Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1857)
" Tho public is hereby n- Vied, lliat the Y7cst half tf tr.3 V-rtlicast q"irtcT and the East half cf the " -Nor':. -Test quarter f Section lurcher one in Town ibip number fourcf Range '.nuinber fflcen East, in Ncn;aka county, Nebraska Territory, Scrvxi the claim tf the uni!crsi-:cd, ani that hi will pro--c?d,fl son stlas Land Cirl?6 is opened, to enter the gama y jre-errpU-iu All sales of town Lots cade upon aid trait, by an y person or persons as part of Nemaha i!y, will be held by tho undersigned as absolutely -Void. A. D. SKEE?i. Vror.Xc, Jan. SSth,lS57. ' : - , . IS. B. FEGEAjr. - S. H. K1IDLE. B. R. FEGItALI & CO., . . 13 zz'ls. o ur a AM) V GENERAL LA ND A GENTS, cbuyciL'DLurr iowa.- : Improved Little Giant COB! k COB PLANTATION-MILL ZPxico Xlcclucod. THE rubseribcr ha purchase J exclusive right of Territory in the West, of the above celebrated J! ills, and is prepared to furnish .them at all times, either wbole'&ie or retail, and guaranteed in the tnost positive rannncr. V - j - ii l-j bow more man a jc;:r iuo ttw n- ; '. Giant' WTas intrtnlueeU to the public during which tin?, it ha been constantly growing in the popular Tavor. The irr-provements recently ejected and- patented, makes it the most perfect- machine. -ever offered for general farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs a follows: No. 1 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are mfUcicnt ta net one cp, without mechanical aid, and when one adjusted, it can with safety to" cntrustsd to a boy. Full direction accompany each liilL No 1, $ Zb, w ill grind 8 bo meal per boar with 1 horse N2 40, - u 10 - - u I - " No 3 b M u lb M u l Xo CO, 20 " -. 2 . 27 Liberal discount to dealers. . JAilES U. CnADWICK, No. C3 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d ' June2S,-lS5(3.-tI-t-4 St. LouLs, Mo. ALONZO rit ATT, New York, Z. O. rRAJTy O. TV. CHILD, St. Louis. ' E. Tf. FOX, .S. C. MAXsTR, St. Louis. CHILD, TKATT & CO., Direct Importer?, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents English, French, German & American Hardware and Catlery, GUNS, EIFLES, PISTOLS, &c, &c. 1S3 & 111 Main St, cor. Washington ATenueJ ST. LOUIS, MO. .AKKEVAIi!! OF NEW GOODS!! ' W. IIOBLITZELL & CO. BROWN VILLI; X. T. HATE THIS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers A.C. Goddio and Wm. Campbell, and now rpenin, the most extensive stock of Gcod3 ever of fered in this market. After the experience they have in Nebraska, they flatter thein3clres that they know what suits the people, and hare purchased such . a stock of Goods as cannot fail to please. We will not pretend to enumerate, but say cocio and soejand .you will not fail to be suited. (X-t. 15, !S55.-ly y r. C. TITTLE. E. C.TEKLEr. U. W. SHITn. rUTTLn, PBRLEY Cz SLIITH FALL S TTLES. 1 855. 77 Main street, St. L-u:3, Mo. - , MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnets, Importers and "Wholesale dealers in Ribbons. tSllk M'ii:inery,Flowcrs, Trimmings, Lace Good?, Ea-LroiJirie,lc.- - " . - Cir"M.frchants and Milliners nro porticlarly in viici to exauiineonr stock, before making tbeir fprins uroL.ifi, r.s we (relying fallj on the superiority of cur styles,) intend to nr iEdneements equal, if not n, to r.nyjoi)!3:ng nou?e in the Lnited State, cuiber 13, Ibji vlnl5-6m SIGEliS0N'S; NUBSERY; . - j ST." LOUIS, 11a - - ; j JO EX SIGERSOX BRO:,:. OfTcr for sale the ccmin; Sprin?, iO,C03 Afp Trees, 2." and 4 yearVt.ld, o i, bmcir? 175 rnrieties. Price 25 ti 40 cents. 25,003 Peflch Trees, from 6 to S feet high, CS varfities, fr ... 25 to SOc. Si5C3 standard Pear, embracing 43 varieties, prn o from S3 to 75 cents. 5.Cc D Dwarf Pe&r?, embracing 33 varieties, price ?ic-.rh.. . : ... - - 5,C3 Cherry Trees, SI Tarieties, ID ta 75 cents ' - pseh. .'"' 1 " - '" .. ' ""'" ."' '" C ! Ap-lcoi, Gulden, Euda, Peach Api i cc.t, Inrgc'y, irice 50 cents. 1 C3 Qaince, as.- : ted,. 25 to SOcenis. :r3l)wBrf Applen.. ......."SO u 13 White Orape Currants 25 " 1 . 3 RiackN-irics ...25' 44 ' lr3 Cb-rrr .Carraal-.. i "1 Tl Pnt'h Currant - tT-3 Yicioria Currants.. , l' White DutHi Currants . 'i 3 T. -.'.-' Rr 1 Dath Currants &r..i rn;-;,-h Blauk... . 2.r'3 1V : f,:Crefe I.."-) il-fiif n's Seedling... ... ....20 ....UH" ... 12V. ....124" .... I2iu -. 25' ." " V.'nrrirgtoa 3o l.t" 3 Sulr-her ' do l.mA.ton do ;'DCH.wn P.-h cV ::3i:ir-Mm d- .....25 u u u It 25 25 J."3 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 1C3 Ohio Everbearir.g do .10 - Zt 10 M C u V it M -It U U "1 Lnrre Antwerp do 1 1 V - l'.rtwarn ....10 j;'..! ! ;lk b 1 1 oCrts .......... m w3 Ih.rse Chestnuts 50 5.CC1 Crrpo Vines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 15?.r:3 Grar-a Vices 1 year o!d..?5 100 5.c: 3 I.-xhllii assorted, each ...25 ('3 IVrnl is do j 50 j 1 .'.:nt AragBi Roots. 55 1C3 , . .1 Tiii' fU'.'... .... .... .... 10 T.CT J Yard l'ir.k SOcts ?yard. r,. :3 Vants Yictcrla Rhubarb f.Oe or 40 V - CO P'D Wiim'-t Early Red Rhubirh...12a I ?,f Ci Ftrn berry Plants. 12 varietiss..-. . J.i to 10 rer 2X000 lf.C:3 Fbvlft and Ornaincntal Trees, embracing Cat!;. L.ars letisU IVaoma Imporia LfO.birlv lV.t lnr, Silrr Lenred Porlar, Lsrsuin Woi, Sweet Gam, Elm. Eal'iim IV'..:r. All;ar.thus.Tulir Trees, Ur land Cy- bv-amore, I :iTce ..iu.herrr, Amencaa P -x h. Wef-.irt Willrw, Buckeye, Monn t.iin A-"n, V.'bite Ri-ch,R'd Maples, Tarring , ... i i. .uI3 ccl: ta vi,5J,') 15,:: 3 J" .iac'rg- ' )i jr:co each f-Oa to S2 VTr-is V . d- - . fe-trt 51 Yll Tf l"n" b .:letoS-2 I -I Fir, dr. IC'o to ?1 - n r-r-r-rTw Arbrriti 25r, 75e, Jl,f.3 r; le--... A'?.-Tvifi..,-;r$i.iri, . ; , " -r..; : ..n .avlii i rj. Tree z 50a v,r.,'.y ;ru-.., 75c, 1C3, . : v. 11. 1.1- r . i. '-ft i -.- .--ti 1. F '.. niVl-ery, ctahra?! '. c .. .1 ." ' : V'-. a- .if . " I ' ' ? -1 . r. 4 t . . .. y. ... . . ..... ' ' i .v n t , 5 A r.-: 2 Set W:: it- t f r i'. " r't A li'... :'. 25 to'C." ..