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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1915)
LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN CH1PMAN & HARTMAN, Publi'htn. Entered at the I.oup City Postofflee for transmission through the mails as second class matter. Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers ■will be instantly removed from our mail ing list at the expiration of time paid for, if publishers shall be notified; otherwise tv aojoj ui unuuoj putt uoijduosqns eqj the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the con tract between publisher and subscriber. THE FIRST BLUNDER. A blunder signalized the legisla tive career of the present adminis tration. The democratic tariff bill, fifst in the articles of democratic faith, and the one achievement on which naturally they would be expected to expend their most exhaustive study and care, was so clumsily executed that it failed to accom plish the results intended. The failure was due to crude, hasty, unscientific, secret legislative methods. Designed to furnish sufficient revenue to finance the United States treasury, it has proven ab solutely inadequate for that pur pose. In writing the tariff bill the democrats dimly foresaw a possible reduction in customs receipts, al though they did not know how much and did not ascertain the facts. So the income tax provision was incorporated, in the hope that it would make up for any miscal culations in the tariff bill, although the democrats did not know and did not ascertain the facts. But what happened when these pro visions went into effect. Customs receipts were millions of dollars below the amount needed from that source, and at the same time collections from the income tax fell many millions below the amount needed from that source. The inevitable result was to leave the treasury without sufficient money for its needs. The failure-was caused by care lessness. Had there been con scientious, open consideration oi the revenue bill, sufficient to en able members of congress to study ana unuerstanu it, tne reduction in revenue could have been properl.v safeguarded. But instead of get ting accurate information and ade quate estimates, the democrats guessed at it. And they guessed wrong. The results of this first mistake should have been a warning. But the startling fact remains that the democrats committed the same kind of an error again. Forced by their heedlessness to provide more revenue, they passed a “wai tax” in time of peace. Based on a guess instead of an estimate, the war tax did not produce money enough. For months the receipts of the treasury have been daily falling short of expenditures at a rate reaching at times more than a million dollars a day. According to official estimates the deficit will probably amount to one hundred million dollars by July 1, the end of the fiscal year. No chain is stronger than its weakest link. The fatal weakness that has characterized the work of this administration from its incep tion two years ago has been its eagerness to propose laws, care lessness in drafting them, haste in committee action, and stubborn re fusal to permit intelligent'amend ment in either house or senate after the party brand had been affixed by the all powerful caucus. Every American citizen has had I to help pay for these costly ex- J periments. There will be still; more to pay until the errors have j been corrected by thoughtful, in telligent legislation. Speaking to the members of the Associated Press, at its recent meeting in New York, the presi dent said that no nation is compe tent to sit in judgment upon an other. He was referring,of course, to the European war; but probably every man in thecompany thought at once of Mexico. The judgment ment which Mr. Wilson says no nation is competent to exercise is one which he has persistently at temped to impose upon Mexico. He hits declared that Mexico must have not only the kind of govern ment which he prefers, but that such government must be com posed, not only of the kind of men, but of the very men whom he fa vors. The judgment which he denies to a nation he reserves for himself. The habits of a life-time are not easily overcome—the schoolmaster's least of all. Trans-Atlantic steamship owners figure that the European war will save §275,000,000 to the American people by shutting off tourist travel. The tourist will enjoy su perior scenery and get the benefit of more healthful outings without carrying to foreign countries a quarter of a billion dollars of money needed by American enter prise. In effect, it is an applica tion of the principle laid down by Abraham Lincoln in his discussion of the tariff that if we buy goods abroad, we get the goods and the foreigner gets the money, while if we buy at home, we have both the goods and the money. American tourists will get both health and pleasure, and America will keep the $275,000,000. In private enterprise, explana tions and excuses don’t go. The employer of a traveling salesman doesn't want explanations; he wants orders. The