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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1857)
cnnrE3E sugar cAirn PURE SEED. The nbfcriben take great pi easure in Informing Ibe Haulers, Farmers and Gardners, that they bare secured from the most reliable 1001x68 a limit ed inpplyof Fresh Seed of this very valuable plant, the properties of which may be briefly ummed up a follows : lit. One acre of the stalks, properly cultivated, will yield from 200 to 500 gallons of fine Syrup, equal to the best New Orleans 1 and from the same roots, second crop of excellent fodder. 2d. Sown broadcast or in closa drills, on land deeply plowed or highly manured, it will yield thirty to fifty thousand pounds of superior fodder to the ere. 3d. It surpasses all ther plants for soiling (feed ing green,) and fodder, on account of the great amount of sugary juice which it contains; and is greedily eaten by stock of all kinds. ; 4th. It bears repeated cuttings, like Egyptian Miuet, growing off froely and rapidly, after each cut-tin?. 6th. It stands drouth much better than common eorn, retaining its green color and juiciness eTen after the sed matures.- - 6th. The seed is excellent for human food, when ground into meal, and fattens domestic animals very speedily. From twenty-fire to seventy-fire bushels can be raised on an acre. The seed, which has been Tery carefully kept pure, from the original importation, will be offered in cloth packages, each containing enongfi to plant about one- fcfth of aa acre in drills 4 feet ty is mcnes, wiia iuu direction for the cultivation, which is perfectly aimrfa. ' -' ' ' -' These packagei will be forwarded by mail,nee of 'otiage, to any auaress, on receipt oi lor eacn package. When not sent by maU, we will furnish a proportionate quantity by express at purchaser's cxnense. Early orders are solicited, as the supply of good and reliable seed is quite limited. Applicants' names wii be entered in the order in which they are receiv- ed. and the seed will be mailed as soon as possible, A pamphlet will be sent, -postage free, to all who pur- e seed; or to any person who will enclose a ihn ;nt stamp. . . : Briers In seeds and country merchants can be sopplied at a liberal discount from retail rates, if their orders are received immediately. Address with a plain direction for mailing or ship ping. . ' We will also be prepared to furnish a simple and eScicnt mill to express the juice from the cane, and cauldrons Ac for boiling the same. Many testimonials in addition can be given to prove its adaptcdness to the Xortb. western and Western states. ' AT OUR WAREHOUSE WiU also b found at all time Of all kinds of -. ' "AND MACHINERY, With a full Stock of Field and Garden Seeds,- . : . , . "' . . . . . - ' i - ' ' ; Cf the Host Heuxbuc and genuine kinds. XZ7"FuU Catalogues sent on application. , ., , . : ... ' . - HE5HY D. EMESY & CO- 23i Lake Street, Chicago, III. S8-tf IW EERRY, : Acrcc3 Tho Shuto " f ; .-At the Head cf the Islands. . . ' - ABOVE BEOWNVILLE, .Tq TjT. S. HaU & Cffs Saw Mill. : as purchased the Ferry privilege granted Jack son Peters, at the last Session (of . the. Legislature, sr! is now prepared with a new and substantial boat, a: il umes to ewjeommooate th tuuie, Charrcs x.sal rates. ? ' : SAilDEL' IIcBRIBeI : ZrchSlh, 1S57. - 38-3m J.' U JENNINGS, C71x'o loc alo: CX)II1IIS3I0N MERCHANT, f .IV. COUNTRY PRODUCE, ...... - - -r;., T Comer Second iad Frances Stx.r : frr. jcsrrn, :o:; HAS oa Land, ani to arrive, the following arti cles, which will be sold to th trade on aoeom : nodatirg terms, - EXCLUSPTELY . AT . WHOLE SALE: ' ' , :i50C3 Clears fL cjatli-lC9bra E D And W R ties c chees 4309 sacks G A Salt ' 153 boxes starch . 500 Ehds N O Sugar 200 bbls and hf bbls water 603 iks Rio CofTee end bufr crackers ICO ; O G Java Coffee 200 bbls and Lf bbls cilot ' 1C3 - Ifirusyra bread and pio nio do ItO HocL ' 200 bbls soda milk sugared 250 bbls, half bbls smdlOO egg and wine do Vrs Belcher's Molasses; 100 bbls apple vinegar bbls, half bbls and qrSOO bxa Tobacco all grades N N re.ned do 200 bxs smoking tobacco, ISO half chests toa H : various brands - kinds 100 bunches pipe stems ; 2:0 UU Lelcher's Scgar 60 bbU H S Sicily nd li3 Ills, bal's, qn, .no 1 Joe Almonds ' . 2 and 3 Mackerel - . ; 50 bbls filberta, braxil 'StObisdriedkerrinrs " nuts, pecans 23 if Us White 1 ish 100 kzs S C Sod 1 1 SdrrujdryCodFkh 'Tt3 ti t:i'i ctzij ICO-'fonry 5 ."3 Smmsf rt 600 kegs assorted nails tOO bxs half and qr star candles s ; 0-j. IM oo stenne do 1C3 txi U't rn r-ll-203 do bar soap - ins . f , i . . .. r 10 do rock candy. : 13 IrslVi-rej- en. ni i .s, cardenseeds xd straw rakes. lo? tLaias, laad shot, powder brooms, wrapping paper, tcr-s E&nilla, jute and cotton cordage, indigo and radder, i!rm, white lead, window sash, window f 'js, tin' jars of different siics, Casks assorted f?,:: ..'r&s Lark, pie fruits, fresh peaches, brandy ' -r-ri:s txi peaches, current and raspberry jellies. ' I.e. a toir.ilacii, canton ginger, preserves, nut megs, ,'. . '.S- rerrerriuc?, tomato and walaut catsup, 1r a rrup, lobsters, sardines, extract and essence ll c.Ice, chocola te,picklos, matches, ttc. " 7 OODHTJ "7AIl r 't-?"ii.ts,bc:leyt bowls ia rests; iron bound kegs, cne two, ttn", i re and tn pylons, the small ersiae with li!:s,c n t - i 1 2 btlf bushels and measures, errp s-c!j " Isjd s.!jos f&t for tie ralecf H A salt, and have tew ca 1st i 2,CC3 Ills f;r F&le at cost and tranTpor iilloa. I Livs the exelii" e sae ly direct consign--1: 1 cf t re Lundred dozen Tidi's ceict rutod oysters, x 'wk.,?l to be the best put up in LV-Itimore. Zo Cr.!:r.4fiia ekd Salt Lcie rraiVnmt. Vt .r 'tl attention is invited to nj extersrfvc -'... , t Llci braces everything suited to your tt-:3 iz -juisaui3, iwill at alli-.meskecp 1 : r. i , tjeal, bacon, lard, brrl bread an h WiU be soli at tha lowest carh J. B. JTNNTfGS. nun: r I CITY, . . . . "? to til lustncrs is L!i prj--1 ca: rr-h as rub-Jiur ' :?