- r 1.: ; t. 2 --: I) ; :ii G;:. ' I 1 x. k t nr r ! " r . i r r , 1 f HORTICULTURIST, ' AND, ' ' 'j Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste! ' rrm by ! : J. JAY LTIITH, Editor, r.'crth ixieticjaa Sylxa.; The IIst.'CCLTlKIcT, as if.3 nsnie inptie?, is dci-v voted to Horticulture cud its lin lred orb Runt ; Arcbitcctare and Landiicnpo Gaxdeninj;, and will j keep its readers eaviscd of the new tbings oa t;,c sul.jc-1, ciitcrin Europe tr America" 1 1 is a Month ly Journal tf furty-cight pac?, bcautL'utly pnrtcd on f ce paper, and cleguntly illustrated. In additkn to nuinerous woodcuts in the" first style of the art, each number contains a full-page engraving, frcai stone, of some new, rare, ind valuable fruit, tree, or flower, and is one of the most luattiful, ua well the most osful Monthly Joamals published in the! world. ; . Tekhs $2 ' per ypar,.!n advanco. Tie To'nnio commenced on ihe 1st of January last., aid we can supply back numbers froci that tima. Ilicse who prefer can commence wifa the current rnrabcr.'. r - CoI.oKt Elates. Still further to add io the Tal ne of the work, and meet the improving taste and increasing wants of the horticultural comaiunity, an edition is published with Colored Hater, lach num ber con tailing & full-pago cngrnvi ; r T gome neT?, rare, and valuable frnic, or ficwer. vor.vctly colored from nature by the be.t living arti. i s in this line. This is a new and important feature: in thii country. Price 55 a year in advance. Add row , ' ; , ROLERT TEARSALL SMITH, Publhcr, .' 17 Pnd 19 Minor street, HhUadelphi. . Eeady Hado Clothinrr, EYERt .ArARIETY, style, qiiaJity, -price, and pat tern tf Ready Made Clothing. iuRtreosived and for sale cheap, by .IIOBLITZELL & C(). v Hat3 and- Caps.';- . LATEST etyles of natj and Cap,' ail of every grade and price, are offered at j " . . IIOBLITZELL L CO'S. ; Purniture. lEDaTt AD 3. Tables, stands, rjurcatis-in short. everything ia the Furniture lice, can be had at HOBLITZELL A CO'S. Stoves, and Tinware. ' COOK, parlor 'and 0ce Stoves of various pat terns: and Tin ware, at - ' i ' . IIOBLITZELL & CO S.. Hardvare, Cutlery and Iron. A LAkubi assortment at HOELITZELL A CO'S 7o o d and Willow ware, i BUCKETSj Tubs, Cliurns, and an endless variety of Willow ware, is for salo at ? IIOBLITZELL & CO S. ' Saddlery. ! ADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Check, and ev ) err variety of goods in this line can ba bad at IIOBLITZELL A CO'S. Steam Hill Lumber. : WE take this method of informing the Public that we havo just put in juration, on what is known as Souorn Inland, four milcH above Brown ville, a first quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre pared to saw all kinds of Lumber on short notice, and in a manner, we are confident will giv9 satisfac tion. We will keep a Ferry boat U run to the main shore, for free use of oar customers. ,W. S. HALL & CO. II. A, TERRY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAtL DtALEK.3 HT GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, Agents for all the best Rural Ptiblicanbns in the United States. .- ,., Store next door toPo!trC'5ce, Council L'luffs.Iowa. -Tln2i)-lv .n 3 - v- if- - TEQr.lAS' Attc-mey.. and Counsellor at Law. BROWNV ILLTJ, "NV T. ; Will practics in the Tiiird Judicial Dislrictin Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Jtidhial Circuit ia the State of Missouri. i . BFEHENCE:- Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T. -T? -vr r. . Dr. John Mcpherson James Foster, George N. Miller,' Tipp'ecanoa. Ohio. Oregon, Mo. Archer. N. 7, -T' FRESH.DRY GOODS; ECDY, JA3IESOX & CO-- .;?. Kos. 170 ani 172 Main St., Sl'.'EduU. WE are now in receipt of the inost eoiaplcte and - magnificent stock, everoffered to ti e Western Trade. Merchants ' veiling this city :vre invited to makean examination of our stock and "prices. EDDY, JAMESON A CO. CliinccG bun:ar Cane. ITIAYE a supply of this iced on salo. Price per lb, ?2; per cs., 20 cents. Persons, reletting me i cents.' shall have one- ounce eecS tinea iostagc! paid. ibis exotic plant, kiKiwa as hornhum &iJiaralttm, recently introduced into this eonntry, by the Patent OSce, may bo crdtivatcd to advantage iri every part cl tne Lntted b tales', it wnj mak a govl crop on the poorest soil. From experiments already made in syrup making from the juico of this plai-t, I fully believe that sugar can be profitably ma le; at any rate, it is wortn, a trial ty every farmer. J. M. McCLLLOUGH, -Nov. 29tf No: 200 Main st-Cincinnati. APREMrUM ESSAY on the Origin, History and characteristics of this xcmarkabia ' ' AMERICAN CREED OF ItORSES, f Tracing the -pedigree from, the original J istia Morr gan, through the most r o'wd of his progany, down to the present tints ith numerous portraits. To which are added Hints for Breeding. JJrci Juncr, and general Use and Management of Horses, with Prac tical DirectiOJil for Training them for Fxh.bitionsat Agricultural Fairs. By D. C. LiNsi.KT.Middleburj. Yt... Price $1, - Sent free tf postage. ..-. " .,:.,- 'C M. SAXTGN & CO. . AgricuUcral Book Pullisbers, 141) Ftdtc-n sf r N. Y GRAPE EOOTS.20,0;) 3 Catawba. Grape Roots, two yearj old, for talc. Price f 5 fr hnndred 510 per tnousand. J M. McLLLLOLGU, ; 1 ; Nov. 2l'lf . No. 2(i() Main st, Ciini'.nnati,' "'. rROWN ruder 'tho p:rsoaal supervision of", tho enough of which will be sct.t to supply a large family on rooeptioM of jnieo trc-paid. - . ' ' v - Ci.E3ABiB Misw Melon A beautiful and delicious fruit. ( Aialie orizin,) ....' "25 ceuta. 