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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1857)
rrnVAS, liiior. p nT TDAV. Associate Editor. 3IALCII IS, 17. ccn-ral AdTcrtisiEJ A;reEt,in rear vLadU' n)1 Children too Store, S lSSnric.n, Canadian and Eumpe !:Snd Satscriptioa. OZre, A. 153, -w York. J tr lrrrs. Orgou, J.o. r?ff t veteb Citr. 5. T. tt . kwrrort. iO. J. E A.drtiser.aad recieve ana MB 1 1 ' -r tt- Tin LJndea.Ho, .: Thr Grove. N. T. I' J- . ! i .t to illicit Stbjcrirtions and 1 !---tC r -pt for, thereon. I . HiHKTe additions of new Type 1 r f.'ored Inks, Dromes. Cards, 4c, made to the i f Xr":s"" 0c,we claim to be able to tarn out ,;t . . , K.rP-. nracticilrnntertisnscir.aad Jb Printer, is determined not to be t3"? il tve execution of Job Work. Cards "'"r e of Fosiers litest improved Card p". . Work ia Cvion. Erome Work, ic; "Jl' wii particular attention. rrJ from adistanrc win be proicpiry attended "warrvsteJ to ge satisfaction or no pay. "Let C3 rejoice with exceeding great joy." "The long looted for come at last. " A tri-weekly mail has been established hctween this place and Hockport, Mo., S. F. Nucholls, Esq., contractor. The name cf the contractor ia a suScient guarantee ct jtnret, Saint 4 that service on this road will be faith- f all y and pnnctaall y performed. And farther to know that Geo. E. McClaiit has immediate charge and management of this route, i3 still another guarantee that onr mail vcul come, no matter what kind of weather. "We have now great reason to hope we shall receive mail matter hereafter with some degree of regularity. Mr. McClary runs on this route an Express Coach , line, and will carrr passengers and express matter in comfortable style and on reasonable terms. ; PervM res silent in tbi Territory, tomin from ,f the tites. olien eosrresi w na ! 7 .. c rons their oi l nei-riibornoods who I "domebxftheTM ' "'rT i tou recierinz. will consider it a ) 5" U. reUrriber 1W f';r-stcicnt interest tomake eas I -aer. IT heaa'rsuin the nfaal per cent fur their rred for nallin tiTt lad -aW a'bT Triton and others Vwiih tieid occaicaaiij to taefaeada xn the sttbscr.ptions recc-Ted for t-rte, Eiz, cine or torial Warrant and "emaha Connty The Ixew Caeutct. As yet we have nothing from TTashington as to the new Cabinet, or transactions on the 4th. We conclude, however, from rumors that the following is not far from the Cabinet : Lewis Cass, - -Howell Cobb, -J.E.Floyd, - -A. V. Brown, -J. Thompson, -J. C. Jones, - -Isaac Tousev, Secretary of State. " Treas. u u u ii War. 3avy. "Inter'. - P. 2iL Gencx&L - Att'y. General. Irnct for indvbtedri toUis 0ee.. FLAX SEED. -r-r-rv.-o f.-w bsiL-Istf extra Hax Seed to Y in limited quantities, to such of oar irn;ea in this Cutnty who wish to get a start in THE PRE-EII?TOR'S GUIDE " . Is new ready for delivery to Agents, "or tailing to crdcr on the reception Orders now in, and those hereafter rticiTei will te filed in the crder in tL:-;1i they are received. TLe GuiIe can be had at the La2sD Office and of Root k Cozzess in O-Liha Citv, and of AliiiSTlioXG &. Diths, Nebraska City. . Lixt OrnrE, cx aha. N. T. February. 17 th, J W 'art inf rnn that Ir. R. W. Fuma? is about to rshliik a freer-sis of the I're-Emraion Laws, to-p-wiit hue accUion?. connected with that mb ;ftla; "Trn jfites." We think u?h a rnLIica . Kst Breatij ne;drL and a copy shimii b in the i4sij d er?ry jrsn in the Territory, a it will upartTalikoie inionKiti ia. . . JUUN A. FAr.iOlR, F.egLteT. . A. Fw. CilLLMORE, Ileeeirer. . Season Aehaxg eaients. We call attention to the steamboat adver tisements in our advertiseing columns. We are glad to know that Captain Joe. Holland, and Captain Baketi are still "in this trade. Iay they, meet with that success to which their cood management, river experience and gentlcrnenly deportment justly entitles them. The OiLinA, Aeiieal and Wm. Cajipeell, boats of last year, have been refitted, and will be on hand under new commanders. Capt. Wi3iA5DjWe have "traveled the waters" with, and speak from the "Book" when we say he makes "time pass pleasantly" to all who entrust themselves to his care. v ' jinx, b. s. CTTftrrfir. "Clifton the Washington corres pondent id the Cleveland, pays the following deserving compli ment to .lion. B. B. Chatoax, cur Delegate in Congress: ' Thi:5 Congress has been somewhat noted, th:i3 far, for .its illiberaliity tc wards the Territories. Theie are se en Territorie s in all, embracing an area of country, and a population sufficient for an Enpire, and yet three days only have been set apart for the business of all the Territories. T:o of these days were consumed by the Bribery vx)mmiieo-ia an. attempt to make a hcro-r-ju-tyr out of the little corres pondent ; af the N. Y. Times. Two other cays were designated, and one of these wi.3 consumed by the funeral servicr3 of Hon. P. S. Brooks, so that tnere is harolj any time left, or at least I ut one day, and a delegate who gets any business done for hi3 Terri tory under such circumstances, has to use uncommon diligence, and be po ssessed of faculties of no ordinary character. The Territory of Nebras ka has been exceedingly fortunate in being