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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1857)
.11- Ax I ( - -i - fix) TV tj ; - yfy I V II ! y. i i i n : I- II j! i 5 I M ! QiJjKy Ay Ay.vyvy r 'n';- V Ay Ay ','J ,v' y. 6 r' AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY NEWSRiPER DEVOTED TO MATTERS OF' GENERAL INTEREST TO THE COMilUNITY AT LARGE. VOL. I. CITY OF BEOWIWILLE, IXEMAHA COUNTY, N. T., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1857. NO. -10. fr " PyN A. o 7 1 -St 1. t a. .'w . FURNAS, t -l :-at, iet. 2taia and Vater, Ui.e'3 r.ock,) EATXS OF ADVESTI5CCG: , ,..-!- liUccicrl?,) ere Inertias, .e? 5,eo cc.o 15TC0 10,00 13.00 10.00 5j)a 1 - C.Ii 'f-'ix sa or less ce rear. . r.;-irn.J.Xn 5 - h-r QS.ira.jz.h i v.k a " ! - C .as:a.trTc mo - 1 f,.srta Ar.n. c II ajTeriise- ilar' T.iiLseii Carlicr fre Uses cr leas, for i C3vllir.-i?zts be cctiled It the year, j ! t-.W -a"the Hccarriptf or prcTkmsTy V y c"t Ciirvu c-c iaec7J tor speci- SXLlil I:Sr. ,i:SS"I,ort"I5;s"FO" -- ScTr ia-ie-s ; I fcirertueacnts ; as-lre'.; win te irr-irxra, tv j - TAT! ))TTT fl liUU .lllllA X A Al VJ . Tfcnks, Circulars, e?iM3 BILLS, BALL TICKETS, n"; err ciiiridal of wrii-ai elij fce eaUei for- iliri- purcha.sed. is rc-aaeeuicn wi;a tie Airer exicnire ail excellent ririetj of s-yi ire ar? rrel to do 3j ki'l cf i!or.-:il in tLe ab-jre Lu.vje, vu.u.aeai- 11. - 1 1 7 t pr.sac4.w-I! srre tIsTr?'",aaiatteati- tottisbraaca j $ k ia the- txTcsa of LU work, ail TeajaaUe j ii-"s.t r-phre s fbare of the j5".ic paircDaje. BUSINESS .CARDS. BROWNTILLE. A! S. H0IXADAY, XL D. SURGEON; PHYSICIAN . And Olastctriciaix. r, --OTr-nu, 5:.- x.: - 5&'.lr'.ti shire cf rihliriatroir, ia the varioa H03LUZELL tz CO., .BRT GOODS; GROCERIES.! Queensvare, Hardvrare, StOVCS, X1!"!, .COUNTRY PRODUCE. BROWXTILLiE, N. T. ' :n?S -MARY W. TITTER, And Ihrcss lint Seet, letweea Haia aai VtUr, . . EROWKVILLE, X. T. "zti anl TrivurAr'-'s discos m zv.-l. C. T7. YTHEELUIl, -ARCHITECT MID .BB1LDSR. Z X." T. L.RECKETTS. CARPZimiR AltD JOHT J. D. X..TnOMTSON,- Irst and Atanuc ' Ki5wjrnTi.y;;y;T; ittrvi the C-renr of Xcrtacra itocri, -kaari Western Iti. - - ST.-LOi'lS, ilO. 1 i VJi S i SL l A i Vl j lrljs nt TnU-rilCixjTts.tit.V Utude; " Its sterns are straight and smooth, cf- ;L0T -VND JL.AND AGENTa. ' ii I X lru""C8M" ' ' , j leaves s:meahat firxuoW UYdr ever aad T I T TT rTTl.-.A XJIXKJ il'U 1X X JL " JUL 1 r'S ? : 1 ' . " a-ixii-V- InF c ara tV 'c U 'and fCoa4U4" xavu " Ilasto o.tea up trs CTOsaA. , , ; ? ia3-.ry in r:i9 s.oeur?, .ie. tiea r.m:mriaa.r--T,w 1 - j.-'l,---:". -- SIStetbtm KOsKlSttoita, . jkj Ma,;wmitllM. . ExtUtTasoLscf tti 13. EUlk ii Las this "-M. ,C , ' -V,Tt '-'Pcth thitlthil earas. irlrtn TOiIlrH. ti3zltj; a CiJ ca - -,. y u- iidii:IariJ1Kr. br PRODUCE 4--C41LVISSI0S$&Kt1 . . .. ii:r.-,-v::tt-t: nlK.i.r-rrcial Street ' AHCIIEH, IliCIIAllDS -'N COL 1 TY, IT. i -7? v -. r t. - - - Ti- T ; r k f r;rm "itlt er ula ioc2a to'droD from T " A doctor aa vemses ia a county p:Vtti: As the ship 1 her mcorirgs and set; Tha aLb-y cf Lord Byron astllH sllz.- .1 Attomev "und ConnscIIcr t-Liw;i V OLIVER 'BET:sETt;.5: CO.,.:; G: nil L-ini A-'jnt. - C1IAUA CiTY.'-vi T. . - nnrnrxacm '- ..- . A. D. -JOKES, V.liTILilX PIONETH IAXD UUNTZT., ATD IN REAL ESTATE. OMAHA CITY, N. T. :dj earef aHy Ioeated, ca cntersl fear mh toner3. Lett sal Lauida toacbt nd ic! I. E. M: M-G0MAS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN, ' XOIAIIA CITr, X. T. : Tenders Lis prcfeSciciiil serriees to tie cltHeta cf Nrmaha eovctr. a. r. Rasrisc g. c. kocbough k. r. rooxra. 