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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1914)
W. F. MASON. h«M L HANSEN, Cashier EVERY YOUNG MAN KNOWS that t r ier to get anywhere in this world. HE MUST ATTRACT ATTENTH >N (*F THE BIO MEN. ~F0t THE WHEEL THAT SQNEAKS TIE LOHIEST IS THE ONE THAT SETS THE CREASE.'’ Y-ry «e, imng man. start in by paying your hills by check Xartinn help* a jroBDf MB more in advancement in busi te-ss. than to be known a* one w ho keejr. his bills jmid— mens all obligations and has a bunk account. YOU WILL RECEIVE JUST AS GOCKISOQS •AT TENTION WITH A DOLLAR DEFOMT AS YOU Wt»ULD WITH A HUNDRED DOLLAR ONE. START TODAY First National Bank Leap City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. JUST RECEIVED A FULL | LINE OF ! Hats & Caps jl For Men & Boys ALL THE LATEST STYLES. ALSO LIN EOF DRESS SHIRTS AND FURNISHINGS THE HUB VICTOR VIEWER. Proprietor I The Place Where Ton Save Money £ FELIX MAKOWSKI POOL HALL Handies ('.gats. Tobacco. Candy, in fart almost anyihmg in tb< 1r line you may wish, at prices as low as the lowest Give Us A Call When in Need of COAL or first-class Xj-um/ber of all dimensions. We also have a car of Coke. We *9 have a a line of Fence peg's, range ltf in price from ten to fiftv cent*. P’ • • j'J and y*>u will receive prompt attention LEININCER LUMBER COMPANY Dreamland Theatre Changes Pictures Every Meaday, Wednesday and Friday. Only the best pictures shown. Everyone passed on by Board of Censorship. Far an Eveniags Fun and Pleasure Meet Me In Dreamland. i LOCAL NEWS Chris. Zwink went to Ashton Saturday morning. Warren Geil left last Frida; morning for Valentine, Neb. Merrifield Pianos for solo by O. F, Peterson Frank Topolski and family vis ited at Ashton last Saturday. Howard Starr went to Grand Island to consult an oculist regard ing his eyes. Highest cash market price paid foi hides and chickens at Eggers Meat Market. J. S. Pedler had legal business at Columbus, Neb., last Thursday and Friday. A. E. Miner, of the First Trust Co., had business at Wolbach last Thursday. Leave orders for John McDonall dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor’s, or Phone Ked 104 O. S. Mason has rented the R. J. Nightingale residence and moved therein last Friday. George Baker and wife of Ar cadia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster last Thursday. If you want good, prompt draylng, call on John McDonall, successor to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104 Not one court house in this part of the country has the ideal loca tion for a site which Sherman county has. Clare Kettle was up from Ash ton last Saturday shipping a couple of cars of horses to Grand Island markets. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En deriee. Black 03, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed O. D. Henyon has rented the Marvin Lee cottage and will move therein the first of April, Marvin moving out on his farm in Web ster township. * William Root is making several changes around his home and we see that his home will show what one can do where there is ambition and effort. Farmers—Don't forget your discs, this is the time for you to get them sparpened and A. C. Ogles is the place. Not one county that has built a new court house but has advised Sherman county to go ahead and build one. They all say that any increased tax is more than offset by the increase in farm values. We admit that the ladies spring hats are queer and we anile at them but, Ding Bing it they look down right niffly at that and we wouldn't change the girls one bit. 'Oh Yon Stick Out!’ If you want trees, plants or shrub6, or insurance of any kind call on F. E. Brewer. Phone red HO Loup City. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Waite last week Wednesday evening enter tained the ladies of the Entre Nous and their husbands at the Waite home a most enjoyable and novel entertainment being given. Bert Charlton is interested in the jail department of the new court house, from which oue would judge that if he becomes county judge, he will give out confining treatment to his victims. Frank Lorchick pays the highest market price for chickens. H. A. Woody writes from Cot tonwood, Calif., enclosing a postal note for a coming year’s sub scription, saying, “Here's for an other year, so let it come along as we cannot do without it.” Mrs. Willard Thompson and young son left Thursday morning last for Harvard, Ills., for a visit of a couple of weeks, and to bring Grandma Thompson home, she having been back there the past two years. Frank Lore hick 's meat market makes two deliveries daily—at 8 and 11 o’clock, and at 9 o’clock on Sunday. Get your orders in early. They tell us in a near by county that those whom worked against their court-house proposition are just as keen to show visiting friends the new building as any one and some of them are honest enough to "fess up that they are glad it was built. It will be the | same way in Sherman county. J. A. Gibson was over from Litchfield Thursday on business. Friend Gibson has it in for who ever causes the delay of the pack age of Northwesterns in reaching Litchfield. For instance, the Northwestern of date of March 19, which should reach there on the morning of the 20th, failed to be received till the following Tues day, March 24. What do you | know about that. BARGAINS AT TIE TER CERT STIK Some prices of interest at the Tn Cent Store: China nest eggs 3 for 5 cent*. Wire hens nest6 only 10 cents each. Good hickory hammer handles I cents each. Cold Cream per jar 10 ceoki Talcum powder per can IQ cents Chamois skins 5.10 and 15 cents. Stocking feet 3 pairs for 25 cents. Harness rivets per box » cents. Good half soles per pair 15centa. Professional Cards ROBT. PT STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY. EEBR&SKE. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lorip City. - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONOACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE (’ALL, N0.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone, SO. - «Hftce at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Ceurml Loop Eiiy - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence. Telephone Connection ]. E. Bowmaa M D. Carrie L Bowman H. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Pkoaallt Loap City, Pahiaak* J. E. WEINMAN IPeter'i nar ia n Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Arcadia. Nebraska S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - • NEB. Office up stairs in the nev State Sank bmldinp. W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Sonata. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Pbone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND PLUMBER t ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylors Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithtaf Horse Shoeing and Wood* work. Come in and nee me. Norton Unhurt DRAY A TRANSFER t Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, orE. G. Taylors Eleva tor or either lumber yard. LOCAL NEWS. E. G. Taylor has a fnroe of men widening the mill race at its head to 80 feet across, with several thousand feet of piling to keep the sand away, the whole when finished giving all the power that can be used in the betterment of the electric light service. The im provement will cost Mr. Taylor upwards of a couple of thousand dollars. Wanted young calves. L. N Smith. March did all right this year till about the 18th, when it tried to go February one better and made three or four starts towards organizing genuine blizzards dur ing the next few days, but could n’t cut the mustard to any alarm ing degree. However, it succeed ed far enough to make a disagree able impression. Wanted—To buy young calves. Call 7611. Hempel Jones. W. O. Brown says that one of the best features He sees about a new court house is the rest room and toilet accomodations which can be provided especially for folks from out of town. Instead of hanging around some store, visitors will here find a clean, warm and private place where not only grown ups will find comfort but little tots and babies can be brushed up. For Sale A 14-horse Minneapolis traction en gine. This engine is all new flued, new lined, new grates. A So. 1. Can be secured at a bargain, it bought soon. A A. Jensen, Dannebrog. Seb. FOE SALE One two-seated carriage, nearly new; one farm wagon and five or six acres of ground in alfalfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms and particu lars, see Alfred Anderson. COAL! COAL! COAL! We have just received a new supply of Colorado coal, have both LumpaDd N ut in the Pinnacle. W'e also have some Sheridan Lump and Nut on hand. Lump at $7.00, Nut at $6 50. Taylor’s Elevator. NOTICE TO CEMENT CON TRACTORS Notice is hereby (riven that sealed bids will be received at the office of city clerk of Loup City, Nebraska, on or before noon of the 7th day of April, 1914, for the buidiog of cement cross ings, approaches and sidewalks in the above said city. Bids shall be per square foot. Sidewalks and approach es shall be built 1 to 6 of cement and gravel, and not less than 4 inches thick, with 1 to 24 top not less than one-half inch thick and shall not co6t to exceed 13 cents. Crossings shall not be less than 8 inches thick, built of cement and gravel not less than ! bo 5 with 7 bo 2}, top not less than 1 inch thick and shall not cost to ex ceed 22 cents, contract to terminate May 1,1915. The city council shall have the right to reject any and all bids. City Engineer. Last pub. April 2 Order ef Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement ef Account. In the County Court of Sherman Coun ty Nebraska. State of Nebraska, 1 -SS. Sherman County, 1 To the heirs, legatees, devisees and all persons interested in the estate of Michael Szydiik, deceased: On reading the petition of John J. Derdowski, Administrator de bonis non praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this Court on the 18th day of March 1914, and for decree of distribution of residue of said estate. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons in terested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said County, on the 17th, day of April A. D. 1914, at 10 o’clock A. M., to show cause, if any them be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City, Northwestern a weekly newspaper printed in said county, for 3 successive weeks prior to said day of bearing. Dated March, 23th. 1914. S. A. Sjxrrs, skxl] County Judge. Last pub. Apr. 9 ORDER OP HEAR1NO AND NO TICE OP PROBATE OP WILL. In the County Court o! Sherman County, Nebraska. State of Nebraska,1 MB. Sherman County, ) To the heirs, legatuea. devisees and to all persons Interested in estate of George L. Zigler, deceased: On reading the petition of Mattie D Zigler, widow of deceased praying that the instrument died in this court cm the lath day of March 1914, and purporting to be the last will sod testament of George L. Zigler, de ceased: that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the admini stration of said estate be granted to Mattie D. Zigler as executrix. It is hereby ordered that yen, and ah per sons interested in nil matter, may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held In and for said county, on the 21st day of April A. D. 1914 at 10 o'clock a. m , to show canes, if any i there he why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition ane that the hearing thereof he given to all persona interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order *a gw Lww^yJSorth * Witness my hand, and seal of mid court, this 29th day of March A. X>. E, A. Sun, [bbax] County Judge. Last pub apr 19 nf|VC I It will do your hearts l “ v ■ O ■ good to see these “nifty” Spring suits. Mothers! Fathers! Come in and outfit your boy in STEEL FIBRE SUITS You will find that rare combina tion-style and strength in boys clothing. These sturdy suits please the pride of the youngsters and please the purse of the parent. As their name implies they wear like steel. They look good too be cause they are styled and fashioned by true artists. Better clothes for boys can’t be made. ! LORENTZ’S The Best Men’s and Boy’s Famishing Store. A COMPLETE LINE of E. P. DAILY G. W. OLSEN, D.C.’ $ Chiropractor Will be in his office in the T. D. Wilson resi- f dence, on Mondays 6:30 to Tuesday 11 a. m. of each week. TRY Chiropractic Spinal AiQnstments and have the cause adjusted LOUP CITY FLOUR! Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills I when you can get Loop City White Satin Hour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. , All dealers handle our flour. I LOUP CITY MILL & LIGHT CO. NOTICE TO FARMERS ] I have on hand a quantirv of the Council Bluffs Remedy and would be glad to figure with you on your f spring supply of Stock Remedy. All of the big feeders ' are good feeders 08 the Coundil Bluffs goods. Phone or see ^ Alfred N. Cook, Loip City, Rebr., Burr Robbins Auctioneer Loup City. ~ Nebraska Rates 1 per cent on farm sales. Give me a call. Phone 9811. \