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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1915)
tvwvv*w%%%%-v*ww^wwv/; W. F. MASON, President L. HANSEN, Cashier ! < A Bank Account Has \ Many Advantages \ < Let us give you a few of them: J tj Your deposits are secured. | You are able to keep correct tab < on your income. * tjl Your financial affairs are sys- t tematized. < *1 YoUr thrift is stimulated. < fS You are placed in the best posi- i tion to get ahead. i < Why not take advantage of this opportunity? < We would be pleased to have your banking j business. 4 i First National Ba i Loup City, Nebraska. « __- .. _ We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. A A A A A A A A A A AA A A j£Tk A *\A A A A Ai L'orr CITY iiappbxixgs - -- .. ..-! Daily sells for less. See David Morrow, agent for the “Easy” self-heating iron. Ray Gardiner came up from Ash tun last Wednesday on business. If you want good, prompt dray ing call on Roy McDonall, phone Brown 57. 13tf Mrs. Will Donerand baby visit ed with relatives and friends at Arcadia over Sunday. Miss Grace Conger went to Greeley last Saturday to visit with her sister, Mrs. Ai t Reed. (). Benschoter went to St. Paul last Saturday and spent Sunday with his daughter, Sirs. Harvey ()'Bryan. Swanson & Lofholm are showing a very complete line of hammocks, tennis rackets, baseball goods and fishing tackle. Two stacks of good draw hay for sale. Inquire of Lars P. Niel son, "Wiggle Creek district. S4 per ton, in stack. Mr. David Primrose, of Prim rose, Nebraska, arrived here Mon day evening for a short visit at the S. N. Sweetland home. If you want a dray, phone A.L. Enderlee, black 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. The P. A. club met last Satur day afternoon with Miss Caroline Amick. Light refreshments were served and all those present re ported a fine time. Daily sells for less. A. C. Ogle autoed to Rockville Tuesday. E. T. Thrasher, Painter and Paper Hanger. 1 Att Mrs. E. G. Taylor was a pa— senger to Grand Island Tuesday. German millet seed at 75 cents per bushel.—D. B. Carpenter. Phone 9703. 19-3 Mrs. O. S. Mason, who has been quite sick the past week is report j ed as doing nicely. __ Carl Auiick went to Lincoln last Friday morning to see ab< jut enter ing school there next fall. Our cook stove coals can't be beat. Clean, hot -quick Tir e. Spring prices. Hansen Lumber Co. Mrs. Thos Hinsdale oame up from Palmer Tuesday evening for a short visit with relatives and friends. Pure bred barred Plymouth Rock eggs for setting. 50 cents for 15 or S3 per hundred. -Mrs. H.J. Johansen, Phone Red 71. 19 Mrs. J. W. Amick left last Fri day morning for Omaha where su ■ visited with her daughter for ,u few days. Miss Anna Michalek returned Saturday, after spending ten days w ith relatives and friends at Ash ton and Schaupps. A bouncing baby girl arrived at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Arnett, at MeCool Junction, Ne braska, on Tuesday, May 4. Clothing Sale We are going to close out our entire line of Boys Clothing. We will have two tables. Prices will be First Table $3.98 _ Sec’d Table 1 $4.98 Come early while you may have a good selection. Sale begins Saturday morning, May 1st. t Loup City Merc. Co. * Daily sells for less. Mrs. J. L. Dunn is on the sick list this week. M anted to pasture a few horses or colts. —-L. N. Smith. 19-2 Rev. F.W. Guth went to Lincoln yesterday to attend conference. F. E. Brewer sells insurance and trees and shrubs of all kinds. ___ R. H. Mathew wa$ attending to J legal business at Rockville Mon | day. _ A. B. Outhouse^was a business passenger to Arcadia Monday evening. : R, T. Young went to Ansley last Saturday where he will help John Ohlson do some building. Used typewriters, all makes, at all prices. O. E. .James, Y. M. I C. A., Grand Island, Nebr. j Mrs. Anton Erazim or Ravenna visited at the home of her daugh 1 ter, Mrs. Gus Lorentz this week. 320 acres of iand close to Loup City for rent. 70 acres broke, bal ance in mow grass. See W. F. Ma son, The high school ball team went to Ravenna last Friday to play i ball. They were defeated by a 3 to 5 score. ! - Mrs. E. B. Corning was a pas senger to Ashton yesterday morn ing to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Anderstrom. Mrs. Ward VerValin and daugh ter Opal, were passengers to Ilast i ings last Saturday to visit with ! their daughter and sister, Miss M arcia VerValin, who is attending i school there. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Beushausen and Mrs. C. F. Beushausen, were B. & M. passengers to Omaha last Friday morning where Mrs. E. T. Beushausen entered the Methodist hospital for treatment. Everyone should help make the Loup City clean up campaign com plete, by applying a Mound City Horseshoe Paint or Varnish to the; needed surfaces. It is sold only ■ by Swanson & Lofholm. -' ! Miss Hullene Mellor returned i Saturday evening from central Nebraska points, where she had spent several days visiting. Miss, Mellor will teach in the school at { Hordville the coining term. — Mrs. C. F. Beushausen returned from Omaha Monday evening. She reports Mrs. E. T. Beus hausen and Mrs. Coral Zimmer man, both of whom are patientsat the Methodist hospital, as doing nicely. The high school ball team went to Ashton Tuesday and trimmed ui> the Ashton league team to the tune of 10 to 7. The game was marred by considerable rag chew ing and both teams put up rather a poor exhibition of the national game. t The Northwestern wants corres pondents in every part of Sherman county where it is not already represented. Any one interested, and who would handle the news of their vicinity in good shape, should call on or write the Northwestern a t once. The Loup City Northwestern under the management of Chipman & Hartman, shows a decided ad vance in the news gathering de partment. It is a nice, clean, newsy, local paper, and should be appreciated by the patrons of that city and county.—St. Paul Re publican. Harold Hancock, drivings Stan' dardOil company tank wagon had an accident at Scluiupps last Thurs day evening. In attempting to make a turn at the top of tho liili the heavy tank wagon upset, and | help was summoned from from Loup City to get the wagon righted and out of the ditch. Anson Callen. who has been employed at the C. B. 6c Q. depot ; at Arcadia for some time, passed through our city last Thursday ! morning on his way to Grand Is j land where he lias been promoted to the C. B. & Q. depot at that place. His vacancy has been filled by Edgar llollingshead of Arcadia. The saloons in Loup City closed their doors last Friday evening at 8 o’clock for the last time. This event came about quietly, though a small undercurrent of excite ment was evident throughout the day. Loup City has had saloons for many years and the new order of things may take time for some to become reconciled to. One of the saloon keepers was left with a large supply of wet goods on hand. Out of 461 students that took the eighth grade examinations in Custer county, only 92 passed. This is the largest number that has ever passed on first examina tion. Some of the answers to questions were very amusing. One of the questions asked was: “Who was Jefferson Davis?” The answer was “Jefferson Davis was the father of his country. He said, ‘Give me liberty or give me death’; and they hung him on a sour apple tree.”—Comstock News. I I. ioiii n | Dependable Merchandise The careful and con servative buyers of groceries trade at a store where they are certain they will get satisfactory goods, no matter whether they buy at the store or Order over the Telephone Our customers are ac corded the same cour teous and careful treatment when they buy over the phone as if they came in person. Try us and you’ll | come back. R. L. ARTHUR i Daily sells foi less. County Assessor Owens was at Rockville on business Tuesday. Fresh vegetables of all kinds every Saturday at R. L. Arthur’s. Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Steen autoed to Grand Island Tuesday. Jake Friedman, of Arcadia, was a Loup City visitor last Saturday. Mr and Mrs. L. B. I’olski went to Ashton Tuesday for a short visit. Mrs. E. E. McCray went to Sar gent Saturday evening to resume her school work. Miss Gertrude Kettle visited last Saturday with her sister. Miss Esther, who is attending school at Hastings. Frank Z vink went to St. Paul last Thursday to get his new ear which he had left therejast week on account of the muddy roads. Clothing Bargains E^OR a short time certain patterns of suits, all of the latest. weaves and styles, and hand-tailored by the Royal Tailors, will be sold at bargain prices. $5.00 to $10.00 can be saved by buy ing these suits now as they will not last long at the bargain prices. See them at once. | The Hub Clothing Co. Loup City, Neb. Daily sells for less. E. T. Thrasher, Painter and Palter Hanger. lotf Loup City Flour Is Guaranteed. Little Dorothy Hinman is <iuite sick with St. Vitus dance. Dr. Aye was a business visitor! to Arcadia Tuesday evening. Tomato plants now ready for sale- Inquire of \Y. T. Gibson. Paint Paint Paint Paint Paint Hansen Lumber Co. Mrs. 0. Benschoter visited with her sister at Arcadia over Sunday. For Sale—Rhode Island Red ! eggs. Mr. Chris Christiansen. Phone 1)012. 