'HARDiiiO, IGI.20UGH & CO., HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, . 2 5.3 Sain i treat, tet. Clire tai Pizs, : ST. LOUIS, 3IO. Particular atteatiua fold to xaanziaetarisg oar tneft ilde Eata. A. L, COATE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, EHOWXTILLE, XEAIAII-A CO. getruSa Territary. NUCKOLLS, RUSSELIi, & CO. Hocltixrt, ZVTo- 5 HARDWARE AM) CUTLERY, Hedidaea, Dye StuQ, -f baCa.CrT, WiO CSm b-Ofi, llah taps, QTTEZJTST7A2Z, ST03TET7AHE, TTSTTAI ;Also Pcrxitrra of all kinds, TTizZzv Eaai, ts j A. D. KIRK, r ATTORNEY AT LAW, Xd Agent and XotarjPuU 3 - - j - - Areler. Richardon connty, X.T. f TTHI practice ia tie -Cocrts cf yeVaika,"a.iited j Ir TLxrlins and Bennett, Netrarta Citr. , ' , , ' JACOB SAFFORD, '' t . Attomev as!" Ccm-eHor :it : Livr.!in GEiTIllL rJrrviiCS AXD LA2TD' AGEyr. And Notary Public "ctrasia City, Xetjrata Terrilory. "IT JYLL a:teri fanaptly t all Wirf?3 ectrosted W t kii care, ia 3elraka Territory nl West- era Iowa. Sep teaber 12,lii. Tlal5ly SPHIGMAN & BROWN, RAILROAD ; AIID STEAMBOAT AGENTS. . : , And General Commissi'?!! Jlerckants. '' Xo. 4Q, Public Landing."' CINCINN'ATT, OHIO. x A.rr.ATFOii. . Urowtiille.N T. Vsnuka City, 5". T. : ErviDFOUD, McIEXNAN & McGAET. ATTQnrJEYS IT M AND . SOLICITERS C CHANCERY, Eroxmville and elraka City, : NEBRASKA 1ETJLITOPY, . . -pEIXG rcrmanemly located ia the TurrUcry,w ter ia lfrti.4iectv?,B tf Celts. Safes c-I ! rordiA?cf RealEftat. Slertions cf LuisLca j tinf cf Lasl Wxrra.ntrT aci lit olh-r boalress ea j trmed to ocr maEajmcat, wJl TtxciTe prjajt an J i faishfut ti.-!s:iAn. T - . 1 . . . . i . . . HETETJ3CE3. S." T. XccscT!;, Rhharl Brcwr. Wen. HjLIitziii 4 Co, Ilun. Jiiaea Crais, . Ilea. Jamas JI. titles, II m . Joh a IL h ?t -jr. r Messrs Cre w, X!v.L'rttisrri Co. ilesw. S. (i. Ilabbard i Co, Hen. J. IL Lore, . Tl-nt Xebrak Citjr Urownrllie, SL Joseph. Ho, St. LcuL?, ile, M U Cincrrnnti O. Ketkuk, Iawa. Jane , ISo. x. j. rormrrox. vx. x. sixes. rorriirrox byers, ATTOnXEYS AT LAW.! . And General Iaad Asreats, - tate. fcocit arl eI ani irrwtiaeaU mde for dis lit l Defers. JOHN HOYT, at, rT Ui.-Lardf.--n err. 5. T ni - -.ten, ?Vwwm 11 I w lur o mm J ujiaiA, .i-iiiiSJxru f rx- retit must nave cecnoi a umerenu .. . - --:r- . . k-.-. - Land Warrants Boxfct and Sold e'-r f "'17 cf saleratus, a littla salt, mak6 soft enough td - s1lI? ss M A - LAND RNTEIIED ON TDto , I CitLiAL attention pven U tieM!rti.)n aaJ'ea- ' ': erf Vs v-I-are" 1 UiCO'AStrx rrs.vua gooa tizeu cuctua5 r fojs a nutmeg, wita raisins or currants iCT tela Laa I Calaw. Tcwn Lcti al tZTklLZs of lta? r- ' . . ." ;- . . fed Ilka custard, btece cf batter the sirs cf a , m c- Ljrt-. -.n r.r lr!: hxnti HaAlIli Mill T?nf IXS fit- . v Oregon, Ilolt Coacty, !Si?oari. Ker---niias:T7 en fcacIaZIlejcri'plIon of Qarctis. lrifarttir?r; s.::! TTLriIe I)ca!e.-5 in T- "x m t 1 -m -r-v -tfTrT : (Tczitsilt, C,zx r. r IIiih xsoLoccrr.! i Oregon, Ilolt " Cowaty, i?oari. Jcfdenss fiowtrsgresn fit trst,: but changing , .r :tC P,.tl .-'- , ' Ll'il ' -O- .-It?-.. "I ' ' - : ' i . V"7 , r,. .r tr,-in t:t.Iard-mt:I a niM: Whoever sse lbs Teble-rrrrr. - L , , - - : w j dmug, . . versal-AmPiag-AroraatLh,. caill niast,k; . t,8 t.-n.andT,3r is the .lii ii. t-j deuce cf the 1 - rcU'k zl :m U5. - jaxks r. n-sr. AifersTTs rsiujrr. 