C-&r': the tirand Lodge of ihe I. O. O. F. f Ne--jT S ': braska, will be unable to convene as direc- '''''"''' reeled on the second Thursday, in July. The meeting, therefore, by consent of a nin ority of the sub ordinate Lodges has been postponed until the second Tues day in September next, at Avhicu tiuie it will meet at the city of Omaha. It. W. Fl'RN'AS, Grand Sec'y. j"Papcrs in the Territory friendly will please copy NEW GROCERY Axn PROVISION HOUSE, BY J. I..H0RIHS, AT THE Old Stand of 31. P. CLARK, BKOWNVILLE, N. T., Where cm be found a full supply of Family Groceries II mi and Bacon, JIackrel and Cod Fi.-h. Teas. Sugar, t'jllee. Candies. Nuts, Wine Crackers and Cheese. Liquors and Wines, Sardines. Cigars and Tobacco, Oysters an l Lobsters, Peaches, Prunes, Blackberries and Whortle berries, and all articles uually kept in a Fancy Grocery Store. which be will sell for cash or produce as cheap as the cheapast. Will you give me a shaic of your coiuiiiuol patronage. Brownuille, July 15th, 1S5S. v3n3 Spring-Wagons for Sale ! The undersigned brorght .out recent ly from Peunsyl- : vauia, a number of new, li'.-bt Wagons, admi rably adapted to thisconntry. They are all perfectly new, in good order, and are for sale on reasriib;e terms, for cash. Apply to L Tlor.dley or Capt. I. T. Wbyle Brt wnviile or myself, at Table R. ck. f. W. UIDD1NGS. July 15, n31w WATCH MAKER. IN ill, with a stock of Jewelry, and preparations for repairing, visit as follows: Brownville . - . August 2 Nemaha City - ' 6 St. Stephens - "9 Ktihi - "II He hopes with a good stock of g.iods and close atten tion to merit and receive a liberal patronage. July 15, 158, v3n3 Archer Town Company, .Votce to the Shareholders in the Town of Archer, Richardson County, .V. T. At a meetingof the shareholders in the said town held at Archer on the twelfth of July, lia8, it was resolve.! to lay a tax of $5 upon each share for the purpose of paving for a re-survey of the Town, and to raise money to pre-empt the same. All shares upon which tie tax remains unpaid till the luth day of August next, ti7f told on that day to pay the same. The money is tote paid to Joseph Vouut, President of the Company at Ar cher. By order of the Meeting, JOSEril YOl'NT. Archer, July 12 1S58. NOTICE. As I shall be called away from home for the nest three orfour weeks, any one wishing to t-eeme will p!e-"e call upon Judge t). B. Heett, who will have charge of my business during my absence. I would further take this occasion to recommend Judge Hewett as a compe tent and reliable attorney, who will give faithful ard satisfactory attention to any business entrusted to his management.- D. L. AtcGABT. Brownville, July IOih, I3o8. Removal or the County Seat. I have a houscand lot in Brownville on Main street. The lot is a corner one, convenient to water, &c. A goid dwelling with three rooms, a wardrobe, &c 1 a 'ii rf11 Uie above Pror,er,y (which cost me eight hun dred dollars.) for four hundred and Blty dollars Or.e hundred and eighty-five dollars is required cash down: time or a Land Warrant taken on the balance For fur ther particulars call on Messrs Lnshbaugh &. Carson, Bankers, or on the Proprietor at his office in Brownville July 15, 1858-lm E E PARKEll R. L. DODGE, ATTORNEY ATLAW SOLICITOR IXDCHAXCERY, .V.-2.V STREET, BROTObVILLi:, XEKSILSKA. REFERENCES Ferguson, Bellevue. Nebraska. " R. W. Furnas BrownviKe, " " R Brown j Julys. 