represented by a man of this character. In fact tout old friend. Hon. B. B. Chapman, seems to have accomplished for 2ebraska what all the other delegates have not been able this session to get for their constitu encies- He has secured & division of the Territory into Land Districts5, rp propriations for the erection of a Pen tentitry, and has nearly brought to a successful issue a measure for the con struction of a waffon roud from the Pass to California, and which the com mittee of the whole House Lave de cided to amend by an appropriation of $100,000 to have the work com mence, at Fort Kearney, which is, I believe, about two hundred miles West of Omaha City, and from which latter place to Fort Kearney, a road is now being constructed under the super vision of the War Department. This bill of Mr. Chapman will pass if it can be reached, and it no doubt will be!, for he has combined an array of interest in its favor which can hardly be resisted. It will be the first open ing up of the great highway between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and do more ta unite the now diverse interests and factions cf the country and facil itate iiiter-conunnnication between the distant portions of the Union than anything heretofore done. Th LouisTille Jcrcrcd states thai over 10, 000 ycrjnjr hegs tare perisLcl by coll this winter, in Northern Kentacijv .- Two voucg weman have teem passlrr conn, terfeit bills ia Dar'icgton, Ia, on tiss Oueiia Lave been crowded with job e: tie r ast week, and the associate iricr ihe weather" is our apology f:r lack cf editorial matter in the present issue. hail rmrEis "In ."almost all our exchanges dissa- - tisfactioa is expressed about the fre quent failure, cf mails; it seems not rrrJIned to particular localities, nor to any one section, but to all, throughout -ttie country. Connected with thi3 raatier, theVe is a notorious fact, of which the Department should be fullv feni promptly advised that the very accommodating gentlemen, who have charge of sonic of our western mail routes, are in the habit of leaving the maus to take a good caro of p.asscn- , Tir. r ... fc-,3. j.xi.3 is one oi tne rirmfinniJ ouicers r 1 --7 tnd m many instances, the only cause cf mail failures. But, it is useless to explain we must submit to the e piishment.. Trie whole race of Post- casters and contractors have been ' wasei, and. threatened to be kicked, wpped, and hun, but we uc not see thai. anything has been accomplished. .Likely there has been a slight mistake ia the family to which these individuals .kclcng. If so, we should use persua ticn and gentle measures to get them to do their duty. Trv itit raav do. We call attention to the advertise ment of Scaeeitt k Masox, wholesale and retail dealers in furniture, St. Louis. This is an old, well established house, and we presume needs not our praise to add to its already extensive custom and reputation as to quality, quantity and prices of articles in their line. Give them a call, either in per son or by order, and you will find we have said "true to the letter." :--.": EEOVXViLLE STOXE ASD C2AX CO LIP ANT. This C3mpor:y net en Satardaj last and or rracized Lv electing & Board of Scvca Direc- tors to serve for on? year, via : . " - J. v7. Coleh'as-, G. W. EnATTOir, A. S. IIoLLirxiT, 0. F. Lake, Trii. IIcsutzex.t',, IL JoHTTsoy, E. W..FCESA&. After which the Board elected the following A. S. Holltoat, Tresidrtrt. Wat. IIoblitzell, Treasury. O. Y. Laue, Secretary." Co. Bant, 2. X. BoHor iroa has risen lately $5 per tea si ClncicEari Ia the vichury'cf Boston there ara mann f;ictcre:i to tino dtent of at least .150,000,000 cnEnaLly, and the vslae added to tbe raw taaterki used carmotteless than 070,000,000. . The New York Independent repcrt3 C2 fail ures in ita bit isau a. It h said that the circulation of the New York papef3 has ina eased at least 2C 0,000 since th2 corncicricernent of the Hard ell case. Edward Dstid one of the parties Jtn plicated ia the fraud upon the Sorthem Hail road cf France, was trrested in New York on Ttresday lasL Smith and Nixon sold their prrorertr, cor ner Fourth and Tine st3, Cincinnati, on Satur day for $ S5,000 or $1,300 per foot, aixyears ago they bought it for $213 per foot. A French Jcde vrss ahout condemnicr' a man to the jralleys, bat fearing the crimicala health, which wt3 poor, might sink uder the hardship, comrcuted the punishment to hang ing. - A proposition has been made to establish a submarine telegraph line between CapeFlorida and Havana; bat the Cuban Uorerninent are unwilling to sanction it unless both enda of the control - ' Qneen Victoria on accourt of her interest ing position does not attend the opening of Parliament. The cars have commenced vanning regular ly between Chicago and Burlington. A Locomotive attached to a freight train on the Worcester railroad exploded or the 20th, killing the engineer and severely injuming the fireman. , . Napoleon's hat having fidlen oCC a yonn lieutenant stepped forward, picked it cp, and presented it to him. "Thank you, captain," said the Emperor inadvertentaly. '"In what regiment, s:r?7 inquired the snb, quich as lightning. Napoleon