1 -: ccnsiderabla frcst without t-n. . . :- - - ... ... J '-!, - ! - ST. LOU II , HQ. Jfarrncrs1 Itprliittnt. TEE dTSSSZ SrQAS CA3TS. T'e Live recTel tLe fallowing ccmrjaml catija frjia tLe CotsTrtisIoiier of Patents : T7:jited Stjltes Pateet Omen.) ' ! Fibmory 3, 1S57. . j Jzirz Ilii r.W jlitt seerj23 to b-2 dss Lined t a tike an iaapcitaLt poslu-ja aiaocg our econ qinicil . j rDd'aclr. Its seeds- Tfere sent, some s;x-reir3 arTj frua the north cf Cbina, by II. de Jlacfgsj, t3 the Gecgrapiical Society of Paris, rrom x cursary examination cf a sxiTI field of gron'iaj at Terrerei, in Trance, in tLa Eitnui cf 1954, Mc D. J. Browne, then on ABiisiion fiona this 05Ice far coIlsctiEg ag ricultural icifomiatloii and prodacts, waa led to infer, thai, from the peculiarity cf the climate in whicli it rzs groiDg, and its resemUance in aj j-ca.rtnce and ta'ilts to Indian corn, it would Socrish in acj region vrhereTer that j.Iant vnzll L'irlve. Fromthls source, he ob tained some 200 poncds cf the seed, which was disTlbuted in smill packages, by this Of fice, an org the membirsof Ojngres. with the vie v of experirncntiE "rith it in ill pnrt3 cf the XTriicn, and thereby ascertaining its adap tion to o-ar soil ar-d climate. Ia -numerous in stances!, the resnla prjTed-Hjhlraitisfactcry, is iv diiined a hkhfof S'or IQfee as far north its Paul, Li ilinnesDta, and rnaturtd itsteeds at Taricr joints ia Slassachnsetts, Xeir Yctfc, Pennsjlrinia, EUrois, and other p!a5 further south, The' folic wing rear, while Ia France, cri a similar mliiian as above, Mr.' Ertixre cbtii:e.I seveni tnihels cf the seed of this plan, .grtjwn frorm that reputed to Lars .been brougliLfrara Socth. Africa, bj ilr. Leonard London, ai:d rhfch has since proved t' bV identical 1' thai obtained by this 0m in 1334; Th;.Ts appears to be do-abt 'amen- many Ea:0 23 'J asm thu country, as to the boIcal name cf this pnt iL Lou iaann, a scienmc cuiGTator, 01 rans, pro rlsiorally gave it the name of Helens sacchar itu.s, vnich had previously Toeen applied to the jcoracion toom-com. if not the . other 5pseies f ot at least Tarletics, cf some illied plant.- He alio oojectcred that it the, .Sorghun vJijir CAndrorcgon sorghemof others.) and thouhtthat it might com prrehenl a variety cf it, ts well as xlrcp&jttafratlxwirt etc., of Kur-th. Hr, TTrav. . who has devoted mnch I- time and attention to" tha culi ration, o f 1 this phm with the tIsV cf extractliig sugar from its iiilce, at C-tpe Natal and ether places, states ;n the so-aUa-east pin ct t-aarana, tnere are ii. least Eileen varieties of it, some cf them groiring to a bight of 12 cr 15 feet, with stems as th:-c as thjise. of the snpx-caiie (5j."cLar-i pjicinjrziTi.) ,1L' Tilmprin zlsi. says that, In a.- o;IIection. cf seeds sent; :ta tLa -ilcseum of Naturil History, at Paris, in 1S4A by II d' Ab3.die, there Trere- thirtjv kinds of sorghum, ,' amor" the growth ;cf w;hich he - particularly ' 1 .r.wM,M't rvTnf V. x-v-n cfamu f n-TS-uiu. k. F...-0 that the common brocm-com XBJcus 'mdki rtf,) the chocolate or GnlenircarcXScryhiz. -ru-fiore,) and the Chinese !agar-C2ne, (S-rji-i sxzTJxrdimX all of which, containing more cr Ii saccharine matter, belonging to the same iocics, but are variationi caused by difference cf soiland climate, or tya dispesitioa to sport, tfsir the manner cf led las ccrn nd other plants nikler caltivauca. -Tho" Chlcese sugar-cane, however, 'differs from the others, in contalnmg a far larger proportioa of jaice. and coasequent Ir is more Taluable for fedder 'and other cccn- aniical usss. . ,1a ITCo. a plant" analog-ous to the one In question, vras eiperiimented..upoa at Florence, ; i Itily, br Pietro Ardaino, for tae. extriciica xzscssszus axr illutt cr Gr-crxTH.