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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1857)
LL G. II01X3 & CO., 10. 1G, Zlaia Street, EL' Louis Ho. - GENTS for StrauVs Cera cad Wheat Hill A It "Queen cf the South.' This remarhabla has Lcen kcj t secured to the inventor by caveat recently, however, (Jane 27th, 1551.) Letters Talent for the United States Lave beta printed, se- caring the invention fcr fourteen years. This Mill La sustained itself wherever it has been brought in to competition with ether Hills. It was run agrxinst lha other'tnake of Mills of our city, at the Ohio State Fair, in 1S00, when it drew a diploma- as tha best Corn Hill, and was awarded a fine silver medal. Of these Mills we manufacture five sises for corn, at 3 three erprcssly for grinding wheat four. The peculiar novelty cf this Mill is, the under tone is the run sir stone, in all cases. There is no limit to the rj-eed, and as speed is everything iD grind ing, it will out grind any upper grinder in the world. - - Secondly: By thi3 arrangement we are enabled to pet grain into "the Mill with a very email eye, conse quently we grind nearer the centre, and of course with less powet than any upper runner can be made. Thirdly: Our Mill takes any kind cf grain without . choking. We warrant against choking in any and all cases. This is a great vexation causing delay and trouble in all Mills where the upper stone is the run ner. Of course, we mean small Mills; where the mo tion su?t be high to do much bnsiness.- . . Fourthly: Our Mills never take unjury by running empty the under stone not touching the upper one, no injury esn be done. - This is an important advan tage ever all Mills where the upper stone is the run . August 23, IS5t vlnl2tf . TT. S. GILLIAN. -"TT7H0LLS ALE GROCER, No. ISO Second street, V V- St. Louis, Las in store a large and well select ed stock, which is offered at the market rates, con ' cutis? in part as follows: . . 370 Lhd3 N. 0. sugar; 2C0 bbls loaf, crushed & powdered do; 15CQ bugs Rio cofee; 100 do Java do;- ; . 150 bbls II. Eyrup molasses; E50 do S. JL molasses; ' 250 bbls plan Ution molasses: 100 pkgs mackerel . 100 boxescodfish; 109 bbls Wilmington tar; . . 03 keg3 Boston and Pittsburgh nails: 5 kegsne3d nails; 75 bags cotton yam; 50 bales carpet cuain; 150 do cotton twine; 1C0 bales wicking; 450 cis Manilla and Jute , cords re; 100 dcz plow and clothes lines; 400 boxes window glass, assorted sizes; - "2000 Tl s W. chalk; oOQ do alum; 1500 do s'tpeter; 20000 osnaburg sacks; 10 kegs sup. corb. eodaj - 200 half chests Imp., Y. II. and G.P. teas; 00 boxes Imp., Y. II. and G. P, teas; ' 450 boxes Virginia and Missouri tobacco: " ' 100 br. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing Jo; 150 bx.ttar candles; 0 do sperm, do; 209 candle moulds; , - "- . . 250 boxes soap; 350 pkgssaleratus; J---'. 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 ceroons S. F, do:. . SO Vg3 pepper; 45 do pimento; 200 bxs g'd s'ices; S50 IL Ki. 1). per. caps, 250 rms C. A L. paper; S50 doi corn. and fancy pails, 100 no 3-koopdo; 850 tests 2 and 8 qt tubs; 250 mats cassia; 25 cases prunes; 40 cks currants; 3 do madder; 5 bbls whiting: 4C0 rms wrapping paper; 0 bales osnaburg?; brooms, line washboards, .. churns, Ac, Ac, Juno 7, '56 GLASGOW &. BROTIIER. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 50 Levee, have in store and "to arrive the following Goods, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices, TlX i 1C00 hhds fair to prime N. 500 boxes Yeast powdrs; O. Sugar; 100 kegs sup Carb Soda: .1000 this cii i sugar; 100 boxes Ealeratus; , - euu go it lira erustra ao; ovu as .Manilla Uorctajrc: 500 do S. U. molasses; 300 do Jute do; . blu to plantation do; 100 ics prime Rice; 1000 rks Cand B. Teas; 1000 b:ig3 coffee; , 1C0 do prin:e old Gov- errmert Ja. co!Tee; ' 1C00 kegs Nails: .-.1030 boxes I'm, 'Clclce Family Soap: 100 boxes Fancy Soop; ' .SCO do Star Candles; 500 doz Manilla & Grass Bed Cords; 500 boxes Raisins; 25 bbls Almonds; 109 boxes Lem. Syrup, SOO do tss'd Candles, 1C3 Preserved Fruits; 100 do Meats; 100 do Fickles: 100 do Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 75 do Brand 'd Cher. 0 . do do Peaches 250 50 ' 100 Art - Ww -2:0 600 1100 do do d3 Co Co do do .'.on. a do: Cast; !o Starch: Soap; 30 cases r' Carraccas Yc. E:afl To- Chocolate; bacco; . Mo. do; . Fni-;kirg do; 40 do Wood bx match's: -60 do Sardines, quarter and half boxes; vur. dears S cases Citron; o r.r-..c:g 1C0 bar? Pepper; Lxp.; v. JO U'lsOQ'eBlk'ing; 9 cases iuimegs; - 6 do 'Indigo; 60 do B. C. Oysters; 1500 reams Wrop. Letter and Con Paper; 300 nests Tabs, Z'a-B's; co Al 1 .oe; v 200 Ills A bf do Ma VI.; f'O Uxts Clossr 3 f 3 bales Batting: 2C3d:i-P&lutcd Bakts; : LIQUORS. . . 10 half pipes pure old 5S bbls Malaga Wine; Brandief; lOObkts Dennis Champ. 100 do Heidsick do; 0 cases old Md. Wine; 200 boxes Claret Wine; St. Louis, Mo. 103 eases do - do go; it'j im incn. ins y; 1C3 do old Rye Whisky, rcrv cuT'crior; ' Jsno ' Improved Little Giant " lc C03 PLANTATION MILL 1' ZTr-ico ZTLaclxxcctzL. :.rn- E futscrifcer has purchasnd exclusive right of X Territory in the Vtcst,cf the above celebrtted . Hills, is prepared to furnish them at all tiiaes, either t .1 rsile or re till, tzl guaranteed in the most po'-.tire tiszner. , . X Ls row mere titan a year s'nee tho TTas ictrcdaetd to the public, daring which time, it ttn beer, coctantly growir? in the jpular favor. -. The irrvrovements recently eccUi and patented, Eiics it tne most penect macnine ever ohcrcd .or f tceral ffirra use It is f arnuhed read v for attaching we?r.'tis us lw.lows: .iSo. 1. 22 o. 2, Zi), .10. vf . No. 4, 5C0 pounds. Twenty mlnuteg are uC:;er:t to set one rp, without mechanical aid, and "when cnoe atjnstcd, it can with safety bo entrusted to a Icy. k ud directions accompany each Mill. Iol,C"5,will grind S bamcal per hour with 1 horse No3 -50, " " 15 ' 1 - 'o 4 ' CO, '. 20 u u , w 2 u . .- CIT Liberal discount to des-Ters.' . JAMES B. CHAT) WICH, .; No. C3 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 31 Jur:e2?,lS55. vl-n4 St. Louis, Mo. J. t. r-owrAXA. P3VDAL.Ij, K. E. CAZR. , CAiin & co.. WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, " ; ' Crzer Second and Morgan Street. ' i ST. LOUIS, 3IO. H r ANI'ACTURERS of Steam Engines and BoU- 1jL crL Saw and Grist Mill Machinery. Tobacco Scrrs .r.l Prcse, L?.rd Kettles, Lard Screws and CT'.:r.:-s, V.'o-.