1 Oraxge V.iTEXi Mri.Cs-rccUolf "lihe the rind of an erango very fine' " -' - flavor 2D u Glass Lemo-t A Tcautii'ul little melon for prcHcrvei when green--?. Ii5 . ., CCIXJ.5E A S!'j.E4Gri Annual, and erp.d V ' ',. t! tte t oinison easily raired - JO Tive Feet Ccccdbevs iYcry largo ml " 'll '" ' V curious to l bold '.' !'5- Mammotu lt'ia-icrx, 10' t Or tho w.tulekr one d&, rmt tyjtnai tc any 20-tf ' ', ; . nattshurghClinton Cdl Mo. "A TC1SG CF EF.AUTr 15 A JOT For.l'.Vtlt." -"' COLEi VOYAGE Oj , LF, Childhf t;CI. Youth, 'Ir.abood Old Age, Four f lend i. hi Eugravir ,gs, fnm tho Oriricls in the Gallery tf th" jii.ialtt Ius'.itutc.j Plates, 15i2J. Pa-T,2Jt33. .J A GREAT NATIONAL V:0?Ju. iil'e5;ru.'ion, inralvirgan expecinof 321, I3. Ar.l t'l pjtfj, $-50, P am. . M . a full desrrirt'on of A piFpctas ecutaiaia the -rk, w ith le-timrnials from our f.rt AiiTI: IS, thc:.';y, ii . ; r- -t . THE LONDON ART JOrnNAt, , Will to f:-nurl;d on the rccf.'i t X tvj i ost.i - '"'I'," . . ... , . - - i .iu LiLt ui! Torn!'. 1 r rj thful Kj'. s i f f raise jrj tr- r 1 t r tf-i Vi-rs. at te a i ; i. iM v iri ii:g fr , j ' '.: !' i 1 t.-T'.;i-r 'Wv. : ti" l.." 1 .-'tct (Hit T:l ., i 1 510 t?.12t'..e f.i;u M t. '..ll. H 11 E, h -'!; N. Y. i . t. 1. ! AH v., ;i ;r. 'irrzMxrici: co'9 vf acl Lrc::.,t tVW St Let;:, TAcn ,f r, l . I'-v.-;- R 0: -1 I IV ' t i V S 8d I'r..' .. ' ; ...;:; cf f .::r tf-Tc '.'? -y 11. tst r.J ti 1 -:-rs4 r'i ? 1 1 I,MLUb and bhrubs, Grapo and UranVcry Vint-s, Gra, Clover Seeds, Bird seed? of nil kinds, Ag ricultural and Horticultural Books, IcipUments, Ac. Si'AIilSMlIN, the lest, iccicdiici JVuL LS OF 1 1 ?m r Ia 1 aM r.ava t en .; . , n -..r, k is sustained it -;f aherevc-r it U bc( a broti.rht m- tI,r3 j Uivi' Ui 1 111. 1 1. ; 1 1 compeUti. j with other Jlilli. ll w; a run i za'cst : ! Of t..!f city. aliy cf th) h!hc.-t Lurrpsia aa- the oiler nUc-.f i'llls cf t.urcitr.rt t'.iOh:.os:ats JIM V V i.J J Front Etre V i L..i. . UnOWNVILL::, u-1 . - I, A. J. BENEDICT, - ANNOUNCES to the public that he has '.akea the above House, formerly kc-j t by T. II. Edwards, in Brownville, N. T, and is now reared to accomo date all who may favor him wi';i ;':cir p:i.troiinge. A new addition has been built to the 1 "isci, and ad ditions made cf Furniture and L'cllir .-, r.nd nil ar rangement;! nowarusucli as to render thia House eqml to any in the Territory. '- ( Brownville, July 5,1856. . , vl-n5tf l - ; . W. II. WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL EE ALES 1 ; STOVES & TINWARE 1 : '- Orcson, ro., rpAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or ! I gon and the public in general, that he has on hand the most extersive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in thi3 market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sal3 at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices. . I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now ia use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also . ; , Parlor -& Bos Stoves Of various Sires and Patterns, which I will. ' SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and pitting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. Wr. W. WILLIAMS j . vl-n5 Oregon, Mo', July 5, 18 53. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FQOa So. 1S3 Vine St., let. Fourth aad FiU CINCINNATI, O. C. T. O'DRISCOLL ti CO. ,'- Manufacturers and dealcra in News, Book anl Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallics, ic, Ac; Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind-Books, Music Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood EngxevingSj &c, t'e. " , :' t : . ; ; Brand an3 Pattern Letters, various-styles Wholesale5 Paper Warehouse: BRADNER, -WARREN &. CO,.': WHOLESALE Dealers in Papers of every des cription: -" ' 1 '1-1 ' , - Printing,' '' ' Folio Post,' J Book Paper) Flat Cap, , : ; : Wrapping, r Foolstp. i- V ' "Manilas, 'i - ' " . Letter & Note,. ' , Colored Papers, Medium & Demyfj -7 of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low prices. . ; " i. , tST" Cash for Rag! and Rope,- ' -i. ". i'. .. i. . : w B dADNElt, WARREN & C0 . ' . - 1 No, 12, La Salle st reer. Chicago, June2SL. 1856.. " .' ' . vl-n4" CHARTER OAK 1 5 LIFE INSniANCE. COMPANY, ! ; Hartrord, Cl .' -: " . ... .'. -Capital 5200,003 With large find increasing receipts securcfy invested under the Kinction a ad approval of the Comptroller - i"--l-'-FTlCEirs. : - - -vr.ii.- ALFRED GILL, Prte't. .v JOHN L. RTTNCE, Y. P, JAiiLa.1. V ALoLclx. Secretary..-. .3 !ni Alfred GillJ John L. Bunco, Wm. '.T. Cone, Jns. .G Bolles, John A, Butler, INoah neaton, llollia- ter, Saml Coit.Dnl Phillips, C. N. nmi hrfy.1 '. " ' BOAEO OF FINANCE. ' .'' Geo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Eank, J D. F. Robinson, Esq.,- Ilartfwd - " 1 f -Hon. Isaac. Toucey, Lite Attorney General V. S Applications for insurance received by ' 13: ... : R.W. FURNAS, Agents ' DR. A.' S.TfOLLIDAY," Med. Exl : tiEO, 1 LLCKJJARDT, rrn tt 1 it to L ' If : OREGON, TIOLT COQNTY,- JIO. " TAKES the liberty to infurm" the cltizcris.ef 'Brownville and ; vicinity J that he has open&ila AVATCII. CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE InOregon,H.)lt coun-.yMo., where he will keep con- gtantly on hand, and lot sale, a good assortment -of Gold and Silver Watehds,'Clocls and Jewelry, 'which ho will sell extremely low', for CASH." 1 Also, a? line lot of Yiolin J, AccoiJeoos, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold, and Silver extension cases, Silver ThimUss, Ac, Ac. He is prepared to rtpair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description,, in the best manner, r.nd on the most reasonable terms. , " 1 f : Every article bought in his establishment, is war- Tatited to be 'That it w represented to bel ateh're- pairing warrinted fir one year.' .July 25, 1858. "vl-n8tf 1 - j'-h : ID. ESTABROOII. ' '- ; -. :;; UNITED STATES ; "; '"; u istFict- jkt to'riieyv ... -,, - Oil AHA; CITY, K.. T. REQUIRED to be in attendance omcially upon 'all the terms of tho District and Supreme Court of theTcrritory, tendershis Professional services bo such a3 need them. He Hatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the" practice in each Dis trict, will enrble him to give satisfaction tcSuch as entrust their business to his care. . , . , - . : .'v Omaha City," Jooi'7, 1856. ' . -. . ;f ' i--.iT ' i.T. DOWDALL. - .1- E. I. CAES. v dotvdAKl, CARR & CO., ,. WASHINGTON; FOUNDRY, Engine and Machine Manufactory. ' . t ;.. 