-' - The Chia2sesugar-dxe,whea cultltol .on crdiuary laai, ia tliaXnited-Statas, somewhat ai:r the manner of brocra-cora, grows to a hfeightof frta 8 to 15" feet, while in Europe it does not attain much more .than half of its al- grently -resfrabling la j.ppearunce thoia cf- lo- cultivated a raiu.contairang wgut cr ten staias eaca, 11 pu. iui..u a.k 1 u & . ; is tufaoiently warm and bug, new r I .t,-J, t. (--r .i-.w, 1 ; 4 ' - - " .r " o .. . I ""S J .- i,urr,afthki ltnotiaiis! llcrri-relt half a tea-crrp of bafer ia . - el-i-m,i.o; ani wirgs'-g-t ta m.rej TrrrT! e,f;i Ir " 1 I voun-r and more tender state; If sufT.-relto a pint aadatajcf mu;aaa a tttis s,agI . - v- ' . ' ' --i- , -W i- . I i remalk in the fil sftsrth s-Is have ripen-; of yeast and four eggs; stir is fiW enough to j A feraala lanataa ia tas XTtJcaArliim w a j the poplp of G ; . t r.,v." jtantioa frrm. Y-:t5, Am:.Oa.:Trr fut a t J v ' M ? I-, --- c , i,v- - -,r,.r 'i -.n f.-.r -r-T ,:!Tr- wcmaa cf eilarged -ilexs.' - She talks cf -be-1 roar or maa la lliiw Yc rk.' -.-i "Iii4" head tl us t fcufiientlT wWaadkng;ue rIes nill cakes; if kepV la'a- mera-Tr w-m piace, it j coming the'enref tie worid anXusing tie y-?..d anl Lis, V each I tali, and mature a setoixl crop cf seed. The average rLdd cf seed to each panicle is at least gi..r n - ; - : r CVLXlVXTlOiS, : - .- ; Since its, introduction into this- cotm'try, th Chk.'2a sngtr-canis has proved itself well adapt ed to our geographical range cf Indian con.- It is of easy cultivation, being slniiLir to that of maize cr broom-com,but wHI prosper in a much poorer soIL It, does not mcceed so well, how ever when soi.ra broadcast with, the xie-vr cf producing fodder, as it will net grow much mom tka.n oca.ljlf r.C its TLraal Ktt If the seeds are phmLedia ilayin theiliddle States, or still earlier at the South, two crops cf fod der can be grown in a season from the same rootf-the first one in J une or Julv. t3 be cut before the panicles appear, which would be green and sac:u!ent, Hie voun Indian com and the other a month or two Iater,at the timei or befcTe, the seed is fully matured.- In the extreme Xcrthem . Statea where the season is too short and coal for it to ripen in the open air, the cultivator will necessarily have to obtain his seed frrux reg'crs further south. ' If it were importantjfoi him to raise his own seed, Le conldfctari the plants nnderglass, in the spring, and remove them to the field or garden at a bont the psiad of planting Indian com, after which they uronll fully mature. One quart of seeds zji found to be sumcient far an acre. If the soil be indifferent or poor, they may be sown in, rows cr drills about three feet apart, with the plxata from tea to ttrslve inches as under; but rich.H they' may be planted ia tills, five'cr more seeds to each; four cr five feet ap artia one direction,. and three or four in. the other.1.- The r!ants mavbe woxt- ..... , edor hoed twiea La ihe season, in a similar manner to Indian com. .Any suckers or sa peru0U3 shoots, which rary spring up, may te removed. The seed should not be harvest-1 ed teforii ii acquires & dark or black 'hue. ! Should the plants" lodge, cr fall to the ground, by the excessive weight of the heads, during storms of wind cr rain, before the seed matures, they may remain for weeks without k jury.