smiled, and forthwith promoted the witty youth to a captency. B. C. Bachraan. lata President of the Lan caster (Pa.) Bank, was arrested on Thursday, on the charge of embezzling the founds of the Bank, and held to bail in tlje sum of $12,000. Money matters in St. Louis since the re- rurnptiou of navigation. There is new $14, 560,024 in the sub-treas ury icJiev York city. The actual loss by the late .flood, in ACrora, Eh, is about $32,000. . "A greater damage is in the suspension of business, by the stoppage of mills and factories and the breaking up of communicatisn. . -'-.i; i. ASTICIZS Cr irc:ZFCHATIC3 CP zziTrnTiLiz. zzzr,nnnii sxss coal c:iipajy. A nr. 1. K:.:r: zll irien bv these .presents, That vre Ja:s 7. Coleman and Bobert W. Furnas, onr I, eins tnd s:gns do hereby asso ciate cur;--! ves tcctter as incorporators forthe purpc5:s ;.Ll uses cipresiej in these articles cf inccrprrrinrr!,' and co by these present! ccn stiii:t2 an! declare cnr3elvcs a body corporate and politic vritb r-iion. under the name end style oftha mErcizrxule Sionc end Eiaxe Coc-J Corpprry," agreeable to chapter third of Lheact of theLerr-slatnrs c-f Nebraska Territorv, , JESSE JOIDT. sunvEYcn & civil tmti k i tm tmt it ed "an act for revisirz," consolidating and "VTC-L attend to ar.y Illness ia his lot when V called. IhTeafr3tri:ec KirsssaiilhiTiaj tad'maay years, t3 teach ar s.z.1 practical inrTeyor, can jire aatisfjisticn. . .. Kxfe2lexces: A. L.. Coat, Dr. Ii.wsi, Wm.IIT-r, alD. U.jt,W. iLb5oij,anJ CI Eowluw, Sa vannah, ilo. Aiiis ircmaha City. 5". T. Mr. David Miller, of Washington, D. C. gave birth to three children, weighing in the aggregate, upraris of twc:nty-cne poends, on Tuesday of last week. Exchange. Hcpii Mr. David Miller had a good time- is doir g well. Wonder if the 'upwards of twenty pounds" favors To. The court of Claims at Washington have adopted a jule permitting any citizen of the United States to practice in it, who has been admitted to practice in its highest Court of any European Government. Garner & Ca's print works in New York city burned down an the 19th los $200,000. South-eastern Mississippi suffered considera bly from the late Mood. The los; to the Iron mountain railroad is awmt $200,003. v "Wide Awake," of ivacsas, who kindly offers to become the Correspondent of the "Ad vertiserj' for that region, 13 hereby notified that we will be pleased to hava him do sd, pavid cdjhe can stir cp "Uncle Sim's Line" a little don't hurry it too much at first give itlime. Ilk Utirr rf Dpr 21st TG and whirh ron- tained an invitation to attend a Christmas Ball, was received here March 14th, '57 distance by land SG miles time Si days. ' We hope ; the drivers cm the route didnt injure the males bv tard driving. ." ' " : ' ; An flppllcaiion is about to be made to the New York. Legislature, for a charter for a com pany to construct a bridge across the east river from New York city to lroofclyn. Mr. Clayton, U. S. Constd to Moscow, left lor thi.t city on the Cth. Thij ship Columbia went ashore, on the Bouthurn breakers at Charleston, on the lCth, and will prove a total lcs3." Navigation on Lake Ontario is now falrh opened. , Tlcre bare lieen about twenty convictions for fernery of hmd warrants, during the past year. . -. StridwetJ and Lee, cf Yirginia, had a hostile meeting in Washington on the afternoon of the lCJi. . Afier .firing three harmless shat3, a bcKini of honor was appointed to effect an ad jtstnientof the difacuity. Several members of the House were present. S:m8 chap a few days since reached his bind into the window of the New York Cen tral Bailroad ticket oSce at Syracuse and secured $250 ia bills, with which he made off. The British Government has invited ar chitects of all nations to f urnish, designs for a christian monumental chuich at Constantinople, t carnrnemorate the triumph of religious tole ratkns In Turkey. U -, , 1 The Great Western Hallway of Canada trar sported 11,131 passenjers ia the Erst week in February. ;; . .... '.; .: Yerges the assassin lias been executed at Paris. . . , - : , - "- The Grand Jury have found trcs billa air'nr, Mrs. Cunningham and 'Mrs, Eckel, Tor the murder of BardelL- , " ... ... , preparing a general ccda for t::e Territory of Nebraska." Approve.! Jan. 23, 1S5(?. Aet. 2. The business of this corporation shall be to quarry stone, and stone coal, at any point or points, within the County of Ne maha, and Territory of Nebraska, and dispose of ldeame,not contiicting with the rights ofoth ers.the Territcry cr Urited Stitcsndts do all thicgs necessr.ry to the carrying on oi a regu lar and legitimate business, to buy and possess property cf all kinds real and personal and mixed to mortgage sell, convey and dispose of tan same, to contract sxd be contracted with, to sue and be sued, io defend and be defended frgrinst, to plead and b-i impleaded in all courts and places whatever, in all manner cf actions, and may have a ecniaxon seal and alter the some at pleasure 1 Aet. 3. The capitol stock of said corpora tion shall be Fifty Thousand Dollars, to be di- vi Jed into shares of Twenty Five Dollars each, two thousand dollars of Which must be sub scribed and paid