4 -Cornsr Second and Morgan Streets.- " fl" : ' ST: LOUIS, 310; ' MANUFACTURERS' of Steam Engines and Boil ers. Saw and -Grist Mill -Machinery, Tobacco Screws and Presses,- Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines, Young's Patent Smut Machines; Building Castings, &67" t"Agenti for the sale of James Smith & Co.'s Superior MACHINE CARDS. j ; YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always successful, fully Guarantied. Manu factured and lor sale by - DOWALL CARR, & CO., Washington Foundry, St. VjtL?rMc. . -O. P. .MASON, .r - Attorneys ?incl Counsellors at Law. And CJencral Land' Agent?, , KliBRASKA CITY.X T. ""' WTXL prcTOptly attend to Land Agencies, nollcts tions, ittVi'Sting mouey, locauag and wiling land warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession., ia Nebrakri .Territory end Western Iowa. " .---- T7, Xi2i U-SIJIU 'Ii ILL! r. .". "i" ST. JOSEPH, 110.'. -JAniES CARGILL, Proprietor,' MANUFACTURES keefs constantly on hand for sale, all kinds of Flonr, Jilr f&l, and Feed staff.- Oiders solicited and promr tly tiled on most favorable ttrms.- Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody taat ever usod u. - - - ' " ' 'j ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1S5. vlnl3-ly - -.-n.,G.:II0IE3 : CQ.t . . Ko. 16, Street, St. Lcuri ZIal : I GENTS for StrauL'e Cora a"d YTtcat Hill L the " of the fVuth." This remarkaVle IL.I has lecn kept s scurf d t the inventor It Caveat j j recently, tovever, 'Juno 27lb, l?5t.) L Iters j I .ur, in l55:),hca it d.-c C.rnMill.ardaas award e! ,t:-? .Ji-s w tnar '! ' Ti.s jcculur ncvcl; laf.:.c.-ilv rT;!. ' f tr t j re Eve -;es for e.flr.. z v. Vat i:r. ll. I. ill i, tie trj-r 1 : '1 ... Tiiero u :zo 1 i-r vrytl'; ri:ig;Q 1- ' ST vna M t i"' tl; : r.,.;.tt ll. .- !.; I 1 - ;r, it w i:l i-uJ rind ?-.v-' llv: Vj this t; ;a ir.. ths ' i f -c ,-i... 1 U' -"5 i i r g-iat-.'t ia t..o wc-'.a. i.t k j art' c: ':! .hI to r.r. i r .il 3.? a v. u -r tl- , ry -..;.. cy, ct -:e-i : , i t 1 f c-M.t -: i T cia bi n ii i.-". i-a j-.M-r t: ; Ti.iiv.; ; Our M e'1 W i . i A"j 1 ; ; r .ii t 1 -. try k' ,ti i.t n,: ;! - 1 ff r'.iin Wttisr-t V '.:rj ii. sry i.l n f .i . i -.- u ;y itl l ' ' .'T .t l.J ii tl.5fiC- :, 11. '... i x t-! a:c I .:.'. , .. vij.T'y . 1 l.-gth.-f-rvS'!, t.v.-ilh' ull M..i- V -.r (' : c v.b t,. .1 j r. I- I s r '. U I'V.V 'r: ili.l. t ' X v ' v T f ' i - -'.; .r. 1 - u --, tJ. (.k all .la h i 1 3 1 3 11- 3 1 a- ii; rtr m i 'i i i ! i A I T ' THE sabscribec have enter' "under 'the firm of Reed,'a rnrtncrnhi'p ilolalird & Co., to manufacture the J.' C. Roed,- I'clot Portable Griit Mill and are nowyrcpired tof -T:L-Ii all those in want cf a gcA Corn or .Wheat Mill that for tlma bility, sinv-licty and economy : escU any Mill in the world. Oil the late cxhibitk-n of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a 'jA I JAiai was awarded them for iJ , ' ;, ' ' : ' ' - ; '" ; '' , It is adaptrd to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it i for grinding the Faruwrs feed by Ilorso power. ' ,', ." ; t. " Tbeaboro MiTlsare manufactured by th'? under signed at their shop inC'ineicnlti; O., -whro they con be.furmshedin Rnyquantity atshort notice.) The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 3G ia. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat,- $300 30 u - u, 33 ; 1 .. 15 ;K. - 250 2-t " 23 1.3 . i , .200 20 u 18 " 8 150 As this Mill tells jt own story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous recoininen lation,'received. Fresh Arrival, t3f . . RBw.:;eoiDsn AT ROCIirORTj ilb. : 7 ' ; . TnE- KTibscribers would respectfally tender their thanks to their customers and the Public Gene rally fortheirliberalpatronageheretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same ; as they arc determined to sell Goods as low if net lower ..than any oth$r House west of St. Joseph. Having just ro:cived a large and well selected Stock of Spring andSumlucr Goods; also a. superior ..S.tock. of. Family Groceries witn liardTrare, Glass and Queensware, t umiturc, r. . ,t . ' t ......... . T . ' . j oauaiery, iron, &c. Come one and al 1; 1 -: For well we know . " ' Again you'll call, "We'll sell so low.; Of Gooda the best, , ' .'" - v -And proiits small, iU' We'll beat the rest-.-. -3 ':.- "And suit you all Vf , . . -.f ; Our Stock of. Dry Goods having been purchased in the "Eastern tdtiesr we flatter oursclvca thati wo can eorpass tur cc-mpotitors in the'foW prices a pd goad qualities of our Stock, and;earnostly believe all will make by -calling a"nd geeif'g for' themselves! before purchasingcUewhere. ; ?.1AREY, JONES,, CO.v N, B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highestprieos, for Goods; Jure T,'55. --4 .WnOLrSAX-E AND RETAIL ',. , , Ila's in Stores f ' ParevthUeteaj LinscodOil i Window Glass,"' " " 2t Patty,-' "r . , Caster Oil, . : Ex.LogVood,; 7.; " ; -' -Blue fetenoj - r-rf . Alum,1 - r . r.i,. , r ; " (iround Ginger,' ' . -i' Root '. do, .".f-'-i-: . -Saint IjouU Gluey . j . Paris Green, " ' " ; j r.Cbromd"; do, .?'iv-f do yellow,: , ' Iron Paint, ' ' Spanish hiJUng, Red Lead,' White Chalk, r t ., Yenitian Kei3," -Tarter, Tartaric Acid,' Sulphet CarkSoc V megar. Turpentine, Sal Soda, - """White Zink do, Lopcras, Saltpeter," ". " W7ia'e do," -i ';n..-7!.Wrihts.,lTll5, t , r Champian'd do, Borax.l -n-J'lv Mex. Lialmentr 1 Vol.; Oil .'do, ' ' -. Moriand's.'do;.: .'J. .?; Nerrcrand liono, do : . .Loudon's U do, ,..RadwayR.Ji.. KaiTcbi ' dol' -JJa vis Fain Kiner." " " . Louden 'a ' do, i . f.i: Fahncstcek's jYer f , Stone's Cough. Candy,., - " MeLane'5 Liver lllls. Java'.F.rnt.. XiUUUUll S UVJjr, Tn addftion to the abovo I have the largest Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture. Chemi cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent Mcdiciens . ever offered for ale in this Country.! -ir. t. ; , ... Merchants and, ITiysicians of Iowa, Kansas and ' Nebraska, are respectfuriy' InVitcd to give me a call; i ;Juue7,lca5. i.. UH .'DANiEL ZOOSJ1 v a.;15; iiOLLABiRr);& ; cq:;; it 'Prcnt Slreel Y7esf of 'Zmitiif 'S '- CINCINNATI, Oj- -; YVould mnet respeciiuny imorm taeirtnenc'sand i V V the rniblic tren.r-dl, ihat-thy are now pre pared to execute all orders n th9i"r line, with prompt ness. "Having lately nkird their' shop and with the inert jsed tucilities they nC w posscs?,,thcy Rape to merit. continuation if the libeiA' patronage which has heretofore becq extended to thttn." x j. " aw'iaill J" " Eng fii of 5n:cry: ; 'Pes crijf t jo n. 