-l Carding Machines, Young's Patent Lnt M-nhlncs, Eur.dlng Casting, Ae. riigT.t. f-r tho saie of James Smith. & Co.'s ilAC-IIx. CARDS. --'YCU1GS PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well triel, h f-cturc a j uiii au law a anu- adf-rfulelr DO WALL CARR,ACO., Yi'asl-Irgton Foundry, St. Louis, Mc o. r. :iason, :nov3 ;;r.'a uounscnors at liaw. AkJ fleueral I.nnd Agents, . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. L r. n:-' attend to Land Agencies, collee- tTT!? it. x ir. Vi" money, kcating ana seiang T r' l vr krr.t.-f. t r. 1 ail other business pertaining to rlr . c, ia Nebraska Ttrritory anl Western 7" r r JC CPU, no. ja:::: ta::ui 1 C.Mir.UAj, Troprictor. AC. URE3 keers const Li ca It I f t f i, :i Vinds of I'locr, 'If at, sal Feci f!" f'n f,.r V.-Li-ct i; that ev ;r i: -St. J isc; Orici .!i"it;d and prorr-ptly filled Ch j aid constantly for '.I'bur nTcr to trerybuly vln!3-ly ? ? OF 7 Q ooDisn h CO. - T. 1 1 S DAY r. CilVED, per steamers ra. Car-.'bIl, and now -ire s -ock f Guois ever of fur the er-iri'nre they ZA'.n th.T:?','.vcs tLat they '.-, i.rd l ave p ur. hr.Af-1 su- h ;-.t to j " V.'e will l-.t sj tzl s;e;s".i - - NO. 1. AIT ORDIITASrCE. Pw lt Be it Ordained by the Council Ihe City cf BrowEville; as follows; to wit: c- See. 2d. ThatitfiTl bo the duty of tho Mayor to preside at nil meetiegsef the Council, to see that all Laws and Orlinac-x-s of the Council ro exocutel and their. violation! punished; to Euperinteal nni direct the c.T.jial c induct of all subordinate oSiceri, to sica and seal all Commissions, Licences ail Per mits granted by the Council, and to perform ei:h other duties as may be granted cr imposed by the Council. - ' Sec. 31. The Mayor coalite a conservator of the Peace within the city and- ex-o&:io Justice cf the Peace, and is invested with exclusive jurisdiction for the violation cf City Ordinance?, and with criminal jurisdiction of oHeiioes ar-vinst the Laws of the 'J er ritory committed w ithin the city, -nd civil jurisdic tion limited to the City, ia the same manner na that of Justices limited to Townships. He filial; no! be disqualified in acting in such judicial capacity by any proceedings, being iathcjiame or ia behalf of the Citv. - . . L ''' S"ec. 4th. It shall ba the duty cf the Conne d to make Ordirances to secure the inhabitants R4f linst fire and violations of the publi-s peace, to suppress riots, camblicff. dmnkenness, and indecent or ;iis- orJerly behavior in public places; in general pro vide for the Safety of property and good rdt rolT the City.- - ... - ' : ' Sec. 5th. It shall be the duty of tho Council to levy and cause to b collected all Taxes tociKSUj- for the improvement and best interest of the Cityj'stall establish all grades cf streets and alleys in th-aj ity, and may chaiigo the same-upon the petition o: he owners cf two-thirds of tho value of Real Property on both sides of the Streets." " . ', ' Sec. 6th. Itshallbetbedatyof the Marshall toi collect and pay over to the Treasurer all money J. be-, longing to the Citv, taking his receipt therefor. .. Sec. 7th. It sha'li be the duty of the Marshal to quell all riots and disturbances which may from time to time come under his notice... To remove or cause to beremovedallnaisancesjftllcbstxuctions cf streets and alleys, except those necessarily made by; the erection of Buildings or other improvements. Sec, Slh. It Bhall be the duty of tho Marshal to execute and deposit with the recorder a bond iivith j two or more snrities to be approved by the lliyor and Council of double the amount to-be collected during his term, said bond to be executed upon eater ing the duties of his office. - ' Sec. Dth. It the duty of the Treasurer to receive and safely keep all moneys belonging t the City and to pay all orders drawn o;j him by tho Coun cil, 6i?ned by the Recorder, and Hhall cxecuto and file snch bond as the Mayor and Council may from tune to time require, and shall at any timo 45 ring his term report to the Council tho amount of money in the Treasury if called npon by; the Council; and at the expiration of his term of eSce shall make full returns to the' Council and shall hand all Book i, Pa pers and moneys belonging to tho Trcasurar u his successor when ordered so to do by the Council, Sec. 10th. It shall bo the duty of the As3esr to proceed and take a list of all the Taxable Property, both Real and Personal, and atfcioh tho true value thereto. Said assessment to be made and returned to the Council annually by tho 1st of April. :- Sec. 11th. It shall bo the duty of tho Recorder to keep true and accurate minutes of the Council,to draw and sign ail orders on tho Treasurer ordered ly the Council, and to perform such oihtr duties as may be required of him from time to time. 1 Sec. 12th. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and Council to 11 all vacancies thiti may occur it any city office by appointment; said appointee to hold his office until tho next general election and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. , Approved, Feb. 21th, 1S57. ' ' A. S. 110 LL AD AY, Major": Attest: - ('-- -tf B. B. Thclmppok, Recorder. 1047 ACRES OF LAND. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. I WILL sell to the highest bidder on Stturday, March 2Sih, 1S57, at my residence, Bush's Ferry, Atchison Co., Mo., 1017 Acres of Land. Consisting 01 inree iracts, tno 1st tract is 216 acres ot good heavy timber aad belongs to the estate ol'F. G. Bash, deceased ; the 2d and 3d are farms of n y own and embrace 415 acres each both well watered well timbered and well improved. One cf them Las SO acres in a high state of cultivation and 20 J acres in pasture, dwelling bouse and either suitably out hmiscs; the other h&i125 in cultivation andl03acrc i? pasture eovere d with Blue Uras;, all untlon good frnce : dwelircr; house, Ice Louse, stables, cribi and other suitable vvt hou?c,". -'. . AU of the above Lands lay. near tbs ll'nsourl River and within 2 miles of tho proposed St Joseph and Bluff City Railroad, are lands not surpaa-jed in tho Stato for agricultural and stock raiting purposes, lay in square bodies and combines the eclctrated Jenfiin Bend, the best body of timber In the l"!ntjn. tyi Terms, one third cash, ons third in one yeiir and one m two veirs. Title Tterfent. For infurmatinn 1 'Address '' AM)REW.TRICBLE. - ' - EockPort, or Low ell, Mo. r Feb. lSth, 1S57. - . .... fSt Joseph Gazette jilcase copy frst 3 Vecks in March, and send bill to. Advertisor, Attcntica Lot Holders ! ! HI GHZ Y IHPOIt FA NT! !! ALL persons who own Lots in the Cityof j?rown . villc, arc here by notified, that I am now- pre prcparcd to execute WARRANTY DEED; f.w- the same, and, unless Deeds are obtained hforn the ex piration of eix months from elate, said City Lots will be sold to the iikent Hddtr, and tha jioceeds thereof disposed of according to Law. ' A. S. HOLLADAY. Mayor.- Lify of BrownviUe, N. T. Feb. 25th, '57. 57-tf O. X. LAHE, Er ewnvlle. "W. It uooxs, 1 ; Nemf.La City. . HOOYEI LAKE &'c$' wm-MM, AK3 NOTARYS PUBLIC, 1 : ' , . ''.. ' ' ' Erov.-nviLlo arid ircmaha City,'. "NEBRASKA TEURITOKY. j: .-JOHN-P. SAMSELL : - " ' ' (LATE OP BOKTOK) . '. ,! PcGlilonalilQ -Tailor, . ock roiiT, iia ; INFORMS thj public that he is now fprepured to servo them in the above named capacity, , Having had long and extensive experience, be" fl itters him self he can please all who fiivof hica wit'i iiuir pat- t ...i i- . . . . iiuv. viuia i.ij, warraniea in ail cases. . . . PARTICULAR ATTENTION ' ' V Given tocuttirgout inrrnents tor home mkir g. Brownvilie, Acg. 23, 1Sv6. . : vJ-nUly , E. X. WHITBjr.CS. : i ' - E; jr. H'fclitXEY. Jii:?. e. a. Yfnrrr.iDGij a co. KAXTFACTrEritS OF Masonic Clotliini; and Odd i Fellows Also Eealia for Tapcrarce'as.a ctici lloeietlss, Ao. 1-3 halnut hired, rp iUun, ... JCLNCIKNATI, 0 -: - hasoks. llefereacts. cd3 n'LOws. W.B.Dcdls.(Mof01no O. P. Morton. P (1, M Ind C. Moore Ed Muonic Rev; Turner A Gray, rr.b Casket F.J. Phillips, IL P. City W.G.Neilson, P G MOhio The Editor of the Advertiser will Lave ertcimens of Regalia fro:ii the above Manufactory, and recieve orders frt m Looses or privs.te meuil-crs for -.legalia. August 2, l-i5i. vl-cGii ... :. i'i . , Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. ri iy ted ex jce:? jad. ; YriLLIA:-IS, STEVENS, YfLLLLAllS & CO S3 3 C roadway, ! l least ro In ar.iiour.cicg that tfee-y- lave at LTg'.U received a t:-': -bed Procf cf tho En jnivirg by JA.vni r AtP, from tae fcbove paintirg. ' It i without exception one cf the ixctt brilliant Errravirg o' car time. , -. 1 Tints, i 0 tblls tC'gVf-" ..5, Z -J C i1 u- A tf il !ce i; s:;:i to be La i. I'rint:'. 5 (1j':;f; t.-r, 15 d -1'..: Art Nev. 15. 1S53. I'rmA 23 fl,-.Il?: ProDf.j r Au- : ArtUt Proofs, 40 d-,1 iprcssions of EVANt; :ijnt art Prt.fs. 13 dolls: Proof j be fore let-I-i, Proofs, S5 dolls. ;:. , E. G. rH ATT, O. V. C1T-LD, t. :mx, . S. O. K AKiTK, IS' .wi-'UiS. - ca, ...'tarjrf Agents New York. CIIILD, IT. ATT , r.rtt r-port j.-s, Jobbers a: IV.n G crrc. in r. w .!ijCIi.3H irirdY;ire mil Cutlery. , o, , 1 i ) i Uj-j, ' v., Ill (Myriads cf: Madura Plants. 1,000 Bushel3 Madura ce-cL FKUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. OVERMAN $ JLCdJrrr, Eloomisgton, III., BEG leavj to annonncq that theybavc, fr a scr ies cf years, been engaged in the culture cf hedges'anl hedge plants, and having been Featy encourrged by. the success cf the Maclur Ledge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand for the raaterial, they have sown, the present season on good, new land, about 150 bushels of exceJent seed the produce of which is estimated &f.jteen mulioni vlants U wnicn tney oner lor uio opm, trade, Jo rwi fnr r,la ers ordering plants cy wnoiesaie, great, uwuto will be otTcred. It is very important that orders should be sent in early, as they will be registered and filled in the ord;r in which they are received, For tho last three years they , have been unable to supply the demand, and it is probable that late or ders cannot be filled the next Spring, as the demand is expected to beow time greater than heretofore, Plant will be securely tacked and delivered on . .. . 1 - j , board the cars free t f expense, except for cost of ma terial.. . ' ' They are also extensively engaged in importing hedge seed, which they sell on the best terms, and a! wavs warrant reiA and good; orders for which should br sent in prior to the 15th of October next. They will be prepared to sprout Becd for such as do sire it. .' ' .!'."-- ! . Hiving several extensive nurseries, they offer, at wholesale and retail, a largo stock of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, Roses, Shrubbery, Ac, at the following points, to wit: Bloomington, 111.: Mound Nursery, Canton, III,: Henry, Elmwood, and Havana, 111. All Fruit Trees warranted to be of the best varieties and true to name. ' All information cheerfully given, and catalogue and premium essay on Hedjreins sent tc all applicants, jvanress, OVERMAN & MANN. Feb.5,lS57; ''- Bloomingtoru Illinois. Columbus. Nursery. For Central Ohio and all around I r OUR Stock of Fruit Trees, &c., for sale the pres ent Fall and next Spring, is very largo and fine, including all the mostpproved varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Apricot3, Nectarines Plums Quinces, Grape3, Currants Goosberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, etc. Especial care has besen taken to procure and propagate mostly such varieties of each class as are found best suited to the soil and climate of the West and South, whero most of the winter fruits, especially cf tho Eastern States, are of no value. . Our stock of leach Tiees i3 remarkably fine, and the price so low that all those who lost their trees the past winter, should now replace them.. Of Cherry Trees also we have a fine supply, mostly grown on Mahaleb focI, which secures greater har diness to the tree, and if trained rather lowj so as to cause the tops to shado the stem from the hot Bun, it is beleived to difficulty will be found in grow ing fine cherrie s in.the Soath and West. Of learS wo have a sple-ndid. lot, especially on dwarf trees, on strong Anger Quince stocle, the best for speedy and abundant productiveness. ... . ' .. ' Catalogues, with rrices,'ctc., will be sent to all applicants. Nurserymen and Dealers in Fruit Trees are invited to call and examine our stock of Peaches Pears and Cherries, especially, before sending East, as wo believe they can save cxpcnst as well as risk by Trarchasin-r ofi us.. Wholesale Catalorucs now ready. 'M. B. BATED AM & CO. ; February 5, 1857. -; - H. S. MAYO. PEE3ERVD SJOTH. TEOY. BANK. ; : rnHE undersigned having this day opened a Bank JL in? and lixchaage Office, in Troy, Miami county, Ohio, snd'ir the name of U. . 3IA 1 0 & CO TROY : BANK, wuld respectfully tender you our service in any business you may nave in this or ad jcininz eounties. ."'Partwular attention paid to col lecting, and remittances .promptl made as directed on davof T.avment. A ' Eastern Exchange, Gold aad Silver and Uncurrent Money bought and sold. ; Will loan money on short time, and pay Interest on Deposits at such rates as may be 0 steed upon. . Trusting to ourknowa ability and experience in the business of Banking, we Ehall be ablo to give satisfaction j we ruspccuuiiy solicit and hope to rc ceive a share of Tour business. : ; : . n. s.MAYO&co. ' r REFER TO: Mestts. Atwdi Co.j - ' - , K.Ludlow, - - "' Harsh maa & Winter, New York. ' Dayton. Cincinnati." u Philadelphia. ' Hartford. Cincinnati. Dayton Bank, -Hatch 4 Lang-Ion,.-,.;. Kinny, Espy t" Co., . Drcxel ti Co.,' Geo. P. BissellA Co., it Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Co., Teoy, v., Januiry 1st, 157. ' ,3 t-tf S. LOCKWOOI. 1857. ' R. E.POJIEBOT LOCKWQOD $ POMEROY, x - : Whslesile and Retail Dealers in - - HATS & CAPS; J3 Til A W , G OOD5. . Also, Shippers of American Furs of uvcrv ut-bvripuun; ior wnieii mey ' '. .. pay the highest Market price, -" HlOTTNlTlY' Mfir?lin.ntfl nro invito feC orimtna U- vu.avl AtiuillIU WU1 stock of Hats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In rJnt f. vhrJptir cftr cy n'l V-1 . c wv not be excelled by any House in St. I,oui3. our pnees wm neiow, terms accommodating. Call and see w at our New Stor. Second St.-; St. Joseph, Mo. . . ' , .. . C2-Cm. ; '-'v JIICIIAEL McGEJET, - Saddle ; arid ' Harness Ilalicr, East side of Jlain, "be V Francis anl Felix St ? ' r ST. JOSEPH, MO.; TIIAXKFCli for past favor?,-begs leave to inform the public, Jhat bo has just returned from St. Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as has ever been purchased In that market. ' ' ; ' -1 - His stock consists of a superior article of Skirting Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and shee p skins: fine goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti cle of enameled leather of various hues. T-.i He has every variety of saddle trees, from the reat Mexicana and E nglish, Beard's and Grimsley's pat ent, down to the common fall-back. lie has on hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri dles, martingales, halters, eollars, whips of every quality, wbip-lashcs, hames, traces, rpurs, &c. '- lias also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankce, cart and drsy harness. ; ' ' . . . . He has not now, nor" will h keep any other than No. 1 workmen, and his instructions to them are neat ness and strength. He, therefore, feels no hesitation in saying that his Work will Eeldom bo equaled, no where surpassed. :,- . ; , - . . : -. ' As small profi ts and quick sale, "is bis motto he pledges himself i to aali (considering the quality of the article) lower than any house west of tho Alle gheny Mountains. Those disposetl to sufpect him of gissing, have on ly to eall to be assured of their mistake. , St. Joseph, A'jgustllO, 1856. vlnlStf SK'ionicios rALNTS, OILS, VARNISHES,' ' French and American Window Glat & Clativcart j)iectif ltd i go, IJaddtr, Perfumeries, &c ' - sprinaVstook:!: CHARLES3, ELOW eV CO., : ' r ' ' ' TXPOKTEKStVHOIJISALE DEALEKS. ' - ; - To. CSana67 Haia street, St. lems, ;r; ; Are now in receipt of their new Stock, , embracing everything in their line. ; ti-ei':iaEt3 visidng our City are requested In vre us a call, as we are determined in sell for Cash or Prompt Timo Paper, as low as any House in thi Lnuect Dtatcs. .: . , - HURRAH rOR YOUNG AMERICA ! t - 'Rnrri..:.; :, ; THE CHEAPEST j ; UNDERlFIIE SUN!!! ?V7.jZ unccrsijfil vocll res pectf ally itfna tl;ij A dtiiccs of Browtvitle aad surrounding country, that tve hare cjetedoao cf the cLcavct and Ia.?gejt StjC.t tt Ready . Made ' Clotiiin rf in lietraska T-?mtorr! e tricrcioro respet;u;..y sc licit a call and exam'inc cur stock before j urchasin;; !s9-bere. as we are ccteri;.ae l to nnder-se-.l arrf Clotbir" Estab!i?hmeet in ths Territory.- We hnv H )W on Land it larro i s.-rtaicnt cf Le.vly Madj Clotbisr: nly Shir', 'Collar?. CnwaH, Hamlkec eblefs, St'c't?, Cc-rort.-'. rndcr.!.irts, Drawer et. 1 11 e.f t. e Lc-t 'luallty ai.-l latest style. . Pl.'i& t:.:j.ito or f-ck fc-3 U r y mrself frczz Ca V z L. i u near tLe ll )tcl. L-wcville, L . It would flaw reqmrea more inan wim umvum 1 caDScnocrs w uAMf.i.a ' . 1 j .1 a c .-.. tv,v tT-n r...j: ... -rr?K thn November number, are IM'f M fltmaill 5.15 J tip 1 n-j. . scni'iiuus vav -v.- -r ... . , k m..fnn-f iirA trt dealers ana 01a- rcPK u 7 reouestM ti reaw xukiu jr. . r The public is bert-by notified, thU the est Mlf of the Northeast quarter and the Last ta;f of tho Northwest quarter of Section napber ono in iowp ship number four of Range numWr tftcca Last, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, formis the claim of the undersigned, aad that ha wi:l proceed, as soon as tho Land 0,5,-c i3-opened, t) eUer th?sara3 by p-ro-cmption. AIL salts f town Lots m.u 0 upon said tract, by aov pam,n or per,n.ns m part of N e raaha city, will be heid by tho uaa .i : void. ' , JBroicntiUe;Jzn, 2fth,l'. las al-s'iutcly A.D. t KEEN. HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Close of the Thirteenth Volume. Ierms: Three . Dollars a .year, or i wenty-hve Cents a M'utnber. -The 'Semi-annual vol am c s, as completed, neatly bound inlcloth, are sold at Two Dfiliors each, and muslin cover3 are famished to thD?3 who wish to havo thcit back numbers uniform- j ly bound, at Twnety-five ce.ts eocb.- .Thirteen vol- uracs are cow ready, oounu m tiutu, auu iu hiif caif 5 - -L:v-'ts;;' " Clubs of two persons at JiveJDolkrs a year, five persons at Ten Dollars, or cloven persons at Twenty Dollars. , . '; ,- ' ' J , " ' "r ' The commencement of a volume afioras a favora ble occasion for the opening of naw subscriptions. Tho December number will; commence a new vol ume. - ' ; ''.-- ' : The Magaiino weighs oyer seven. and not over eight ounces. Tho postage epe-n each number is Three Cents. r 1 ' -. - "". Each number of the Magazine will contain 141 Oc tavo pages, in double column?, each year thus com prising nearly two, thousand pages .of the choicest Miscellaneous -Literature of th8 day Every num bT will contain numtrous Pictorial Illustrations, ac curate Plates of the Fashions, a copious Chronicle of Current Events, and impartial NoticeH of the im- peirtant Books or the monm. ine volumes com mence with the cumbers 'for JUNE, and DECEM BER; but subscriptions may commence with any number. ,1 , - - HARPER A BRO'S., Publishers. 1 ranklin Square, cvr York STEAM GRIST, MILL, WE offer for sale; at cosion accommodating terms, Two Steam Engines, One Double flued Boiler 2-lft. long40in. in diameter, and Machinery com plete for a Steam Flouring Mill. AU entirely new manufactured by Hollabird & Co., Cin. ' - 1 .NUCKOLLS i, WHITE. . Rock Port, Mo., Jan. 10th, 1857. ' . ; ' ' 31-6 w r- -j -" ' :r- ;- Laxi) Office, Omaha,! ; ... , . .. -.17 th December 1855. . f! DECLARATIONS for pre-empting must hereafter , be filed in this office Instead of being sent, as heretofore, to the Surveyor-General's office. They t ill be received at any time, and should be filed as soon as possible, as a question has arisen, Whether lie expiration of three months, after the" Survey are made, not a bar to further filing, but certificates cannot be given until the Tract Books are received. Proprietors of Town Sites should file plats, show ing the' legal subdivisions claimed, as soon as they can do so, to prevent their being filed oa by pre emptors. . . . . " i Tha fee for declaration is one dollar, to be paid when they are filed; and for'proving up, one dollar, payable when the pre-empt ion is consummated. , .. . , JOHN A. PARKER, Register. : JEFFEBSGX P. CASADT, f, . 1 MAET1X "VT. BICEN, 1 ' i WAS. D. WHITE, ' V i. Nebraska City NT ':) " 3 AS. D. TEST, Conncil Bluffs, Iowa, C ASSAD TEST, KIDEN . & CO.', (Successors to Ridcn tv White.) - LAND-AGENTS. .... NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVING made arrangetnenta by which we will receive -accurate, copies. of all tho Township embraced in the Eastern portiou of. Nebraska, wa are now prepared to offer ur services to the : "SQUATTERS OR TIIE TEEEITTOEY, .' In Filing Declaratory Statements of , Intention to lreempt. Seeming Pre-emption?, Locating Land' j ,: " Warrants and i . ENTERING LAND. 1 , LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. ..Land Entered; on Time, "Particular attention pail to Buying and Selling Property, on commission: Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittances to any part ot tue V nion. Blanks of all kinds always on hand. " ; f . ,. REFERENCES. '., Hon. A, A.Bradford, . , Nebraska Pity. ' S.F4Nucko115, : -l Messrs. Dolman & West, St. Joseph, Mo ! Teter A. Keller, . V Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, , June 23,1856, vl-n4 ; E.. BROWN, :., MI CrlEOT, ' BR O WNVILLE, :Ar. :2V TT-flEL promptly attend . to Buying anl Selling ? V land.Collesctinff and Investing moner.rcitin" and Belling Land Warrant., and filing- Declarations . rr . . oi ineeni.oa u i re-empe; ana ail otner matters per taining to the business of a Land Aent SPECIAL 2TOTICR Short Settlement Make LoW Friends. THE subscribers request all that are Indebted to them, by note or account, to make payment by the 15th of February next, as one of 'the firm will start East at that timo for new and full : stock of goods, and LAbil will ba wanted to pay for them. -j e rciurn cur inanicj;, to our friends for- their patronage to this time, and promise to merit a con tmuancool: the same hereafter ' - ' - - n ! . . ' v wM. IIOBLITZELL & CO. , J -Erowoville, Jan. Sth, 1857. - Jt GENTS-WANTED to retail artidcsSales iin xL mense profits largo only $5. required.'. Ad dress, with stamps J. L. H., Harmony, R I. '.I. i ' ' JOEL 'Ii'. WOOD,' I.1D... - BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RESPECTFCLLX mferms the citizons of Nemaha county, that h&vins'pormanenUv located imme diately South of Erownville.and bavin? had consid erable experience ia the treatment' of the diseases incident to the es V flatters himself that h is prepared to treat tho same on purely BOTANIC PRINCIPLE1 And in connection with DK,BrcxnAM of Missouri. . Brownville, Jan. 1, 1S57. , yln29tf , ; . ttevr s Hardward Store; ;-I.!- : Sign rthe aim SawLr . - ; ; L JV ELAUEiiTY, . . . .,- ' Importer, Wholesale and Retail JJealer in American German, English & French ! ' HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. " :i: .Igr. josiTII, Jia : " ; ;-- IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and nnst varied nrsortment of goods in the above line ever Offered ia any market west of St. Louis. - . ' " My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic' tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers: agricultural and horticul tural tools. and implements, in great variety combin ing all the recent and luef ul improvement for the eaving of a vast amount of labor to the farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of thLi department of my stock. I am also exclusive agent for the- salo of tho celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all rdws at ihe factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, RiSfii and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac., of ti" best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality nnd price, I am determined to oJer such inducement as will command a liberal share of trad a from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements f jr importing and agencies for AmericJ.n Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience ia the general Hard ware trade, enables mc: ao. only to defy all eompsli- tion, but has convinced me that the tme principle of trade is cah ssiles end small proil:s. . -January 1,13-37.: vlL23tf r . . , r T. B. crxiNG. - ' tons c, tcek. . CUMING & TURK, . :. . Attcixcys at:Iaw k Ileal. Estate Agc::!s, OMAHA CITY, K. T . : WILL attend faithfully and promptly toaH fcasi ness entrusted U them, ia the Territorial, or Iowa Courts, to tho'parcl.ase c:. lot? aa I tand3, en trric? and pro-cm rtions, cdiiccticr. Ac. . - ; in tae second s'OTy of Henry r LooUnew bull neaz-ty opposite. vrit era x.-Laccre Bank, Farnhara street. Bee 27, 156. -vlnHitf BLANKS cf every ckicripli Cca. ;n. for j . j l . . . 1 r" l : 1 1 . vTri a itaiix?'.. u ! 1 . . r 1 1 G,'& C. TODD & CO., Xj. 212, :'ort First or Shi Street, St. loult. IlirCKTE33 ANO MANVFACTVSEH3 O? i If If J. Ji il 1.11 , iu, i. M. !. JNCLUDING Pntcb, Bo'tirg Cloth v Mill St?, i. Saws, Sorec:.-;, Ihiuise'l.-?, A-i. Also:. 1? OP-TABLE GUI ST Both Upper and Lower Stone Runners.' MACHINE BELTING, .. v Of Stretched Leather nmd Ilabter. St. Louis, October 13, 1655. vln!3-i . ... i i . i 1 IPeacein' Kansas! E.: JENNINGS. CO., FonvARDiiiQ co:.::.'!32ic;! ; - MERCHANTS, : ; -Whits Cload, Kansas Territory. SPECIAL attention given to Receiving and For warding CoMi of every description.' . ' y ,. ALSO: : v - ...Will, keen a lanre and complete assortment of - GROCERIES AND DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEEN SVy Alibi, -boots; - shoes,; hats, " cats. " clothing, &c, -&c, At Hie 'Lowest Cost Freed Dec. 25, 1S53. yln23-6ol " ,r'. --.GREAT U.' S..:' MAILEOUTE. Iron Nemaha Agency, in Kansas, to the mouth cf tht Nyoway -JBiver, . Nebraska,": -. .'' TniS LINE makes ono trip . per week, each way, stopping at the principal towns on the, Missouri River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good horses anl nice younir men for drivers. ' J. B. 5s W. BENNHT; Contractors. Dec.19, 185(5. , vln27-ly. .;?; ;: ., miHS INSTITUTION dates its commencement A from the 10th Nov, . Owin to the unfinished state of the Banking Houso, wo have not thought proper to give out any publio notice, though trcpar cd at all times to redoem our p;ipcr in circulation. We now givo general notice that we are, solicitous to accommodate our friends, nnd will loan to one and all on good security. We will at all times purchase Eastern Exchange, and are now ready to make Drafts on St. Louis, Mo., in sums to suit, in exchange for either Cold or currency, ALEX. IIA I J, AM, Cash'r. Brownville, N. T Dec.. 8, 1356 vln2Ctf ' MEW-.CASSI.iST.ORB3!! BROWNVILLE, N. T. The subsoribeTS would inform the citizens of Brown ville, and surrounding country that their NEW STORE HOUSE -i I-4Xmplctcdf- and-they are now receiviag - and opening an cxtensivo stock of NEW GOODS! ": COMPRISING IN PART, BOOTS "AND SHOES, HEsLcE&iHSp JO IE3 p Hardware, and Tinware, COOKING AND BOX STO VES, FURNITURE, GROCERIES, To which they invito tho attention of ; customers. Their Goods are selected with reference to the tv wants of the'town end surrounding eounf . . try, and. will bo sold as. Low as any House above St. Joseph. FLOUR AND ' CORN MEAL, - CONSTANTLY ON" IL1ND. COME -ONE t C01IE ' ALL !! T And examine out Stock for yourselves . ' : ' , " . . Respect fu 11 v, ' . - McAllister, noznsii' co.' Brownville, October 25, 1S55., ylnl9tf , , . . . NEW HARDWARE STORE. i-l , J. E. WASHINGTON", i i -', r ... ukai-Eb W r.. .-. - . Hardware, Cutlery and Guns,' West Sido Main street, " ' ' .'i" T' Si. Joseph, 316", -TS NOTv": reccivirg acd opening a stxkof Hard X. ware and Cutlery adapted to th3 wants of Far mers, Mechanic?, and Merchants, and having purchas ed American' goods from Manufacturers, and made permanent arrangements for tho direct iinpjvtation of all my-foreign goodi, together with a long experi ence in tno llarawtra basincs?, i sfia:iTacr stch in ducements to purchasers in thi3 mfirket. as will insure satisfaction, and respectfully solieitasharc of ratron ago from the section cf country tradirg at t," Jo seph." 1 ;r. . j Hujits and Bimmc-n'a axes, i . Augers, l Mouse hole Anvils, - Chisel', . 1 Solid Box Vices, ' ; 1 i . Chains ' ' SpearA Jack3on'6and Bather's files, Fry Pans, . -" Ames A- Rowland's shovels & spades, Coffee Mills,' Cut, wrought and horse shoe nailif Scires. ' ; 1 Cotton and Manilla ce rdagc, " " Curry Combs, Wostenholm. pocket knives, T , - PlanefC iiref", Knives and forks. Locks, I. Bolts, I Iatches Screws, ButtS, 4c lc. , l Gun;; rifles, and pistols, r: : ' "." ' Shesirs, scissors and razors, ' ILuEjners and Hatchets, ; : - ' Spcsir AJackson's saws, ; . ... Braces and Bitts, ' " ' 7 . "i - :: . 'ALSO; : 1 . Building, Hardware and Carpsn- " V ' ter's Tools " . . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION". ' .Dec. 19, 1855. 4 .... - wji.: rossell: ' i; " BROWNVILLE, N.T. ;, f . 'rr EESPECTFULLY informs the public i that he is prepared to serve them With any 1 : ! fhirxr in hi line, at short notice, anl with a style -and quality of work he feels ce nfid snt will pleai. To fcii old frieiids and customers te deems it unnecessary to say a wora, to otner3 ne says only "try me.':---- '-. : December 13,"185i3. . yln25-Jy . WM. JI. THOMPSON. - . , J. TJr- TAAKFE ; Thompson: & taaffe, . ; ( Successors to Burrows ThomrjsoE. Wi6lcsdle- -'Grocers, . . And Corrmiisi-ion Merchants, ' JTo. 13, Pearl Street, .Ciacinxati. ' Sr. Particular attention will be given to order for Groceries, which will always beexecutedat current parse; prices. . .;, . . '. . ,. ,: ; WI. GAUrilSO, r " l ' PLAT TSM OU TLX, X. T. HAS now on hand several valuable town lots and abo Timber and Prairie Claims, which be will sell cheap. . . Bcir.g ag?nt for the City of nattsmoutli, he will funvsh, lots to those who wi?h to settle in the town on cheap and reasonable terms. " . 0"ce with J. II. Brown, Esfj. . , , . . ,'.?BROWirV2LLI3 4 - STEAM. MILL', XOEL, LAKE, A: Ii:i X. B. We-would ro?--ectf-j 7 mtora O C!tl- xens of Xeiuaha c-janty and adjoining MLw uri, that we fcave always m hud a larga st;J well sfclcct-.'d sujt :y ci AjiAii..i wmcn wecua i iniijaatlw'- erm t?i than any mill in the Territcry.- ' MwVct prices paid for logj delivered at 4ho yard cron the link cf tho river.. '. ; 1 All crlerj aoccmparjed with the cash, will rcecire our icimedjito attccti-ja . - i - .... B--, t A 'flTi o " A 2f unc sally larga sfcvk cf .13 and coi.tse Bt3 Ix. tx.l H' iocs bo h Gfcitlonca ar.d Lailici' can la gciia, an J rorthastvl low, &t ECLLITZZLL h CD'S. FCOJI TITS NEWSPAPER ABVEETISIKO AG ZSCY C? W. S. SV.rYMMER, - Cc-rcsr cf Olive and Main Sts, over tho la r Ic ing Honse of John J. Andersen & Co. r.ACii's PATJiT " 1P r T7 r Circular caw-IIill, ro:: stea:i and iioh:i: powe::. T 1IH most useful and necessary rr.aoh'r ery in cp- ,n; is simple in constrcc" Lou and e;.jllr kept in order, and can be movud on a wagon as a3 a threshing machine, anl put ia operation at a erp.xll expense. . It will saw from one t two thou 'an 1 feet of luir.bcr a day, with one tot.m cf six hors as an average business, and in a L'-ttcr rtylo than ether mills now in use. It is ennliy well ad-iptcd to .- Steain, Water cr'llorso To'.vcr. ' The undersigned, f gents for the jat-ir.tec, woull announce to tho publio that they sro now jreparel to furniih Mills, with cr without hons power, cf su perior quality and workman.-hip, with tho right to use the same, upon the most favorable term", tt thair manufactory, No. 202, Soonl struct, St. Louis, Mo. t "Ve liavo al.-o the rit:ht for the manufacture of ChildsV Patent Double . Saw. Mills. The successful pra?tical operation of these mills through tho country hn? been the mcanj of establish ing their great reputation nnd with improvement in construction and increased facilities in-manufacturing, we offer them to the public with full confi dence of their advantages. - " " . - All orders addressed to us will be promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Mills cheerful ly given. . Persons ordering Mills will please mention tho State and County in which they wish to use them v . KLNG3LANDS A FERGUSON. ' Extension of Page's Patent. T0TIC2 is hereby riven - to the pul lie, that the patent of PAGE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW-MILL baa been extend! f r seven years from Jcly lGth, 1355. .All persons found violating this patent, or infringing on tho same, in making, using or vending, will ba proceeds! against ia accordance with the laws ia such case malc and provided. CLORGE PAGE, Patentee. THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT Vv ) And Board of Education, ' ? Have ordered tho following Desirable Y.'orks for the . Township 'Libraries. of: Indiana. - Somoof them have been put into every Library, others only into the more populous townshios. Thn careful attention given to the exarninatie.n of works for these libraries, is a guarantee cf tho iicrit of the dooks cnosen. Jiany families will desire to own the books, and read at their leisure, rather than wait their turn to get them from a library. The works may be purchased of Booksellers, or will le sent bv mail, free of postage, upon payment of prices annex ed to each. .Fair's Ancient History Much tnnKsrfor to Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern research. '4 vols., Cloth, gilt, J 3. Sheep, library st vie, 5:3,50. - Thv. '1 eacher's JllisccII.iny is anew anl ex- ceucat collection of articles o:i Education, written by Judge McLean, Drsf. Stowe, B:?x;s, McGcffsy, Arcsi-OTT, Picxett, Ltxd, Post, and oilier distin guished members cf tho "College of TeicLers." .1 vol., 12mo., Cloth, $1,25. . .. ... History of tha Puritans ' and , Pilgrim Fathers. By Stowell anl Wilson, 1 vol- 12mo Slofifat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 ycl., 12mo- 5,25. ' The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra cing the Period of the Covenant and th Persecu tion. ByRey. Jaraca An lerse n. Klo fiat's South Africa. One vol ume 12mo. Twelfth edition. SI. ; Six Years in India.' By Mrs. Colin Maken zis. 2vols,12mo Cloth, 2.Ci Kern's Practical Landscape (Jardeninsr, with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50 I.Ian-of-War Life. A Boy's Experience in the V. Navy. ; (.elXTII THOUSAND.) . . 1 volume, 15mo.; Llastrated: 75 ents. Tho "LTcrchaint Vessel, " ' A Sailor-Soy's Voyages to $ce the Worl J - (?IXTU THOrSAXD.) -- ' 1 volnmc, loaio Illustrated. 75 cents. " KoRDUOfF'a admiral series of volumes, "Man-of-TVar Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume to appear in September, under the title of "Whalin" and k ishing, must be received with great favor, as the first two have been, wherever circulated. . They are me laim.ui i.mnings oi nine years experience at sea, of a common sailor, a native "-Buckeye," re cognized as inferior to no writer of the present day. in i-ie-iiKB Qciincation3 or aaventure by sea. - .Very striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. lias adventure enough to please and truth enough to dissipate the charm of a sailor'3 life. '. ; Xew Xork. Evangelist. There is in them a vast amount of iuformation respecting the commcrca of the world. Presbyterian Witness. - , .- Will take captive the young. Journal and Mes senger. ' . ' A Buckeye Abroad, or Wandering in Europe and the Orient. .By Samcex S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. 1 vol., 12ino., muslin, 1,25... ., ; The Three Great Temptations of Yonnsr 3Ien. Samvsl W Fisher. Fourth edition.. 1; V(J. 12aio, muslin, 1,00. 4 - -y ' - These are capital work3 f r family libmrics. Pub lished by MOORE, WILST ACII, K EYS &. CO., ' r '25 West Fourth St, Cincinnati. 1 M .W K. & CO. ara the publishers cf Bayard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agents. , , , , Country Pro due o : : :W ANTED, and for which we allow tha highest Market price. . llUULHZiXL A CO. THE jSEW FLOURING MILL. CLARK'S PATENT COMBINED GRIND I'NQ and Bolting or Merchant Fburin? Mill. This highly ingenion and much needed invention- forms an entirely new feature in the manufacturo of I1LAT andtLOLIt, by the snprrior manner in which it performs its work GRINDING and BOLT ING the Grain at a single operation into Seven different kinds of flour and feed. This mill possesses advartnzoa to numerous to be enumerated in any adrertLicment. The proper way to iuny . ai preciate in great merit is to scet it ran. It, is in operation daily at ' '' " No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court st., St. Lau, Mo. caic ana country uignts and ilrds L cr rUIe. . .... ,W.,W.IIAMER A CO, "" - Broadway and CourL.21 Story. NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASH!'.! A.S. -.HOLLADAY, XVIIOLESALE AND ESTAIL DEALE?. Llaia Street; ErovTuvillG, 17. T. THE unlcrstgnel respectfully beg Iear to inform 'the public, that h assortment of every thin 5, usually kept in Dru" .Tiur, which bb otrs ior sale, i.;xclu.ivelr 03 a New System of 'CASH. AND CASH. ONLY! It will be entirely forci;n to this beautiful system to "Book "'keep account," "noty,"-?eratch"ehV " r isutiuwr ior a iew aays." Come with the "Spondulicks" ifyou ant anything in the Dru hne. .. . , f Prescriptions CcnjctisicI at all-Hoara with ' Accuracy aai TiatcX ' Hememher the ays tern I have adopted, an 1 my pocketaad your feelings will not suffer. Credit will pont.aty not be riven, unicfj utd-;r circumstances of peculiar destitution." - - - - Jn!y 12, A. S. HOLLADAY. quo. c. rr:iGX7co:x.: . . MILLWRIGHT AND KNGINJEER - EIlOWXViLEE, X. T. ! 