in, cr the sunt of two thou sand dollars, by the payment of five per cent, on the amount subscribed before commencing business, and each per cent and at such times thereafter as the Board of Directors may re quire until the capitol stock shall be fully paid in; and the indebtedness or liabilities of the company shall not at any time exceed two thirds the amount of stock paid m. Aet. 4. The place of business of this cor poration sh;xli be at the city of Brewnville in said Territory. Abt. 5. rte stock of said corporation shall be assignable and truisferable according to such rules and under such restrictions as the corporators or Board cf Directors may prescribe and the Board shall have power at all times to inako such By-Laws, rules and reflations as may appear for the well-being of said corn pan v, not inconsistentwith the laws of this Territory cr those of the United brates. Aet. 6. That the stockholders of said com pany shall meet at such time and place as a majority of them may disignale and annuaLy thereafter at their office in Brown ville, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors who shall be stockholders to conduct the aSairs of said corporation, and to 'continue in ofuce'. for one year cr nntll their successors are elect ed, and the aforesaid corporators shall have power to manage an! conduct the affairs of said corporation until the election of Directors, and in the election of said Director, each share then held shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote which may bo given in person or by proxy. " . .;. " Aet. 7. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to elect annually from their num ber, a President and Treasurer: and appoint or elect a Secretary, and such other ofacers or agents as the interests of the corporation ruav require, whose duties may be prescribed by the By-Laws of said corporation. Abt. 8. That in case of vacancy frcra any cause in any of the olacers above named, the Board shaTI have power to 11 such vacancy. ' Aet. 9. This ccrporo'.ion reserves to itself the right to make such changes in these arti cles as may be deemed necessary, agreeable to the power vested by section eleven of the a forementioned act. . Aet. 10. .This corporation shall commence on the second dav of March, Eighteen Hun dred and fifty seven, (1S57) cotemperaneous with the filing of these articles with the Be- C Ullll ANTS AND RASFBEKRLtS. TTTniTE Grapo Carraxt Seeda, saTi fign cur li Fpcciicen p!ant3 ia ISoj, will be w:st jie-raid in paekajes Trcrvi. S I, to all wL.o enclose that ninrjant. C'CESAT3, WLiie Grape, Cherry, aa J a ejection cf citeea otaeiririeiies, eahraeira'l tis rcTel- ties . llASPBESzrxs, UeDa da Featfry, ik -or. trench cTer-besrir- sort, frait very larje, and plaaU v: par ous yery distinct variety. 41E3VSUXE OS 1 OCX ijAS0S3 TtlS 13 U TiT.etT irhi'ih ta.boen fa"y tested, and wm amr'led a rreraiurxa; tha X. Y. Jair a tnn di?-j!ay f fruit exhibited intba jnonta cf Octoler in Li bj far su perior to i .y cf its class. The Imit 13 ujzi ajjd as good &3 the lied Antwerp, and. AaiuiiAl crop ii aLsidant $3 per dos?n. - v iLLWAUin; A; r.AT.uT, JlocntJJop "cr3eritf, liocheiier, 2i. Y. Jf. JL Order? from unknown eorresponlenU must be accompanied by the ireh 13Ui,1sj7. 40-tf A CILMCC3 0?w RAHE SEEDS. tTCZ .'.scxritr ij a var'ity t f . T Ji,"tf A wbi.L be tu rrrr.wa aid u-si tie prt 3'tjvE, and deerrj tlaai wurthy cf or-il erxi-TiiJ.a ty a'd liven ct jrood tLir js. TLesn Sei La will asui pst peji, ty package T 23 varieties; (of yttr oirniti'.'Ciioa,) f at J i, cr a la-rsr ncniier in tiiejanj pnrror-icc; f;nr varieties Ut 21 eta, cr c"S rariatj fwr.3cti IIjLcT. . , Yates Il-.CS3 Tie I7ew Cs::?, ia Crtis Enlfwiij,IUlei, rjraria, arvi Frczi-. . . C A NT ZZXi TJ3 C- rii lis VTaJdrt, H.rii t: Creeu, Extra Na".cj, Hariii lest YcZzr HxU 2e:ted r.iad.lLi:cri. - lliKee'i ilaaraola XlajisaeliS, CTxts j!?! 1' . C'cc-rssms tlar!y Frame, Lor - lilaad, Fir's Fee- Lnr!Iii CheTkias, Fi; Toaiat, i'araoth, C ar, 1 Ciierry Tomaia, Cs--c Cxfiszwrrr. qr tziT? S wect Tent lkiston Mirro', Caitar J, Wwlidy' Cresra,Denr.Lj' S:r"phl. Crock Teck; A'.v bm Gden, VTbiy asd Teil 3 SoiiHop. COTS Aa Irewi zl, CirrLr DtTVTj- , andot, Kcrj riilj-v Lee Fe, StowU's ?ei;rsea Sweet, iaxtu2j Extra Sweet, Ftur, CloeilAt Sorlo Llance oc Doanth Cora. Extra Ip Ccrru , Prxs Acvaertse, Friaee Albert. JTv, Cl-vrplaa of Ecsluid, Japan, Qecn cf Dwarfi, Trull: I'arf IIUS3 ilx;a Tarl'.e Soars "V. etnsoro' '.den- Eyed, Cahsua Kidney, Hanjriaa Limx Ei-icoi'j ds Sj-305l3. TLn f act cr Asparagus, iliix-ariaa Tick Bean, Casa i.c VerJe. . . epaul Ealcy, Trzz:. llZ'l, Ilu-ra Mil! : ErTtiaa Vvheal, J V.ati Oiti. Tnrala Hock Onr . etc- : SendcTrraat baci 11113 cr postals stvrps. VTien ordsrs eanaot b ailed, t!a tacney will be pwanpdy returned fre cf expensa. Address L. KCZMS. Hu-h 12 Ji, TThar, AshtalsU Cj., O. EroTiiTills Stcr.3 aril Coal CvziTzny, STOCXnOLDEHS cf tler-iwnTilla Emm X and Coid Conspacy, ar hereby notice:!, that aa election will be held at tdie Cvcnty U?:.3t r-i cl:e, Clinton Fota'.je TirHa, E:iJ Lcttsic, Srtet laccrpaTatOii. Miles on Horse Shaaing. jtst ruu: A FLAIX practical Treatise