- In collecting the seed, a convenient' method is to cut of the stalks alxiat a foot below the pan acles, tie them cp in bushes cf twenty-five, and suspend them ia any secure- airy place, sheltered. Jxcm rain. . If intended solely " for fodder, the first crop should h cut just before the panicles wcitIX"fpaJ'"iiiiLi fc&EJ!, scon, as thssed arrives at the milky stage. It maybe tied up in bandies, shocked and cured, ; like the lops or stalks' of Indian com, Jf not intended t'a be employed for arjf ether econ omical mse aik r- the sett! has hsta rremo vel, and the W'ather be cool, and the average tem- j-eratnrc cf the day does net exceed 45 cr 50 degrees the stalks may be cut up close to the ground, tied, in bundles, collected into shocks, cr stowed in amass in a sarcaTent state, for fodder ia sheds cr burns,; where they will keep without mjurr,- if desired, antil sprirg. In tills co nditian, however, the iwer parts cf the stalks 'win be- found to be quite hard and woodyvaai-will-reqaire to-becliopped- into 5 small places far, feeding. " ; "" . '"' '" P Pmniikn. Particular caro should be cb sorved net to caltivata this plict ia the vicini ty of Doarah com, Guinea corn, nor broom com, as it hybridizes or mixes freely with thoe plants ..yhlch. woald 'rEnder the seeds cf the product unfit for sowing. - - 11 Tcurs, very respectfully," ,' ... " i !CHAIlIMASOy;Ow2J?tii'itfr ! IitroE-TED STjte. ilr. C 5L Yi'duwrlght, of Eliln ebeck, received, by the Baltic, a fine r Essex bear pig, selected from a pen cf five to which was -awarded the first prize at the retreat Birmoigham'shaTT: Co irrfry GrrtL ' o Plais Coaoi'EEXAD Bet? vznx Good. .r.nt h eirh r.ta: four ezzi to the auart -jhixs Hzii Tzrzz CaEiS. One pint cf SOur milk, asmall tea-spoonful of saleratus, a little salt, two and a taJcoee cups of iis In- dian meaL Drop from a spoon into hot bird, andl2ttheraJ.untU.amceAcowm'JJ 1 Em AX IsilAS " J CAXX3.Ttro crrps'cf rye;'tTro'eups of Indian mo.i!,asmaIi tea-stoonful of saleratus. a little salf, -sufficient j. mI1v to ke a s!5 batter. Eakaia cakps i Kr:-; . '. good. Iooias Baxtb Prrrrra r-Always inmrctrr (Bfimonm AnitoxD hliCAnooKS. One pound blanch ed almonds pounded quite fine, one pound powdered sugar, the whlta cf five eggs beaten to a stiff froth; lay them on paper at tho dht bece cf an inch; bake ia a cool oven; wet a table end lay the pacer ca as soon as taken from tha oven. Borum Tcixet. Clean the turkey, wash it well, season the inside with pepper and salt; dredge a little fioar over, and jia it in a clean towel; put it into a kettle of hotwaier thai has Lesa . salted: Lit it boll slowly; wh?a done, send it to Lible hot. -. This is eatea with oyster sauce, cr drawn hutier, as preferred. lTEn.TT.i.2 Ixs. Stjxss. To remove rpot3 cf nltrata of sllveialelible ink, moistea them for a few moments with moist chloride of Hate, which forms chlorida cf silver, and thea dis- solve the latter by caustic ammonia. It may bo sometimes necessary to repeat the operation. Cyanide cf potassium may a!sol employed. . Mrvcs Pies. ITrat, finely chopped, 5 lbs, good apples 7 Ibs sagr 3 lbs, raisins 2 lbs, currant jelly 1 lbs., butter 4 ox, mace or cia namoa 1 ox. "When this is prepare d, make a crust cf two-thirds the usual quantity cf lard, and one-third of fat salt pork very fiaely chop ped; all of which shoaldbc rabbed ia the fioar, and wet with cold water. Bake ia aslow oven one hour. " i Lascu Sayiso Soap. Dissolve a quarter of a pound of lime ia a gallon of cold water, thea i take off the clear; dissolve half a poaa of sal soda ia a quart of water, and mix it with the clear lime water. One pound of brown soap dissolved, in a'gallon cf water is thea tsjbe