'Constantly on h'aoj-rY consi.-"ting"of the Sa?h, Circu lar and iluley. -' Mill Gears and every description of i. astings, warxantcd. to be jKciiaaad.c laxjccry particu lar. , ; . . . . : They have also a 'Boilcr Yor3 attached to their establishment which enable ;theia ?to vcrse, all work in. that line fturaished by them, and aw pre pared to work on afe reasonable terms as any other shop in the. country, j.. L-: V ;- i .1 .Ihose in want of anything in onr . line, wordd do well to give na a call ind examine our new rmttciTis. s. w. LEWIS - J A31ES W.iEWIS TH03. J. EARTHOt.Oir -7 MANXf,lCTnUEli8 .OF liJ.L.MSCanTJQX 'CP",": -: 71 HG TiOBACCO. ahAsaow, Missouri. ,.!, t,u THANKFUL for jthJ-prj liberal, pfttronago that we have heretofore received from our numerous friends and iustomers.rnnd whila respKStf uily solicit ing a continuance of , tho same, pledging ourselves to spare neither pains aorexpenso to merit the patronr- age of thip-ublic, wteg leave to liinounca' that William J Lewis La witadrawa from pur rnir ami Thos."J. Bartholow is admitted a partner'" from this data, the stria Tf th 8 firaf Tcmaining crfchangecl, and tbat"we havo iecurtd 'the.service c,f CapUtG9rSe G. Davis who will hereof tti act in the capacity of rftAVECIV(t AtE? l?i ia eor.neeUon :with Mr. Bartholow ..and will during tho comii'.g Season per sonally wait upon oiif: customers for yue purpose of soliciting their orde-. Our stock hehi over froii la.t year of alld;;scrip';ion3 i unanimonsly large, tne quality of wlych caanot fail to give entire s.tisfac- tion to-codsaifccr?.' :i -"'lf.w iiiE. rtiiJf lro. .. Glasgow ,Mw,JT;asry o, 1855."". w - J. T ? - - - , n j i ' - i i hut mi,. - 1 n tf t. J ; m i ." Murket Square, St,rJosepTr, Mo;;-lJ - a WILLlkM-MrOARTER, MANUFAGTURER of, rrairic .pbws of aU.s?js-3; one' and two Ihorsa Flows and Shovel-plows, Cnltivatora and llarrows All orders (" andtf fiv'e-han drcd plors) filled, himediattlyy Liberal drscojtr.t tp IrFOnSYTH-&-0; OF THE baltimor: A:n OuIO-RAILROAD. , , .1 M. .fcFADIN &-CO., .v rOK WAilWXG f COMMISSION 7,7B3eiirciiin'iitn, ' No. 23 Lefpi, and 53-Cer.irasroial street, ?, . : V: st Loni, T lo. . ; ; ,.t ' - Especial attention given to salos c f IIEMJROrE, rrovisivns, Flotr; flcaiai, ic.' Coii.-ignmeny silielt e 1, and promp;ly iisTwiscd tf. . - -. ! . - ' : - ' . n. r..i?Nsrrr, .- 3. 3. moetox,' ; h. u. bailing : EENNCTV JIOiTTOX' & IlA!lDINGr A tf ,i!'?ifi'',f! rr -'- . ;:lj..iJi,Lt' J - ' ?rRta City. N. T., and Gl -awoe ?, Ii. YT7II L rri(nieia ail the Con rts cf NV-ra;k: end 'lV Vrc-iiCm Iowa. Farticular atteath.n p. .id to oUatain, beating Land Warrauti, a.i collcvtka of debts. - v . REFERENCE : . Kn. I.wi. Cas.vl):n it. -.lulius I). U rur... . . ' JM"--'-.1-''. . , . Gov. J -1 A. Matte W, ?pring:l.-l !, Ill; f" : (Scr. J. W. Grime-", ! City, Ij'.v.t; ir l. 1'. t i:;!e i, M. Lav. S, ' v? Hon. I)an A O. Mrt-.o, L-'k 1 , Cl I. A. Saryr, T.--'l-v it?, N-.-i t i-k v. 1 1 Sc.! -ewi.-l, i V.'at !rt n. Wi-a-f A V- it., i. f..t rv .1 i'!,ar.J':,7 OLIVER UKNNlaTT .f: CO., 2ecti Cb:cs C: Erc"r?,. .yo. J!f.v,.";v;zvr. .v.i.vr loui, A'O. Jivnt :i.rv- t rKNOVt'lNRECRHT. .' " ii tX gi -Ij f.i a tit'.; o..a .. I t-.-rk?,s I. :. J c '-fiVt t . th--. V.: I'u.-- l..i..i ars it:t;...d t- Hj.. r;a:;V;ul ar.l r,l,.'.a vir; rsrraistc J i f surcrl .r finality. V: -V;a--l -'A,-.- i. r -1 fr. ti. .1 3 .ii r - - ffcrr at: !ctr d Henri.;.!. COMMISSION ZIEIWITANTS 'A ti el v-1 rZ f". ''A:r;nis: " -t. ?. t. II; & II, 'B. 1VIIITTEMGIIB & CO., Vh lie-: Is J'.Jrri in . - . ( - 1 1 eo:,:, ::t:; and strai NO, 113 :iai: Cf.-T,,,T,, (First door -above the ,u:k cf Missouri,) paid for Furs and Deer Skins. '. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. t ... . CL.1YE3 'XES Real ' Estate;'-?.nd General Agency, ;:v;Vvo:iAliA ciTY,'N.x' ;:; ;" ' . " ' ." Ilpferenccs. . i! .. , . ... James Wright, Broker, ' NeT York, ' . Wm. A,' Wood-var-t, Esq. , " : f Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, . Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers,' -u i Alectt&Horton,., . - ; .. ' i" V Col. Robert Campbell,. " St. Louis, James Ridgway, Esq. ' '- ' " '-' ' " .. Crawforn and 'ackett', - Chicago.. -. Omaha City, Aug. CO, ISofi. Tlnl3-Iy JAMES CAKGILL. . CEO. "SV. CAEGIIX. . J. & G, ,XV. CAIM.ILl , - 'FORWARDING 'AND ' COilMISSION. AND . UAiWACTUKER'S ..AGENTS, .....Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 3Io, , CONSIGNMENTS of Goods ktid. Produce y respectfully solicitedand all business entrust ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to at the lowest rates. . . rj. . .r -; -, . 7 -v-j; "References.. ' 1 ' '""Taylor k Shepherd, ' ' "'' " It. L. McGhe.3 oTT. Livermore, Cooley & Co.j Merchants Generally-, f" ' 'St. Loui3, . . 1. , ..... " L Joseph. u . n) p. .j.osxsdx. ; F. erat3ADY-.-. . K test,-; , JOHNSON CASSADY it .TEST, Attorneys f and: - Counsellors at , taw. - i -.. ' And . Gojieral Land -Agits, -i COTJCIL.;BLUFFSi AOYtAv WILL pronrttly attend, to- Land.. gene ies, In vesttEg Money, Locating and felling 'Land Warrants, and all ithcr business pertaining to their profession, in Westerixjowji andLNebraska. ,1 ? r- BROWN & CO.; ; r 1 -:VV f r- ;Ko.-T8,"2Iairf'SteetV' Si. Loitii; 3Io. 1 : spring" stock. dbiipiliiTE: - , -The" Cheapest and 'most extensive Fancy :" GoddSand Yankee Notion:? Edablish-" inent irt the Western Country.-"-.' ''- MERCHANTS in search of che-p goods aro invited- to": cxamimr our tock -pf ,6ilk-s dress goods, .shawls, white' goods,' Embroideries, ribbons, jrloves itnd hosiery- trimmings, furnishing goods' nndr'smll wares gene. ally, together with 15,0C0 Parasols of the latest and most fashionable 'styks, at manu- ucturers prices. ....... ..Caih buyers, clos 3 pnrehaseTS, and: 'prompt men will find pur stock adapted to their want in-every particular. ' "A call from th trado Li respectfully so licitedj,. ii-..-'.s:ji ..v-.; ,,1 Tlnl2tf August 23rlS56. .u; iMiiiii;i8i. lM 1 JOHN" CQLilOUN 'BROTHER1.'; Sign X)f the Padlock, one door below the Post-02lco. 'V' - '-': --ST.' JOSEPH,-MO. -: ' .- "tTEOtiaitB AND ?ETAIfc DKllE3tJ : - "''' HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. RE nowrcceivinzA XullajidcQmpleto assortment of all kind3 of Hardware and Cuilory, to which they invite the attention bf purchasers.' ' Our stock haying been purchased ou the most' advantage ous tcrm, wcare determined to sell atsuch prices a3 wL1! bo satirfactory to buyers." . ' - ' ' Do notforget to give psa cllbcfgro you purchaic cliowhcrc, or yon may regret it. , . s : - MA3m0TR ST0CI. :; TOWEL;' LEVI" &"CO,' ' . ArD'tow ReceiviEg mofMie 1 largest v r and Selected Sleeks of '-: dry ; goods,". GPtq.CEnls;,;:p,; EYER offered, in St..Q?cjh whicVthey intend offering to the Trade at prices which will com pare favorably with those-of ; god in St. Iouis -We solid buyers to call "and oxanuno cjqr 3tKk before tuakinz taoir purehasea. ' .. . Among the articl-a they orTcr for sale tnt " bale brown sneeting: 00 llan 1, all grades a Ij.iJes osnatmrg;. , -'J " satincttcs; ' lf efhii-ting.s.ripedt 150 -tit'ds'and eas'rs; , cylincr ba.-jging . A bales- tcamles Ijags: 400' pieces plaid, linscy; 10. cases ticking; " ' ;ll)-c'.wics U'ched shirting and jh'fing;Z9 dos sliiwlx ,.20, pair three, rlaet reca maekinaa' blarAeUr ,. W - pearls, ( . . " . - . rftt i'bldo - . .r--.u: ..:;.;; .'caees brown and, bleached drillingr 1C0 pair sad dlblankets. V . V " " Vholcsals cS: Retail Department. It. W. DONXELL.,,. , ; . A. X..SIXTOS. ' U j rvrt- .DONNELL & SAXTQN. ,.7; AtmrtgcinpitfmEall,sj.y Winter.fH. 7 !r r.i ffllE -PEOPLE'S; STQUE' ;",l , v ;j ;V,lST.: .I03EPLI;IO. . y r:-;v; N&w Goods rcc'xi by.c'very Steamboat. IZqxo ct xtczii: Cheaper riia.i ever. ATE f prepared to cfTer Extra Iatiuecmcnfc? V this scaswn, and call, attention to our Urge SUrk U"-: - "' : I f J ' : ?'.-". ;.. DRY GOODS; .r : ,,I ri ! .li.'j if :t-V' LADIES'-DRESS-GGQDS. (Lat:st Styles) .,..'.. FASHIONABLE .BONNETS,, . - " ;:; ready made clothinc-, ; winter goods, '' y-- '" 'Er.t-?, tTapf, Loots and Sho?.Vsix hrtnired ca.c.,j Gro'rifS, Nail", Hardware, Crockery, Yi'iipt Ac, ": r ..Cash pii l JVrllcctp, rn delivery, at all tin:.". , . - Furrdturb f and . TJpliobtry - - I;--. 7 4, Of C.rciit Yarioty.' r ' . -fl ? At tb lUabcr FurniturJ Ware Ihx.xjt cf ; IIENT02, TRIMBLE, ri uu, c.atiaacd lilral pitrt.n.i-f th'i -itir?n t-f J. it. Jose; h, North Western Missouri, Kim ?a, Nc brxka and Western Ic wa, for all of wl'wh wa fl thtnkful, haairJuocd.aitc-iat-KSJc ontfM ilities for (Ri",r bossae.---?. Ih-ving built last srrinr, a very l.;rrc 2Iauufact.ry L.ta.brl?hiji ut ca rn.n-is street, f-nd IjAvi.ig cm;i ""jel i5ue of tie very b?t workmrn in the F-J stern ritu?, we ore .now dcff "tuirnd n' t to t"i .t djnt-by i?ayih ;r FnrsiUra Eulli:hm.'atin ths Mi-.-: tui VUicy,ia asntity, qaaiity, dnrsbt.ity, stj lci ar,.l ri.ei. Cnrstx.kc".--ir in j iri f Rj. id, Vi"ilat anl M.Ltg-. ry UarvAds, laiMldeand i"!Ut"f4 cf every fjl.. ei;-. ; n'. n, cc -rr?, 'n r.l. "n i:: r r. I ildo tn V 1,, X c i.-ts, Wa :sd. Work ti ji;.i ail V til' ' -,' S. f..', diva;., uu:a tr. aul f -i;t. t lizi'-' t j r.'' r tha'rt., tv tv vr: ::v. :.a c. tf Ii:. h rt'i. -al- cb t. tlicr.-v , i L; -i la tf .very ity.a 8:1, tn . r.r 11 1 1'. i el - jr. r. a i . t '.ii -r ar:... I -j ia a V'jmhi. ' I F 3 r: lir e, u ally kt. ; : i i 1 1 s...r fair, t i all . L j c: ' h;,i-:'j, j a: kri rr I J:h5 t;..; 5 s l.-j ; 1 v. 7r i I ( re a.;l r.a I ri. yr,-j c: a g i a ; Ui r I... t-' j ij i!. 1 1 , ti j 1 rr. i" r nc ir 1 3 r-vc r ,1 -an t:, ! r. , SE i V. i 1 . i - f i .". r r r. r : ta. '. '? y 1 1 ii rr? 1 1 ' at tie I Itiu'ii:. xil :-utl wLL.h willir! Iju.. . ? i-i ( ur. t.r S' y 1 Jitr c. !r.l- ' ,.-.... , 1 hr ll. t :- ..1 !,.t i i V ;!. r nut nn 'I t. -i'-rry Lu:r brr. . . . . '. . . . .. . XvrtTirrsiroTu:; - r.. u. r 7 .K:.t;: " -r - PATENT, GRAIN SEPARATOR rpiir. SURSCniREII is now preparcl to far JL nish. Farmers an 1 others with his "GRAIN SEPARATOR," for the present, season. It is unnecessary l scr.h particularly of the merits of theso Macbiiu s, as they arotro welt known thrr.r.ghf.ut the country to need. . ... . ... f ... ... . - . r r ; t.ui m-s jaci mey cave uereu'i wica iki i am costiaajnr to receive the premiums atV Stai-i 1 end Coanty lairs wlier-3 they have been exhilVed i.f su:Ti:;.ent to induce all those in want cf such ai Ma ! chine, to one of these. . " of th leading t grigulturahsts f that country. , I hive a lar-e number of them 011 hanl, rendy f -jr '.he coming crop, made cf the best material, and warl ranted to do suck! work. - ' ' . ' " I havemada many valuable improvcmests in thes machines within the Inst year, and have no hesitation in warranting thein surerior to any ia use. I am also preparing a large nuin'oer of Crawford's Iinprovfd Clover llallers, patented in IPjI, wh ah are groa try .superior to Vi patent of IS 1 f , bcieg in itself feeder, and greatly ahead of it in other respects-- They will be mana-factufc-d und;f the "iramediato superviiion of the patentee who h' S permanently located in thT? pLve. The above cut represents my four horse Se pa ra tof ," and i3 d-j-signe i especially for the farmer's own us?.",-. v i . -. ' Im also ag?fc for McCormick's; celebrated REAP ER and MO WING MACHINE, combined.. . J,- It."' MOFFIT.T riqaa, Miami couniy, Ohio. BOOK STORE! OPEXF.D At TITE KEAD OF EHOAD WAf COUNCIL ELUrrS, IOWA. "tATTJERE may ba found a largo assortment 1 V cf BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and everything in thtir lino, consisting in part, as fol lows: - , . '. ; ' - - : ; 1 j ':-.:.