-tr , Cc. ton yarn, carpet chain, batUcg, cacdleVicks, teltratni tetrp twiae,wheat and meal sacks, axes, T7iix bctr'j. tubs, common rails, cedar palls. B B ill i, pica and cedar churns, brass bound tburns, tar YiH tuckets, cedar cf ns,Eop sticks.' butter ' ' "It W. FURNAS, NOTARI FUBLIC, LAND AND LOT AGENT INSURANCE AGENT,' AND AGENT FOR AGRICULTURAL ILlPLEF.lEtiTS. r.nowKviLLi:. n. t. .. GEO. S. EAYRE & CO., IS, AST) GENERAL LAND AGENTS, GLENYTOOD, Mills co, Iowa, ., rLATTSJIOUTII, Cass co, Nebraska. VITrLL promptly attend to Land Agencie!, Invcs V tigating Titles, Paying Taxes, In vesting mon ey, Buying and Selling Town Lots, Buying-; belling and Locating Land Warrants, and nil otter business connected with their profession in Western Iowa and Iebra?ka. J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. REFERENCES: , Groene, Weare ft Benton, Council BIuff,j, Iowa. tr. Doughty A Co, Greene, Weare li Rice, Greene ft Weare, Nixon ft Goodman, Tootle ft Greene, N. Wr. Thomas, Schooly ft-Son Gen. Wm. Irick, II. Johnson, I. Reed ft Son,; ; v" Robinson ft Bro., , ,, . Burlington Co. Bank, Ft. Des Moins u Cedar Rapids, Cincinnati, Oiio. Glenwood, Iowa, ; Cincinnati, O!iio. U - ft Yincentown, IV. J. Hightstown, " Philadelphia, Ta. , MedfordN. J. " Herring's Patent Champion FIRE-PROOF SAFES, . ' TTITH . nail's Patent rowder-Proof Looks the Y v same that were awarded separate Medala at tne orld si air London, lib l.and theA orli's Fair. ew iprK, 1803; and are the only American bales that were awardxd medals at the London World's Fair. - ' - These Safes are now admitted to bo superior to anv ever offered to the public ; and the pubscriburs chal lenge the World to produce an instance of these Safes failing to preserve then-contents through the hottest fires, or a turclar pickinir the lock. lne subscribers and toeir agents are thecnly per sons authorized to make and sell Herring's Patent Champion Safe, with -.Hall's Patent Powder Proof iiocks. I S. C. HERRING ft CO. J Green Block. 135. 137 and 139 Water St and 5 Murrav St- New York. March 5th, 1857. ' 33-6m mi. OSBORN. BKALfB TM CLOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, riatci Ware, Cutlery, S - ISclrazla City, N. T. " Es7Ekgba.yixo and RErAinixa dono on short notice, land all tvobs; wabbasted. CHABLES G. D0ESEY, - IE1S AIL - E ST ATE - '1 " : -AND : ;'" i' GENERAL LAND AGENT, first Street, (cppeito 'AireTtiBtxV :oSm.) , browxyille; n. T. ' ; Reypectfully solicits the patronage of thfl pzblic in Buying and Selling , 1 CLAIMS TOWN 'PROPERTY, And Filing Declaration of Intention to All claimants cf lands are advised to lo immedi ately, if they have not already done so, 3 the provi sions of tho pre-emption law in that res pee t sire plain mui not to be avoiacaana it is lmpossiblo t perfect &. Pre-emption Right without' filing, ' !. Brownville, Jan.' 15,1851. .:tl-,nJltf' r. I v ; r.I : BILLON, THOMPSON & CO. ! Large FramQ Building Cor. Main & Rock( Sts. . , ( , Whosesale and Retail Dealers in v;, -. And ' Groceries;1 m Hardware, Qneensware, Dregs, HatsCaps, ' Ti cu . rr: p, . ' ,. . , ton .Furniture, Irorj, JN'ailsl'Flows,vi;1.2ci imd Fanning. Utensils. W'lLL have, on the, opening of navi.5ation, ' largo and varied- accession to their' present cai ... m it' n - oiock, wnicn wm do eoici Ajqw.lw uasn.H February 12th, 1857. ., 35-tf J E3TABR00H iTHOISOIT, Will practice join'. all business cto trusted to them that will require attention at the ; .... . - jr ofabbi, .' 'V." Apdkese: E: Estabrook, Omaha City, "if. T. ' . . - J. D. N. Thompson, Brownville, N. T. -1,000' BUSHELS ; J '1'. ZT'x'osls. !3xrvclxi.xfv' E3ooc3L ! ! WE bave now on the way from Texas the above named quantity of superior seed, of; the new crop. The present unlimited, and increasing demand for Hedge plants induced us to make every effort to Erocure seed sumoient for our own planting after avingbocn early apprised of the lightncus of the crop. By the activity and promptness of btir agents in Texas we bar secured almost the entiro! yield. The seed are ejected to arrive by tho 1st of Febru ary, and will be promptly shipped to previous orders, from cither BLwmington1St..Louis.or Cairo, : . All persons wishing freth seed should fend us their orders immediatelyt-with plain directionsfor ship ping, for delay will certainly result in disappointment. Our price will bo reasonable, as we have adopted the motto 'Ca$a fades and mall profits." - - . Explicit ,d ructions fotfprouting Rnd cu,".tivatiBg will be sent to all customers., . ' , , Seed will b i prepared for vegetating fxrtaoso who desire it. Address, t- JZ . .OJEPMAN & M AJfJf. Bloosilsgtox, McLain Co El. ; Jainary 1st, lSi7. .-.-24-6 1047 ACRES OF LAND,, AT PIJBLIC-AUCTIOIT; I ..WILL sell ; to the bigliEst: bidder oa Siiturday, March 23: li, 1857, at my residence, Bttt'b,' Ferry, Atchison Co., Mo., 1047 Acres of Land.Coc'sisting of three tracts, the.lst tract is 215 njres'eood heavy timber and belongs to the cst&J of F. G. Bush, decease! ; the 2d and 3d are farms of my own and embrace 1$ acrt jrach . both well watered well timbered and well' improved. One of them has. 80 acres in atigh state, of cultivation and 2f0 acres in pasture, dwelling bouse jajid other suitable out houses; the ct'aer hasl25in cultivation and,l 00 acres in pasture rovcred with Blue Grass, all uider gOol fence ; dwelling bouse, ice house, etables; Fjiba and other suitable out houses. ... r, ' All of the above Lands lay near tho Missouri r.irer and within 2 miles cf the proposed St. Joseph sr,i Bluff City Railroad, are land? not rnrpassed in the State for ngricultural and stock Taislng purposes, i3y ia square bodies and :cir.bits th. celebrated Jenlin'i Bend, the best body of timber ia tho Coun ty T;rms, ona third cafh, one third in one year and one ia two jtr$ Title jerfeot.' For information ..Address ANDREW IRIB3IJ3. ' ' '' ' Bock Pert, or LcwiiH,'Mo.': - Feb. ISth, 1551... :' : t ,. - . " St." Joseph Gazette please' copy first S weks in March, and eesid bill to Advertisor; - iil " O. F. Erownvili. W. B. 300TEH, "KeannkCity.' nOOVERrLAKE- CO. i til. 