manufacturer doesn't want excuses; he wants buyers. The employee who comes back with excuses instead of or ders, soon loses his job. The democratic administration has had many explanations for the busi ness depression that followed its accession to power. First it was “psychological,” then a '‘state of mind,” then finally the Eurojtean war furnished a plausible excnse. But the American people, like all good business men, want public servants who deliver results, not explanations and excuses. The former editor of the St. Paul Republican is now advertis ing manager for a big dry goods company, of Cedar Rapids, la. He advocates a percentage of ad vertising appropriation and by showing that 84 per cent of the failures in business are non-adver tisers proves that those who fail pay for the advertising the suc cessful firms use.—Aurora Regis ter. The post office department start ed a free employment bureau and then discharged hundreds of its own employees. Think of the irony of it. Secretary McAdoo is out of the hospital.but the democratic party’s case has been diagnosed as incur able. 1 ■ The Tornado Season is here! | Or had you forgotten it? Remember WISCONSIN in 1914 and Nebraska in 1913 And guard against the loss of your property. Do you know when your turn will come? Of all protection an an Insurance Policy in a strong Old Line company, such as we rep resent is best. FIRST TRUST COMPANY Loup City, Nebraska SCHOOL NOTES. The high school base ball team played Ravenna last Friday. The score was three to five in favor of Ravenna. * Miss Opal VerValin and Miss Gertrude Kettle, were absent the first part of the week visiting rela tives in Hastings. All things originated from an idea, either good or bad, and these ideas originate at teachers’ meet ing Monday afternoon. Mrs. Burwell, Mrs. Corning and Mrs. T racy, visited the school dur ing .chapel last Tuesdey. Mrs. Burwell gave an interesting talk on conditions in Belgium. #Xext Friday afternoon the pu pils of the first primary and second grades, will have some of the work they have done this term on exhibit. They will also give a J May-pole dance. The circular flower bed which the freshmen made in their gar den is certainly a work of art. No more perfect circle could be found except for one exception. It is not round. The Agricult ure class is progress ing very rapidly in preparing their garden. This is agood work but we fear its results on the com plexions of both the teachers and pupils. This one unpleasant re sult of gardening might be easily overcome were it not that the value of flour is increasing. The entertainment given by the Wesleyan quartet last Thursday was well attended. It is impos sible to do justice to them bv de scription so we will only say it was fine. The juniors are well pleased with the high class entertainment which they were instrumental in bringing to Loup City. Their part of the proceeds will be used for the benefit of the junior class, and we hope the part received by Mr. Burwell will also be used in a good cause. The juniors report Mr. Burwell to be a most excellent but rather inactive partner. Farmers and Mule Breeders. The breeding of mules for farm use has been neglected in this sec tion for years. As a work animal it is conceded that the mule has no equal. Harry Obermiller, who lives just south of Schaupps, and who is an old-time and experienced mule breeder, announces that he j will offer for service this season. Prince Albert, a magnificent black Spanish .Tack. He is a big fellow: is 16 hands high and weighs 1,050 pounds. He is a jack of fine ac tion and has a record as a foal getter. The service fee is §10, and he will make the season at Mr. Obermiller’s farm, a quarter of a mile south of Schaupps. M r. Ober miller announces that he will make a specialty of breeding so-called barren mares. THE CHURCHES. German. There will be no services at the St. Paul German church until Sun day, May 23rd. No choir practice until Friday, May 14th. The Ladies’ Aid society meets Thursday, May 20th, at the home of Mrs. H. Dolling. All members are urged to be present as import ant business is to be transacted. Methodist Church Dr. G. W. Isham, district super intendent, will be here and hold quarterly conference Saturday evening at 8 p. m., and will preach Sunday, both morning and even ing. Presbyterian. “Mother’s Day’’ will be ob served Sunday morning at 10:30 a. m., special music by a choir of mother's. The pastor will preach a sermon to mothers. White car nations will be given to every mother, and let every one else wear a white flower or ribbon in honor of mother. The pastor will preach in the evening at 8:00 p.m. Baptist Ghurcn. Sunday morning the subject will be “Zealous but Wrong.” 7:00 p. m. sharp B. Y. P. U., scripture Rev. 3:7-13, led by Mrs. Dunn. 8:00 p. m. song and gospel service, subject for the evening will be “By His Side in the Country.” All are cordially invited to these services. The YV. C. T. U. will meet Friday afternoon at the Bap tist church. Don’t forget this ser vice. It enriches the blood,strengthens the nerves, cleanses the stomach, regulates the bowels, helps the ap petite, livens you up. You work better—feel betfer—look better. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea, a real spring tonic. 35 cents.— Swanson & Lofholm. Leave orders for Roy McDonall dray at either lumber yard or Tay lor’s elevator, or phone Brown 57. CHEAPER COAL Commencing April 1st we reduce our price on all coal, owing to lower prices at the mines. Pinnacle, Rock Spring, Aztec and Canon City. See us for prices and quality. Taylor’s Elevator. An Interview With Mr. Ford The following interview was given by Mr. Ford to one of the aggressive Ford ageuts, who returned to hisjiome and gave it to his terri tory in the following newspaper advertisement: This is the Most Important Advertisement I Ever Caused to be Published.—Read Every Word—and then Marvel! • On a personal visit to Mr. Henry Ford I broached the subject of a possible Au gust 1st Rebate. (Tin* Ford Company announced last year—as you well remember— that if their total sales reached 30X000 cars between August 1. and August l. I0ir». each purchaser during that period would receive back a refund of 240.00 to 2t50.<«0.) “Mr. Ford,” 1 suggested, “Is there anything 1 can say to our people with regard to the Ford Motor Com pany’s car rebate plan?” “We shall sell the 300,000,” was the quiet reply- ••and in 11 months ahead of August 1st!” “Then a refund is practically assured?” Yes—barring the totally unexpected. We are 50,000 to 75,000 cars behind orders today. Factory and branches are sending out 1800 daily.” 1 then said to Mr. Ford: “If 1 could make a definite refund statement we would increase our local saiesoOO ; cars.” "You may shy was Mr. Ford’s deliberate and signifi cant reply to this—‘‘You may say that we shall payback to each purchaser of a Ford car between August 1, 1914 and August /, 1915, barring the unforseen, the sum of $50. You may say that I authorized you to make this statement!” What can I add to the above? $15,000,000 in cash coming back to Ford owners! And to prospective Fqrd owners up to August 1, 1915, it actually means — Ford Touring cars for 9490.00—less the $50.00 rebate! Ford Runabouts for $440.00—less the $50.00 rebate! What is there left for me to say? A. C. OGLE Local Agent, Loup City, Neb. WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE NEAL DROP IN AT THE Ideal Bakery & Restaurant SOUTH SIDE OIF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all Hours We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given all Special Orders. Cream Puffs and Boston Brown Bread every Saturday after noon. Put in your order early. List of Unclaimed Letters. Remaining in the postoffice at Loup City, Nebraska, for the month ending April 30, 1915: Ladies’—Mrs. Retta Fraiser, Mrs. Carrie Steel. Miss Magy Woodward, Miss Zona Williams. Gentlemen—Home Farm, C. S. Haegy (two), Charles Haegy, John W. Newell, C. E. Paul (two), Allan C. Tappan, Elbert Todd, Fred Walker (two) and Alcon Wright. Persons claiming the above will please say “Advertised” and give date of this list. C. F. Beushausen, Postmaster. For Sale. House 20x26 ft. and four good lots, west of Catholic church. Inquire at this office. 21 Report of the Condition OF THE Rockville State Bank Of Rockville*. Charter No. 851. in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business April 21. 1915: RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts,. .$88.8715 59 Overdrafts.. ..— 33 70 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 2.500 00 Current expenses, taxes and int, paid 1.542 65 C ash I terns. ... 30 30 Due from National and State Banks. .... . $16,241 IS Checks and items of ex change . 1.083 51 Currency. 2,065 00 Gold coin. 1,690 00 Silver, nickels and cents.. 281 98— 21.361 67 Total. $114.34191 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in.$ 7.50) 00 Surplus fund. 7.50) 00 Undivided profits .. 2.94.1 62 Individual deposits sub ject to check. $38,311 42 Demand certificates of de posit... 1.414 92 Time certificates of de posit. 55,736 73 Certified checks.225 00 95.684 07 J)eposltor*s guarantee fund. 71 > 22 Total. $114,341 91 State of Nebraska. J fSS. County of Howard, j I, E. Dwehus, cashier of the above named bank, do hereby sw«ar that the above state ment is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Banking Board. E. Dwehus. Attest: P. Jensen. Director. Olof Nelson. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this :28th day of April. 1915. Chris. Appel, IsealJ Notary Public Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, i .. In The County Coart. Sherman County, I ss In the matter of the estate of Michael Dona hoe deceased. T<> THE CREDITORS OF SAID ESTATE: You are hereby notified. That I wilisit at the county Court room in Loup City in said coun ty. on tbe30thday of November 1915. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for t he presentation of claims against said estate is the 30th day of November. A. D. 1915. and the time limited for payment of debts isone .year from the 3rd day at May, 1915. Witness my hand and the seal of said covnty ceurt, this 3rd day of May. 1915. 