cn ro?.SS snrrryrj. by WJL ZJ1XS. aathor of Tbe iJ'i Foct." In one voL, lEaio. Fries 75 ccnti. Scat by call free cf portarre. We like t rfcommecd nzn books, wlnn tt see ia Brownville, cn Siitnriay next at 2 o'clec i, I . IL, so vilainous bunjlir; at torse iLceinj." Ci Cl- for the purpcsti cC,citi2 a Ecard vt Dlre:trs, and tivator. atiendioz to other impenaat xoatter3 cf tlu Cca- A exrafi3e, clear, and practical work, wlica sLcn'd I rany. be studied by every snu;h who shoes hoof's, an? by j J. W.COLXI AS, every fartnor who otfns a Lorse. The truth is,there E Y.. FUXiXAS. ) is not one smith ia twenty who Koir how to stite a j EsowrvrLLt, llar;h 12 th, 1317. -hafss' prcpcTif, cf one farmer in a hundred who I j i kaowjtcAejsahorsousQodajLesuiabe. Thewori J-v-v-w Xiomo v-imocu will jxayyen if you will jtady it, arrd ten-fJd if yon TT0 Sell by ubriptlQn 1)11. AE.yOI.t;S F iiailf 1 racuce, enuueo, arMJ t beeiurc a ja taiawy, rtt'o?')';, II 'i-7'4 caJ rfica.-? ii ta'ty pnere- N3 man who owns a horse can aSori to be without tie mnd emf. MTritten. i e a ficiHi ar sy'.?, d !Jined this sort of information." Albany ire. Jovr. for thegecerul reader. Lihly i!lB5iraJ?l na ex- IIEXItl CIIEY B All J)7 Publisher. cellent wood euU, by the b.u mzi3 13 the West. Fhilade!phia. I This is a- Ut gotten Ap w;;a ars anJ ex- March 13th, 1S57. 4iS-t! pens, and u nlide so sini'pe and Cvi-; rehcr.r.Ts, thai erery oue uxai reaoj it can ucaerstaca it. x; con tains a great variety cf the most valualis receipts for aotit every d.eao that mankind are subject to, eor.taining orcr 403 lar 1- mo. pTr, and lcni in embosded n-'ailiD fill back; retX.T fnee, . A sarDpl copy wul be s-?r."t ta ac part cf Cm United States, on receipt of the retail prite, also a fall llit of my pulllcauoias, with tcrzis W Ajeri 'j, -in application. Address li. 31. ELLdiO, Qaeen City Tub. Uw. . - 111 llain at, Ci&ciaaatI,C Or, if lirii j East, .. P. S. Editors rtTirr thia adTeriiiessirt tire's morw insertions, icclaiin; thid wticz, and uiaiiixt; cae copies f papers; scanted, eonnainin t2 tame, shall have a eery mailed to their address, pre-paid. FLOWER SEED GROWTH OF 1356. rrtlTE snbscribcr will send 20 choice varieties of L fiowcr seed by mail.postiirr pa-"!. x one duilar. AIUJi.U& Gil-JiUilK, . 'orscrymen and Flur?st?. SprinScid, Ohio. S 1S57. The lateComodore Stevens, of the United States.Navy, usei to relate the following an uecdote. The incident occurred' during the examination of the brave CaptC TattnalL Capt. Tattnall (then Nidshipman Tattnallj and a very modest, retiring young gentleman,) was called up to be overhauled, When the fol lowing dialogue between a rough jolly old Commodore, the senior officer present, and him self occurred, viz : - . ! Com. Mr. Tattnall, what would be your course, supposing you were off a lee shore, the wind blowing a gile, both anchors and your rudder gone, all your canvas carried away, and your ship scudding rapyidJy towards the break- Missouri r.iTtr. 1S37. JOSZFH B. nOIXAXI) 3IateT For Coax:!' 13 a.Ss, Omaha Ci ry.TkUevn e. S t. Hary'a, Wvomics City, eoras;;a Citv. Lmleo, Uro vide, Lowell, Orciron, White Cloud. Iowa Point, Sarannah, t. Joier h, Palermo, A t:b L-on, Weston, Leavenworth Citv, Kaasis, Icdspcni :ace, Liberty, Leiiaton, Ac. - j TrT..N TIIE entirely ner, rxVi anl eTerant i' ' , it n - , passenger steamer juuDoc2iL.T,v.api. Joe. liolland, will on the opening tI nanraon, run Catitioii. THIS pnUio are hercW notiHe2, that ea alout -' the 21 th d-tycf iemary, A. IK 13is-tker. corder cf Deeds within and for the county of Nemaha in the Territory of Nebraska, and shall have an existence and continue in full force for a period cf fiftv years. Signed Brownville, N. T.J "j. W. COLEMAN, March 2, 1857. B. W. FURNAS. Iieceived for record March 2, A. D.t 1S57, at 30 minutes past 10 o'clock, a. m and recor ded on Deed Book "A" of Nemaha county, 2. T.,Fouo27. . W. U. HOOVER, Register of Deeds, Nemaha Co,, N. T. March 12, j -4w. ers: tcrxn . trAT cr men a. t.t, sen ccttstt. As is well known, Archer, wliich has hail no ad i.cciurirr.' The bridge over the Da Page river, ; heretofore hcen the County Scut cf ab0ut vcTiiiics .cst of this city, P-v j - . t. , J r , guveway on Fridav n izht last, hy which lctardscn cenntw. has been found, ft, r. i ' J . ' J i i-iifc u were iosu. ana nn pn ir i J actual survey, to he cn the Half- reed- ltnd. cr Reservation. This rcir.g the 'case a new Town Site has .ieen selected for a county Feat hr a tnber of enterprising rentlcnicn. 1U name cf the town is Ccnircvulc, . to. named from its being gcorrraphieal . Ij in the centre cf the county. " The Ust Legislature by an act located the .County Scut at this place. Centreville is a. in the midst cf a heavily timbered . 2did well watered portion of the county; . Grounded by us fine Farming land as caa be found in the Territory, and nothing can prevent its beccminr an 1:spc riant point in a very short time. --ii. o. j. tinier, i. j. v;amj K. J. Sharp, W. Maddox, G. W. er,-H.Ncctc!ls, Wn. M'Lcnnan, w J c the proprietors amciint of seven cars, and a laxe freight-was destroyed. He Died at His Post. A sadJ hut beautiful and touching scene was wit nessed at the accident at the Du Pae bridrre S;h3bt Passage.