'f A KOTARYS. PUBLIC," .villo. end 1 cm- lia Citv, .. w w ft KEDEASKA TKniiiTor.r. ! DHL. Tffl mi, i Air ORDINANCE. Sec. 1st. Bo it Ordained by the Council of.thi 1 Citv of Brownville: as follows: to wit : bee. 2d, 1 hat.iishall be the duty of the Mayor to preside at all meetings of the Council, to scetmit aJ Laws and Ordinances of the Council ;to executed ni their violations punished; to suponiilcDd anl direct the oEcia.1 conduct of all sulx.rdinata cicora, to sign and seal all Commissions, Licences an i J er mits granted by the Council, and to perform sucli other duties 'as may bo granted or imposed by the Council. . . . ( Sne. 3,1. The Mavor shall bo a conservator 01 uio cwiO within tho city and ex-oflieio Justice cf the J p.nno. and is invested with exclusive jurisdiction fur the violation of City Ordinances, and with criminal jurisdiction of offences against the Laws of the Tcr- ruory cominiiici wiiuin inc cut, aua ciruji"i;uu- ticn limited to Uitr, in inn same manner as inai. of Justices limited to Townships. IIo shall not be disqualified in acting in such judicial capacity ty any proceedings, being in the namo or in behalf of the City. .... .... .... ... feec. 4th. It shall bo tuo duty ol tne i;oaneii to make Ordinances to secure the inhabitants against firo and violations of tho public peace, to suppress riots, gambling, drunkenness, and indecent or dis orderly behavior in public places: in general to pro vide for the safety of property and good order of the City. - sec. Stn. it fhaubo the duty of the uounciL 10 ew and cause to be collected nil Taxes necessary fr the improvement and best interest of the City; shall establish all grades of streets and alleys in the city, and may change the fame upoh tho petition of the owners of two-thirds cf tho value of Real Property on both sides of tho Streets. Sec. 6th. It shall bo the duty of tho Marshall to collect and pay over to the Treasurer all moneys bo- longing to tho t ity, taking his receipt therefor. ; ; Sec. 7th. It Ehall bo the duty of the Marshal, to quell all riots aid disturbances which may from time to time come under ms notice. Ao remove or cause to be removed all nuisances, all obstructions of streets and alleys, except those necessarily mado by the erection of linuiin?3 or other improvements. Sec. 8th. It shall bo tho duty of the Marshal to ' . . - 1 -5."- execute and deiwsit with tho recorder a. bond with two or moo surities to be approved by the Mayor and Uouncu of doublo the amount to bo collected during his term, said bond to be executed upon onte in 19 tha Tnrme f t hia rAinA Sec. fith. It thali lio the cU-y of tho Treasurer to receive and safely keep all moneys belonging to Hie lity and to pay all orders drawn on mm by the Coun cil, signed by the Recorder, and shall execute ar d file snch bond as tho Mayor and Council may from Kme to timi reciuire, and shall at any time durirs his term report to the Council the amount of money in tne ireasury it caued upon by tho Uouncil: and at tho expiration of his term of ofilce shall make full returns to the vouncuand shall hand all Books, Pa pcrs and moneys belonging to tho Treasurer, to h:s successor when ordcre-I so to do by the Council bee. J 0th. it shall he the duty of tho Assessor to proceed and take a list of all the Taxable Property, both Real and- Personal, and attach the true value thereto, fcaid assessment to be mado and returned to the Council annually by the 1st of April. " Sec, 11th. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to ktfop true and accurate minutes of the draw and sign al". orders on the Treasurer ordered by the Council, and to perform such 6thcr duties aa may be recuired of him from time to time. Sec. 12th. It shall bo the duty of the Mayor and Council to 11 all vacancies that may occur in any city office by appointment; said appointee to hold his olSce until the next general election and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. ; Approved, Feb. 21th, 1857. . ;.: , A. S. HOLLADAY, Mayor. '' Attest: 1 - 37-tf , j B. B, Tnonrrox, Recorder. '- Attention rLot" Holders ! ! HIGHL Y IMPORTANT HI 4 LL persons who own Lots in the City of Brown xx. vine, are nere Dy noiinea, tnat 1 am now pre prepared to execute WARRANTY DEEDS for the same, and, unless Deeds are obtained before the ex piration of six moxtiis from date, said City Lots will bo Bold to : the light s$ bidder, and tho proceed lercoi uisposca oi accoruing to IjRW. ... . j .. . ... ; , 1. k g jioLLAD AY, ; Mayor. .Cityjof Eroii-nvillc,N..T. Peb.,26th, ,a7..J ,37-t JOHN P.'SAMSELL, T . "tATR OP 'BOSTOX') - ' " FasMonafele Tailor, 7 ; .ROCK PORT,' MO. V rfFORMS tho public that he' is now 'prepared to serve them in the above named capacity. . Civini had long and extensive experience, he flatters .him self he can pleosivs.1T xthn favor him with their pat rpnage.; (Jood fits warranted in all eases .- r.. ' - .PARTICULAR ATTENTION .r. .. Given to cutting out garments for home making. . Brownville, Aug. 23, 1856. vl-nl21y . E. A. WHITBIDGS, , x J MilS." 'BAv WIIITRIIJGE & CO. .t.Ii ,0-llv pU'i MASCFACTUBERS OF .' " V" MasomcXlothuig and Odd Fellows t a-.yi f . ; XX. X3 Or Til 1;. : : ;;:.: I ! Alab EogaUa for Temperanceand other Societies, . Ko. 128 Walnut Street, vp, Stairs, : " J ' Cincinnati," 6.: ; ' "w tr. j iMxsoxs. i. neierences. opd FiLLowSi' t WiBodds.GMof OhuJ O. P. Morton,' P. G Mini. C. Moore Ed Mronic Rev; Turner & Gray, pub Casket F. J. Hrillips, H. P. tJitjr W. G. Neilson, PGM Ohio - . The Editor f the Ad fertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recicve orders from Lodges or private members for Rcalia. :August2, 1853. ,yl-n9tf :, ,'. f, . 1LOX20 TBATT JTew York c E. D.'FKATT O. WiCBILVfi E.