add ed to the clear liquor formed with the sal soda and Urae water and this forms the soap. This soft soap is excellent for boiling white Haens; it removes all grease- that is ia them, because it contains aa excess of caustic ley. About one quart cf it is Eufairiect for boiling in a teagalloa wash kettle. A ' quantity of tils niiy be made up and kept for constant use. : Recj?e 1 to xixs A'HAx'nrrrES thasa 7i2TFiLixiao5. A3" soon as the hog is "cold enough to be catcp, take the two haras, and cat out the roani.bone, so as to have the ham not too thick, rubi them well -with common salVaui h?ave them iaa'Jarge pan for three dap. T iea the salt bias drawn oat ail the blood, throw the brine away cad proceed .ji follows; u..iu.:'; ' " Have, two liam3,oraboaVeTghtecar)Ound3 each, take cne'poand cf moist sugarj caa pound of common salt; two ounces of saltpetre, the'a pat them into a vessel large enough 'ta certain them ia tha. ILiua-urememberj:"- always tc keep the salt over them." after chy have been in this state thnjes days, throw over" them a bottle of the best 'yinegar.' One month is re quisite for the care of them; durlzg that period they mast be tarced often in"' the brine; w Sea yoa take them oat drain thera well; powtSer them with soma coarss fioar, and Lang them in a dry "place. ; The same briue can serve a gain, observing that yoa must &ot pat so much sait oa the next .aams tnat yoa picJsle. A nis m r 1 r """ . m t m Th method Las been tried and pronounced far bet- I ter than the 'Westphallan. Ez;s!nl. - ... Trrsrs - EECTFE3 roa Caxrs. Ve can re- rorani;nd the following from peronil trial: Silvxs Cats. Stir to a cream cue cup better- with two of sagart add the whiti of six eggs beaten to a stifffroth, one cup of milk with one half a tea-spoonful of: soda dissolved ia i and four so as to make itjstIfT""irp;tmd cake. With the flour stirm one tea-spoonful of craum tartar. Tlavoj-, as yoa please with lemon, nut meg, cr -rose water. .... . i Q 3Lri.. CASsi Sur to a craara one half a cap cf butter with two of sagir; aid the yolks of six eggs well beaten, and, if yoaHkeji th whole cf another; thea add cue half a cup of sweet sugar, three egg?, cr e half a taaspoonf al cf so da In a cup of milk, one teafpeonfal cf cream tartar, and five cups of fiacr. -. Stir tha batter and sugar to t. cream, add the egg, the whitei and yolk beaten separately, thea the soda and iillk; aaJTiitly tW"cream -tarLanaa- icceT riavor as'yojj, jlpisa.;' Bake ia sraall Chs cila A- A. Cqenl?x Cest'-rffiaTi U Jll V . - ,-1 VI- fi t-tti r nan.Iir the - - -: o---r . , I It Is the rtaturs'cf " trut - 1 commend recognition. taVsoonaf c: - Borrowed garments seldom fit wreH-- . . , - - M. pojj far Cjjinkrs. Tn3 G&rp 11 Could we by 'soma cabalistic word cr wizard incantation, bring out the latent possibilities cf manhood, what mon uments cf lameness would b3 shivere-l into air; what a wealth of heroic life wculd enrich the wcrld! E. P. WZifpJe. - Yiett cr Life. It is said all m artyr do ms looked raaa. when they were sailered. Every ship is a romantic object excert tiat we sail ia. Embark,, and the romanoa qulis car vessel, and harg3 ca every ether sail ia the hori zon. Oar life locks trival, and irs sua to re cord it. "Tis the trick of nature thus to dezrade to- pod 2eal of lua, :! somewhere a" result slipped magically ia. So much of cur time is preparation, so much is routine, and so much retrosjeci, thai the pith cf each man's genius contacts itself to a Tery few hours. Emerson. Istlo3ce or Tjocpez os Hhu-tx