20-4 (seal) E. A. Smith. County Judj-e. i . i Application For Liquor License. In the matter of the application of Edward Oltman for Liquor License: Notice is hereby given that the said Edward Oltman did on the 21st day of April, 1915, tile his petition to the Chairman andMembersof the County Hoard of Supervisors of Sherman County, State of Nebraska, for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinuous liquors at retail at Schaupps, in the soutli east quarter of section twelve, (12) tow nship fifteen, (15) north range fourteen, (14) West of the 6th P. M„ in the County of Sherman, and State of Nebraska, from the 14th day of May, A. D. 1915, to the 14th day of May. A. I). 1916. If there be no objection protest or remonstrance tiled on or before the 14th day of May, A. I). 1915 then said license will be granted without refer ence thereto. Dated this 21st day of April, A. 1). 1915. Attest: Edward Oltman, L. B Polski. Co. Clerk. Applicant. A. W. Boecking, Deputy. Application for Liquor License In the Matter of the Application of W. A. Odendahl for Liquor License: Notice is hereby given that W. A. Odendahl did.on the21stday of April, 1915, tile his petition witli the village clerk of Ashton. Nebraska, addressed to the trustees of said village, asking i for a license to sell at retail, malt. 1 spirituous and vinous liquors, in the ■ building situated on lot four(4), block six (6), of the original town of Ash ton. Nebraska, for the municipal year beginning on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1915. and continuing for one year from and after its date, in the man ner provided by law. Any objection or remonstrance to the issuance of said license must be tiled in writing with the village clerk of said Village of Ashton, Nebraska, on or before the 6th day of Mav, 1915. W. A. Odendahl, Attest: Applicant. ' II. Wr. Ojendyk. 20 [seal] Village Clerk. Notice to Creditors. The State of Nebraska * , Sherman County ) In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Schuyler S. Hey- j I nolcls. deceased. i 1 TO THE CREDITORS OF S AlD ESTATE: You are hereby notified. That I will sil at i he county court room in Loup City in said count.\ . f on the 18th day of June 1915, at 10 o clock a, m. i and on the 20th day of November 1015, to re ceive and examine all claims atfainst said es- t tate, with a view to their adjustment ami al- > lowance. The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against said estate is the 30th flay of Novemlier A. D. 1915, and the tie-in s limited for payment of debts is one year from the 17th day of April 1015. .... * Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 20th day of April 1915. (seal) E. A. SMITH. County Judge 19-4 4 O. S MASON Plumbing and Heating ■ Tinwork. - LOUP CITY - . - - NEB. ^ I Business and professional Guide~j V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber & Electrician For good, clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and Get My Prices WALTER THORNTON Dray and Transfer Call Lumber Yards or Taylor’s Elevator Phone Brown 43 J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman, M. C). BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons Phone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs in the New State Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Pijblie Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN — Licensed Embalmer Funeral Director Graduate in Anatomy, Sanitary Science and Embalming of Barnes Embalming School New Elliptic Springs and Rubber Tired Funeral Car. Calls Answered Day or Night. Phone No. 104 Lady Assistant in Connection DAILY FURNITURE CO. Sells for Less, and Pays the Freight Furniture and Undertaking J. E. SCOT! Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. . . . Phone Red 65 F« P> DAILY . rRAVEL INDUCEMENTS FOR THE NEAR FUTURE rHE CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS: Thousands will make the coast tour this summer. Only $50 round trip generally, direct routes; and still more attractive is the $67.50 grand coast tour through the Northwest. rHE MOUNTAINS: Low rate tours of the Rocky Mountain region,—Scenic Colo rado, Estes Park, Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, the Big Horn Mountains, the Black Hills; a shorter and less expensive vacation tour. Attractive ranches,hotels and resorts. iASTERN TOURS: During the month attractive eastern tourist rates will be announced irmtng circuit tours of the Atlantic coast that will include the Lakes, St. .awrence river, Canada, Niagara Falls, Adirondacks, Lake Champlain region aratoga coast of Maine, New England, Sound Steamers, ('oast Steamer 'oyage, the Hudson river, Boston. New York—a typical wedding tour. Publications on request; uunececessary to enumerate them. De 'ribe your proposed tour. Let us seud you descriptive matter and help you lan your journey. J. A. DANIELSEN, Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha. \dvertise in The Loup City Northwestern