-W.FOX, ' ' 8. C. MANra, St. Louis, , . -. bt. Louis. CniLDPKATT & CO.. j Directl raporters, Jobbers and Manufacturers' A ?cnts English, Trench, German & American f .;.ralardware and -Cutlery. -.. ' : ;GTJNS, HIFLES, PISTOLS, &c., &c,! -i 139 & 141 Main St,cor. Waslimston Avenue, . i : ST. LOUIS, Ma - ' ' - ! v, ' . V. J ' Provisions. . , WE keep constantly ' on hand, Flonr, Co'rn Meal, Baeon, Butter, and -every variety of Groceries. HOBLITZELL k CO., ST.V JOSEPH LUMBER-YARD. ,Oa Edmccd Street, tear Cargill's Mill, : i t ,. St, Joseph, Missonri. W. J: TAYLOR, 'Removed from the old ' Stand rlo the above Earned r.Tace. ' 1 ' . THE undersigned is now fully prepared to accoro modate hiH patrons and friends with the best as sortment of Fiae Juumber ever offered in thi3' m'ar- krt, comprisinjr not onlv White Piua I,nmhr-r nn,l White and Yellow Flooring, ready dressed; but also erst nsoriraciii oi tine ana Cottonwood EhingldSj Poplar Siding to, i: ,,- . r.,-,,rj -j J; lie has now on hand, at his Lumber Yard, tho lar gest and best assortment of loors. Sash and Ver.i. tian blinds, ever offered in this. market, a portaon of " "tu ia u ii cci, i rum Vyinciunau manuiocioriea, whioh enables "bim ti sell at very reduced -prieos.'-'Be i3 fully prepared to fill all ord irs in his line, at short notice,' and particularly solicits the Kansas and Ne braska trade, for he has the articles they want and must have. B? sure to give me a call, near Cargill's aiiii, and in tn3 immediate Vicinity of the St. J6 soph Brewery-i.; ... ririSRASKA : CITY HOTEL! ' " - ' NEBRASKA CITYN. T." ' l" BARNES & BAU3TU3I, Proprietors. -TTTCS T T-r . . . H M iHUMkVVt UVU t iJ- MainStre(5t,AcbrASki City, will be found a de siraoie reson lor travellers. Stages leave this bouse iur &u parts oi me Territory. ' notice; ':; notice.; Merchants, Spprfcnen and MaiiiifacSier; HORACE ..E. BDIICK &. CO'S.. GRJF Y;ESrE1 EMFOBIEM, for Shot duns, Bines, Pistols, FiihLig Tackle and SpbrtinsTAp- ruLus oi ercry variety, is at Ao. 12K Aorth Ma-n "lctl ok. ouis, ine sign or ttie Ueer in the Win dow. ....... We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of lluntm"'. Tanret and Iinnin Ttiflps. "TC'retbcr With PVrv vaHftfT ftf PrirfnKmn PntJ ' ' r - Ac; ia fact, CTerTtluDg connected with the Gua - Two npnilretl Breech loadlog Rifles of various X. B. All fcnds of gun material and mounting, in the forged, fled ani finished state. ; . , 1 lease call and exainina for vonrsplrps ViefnrftVr.ri make your purchases, as eiperienc'o is the only true - t5J Oar goods &re a'j warranted by t.s.' . .-. August 23, 1555. vlalStf . . c . Country Produco T7AMLD, and for which we allow the hirrhest Y Market jrico.' HOBLITZELL & CO. NO. 1. SEASON ARRANGEMENTS ! SL Joscpa and Council Blufk Weekly "SILVER HEELS 11 rTr01 THE r.(w 6ml last running passenger rkrrg steamrr ILTKii HtELS," baring hcen built express! T r the trade, will upon the opening of navigation, make regular w between St. Joseph acd Council BlalF.s wWh tho first. Si Iini? Packets at St. Jc ular weekly trips, ,r,n Hull VUUULU uiULij wuuiiiij; Loui? Packets at St. Joseph The "Silver Heels," will extend her trips to Sioux City, and intermediate points, ,once a month ' DONNELL ii SAXTON. n33-tf Agents. Notice. FAILING to pee several persons Deiore 1 ieic, wno had made bills at my auction, their accounts have been left with R. W. i urnas, who advanced the amounts. JOHN McPHERtSON. Brownville, Nov. 2P, 1S56. . Myriads of Madura Plants. r 1,000 - ' Bushels Maclura Seed. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL. TliS. OVERMAN $ MANN, : Blooraington, 111., BEG leav) to announce that they have, lor a ser ics of years, been engaged in the culture of hedges and hedge plants, and having been greatly encouraged by the success of tho Maclura Hedge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing domand for the material, they have sown, the present season on good, new land, about 150 bushels of excellent seed tho produce of which is estimated at fifteen millions plants i t which they offer for tho Spring trado, It would hate requirea moreinan iai amoum to supply tie demand the vait Spring. The . terms for plants will be reasonable, and to dealers and oth ers ordering plants by wnoiesaiO great inducements will bo offered. It is very important that orders snoulCTtnjTcrrt-tn-Bitnnr; as They will bo registered and filled in the order in which they are received, For tho last three years they have , been unablo to supply tho demand,' and it is probable that late or ders cannot bo filled the next Spring, aa the dcma'nd is expected to boour time greater than hcrctotorc, Plants will be securely packed and delivered on board tho cars free of expense, except for cost of ma terial. - . - . They are also extensively engaged in importing hedse seed, which 'they sell on the best terms, und always warrant fresh and good; orders for which should br sent in prior to the 15th of October next. They will be prepared to sprout seed for such as de sire it. ,.i . ... Having several extensive nurseries, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a large stock of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Irees, incs, Koscs, Shrubbery, &c, nt tho following points, to wit: Bloomington, 111. Mound Nursery? Canton, 111, Henry, Elrawood, and Havana, EL All Jfc ruit lrees warrants,! to e of the best varieties and truo to name. All information cheerfully given, and catalogue ani premium 03say on Hedgemg sent to all applicants. Address, OVERMAN & MANN. 