Ex cessive labor, exposure to wet and cold, de priratloa of BufScient quantities of necessary and viholssome food, habitual bad lodging, sloth and intemperance, are all deadly enemies to human life; but none cf them are so bad as violent and urgovemed passions, ilea and worn in Lave survived all these, and at last reached aa extreme old age? tut it mijT be scfely doubted whether a slng!e instance can be found cf a maa cf violent and irasdable temper, habitually sulject to passion, who ha3 ardvad at a Ycry advaace.1 perjl of life." ll -is, therefore,, a matter of thetigaesi impcrtinci t every cue ; desirous taprtserva "i soar !. mini la asc-and body," so thai the brittle vessel cf life may ' glide down the stream" cf. time smccthty and I tecurely insiea3i"cf being coutinaally tcaisel about amidst rocks and shoals which endan ger its caustence, to hava a special care, '.amldi all the yiinVsitudes ,and trials cf life, to raair tain a quiet pessesiion cfhl$ own spirjtr" '"' i ; i 'I ' ziscizrrt.' - 1 1 - Sincerity is t'Le" co; Fee r2 n-l: : ns ' t. -:?d z na, and an excellent instrument for the speedy dis patch of business. It cxeites a coafileacitt in those we have ta deal w-::lv sarcs thelibcr cf many inquiries, : and bring i things to aa iHiUj iafi'sv words; 4" Is-Uko tuvellcg, ini ilila beatea road," w hlch. common! j-'brxg5 a"1utai sooner to tl3 journey end, "than by ways la which men cftea loose ths mi aires. .In a wor but the inconvenience cf jrs jeabusy and tus - . , . cirvamsa thatamaauEOtbsLisvedwroalt speaks truth, jscr ' trusted, rerhaps, when t means honestly. ; When a mm tas-encs fort feited the reputation of lis Integrity, he. is. set fit, and "nothing trZI thea serve Vhls Ijrr neimer truth nor falsa aoovi.- And I tive often gJaght that God hath; in UIs great wisdom, LTrirom merxcf filso tsdtdisfcffisst ramis th .-v.;nd2rfai: advsntagosZ clilrt Ji'TarLirin- whatsoever conveniencetoay te thonguLiae mjacoodilQ.atlon. Ii is.s&oa-irert tegoty, to tha. prosperity evca cf worldly j afiairs. Thcser men. are so' trlcd by Hilt t v : ; .c--r , -' f -1 .i-r o ?.IT J ccvetousn2ssrand:anikt;on,T2rrihey. cannot!." "Ifc-rsi'd lszs, sij? a'fa! foc-fim Look Ley end a present ad vantage, nor forbear to selxa apcalr, tho2gatyways never soTn- dirrct; they cannot see so far as to the remote consequences cf a steady integrity, and th3 vast benefit and advantages which it will bring a man to ai last. . Were tut this sort cf mea wise and clear-r.guted enougn to discera tas, they would be honest cut cf very knavery not out cf any love to honesty anJ virtue I ct with a crafty design to promote" and adr;uc3 mor far this truest point or w siom Jrcm taerr eye that 'bal "mea might not La oa. equal , terms wink the just and upright, and serve their own wicked . designs by ; honest aai lawful means. TFxsLxa. " . . ' ' l m and to darcca: a what tLrr allow to be wcrtH v ia itself by hinting at seme mistake cr inier- fectloa in tha performance . '. Tea zzz too Lf;y er too low in your manners;' yc or 'too pnons-a ia yea too taritum cr too free in -acj mira will . frr..lrrt t-i rnr - . " . . . " :ccm- S 1 fcriaUeuess. than livlr.,r ia tla abarOod P cod beir familiar with dlicoi- -3 t T' , diipciiioa groxs win: 7n e is . theiaii.tes .a aii: "T '1 I e effeciaaUrtae!rowr.interests?and thirc i V " I' - ' HT" '-Z -r e the justice cf DltlnaProyLiencchanYbid ) yoae.Tii, , rirrxfkvorai!r eVervthir- that ender lnct 7??. K. .rc -Sir,-!.V-ff!'' their ncrilivkjlcdaafidence by t? r,!:4: 'Trclt-sr,'' jj nriftics.