- The celebrated clipper sain, Dreadnought, Capt Samuels, arrived at New York cn the 8th ins::., from Liverpool, in the very short time of -T days, having left Jan.' 17th, and pa3ed Cape Licarja mas: bg the run from land to land in 15 days. A young man in Washington wai so afTect cJb; unexpectedly drawing a prize of $1,500 in , the Southern Muitarjr Academy Lottery, tbiii he has become hopelessly insane. 5 - It has IttcaJDronosed to the British govern ment to purchase one of the small Islands of th'3 West Indies as a penal colony. : CzxxTTO?t rEovrcEi) ros, Among other diplomatic changes it in announced that Sir In the momin after the acci- J,cn Crampton will snKJeedMr. Howard as dent, the slow tolling of a bell jBi'h Mimsi at Jisban. t One hundred and fifty thousand tons of rail read iron were made in the United States, in heard. On loohinrr ta se vrTipnrp it . o ' came, it was discovered to nrrwvpd from j , u oilers Ocr latest exchange frona below is St J oscph G.arrtte, cf thcr4th, from tichwe learnt'? th the cngn-e as it lay submerged in the water. The waves us they foamed and surged over the sunken enzine s waved the bell, which alone with suK&e-pipej appeared above th s water, anJ caused j it to give a slow, tolling sounl the Engine was raised from tire water. the Engineer, was found ia a standing posture, with his stiff, cold, icy hand, jlmilu cra.-i?j ilic ihrofth xaive, as though amid the thick darkness be had discovered the perilous situation cf the train, and had sprang to avert the ruia. But if was t?.o late the Engine and train, with its precious freight cf life and property, vent down, ami during the drearr nizht, the Encrinji bell and the mad rushing waters rung outjx rol- tlicTear 1S55. Mr. J. L- Barton, of Alton, ofTered to give the Suite $10,000 a yejx for the State prison. Casey was toliavs tt lot $o,000. - " Great' damage was done in Car. a la by the creaking cp cf the rivers last week. Counterfeit 10s on the Flour City Bank Rochester are in enrculatioE. . The Ohie river has got down ngaha into Koodrjrrigible coc-dltlrrn. ' It is said that 40 negroes wre killed st the Dover Iron Works, Teuiicssc3d;iring the late exrilerrieni. The Uicut accounts from Albary, put down the Ios3 try tne Hood in that city, at $1,5007X0. uitawe learatb? river is epen tojexaa rrquiera; poir.t, and boats arriving frcm St.!c ha3 nt the freighf train gone uis. jdbwn, as it did, tho pussrJgcr train; A bill lias passed the Assembly allowing . t w - '9 1 tn llr.RC' central, .uaiiroao. to increase its fiock to .iX),ooopx)L ;: : . There are four bai.Ks in Ncv Y-:k ci! whose disccjints amocut to I!S,00,000. BrownTiUe Ilarkct. CAREFULLY TOP.RIXTiri) EACH WEEK ET E02SL1TZZLL & CO. - r V- - DEALERS IN PRODUCE. BitowxvrLi.E, N. T. (sxruxG SATES.) torE 3? sack of 109 Coas Heal, ?J iuhel.- - Coas, in the ear, old bushel Oats, bushel, .... TatL -I cannot conceive,sir tliat such n com bination of disasters could possibly befall a ship in one voyage. Com. (speaking very levered;). Tut, tut young gentleman, we must have your opinion; suppose scch a case to have actually occurred. Taii. rWell, air; sails all carried away, did you say, sirr : Com. Aye, all eTery rag. ; , , TaiL Anchors gone, air? ' : Cera. Aye; not an itncommoa case . TatL No rudder either, sir? ' ' ' Cera. Aye, rudder unshipped. Here the young ofacer dropped his head despjndingly upon his breast, and the old salt continued sharply: 1 Com. Come, sir, whai; would you do wiln rcurshir? ; " ' r .' ' ... Tnii- fraisin? his headV l:d let her go to . s ' , , sir, where she ought ta gor Cam. BihLsir'ridit! Mr. Clerk, euroll ' c w ' Mr. Tattnall as a passed midshipman. - .Ml. Y .ExrmirsE or SaxTrikO. Lynn Bari Juru ishes the; Boston- Trsuscript withe the following statistics of sharing 'h ' - : ' " r; -; . Sarpose a man begins to slave at se-renteerj and cou!-inues the practice til he is sixty, i: will be found thafhe has shaved fifteen thou sine! seven hundred times. iJomg to the bar ber's, stopping and returning; can not be es timated at less than hrlf am .hour, which, at ten working hours a day, will consume two whole years! " At six cents fur each time, the amount will be' $032, enough, to baud aa or uamental cottage, or pay lus board for six years! ' And all for custom,. ha utility of which is by no means positive. u Soma emin ent physiologist tell us it is decidedly irjur ious. Wearing the beard is net with us a "cruestion?'" we ' are satisfied cf iU propriety, and li win require scmoihln; mpre to the pur pa.;ttlfan ridicule to anrvinco -.urlo "the con trary. .Were we to ecmcusca Lti rplo, we would not shavcv ' ' :: : 1 ": " ' """'- - " Snjar,V 2h Coffee, aa, Bacos, Ham?. - - Shoulders, ........ Sides, .... . CincxKxs, t3 dox., . LOGS, do, ......... keshCeef, Ui or a toes, a boshcL new BCTTKR, - $5.09 . .... 5e 40c .... i." 40c - - 1ojC I0 Sc 9c 2.C0 20c 7 jc 25c flEF.lAHA VALLEY BANK. BROWTXVILLE, X. T. A. IlAiuur, Caih'r. : S. II. Vszvlz, Tias't. OFFERIXG DATS, Mondays and Thursdays. DISCOUNT DAYS, Tuesdays and Fridays. BANKING nOUIlS, from 1st NoTenberto 1st itarth. 