-: Histories and Elograph ies, . v ... .- . . , Narratives and Traveis, : . ..;.. . ,'. ( School Fook., 1 ' " "'"'"!" ' ":t - Misscellaneous Works, - r "-' V- Lives of Eminent 1'ersonp, i i- i - . i Agricultural Works, ' . '..,'. j .. , . . Standard I'octieal Worki, .. , .- . fa. . "Religious Works, '. ' ' . ' ; ' Song Book., ' . ; - . Ril.les and Hyma Rooks, r ' '. "'; V J Novch and Light Reading, .-- ' -'.' t Pictorial. Works,- - , " -, ' Illank R.x.'k-', - . ' ; ' Paper, Fens and Ink," ' ' ' ' Cards and Gift Rooks, "' '?--:' 1 .' ; Toys and Fancy Primers, -. : .' . . . .Portfolios aad Albums, And a thousand other useful and necessary articles in tho line. Also, red, black and. bine INK:?, of our own man uf.icture, W'holejiabj and ReUil,. as cheap as can be had ia St. Louis, and warranted of the best quality, put up in quart, pint and half-pint bottles; also, in four and two ounco bottles. - Professional men wishing a bill of 171 HI ffiffi IIS, ii ma Can ho supplied here at 20 per cent above pub 1'MhcM priecs, vrc- paying all costs and obtaining them at the shortest notice. Our arrangements embrace any STANDARD EOOKS jruitcd in tha Uni ted States. . ..,-... ' . 7 Call and see our stock we are new beginner but will serve our customers to the best of our ability. Our prices, we are sure will bn satisd'acton-. . . . --i , ' r CliAK; A, SAN FORD. . . Council Bluffs, Iowa, Jor.c It, L3 -vl ra2, HicliarcLsoa's Llir-seuri 1 3T, ": R . ;,b rT11.'1Tl "er -.Aii , lit JJ w Principal Office NaT 2, N. Maia St, .r - v rvfTtn ' irTin -w- -- ' Dl. IUUttj, AtlK5bUUi;i. BEG leave to inform the public, that they have extended their Express Lioo t thi? i4;co. Hav ing complied with tho rcqui?itic-n of their Charter, and being fully organized, aro now prepared to trans act . I. '-.; ; . ;'. "' , .. 'f . - J v , ;. General r Ardency Eusincsa. The success which has atteivle-l the trlginat Propri etor, is a guarantee of tho sutisfaetion rendered, and it -will always be the aim and study of the Executive 4f this -Company, to give every possible facility for the spoejy and aaf transmLision cf , . Honey- Yaluable Pnckn?e-, Parcels, anil ' Eundles of Good, Merchandize, and every description of Freight, cii reasonable term:;, ta all point on the Mis-ouri River, and at t Loui;-, with other resjnsible Express Cmpmics, ft.r New York, New Orleans. Lo.toR, lliiiadctphia, Chicago, Cioeinrati, Burlington, Iy.uiiville,i:..kIsbnd,Mcra phis, Pittsburgh and BuHalo, and lo almost every town and villiago in the United Stat, Europe, Aus tralia and California. . A Messenger ill be put on the ncr stcamcT Oma ha, mr.klng weekly trit j between heit ond St. Jo acph, there connecting with our daily line to St ixnis and all jH.mta as above. In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of t'a.j public Is respectfully solicited. All basinefs cntra-tod t9 os, will meet with the fame energetic and pr.rript attention which' has always characterized this, Express, and made it pre-eminent it Western Express bn-q.-ip??. .. ... , , ';. -' DIRECTORS." : - St. Lo;iis. " ' - - ' Enwrap M'Kin. -)-.- v Sxsrt M'cCAiiTyEr. W. 1). V. ljEKN'AKn, Joiv V. Toolkit. . -r -JosKra F. RreriAKnfoy.1 fi ' B. F. BA3sr, Alton. ' W.r J. I'igit, l.esin-.on. , .. . JOSEPH' F. RICHARDSON, Pres s. S. M. Gsat, Sec'y. -.-..-.:. , j . , '. Tln2. IIhnbt Kyle, Ccncrrl Agent. NO Tl CE. - - - NOTICE. Merchants ?. LiiLm zti Manlificlurcrs. .noxtAcn e; dliiick cos. GREAT WESTERS EMPORIUM. forShol Can.., Rides, Pistols, limbing Tackle anl Siwrtinj Ap paratus of every variety, is at No. 12, -NjrtbMain trcct, St. Luis,the sign cf the Dttr in, the Window.- ,';.;'."'" i ' -(" V'e keep"on hand a full assort in -'At of Hunting Target RUiVMiRino Rifl, Together with cvry variety cf iVreussioa Cajw, Oar. V'ad. aad Y.ld:n.x Pajer, iVhin - Ta-kh Ac, JLc.tia f.ict. cvervtlihv' coun,.-ieil w:;!i 1. (:, Trado. - Tvro Il3nJrcJ,Lrr.-cchIuadin RICcs cf vu;ioai i" "-. i " . N. Lt. All kin l? ijf Via m !eri.d and i.r.;lr in the fjrg! 1. f.l -1 .i;i l f.rdshtd ;. - ' Ikasocall ai I examiiio f...r yourj.:lves be f. re 'yon taak3 your purchaic l, u eiictic?aco is the only trite Sod". - V Our ar-5 til warrsnicd by tu." ' " ' Au:nt ;; -: U ::r - '' i ; - Provisions. ' .. WK,,:'?,p rChUuU 'm FltnrCom M.ial, . V . B;coa, L'attrr, a.l 1 in rr varirrr.f (;,- -rr r. ' ' Rffill.nziil.l. k CJ. :" ST. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD. :. . Oi Edmor.d Flrecr,'r;cir C.;r:Ii'a UlU, . St. Jopph, riis'(;i:ri. y. J. TAYLO'i, Rer.r:.vs.l front tl;s .cM blar.d to the alova r.amc.I rl.icc. THE ur.! ni..!at HE ur. Ltrsirncl is n-aw f jIIt irrv .,1 iwm. hi jiJci. an I fiiJi-":,. i:h the teat. as- "'rtwer.t Pir.? Lv. rubor .v.t crtl ia thb mar ket, o::.-;ri-'rr r.-.t or.Jy VLl:r l"ins Luobr sr. 1 Whit? aid Yi..j-il r..-..dv cirel: bat ni , best a.r rtmcnt f.f pir.e tnl LV.t P r!.ir S.dir A-'. :nwg'.'i. thirlt 113 h.i r,-.T ea 1-. 1, at Yard, tli Ur. gertnol l-o-t a rt..-j.t ;f lw,r, S -h anl Ycni-ti.-n liind, ever :f. rd ia tl.N B.rkc, a T"rti.n r,f Abi'b i f,',,ui Cis. 'r.i.nti tv. t.Rtif.?f riv.-s. bi.-h cr.v f. n ;. . 1 -1 . ' .1 !.r 1 tn. 1 . I! at Tf-r re i " 1 f ri :. hl i.:r, : lis io rt r i i 1 a-., i r.;f. tn 1?. f 1 1 ! v a -i.i y r.! si! !, e h tV a-; i -rj ti r:i c -h; .c t- tLve. Ii 11, f 1 i.l tl a o.ii!, n';r C i Viy cf -Ao.i .! . .-. -J-C'T. Vl.T. p.-'i" ,r. mrj !.?r-. It IV rrs-.!-, t -;lli V,-. ' f nri'i f S 1 t .:. i ...i i. - fs : 1 . . . - . 'I . i i :. i -f -. . i ' r. II i i - ' I ' '; tiillivi.t iV t u .,L ... i. .... wnvi.le. Jal f'.P ON. j"Fii tui latc-t r-'j:;. -1 ndi. -iVty.' VjtcraiJ ' L01.;.II7.ELL-C'J. At a practical test of this beparator lncospet.iinTi with tho belief these made in England, in 135..U it received the h : jhest eoramendatior.3 of the press, rVid fiWf . - ' -- ' , - --Tv ) .St.Lonis,bia,tt'.. ed stock, which U n'.V. 373 LhdaN.O.sunr.