'Feb 5, 1857. Bloomington, Illinois. - Columbus NurSery. : -For Central Ohio and ail around! ' "UR Stock of Fruit Trees, Ac, for sale the pre3 J ent Fall and next Spring, is very largo and fine, including all tho mos5 approved vaTic;ic3 of Apples, Pears, Peaches, CherricH, Apricots, Nectarines Plums Quinces, Grapes, Cun-ant?, Goosberrie3, Raspberries, Strawberries, etc. . Especial care has been taken to procure and propagat mostly such'viri'jtici of each class as arc found best suited to the soil and climate of tho West and Soulh where most pf the winter fruits, especially of the-Eastern States,' aro of no value. ...... .... ... .. . ' Our stock of l'eacli Trees ls'remarkaLly fine, and the trice so low that all those who lost their trees the rast winter, should now replace them Of Cherry Trees rlso we have a fine supply, mostly grown on Mahaleb stocks, which secures greater har diness to the tree, and if trained rather low, so as to cause tho tons to shade tho stem from the hot sun, it is beleived no difficulty will bo found in grow ing fine cherries in tho South and West. - Of Pears we have a solendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on fitrong Angers Quince stocks, the best for speedy and abundant productiveness. , i . - ; ' Catalogues, with prices, eto., will bo sent to all applicants, i ..Nurserymen and Dealers ia Fruit Trees are invited to call and examine our stock of Peaches Pears and Cherries, especially, before sondirig East, as we believe' they can save expenf-fc as well as risk by purchasing of us- r Wholesale Catalogues now read v. M. B. BATEHAM & CO. ycbrnary 5, 1857. :r B. LOCKW003. "- 1 1B57. B. E. POMEKOT. ; LOCKWOOD k POME ROY, , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in , . r' ; 7 m- STRAW GOODS. Also, -'Shippers of American Furs o 5 eycTydescripti'on; for which they ,! ' 1 paj the highest Marketpricc, - ;.. . in cash. - , - 1 ; nOUNTBY Jlerchants are invited, to examine our J stock of Hats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, wnicn win do targe, lasnionaoie, and well selected. In point of -variety our stockshall not bo excelled by any lIou3e in St. Louis. . ' Our prices will be low, terms a3commodating. Call and see us at our New Storo. ,Second St. St. Jpsepb, Md. T . ,,. r 32-6m. " PAINTS, ' OILS, VABNISIIES, ' " French and' American Windoxo Glass & Glassxcare Spices, Indigo, Madder, Perfumeries, dc. 1 SPRING ST00K1 CHARLESS, BL0Y &' CO.,-, ' ' IMPORTEKS a WHOLESALE tEALEK3. t ITd. 68 and 87 ilain atreet St. Louis, Ho. Are now in receipt of their new' Stock, embracing everything in their line.' ..; , .. t ' tSyMerchants visiting our City are requested to give ns a call, as we nro determined tn sell for Cftfh or Prompt Time Fapt r? as low as any Houso in. tha United "States. - - ". KUIIKAU rOR YOUNG AMERICA I ! rr p W(. N, THE -CHEAPEST lotliiiig Store UNDER THE SUNH i yi 1 1 U1JS undersigned wonld respectfully .inform tho X eitizens of Brownvillo and surrounding c6untry, that we hava opened no of the cheapest and largest stock of Heady 3Iadq Clothing in Nebraska Territory! We there foro respectfully Boliclt a eall and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, aa wo are determined ts under-sell any Clothing Establishment in thd Territory. . We have now-on hand a large 'assortment' vf Ileady Made Clothing; also, Shirts, Collars. Cravat',. Uandkcr chiefs, S;ocks, Comfoits, UndcrshirtsDt'awcrs, 'etc. all of thobest quality and latest stjle."; .' , Please examine our sto-'k and sco for yourelfi -' ' i J SlEGELfr GBEENEBAUM. C ; Store -r-On the Lcven near tho lidtel.' .. Brownville, December, 25th, ;135. . vln27-tf . . H.TtUXNETT, v J. 8. MORTON, ,; I H. I1. RARpIXQ BENNET, ilORTON. & ILVRDING. ;'. Attorneys at L'awr . Nebraska City, JT T., and Glen wood, Ia. WILL prac'tieo in all the Courts of Nebraska and ' Western Iowa. Particular attention raid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, an,4 collection of aeots. - Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. p Micliigan; O Julius D. Morton, 41 ' t5dv. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, El; - uov. J: w. Unmes, Iowa City, icwa; . .B.p.Fifiled,St.Louis,Mo4 , , . - lion; Daniel O. Morton, Toledo Ohioj V ' P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Scdrrewieh A" Walker. Chicago. Ill: -, preen, Weare t BentoDrCouncil BIuIowa.V OLIVER BENNETT k CO., MXM:FATUEEE3"AS1 WHOLES XIX 1JEALEE3 I . Boots Slices c Brogans, . NO. 87 J14JV STREET, SAINT LOUIS, IIO. ARE NOW IN RECE UT of a complete assortment of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted especially to the We5tern trade. Purchasers are invited, to exasdne their stock, manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior tpiality. Orders will receive prompt and careful attention. , ' Boot- -and - Shoes.;; AN unusually Lirgr stock of fine and eoarso Boot3 and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladies' can be icec, and purchased low, at HOBLITZELL k CO"S. 1141 E1ICIII, STEAM GRIST MILL, For Sale. TT7E offer for sale, at cost, on accommodating terra?. Two Steam Engines, Ono Doublo flucd Boiler 2ift. Iong-r40in. in diameter, and Machinery com plete, for ft Steam Flouring Mill. All entirely now manufac tcd b, Uollabirf Rock Port, Mo., Jan. 10th, 1S57. ; 3l-6w JHFKSKSGX T. CA3ADV, MARTIM TV. KIDEN, ) J.M?. D. TE?T, V J A3. D. WHITE, V Conncil Bluffs, Iowa. ) Nebraska City NT ) CASSADY, TEST, RIDEN & CO., (Successors to Bidcn'fc White.) LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVIG made arrangements by which, we wul reccivo accurate copies of all the Townships embraced in tho Eastern portiou of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the "SQUATTERS ' OF THE TERRITTORY In Filing Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing ' - Pre-emptions, Locating Land Warrants and ' ENTERING L Am; f LAND WARRANTS EOUGIIT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, &c, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Property on commission: Al3o, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part of tho Union. Blanks of all kinds always on hand. ; V REFERENCES. . Hon. A. A. Bradford, S.F.NucaoIIs, Messrs. Dolman & West, i Peter A. Keller, Thomas Lumpkin, ' June 28,1856. vl-n4 Nebraska pity. St. Joseph, Mo., Washington City, ' " ( . a ' m . t - H. BEOWIT, . . Ei AN AE NT, V BROWNVILLE, N T. .: c' fTTriLL promptly attend to Buying and Selling V land. Collect ins and Investing money, Locatins and selling Land Warrants, and filing Declarations of intention to Pre-cmp and all other matters per taining