- ell, m:ther, tha f juniatlnns cf the d.ep are broken cp at last," What's that fotr sav, Johnty ? "lly trousers have got a hug'i hole ia 'em, that's alh" ; Poverty mu5t be a wemaa, it is so fond cf I Inching a fellow. TViy would lailos make bt'.r rralrrs sni pedlkrs than min? Ecausa tly utver g:t -irei. : - . ". - ; 1 - t-'. ' 17by was nerodla's" daughter, the"' lit?st gL-1 mentioned rathe New Testament? L ciuse she get a-Lead cf J oho tie IXrrtLii cri a - . . . A Texas ei'tcr, nctlrlrg the taarr jg-j cf a contemporary says: "TTe wish him res tori ry and fcapt-hte-ii :' -- - ' ; A maa ia Eeutucky was so encrmcusly b"; that wh'ea he died it took two clerrvnaea aci a bey to preach his funeral sermon. Ir suits, says a modem philosopher, are llks counterfeit money, we eaa'thindir tla bclaj effered; tut we are net compelled to take thea. A Yankee has invented a plague which! kills off all who do rrt pay th?; rrint;' It is mors destructive than consumption. Let th briciliyers tr carpenicn into tha house, and it is a precious long time befors you jet them out again.' . pEoYxrssTt-Cres- Ljvj a 'Jightfii: proverb. "The prison is shut n'jht and day yet it is always fallfthe ?ourrfrs-tra always opn and yet yoa nd no cno ia thtraJ A missr is a human version cf t::izru.ptl dog that tolled every day to roast meat lot I ! C tl - - ' . Ilali a z2j la bad rather, and it mar ccmo to your aid; buthail a friend la 'yc-J t'drlrsity and wt5' Pu7ich. ' j e u.i yca.- ( t'l -v i it ' r et i Alii? L'-i)wU v Mr rf. t ' ' tr the number 21 Jn or.-y Hc'J your tea.1 cp, and enter like a maa ! Snarl, thcoldbacek r, - ays thxv "So wo man drinks Jbeer. ca hercwa a-cqmt she ii .; always 'ordered to driukl!r " .ThySLXaaltiksilihWrT Bcniio. he loved Timothr. , A hoUl.keeper irirBostcobcarlj-br-rrj'tjr twodoIhrsaweeS lathavle cLoJ-iV.r fclks. k phikaophyv in this" Lt !a very etherMlaitiruiiure and can Lrecamaga- teams. .t:,ti-: Coleman, thdramatiat, Tas -e-ncc asked if he knerr llziltt Eo Tefc replied he. 1 - . tTO Sr a Z tr r f The name cf the Eel "iia 2Iiiisterof rai . ---c.3-u4 .c. ot ji Eow does he mana-To to hold the scale? - - "n"'' ' Italiaoi Errs. llcrt 1-j.IIaa eyes are lem ... . . V "'a tuai; cus tne commions ci xrj iomoa ara HartTa FiTiahar. Tcrrer has wr'ttan a rxem, .'---,- . - .- x! called ""Th 3 "am Trade," so true to its -ur- time, I'm bliwed If they'd rin thclciI prB-. clous odlen. : , - - TL, teams I maa who laUly cut a si 't , ti t0 what ths veins locked r I j e chap who conttr.lj 'at p 5- ' lasses Is a taineraL .i-ji' j of the week?' sail aa lpradnijurrliij l-r aasnay." :. ?.:-;Vr ni M ji ' ,r .-: i i. v-:. -usni I Vhj taebriirgrccm m'rjEx:ruai'S Lira' the bride? . : " -"- : : Because, ta a sr. ae ja :i-T?; t:rt7- whillsridfgrrcm is usuallr "icU;,,;ii, . r . -Hallo, Bill. -krJ avv five dollars.- "I'm I -; Tha whoss j "drunk lag?:' tier noli TTaoarg" : ..Lid 1 kilt nore as fwise times rait itsirJ u . n, I who is-vo-w f-'' alr. Jink.:: 5." k . if VJt . . f - ; j i - 1.; r .n".r k . TheJr-dd-i 0 at ticie-j: too) sUrU; :r "-v ' 4 r, r. - -,'-t- - ' rT k . Li IS : cnncc'csinrr -ti sav-:tLl! !h5':Sim.:o.' ti-ns ,.r A- )a are too fmgnl?n der Ultla cf Brandy rnii,)Tin ;aa,", r expendltura; joa tra j plhui to thee Knonr-ICctalnfoT trrjiU:- year sre-cch. an-i sd F-a laeir cnuns.. . ,!, .. . ' ho-" o "4 tT- --tr-aot n!ut cue rr mre to wa: re sum-oienuv in eicar. r nine njers. , u . iluv,..k,-.k..uu-,..w1A.fc...,.! -;, : , - . ( . il--v '-' v-. - ; . i .. ... "'; --'-' ' ': ' J: -;-';:: .-7 " 1,