'A BOUNCES to the, that he is rre-are-l 21. to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mllla at short notice and reas-uuMa term?. . all ;o:ik y,'arkakted: :: . ' lie is al-o Agrt f jr . . A. IJ. IIOLLJI3IIID & CO'S., :: , ; ci:tcin::ati, o., - - lt;:i & li:avittj C1NCIXXATI O. And is pr?pjr"d to receive and f.11 e.r2T?fraririaa- chitery m.iaufoctureel or kept on Ur. .!, by thce es tablish tient.n L'."t:crs of enquiry, t ro:i:p t'y finsw-:rc I. . , RLFFERENCE.?. N jcl, I.a"-:o A Co, B.-ownvi'le, It. T, St?rra MIT. :iack-... & i hue, u.x-kport, ;:. Jia-'s Lor ?, Lin Icd, " 44 .4 u InSly. ' - Brow.;v;:ij, Jari 21, 1S55 nn isAt-iv;3C- " i ;-io M".:i. Extra apcr UU I br just r vtd a-, i for .---.y llsv. 2), 12-3. il'ALLlTER, DOZIER '& CO. So : :r.? or expose will be mn-dl,. at th: Thr good ; UNITED STATpr .3 J 2-:3 COJJp Ay rnVJl every possible tii'Jitj ful fc U J speedy transmission of rioney, Valuable rackare, r, Znnd4. ' niiil v' ' . reels, Of every elcrcrifticn, ca rexsotiahle FricE3-:,ewYor;:,!ar.tvr. hK,9S;DajtonIa(iLva(1r;ar- rati, .Toledo, Chi the smaller tow diaa.nd Veritern States. connect.inii it1i4rn'l Richardson's Missouri River Eiprw Jll?' JOHN W. T0DI5T (S jeecs.-rr to 53 Main st., OU SlanL St, &,,; ir " ' TMrORTER, Wholesale and Rctiil Dealer 'in r Potteries and Manafactarrrs." " B. Packing receives special attrition. September 13, 1355. ylnl5-6m yv, & a. sExiii'DriirEE. iirrosTErj akd vaoLisAiS' dsalt Havana anJ Dcr.estis Ciai-s & 1 SOUTH EAST COHN'ER PIN3 & SEC00 8-j' - ci.xOTTxa..iuiro. 4 WE bare id sttr'e. aul to arr vk, a ver? lti assortment cf the very bet brtxij ,f r f Cigars. We desire to c-ill the pw al attea;;,,, cash buyers to our large sf ock, whiclv wa arc mined to sell very low for cash, Taoy eonib? i part, of the fallowing bnrds : "' Prentitule IJiar.a Miliar?; Mi Destino ' Antiguedad Bustamanto Carnelia Delirante Saluadora StaTnoni Merid.'anas Wa!iicgton El Sol do 'Vkitaria d el) Ibcri.ii do eio do do do - Ej-ponoJidi' BcgAle-idj LaMonua d i . 1 Jfen.gio d ' , ' Emuiriciin do 4 'L-a Vox.' . d- FortuEo L(ii;i!r.v do ErnperoN-challj do ; Fideliiai do ' Mensagtro d Craaadira do Carvcntns elo 'Pocahon'a dj ; Reinas Sultana do ' La FUra : dj E !SoldebiDrim?a do Bcve Muses d) Figaro Cillindradosf I). B. CaUnon i) Preniado D. L). do J. Y. P. ft ma d.j V da la Iia ma do- Virnera P.antaUoc P.L. df Veiicgu 'do ' " Jlenagero Trabucas; l.i Ctnr. Principcs ' Victoria do Barrios do Leglt GuarS Opera, Star du J. L. Pane te lis; ' Prpst. May ' ' W.'t J. "S2rSEDEr.FE- CliiTicao J3xTrjvr TIIE subribers can supply soeil of tbt abon valuable plant in United ;u?.n:it;es. It ii pit up in packages and sent by mail, post pil; tt li cents per pa:k3ge. Il.tringbecn riit- dhy ountilrw, we can vo'jci for it pu.-itv. . Wo.t-ia aio sniflf packfigc of seeds of the. Ice . Cream1 ai-J Onnp Watermelon and Fiz Tor.ato at 2a tU. enth. 1 Address orders to, II. A. TELIlY, k CO .7-1 y Couicil LlaJs low. . . GREAT SALE f IPot.ii ILots! T7H'Lb9 olTeredto tie high t fciddcr i fu'Ja VV A nation, Wednesday, Atri! 1st, ISj", iix ' hundred twn lets situ.ited: in p4t'oe4 City, county, N. T. fc'abj Cunnncr.cirg at. 'i 0 elutk, A. Jf. This Town site behsjj b Paw ie county, i the County Seat, aad oH'cr. rrt inltcemcnU t Hi enterprising and to cnpiuiiista. Ti:aM3 Of sai-e. One-third Cah anl VstAi on tioKJ, my best su.t j urc'nase n. . . 11; EZEKIEL W. FOWLER. .. CoiatjT CouuniiiiuaerJ. JOHN C 1 EAVEY , ' JOSFPII FRIESE, ' Attest; i- . ' - G. G. THALLIMFU, County C'.x. FoB. ::ih, 1S57." . ; j;-tf i rTETl public are hereby. netit "that -, ii;rou;nt i..e-!.cri. ou atcd accr:.ic3io of entry of the S West fra.;tiunal eiuarter aLu tha S.East fractional quartet S:ctli-n number t weu'r five, in Township numWr.six, in R 1:1 re ium! cr ir toon Viet r,F U IV. . .1 l i ... ?- V.,Ui. ka Territory. - Tho abovj ii cljia cd ty aad wii t patented to B. IJ. Thomrso, wb-ij papenaad evi dence arc forwarded to H'a.-h;r.-oa Ciiy r .rhcar.r.j. w t lb Ml! Atll w' I V 15. B. TliOMKOS. Felrbary 2'5t'h,l5:r. ; - '- ' 37 U Attorney, act! . Couiisc'Ior at La7, .. General Land '.&gcE.v'" Oil AHA: CITY. :.VT. Gey. JiiirJ, OmLa"; It. PB5n;et.N -trnka City. - DINGS - . IfipQrh.'$ if, anl Who'-tsali IkcliTt U . MJL Its J X. XJ . . ' JIanufacturer3 of all Vizli a: H;ushei 39 North 31aln Street, (Tp Stain,) ST. LOL:ISj-5E,v rr, . r, ,y m BROWNVILLE FERRV OX TILE J 4 n Rente frcrnBrowjivilt'te Ft. Kerf ney, a.iifrcm t.'ieficc tt CjJ'forr.ia, : is tLz-TLcarcsl nil: mod-..: ' - " : prarficalU; -" ; . PINEY; CODINGTON, 1 NNOUNCE to tho 'Jravelinj; rubi:. that Xhrf across the Mi;siri Liver u tn City cf Broa- "V.r-l.. r.t lk-n t'n v, w:rk' C ... 1 ..... 1 : 1 . - .." . t Di w juusiuiji a 1 i v. i:3H.t,iSCS X tlTJ iJ 1 run by Horse Power, wl kh itr-j-lament will iccarJ certain pa.3g5 at, a'.l time aci ia all kinds d weather. ' Th rropt:i.rA d J' r t 'assert boaitieg'y or for thepurjcof nicirg cu3t:n merely, butar goverted lyfitt?. w ; 'J'siy tLi is tha bs crossing ef the M'..uii L.ver- ia' Nebraska, l when- t.lfy My tl-?- rcute fnnn .?r-wcvi;!e- to jve.irney ax: i xrom tr.eice to ClLotCiiis ths nearer, fr evi ."(: thy r.f'-; v.. ta -rto th naof th the out pc;i;ar!y f:v,raMe inCaeeiaent, ti jerfvo going to Calif. ri ing to Cilit'.rnia, ai 1 ethoU tl.iir j a Iron i;1- r.'l'r. ci:r sur-.rirr arrajgfia'nU fef a8 id . !'.' rrii.'i r (.i!.-Si m ilm. t;i? me IS Otfc rVmeiV Nebraska, a'i bcii'g n-iLitcd byLegi-'la tive en-u-iia-jnt. , . . ' A skLT w ill h in ri a i;,r?is nid ahan2cnth ground to run all bourif tk a af'!:t. ' rSTRccllect that with pr i'iiities of Fo' no kinds of tathcr wi'.l pr;icat .our B.atj to' making regular trips at all L-.tmv brownvi...? NcTj-iha Co., N.T I , February 2; :h, I ii7. . f,;. 37-1 A ! ... J.IJ T OMAHA" CTIT, Vu T.- A LLr . - iA Cria tf tScir areuuntj L.u,:, 1 tv 5 1. " '-.'li I" . .- will ; 0. K I-ikaf'r" . . . ... 1 ti n, a:; J an ii .3 well k-,?wn and highly reputil ' T 1 s very b-t tltentiungV,-;." " flat:;- .ilyelljstlcr.. h. .! V are,Lhin-ie.iar3, Lamp, LantTis,- Lk -.? ses, Brirar.nia Ware, As. AcwitainT-atTX' Fancy Mantle and Parlor Oraamenti. .n, , "7x , -.. sl. irrila .1 rJ-.'ow arriving aol ia store, a full 'tWkrf -i above lino of good.-, whkh ii oTt ral to the Tnj reasonablo rates. - An exarxinatiOii U . rOn hand. Assorted Crates. f Conr.V:. couniry; ar.,i art- w rrir. ci 11 lajijg it H txie practieablfj routj by p-onal e:rjxaiencc,M well that of h:n ire H rf other? 'ivio 1mv traveled it--We claim t' rt-' '- -A .-.r..a ..'1 a .l r. i!a boUl Bwwnvillc, Ftb. .'.:.'i, ';r.