to the business of a Land Acnt. . . SPECIAL NOTICE. ; Short Settlement Make Lons Friends. TI1E subscribers request all that are indebted to them, by note or account, to make payment by tho 15th of February next,' a3one of the firm will start East at that time for a new and full stock of goods, and CAS1I will bo wanted to pay for them. We return our thank3 to our friends for their patronage to this time, and promiso to merit a con tinuance ol tho same hereafter. . WM. HOBLITZELL 4 CO. Brownville, Jan. $th, 1857. AGENTS WANTED to retail articles Sales im mense profits largo only $5 required. Ad dress, with stamps, J. L. II., ilannony, It I. JOEIi'M.: WOOD, M. D., BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Nemaha county, that having" permanently located imme diately South of. Brownville, and having had consid erable experience fn the treatment' of tho-diseases inoidenf to the West, ho flatters himself that ho is prepared to treat the same on purely . . BOTANIC PRINCIPLES And in, connection with Db.Buckiiam of Missouri. Brownville, Jan. 1, 1S57. vln20tf ----- ST. JOSEPH,; MO 0 ... .JAMES CARGILLT Proprietor. ; M" ANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on band for sale, all kinds of Flour Meal, and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody inai ever usea n. - ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30", 1856, vln!3-ly i r. OF NEW GOODS!! ' : W. '; HOBLITZELL & . CO. ' ' BROWXYILLE,. X. T. " V. HAVE TIIIS' DAY . RECEIVED,1 per -steamers A. C. Goddin and Wm. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this market. After the experienco they have in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they know what suits the people, and have purchased such a slock of Goods as cannot fall to please. ' Wo will not pretend to enumerate, but say como an! see; and you will not fail to be suited. , Oct. 15, 1855.-ly - - . - J- o ' - n : WM. eossell: ... . .'BROWNVILLE, IT. T. ... - RESTECTFULLY informs the public bri ' a that he is prepared' to servo them with any ." thing in his line, at short notice, and with a stylo and quality of work be feels confident will please. ' To his old friends and customers he deems it unnecessary to say a word, to others he says only "try me."''' - ' . - -December 12,1855 .'v'ln26-Iv ,s ,l : - Improved tittle Giant '" ' ' COItN & COB PLANTATION MILL Prico OTAoclucoci. TITE subscriber ha? purchased exclusive right of Territory in the West, of the abovq celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, eitL cr wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. It is now more than a year since the "Little Giant" Was introduced to tho public, during which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor. The improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. - It is furnished ready for attaching team, and wc5gh9 aa follows: - No. l 225 No. 2, 330, No 35 -400, No. 4, 500 pounds,. .Twenty minutes are sufficient to set ono up, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety bo entrustjd to a boy. . Full directions accompany, &ch. MilL- . " . ,T3? jacL 3i cxz: H3Z . . ., No 1, S35, will grind. bu meal per hour with 1 borso N2 40, : - " 19 -: - I s. ' VnS fin " Xh U u .. ,u a. it No 4 CO, " 20 'u it a- it tsTT Liberal discount to dealers. . ; JAMES B. cnADWIClC, r . No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d ' Junc'2S, 1S55. vl-n4. St, Louis, Mo. J. T, DOWDAIX. I " ; i B.-K." CABR. DOWDALL, CARR ,& CO., ; . i Washington foundry, , Engine and Machine Mannfactory. Corner Second' and Morgan Streets.' J ST. LOUIS, MO. ' ' ' 1 " TANUFACTCRERS of Steam Engines and Boil lfl, rs, Sw. and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screws-and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lard &rews aad Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines, Young's Patent Smit Machines, Building Castings, 4e. ' .' "Agents for tho galo of Jame3-Smith & Co.'s SuperiorMACniNE CARDS. - - i :- 1 3 YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well trie I, always successful, fully Guarantied. .Manu factured and for sale by i'V' . . j . . - DOWALL CARR, A CO-, , ..Washington Foundry, St. Louis, M. . Wil. H. THOMPSON. J. H. TAA1TE THOMPSON & TAAFFE, (Successors to Burrows & Thompson,) Wliolcsale Grocers, ... Ani Coniinission lerchants, ; Ko. 13, Pearl Street, CinciimatL Particular attention will bo given to order for Groceries, which will always be executed at current market prices. D. SI. HITCHCOCK. C. BEARDSLEE. . BEN. JOT. D. M. HITCHCO ffK CO., Eet. Olivo and Locust streets, St. Louis, Mo. j'ANUFACTURERS of Cooking, Heatir.g, ard 111. Parlor Stoves and Grate.- Alo Manufacturers of four sizes of Je wet t's Pat ent Cary llouh, ono and two borjo jiht and left hand. ST. LOUIS AD7E2TISEHEXJXS. FKO 51 THE NEWSPAPEB ADVEUTISIXO AQEXCY CF W. S. SWYMMER, Corner cf Olive and Main Sts, over tho Bank-" j in IIouso of John J. Anderson & Co. rA(i?s pati:xt Portable Circular saT7-Uill, FOR STEAM AND HORSE POWER. THE most useful and necessary machinery in op eration; is simple in construction and easily fcspt in order, and can be moved on a wagon a3 readily as a threshing machine, and put in operation at a small expense, twill saw from ono to two thousand feet of lumber a day, with ono team of six horsoa, as an average business, and in a better style than other mills now in use. It is equally well adapted to - Steam, Water or Horse Power. -Tho undersigned, agcnt3 for the patantee, would announco to the public that they are now prepared to furnish Mill?, with or without horso power, of su perior quality and workmanship, with the right to use tho same, upon the most favorable terms, at their manufactory, No. 202, Second street, St. Louis, Mo. Wo have also the right for tho manufacture of ChildY Talent .Double.