155S-v3n2-Iy FEHNER FERGUSON, Attorney- ti n cl. Counsellor BELLEVUE, NEBRASKA. Improve cL City Property for Sale ! I have two excellent lots, on each of which is a new, comfortable and convenient bousevboth on Main street. One is in JSiock'lS, and the other in Block six, in the City of Brownville. I wilt sell either on very favora ble terms, viz.: one third cash, and one third iu three months, and the balance in six months. If not sold by the bth day of September next, one will be sold on that djy to the highest bidder, on same terms. July 15, tds U. V. BRATTON. Brownville House, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. MORRISON & WHEELER Announce to the public that they have taken charge of the new, large, and commodious brick Hotel building re cently completed in the City of Brownville, Nebraska. They have furni.-hed it from cellar to garret with en tire new furniture ; the rooms are all lame, well ven tilated and linished. 1 The table, we promise, shall at all times contain the best the country can otl'ord. Our liquors shall be as pure as are made, as we purchase in person from reliable manufacturers. We deem a more exten ded notice unnecessary and conclude by asaurint; the pub lic that we are determined that no etfort on our part shall be wanting to render the Brownville IIoue a lirst class lintel. AIOKimON it W11KELEK. JulyS, lS53-8ui School District o. 7. School meetin? called locally by R. S. Whitney. The above district compries sections 23. 24, 25 and 2o in Township o. KaiiKC 15, and ihe southwest quarter of Se-tion 19, and the west half of Section 30, Township 5, K.ingc 16. According tu the call above given, District met, and elected i M. Snow Treasurer, Davidson Plaster and Frederick Turn Sec'ys. Ununituuus vote wag giv en to build a brick school house in the center of tbcdU- triol. Ileus t kblU M fet by 18 un.f a M-ctTl tne clear; einkl windows and door, shlnsle roof. Wr.hin 30 days there will be a tax levied upon all of the lands ami personal property w thin Ihe district above named, suf ficient to erect and complete said School House. Proposals will be received on the l"lh day of July, ISiS. at 4. o'clock P M, at the houe of It. J. Whitney, for f iirnw.hiiiK material and erecting said house, together with the furnitrre as above named. A school meeting of the Iitrict is specially called to meet at the same tune, by order of K. J. WHITNEY, Brownville, July 1. President. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration of the estate of tieorze Lewis was, on the 22dday of June 1S5SJ, granted to David D Lewis. All persons owiiut said estate are requested to pay upimniediately, and all per sons having demands against said estate are requnted to present thein fr allowance within three months and all dcni. in. Is against said estate not presented within six months will be forever barred. DAVID D. I.EWiS, Administrator of the estate of George Lewis. Brownville, July I, 1S5-1.-i:15w To ot'R Priends: Having gold out our st.xk and wishing to close our business aa Boon as possible, wo would request our friends to call an ! settle, either by note or cash. For the present we will be found at Scigel Al tircenbaiim's Store, where we will be pleased to see our friends, and customers generally. M. F. CLARK Jt Co. School. The subscriber would respectfully announce to the in habitants of Brownville that he will open a SCHOOL on Tuesday, the6th inst., for the instruction of such pupils as may be entrusted to his care. For the present, the school will be opened at the School House. TERMS Per quarter of Eleven Weeks. Common English Branches - - $1,00 Higher Branches .... g No deduction made for absence during the term, ex cept in cases of protracted illness. Those who enter at any time during tlie llrst three w eeks of the term will be charged for t nil inn from the commencement; if later, 1 from the time or e ' the- cloVe. Tuition bills will be ilue at the middle of the term, at which time payment or other satislactory arrangements will be re- ; quired. j It is desirable that those wlm attend should enter as ; early in the term as possible Brownville, July 1st, 18oS-2ni J. M. CHAPEL. GREAT sai.i: or Town IjO-fcjs. AT IJIIOWNVILLK, NEBRASKA, On Monday, .tup,. 2, IS5S. The undersigned having laid oil a portion of the land owned by him, adjoining thet'ity of Brownville. Nebras ka, into lots corresponding in size with othorlots in said City, streets and a I leys a'so to correspond, will otter for sa le to the highest bidder com mi n ing on Monday August 2d, 1S0S, Two Hundred Lots. To acquainted it need only be announced that the lots offered are a portion of the ' Ferguson Claim." v. hi. h lies almost in the heart of the City, but on ing to its h iving been in contest until quite recently, has not been built upon or otherwise improved. The General La id otlire at Washington having decided the contest, the land lias been entered and Warranty deeds can be given. To those wishing to invest in Nebraska town property no hotter is'int orop-ortunity can be found. T Kit MS One third cash; one third in three months and the balance in six months, set tired by mortgage in the pren.ises. or my giving bond To-deed. July 1. ls;s, JAMKS FERGl'SON. Land Warrants, ror Casli nncl oil Time We are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all sizes to seti lers on sin h time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates. A constant supply of Warrants will be kept on hand for sale as cheap as they can he bought elsew here in town. Buy of regular dealers and beware of bogus warrants. All warrants bold by u will 1. guaranteed to he genuine iu every respect and will te exchanged if de fective. Being permanently located In Brownville we can al ways he found at the old .tand a few doors east of the Brownville II usc. U'SlfBArr.lI ft CARSON, Bankers, and Dealers n Land Warrants. B f. i.vsnn vgii jno. j. rtRso LTJ3HBAUGH & CARSON, ' DAyKERS AM) GE.XERAL LA.XD AGE.XTS, Dealers in Coin, Cncnrrent Money, Kx iiatce and Land Warrants, BltmVN YII.I.K. NKMAHA CO.. N. T. Especial attention will he given to Bin ing and Selling F.xchangeon cities f the liiiied States, Gold, Silver, and iiiicun ent Bank Notes. A constant sntil j ply of Land Wariantson hand for s lie. i iir ami. or en I teredoii time for Pi e-emptors. All Warrants sold by us guaranteed in every re-pect. Will tile He- laratory Slale i ii ifti' s of intention to pre-empt, an I prepare Pre-emption I Papers at short n.itiie. Money loaned upon hest securi ties, at western rates id interest, and investments made j in Lands or my property for di-tant capitalists. Collec tions ujion all convenient fM.nits will be prompt ly atip id- aoo ii m rni. rciniiicu 111 eX' tiatige, at current rales. Bills of Kxi haii-.-e on Kiigland. Ireland, and Fran-e. ib tamed at usual rates, with r. st ,,f F.x'hange on the East added. Deimsits ri eived on Current account and interest allowed on .pecial deposits. OFFICE Main St.. near I". S. Land Office. IlLFERCMES Lind, Brother Co., Merchants, Philadelphia, Pa. McNaugMon, Carson As. Co., " ' ' Hisor White. " Baltimore, M l lounc. Carson & Bryant, " " Jno. Thompson Mas.m, Col'rofport, " K. M. Pumler-oii AlOi. Merchants, " " M. M . Teak le A. Co. No. 17, Broadway, New Tork Wm. T. Sinithsoii. Esq., Banker, Washington, D C J. T. Stevens. E-q., Att'y at Law, " Jtio. s. i.allaber, Late 3-1 Aud. I". S. T Taylor &. Kriegh, Bankers, McClelland. Scruggs &. Co. Merchants, Hon. Thoo a. Pratt. Ib.n. J. W. Geary, Kx-Gov. Kansas, Hon. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small. Esq., Pre't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'v at Law, Charles Pars,,ns At Co. "Bankers. H. C. Nutt AX Co. ' ' Greene, Weare k Rice, " I'ollglass fl Watson u Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. Anniulis, Md. Penn. Merccrsburg, P,i. llagerstown, Md. Keokuk. Iowa. Council BlufT " Pes Moine, " Vinton, " Ea-ton, M l. Cumberland. Ml. Havana A I abjma. , Col. Sam Hamhleton, Att'y at Law, ,'iiii.c ions, i erry, Prof. II. Tutw iler, Oct. 8, '57-.2-iil5-tf Yancton Town Company To all whom it may roii'-ern. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have this' day associated and in corporated theLi-elves together under the name and style of the vt7nrtmviitij7 The principal place , t transacting the business of the company is in tae town of Yancton in Kuhardsou county Nebraska Territory. - .The general nature of the business of the company is Coal mining, and buying and selling Real Estate at the town f Yancton, Nebraska Territory. The amount of capital stock of the Company is not to exceed live hundred thousand d .llafs, lo be paid in as required by the By-Laws of the Company. Corporation commenced on the 21t day April, 1S08, and is to continue for 20 years. The highest amount of indebtedness of the Corpora tion shall at no time exreed 50 000 dollars; no more than I two thirds of the Capital Sr.K k paid in. I tie h Hairs of the Corporation are to be conducted t y a President. Vi. e President, Secretary and Treasurer, and a Board of Directors lj be elected 'emi-annually. HENRY tiOCLT, S F Nt TROLLS. N J SHARP. ; A l RIIOWN", HKaTH M CKOLLS, TnllN" W SMITH, LEON" OAYNuIi. July I, Ibid. R T ARMSTRONG. IIF.XKY I'OCGLAS WILLI AM COOK. Ill" JiSTON NUCKOLLS. Claim Notice. T William A H-Ovard all whom it may concern You .ire hereby no'itied 'Uat I will appear at the Land Office in Ur. n iivi: :e. Nemaha ounty, Nebraska Terri tory, on Tuesday, the 3 1 il iy of Ailgut 1-svt. at llliciotk A. M., to prove tip my right of Pre-empti n to the east half if the north-east quaiter of scton No nineteen and the west half of the north-west quarter section No. twenty, T w:ihip No. live north, in Karge No fourteen et- JAMES L. OOHEEn. ,'Ulr 15 15-3t ST. GEORGE TOWN COMPANY. Bkowsyillb, x. T. June 19, 11)60. Pursuant to a call of the Secretary tt the St. r, Town company, aquorum ef the stockholder Ihu jT met at the office of tt.J- Whitney. 7 On call there wa found preient tepreentatiTM over two-third the entire stock of the company. Tae following resolutions.were introduced anil nnniaj. ouly adopted : Resoired, 1. Thai the sum of two dollar be and i hereby assessed against ea-h share of the town compjnj 2. That the amount so assessed shall be paid on or b. fore the first day of August A 1S68, bj the hoIUtri of shares. 3 That share-holders paying the assessment shall hit. to the Treasurer a list of the number l the shares up,,,, which he makes payment. That the Treasurer hal deliver such lists to the Secretary, whose duty n be to m;ike a record of the same. 4. That all shares upon which said assessment bas Dnt been paid by the first day of August A D 1863, I be and are hereby declared to be forfeited to the Company 5. That itsball be the duty of the Treasurer to keep a strict account of all the moneys received upon said as sessment, and report the same to a meeting of this com pany to beheld at Brownville on the said flr.t day of August. 6. That the provisions of this assessment shall nut ap ply to any shares upon which the assessment ordered on the llrstilay of October A D 1857, ba been heretofore paid. 7. That out of any funds of the company in the hands of the Treasurer, it shall be lawful for the Treasurer by and with the allowance and approval of the President to pur any account against the company tbat may be pre seined prior to the next meeting of the company; m, that it shall be lawful tor the Treasnrer, by and with the approval vt the President, to enter into, contract for, ami apply the funds of the company in his hands to the improvements of the town site, prior to the neit meet ing of the company. Adjourned tj meet at the call of the Secretary. K. J. WHITNEY, Prea. R. W. FCRNAS. Treas'raud Sec'y. GEORGE EDWARDS, aiictiiteot. OFFICE Main St, East of Kinney 4- icrfy'a effict, Nebraska City, N. T. Perions who contemplate bnfMing can b frjTnuhe-t wita Designs, PI m. Specifications, fcc, tor fc"iildirnis oi any class or variety of style, aiwt the erection of tb same superintended if desired. Proropt attention pij to business frcru a distance. 6itf Was taken up by the subscriber, on the 1st inst, a biy colt, supposed to be S years old, with 3 white feet and white face. Also a grey colt 1 year old. The owner can have them by calling, proving pnierty and pairing charges H . W OKRA1.L. " June 17, 61-3t Little Nemabs River C, Denser has removed hs Tin Shop from Front street to Main street, nearly opposite the new Hotel, where be has opened up the largest stx-k of ware in his line to be found in the tipper country. He solicits a continuance of patronage. June 10, '58. Claim Notice. Notice is hereby given to Henry W. Peters. RVbert I. Armstrong, William Wei l. and alt other perKons inter ested that I a ill appear at the Land Office at Bruwnvi'.le on Wednesday the 2"ili day of July 185rt, to prove up my right to the northwest quarter of section 4, tou,h:p one. north of range sixteen east. July 1st, lSiS. WILLIAM WELLS. CITY LOTS. I have for sale a number of beautifully located lut in the City of Brownville, w hich I am authorized to sell at bargains for cash. New comers will !o well to ralli-u me hefoi e making ) nrcnases. R. w. Fl'RNAH, Brownville, March '.'5, -iS. Keal Estate Agent , , s M. Lamarque & Co, Watch-Makers and Jewelers. The undersigned, located in Nebaaska City, with an established reputation of thtee year's luiistaiiiliiig, desirous to secure Ihe generous patron age ol Ihe ladies & Gentlemen of Brownville, m"1 ths surrounding country, thus mf'rnis them that thfywill always keep on hand a large stock of all descriptions f jewelry, watches and clin ks, and they will sell as cheap as any house this side of St. Louis. They repair wtchM mend jew el ry, and do all work belonging ti that line with care and promptness. Charges reasonable and work warranted. A II can be left at the City Prng Store of Brownil under the care of Messrs. J. H. Maun At Co. July I is-. M L AM A Ryrrc At CO. -LIVERY STABLE. WM. ROSSKLL, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Announces to the public that he is p-epared to accom nii date those wishing with Carriages tn.l Murines; to gether w iih good sare horses, for comfort arxl ease in tra velling. He will also board horses ty the day, week or month. IT-TERMS FAVORAVI.E JT$ June 10. 'u-s. ootf I'lO.XEER Book Bindery, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Empire Clock, o. 3. WILLIAM F. KITER, Would inform the public that he Las opened a flrt class Book Bindery, and is now prepaml to do all kni'M of Bo.k Binding old or new, turn ml (,f re-bound upon the shortest possible notice, and on the ni ist reasonolile terms. Orders received for all kinds of Bla'ik work. July I, 1-SoK-ly. Claim Notice. To Thomas Moore, William II. Hall and all other w hom it may concern. Ton are hereby notified that I will appear at the Land Otli. at Bn wnville. Nemaha county. Nebraska Ten itory, on the 24ih day of July, 11X, at 10 o'clock A M, to prove u;i my right to pre emption the north-west quarter of sea ion five, inTown slnp No six. Range 15, east July is, JOSEPH M. LONGFELLOW. CLAIM NOTICE. ro Lewis Eggleston ami all oil ers w hom it ma concern. You are herebr iioliiliil to appear at tha Land OMlce In Krnwnville. on lh r.i.L.. ih "XI a.. ..f July IS08. as I intend to prove up bit right of pre-eun;-tmn to the cast half of the outhwent quarter and eat h ilf the north-west quarter nt kectioa twenty, town ship six. north of rajie fourteen e.ict July 15 -5.-l.-3t PAVII W ATKINS. CLAIM NOTiCE. " ""r To IsW Walter Edward Manuel, Adrian IlobhtiHI. and an whom it may concern. Y., , hereby tioi.tu-d that I ill appear at the Land Om-'e at Bn.wnxiMe N-bra-k i. on Monday the 1Mb. day or August. bH at 1 o cl. . k P M. to prove up my right of pr-en..i,oi to fe n ria-east fractional quarter of tectioa U. Ihrin to n,hip six. range numher fifteen eat July U. 1M.V. GEiiKi.KA. BROWS. CLAIM NOTICE, T (IpiiTXC B. R. vnol.lft aarf -ili mt, . ,.ii are hereby i,..t,Hed ,h;lt , w, at' the L.n.t Ottl. e in HrowiiMllP, Nemaha comity. N T , on the '.Mot day ot July. lMosjti, prove up my rwtu of pre-empt a t . the s oiihwest quarter of section seveuteev. in toa ship tlve, range fourteen east. .,, . A Bit A HAM G. KEPIIAIIT Brownville, July 15, tHi'xi. Banking i ioi se of Liiiiiai."jh ft. Cahso Hroainville . Februaiv I. InoH. ( On and arter lhi date, depositor account will ' opened for specie, currency and scrip pa-able in same kind of funds. Checks must be marked accordingly. Office hours from 9 tu Vi M and 1 to 3 P M. lcsiibai(;h &. carso.v. O. B. HEWETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, I'rownvillc, .Nebraska. Will attend to business in all depa'tnients of his pro fession. Fre-emntors Riehts Secured. Laml V arrant for .Sale. Office on First St., het. Alain and Water. KEFE RHFCES : Kitiney l II .i:,.y, Nebraska City, Cheever Sweet Co., do J. Sterling .Morton du Brown &. Bennett, Browavil! K. W . t tirnas a Brownville, N. T. Slay 13, ISoS. 2n46lf Scaled IropasalH Directed to the Commissioners of Pawnee Cormtr will be received from and after this date, until the first .Mon day in July next. For the erecttm of a t'ourf lt,iu4 m Pawnee City, Pavnet County, .V. T., of the M" low ing dimensions and style namely : iaul house to be thirty feet long ant twenty-four fe' wide, two storien high, the lower story to be divided u:l" four apartments, in one end two tmuii twelve tret square, a hall through the cen -reight teef wide. Is the other end a nm ten feet wnl by 24 feet b-rfi a plain open staircase leading from tte hall to the Git' Kooni above; slid Conrt Boom to be twenty by twentT four feet and properly seated in plain style. The re mainder of ti e upper story to be divided into two e-i"-1 sied rooms, two outside doors three feet wide, is eight inches high, one and three-fourh inches thick: ' inside doors, two feet eight inches ix and ah'' feet high, and one and a half imhet thick all to M four panne; each. Eighteen windows, twelve light e.icli. 10 by 14 glass window and iIkt cainir, eerner ai.d hasp, plain squire style; Grecian cornice ffiH members ; p, o;ecti..n eighteen inche, and nine inch' deep returne 1 with the r.ike; three c. ats of paint, wt.t' lead i r zinc, inside anI out. Said h .use to be a fMtn w iih posts and brace, with a cl t ingle rrof. the M" dcr to furnish everything f-r the con; etion of the ! ding oak Ilmrs, jointed and lined, wlnut ntling, l!ti' t-d. Kc. i-aid bmldirg to le cou,j,'.eteii on crteforetbe nrs January, ls;M. One half the price to be pall as tie work prci't" tie rem under ,-.en finished. l'ated at Pawnee city this 5th day of April, 1S57. By order of the C mntv Comn,i-si..neerj Attest t; - IXJW'NINa, Countj Clfrk. Afn! 22 3mno 13.