-'it ' powdered do; , 0 "''Su V. lbbl, S.H. 1 . ,nn itl rac.isses; 5'J bal;s carpet diaii- Vjf'H cordage; J vftt. 1 0U do j plow and clofien 11 400 window r-!a ,v 2300 ftW.cha.k;SouValaVi- ' . 200 half ch,Jm;.,Y.l i Zn boxesI. Y.aa xjr.'p ' . d50 b-s Yirgjaia mi . , 103 bx. sniokin;; fc,bwM; 50 ItT.S 150 bx.ster candles; 70 ,1, J ooxcfl soap; j p c'ljale-,.. cases Ma. n.digo; S teroot .- ; 550 Ji.G...capVr-., ' . doaenm. and fane f pni ? .a 80 nests 2 and 3 qt. tub,." 2:J SJ" 2t IT: 40 k eraa t I - 5 bUi whitin- 400 mawrar-iB. - 50 bales osaaburgs; . br wois, ,' chnrnat Ac.,Aj - - .- - ?' , ' is 1 . GLASGOW & EIIOTT 1 "T7II0LESALE ' CROOFRS. FrC N V V AND COMMLSSIUN llMrn.".!1 . Levee, have in stors-arnl t arri?-." Good?, which they oT?r fr jilo at tuo'loV vi lCJO hhda fair to primo Nl 57ahor v O.Surar; lOCOlblsclfdsugarr " f ( 0 do If and crush. 'd do; 500 do S. II. ck lasses; . 00 da plantation da: 10O tes prime Rice- ' 1 KOO pks O. and B. Tea."; llrO bas RiacoiTce: 10.V r.-i'V1' 330 h 1CU do prino old iCor-; ID!) bcjaLew em merit J... coJtej . , ..Ji) do aif'' 1 000 kegs Nail- ' t V0 Pre C: 1DG0 boxes I'm, Oleine k 110 do do di Family S,-wp; . . 10!) boxes Fancy Soap; 800 do Star Candles; '250 " da MonM. tio;',.' " 53 - di Caslilo : Soap; 100 do Starch; 1)0 1)0 1)0 ' Ti - a 30 ia Bra.-.r. t an do fuses Ci-y. S00 do "Ya. maid To-'.i. Lacco; - ' u- r. dt) I ',M )jx V.n .. An- nai r 203, 800' da .:io. do S;U':k 2T do-r :andhatf bcji 'Ts;,. 4 eases ntm. ' j ..imp.: 70bbi3;:,Wirrv ... - . a ca.- Xu' ', 11C0 do Cuba. 00,000 Reg. Ci 100 bags Pepper; - 25 d . Al-t icer 5 do Inii nJ . I 300 bbls & hf'do Ma el.;' 19 da E. r ol I - 503 boxes" Glass; : . : 11.C0 rranrs Vri' -' 103 bale Ratting;. . - and Can hC 2o3 doz Fainted Bats; 3(0 nesU TuIi't V v- , LIQUORS. ,..10 half pipes par? old . 1-3 1 Us y.-ilsTTn I Rranuk's; ' ' ICQ hkt lt C - 1 00 eases doi do ''do; ' -103 do Htri,i-:i.- j, $ 103 bids Moron. W hiy; . 53 case cU HIT-! CO do ol Ji Rye W'aiskV, 2fl3boxM . Torysupcnorj - .. - - M.Wu.S Jan j 7th,- lSbii. - . . . , ., , ., Shakespeare' and-hU Contcmpon.-;? -paisti -bt Irons faf.d. ; ! WILLIAMS, STEVENS, WILLIAlr3i? . ; S3;5 IJi-otUdtvajr, 1 Have rldasaro in announcicg thai lh?T hnt , length received a finished Proof of th E:;-r;; James Faep, from the above pointing. " - 1. 13 wiuutm exccjuioit 039 iii iae jri Encraving? of enr tirao. Prints, 10 doll.?; IVoofs, 2 ddls; Frwfi iiiih tognvphs,3t dulls: Artist, Pi-oof. 40 do.k . A few choice imjrcdiitnicf 'IlYAXliDJirr. still to be had. ... ; , Prints, 5 doll-; Proofs, 10 do.!;- Proofi befjnle ters. 15 dolls: Artist; Proof', 2j dolls. - 1 Ncv. 15, ISL. ' . , JOHN , P. .SAMSELL, . ' (LITE CIV ltcSTW) Rsmonal)Ic .,TaiiIcr. - ; T.OCK TOUT, 110. -m- -- T l T t .-1 ... .1 jttuu:i3 tot put uc.iaat ne vi,bi7 nrrtii X serve them in the abova ntimoil ear :y. Ua: bd liMii and cxtcruive experiencey it 3i.i!m S self he can pleaso all who favor him with lata , ronagc. Good fits Warranted in all cases. ; ' ; . PARTICULAR ATTE.HTIOX ' Given to cutting out. gnrcnena fur bume Djnkini, , Rrownvillc, Aug. Ii, 185(5. Tl-iii: . . K. A. WrtJTRlDCli. . . . . ZlllS JJ. A. IIITRIDGL 4 CO. MASCFACTriiEKS or Masonic' Clothing and Odd FtHosr 2TX X3 O JZ. Xj X JZS. Abo Hejalia for Ti.isj2TAaceani other Sjclttla JS'o. 123 Wt&tut Sfrert, vp Stairs,. CINCINNATI, 0. masons. Ilcfercnce. ora nxton W. R. Dodds.O M.f Ohio O. P. Morton.? G hi C. M orc EJ Ma-)nic Rev; Turn. A ,.nyf ptbCl. F. J. Fhi.lipi, 1L P. City W.U.Xeil-.n,l'US'J.' - The Editor of tho Ad revtiw will have sri-n of Regalia from tho above Mnttf.vjtoryrnJ rr orders from Idj;cji cr pn'vato niubeM fur KA -Augnst2, 1S5J. 'vl-cvtf , '- " HAHPEll'S-M'lGAZLM , Close of .the Tb:rtocnth Yolcsf.' I Subscribers to IlAarE-i 'a Ma scrptionj expire with tho 5i v.::ub'.-r aaaber, t rest; eutf oily rcaevtcd ti it-new tLi-ii wfthat i' Tkkm.?: Three UoMarj n yrar, t-t TwntjH '; Ccntj Mcriibcr. The tolujf. eotnplctcd, neatly boacJ in ,:2oth, aro m.UM Dollar achj.nd Bouslin ct-verr) r fjrni.-ki those who wi-h fv Lava their bsi.-k i.ainbwac.Tj.'' ly boK.r.d, at Twnety.fiTe-ceni tech. . Thirtert' onics aro now ready, bound in cljtb, ad half calf. Club;- ti two pcrscn at Ilm DcSma s rersens at Ten I) llarj, or elo r er, person it T-7 i LMUrj. V " " - - Tb-a ffixn::Mx:enior,t of a rla:c 1 1, r-li i fans blq wcaiion f jr the ivjiesirig i.f new ia!.'ri;!i4-,',-7 The December cumWr wi'.l cou.-ucix a a ' ! nine.. . - , . .- . Tiie Mgazini weigbj over -ve:i r,d B"t e'ght ounces. "i"L pita ra upon a nomlf J Three Ct-ntj.-: : - .' .-:!..:.;-'? .Each number of the Migitia) will contain llle" tavo pages, In doalic c duia.:?, each yeirthm ' prising nearly two thtB.--aad rajeof tb elwiJ ? Mi -cci! irc'ios Liumt'U f.f thelay. Efcry i"" . b?r will cnuun n!ir.r( u P.ftotial llla-trati-a'.-;' carata Plal.-t tf tha Fnfchi.;r.i, t. Mpiofei Cha-ttt I of Current Event, hn;artiel Not ; c of l' i Int.tnt Lw.k.1 t.f t. nr-vnt h'. Th " Vilun.."- " rcence with the ncmbe- s, fvr J!JN ad I.ECi ' L'ER; but 5nt'.-'iT.f" tnt.mty .tn-wen-e ':'5 . n j inter. iiAi:i:ii; x n:u., t ui :r. ...-jiL-iiid TAINT?, c:i'. .4. ) '.- ,0 Vc.& 6"-"f;' spri:;g stooki CilATILESS, LWW Cs CO, 1.3. Arc r everv: '. . t r -r 23 t r l ti.: ; t f thc-r c rllv-- li'uk. eai' ra'i." j r'. r ror f.1 I" ; a V a ws are tii-t:ra:iacd t kU f-f or S tri r, 1 jw as ny aiis ia - 1 s- iiiiiiiAii mil you.Nt; A:n::.-f i!l TIIC CHEAPEST vil3 VNJtEi: TEE SUN!:: T''E cr.'.-r-zi'd! I ie.r"tf.:iy rt ti A ri;:(.:u,f ! r. . . .. I . l-fjcnl..! f- iii-ui of ti.Aj c j :r e t a-- -ro k if 3 r-rc": :'"Z. '' ' .! : --; t . - -J r. . . ? le:. rv! V.'.t th i .ra .t a rV.l a; It- ,..-.- a. W', iitD itj'rai I t. i.-ii-t,. Ii-!,,:: ,i t a ! ir r: '-. " :r. .. .- 4-, C- a 1 r i-Tcrr.-ry. V'' rf fr J- i.l CI c' . c : .r-. Prawns . C r Vf. PrjwaTi . i.,V tin: 1 5'.5 kej-s Ecstoa aid in. !l . f 5 kcr! fine 3d nail,. J il . wm i