10 A. 31., to 3 P. M4 from 1st March to 1st yorember, 9 A. to I P. M. ' 6a as areruiar racket to ta atove ana intermediate was nuu tr.i encst-M cy i c-.iers ;at. iwo nnini.. rnntinnin-. in tin I:!a5 Trade duria-r the I OTtS.ia livor cf S. E. Itf rrr. one of twit 1 ar.irtd entire tr5a.tiDjr season. , I dollar?, pa-iible the 1st of H-ir-h. A. D. liiT; afi Captain U'jllacd frienda alonsr the river erto exten-led to Omaha, and other boat;, desire! o retara them his j to pay the said 5otc or any part thereof. r deeply jrratefal io hi numerous cf one Buinlred douars, pajaUe tie 15. a c sy -ox fortbeiirjeralpiUrcaasehith- Mar, A. I). Thecon3d?r'uB f-jr-e -hica aa.4 him while in command of the Notes -wer cbtiiued baTir faHed. we rt Jaw O.-F Lale, hi Aent; nrownTiHe, JLirea ITth, 1:57. 5-tf sincere acknoTledirmeEts,and to solicit a emtinuarce of their eonfidenee and patronage for hiinew boat, promumg untireipj eiertiiins to render jncrai sat- The A'onso Child iras buDt esprcay for the Coca- cilFiug'i trade, under the especial fuperviiioa ef CpL Holland, who bes to assure L.xs fnemis that they will find her to be a'Lnirably adapted ta the of dranfLt. beauty of modeLetc with cabia arrant- ' I l PUi'"c v. , ments and ac.Mmmlation3 net surpassed by those JL made and eeud on or idoutfi222idsiT of CJautioii. of &nyt i.U la the river, cc.rahinic- alltba latest r cumary, - Vl' r. V , and m.t modern infpremeBti tbt eould add to otes ia f avor of R 2. fraiwr, of two the tnf-rty. comfort and easrre of pwsengrrs.- f parage steiibtt IjV A. IK 13 , yothinr win be found wantic- in anycf her ap- payable January litA. V.' 5.4 ; Qie r?h pointmenU which beions to those of a first ehias ilarch 1st, A. D. lii.. The couuutsUoft brn; passe nrrer s tea mer, ilarh iytn,'i. 1857. MISSOURI BITEt FACKET. 1S57. JOHN S. STLXVT iLutcT. yrw Missouri Eiver, Kansas and 7lraiii racket for 1S57. THE entirely new, swift and nasur jm paired passenger steamer, TrrucET, 4. y-tt refuse farther payaeotoa the said tes, or uf part thereof. i . - r jES3aN.?sz., - -- f ricrar.Eiiasa, - - UeXST i . LACC.Hf ,) O. F. Lake, Lu i;-aL 'Bnwnvnie,llarelil2ih,1557.- - -.i-SJ-tf NO 2.- . . AN ORDINANCE., Cap. Junn S. Shaw, will on theopenia; of naviga- J For (JU ImprvvemenS pf irtt nil e.rrj im tit Uonrunas a rejrsLir patket to tie above anil aa in- 1 vy . iMrru, ,r termediate points. Ine Twilightwas bualt expressly Section. 1st. Be it Ordained hr the City Cotmil cf for the Missouri Tirer trade, under the e?pe ial apr- TjroiraTille, Nemaha Co, N. T., that r: mil Ja cn tie vision of Capt.Sbw, who beg to assure bis fnetds jrjar, TaJuation of all taxabla prperty, be Uritd that they wil and her to bo aJ aura try aaaptea u . f tbe nrvC99 of improvin the SeJts-ad tie wants of trre rrrer, Bis ir grea sxrengui ana lightness of draught, wi"Ji eabia arraEgeinents and arccmmodation5 uaiurpas3l, eonabiniES all the latest and most citlcrn LxproTeaieata that could add to the safety, coofort and j 'eacur of pia-;r.gers. Nothing wiii be found wanting in any of her point xaeEts which belong to a tril dacspaieag?r steamer. Jlirch 13th, '57, - - . - - - a-tf . llaster J. IL Lucas .. .. .... ?it ii steer. ' Sealed Proposals 'T'TTILL bo received by the llayar and Kerorder, V up to the 1st day of April, A.D. 1S57 ; for therradinz and openicgof Main street, eomcene- in atwesl. side Levee and extending to the Town ship line: work, to be. eomaenccd by 10th ApriL A.D. 1 j57, aalcornptetcd by the 10 & of Jane, 1357. i or partif ulars enquire of Mayor aiidJUccoraar. City of lirownvrjiie, JN.T, Jlarch lath, AJ..1S57. J 1857. UNION PACKET LING 1857 ( Lucas, Meteor, & Silver Heels. e. n. silver T.E.DSAFFIN i - For SL Joseph, SminiTiHe, Nebraska City, Osiaha City end bluff City. TEE St.Loui, St. Jc-seph, Dro-rnviTJe, Lr' Nebraska, Omaha and FuJ Cit;r Light a. '- nicg Packets, Jas. II. Lueas, M pteor and Siirer Heels, will leave for the above and ail inter mediate point3 every Tuesday cvenirg, at 4 o'clock, throughcut the season. The new ar-i splendid pas ser.ger steamer 31ctcr, and th well known, fast acd .plil:did paaiengtr steamer, Jii. II. Lucas, connect ing with lie fine and fast packet Silver Heels at St. Juejeph, farming the ca!ysro and qick jasage frc ui S i. Louis to the abore named places. From the known speed, capacity ard comfort cf the boats composing this line, the tiaTt!:ng public mzj rest assured that nothing will be wanting on the pilrt of their ol-:e and crew to reader their trip both piixsant and agreeable. ilarL lJth,'57. 45-tf The CIi2rekee,-S: CL, Iron Works hate co st for $500,000: The r!rr. t...i t J frora Cmcao, due two houn later, ad jre-sajjbj expected to Lrcak;itSc:r have taken fhfatl -'nn- 1 ,r- .s ..i:... -J-. irvwrrr c . x iv-ur ia u; ioqc. tu?.: a im i ia. i ruc AVjrrrxTcf., ia&fcwdavs. has tccu Lund ta I 23 1!. short in ssi i-ticces.