-Saw Mills. The successful practical operation of theso mills through tho country has been the means of establish ing their great reputation and with improvements in construction and increased facilities in manufac turing, wo offer them to tho public with full confi dence cf their advantage?. All orders addressed to u3 will be promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Mills cheerful ly given. . . i'crson3 ordering Mills will please mention tho State and County in which they wish to uso them. . , KLNG3LANDS & FERGUSON. ' Extension of rage's Tatent. ATOTICE is hereby inven to tho public, that the 1 patent of PAGE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR SA-MILL has been extended ferseven years from Jcly ICth, 1S55. Ail persons found violating thij patent, or infringing on the same, in making, using or vending, will bo proceeded against in accordanco with the laws in such case made and provided. .. .. GEORGE PAGE, Patentee. . - By Authority ! THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT ' ' And Board of Education, Uavo orde red the following Desirable Works for the Township Libraries of Indiana. Somoof them have been put into event Library. others orlv into tho more pr pulous townships. Tho careful attention given to the examination of works for theso libraries, ij a guarantee of the merit of the books chosen. Many families will.desire to own the books, and read at their Ieisnre, rather than wait their turn to get them from a library. The works may bo punfhascd of Booksellers, or will bo sent by mail, free of postago, upon payment of prices annex ed to each. farrs Ancient History Much simcrior to Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, $3. , Sheep, library style, $3,50. i Tlia 'Aeacher's Jliscellany is anew and ex cellent collection of articles on Education, written by JUUge AICKAX, VT3. fcTOVE, VIGG3, McGlXFEy, aypklott, nCKETT, l.txt, 1'ost, and other diatin guished members f tho ''Cullcgc' of Teachers." ' 1 vol., 12mo., Cloth, $1,25. . . . - - History, of the Puritans nnd Pilgrim Fathers. , By Stoweli. ani Wilson. 1 voU 12mo $1,23. ' - ' ' - - j .Hloffrtt's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vcl., Krn'o., ?,25.'. ' '. The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished Scottish Fcmalo Characters: Embra cing the Period of tho Covenant and the Persecu tion. By Rev. James Anderson. .. . Moffat's South Africa Ono Toluiavlmo. Twelfth edition. . ZU' .V ' I M i j- Six Years ia India. By Mrs. Colix Makex zie. 2 vols., 12mo., Cloth, 2.00 1 Kern's Practical Landscape (.'ant en in;, with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50 Llan-of-War Life. A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy. , - (SIXTH THOCSAXD.) . j 1 volamo, lGmo.; Illustrated. 75 centa. l; The Llercliant Vessel. A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the AYorld. . ,. (SIXTH THOUSAND.) . 1 volume, lGrao., Illustrated. 75 cents.. Norphoff's admiral series of volumes, "Man-of-War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and tho new volume toappear in SeptcmWr, under the titlo of "Whaling and Fishing," must be received with great favor, as tho first two have been, wherever circulated. They aro me iauniui iimnmgs oi nine years experienca at se.i of a common sailor, a native Buckeye," re cognized as inferior to no writer of. the present day. in 1113-iiko Quinoiiuons oi tareniure dv sea. Very striking and graphic pictures of life at S Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. , . Haa adventure enough to plcaseaml truth cnougTi to dissipate tho charm of a sailor's life. ; l! New Xork Evangelist. Thcro; is in tbcm a vast amount of information 'rp'pecting the commerce of the world.' Presbyterian V ltncss. -. . t Will take ccrptive the young. -Journal and Mes senger. ... - ABnckeyc Abroad, or Wanderings in Europe ind the Orient. .By Samcel S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. -1 vol., 12 mo., muslin, 1,25. The Three Great Temptations ofYoaag Jlcn. Samuel Y. Pjsheb. Fourth edition. 1 vol. 12ma,' muslin,' 1,00; - " These aro capital works for familylibrnric. Pub lisjied by !. MOORE, WILSTACH, KE VS A CO., , 25 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. M'W., K. CO. are tho publishers of Bayard Taylor's. Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agcnt3. LPeacc in ISansas ! CJ..F. JENNINGS '& CO.,! : FORVARDIKG & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, TtVhite Cloud, Kansas Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding Goods of every description. , , ALSO: . ' .. .. ' Will keep a largo and complete assortment of GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, ' BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS. ' CLOTHING, &C, &C, . At the Loicest' Cost Prccc! Dce.25', 1856. vln23-6m .,''. ; .'. NEW. - CASH. STOKE!! BROWNVILLE, N. T. The subscribers would inform the citizens of Brown ville, and surrounding country that their NEW STORE HOUSE :L completed, and they aro now recnmii j " and opening an extensive stock of NEW GOODS! - COMPRISING IN-PART, - ' V UOOTS AND SHOES, . . Hardware, and Tinware. COOKING AND BOX STOVES, . x Ulu.4 ITTJRE, . , . GROCERIES, -&C, . To which thoy invite the attention of customers, i ;Their Goods are selected with reference to the wants of the town and urrot;riding coun , - tr .-: try, and will, bo old &s 4 Low as any House above St. Joseph FLOUR AND COItN MEAL, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. COME ONE! COME ALL!! -And examine our Stjck for yourseltci , " - Bcpexjlfullv," ilcALLISTER, DOZIE?. & CO. Brownville, October 25, 1Sj6. vlnltlf THE NEW FLOURING MILL. ILARTT'S -PVTr.VT Cfirr.TF.Tl r.T?TvrTvrt x- an i i.oltingor .ilerchaut r louring Jlill. Thi highly ingenious and much needed invention form an critlrt-vr new f ixture in the minnfactn WHEAT and FLOUR, by tho superior manner in wsiicu itpertonnj U work Oiil.MIMand BOLT ING the Grain-at a sinl'j operation into Scvei different kinds of flour and feed. , This mill possesses advantages to numerous to be enumerated in any aaveruio i;cnt. i no proper wa to fully appreciate ita great merit is to see; it run It is in operation daily at No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court it., St. Loiri-f, Ho State aLd Country Right and Mi lis For Sa W.W. ltAMERA CO., BroaJfayand Court, 2d Story. fcxPHESSCOMp.vS viler town, on Railroads' W estera SUtes connectiDrit; 23,13,G.-vl-n55 Giaf J: ! die and Richard July Ei UUlitt h JOHN W TrVnA,1! ,jLr1Y (Successor to X0ONAN, lOOLEyV,. 53. Main stt OU Stand, a S TMPORTER, Wholesale and Rt ta i n''. L Glas and Queenswaro, Yellow and p Ware, Chandeliers, Limps, Lantern l37"Nor arrivinz tai In staro: & rt . i above lino of goods, which is oleitd u theT ' reasonable rates An examiniticniiioi;. . t CSTOn hanJ, Assorted Cratis, for Co ( B. Packing receives specLil ittent;,-' September 13, 1356. vlnl5-Cia VI. & A. SENSESDERFER. IMPOKTEES AXD Wn0t.E3lL riirr,. Havana and Domestic C'girs & To! . BOUTn EA8T COTTER rijrg SErnvn gt. XjOttxjJ;, rio. WE have in store; and - to arrs, T " ',' assortment of the very Inst braadifrfH.' Cigars- We desire to call thi upecud cash buyers to our largo stock, which ws i' part, of tho following brand : lTrentitoad lieguas; j;uoa azizr? Mi Destino do Nouton 4 do da Antiguedad do Bustamauto do ; Carnclia do 'Dclirante , d . Saluadora. " ' do Staffanoni da .Meridianas do Washington do El Sol do Empero Nichalds do Men3agcro do Carventus do Yictoi-ia Iberia Efpenola do BegiUerad)" IiAIorma ! Nensatro do Emilaciou do LaVoa do . Fortuno Londn'sj' Fideli!ad do ' Cranadini . do Pocaionta .do La Flora "do Kcinas Sultana do . Figaro Cillindradosf D. B. Catanon do Prensado D. J.Y, P.FamaJy YdelaBama do . Vignsn Flanti'kcj. " P.L. do Ycllens do ' Mensagcro Trabucasj De lu Cruz TriniM. Yictori do Barrios do ' Loght Guard Opera, Star ' do J. L. Panotelas; Desijrnio Trcst. May W.Jk J. SEXSESDEEF . OTaiirxoBO SEiixscur Cane. rjllIE subscribers can supply seed of the tkq ' X. valuable plant in limited quantities. Itipu up in packages and sent by ma. L tost paid, u s cents per package. Eaving bo;n raiicd by our! we can vouch tor its purity. V caaaho npj packages of seeds of the Ice Cream tad Orujj Watermelon and Fig Tomrvto at 25 cts. each. Address orders to, II. A. TERRY, CO, 37-4w . Council lilaffi, Lu GREAT SALE Of TowaXots! WDTJj bo offered to tho hlj;hjst bidder I'.Pi Auction, Wednesday, April 1st, ti'J, a hundred town lots sit)ialcd in P.wneo City. Pr county, X. T. Sale Commenc;n. at 9 o'elocltl This Town site belongs to Pawnee county, a in CountyJ Scat, and offers great inducement! ta &i enterprising and to eapitaiisy. ' ' Teku3 ok sale. One-third C vh and thisbiis on time, as may best suit pureha ers. " " By Order of tho Eoari , .EZEKIEIW7F0WLER.) r . JOHN C. TEAVEY, l rtou? Attest' ' - (i. G. TILILU li Ol, Cunatj Ol Feb. 2Cth, 1857. . , Z-t ' 1 j "Caution.' ' ' " ryilbl public aro bcTcby notitlid tlat" Jbomt X. Ueady, through color ol Uincd ccr..fu-iti of entry of, the S. . West f caot.onal quarter knd ta S.Eait fractional quarter of Se-'t oii numlcT twenty live, in Township number sis, inlLine nnmHerlif teen, En;tof the 6th Principal Meredian in Xslirw- ka Territory. The al-ovc is cliimed by od will U patented to B. B. Thompson, whio pn'-nand tri dence arc forwaidcj to Vaihin jtm City fc.rhrnrinj. B. B. TUOiirSO.I. Febrbary 29th, 1S37. , 37-tf ; F. DtXGS -l: CO., Importers of , and Vhole-ta!e Dealers in . .Fancy Goods, ilannfactnrcrs cf all binds of Brashes. -3D North' Maiiijstre (Up Su'.k,) ST. Louis, Ji 3. :m; 1B 57 . , BROWNVILUEFERRY 23oet . Ox-orasixis Iflissoiiri ..JKivcr The Route from 'BfdiCiytfte to Ft. . ncy, and from thenct hi Calif vrnui, I iV Vie. nearest ' end most j 1 1 CXisMfA c6lINGTONo ; A NNOUNCE- to the Travelia ' Pallic that tbT ' iJL have Dufchaed the entire ir tercxt ia the Fen; I across the, Jliisourj IUver at, tlse.City of Brows- ville, .Nebraska, 'and ,opcn : :.h. Seacn with i; new, and commjdious Ferry 1h run by 11 ore Power, which srar.g?incnt Kt'ir certoin pas-sage at, a.l tij?eH! and in all kinds rf weather. The Pioprietors do not assert boa:ing'.Ti or for the purpose of jriinin; iwAa merely, but governed by facts, wLentbefsay thia the bJ crossing- of the Missouri IUvr in , Nebraska, when they say the rMite froti iTOwnrille to F Kearney and from thenco to California is the nearsV for evidenco thcy refer, the roajler to the map of ti Country, and are wamatcd in saying it-is tb B0,, practicabla route by personal x-erknce, s well that of hundreds of ot lers who iiave traveled it- We claim therefor that this creasing and r:ut bo" out peculiarly favor&blo inducements, to p10 goin to California, and solicit thir patron.'!. -,f' withstanding our supeiior amnm-n? for " and.'pecJyercraicg, ourj'ha.'grl aie the sameas"111' Ferries in Nebraska, ali being j-C;u!;j ted by L-iy tlve enactment. ---.--. - - A skiff will be in rcadimi-a-tnd'a tan I cn ti ground CO run all bo-aracf thc;Tr!rb.- --; " fKecollect that with'our fiicilitics'of To no kinds of weather will prevent our Boats fro" making rcfcular trips t all hoiift" " ".. Brownville NemahA Co., .5 ' February 25th,l&o7. ..... ,f , Z"1 CITY, X T. t. i. crMixff.- . . ion C ''CUMING & TURK, Attorneys at Law &Tlwl Estate Aff OMAHA CITY, N. " . WILL attend faithfully ac4 promptly to an ' ncs3 entrusted to them, in the Torritoriai Iowa Courts, to th j purcha3tj of lotJ and laflds," trrie and prc-cmptioi,, colk-oiotn, Ac. ""vc iu iub ?econa story o: Jicnrr v .v--- U,,,Wra Eschar, r arntiam street. l Dec. 27, liG. vU23tf STEAM MILL, NOEL," LAKE, A: 1LTIEKSOX; .,- x-o cvaa."v-i''.LL cn, X-. ... JT. B. We wouM rcsrwtfttl y if.frnibt eas cf Nemaha county and vl!o:yng JI.'"' l f we havcalwirs'en YktA - laj?-aa i ' . supply of Lljh li E U, w r h iu caa f at to er rates thn any mill m t3iiA-tmt'ry y j; ll.irkct prices pall Lz'.tt, ileliverci a' or on the batik cf the rivrr. i , All orders accomnaaicd wit'.lii ci3, -- ses, lintannia Vare, o. 4c, ith t nJ aJ Fancy Mantlo and Parlor. Ornaiioit, dinytT' j our immediate attetiaci.. , l