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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1857)
ill .Li Ali MillOlull, 11. W. l-'UHNAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY MOILING, NOVEMBER ; ISiK, 5. IT. FAXTIX, Glcral AdverlUia;: Agent, in iv tr of ( Totk, Ladies' aud Children's Shoe Store, 6t? tfet Fourth Street. Ciaoitiiail. ' ' , VuscirtR.Owtsi.Co., No. 46cnOS, BWway, ' Kew Trk.- i ' . v A5DRHC Wijcd, A-ncrican. Canadian and F.wopean AJr iU.osaudiubfc-c.ripUoaOi'flc, No-153, Ks.eao Sis., NewTjrk. 1. E.. DcnDr.RiDE, N. V. corner O.iTt sad Mat .Ttrctt..'St. M. - , I. F; McLCNO Troy, Ohia. .- VTd :mckT;:c;t kr" ' IlU 11. U. D.KT. TppKanoe,CTU n. W. PCTi ft. No ' I Dillon: Hawk. Rock Port Kt.-t --- Z ' . .- if - '!() 3 i I'R. J4.-W. l!4TK,lia.l,i,J- T. J. Hauxvm. Three Grave. N. T. . . AfVaaltLurizca Atn: to soiiciiauctrir-.iwMM- 7 'I S"r' T" " Ohio, Misspw. . Pervrts reil-lett la tui Territory, ccuimg from ranon fc , ortttf;esjL?.44,lrrr A r authorized At?r.: to solicit SubscrirUonsafta A become "uVrrilerr l tbey ccvW tee a of tbe "Ad- TertiHer." We ways send a sptnrn3 crpy, qJ persons . rceiv-ia.-, wUl cnsi1er it a tolicit&ti-n to tcoiae a reyu- :r futud-lbtr. ' U . r.)iraUTS aM cCioxr, reeUt;p nufflcient interest to mk cp acicfc, can teUin CL utuai per ccat for tbpir ' trouble. , r rt',n ooii2eIat tlie close of tb Volnnw t Jisr c-Tiunuthc'".i,.vc?-Uer.''' we .l,a!! tsce it fT framed 1HtW.srifcenVu ttc-. par-cr conti:nievJ, &aiL.iU cwrdtngtfC'.-rittMe to sctJ as Leretato-e.3 '- ' ' CirTtc,ufbrska Aivertlief hating much the larprj-t cirrolatioh of any papier " intbf Terri-orrr Wholefalc "St. Loui, SI." Joseph,' Cincinnati and .r.tnrr. ka-iurn; markets thefe Nebraska j(nercu&nts purcbasei will! fin tl no beer fcdTcrtisius medium ia the Western Coun- 'J .i . IIolcI Cp's Scrip. Tie. stock holders of the Broyaville company, at ameeting held last . week', unai;i:nou;Jy.,respvq4j tp,- issjxe . scrip, payable-one j.ear, alter . date-, baring twenty, per : cent, jinteret per annum, fcr the .completion ;of .the build- ing. . Thii cour:e, Avas adopted,, after . ..conference, and consultation x,ih .,pur banters -oiid- other business houses, ho ajrree to. receiv.e i; and pay ; out . 58 tthexoqb eijrrepevv,irc.Jviud bono difUculty in xhakingj 0,55 ' accofrtsh: a .UIe prpc-rrfe;ured hstkeyfcre-i-J-i: Ii'teJ ercloJ.Vlnj.lfaB ' bofell gilding LitAthe.sKme-. 'aord.n.-q:reilatingi!:medium''aj Uomej :. -tutfrcnLtJjs fiifct that.'itlieyleventnany . linjV tlirij lyva-y into .the:&)fn.ey:&awrd cf -onr,iner.chaiits,vlipjC?yiOo. use theni either to pjy.freightvbOls,; pr, make .. remiUances'Ln payment forgoods. ..We . ore happv to'nnounce. that -this, diffi cuVy ha.s been .overcome Jyithc; genr crosity. cf ur banking .houses, vh3 ' ' agree in such cases to give in exchange -to oar . merchants;. current-currency, . drafts, cheeks,;-fcc.,v to .ansyvpr- theif .purppbes. -; We, as a citizen, and stock? holder of the : company,; regrc . -Jeing i .compelled -.X, 3 dopl j jthjf -course., -for ; .' fear e -uiav-b- harmed with beinc ": dispo'sjcdtd-wild: cat ! it: tindef'the . mbarrasscd: state ! of Eharices '.'pif' the ' Uaj.- rWc' assure the public such is hot ;thccasc. ; Notliinsr but a. Sincere desire 'to advance the . -interests df onr ..growing 'young city, promptedT,:the cnlrser, vThere' is ''rio rooncy'. iri -the hotel Jeijterprise,p far as the -inditidt-. . 'pals Immedialelv-conhecteil wth it are .encemed. It is a ."public'ffiattef in 'Avluch'?verv" citizen'-is interested; The " eity as such Onlv will receive' the'.b'ht ' .efit accrcing ff oni the erebtlo bf ' the building. ; -The "tight times" in'moiiey affairs' coming on' us when it'didt'ebfri- ' t, ' A pelled.the directors to stop' tiie!,wbrk ' with the eo.Riplcth7fl orthewalIs. To allow it thus- to remain LtiittI1 fep'rih'gV or "time' "improved"-' ':wocTtt ' b'6 'rttinolis incteed.' '.Vrhatjhas befn':':Q6ne'TtTiere- fot'eSi the:1be tliat c6td(T:'lje onc .' under the-' Circumstances'7.1 Of1 course crip is -issued.' ;i''- "l : Titr l . The Hotel Comparer own'fx'' excel -.wo do nt expect the issues torclilatc r!S ' outofourrv-ir.rcountvV.Tfarthcst.lF. . We deenvit propwef e? to 1 state eminent geplp-ist, bee the Anier ' -for tLc-benefit of-thpublic the ircf- tf.a.n Association for the advancement " . cfcevfimlition.r? of Science;' m wh hesays lent lots "Tfi a vuT(jrjoFtion .of the .Cityi corner, of :'Secor.d: 'and ain ' .' ' fctrect3 on which a hTick hotel "build ". ing is - partially Tereced the " entire . . walls Vpand whiclfwiirVc'cb'mpfe'te n'sTapidly'nr?der-tjit)'pfestnt'' arran: Taeat as possible. The. lots1 ahd build-, ing when c6m'pleTFd,wuTd bring under ibe'l'ammefV tlkl 'as tW fimi&'fal at . least' fifteen 'thousand1 ' dollars 'This critire -"property, ; unincumbered,' lihi been mortgaged to Dr. OIcPflcfMhi, A werchaht :!n 'our eii v 'a nd, h'Btr a stoclc- holder in thV cnrnptrH fnrthereircmp- lion of tcrip; tlfc'total I ainpuAi which is not. to be ever islt 7 'thou'? and dollars.- The"7hJ "c'tinlTuis placing . the. v cbntrr.I.?of . 't Jwso'' i ms'l lilil ircly be-bml.ibai cf the-- sqtti 4?y 'that. th'e ptiblic may "not hivo'rt'ffonto feKr Rn vuiifcasonable.: u!rotinV-wddld'Ibe v issued. . Xo scrip goes to 'tk&I pbfid except wiralgitL-iiiaiighthicrDoctor's ImndrandH bvrhWulV7 g'istred "arid countersigned.:"! fii frirffiia oi--. -!AV4 trust the liberality lo'f -'-oi lank"i 'Crs'will not'bc-tr$r.ipiedr upbii'y'afl tmne.cssafy dcandtbr pthetHrren- 5v; but that; good faith iif the" mattef may prevail-t the arrahgmenl answer the.purpo?es for wliich it was designed and the is-suci all taken ifi on or before . . . ' -maturity The Hotel comp'any reserves to itself.the right to 'calli ill- '.tliis'feerip .at ariv-itimp before maturity. 4 - Currency. ' We arc gratified to live evidence to believe, and announce Hbat belief, to V. public thHcvciy 'mdi aflto .ri fchtVtrr'rrant ' that isoon-i ::efofc. ji xia -.jgafn closes indthUiataral-rourse ; fvoint of tr.eiit,j ndj : possess c , of dc of trade liccktlnpw .;Qneyi.aUers! ; ives aad termJiPsHo r-f will become greatly relaxed. We see that the State Saving Institute at St. Louis, toccthcr with 106 business Wr nf jt ritv. W Vaml inp.ounceAhrcLUiih die w21, ifeif reaaibess4oi-reciv6 Ux par- (ho' . . T T Ihfeir'.roaameKs'ioi.rccftil & lax t) notes of Banks.of.IUinoisrWiscondn , ! HirkB).N ?wrytrk and-iSrwrEn gland 7 also the note-of'rthevb&nks in the citieSf Philadelphia, ; Pittsbqrg Umd Baltimore,; "e nptico alio linlthe last St. Joseph .Gazetfe a. suggestion that n meeting be held; in.- thai cityr vand: t that similar ,cQunse i be 'iAdQp.ted.r jltj'J nojirsensQ or.thel highest order Xo think of. confining the :. country to a gold, and ;ilver currency, At'ptesent'Cjpeciallyj nd to attempt tp forcecjuchla fctatefli: affairs ppop ius is .suicidal, (p eyjery iaij aginables interest. y fJY&i think; yfo jaajt i afejy ay -that cnr!rerfey,.-.will shortly again ;bocome; ;a 'circulatingo-in.etliumjJ and the uaancial; panarel4xitj;iioId upon; the i bus"inc3;;iuidii wns'etpent prosperity of. ; the country. itrM - . - That q rigid sehQelagtericxperi; ence,'' however, will have taught' na- a lesson not.soon to be- foroite' be more . economical.iu-, our hbita,!iand regulate -: thejvajue i ;o,f-lproperW -and other trade Jrom results of (proper 'aU culdtions; the ohly.truo basis of valia tloh. xzz vboJ hrn::?rl (t 'iu yrSin:-. wp have,rmadc ;but -slight 'eforts, .tQ dcvelope ours, .from.- the factrthat we have an abundance of timber much in fact going to ,.wa$te-r consequently we have said but little about it through It: - :;'!' j. N M'l::; .'1" 1 !. the columns of the "Advertiser. -We ..-t ii.v.i. : jiu; ; '.mium have been knowing, however," since shortlv after pur arrival here, of'' such examinations as satisfied us that coal vr as, abun da ntj i n th q -, A uffs w thin our corporation, and thosej. acnt, Within the past feWii;wek'Dr. tesqiH- JF?Mj A. .HftVtam, have had a;numlipr -.of, handSi.At'WOik within the-xity UaiUe in search of coal, ami wnam; happy Mtd'titiotinc'cpd that lhusfar:thr.succcs&:ha3!be their.DXtectations' iHioy hafoiti'ot'as yetronerj into, iheiibinkj "butiherely clearing away preparatory ' ibr sitikihg a fchaft,-. and have. found saficicnt: coal", tif.ah excellent quality', tfrpa weljfof working. There is no doubt at .'all', but that there.' is an v amount, of 'rood stone coar. atthisiphipci : 'But :for -the reasons befdr6 giveni?na:&ue:uhil no)r has gone-to-vork -hr tlic matter. Thi Wan'i'lxtra: :amoU'nt''5P hands' have heeii'put 'inHIib wOrkJ, aifd we may' soon e'xpeet' not1 'bhly'a supply fof coal for mechanical and household purpdsW-at home, but for sale7'The point in'f.e'ile'(f'up is1 iannediately 'on 'the tiver!Uahk:,.'and'we predfe't th'a next &as&T,sfeadboa wkn lecar-fithfsminfc '' ui - u Whilbv.eaFiHg -of ' 'ctfal1 riri - this -I eastern' nieil l'ave affected to ftgard as mere atches, tt;crc"are the following extcnt o'r-':cbsiI -'beds':' ' 'In -Nebraska 10;000squrt miles, rin Kansas 22,000 aixd in Jo wax0,000,i which r added to tle.oUier:J)e;t,wpnd probably4.,pak. in'all not less,, than AQOiOOO -square miles Lesjdcis.Jtuany ,of the, beds were bf th'b'' tliitknk' ofBOfcet' l'" V1'4 . y-r-lL r-U -;hl.'.d.t lo 'l. Ju-y- -v't ljlQVIardi ie-ift Ivjiby x ft: We -.'learn eq , w1k?h at Ofriahtia i'fow Says Vince, thtit Gov.'Izardhad cigni ed; hisi positio'n- as GoverrioT 'of this Terri tory ,' hud jwould shortlV leave Ifor his home-in-Arkarrftts: Until an ap- pQintnumt .ismradbC of icourseVtho'idu- tie3 of 'Governor wjflrdevolni'bn Hom TID. 1 C raipfiVi our preseait,iWortb)r Secretary;! This-iillnnt,'. however,' bo the first timd; drjiCaming .has.officvi- entv long cbhne'ctwm withjsadr.tlvsf 4JtglvjJul6lTleilgc'pfIihelxlaira -Stbraska, iYould render hiib KUkadaU bile other points in lyebraska have i:pWiRvies;;r;w irdd;fon that. post-. prAper; .Qfu course j3i "sd uw ; ;?.nmt tuij JMno ' til "tv--i-i .7 n 1 i- 1! n."i 'Mliil I'll iirtCi r-; i?aIir Samuel rBBride 3-hdrn'pw man tor aught ayc kndwa linav bri a Kjsidtntfi'.thiserritc-ry; qW 'vcVeri;Yea EkpeHcince wutrEing hope so at all evieritsji Itfis asad iitisLtlcol MnidB.!tyiobyrpff - take AdminTstration$H' make j-gehdi'' , men t'6.,TuIet. ' aml- rcigh'? Uories who arc natof tl; ictmtl'Uc'tit- xne -people .i bcdeatritlll lhreitrrduinv. person?ili condition- end : wahta U6F fose ! 'with' j whom they haveHof'fT 'j'tit't; fyr a moment 'wh to be considered as ,t -rr. 1 insinuating but "that government' offic ers generally do thelp duty. It un reasonable, however to expecf --z) be rmtn arrange land.'?Meti sue1! pcutioir, n vever qr .d m iuuv, uiusi .omm, aud experience, to render tlieiasuse- ful as;they should be. There is another I. - - "1 1 J 1 lamentable tact . coiinectcaitn. jpe history ;of Territories, especially at atively, ot tnose asgneu po.iuuns . i i i 4- 1 i IT" i t lc, 1,ni,.ftV(M- 'in s.ayhig trherpi Jre. inrtbiJerritary je honprablsioris,-;;;,,; -c ; Elections in llic States. ow ' Last week w6 were' in possession of onty7, feitSbient c'irtforrtnittion ho" gYf3 i35hentli?nilf ali-faeKFcesuit it? some''fte11 have some little ihore. : Li ?L -.!in T'.Ojlt tholWmoaclVcbn illaW .. I; . . A .. i. f 1. f tones.1 Pemo'dra'tic ,G6;vc,rhoTiMiaiid &tate tiCKet eiecieu uv ou.vwu iuujui- ity. ...... . over Hie Republican I'O, WO, and -Vni frx-: .'i'lii jii'Ji:: idrvlki jciu J; lycmocrauc mnjuiitji ta viiiuiiuii -'!iiioi)cmo?rafic,i!gyirin:'MAKiii;is 12,000. , . , , V ,! In ii&Ussifk, xWVcm&vLcy .Wb also made a.clean 8Yeep., . ,J ; SlcESOTi; ihe'Yiemocrats'1 have elected the .uovernor. ami , inc. .uegis- i , i ' - r 11 a - t 1 v. 1 1 r . j ' ' . .- 1 f - j : laturc, thereby securing two fcenators ana three congressmen, aim uipo. ou Preme AuS g'es arii'the State "officeVkl This is. a suostaniiai viciorv vo iue yv-.-:;:! a i:v-ri:-;:H)0iJnoi r:-..';ir.'.-il Democracy. A v, -;:d; Missonrilcsislatute.i 30 1 di " Hie lissouri'Legtsiat ure " convened 1 Irs't ballot elec peaker' r of lle Ilo.use Gov. 'S'T.EVrAiLT'was inaugur ate'd'on the 22cf. Ills1 ' inauburdlsis controversy in wnicn no was engaged iduVinglhecariy he jjistiy shbulct,' interested in the honor' and prosperity ot the tatVh'e" 'strohgty i'-vrj:cii' ..!-. ;T,i!:! ir i ' ' vv ' " "V.'t' f" urges upon thc5Legislature to be care- fql 'and 'take nieasurea to ' protect J the ciaic s crevtiv . . A'.iu iirl.j v Mi' Jo -1i;:liTU bii f.'vll .!HIJl'jinoJ. iill r?; I The returns 'of; public surveys il in TebVas'ka MVc "been' received- atthe Gimefel Land Offibebbwing the sub ditisions of t6wnships'2, 3,' tA 4' -tiof ti -ofTand;?oughvhiclVig-Blue River courses, an'thwhich are1 isituatcI ii'orth of1theiOfbes,t -re4eVyatlW and lies, Vithiri'tlie' SouthTlitt6 AlistHeC;"- 0'VlA Jrjf parVof townships iS'and, linges'iS and 'U cast; itf braslti Tctritory;--shtf oFTaxicT to,,,tWPreibjrt3iin Board'1 of1 Forr6i'gn Iissfoni by7'' bmkhWftdia'ni,,:ih 'Wftiif kk&t :rllat ctbWrishi lJSi'Vatia Ottn of 'ranc 'Sfcasitthe meridian, contalttHver 80, 18,25.822)48, KndLBois,1 64 acres iif Neb'afeKi TerHtoTyVnl ' y PlatPf 'township 4?nbrthof 'raner 7 eaitt'-bf the; 6th 't)fineiralu mcricthw. coritainin'i 22!949:08'' Jac esi-t'nnt vjf iiigflS,G7e,0fracre's'' hi1 Ndbrska;. tcK ritory';r-a1sd t of"-ibWTisSrrf nortI,of ian'gc "eastof theJth principal meridian; 1 'conttii nlng v 2,050iG icres iu,'th esama territory .Slati tvkth -0crldriiioqi.jc o isd mAT .viirrljioq j f-.n tnorr. i;o rYTiuJuf.-iifi-tlc.- n:l ywi CILiA j-tiz'lA idrJ ml cdt i Si3Mli, VAri'f fT-ll!: f Vojf onora. llPt. JMLtnrnn.v-trrft ftn his feBsiojfta-at-daveiajlviso thd:citijejiis fof, to ,Svt ,?iJH "'Vi- :,"i,!j--vPr-rf-L1,I'V i in his rinri hmnv i run tvithfhA n n EWK!.tfsWtefi ;wiir pr;6vel decidedly eiiteffairi Come down this way, Mac,pndgivV oar boys a "talking" too. HWniS.rA4HvirMict W'ftoverhty fotecle 'thai aFSSiSaf'-cok b tKeStotb 'will bfnWaecfile,tto niKiter'l 'BBtH parties' nodaim1febVfin.yi;!THbe cuite 5Iehgttiy 4 devolirig considerable 'snaft m exnlainirtf? the' nature Of the 1 .'T " ranges' 5 a Ad'G; cast-pf 'the1 6tli pHh'ch pat mridiitiV VmbracTfVg1 1 21-,D07 adres - Vi any him, for,.Jike the ireneralitv of hrinter.a rt"fi "'iwsv? rfi r- j i ctryzt EroimTillc Steam Ferry Boat. OaVrednesday last, ihe splendid new steam ' ferry boat 'NMAi:A,n Capt. Fikhev, landed at tle poist cf, her, des- tination, the BrcyvnVllle Vhar:i ' Her cv nroach as sho r-iicided trp bei 1 below. t e x , z r, j . ... . , city, ;vas her :ldej br fier j ste torian I whistle and CieNboom:aij caiio, whichof course brought to the landing a general turnout of. our citizens. As she Beared the Wharf she was welcomed as eyeventrup frpeUaska sod. 1 fFohlie wantJbf iltiidi lerry.Cat; fhis point r tie travelling cemmnnityj- our - citi- ensy ojad fa jn, ophite Missouri, navCvEynereaynugn jwfitvu eiiysuujj. -jl w wIer iiop.3 "they1 'rUay Tns hBerally4 Sustained meaiaturarcurrenrtoiuen tu uiiu- n nut-ta 6f tnertisgl vgp hi gaffikient? 'gUsfrante e nf o9 their) Bu'ccess: )) tbnu t." jIi 'lo yiiio f Thb "bjsatriu'the largest; aridlmct;:ccm-( mpdionspj ihe'l Mi?o?r.rjver -abpye),-gt, Icepb,iyithjEerhap the ?xcepuoft.,of (te ville, Ohio, the .almost .world renowned steam . Her size is SG feet 3?Brbvv&Sa"l(r rjV tMrlfiial t(y"lherr'eghlar -packets 'attlnV stage of wxit6ri I She will comnlene1 snaking: regl ularirijis hDiiriorrorr irnmr the: Moll of Main streeitJanding'at iScottfcityi.oji ? tjh'e Miss(wrj:$VJe.ofi e,riyep,D r.:; - :,"...., v rYpffejepicg a-, .icptillion. ; party yyagjve "NE3IAHA.' on, wliich occasion the lovers of ''tripping on the helrt, fantastic toe" -i ' titti T; ll J ' 3 ) ' f T . i J V.! "jUi. T ' enjoyed themselves, 'under the fdirection of" Mon5.'3if insn; until away'm 'wee heursAofiTkursdalmoA1J,oi! :' li..'j'.l:i.t i?;. ; li'Mi'jjj bnr, prand lodge. Pf QCejDdiHg& ora ivnli .b;HonJ Geo. Akiistkoo,! Gxand Se'cx rotary of :i tbq'-GranAiLsdge ofei bra'slta "P.jK, -MasoTis will receive our thanks foi a copynof j thci 'proceedings pf ' tho: conVenttoil tofiro'rgariiz'e rth6 Gratid' LodgoVdheld -'iit 'Orrisha-iSept: 24,;AL. 5857. AUb hoiprdceedings of-' said Lbdge,'togethc Atithi'the Con- fititntion j'By'LaAvs Rules ' and HeguU utibns forithogovexnmentifof ' feubori 4infatei0dgeb?l-n w& "ur.u. odi HA -ft- JilJA'J r Temperancef--a. 1. . In tliat most impressive passage of all W Sirvi'df's Heaing 'contained 1 in' Ith'e 25di'ch?pter of JMathevri I he.; presents.: a test of human virtues avjees and es tablishes a condition of Veward and pun ishment. Jle prefigures himself as de cending frrivej&;ai;l,a5tting upon 4)repp, j ): jVpu and j I , nry readers,; mt be the're- not as idle, observers of a won- ueruus. spei;iiiLit; ; uui as jj;iriits iia.ving an -infinite interest in' the gloriea-or catas- t rophiesf of thQ sceftfNc I .Suddenly ;a voic e commands., and the, mighty .multitude is separateu to me ngnt and to the ,iett. r 'Above- the "frmet ai'e golden - portals, .opening into realms of Wiss; around the tatter. ciQuds and.the blackness .of dark- iiess premonish an unspeakable doom. ;AEr3I whether1 "any1 onbM may1 deem :? this gorica),"the mighty moral s.jtJbe ame.,- " my ooject on the present occasion is to snuw tut; reiauon ui. intemperance 10 .tne ncn ana etiucatea; ana- to uiose who ttall into berime,, thrpugh,. the, , .temptations r 'of poverty ahd ignorance. .It may be ayered that,'h6Veve'r-- deemy I?.'maV sympathize With tnose-great reforpiatory movements whifh cJiaactrize pvthoet fl am bound not to awaken jealousies or ! inflame - hos tilityby any direct or indirect mterfer- eticbnnbehalf 'of any dne-of theni:' 1 But by ra 'development. ;of the : intellect: . by ,a training 01 j the conscience j g.nd the forma,- cAciui,i iitijjiis. to mm at more "broad 'aitd'eneral results-m : establishing the greati principles,' onvvhich they all de- rn4i iia,9l5wlefP "hj'.no considerable extent the4 justness of , 'this view. 'But "whije Pildmit itappIictiDllity Vmanyif iiot anost'ofthe.benevohjrit'i enterprises1 of iWiftgPi teare.powrf-alrpasons which i - . j . 1 . nvDrovement (Jntatipi .mufet be; tbe varwj Butlip certain passages jOfthimarchj temperance, ;must b 'the pioneerof education, 'On 1 numah beings as hatiife4 leaves them.-edu'eation .can i?i a-. Jtansf Arming wo.rU;rbutPn hum- education falls as 'fruitless as water upon Hiiif. Jjef6r'fr6ddcdii6ri cdh prosper there iawst b.efa;desird(pf limpcovmeht ; and Lof knpwjedgei ,The .intemperate (tnan hates fbotb, and stifle? the'Toveof thjemin his &lrTreii:Jlr;& the raatiiral appetite of I bimger andthirst musatisfid.. Thelnteinperate man wher has ho resource but his labor, exper iments upon his children to find '' the "mini mum of possible n.Sab6rstence. - No child mi uie coicu ine not Wdy'b'CtfAs WvfC tiUls? bht l' lakes". 7the. 5iiirHt hi -iwife?aiid ochildrenpilQ-Jcindle and to feed the flame. 'Li. ,,'.. ;,r vt,.rt Intemperance is a upas tree planted in thefield of educatfon e .afl:;flqM4;aWs4 ana betore educa- tree mustr.hcut :Jutitbe epinIftion .p'b 60ciety-Its upward or its downward tendencies ; its 'probity or. st profligacy, he must lea?e, whatever irmUy W: mfeh'e'iHas nc7ipti6i;'and when the-Eoui &t death Abnesj he mayas well attempt to change the, order, of ;;the season, by a provision in his last will and testament as to remove the moral danger key & CopniNcxoN. whok originated: and have -s;uccesHfulIy carried, through this uefK, 17 feet .beam, 30.ieet .wide, and 3ivv' i.V'J-riA-' .vi -'n-j.iMit. tiL'i-jui! draws 16 inches. Her engine is 10 inches a throne of glory ; holy angeu are atten dant : ! upon' niiA ; jast rUges ' ; giv6 their cduii tlesL' dead , 4 1 nd w iiimmoned - into : his jseem. ; iodine ip ma.ife th9 sub:ect ot tern pefahce!aTi excerjtioli to'ithruW.Iir l" - in marerr or universal i villager to become mtemperate, a schoor house toonid-reradve ffom'i'of '7itjelf. rease' the moral guarantees cf that state cf society to whose tender mercies his children are committed - . I am not' about to contend that intem perance is the. cause .rf .eery evil which or mc so ifsm ii" inns aiiuicj uuu. iuiuio- j havftno beliefthat ' the eart!ivoulc be forthwitli arcadiamzed'er that-the mil- lenium would no longer delay us coming. But still I do believe that the depths of the misery of this vice are yet as far from ever having been fathomed as the deepest parnrcf the -Oceanrund that-those who haye.pondered, iipoa it longest most prbfiftndlyiaaveffclir as.itkferol esP plored a few. leagues .along., the .wreck rtworaA r-nfl nf Jl fill? htv" continent of evil AlUftUgnAadreSmgUiyfc!iuu4yuu a aatUpppoJ.tuaiuepfjmjejta, t.U.aiVXl 1IIC11 iriiu iijvj . , appreciating the" highest" lruths; yet iuo notpropoappealltrtlil to those eternal and unchangeable princi ples which Tie under thevhole length"' of exUVehcevU fc'ucli Mdf ics'V;?.bfilsessivly weighty, IjlearHo wo$m pession, or at- least td other joccasions. : Happy .if I can now bnng a"W! considerations' of a soc-idlbeliicat and it-c6noiticafc 'H'ltu're'to beufiupon ie,ause ef 'tperance,ajid can enforce, its fimpqrtancebv merest .commonplaces 6f moralitj'. f lhe mail who'" pbssesses ;prderty -pf esen'ts'-a broaier rnatk tojbe struck .by the shaft .of roKfcrrtune;pr'malic. ..The ;;ear3 , the poor man are not quick to hear the m j3 nlght 'alarm i ' bell,' for J W hai no ' ware J house or-manufactori es in-; 'danger, of s xoaA flagration, and with whateyerfhry rrcrs may rae alon the shore he "has ncf dread that they will sink' any1 arg6sies of Jhis. riut wheiieVer a m'dh addi tieiverritoryl to hi peeionM'fpEvMh ;sqnd:!oul a. colony ofrhopesand fears to people it-y-It ris as true of any augmentation ot wealth as- it of the'natu'fal gTOwCh of 'the- hutaatf body, r Jlowewr much we. may increase, in ;ize, an stature he.. living ,. neryes , g out to the 'surface. ,As an old man dotes upJrr a 'child '.born to him ia' his''de'crepi- tude;fsb a. rich man dotes .upon its . latest acquisitions , jof, .property., It is obvious that every rich man has the same kind of interest'' in the '' future 'condition .'of the community which a merchant -has ;in!the f ree'dpra from pirates oyiose seas through which his treasure laden .vessei3; are'f sail ing.' So Inc. "value of princely mansions and1 of inkvrancl -stocks' miist !-depend somew'hat:trp6n ,the number and . pyrotech nic skiir.ofj-.the incendiary4p"ho.)rhold, tfye night watches in 'the ' city. ', The opulent father leaves'not a' blessing but a curse 'td hi offsprings" if their -reat f patrimony only makea (them more pbnQxious to, gent eral envy, and sharpens a pomraoh. appe tite' for plunder of which they are the ob ject;'' -'Kveh the blessings' ofeducation' are but an, imperfect boon' f if children , are to grow. up in a community where knowledge is r scoffed at' and refinem'ehr fovokes only insult3 and'libel What' heavier doom fcoiild r strike! a i-parents'si heart, r than, -to know, that as. soon.aa hejjdraw pis ,iasi .breath, his, children wilVbebanishett from his s ri'ativeJ land ' and forced 'to dwell id scene foreigti community ' '6t iawlessheisidcrid profligac-yd -"'Am yet what is. the valuet.of be abroad m some foreign realm, or-at hbhie in the neit-generation ! br - ' j ri ..:,.(. Jblfe continued '.) . - .t yThe: excellency of he, above arjicle, ,axid its, peculia appropriateness , induces; us ,to violate,., our .usual custom, and give it a V'-- 'i' place m our colums, without., a personal V--- i 'jiJ n:i.i v., -iri.M.,-, knowledge of its author. At jltoita "";..! .("tyro i". t i i-f.-. i contemplates a continuance of the subject ; ' '- , vV ! !!!" :;,".r-JV. -!:-? we very much desire a personal interview. li'p.-d.n- ?; ?.i '-'u; vM! .r. boDel-i J1.DITOR. r , ; DelegatcElept,., tVlh::, . - . f ' We 1 .ha..the . pleasure;pf . ;at visit ; this morning from Judgo Ferguson, delegate 'to Congress from J Nebraska; Territory. Judge ferguson has occupied the'; position of . Chief Justice-, of t - .the iTerijitpryj for three yeorsnand(comes to Congress with mat popular strength at his; back' whicii a -wise adininiilratioh pf his' jodiciai 'duties and a; complete knowledge, of the wants of the,Territorygivehim.''--;5:aes ( Wash.) 1 ; Masonic Notice. ' illjvy -ATJE. Master 3Ia?on in gurtd'stanjling.rrsiiliripg Win Nemaba county, N. T., are ' requested to V' attectl a moeUng of Nemahi Valley W,;e at the residence or Dr. Noel, ia .isrbwnville, SaturdayeTetvK, Voy4 7, 1357. ' , . . tU. C. JOHXSON'l Browuville, Nov. o, '57. Socretarr. i '- . : . . f Religious ' Notice, . 'v'Wi - . . . -v ) . . HI 13 . .... , . .i it ;.t The Rev. Jos. Caxnon, f fue Methodist Chnfch, will preaca ja arowDvuie, ar ite xest sciiool Honke,! Snnday Nov. 16. at 11 o'clock, and also in the evening,- and there after rcaularljevety three utets.l .- I i ' : SCHOOL 1 NOTICE. : 1 -A tfiroc raontlm'i terin Vll-tie commenced iri enr iniTi,- School House next monday Nov. 9, at which time jujd jtlaoe all lio h-jro not aireafly iaa so will plesse retutn to the teacher Mr. Graham the cumber pf scholars ip- xenaea w uo seat 4 . j 'f.;r'-) - .' ,-.,: .,;, , . R, VT. FURNAS, Secretary Board of Ed'n ...,;. .ap-j - ;.i tjL r 4- , 'Diedii jlt i 1 in i j ,r In this cify Octohej- 29th, Sarah Aks daughter of JQeot. W.(ndi Ann Bratton.'AKe 4 years. 7 OayaU'.'i ; v s v t Ana is it true that death has claimed ner? '".'ti " Tas .he.B place-ig.tiicarii here I y '.' But her memory stitl we cherish. .'.f h ::iry-ij,rAipaTentsjUear.:;'v;t;. .Memory.qf ftbC-sr-spf,icLiVniuod r '( "" " l-' Swrelnesif,-inttdcenc-an rW. ' ' ' '! ,.. vAlUs.Rone but rte remembrance, . . . i " Gone to grace the eonrta above'.-'' '' ' . . . ,'. luAtthdXubtaffca noaneJn this'clty--Tlnft-sdiy.XbV. 1857, of typhcld fever. Am. 1.PHJrKR ' -;Mr. jrKcr hadhatrecctuiy incateiat this: city He wasrromthc Lund at Washington; came hitfilr Tec.ornnw nded by prominenttinen of deportment since here hat been such as to win, the hiah- v "'""nawnoiaiie petame nmuainted c . W1 niiuui.titi as 11 were m atranfie.lniuii.jid aihotifi .etraegert, ! he receirerl .eve needed attention especially ' from tK 'lnmiia.iv ..1- t 1,.,.,.,!.,., n-i mui.tit! as u were in a ery the ,xxvflvat.r,4 .iwaTiua, together with pkillfnl'iiei ica I treatment. Dearh. had" marled'ic(ini anj 1 T-,KV T r r . . 1 -1 ed- """'I lH'ercoHia-iuircriJui.tieadiy aim 1 ., .. ... . " u.iiii..cijicuiiumuivur(,'s wcicn one medicine after another preteuls to havermade but' gilow, as- v-e- aie Ve will own up, when we arc faWy convinced'. Thoneef onr and Mr. Fanvell. will notlhTnk usfkhtly 'turned when we confess our belief that- Ayer's Cathartic Piils have virtues for Duilfytnjr thjmnoM which excel anything within the ranue of our acquaintance hitherto For r.. ucni iiin.-icMroT-'-ripr ei?tipyears 'with scrofula whu only prew wore in ?iitef( aR the remctties he coiUiipifift.riW .cwif. r' Pills. ' Fnder their muuiciicv oni; aii.iT aiHiinrr 01 ner Pores have healed un ?ielTe ,?'.h,8 La,a ,iVCr c"mP,aint P-in his ide that disabled him from work for a long time; all. other medicines bad failed to aiT.rd him any permanent relief but a few doses of Aytr't curedbim and ho U r.ow steadily athis old pobt of conductor on the cars. Middle- (oion u i uij runner, Cttalaxt:; Notice. 'James-' M. nintoh. Nathan Kaywiod and all Vhom i't rfot cf prioptftrt U tbl i i7f 'of ' the- nofthSt onarter of section number three in tnTrn.i,; 'w"'s k.. O U l 1LHI1L rt M fn and the rwuth-west quarter of the south-east j,nart?6f " vj-.uu, lu lowrisiup number three north of range number twelve eaut. 19-2t. the Lldd OfntnUrowM-ire Mil SatnnlajJ the'lrh' ' & rvi v-iuivvj.iw V' A T !! "JUl-ll- i.A.A ' I jiaTl just received an entirdjr ncwand la-g VDRY GOODS II A II D W-A U , , , ; 'U n n VT'dTfJ 7' 8 1! ' v . -j-.-r'-.r R'Andafirie assortment of r'.i.VTf u :': oucn as " ";., ,Spiqe",r'';ir .ru':;x Peppers, o 1 19--NovexaU3tth: vt r. t .ov.etc, etc. Watclmakerr1 Goldsmith, ROCK .PORT, MO. .--' BG3 leavcitci iTjorm the public UjaJ be.h39, locai.?-l in ihe jv3 i&puf -1 r- ud -'fJtV; foj f'tjLT biCLOCKStiWATCHES; JEWELRY, and other articles uually k'ept in 'such i5st;ililishmeiits at .! l 1 .....,".' t.'.i,M,l.iiin,! i.f " Pol (V t ornar. hn flitters himsrif that-tnteP'tirniir watches, clocks and, jewelry fcan.6iv& jrerfprt satWdv Uon - I - ... 19-6m. . . west quartet f fev-tym tie,nty-ei5b la( township Ave north of range fifteen. ' ' ' ' ' -LIST- OF LETTECS ' .a -.i:..i f: ' i i - ' Remaining m BrownHne Post Office for quarter end ing September 30th, 1857. B ' ' I . . , Bates, J . Barns John Brown, John Bell, A. W. Bianden, Sitti'J. LP BurickrGUiu v 1 Ditll.r J TT 4 r Biat Jbompson. t tTf . 5Baylej',tJohuJ! Ji TJl ;, , .Butlc, Stephen F .... C. . . ' ChidsCT, L B .-: : ? Cannon, Rev -T .X 3 1 Barkal'ow, B B !. Camnbcll, Jeremiah ""! Campbell, S W ! ,' - C K-aran, John Chandler,. G Af ; . , Darlington, Stephen P Dobhier, John .i . -it.- Frieberpr, C A' Fitzerald, Maurice Cochran.1 Janes- j Corns, Jouu , ,j i Deanf Josc-ph',1",'. P' ..-s .-. Fitch, Julian R' 3 .( Fitch, Charles H . ; f GotKlrich, Charlfpi 9 i GritfUh, laK-om Gates, Mrs E A " ' Giddings, O W .Cfaodcfll, B A JJrij j J ; f -. ' ) , , i ; , HaIe:"Ales:i4J'cr. J V t. !j ItereJl.lA I Hubbard, M W, , . Ilqlcuinb U , nibbard. s.fil0'J r IilaLi, s. Irenes',' Jadiel sf " Hoi land, 'Wms-:..; ' : .. Holbrook, George . TKKltetr, V Ur " llerrington Henry! A T ' T J c Uulbcit, Anstl ; , j -j ( K i f , Kinder, . Christian , " 1 Kilgore, David --"-'-' -LlauAi,' DrA J -..: j - j Kirkham Solomon .,r r-' KJnjjsbujy Walter r. Money, Cyru ( ) I MciAty, JunyS McXeelv. f A ,i' JIWlr, A ' ' M Metier' Wro X lAtlUfr? A?? 8-v Mc:(c, a.n4few I5 n ClrdV f i rt PenticnS,' rwih 1 'piunvbl W ll'd Pensennen JtT 3 S"( r Fefrr-n laj8f rf "T Philips, If M. " " QaifibVidllnsod V 11 ' 1 RandaJ , 1CT 2!- 0 i Kit, ;iacoD U5 I Rife, George Ross, Samuel' 'j !)..'; iasselLiCharlca' Ragsdale, G Ip ltaBspm; W-0 2 J- f Schter, Pred V 2 ID ..,iaI I VI Rays, Cabrielj L ' -' r Springman fit Brown, Strong, II B . ..Stowell, Martin SmUh, .Wm. , . , ,-cptJL JI.M .. . Sleuuak, iatabi 2 O. va ALA.V Waters, Sllas "",ifW Walters,', James r--.- Ju'. : i; vu uams, T O . 1 fj .Wallers,. Maris 'i' I - i .Williaroa, Samuel - ff Williams, Beujamin '. . AVa'ters,-Stephen 2 Woodnir, : Amos ) ,. -.. . .'..';' ' . ,j - Persons calling for these letters wi'i p1ea,5ej say they are advertised.- A. S. II Ot, LA DAT,' ' !' r .t .:: ! ::i yPrvH. MAi;N?,D. P? M. ; -j' ) ; LIST of. EiTTEiiiiRA! Remaining in the Post-t frlrc at Nemaha, CUyafr the end ot the last quarter ending September 30th, and if not ta ken out before three months, will be seat to the Dfinf Ljei- ter ORice u , ... ' ' L Adams Jaceb" ' ' '.'l fxavenworth VT 1 ' Arment rout George W Lyman Frederick ttzarth Jacob ii i. ; . i McBLinney AltofZZ',- BayleyJohnM2 Mnuiford J vM1 j .' Casebein Joshua ' Murdock Rev A D " CalweilllS . Orchard Andrew R A'ayi.vuuuin yiaVaUiam Patten Herm 21tis-Jo5iT J SatouJohnT-t-' ' it'. owy jwr uuam . i , t iteaireariq s t-i E Hase George L . SurguyJohn ' Hays Julian. . StouL'.iU.a . lIugll?s JosephiTle, : -Shartt'Jbhn- HaileyThomas 3 1 -1 ( , iAradklcs Pearry Hunter WW. 3 ., Watson BG Hall Aaron A 2 I '- TVoolswvrth jSlv' i" I CI Johnson John v (.:i'..v. ' '! Wintin Samuel .-ir . t . f 'H !: .- Wolverton James L-. .; When persons call for any of the above letters tfcey will please say "advertised." ' ' ' ' ' TO all "whou it "may concern. Ton a?e liPrtiiT ;nr,f i fe-l that I will appear at the! Land OKlce at JJrtwnville, ilciuah countji. Ktbraska Tax fi tory, ea Monday tha 9;h day of November, tarove up nyc right of Pre emption to L:.rvN ae ) twtr-i tt'nd three (3), in section ten (10). in Townthin ..Na w m, North. 0f Raage No fifteen (lo) F.asf. ' CLAIM NOTICE. To nenry-JoaosWnd al tethers" wfiom ii may concern .rCerety .nutiflfl liat I wiir appear at the Land Oct..'8ri''--rtli'rj BCOFFMAN. ' 'l ii I i i 7 CLAIM NOTtfilS!' Toallwhomit maycohcern Ton are he'reliv kti'flJ . Team For Sale: brIkhe!TwtSh "m 1,9 t'1 ntf and well te-ms I will ii t0, r11' apa 0VTavof able harTek-Wl1.1 a,W, .ewaggo and UrSe00 SctU;eT wr'Parni,- at ftAdrer. that tax?, ar n" ',Xemaba count' ' hereby notifled !ta..'!!.4V an spared at all ol - R.UXKY, TresVeraaha ca. Eng., sur. & Drafts , ; 7-,;ECTal .fr.,,, wOf lrILaiK!gents' ..iu,uM tneirnistorrr .' i . yp oMbavfnfhr'Sany Sui CtarveyTergJS "L vit!lth UniSl !"mV &c.V in any Urt oT thoTerrit tv -ey8 f ?w: fnsaged the best Draftsman in the TprrtJ7- -1 VB Maps, Town Piats, and drawings J Iu 2'nV architectural, &c.) to the perfect sat mfcchar 1, torners. iect satisfaction our cusl jy." -a I Witt el1 Ht "s waPa"le P:n- s 27 ftfe4,f,'Urf;k.Vh. S which wero por- fcr CA II 1 BOOfANDHOEa . GeoairJghS ana an 'Jionur way; ron rn. nujie herebrnt-tiapd that I wj'J appear tie 1,4 Oie in BrownviHevoii Friday Novembc 13. 1So7, at 1J o'clock a. r". ts'rn.veMfc'ritiht "flro-e iuptrcs to talfftlii u,m'"'-1" w iyj ii ie, i emana county, Nebraska Terrilary on Monday the hr day of Norrraber, li?57, to prove up my right of. Pre-emntf.m tn tio, V o,-,o . -... Monday Nov". 9th, 18577 p mrS'UrfVrS -emption to lots 4 and 6 section So L i seeS . , jonx le rik a n. inXL I Will 0,TA. . . - . 1 ..... 1 1. 1IIH . a.,M .1 n , , . II . . . , United St;tea?.?!!5.ttr-n Mainat the 1 ; i t v dealers in isA rawrrctH Money, BXchan.:,tl oa fnnapal citi. .' ari imcnrreat W ' UB?4 H1 ly .f Lan.l Wa- Uo?idt,'fe i:es, n western rates of inteW T".PiiK Lands or city property f,Jr Ui8ra;?L,nrr. .10,1 U.r,'l tiona upon all cwirenient riaul-l urS aiaSl.jneprJTj. j Lind,.BrothcrtCo..aercant aii.u-,mi7u, parson & Co.. - ""Wti Riser &. White, j Toune, Carson & Bryant j -j 'Hin. k Jno. Thompson Mason, Col'tofp I ( I? E. Jt. Punderson &Co. ilerc'hant1 V ! t.- i. oiniiiiSiu, banker i J. T. Stevens, Esq., Ait'y iiw " ; Hon. J. W. Geary, Ex-Goy. Kan. 1 ' -B JWiill, u n- . f' CharliParwn&(.-Bikarj : ., T II. C. Nutt&Co. r ' , Greene, Weare Rice," "!'"'' ' " - Jn Douglass k.Waij6n, ,.;LI I V"f?X,-tA , Col. Sam Uamblet4Hi, Att'y at Law " . Judge Thos. Perry, Fror, ii, Tutwiier, '"'wij, '57-T2-nl5-tf u - i-i J -Kiiti ZjirtiilarrS ' 't l! iu JOHN P. TYSOS, v. w! u ... TYS011 & HACE1IE? ?ft int'lit and CLl.l i... , J-1L V.T Diitabt Dealer. - ' : rrc-Emption Paper Preparii. : -.OFFICE Next door to L 3 Laud iwre. , . ' '.' ' i JtfifJSRRSCMUi.,,. Ged. H. Nixon, Register L. O., Btst n. ' C.. B. Smith, Receiver, - a7 ! !f r Smock K WUUatMji ..... ; le.- I ' ' L. P.. Tutt-o,: . . ;,0aaScw7, B. R. Pezrarn &I Co., Banters " 'fotntTlB R.' L. McGhe fc-Cw.',-, ; c -MJ Iii. . Tootle & Fairleigb, ' m.j..' i Oct, x-'$7,. mi ,,:: : ,.,') .. 7 V':,;:::;S..S. DUNDY, .,Aj;T.oiiN.E.y;ArLAT- -AriCIIEft, 'EICliARDSOrj CO..T. t - ' .WILL practice irf lhe several Courts of tie ii j-' Plstrirt, and atirn.l to alt mattf-?' emfrtrt nt Profession. Vm. McLesnaw, Esq.' , ' Xrtr? will assist me in the prosecution ot ancortaiit-W' - Sept. 10, '57-1 1-tf r :---. :i. : . , The Hew York- WcekiTiS ..-v.-..-'. rrr Price S2aYear; Five Copies tor S-jjT,;,, ; -:o ty-five Copies J'or l?o.: .. The NEW TORX WEEKLT TIMES is wi,; iv ERT, at ,No. ,13d -Nassau. SuV.fflt Beekman, ewi Toils CityJ. U 'k iiiiwd , J large quarto shept, amtainnig ei?lit ja:ei of m oti each, in clear typo.and upc g.Kib) II all the njafter.of c'enefaUMterest in i Da'iit r.u including New from everT fjuarterof thewxid.Cdr pondence from all the priiulple points of inters. '4 Europe and America, ani EJitoriilg up( ita oflaterest that ruar Besi les thi,( jretk will be der.y, j ttcl.l-.c iefectiifrott r .Lirature of V iavirt --ric to mate th tw f ptabla t-- Jii.iypr. Every to '1V j,i;jiiaue, v i ik rtctor 1 -i ,Ji8cTS4-HJn York Wr ,ki. TixEn-tfie test iW" .- '.jr the Unite Stat,..'' -; ; A 1 u '-) Jbscrij Unr'--. :ti t?ri T-'rcattfW filly aolicpu. . w--- f j h r Th e Po i a-jt: on fi 4 rtit:.'y liiiwf V j ;rfft Cirifrf S- iwMi,V'3 ctnlt pjtr'yur, n4 ai Tnp.SEMIjNvrjKLYtlBISa. J la puo:iebe.l every Tnoatlay and PrtlijatVtpwntf. pnyabU invariably advance f TSr;i,iape ipnatts expres-iiyi .r thmaUa,antfcKrtiiigth priwipie nunct of Ibe DillyTTwo Copies will Ite sgot I $5;;FiTe5 iesfor-Kwrrrrorr-iwf r- TIIENirvy YOUJC DAILTTI.H3 Ji PuSljsbed at tie iaaie'VrBee.ETer;' 5 1-4.5 days excepted. It will be s?nt by'aiail -j ia?jvJ United Stated it $6 per aninrrft.' The pottage on the Daily Tim., f tnf pii Vnile4 Statet, it 39 cwfa'jiehtidrfiT, in aJtrw. z T1IJG NEW YORIC. TlJ pnbliahed every evenipg, Sundays tvtjJe. & edition will he issaed -at vne, and lha otilt ai jO'cf F.M. It.vuii be sent by mail it lawiantaa 'as the Daily Time; ..V'..',' . ,..,-...- the toies FonavLiFQinri " T pubusiIei"on the departure otfeVfrr JhiFife Price, in wrappers. cents toira;!eccpis.! ' Terms, invariably eaih in Adtanet Publication Office No. 13.8 Nassau st.', cor, of Bii v RAXMONn, WESLSr.JL;Ct)Pnl)!it Oct. 1, '57 - . - iu.'jI -'tu rJCicrihip-TierQiofcree.tJiS fc1 McAllister, Jonas Crane & Jyha t JKi,qufer of MAthster, DieTriCc.,'-i3th;sna; Sr&Xl8M teal consent. JanaaTrane has purchased tte "' terest in said e-ncern,..towh.oniortoliUautLii'l-WB all claims due the said concern aretobepaiJ.-' ' ,, Alrrtilnitdneby the sail concern are teb' thonewflrmof Crane & Hill forpaynrert. J. It. BCSll"'- IV. jonas eaisfc . j.-nrv L. IKi ' :BrownTU VN.r.,sert.)3,13a7. - ' J. BTmsprOJEORGE. , ; , ;.. n j 7, ... 5 UR V Y.QR . -AXDi LjLXD JGE.' S. :--i.V'i " AlAl &rESTi ' ' v -r'', - BROWNTILLE. WlI.TaHocIaAlX Zul tihwfrto'?? and locatiiTn of liavemnieut Lands in the iN,rJ .i District. nir-cyiii TowiirntJ. sn! fW-ryl? Ins City Ptats, and all ertief-frrAaneisVa H "" 3. or. W in buy and sell Land arraa:.say tol'?;1Tt gate titles, File Declaratory 5tatrruet!'.s d '-.m. pre-euipfj anT raakeHlariParytion VV " tice, and always on hand to look out claiiu lr tiers. Investmenu made for idistafct d(- , of inquiry answered promptly: :'. i.' , Daniel Becked Banker. A ' JMytcn.' U Joha M 1U3. CashDa-tcn Bik, ' - ' P. P. Lowe , . i .... J" v i. . rrr.... . t. TTI-lV'l . li W Moses Smith ' . . . CmX Ryal 1 .& Charles, Land Agtnts, ?JZvh1-1 G e-f. H. Nixon'. Land Register, 15 r0 'h:: Luhbaugn& Carson, Bankers .P ""? Brown & Hal lam, do ,l "I R. W. Furnas, Editor AdvrUser . . : " 1 ! ' ; . . 'Sert..24,57-ia3-2tf "i .;!.! '!. , J. ' Nolic!eH hereby given $'fai) pM-e WfK,iiii TOWNX)PPERr, Neman lV'.fiiitr; N.. was, on the ninth day of 'Jwpfember,A. P-1 Ijjrf a ft up-Land Ortlceat BrvwDvlUe, for IB ".-j 01. rtr nonters 01 lot 5 ana rropenj . -v- AAa- me Muaersignea, ai nis omce ai buiu j,r.rf' Itot applied for-within gix month fnun jcJ iury aToresaid, will be Mid th biM a lie sale in accordance .wifh the yiiv"!niii jt ')' Tertitorial Legislatpre, ent4tied "an Act ' disposal of Lands purchase.! J- Trtbt for tW . . Y WILLI A II I. BlL;jril - Pern, gept: IT, '57-13-Sw -:-J ' HARPER'S - "WEKKL ; jfJO'ijjCTJlLr of tiwiMJgi Harper' Weekly will contain. S'J'?C?-' rJf size rf the London UUstraled Nerd, eU aIwira pflsinffaainuch". natter as an ordltwry, 4U; tin. It wtil fe priuted in a form f r able for binding; and as the pttw ll, 'Z M tn1 bleTor binding; and as the pttfc " . "M tn'" be back Nombers can -alwara- be suppi w, r,,Jetf cribcr will. bo atHe at ani tirae lic-m " 'jteRJ, it Uio clost) of .each volume, neat ana .4 the 1 acri wish td bind the 'paper. ' . ' ers will L T.rrB,tred for the convenience i- HARPtVl Wiki.Y wT!r fcaV?!?-. , TP (, tORXlitiJ'.and Will be soTdaf rlv Cry I Five Copies fr Out "i'ear.v r: :' W . Twelve CoDies for One Veer - , iuttiio tmh af J AT' ously suppliocj. nieuta M intention to Jire-einpT.i?1 11 V Papers at short notice v'PrasiFi' Bills or Exchange on EnRi,r7 ir. H ' allowed on special depots Urrenl ! L0iriin Land Warrants t'i.ims and Town Its Bought and SoM Maka Investments and I 1 will be mailed to Subscntertt a' t'e lul7 1 I ment being invariahtv re-iuire-l in aJvwjP .fi. I Oaa Cut; r, Treaty WejW 1 f i .l ' il o(j dpi fof VaJ ,C A t v ' . i f j One Copy for Two Yers - - I Td-PttmaSrprs cetitcif up aXI5 'VirfW KS !. fXOvl rttbe r-Tiiratisxr?; r - a ; o tei" C FT' tt v O C Wni. J. BROCK. Ovt-ber 2CJ. IS37. . HARPER & BBOTIlEBS, jiff': ' 2-i51y V