- Ac old cuender wis brought before the !Iay orcf "toledo, Ohio, the other (lay, and after a hearr:;g;-wus Cned to the fall extent of the law. At this" t" prisoner demuir::., wheupoa his hcnoi rejoined, "Hy friend, I d'ret -want ij End you: bat, by G d, the majesty of ih? law 1? nJLT 22L2-lTiJOr3 XJIOLSTERY, ' WBOHESALE AXD ETTAIi, ' y by - - SCARRITT & MASON. ST. LOUIS, HO: -tTTTl take pleasure ia saying to cur friends and t the publie in general, tiiat pur stock of Fine, llcdiam, and Cmmcn Furniture, as well as Jlat treisj and Uedling, was nerer mum complete aai deserving tbe attention of purchasers, either at whjlMale cr reiall in fnU yaits ta sinrle articles 1857. Missooti urnn rACznr. 1857. CHAS. Ik LAKEH L'isler. YT. IL SciTDDEH Clerh Fot Ficrence. Oasaha City. CouBcil KuSi, Uclieru'S, fet. ilary'a.Wyrimjr.g City, ear?ka City, Linden, LrowsTilie, Ljwell, Ureg-n, lwa Fin STaniiaJi, St. Joseph, falaruio. Atchison, We-.toa, Lcavca- ...worth City, Jxaniis, laiepeniccie, whirry, iaz-icg-.uc, Ac. . Tilu entirely new, x:: aca eie- gatt p&jsgriEteaa3riS-s-UA rrscse ol improvinr trie swjts-a4 aiers in said City. " - """.. . - Sec id. X it rartuer urxtiaecl, liMU iiAi the duty of the Marshal to proceed ani ecdloet tbe above tax; Lr-seditdy. after the ei:!ri;:r. C.1 tea dayrfrocl the pgis-gor thir Oriirtiirggsi pay the m ney into the hands of the Ci ty Tnau cx tr, taki c z his Tzat. zt tbsxduZZ' J i : T il- Sec 2d. lie it farther Ordained, that shouIJ aay property holder ia said City, fail to earcpJy with tb requirments of this Ordinance, then ktahall bi th duty tf theALwshltorr?c?edaaier:fir9tlie!rie. in aecordanca tne Iaw a. saa mdt tnd pro rided. . . This Uri;casee to .taz5 esici tact 4 s:r ta days from the date of i u paJge. JJa3aedfrirca3d,17. : . . - Pr v t .AJS.E0LLADAT,l!a3xir. Atleit:. , . ' . ' Fruit: SHRUBBERY? - osage oiiage;:. ;:.rt d. c it t. . zxrmrziz, Loo: on, ANNOrNCT to lis chici if X:1 C-1;"' , tiat cpon the erwais of Navigiuioii i!.r w.J b in receipt f s?!,-4r5TT iy"cf a!xiit eTirr' arr?v-m-nt usuaiy to h fund ia Ncrsxrie. Tie s" k HA I 3 Til . MMm J . . . . 1 l C lt. m. i r 11. 1 . ' . ' r . r . ;rja iKa trar K.iiOBS&rf E.;4 .4Ttrru . ui,oaioitui.iiu ,.ui,, eistirsin partofr - ' - i nacketto the above tamed and ad injerm.cate x y U 7rT f. -5 u ? . points, eonuauirg in the L.-is irade danrg the 1C3 M8 t" rf rr'Tr, 3. 1 - - j - . - p. .-J VIM entire boatuiz sejiTii. Capt. UakeE, thanlful ta tio pullio for its very fjecerons support bst4wd upa the Adisiirai, while uadtrr tii crniiiaad) Ltrtiy bf:'- ware to tender bis ackzMiwleCgecrtntJarKistKiitcir hu tew iota cca tinuaixe tl ia ecxidencc aad autaar1!, pledging nntitiag exertions of hi3fc-:f aJ t.u.rj t giie fall Eiti-ilactica to thii wi wauseboiiitcas Le say be honcrcd. The ilLa-cs-ha-hA ma tallt ei-rcisly I for tha Council Llf s trade, aider tie -pcclii siper- visioa tif Captia F iher, wbe Las sriirtd no trouble or cxjiisa to miLd Ler aa A 5o. 1 illiaari Lirer Stiiaaitsr aid tcgi to aiire Lis fr:.ea.di that they will fi::.l her to Us in all respect?, ji.oat".cki:r..t:y adapted to tho waul ut tLo rive.rf Ltisg of great streagrJi, lightness of draught, eaiinef cf aiod-ilai.d 30,009 Staaiiri 'do f r -ai'2 to A Ttars.' 133,5CJ Cherry Tr-r, 1 1; 2 yean bll.brrf aaa - itiadad. "! ' lat.h,PlaTr, Ajriwtyaad 2jclj,a arg cumbers. 1C0.CC3 TrTr.zi, eh.-ac:rg t-rrry lltl ef try valrc . . All kinds cX pcpalax aa wtH as rarer kJjid.: cX prr Forti r an I NatiTe live. a gg Nonrrr ? arata. Pls-rs. tcrsH-F, CcdUrs, IX k itrsl p-racfl,Hi.4.J, Hsll1ocs, e:, lrgi Ktsl.iiitr crja.L w- ... - . ....'j Omaatai Tree Ika-r?, rinlrrr'-". T-l" t Lleflre 1 laaW eta. . . ; . , . .. f , L.ihoBS Iioot?j taUre tr ispor'rd; DiiJU.Ctr- We shall epazw eo c-jrt tokcep ti mostettTipte one of the fast one?, witdi cabsa arrar:ments aaU fb2ir: 1, 'aai ef ts E-ttcsiti id mi asrorttaent in our line in tha V est. Otr Grxxis are a3conrn -ditiens f very superior or lex, an I n:- tf3 . , icad hero, aa well a East, by the best workmen, celled ky thwe of any Uot in the river, cowbkaing Arallc wa c.yr.f.Icrrr Vc'a;ai -r oa' rioil '' 'r ;a and thus combine f.e greatest variety and latest all ttemort Jnodem iniprovtEenU that afery.roa- p.&criI M exeellenceVlt rjr4fed br 8Lr tyles.with the eheapst d most nUzzz,. .... fort, or piea?u?e ermld wrgest, ssrU u aj her vBWrrf w.nUrW,- ,4 hatkady aaw DtKwars. as ertll a a.1 o:her pur:a?ers, are ;a- frpwataents, BcUutg will be wanting bcurgir g to car r cf t,. ari t-iodard ri:-;d to call si ixk uga cur ILuna ware taw of first class penrer steaue. ' ucr.irakZelVl.ier i ex'Jl u ii'ly y' Rooms. -.- f llaxrhllfth.'S.- emails rru ia .scts.- ; V i)rMW from a prtfuca uavicg furniture to : : .1. . .' V- ,,''. Jt'U iVJi O A v iiiL- ;tl:er--r--.r. -.;iiin.-giII-S.'-iiat bv fcr thiimscires or other?, are cpeciHj stJkitcd, wita the ass-irar -a of our best endeTrs to merit a eoctiaaan?e of tae liberal coniltce aud patrc,rug5 wa have to long received. scASiirrr a ha?on. TTaiLintra Ave. bttTva 2zl and Sd 5:.?. . r rn Iwta, ... - ij-zz n sr. :.',u.' 03 S U CO- i hereh-v r-:-ea. tha Gc.di fir Ca-;:: or Van-rtz c:si.rl laaithalwe r..r ;:.a no ur..n?'it 1. lrf.SVr"W L' "lIl CO aau-r ly wL.,i tie g-v.wta ci or.r rr:wxTi"e, !-!jr;h Il'th, iT, C?-tf -fc w w I t 'w J OTaTI tl litis", style, rs-1 in f jsrtcjcr! Hi' L.;:l:T'.:' r.-a: i -d. hT my le rt ia v ,rs. h:l:h sal rlr r. ::.-u:;h,is-7. a j- lli": jsi : r 1. 4.1 I t". .1 r.'.rt, ii ta :s vsrl. i- C J fS. j - - J a: