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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1857)
ir -if " -rrAS rGnenl Adrtin Ajrect, in rear - -1a. Ud' fc3i Cb?.dreas Moe ttore, . Subscription O;---, eNo. 1, J- JjS, ?- Cbesiaut atrect, Saiat -LrrcTrcr.Oa. r r IntC Archer, brasaa. ; v.. -fiW t -J fr Three Grove, . T. T. J- Asnte U k-it Subscript! -""flu for the Adveruaer, asl reel OTJ 8 aod reciere aod West ia this Territory, cainf from r 'Trwtf ia their &U1 Bei-LWrbuodA. who suwi become robsmbcrs if they eon Id see tlS-AdrertL-er." We always send speci persons recirriD?, trill consider it a beconw re-uiar fobnbr. - 1 ost 2iotL9rs,fei:c?suiient interest to mske ""eaa retaia the naaal per cent for tneir siA . i - - ' tri extensive additions cf rew Cc colored Inks, Eronze. Cards, Ac, "?ta the "AdTertiset" OEce, ve claim to "e to tsm cut Job Work in a career ua- , v. .... r The proprietor Leir- . i" .. ;n TT:bDn of J CD -fc-e of Fobtw Ltest improved Card W Blacks Work in Colors, Eronzo VkC t, will nect with particular alien. 'Orders froi a -will be promptly at to, aad irarrasted to give saLsficca or ivt "mi 5enuh Cooisty ;.win?t-:iUUke aj Ir -.meat fr indebtednefl to tLis 05cc3 J ZVx AXEJJliir23T. - - ! Ten!! -we j-Iare the rarne cf Dr. A. S. :oLasxr ai the bead cf the Mdreniscr" 'rices Asstiiaie ELtar. The business cf j oSce has increased to such aa extent that ':c ere caa can edit, act as foreciiu, ted attend j tie cat'dror business, and. do justice to Linsslf'-or'the" business. We Luve cdthus Tar to carry the whole load, by jborj; oir an arerage lS cut cf every 24 hrci, SaoJayt included, and feel it inipossi- U toihodder inaddition t") this, the Territo rial Pritlrc vhh it is our lot to execute this Sara. This' arrangement is, therefore, enter ed into, at lcist until the Lsws and Journals rt ci";our hsnds. I Tbe Doctor "wields a pen well' and we fee! avranted in believing that cur readers 'rile benefited 'bv the arranemenL ' 1 -psorcirD. i 1 '2 J .readers! Jest as we were preparing tjprctout tha't prdiiful'y thrilling; word: the gritifying reached us 'lii re were promote !, from tbe. rank of Jul) 'crjntTK, to-A5octATK EtiTonl - We can tew loci jud in the fice and rejoice as man neTfrn?"! before at tua Endicn transition ! tsSia obscure position, to one full cf honor. I I TTfo rocld be a jJ ia ar.vthr.g, e?peciallv as 1 vr.ter ? better lei yo'ir penal "idly repose" t-ii b make a mark for snybody as a LiEu.ber this, ye poor devils, who would rrher be sneaking at the caudal region than j tit'.rlr-g in ihe foremost rar.ks. " I Our bard thea to you reader we love to I extend ii to cur parous r ere bound, to you I h raary interesting ties, which we hops may tever be severed.but grow stronger and stronger ' s rs become better knoan to each other. If ! thaUbs our C3ustant aim to please our study j &ci ta offend. In some things we may dlLTer vitayon all men cannct viewmeasuj!?s just j ke but shculd difTerenceof opinion arise, wi premise all deference due from man to man, ! aLall, cf course, expect the same cf you. . ... -IS IT A TACT . ".1 L 1. ) That we are to see another season pass away j without the erection cf a good, ccmfortable, j commodious Hotel ? The citizens cf Erown- Ti-e must certainly '.know our pieseut hotel lies are L.r, very far, from being what we j eel. If they are ignorant cf -the fact, we j ta point to hundreds cf visitors who will bear J ts cut m the assertion. ' '-''--J ; VT want a tew hotel and must have ity j liere a-e many cf our own citizens who possess i a abundance cf means to put cp a building cf j t-a cara:icr, which would be an cmamcnt to j, an accommodation to the public, and j tould wipe- ctrt the stigma that now rests on j cs taoe of Erownville. Not more than a j tenth ago we bca-d an c cf twenty-five j Ir cent per" annum t3 a rent cn the cost of a j t-Hdirg fcr hotel purposes. Tbegcchcman I ao made the propos'.Uon will make it sgain. i wajcu End a letter piyirg inrestment ? We s iscr, yoa can not! Then go to work, and t tae rcpulatlca cf Erownville. Ince givir? to the r .I; cur Prcrrcctui ' have, threvgh f.lcr.ds in tie Ternary, made j ti3roC-v Cauvass,-ar.I Lunl in the way this j yUculty ; thit trr every Fc-racr bad, l-e- ' :?e kncwir"t r.f.-r r.--' . r-) 'J V-r -miliar J Tcpcr in 1 c Scribed j ccr reriodivx.: frc m the Elites for the Tci, and hire ttivcryillv ..'.vised v.s u pasircte the ccmmcnccmcut cf the Far Ttar, and after the mttcr vis Lid I: fore cur farmers. We ere premise 1 a cordial inrr-crt -Jthat tine ; c.x C: .1 to now ould have alc-crv dm the rt '- cir and loose monev lr lbs cr--::v.::.n. Another . . s i - to BS It th Tv-.i-r,'.r.,-.-.-f ij Le p we will lave f; :r times the remt- cf Farmers cn cq to depend for support, by January cexL tder these circumstances we hats concluded not t- ''ssne the f ur.11 Ja-ua-y iu tne mrars time we wu,n our friends ar . . . .... " - m wuu j.a JVgriculmral paper cstab- ., to pin mlod that the v r'-tar c a a tue cera nencrrn, rr , ent cf the r te cr,- and 'govern tb -crrj accc:dlr-'v " ir5ni this time t-..i i-c . urrr.ics ;j .11 d-cvc'.i tl. elle the fracs 'ee ve e r - 4 wcoxped tnd expencaccd ;Vjob Printer, determined not tf be .v--v; rf JobAVork. Cards iertt frrr' 4 J . - jxcrxxsstsrrs cir tile Lr-:-r.iTr2 Tdirlj in Ihe Session cf our Lrerlalative as- scmUty-vlaca tas just close.!, a LIU tras irj-ITJ. ! irouia in me vounca i-v -r. i,:ji..r.i, is title of which, 3 we remember it, v-s, a EH1 for an act rcpcullrg certain r.:tj cf the Legislative ti-eml'y cf Sebrc.-,ha, psr3-d ai the rst Sistioa tLerccL" At thut tin, lcgis laica r.s "crarr.r j its slow ana weary length a! d -gf the cis;:tol qucttica tzs ret tLca dL XkjscJ cf, ae,d this Eill wus ssve:.,' cayi reach irgeven a second rer.Ilrg. " Our impression is, that the Eill was read Ly its title only, the Ert, : second, and third time, in the Council; we ara confident thut uo member cf th.iil body except its originator knew anything tf the merits cf the Bui. It was, Lovrever, at length" passed i iu the Council, snd transmitted to the blouse, from wheoce it wa3 returned near the clote of the Sesolori, and was ia due time enrolled and presented to the Governor for lis signature. In the Governor's Lands, the E1U was scru tinized, and iu character fully determined, which was nothing less than the repeal cf all the Criminal Code cf Nebraska, and most cf the Civil Code. Governor Jzard of course could net sanction such an act as that and on Friday last the bin was returned to the Council with bis objections. Bradford winked and blinked, "like a toad under a barrow," and with an appearance cf candor well calculated to deceive, assured the Council thnt the Gov ernor was unnecessarily alarmed about the ob jects cf the Bill, that the repeal cf cur Criminal Code would only oblige us to have recourse to the common law. which was much b'tter than the Criminal Code we had adopted. With these assurances from the digniGed and truth tilling (?) judge, what did the Council do ? Vby, Lhrj passed tit LZl ever tie Givernjrs fci.5, l'j a vUe cf Lcdct to cat- Dr. Lliller was the only man in that Council chamber, who seemed to reflect what the consequence of lis act might b?, - The Bill bad the same fate in the House, and passed, by a decided majority, and to day, there are no laws in Nebraska except Ferry and Bank Charters. We have good reason to believe that the true import of the Bill was no better understood in the House than it w&3 ia the Council, bence the ease with which it was smuggled through that bod v. We told the originator of such frands responsible; and though we were at cue time disposed to regard ilr. Bradford as an honest, conscientious man, we are now forced to the conclusion that he is the most dangerous and corrupt man there was in that body of reckless knaves,. U& knew, the effect cf the Bill he was introducing, and we now know the objects be seeks to attain ; , the principal of which we are informed, is to enable the murderer Hargis, to excape the penalty of his crime. A man vrho can thus recklessly and wilfully break down every barrier that has been raised for the protection of society, for so criminal an cbject as that,; should never ba invested with the power cf a' le;ris!atQr;- he is almost as much to be feared , as the murderer himself. , We have heard Mr. Bradford, the President cf the Counci', and cue or two ether distin guished (perhaps -notorious would be better) gentlemen, chuckling over the passage of Ciis. infamous measure over the Governor5 veto, as the best thing done. Wo doubt not taav ihe lare' maioritv br wkka . it-, passed, both Houses will be cited as a certain i&dica-, lion of the unpopularity of Gov. Izard, and the light estimation in which he is held by the pe"ople. - But if there is one act of hii ad ministration which will redound to his credit more than all ethers; if there is one act which will receive the approval cf all virtuous men, it is the Tetoeing of that bill, which, by ro jjealing all protective enactments leaves the citizens, of Nebraska a prey, to lawless vio lence, without the hope cf legal redress. " " The above from ihe Kd-ra&dxn we publish ia place cf an article we intended to write upon the seme subject. We think Mr. Eoseetsojt, however, rather sweeping in his expression, terming the whole Council a "body of knaves." He well knows as he was rne of Lbs Cleiks, "and present when the EilL was returned Cor reconsideration that its passage was only secured by a leircy'al cf trust reposed in Judge BaaDFoaD as a Legal nan tas an honest and consciencious nm-r-on the part of the balance cf the Council, "Even Dr.: ililler himself, stated In his place that , lis would vote fcr the Bill "over the Governor's veto" if the "honorable Chairman of the J a diciary Committee" would assure "bin that it only repealed as 21 r. Bradford said, "rora- Hiding j-orticris cf i.'f CrimCi-al C!Jt'.n I' Lis assurance was given, with all aarerd candor and honesty, and the Bill p-.escd, by a vote as stated of 12 to 1 ; Dr. Miller fortunately voting as he did. Had Ilr. Erau ford secured :, the passage cf this repealing Eill by shrewdness Legal or Parliamentary' management," there mieht have been a ilidowof allowance for him, but securing its passage C3 Le did by downright fab-eho: and abuse cf cocSdence and respect reposed in him, be deserves to be held cp to the Public Contempt " of ;ll.. vrell wishers of this Territory. . ; ' The following are the licttndaric3 of the new Land Districts, provided for ia tke":EIU just passed : , . , ' V,,-"... . .. That all that portion cf the Territary cf Nebraska at present included in the. Qciaha d'tnet, which lies soath cf the line which ditties townships six and seven north, extend i'.igfrcmihe Missouri river westward, shall con stitute an 'additional district, to be called the "Nemaha land district;" all said Omaha dis trict which is situated south c f tha south shtrp or right bank of the Platte river, and rorth cf tne said tov. ns.r.p Lac, between townships six and seven north, shall conssit-ite an sldiLtlonal land district, to U railed, the "sec th. Platte nver land disrr.ct;" and ail that pcrii2n cf said Omaha district which lies north cf the south boundary cf the -Omaha reserve," extended westward, being identical wkhthe line which divides town: hips twenty-three and twenty four north, shad ccr.siit-,;t:c an additional land district, .to be called the "Dahkcta bod dis trict the location cf theoilces fcr u shall bo d It the President cf thnT'nfPA ' States, ar.d shall ly hira, fr am time to time, be chargc-I as th ruUi: interests may sctm to t, t C4... W. s .The unl;rstir.dlrg ii, thai the coniictirg claims cn the part tf. Nebraska' City, audi Erovrnviile, have keen Lirmonizedbytheaca tion cf two new land Districts South cf the Platte, giving an cf2:cs to both Polntx Oca cf the very beii cf cur exchanges is the Gtvda-A F:.-:ii .': ;r, Edited by J. W. Gnai E., who rrze: Cra'a sued for $i6,CC0 1& can.-e he wcu'.l t::', as Postmaiter, act as the Tribune mnlllrg Clerk ly .writing th? names ci subscrilers cn tha prfirs cf .hugs ' pacfcjg-g ; sentb!aul:; Crj .ire Rendered marv a time v 1.-, T' this fccl-es cf i:-rc;i:':u cn tie part cf t'e "Doliir Wcchly" ere tens r- . . r- s coii tL -1- T r than cr.e anyhuw, anl' that Ijzt., las keen trrx'utel XJ. Lk Jud :s for Kchraeka TtreitoTy &z czzZrzizl 1 7 Us 3. ;r.a:v- . 11 r. Wak ely if r-3 f;rm t rly a pr: - tlclr.;r Attcc- uey in LcruLn ctmr.ty, and ttndiei law, we bo lieve, with Jed Tihny, Hsq. He was crcc the XJcrno:ratl3 iC2ndidite f:r Pr::::cutirg At temfy inthit jcur.ty, tutths Ghrrlln Tota beat him. He was cor:," ;rcri a very promis irg yourg man, and Lb o! i f.iends will L3 guui to bear of lis promatlou. II a Las recently resi led in WLxsansln, uhtra La Los represctit ed Whitfiwatcr etntiituency in' both branches of tiuiLegis'aturscf that State. He will make a high-minded ixd imrrtial Jadip. -CLcvdznd I'lucndc3.r Jcdg3 Wxxiar, weLilieve, U thj rctdy appointed J lid g a f:r this District, which ras charged at ihe liitfeeaaicn of the Lelatrje. This is now tins Second Judicial District em bracing all ihe Territory South cf thancrthem lin of Otoa Cix. . . - . . :' PEErAjirsa :roa litrBovEnrsT.-Wesci in irculaticn atubscripriDntctmiie money ta cut Second street, through tie tluX to the levy landing. Bct'rcea $00 and $100C) was1 ob tained in a feir hours. Ia addition, !the Coun cil, we are Informed, will levy a tax to assist in this work, f . . .' ; ',1 . The are also ready, as soon as the weather rill permit, to commence the work s;aia on Idain etreeL . Only L3 tliiak, last publication day we sat in our Saadiim without fire, the isna shone bright and "vxTim everything lockud chterful out door. To-day "what a change" ground again covered with suctt, and cold as blazes "Old Sot" sad "Big Huddy" had It "nij and tuck" for fevcral weeks, aid the latter Is "leeile ahead'yet. "Sich is life." War. rn-fiTTScx has the thanks of the Edi tor, better l.alf, the "five boys," jours and devil, f;r s supply of Tenisoa .st in time.1 Wife had feed last piece of log in the house -afraid to cross the river cn ice no taeat ia town jast think, was'nt we lucky! Asotkzb.Wo are informed that a new pspcr v2l '' soon be started at De Soto in this Territory, "The more the merrier. " ; Will so:ncbcdy, don't lot our pigs and cow "suLTcr for tract cf the necessaries of life," and bring in a fear bushels of corn 'bn suhsurip- Uon." "Don't all sjeak at once," . Beat Tins I Ur. Baker shovred ts an eg yesteriay .which was seven inch is in circma ference. . Can anybody beat this ? Siracuss Certainly. Break tha egjinta a bc wl, and beat it with a spoon. Lynn letct. . , Yes, and to add a small quantity of good Braudy,' loaf sugar and nutmeg, uould'nt prove a Lad amtndmenL - Nett Psesicext. -Testerda.y Jahe3 Eu- CHAyAN the people's choica fcr President of the Triitod States, tha next four year3, was inacgirfiisd. Of coursa there va3 a great day in Washington. -IWe regret not beiog able to be present, as we had all along intended. " Ne- bmsk a was well represented , he wevirr. Next week t;s will publish an interesting anicle on the sulect cf placing, cultivating and harvesting th "Chinese Sugar Cane," cf which ;so much is being said and written just now. ' ' - ; -1 " ' ... , -' . : .'.'' - To Couexspokdests. The .; articles " cf "Frank II GayvEZe' are very acceptable, and the "turms"' agreeable. ' " The' Students Eeveriei " shidl ajpear next week. "Water is dying," by "B' shall also appear "J Friend." ' TYe cannot depart from the customs of thj rress bv admitting anoymcu3 articles without tha authors liawe bebg know tons; and besides, we deslrj a personal inter- view widi "a friend.1 A, Psrsixs j-oit tux . Wist. Some time during the Winter a jour Printer, "with a fam ily" sad oocdldon called . at the. "Adter tis2r" ifilce in aiswcf to our jour -wanted." The vacancy caring beea filled, we could not give hint work. ''-We heard nothing more of him anlil". this week, he mad ha appearance with an advertisement "Netv Feeut to be found ia another column. He'll do for a new country. Wo hope be will find th."New Ferry" business mDrs lucrative than "sticking rtTv '"' - - :- - ' We call attention to the adveriisement of H. D. ErEsr & Co, of Chicago, El. Their the .cosS' extensive in the Western Country. Acy orders left with ps wa will cheerfully forward.. ' - Also see th adveriberaent cf-LTni:ix&'s Fated Guznjihii Hre-Envf Safe." This is the Safe which took thu premium at the Worlds Fair, both in London and New Ycrlc. NIriEXEXi. Pisrrrn, is the name cf a new paper Recently commenced at Cuming City, W:ui ington CoM T. , YFe have the pleasure cf a "persona acquaintance with AnnsOH Dxiua.CE. Esq the Editor and Publisher, and kn a trhir: to he x-ell fltisd for the position he occupies. Tbe ,PicT:er, makes a very neat appearance, had we feel assured that under th 8 management cf Ilr,' Dlmmick will prove a vahiable Sheet, net only to Cuming City but to the Territory. Success to yoa E:cth:r Dliamick. - - i. . JicsTrsvTLLs' Fmr-T. Uefsrs. FirrrT & CisiycTOsr have purcbsed ti.o entire interest in, the Ferry at this jlace, and are maaing rx rsjgsmer.ts fe-r mere extensive accemmoda CiVii for thetravellr.g puhllo than they have hj.d herciofcre; They ars bc-th" enterprising gahsal men and ars determined to keep up ti lth the prrgrcss cf this place r d Ccr::: try. Lead thtir Advcrtiscmett in mother ccclcria, which sets ferih th? adtantrrs f this Ferry c rcr tlit of try ether ia theTcrriicry. Lead the Xew Advertieemcr.t cf J. B.Jrs- ths meet cxtraeive i hi-h 'X' . . 1 T ues in th eih s; B. B. C arnlatr, curDelcgr.le In Cc . As - w V .-. s W . -.j V -a cl the S :i-.2 1.: Lid b.:.:3 th-i body a ccn mtmlcitonlxra tl3 tary cf thaTrury, niila in c:m:!i:rc3 wiih 'a reso!ii':rj tilling pr an c: Limit 2 tz to what would ha the euuuiI inr-em2 cf tL CoT-:m:::cnt if ens .Va cf the duties anil :rLj 2 1 ly the 'tariff cf ItiS.irsrs remitted. Tha C:-r:!zry transmitted a letter from tha Leggier of tha Treasury, making the felbrrir-jcxhilli, belrg his Ciumaics upon tha total r:ceipt3 fir It'ha ical year endinj in Jens, ISC 3. .. The total receipts ' fir that year (we emit .fraeticcs) ares;t down at $73,913,141 receipts fjreustems fi saraeperio l,Gi,022,5S (he fih remitted would give a re- , duetion cf 12,803,572 Leaving- an estimated annual in- - ; comecf ' f . C1413,5es One-fourth rcmi.ted irould give a . , . ? redueilcn cf ; i. : '16,005,715 Leaving an cstimatDd annual in come cf 57,51X,425 One-third remitt&l trould give a 1 reduction of i v . : . - 21,4931 Leaving an esiimeiird annual in- . ' CCU3.3 Cf 52,577,133 DZATR CF THE CciT OK TES KaTSAS In- riASS. Keas-hiiga, thu great Chief cf the Kansas cr Kaw Indians, died in the camp of his people on the night cf the 17th ula, and was biriel cn th-i followlrcj day with the the usual ceremonies of his tribo. . Keashinga was a coble Chief, and his people were greatly attached- to him. Ha was known ta almost every inhtbltantcf Western LTissonri an! Kansas. Hii horse, according to the eastern cf hi3 tribe, was killed upon his grave, ia order that be might not find himself on foct ia the "cxtvied world. , ." A ball was given by the IJnited States c Ul cers cn the prairla at Lecompton, Kane as, cn New Tear's eve. The ladie3 all were llacki- naw shawls and CTershoes, and at the end cf every cotHlioa wcald run to the re to trarra their noses. The supper was served in a tent, and all hands turned in about midnight. In the mornirg holes were cut in the ice at Kaw river, hat the ladies might wash their faces. How do the thinly dressed belles who foot it ia the gas lighted, overwarm ball rooms,' like the picture? ..;!.' Iitcesss EoBi.rux. A dispatch frcra New York announces an immense robbery that has been perpetrated in that city. Some fifteen or twenty bonds cf the Illinois Central EaUraad are among the stolen property also a certified check cf $1,100 oa the Judd Linseed and Sperm Oil Company, and bills receivable of the sama company to the amount cf $200,000. According of the ministerial papers cf Spain, cf tha 2iih cf December,' Gen. Santa Anna, cf llcxico, had sent agents to lladrid, to propose to ra-establish monarchy in Mexico with a Spanish prince, or sovereign, provided the Spanish government will grant hira cer tain assistanctj, , The Epoca opposes any such project, unless it be freely demanded by public opinion in Ilexico, and have the sapportof France and England. . - . '-; ' Arm cas Bsastdt. At the last meeting of tha American Pomologica! Society, Coh, "Wil der, the President, stated that Catawba brandy made at Cincinnati, has been purchased at five dollara per gallon for exportation .to France, for the purposs of ..Savoring foreign liquors. . A Eubternc;ean river has beea struck by the persons engaged in boring an artesian well at Henderson, Ky from which a jet of water is forced up through the bore and thrown to the height cf fty feet above the surface of the ground.- " . ' . The Eon.:; Thomas L. "Harris, cf Jllinois, baa been presented to Mr. Buchanan as a pro- per person t 11 the positioa of Postmaster General. The Chicjigo Frus gives the capital em ployed in manufactures in that city as $T,73D, dCO; number of hands, 1073; value of pro ducts in 1S56, $15,518,003 -- A Hr. Alexander, of Woodford, in Ken tacky, recently paid $15,000 for the celebrated race-horse, Lexington." A good deal of money to invest in horse fiesh. - . - E. L, Jan. 9. The two Hcuiescf tie Gen eial As2mbly inet to-day, and elected Jamei F. Simmons V. S. Senator to Congress. 1. 1 ' ; " See the Advertisement of D. C. & T.N. SasceeV. in 'another column. Their, stock will be large, and we trust they will be liberal ly patron ixedV"- " ' " ItCLIGIOrS JCOTICEU ' Preachlcj in Erowaville, at tie Sc'ol Ilcrase, ca Tuesdav ev jiristlie 1C th, by Ktlert J. Spsncer. , LwirX mum. wt ' i . . w .. . PRE-EMPTOBS GUIDE. Event Zlqn'in Sdrasts 'tJicull -' : -:' ' have a Ccpj!'r " ' WILL X2 EEADr FOS LFLTVIIIIT, . r -Maxell loth, 1857. ' The. KPre-Emptor3 Gnide". is the title of a '"work now in press, ccntain inrr all th Laivs, Instructions, Fcrmfi ni decisions, relative to ths p-oLns "An 'Act. regulating the. cispc-al cf Lands -purchased ia trust fcr towa sites. Th-b-Trork Trill contain ah out 100 r. ,A? H Va cfit free Cf r0-t2 S-ua WU1 uw wuj.k -- va i.u-. . to fLnjdesircJ addrcisca taerecepticn of 51. A liberal discount siica t.o agents" and dealers.' , ' . ; Send in jour orders e'ailtv j Paper3 noticing recdye a cepj by serJIinga marked copycf their pi per to thi3 clTIce. - ' ;' . Adtlrers z . ' ' .... - XlrcTrnTille, ZCemahs Co.-f IT. T; . rcrscn3 uesirin:' to act ay n-rciits LancLV'cpto the present cue; alio ihet Latr 'passed ai tho last Session of tha "Nebraska Legislature, entitle! ccr.r. PRODUCE. Ei: (ill IIS? EATE3.) Ficra,i?siri"? Ti- - Coes: JIsa.1, " ; ". 1 Coax, ia C'.l 13 bcihel... -3.!:) 5o Ss-a.r, l'j Cofixt:, Tka, Dac '. . IlO . i ..... 10s Llajn?, t h;)ulleT, i Je? ... .. ft 8c .. 9c 2.00 ..... 0 j3 ....... ,5,; 25j Cxnen 3, clcs" ..... .. LG-G3, ait, ........... Fi:su Eerr, I? To Potatoes, V buihel, cew XL- rrn, MIT AHA VALLEY DAS1K. BROWNTILLE, X T. A. IlAiiAjr, Caih'r. Sw II. TanDLr- Prcs't. OriTrXNG DAYS, i:(n3aj3anaTLur5dij3. DISCOUNT DAYS, Taesuajsand Fridays. DAXKIrfG IIOURS, ft:m 1st November to lit I'.zrth, 10 A. Mnto 3 L. J.: from 1st iiarch to 1st r.Gveinber, 9 A. JJ to 3 r. II. Era Las d Office, Omaha City,) Januarjr 26th, 1S37. On the 1st day of Febraary this olUce will h- opened to Pre -emptors. Plits cf the followxg Xownships are readv. and persons on any of them can come forward as soon 33 they please, ana prove Tip. Uther Plats are daily espected, and as soon as re ceived, will ia like manner be ready. -Xos.l7,l.H, 19, ' ia Rang 9 1,2,3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, . . . 13,1'J, 10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, "11 5, 6, 7. S, "IS " 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 3, Nortb of Range No. 12 East. 1,2,3,6, . . " " 14, 5, and 6, 44 15, 5,and6, " 15, A Public Sala is confidently expected on or before the 1st daycf June; previous to which, all persons claiming rre-Lmption must con- sum at 3 them, cr they will be forfeited. Persons applying to Fre-Empt, must : 1st. Be a citizen of the United States, or have filed his declaration of intention to "be come a citizen.' 2d. Either, the head of a Family, or a Widow, or a Sir.gla Man, over the age cf 21 years. 3d. An inhabitant, cf the tract sought to be entered, upon which in person he ha3 made a settlement, and erected a Dwelling House. ("A person failing in any cne of these re paisites can have no claim to Pre-Empt.") 4th. Satisfactory procf rcust be made to establish the three foregoing requisites: This must b3 done br ceo cr more disinterested Witnesses. The "Witness, or Witnesses, must testify -in person, at this odlce, except, t3by reason of distance, sickness, or infirmity," they cannct appear! " In such cases depositions will be received. 5th. All papers connected, with Pre-emption cases must be prepared in due form, by the Pre-ernrtors or their mrents. This dutv can not be too strictly, complied with, as it is especially required, by a recent Circular- from the Commissioner 01 the .Land, vince. , . . Cth."Inali case3 of contest,-the party: who first applies to make-proof and payment, must give the notice to tha other claimant, and fix a time for trying th e case. - - ; .7th. Land Warrants are receivable, but only one Yvr arrant can be -used. If a Warrant of a less' denomination than 160 acres is used, the difference must be piiid in money. We will take pleasure ia alTordlcg any in formation required, and any facility in our power, to Pre-empt ors, but they should not fail to attend the foregoing requirements. By doing so, their business will lie promptly des patched. JOHN A. PARKER, Register. ' ,'. A. R. GnxxoEE, Receiver. " ' NO 2. AN OltDIX AX CE. ' For the Imjiroeement cf &rf ii and aUei$ im tit . - - , City of liroicnville, X T. . Section. 1st. Fa it(hiainedby the City Council of Frowntille, iNcmaha Co, S. that five mills cn the dollar, valuation of all taxable property, be levied for the purpse cf imprricj tho Streets and alleys insaidCitrr ' '':',' ' "' See. 2d-Fe it. further Ordained, that it shall be the duty of tho llariha to proceed and collect the above ta IriacedLatcly after tha expiration cf tbe ten" days from the jaaaof this, Oriinanee, and pay the m u.ey irto tbe hards of tbe City Trea3urei, takir.g his race; pt tbcr.fcr. ; j . : ' t Sec Sd. 13e it farther Orctained-, that iboulJ any property holder in said City, fail to comply with the requinaects of this Ordinance," then i.t filall be the duty of the Marsha! to proceed arsi enforce the sam?, in necerdaiice Trith t'ie i-aw in rasa cade maaa and provided. This Ordinance to tiko efTett front and after ten days from the date f it3 passage. - .Fassed,ilarch3d, 1S57. ... .,-. - AJ5.I10LLADJLT,5Iayor. Attest : - , B. K. TnorrsGS, Fecorder. .' ..-.4 -. SHRUBBERY, OSAGE ORANGE., -f . AGENTS' FOit"-..'. . 0 VEH2ZAX & JLLXITS ZZHlooixaiTi rj'toxx, HL AOFeNXE ta tl? citizens r.f Nercahn Cocnty . thai epoa the cpeains tf Kavtjalioa they trill be in reeeiptof a Iire supply of alia jt. every assort -meiit usually to Lefund ia IC crsc ri-s. The stoak from whkh cur selections aremide isTerylarejCOB- ai5tiaim prtcf:. ". .. ." .. ' ,'. , ,. r33T055 A i pie Trees, from 6 to 8 fee L ' ". . 10?,?(-0 Dwarf Ttvir Trees, 2 years old. " . . S3,0t 3 Standarl i) front 2 to 4 year?. - 113,013- Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 yean oid.Uw&rf aj.4 Standard. Peach, Fluin, Apricot, and JTecUruH: Trees, ialare number!. ." - .. . .. 1C8,003 Fapbtrric,embracu:- every kind cf 8t;j value. ... . .. ... - - , . AH kin Is cf pcr.ulax as trt.Il ai rarer kiadi of other axali fruit. Fcrei -a asd 5at,iTe rrerr.'? XorTray Sr-m.;t, Pjass. ; O'rypt-iiasri a,' Cedars, Ula k - aad Whitci Spra, Faliam ileri.'jcis, e.c, lare Eediuin ur fiall. ' " - ' " J: "oraaireaLil Trees, Itcses, Sarulbery. Cl-atb: raj II;idre Hart , et:. . liJlboas Fcc-'J, tatite or fcrrort!; Dahha.?, Car-tction-j, Faaies,, 1'hloicH, all ii great lane::, aad of the most Icaati al Tarie-iie-. " Y.'h'ld we ccTiI-Ieatlj c'ainfr oar pro-Iacticr.sio s:acral aa cot earpa.?c.l by any o.-w ' -VKr5e-7- r-f-'--r'JJil. emphatallydat t , , ...... Vr-h Dwarf am fctaa-lanL as ccirtk Jed t.;.ir a extaat cr jna.r, iy asy tiislujrstfK.- i:i Acicru.. As SJ-tirs to rroaa asa ti pr:-e, e w-;:-J i?lae.ra thut ear tre.s were a-t alj cted 'to the aitreai col I darln; the liit rioter, whi-.h e .;ac- j ted s cxteun'-e injerj to u& erk-s at the V i aal t'aattte ts.vebad no d.-oa'it dar;-g t-: past cj t;u tae jrn. i- w- i . --3 retarded. Th? f say le 1th --d tLcr:f--:c,ti to ia rnae tea. .n nca -c dla.r.-h 5th, l?v-. U.C.iT. X. S ACCESS. . aa O-1 4s. av -w ti--- FAII.IU to fee s.-vi; h:.d ir.sdo' ill's t r-r ILIX3 to .-.'e s .-vcr-i i -r? -: he. relic ft, who 1 pu;h2 seed. The sals:r'3n Uka jrroal. flui.;-r ia ir tha riant en, Fanl-.Ti" zlH Cu-laer?, th.n they hare secured tti th xist itIVv'i 3 es a I.'ealt ed npp!jof Fref b Seel cf tl.'.i rerj' vsl ille J !in!. ths I'-roptrtlai tf trLkh t.-y i.j Lriit'j tip liW Or.a acr9 ef jLo rtalka, : r,-r?r'.v will yield froa 2l'i to Lli cil'.vL? if ia3 j ru; e-.iuid to tia its; .New Orleans! and IVia th-' E43i3 j roots, wjude rrj of eetlatt f.-ii:r. ; oowa br-3icait cr :ia c; se ar.;.. a iitna djc'y jloTr4cr highly Eaaarei, it iU yieti C,-i,1j to tioMiiZ pjttnJ tt sBperivr ftivlicr to the acrs. - Si. It sarja?50 all ctiTT.!ini3 fi.r SiIUr; (feel ing reen.) Aud fcJlcr, ca ai-c cf tha rrt aisouatcf scrarj' juke vtkb it coatilas; aal is grceoiiy eatea 1'j suxk tf a. lie-is. 4ih. It lean, repeaicl ettili: r-lii Fjyptun Uiliet,STOTri2 o!f fret'y an I raii-.::vai'teruci. c-it- 5th. It ti3 1; iL-outa rnucb bctur fhaa ec-aaioa eornjrctaiaiEjittgrcwj color a;il joicinsii evet after the Buetl nij.turi'3. 6th. Tliarcr.l is exccllont fir lnniafl, hea ground ia to n.'.il, and fatteas tlvCiJfti-j n:araU very speedily. Frc:a twenty-five to acveLty-ave b'xshcLi can boralasd cn an acre. - . Thasesd, wi;hLas Utn very rare fully kcrt ,irc. I kagef, eat-li eititaintsjer ough t vluat about m- fifth of t.aartia drills 4 fe-t ly IS i3-be3,wi2iful! directi'.Q fur t'ie cultivation, wbich. U i'erfec;!j ' tVtwu-V-. wtTT W fnrwsr.l.-.! l.v rr... t'rte t. f ro3, Sr adjoarceei'it of 51 tVr a:: package. Wtea nvt sent by xuaiL we will forLih ( a prorortfcaata quantity ly exjresi at punUri iarly orders are solicited, i the sarply tf geed ' and rcliaUe stiel is quite iiaa :ci. A j j ticanti itiatcs will be entered ia theorda- inwLkli they ar rereiT eil, and the soei will be niailcd a3 socn a?po:llk. A Ttamphlet will to sent, post.s free, to till h- purchsse sc?if ; cr to aay jcrca fko will er cl : i 3 a tiiree ccntstin p. Deaden ia eedi and country cierchaiU can te snppliel at a liberal discount frtta retail rates, if their orders sr. receired imaediatily. Adlms witli a pUia direction Lr nailing cr shlp picr. ' 'e Trill a! be prepared to fcriiLih a cnijia and eSjient taill t3 express the juice from the caae,and cauldrons kc-, for boiling the same. Jlanr testiinoniala in adlliioa can be glvea to prove ita ali.ptiidiie3 to the 2forth trei:cra and Western, stas. lAT OUR WAREHOUSE TF3Z aho le found at all tine L LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Of a3 kinds cf Farm Implements AND MACHINERY, With a full SU:kcf ' Ticld and GardenSecds, Cf tbe Host FrniAXu: and gc-nulss Undi. - tSTur. Catalogues sint oa TIEXF.Y D. FAIFHY & C0 201 Lake Str:? Chicago, F.l. 3jth5th,lS57. S3-tf " Across. Tlic' Shntc : ,': . At- the Head of (lie Island ' ABOVE XEOWXYILLE, . To W. S. Hall & Cos Sar Mill. TTTIE under?? jned aanouueca to the Fublie that he X has parthased the Fcttt privilej-J -nr.t-.'d Jack ion Pet ars, at tho last Si-stun of the Lef:.;latTir, and is r ow prepared -wi th a new and rabstauiial boat, atoll tiiaej to AJi-Tunnodate the patdii. Char -e 3 Btraal rates. . . " ' - CnTTt -,TTTT-,T - . Marth 5tb, 1357. - " 33-Cni J. R JENNINGS, ; Wholosalo Grooor, . : - ""' . " AND I ". CQHI1IIS3I0X IIELCIIANT, ' : COUNTRY PRODUCE, ; - Corner Second and Frances Sts. ' ' ST. JOSEPH, 210., H AS on baud, atd to arriTe, the fu'Jowixij arti- eles, whh inllbi sf.M te th fcra lo on aeotn atic?term: EXCLUSIVFLY-AT AVUOU:- whkh terms, mod S'A 150,CC) Cigars all qcali-lCO 1x3 E D. aad W B tj.j " cbecs ' ' 4C00iickaC A Salt 1:5 boxes' starch . 2r0 LLidaS O Sasar 22 J bbls and hf bbis water SCO fkJ FI Coffee and bat'r cratri;rt - ICO f OG Java Ccffoie 200 bbU aal hi Ills pilot C3 La'j'injTa' bread aad pic ck" do It!) M'xh . 200 bbU e'-j& a ills sorore-i 20 1 "bll-V half Ibis and-CO ec? aad wine Ly - kjrs Fclcher's 1! hisses-ICS bo.sipT.le vinegar "Oo'bb:.", balf bbls acl cr30i) baa Tcbaeeoali grades 1 y K reaed da ' 2:3 txi sen kir tobacco, 153 l.alf chesti tea, . all various tnridi tird? 1C;) ba-auhej jipe sterna 230 to", F-jLhirsSa-r-.r SO Ibis II fc' "f-ici! ad 150.111, tai'a, qrs, tea 1. Joca Anacada - 2 3 IlackcrcL lJ btla fll&ert.?, ' lrai.1 2C0lxfldriedberr.rrr3 r.ut, yir.i 2) hf tha White r"i.-h lO ks s CS-da " ' j dnna dry Cod' Fiii 509 keera aiKcrtedT ilia . 2C.Q b-iaaii'd candy $ .3 x, fcilf ar.d tAr star 1C1 " foney" '' - . canFi-i . . SC'F.Hrupaf"" - - 150 dosterinedo 10 J 'bx'irj "sad ira Eaa-200 d bar : sp , ia, -v, -illilJ-'j 59 bra Francs ' ' - sr.VFfitins. Cotton jam, carpet chain,' lattirg, eacdle wi-iks, enttoaand hes:p twir:-. wheat anl xaeal sack?, axej, mlaa aad shove..', rarieaset-dj ar.l straw rakes, fr; r fr-sih toaiatoe, eaatoii ginger, prttrtes, c-t asl cat leai.ra Ffrap, fcbfters. sardines, tt'.raj'. ard e-cace t,f fcfee, chocolate, pickl?5, iswitche.",!:. .WOODEX TVAK WashVsar!", tub?, ecmra-TX I-IX et lir pa'l , 33 B psi!?, piae aai ch Bras, bra: a Ur.a.l chs,rr.s,tar ticket?, well'a. cedar eaos, tr-p stick?, tatter printibuckryc towla ia jfjr, irt-a ttr.l kc- or. tio, three, f, re aal ten rubn, tha a:alIoreize -with bile?, eoi.aion aai I Ii half tcihcla aad tacajure?, cir'.p atK la etc. ' I an il.-o o r "nt f:r the scdof K A slLard have. uw oa bntd L.0 )3 for sale at ecsi aal traa.-vr-titiua. I Lave the cat-'.-itiTe ave by direct cor.. -a-nett of Sreh-cdr- id-.-r.a Fi'di'seel ' ntr-i cysttra, wikcowlejed to le t..e tittutup iai.:.i,'.r, ' " " To California anil Salt Le liirtizrr.nt.v. Yoar c-- :lrl altcn'.;:a ia ir.-.T;-d rr c- .-a cxh.'rtee? eTcrythi?,-: suite 1 to y. Lr fasts ta cr : l r;I -1-t B-?s- yrd,l-.rl r,r--t Kar.-l i ' " r '"-":"-' : . .all - f L -h v,M La . II at t! I.-iw-t c.! j lr;,e. . i. Ju.i.-i.'u;.. g. rr. hi:r:. L-l J 1 I ... 4 . . 1 L . )! lEHAIIA city, yr. T. ? t I. FERRY chaia?, lead sact, icer t,roo., r- i i heop,QAnUla, Jute and cotton c ri i, in ar.l caller, alaa, vhit l?ad, vln iutr aath, w riMS, tclarsjart of JliTcn-nt sues, aert;-d Easjifraalirk, p:e f raits, freah fhca, Iran- y chirriea aad t-eaches, eorrect ar. l rasj berry jelht. KOTART PUBLIC, LAXD AXD LOT AG EXT a:;d agent roi; . I j! , - I - ; 1 " i . j 4 . w ... . t W t I m I .... . ...nil 1 Ui Cz 1 . GENEHAL -LAND AGENTS,- rLATTsTroTrriT; HIi cc, I .-f ra, ' t.rtu:)- Till; ?, F-y r. .lai .v. L.TCi.irr r.wa- - V", Vv' -"-11" . . , ' J.--- Vejj - i. - . -T Trvr- " - J.' 31. DEWi?, -ufiOCluti! AttCXTtcr. ,' " ' ItHFCinNCIZy :' f e.EC Vclr Li ' ,u J 'j ari C-jkU I,tr; vt ( Fjt iit. M Ciccbti.;;;. Oh". liJcnTTJvd. 1.. Cia-::Mi:i, 01; io. Vinc;ntrjTto; N. J. II;jrtit;i-.-3-ji.' , . i y.lni a. Or?cne, X. W. The u a, S.hxt!y & r-'-on Oea. Wia. Irk! . ILJubnson.' " -I.ltel & Son. -. Iic-lInon S I'D.. Darlicgtra Co. Kir. k. 1"l ia, Fx. ifed:.Ti,y.j. Hsnin-'s Patent Champion HRE-rr.OO? SAFES, TT71TII A.iri riitcnt rcwJ.r-Frtcf L-vVs the t V same thst were aR-aruri E.-a1a5?f .r H! at tLe World' Fair Ltml-a. 1, a-1 tb 3 Wer', i'? Vi'r, NewTcrk, 1552: ati are Aaer-' mts i -fes taatwere awardri Litda'j ai ti-u Lual.a V.'orld a Fair. These Safes arecowadxittI to la rarerur U ztj ever c.T:rt 1 to the pni;!? ; acl tb sjib-jcribcrj c-hoJ-lenre the WcrM t, prrJace an ia.ftar-ee cf L?e UiLnj to xr'-"5erre their cottects tbroir-n. tae hottest fre., or a ur.'Lir j.kkin the l y-k. -The subscribers ac t their aen..jt are tae . - v rr- SOU3 autboriisvl to ntak a-1 .f-!l H rrir'i l'at;nt Champion Safe, wita ILi!;3 Fa'.ent lewder Froof Lockj. - s. c. nEr.r.iyr ca. Green Fx5, 133, 137 acl IZJ Water St, , . w "d5ilurriSt,-wTitrk. Jarcb 5th,ISj(. :;s-6m. To lilsxnor 3calcrsf; Wholesale Grocers, Druggists, Photo1-graphers,AtrihrotypersJvrotcch-nist?T Glass Mannfacrarors; and Artizans in general. . BEST C( EraiK EST COGXAC OIL, to t.rwla:- a L:--fiarrci dy with pure spirits; ai'o, tbo fliv -rir all the Art?: 3u-Ui .i. a.i I'Liilni. I::--Tr.uf..'i. Cil. nuam. Aiwst, iear.a Licax Fercha 11 .t:L- tn-i Li-:j, Cyacile, lvtta i i:a. Eaettlal Oil--: Lt-.n, I-rraravt, JLntrr-d r. Cvr?,' JuB'lp-r, Ciriway, I.;??, Orange, Vaill'.a:, laactt powlor, ar-1 F.y i'ar-rr. - . N. C A Valuah'.e Preparation t? ei?3 Age " and FjJj t j en- Vrhi.-ky, aud ether U.u-waelj acl IxportcdU-j-icrj; it Is aii valuable aa ael-rirsruf allifaidj trhk-Lare waldy aad! full dj-n?- -tioaa fur ee seat t. ih evrry crJr. 1 .j- a.' ca :.!,- m ?t laodorats trraa. by Lr. I-.I'CCi IT V.' A S'j V.'.t Caeisinarl Iarcrtcrcf 'all E;a-.r.ti.U (JZi. Dr:-m 32-4w ir.:.riifiLana.N.Y. . VTaI. OSBOIIN. - , . raaxri im ..... t. V CLOCKS,: WATCHE3P J.-wdry, rivM War;, Catlcry, Fp-xoa, Jtc, d3; ' ZJ"s.z vtin.3 a:.l F.sriisiNa dcr.o on short notiee, and all wc-j..Trir.zAiTe.r. . j CHASLE3 G. D0H33Y, - " '-. -AND ' . " ' ' : ' GEXERAL LAXD AG EXT, First Sire;,' rcrpcslta " Aivsrtiirr 'f cHrs.) ----- EI70WXVILLE, 2.:T.: FspectalTr s- Felt :h '-n'-'n-c ..f thi pt.!.ric La . Euyir,;?,;:-.a,' ;' . CLAIMS, TOWX PROPERTY " Xjo.i3.cI "'CtrTTrrv ueat r ' ,. And Filing Declaration cf InU'ntloi t: All rlaiscar.a tf land a are adri -cl t Lie i:r.taJi ats!y, if tii ?y have ns already d ?re ;, JU) jrm. siona of the ire-crpticnUw in rcvr-t-tansjlsui and nut to be avi.i.-d,r.Ts-d it ii ir.:r-;--.;.l to p rf;el a Fre-jmpMJa Fight itl-- ut lu-. FronvnTilI-, Jaa. 15, If 17. vl r. ,1X ' ... . DiLLo:i, THon?Eo:r co. Lari Frame BuihlLr j Cor. Ufa'a d: Lock Su - : . LOCK FORI, ZIO. sale a;. 1 F.vta'l L::ra i "9 And Grc'C-rr'.cz, Hardwarj, Qu3cnsu:aro, D;-5,-IL!;, Ce.rj; Poof, Shoe?. Tir.-.varc, Sto'.-es,'1 - r.. T-, - X'.-T. TI.,,, i k 1 A.-.., .ti...-., I -j ,V and F..:n;Ie- rte:."i. "VT7ihI hate, ra the i..peai::r of trav'-atilr, a ;; aal ralc 1 a c.-iicn t thtdr c-, t. (.. t.e so.4 i-ow l .-r (.a- i clruiry 12 i. l?iT. EtTEairrscr e5T.s?.c:2. j. r. x. tii.'ieN. - ViTl practice j-aLlrf -4s- iTd.a.-:.r-e- 'e'ia 5'u-J.tat iheaa that tri'd re-p."..-? it' c . '"iTTC? -x ZHj-rtueicl. O HZH co " - Ai?r?: E. F-;-hrv V, j.--;. (.'.rr. N". T. h,a- ,.Fv::r,ir,y. T. SEAS0X. aeili::ge:i.cx7S! St. Jcs?:h and Cor.-. cil EI: :i!y ZPaclnct, ii SILVER HEELS." with the f.r;: ?u La;a Fj-:k: tat J--; O.. Th.; ".Silver If .!.-," will ci:?.Uh-r tr-.'tsSijax Cif,-sai iatt-rue--!i.-.teT' :-r. r;- a rr, - I.:.i. " ' l'J'MI.Li iAXil'JN. ci-tf A pita. 1,000 BUSHELS i rT"E Li --r-w 0.1 tic H3jfr?ra l-:. tiJ-cro I csel qaaarify c-f ap-r;.:r s. 1. err p. T L ; rt c l J Ui-.i'. . : -.-i ar. d -:j'e: ;;;-;; i?.ind f ,-r'lIc plirit ida:t f-? to ev-;.-f f'wrtt i su:.i ..-.-". t !.r.;rrc-ra r ictf i-i't-r I harir.r tea ca i.: I . t..'; 1 -ht:.-a ii" th - - ., the actlvi-. -1 v- .-,.f jinu in Texas' h r-? s -. : Jl-: t -let 1 1 r? Ihe .eel n rx- -T-.V..-1 8.-;;ve I v arT. v.. !.; ii ir i :n. .; ..i !"a r i ser ; !;'.. lr n 'Lxx'; - :.J , : H' 'u. ;'' .... , t. i:er.:.r :1 1 .it-.-" ii t.v- a.- '5 i i i e .- I - . -. -if ' - '-; .'geutlrg .'-r thn wh- for every Kind of Liu-t, and tbe eica-is .f Janiaica and St. Croix Kam. l andEc?!;-.i C'.n; Feach an 1 Cherrr FrCv; ilancaa.Scla, lirtrtua, Irk-h and S:ot.-b VTLiikr"; i.ri ani JliiA Via: Colcrin? f;r lir-lv sr 1 IVrt Wins. Cbea'xal f "lI-, r-?T --.i j.-t r:; .n - ra-'-i.-r fe-i." itvi---.-r LwVLIt El. LI..-;' tar-t beca built e:irrtJr f- r t..r-i.', iri.; n-.-. a t'i rr.rnlr. cf ravj-atlcr:, c-ali?!r tr-'-. iCI. t-.-r.' . ?, nr r; r 1 in ii n.. I l.lii f r. : : f j tio: r-- e u-f" Lhee:. hare let-a left rr.h I lbs c iC. etc. f- -.-'V '-- 1 '?