2£ T. R. Lay went to Rockville Monday, and while there traded autos with a local party. V. E. Cunningham and family, left yesterday morning for Hazard, where they will make their future home. The B. V. P. U. monthly social meeting will be held at the home of Mr. jind Mrs. Alfred Anderson Friday evening. Mrs. L. Rein and son Emmet, came up from Aurora Monday evening for a short visit with rela tives and friends. _ i Miss Nellie Starkey, who is teaching school in the .John Augus tine district, was a passenger to Boelus last Thursday. Oscar Bechthold came up from Grand Island last Friday anti visit ed until Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bechthold. Your panama hat cleaned and re blocked, guaranteed as nice as new. A!l kinds of hats cleaned, reblocked and rebound, $1.50 each. Get it done new Loup City Tailor Shop. For Sale:—One pure Shorthorn hull, page woven wire fencing and barb wire at factory prices, 8-bar fencing at 18 cents iter rod and stock food at one half price.—L. X. Smith, Phone Black 12. 25 The senior class of T5 held a class party at the homo of Miss Bessie Fisher, Monday evening. < The evening was spent in games and music. Light refreshments were served and all those present report a tine time. Mr. and Mrs. Don Round, Mr. and Mrs. George Parker and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ret temnayer and Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Ward, all of Arcadia, were Loup City visitors Sunday, making the trip in automobiles. Considerable building is report ed in progress in the country around Loup City. Contractors and carpenters report that they have many estimates to figure on and that the coming season will he marked by great activity in their line. There will be all kinds of fancy work, both ornamental and practi cal, to be had at the bazaar, given by the ladie.s aid society of the St. Paul's German church at the office of Mrs. Jung’s restaurant on Satur day, May 15. Don’t fail to at tend. Some changes in the fees of the county judge were made at the last session of the state legislature. The fees for the probating of es tates are graduated. Estates of $1,000 or less $10.(X); $1,000 to $2,000, $15.00; above $2,000, $35. Heretofore the fees to the county judge have all been the same. This will increase the fees of the office considerably. Ifc is not too early to put in a good word for the county fair that is to be held here this fall. The fair is important in that it helps to draw all the people of the county closer together in a fraternal way, besides advertising the products land industriesof the county. Old friends and neighbors will meet, probably for the first time in a year. The county fair, coming as it does at the close of the harvest, is a sort of a harvest festival, and is eagerly looked forward to by both young and old. At Vic Swanson’s FREE TUMBLERS Special sale on drygoods, shoes, and notions. A store full of bar gains. We have got the merchan dise ana our low prices will sur prise you. We cater to quality ard when you buy merchandise of us you can depend on the quality. Free! Free! Absolutely free, we are giving away one-half dozen beautiful, sparkling crystal glasses with your own initial on with every $10.00 cash purpose, or one dozen with every $20.00 cash purchase. We present you with a punch card and you have sixty days to complete your purchase. Don't fail to take advantage of this offer. Free to everybody. Good on anything in our store except groceries. Re member the place. At Vic Swanson’s —The house of quality. ^ i ■■■ ■■ I a ! Smart Clothes are not a sign of af fluence in these days. It costs the wearer no more to wear clothes that fit perfectly and are correctly tailored than it does to have lii-htting and poorly made garments. Our clothes are the acme of style, fit and finish and the price is within the'reach of all. Summer Shirts <J As the warm days approach and a desire to go coatless comes on, one naturally be ‘ gins to think of appro priate shirts for hot weather wear. We have a line that will surely attract the man who wants the coolest fabrics and most ar tistic patterns. GUS LORENTZ Loup City, Nebraska 'I ■■in -nr-nr T ivri ii rn yout■■■!mir *■— m»i ojamaj— I Fly Time Coming IGet your screen doors early. We carry all sizes screens, also plain and famcy screen doors. jj Brighten Up—Paint Up I Our paints guaranteed. Special prices on entire stock paints, oils, stains and varnishes. Square Deal Fence Hog, held and poultry fencing. j Ladders! Ladders!! SStep, straight and extension ladders. Better buy one. I You Will Like It When From Hansen Lumber Co. Vs —a Clean Up Paint Up Put a little sunshine in your home and H. & M. pamt on your home We have both KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia P|)alm Beach j Suits are going to be worn extensively for this season. II am making the extraordinary low price for these suits, tailored to your measure and including the very best quality of Beach Cloth. Palm Beach Suits $10.75 2,000 samples of other woolens to choose from, at reasonable prices, tailored to individual order. Loup City Tailor Shop Frederick Hotel Building