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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1914)
LIFE IS TOO SHORT AND TIME TOO VALUABLE TO WASTE IN CHEWING THE RAG. Loup Ctty Northwestern OFFICIAL PAPER OF SHERMAN COUNTY. NEBRASKA. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY. THE PAPER THAT THE PEOPLE READ T jtTKi mu locp cm. sebkaska thcksdat. stm* as. mt: sciiEta te - - -■ _ QIESTMNI OF NEW COIRT HOUSE RESMJT1M, MIKE Ml PMMSmM. Wtipniai t'Mir u*e of The h&ab- of Sebrasaa ft n- made me duty of the County lluara of >uper visun of ear?, county in the state to proridr for a safe and suitable court toMisc for the transacting of the count* hui lies and to prov ide suita ble etl es for the sccjil mudation of the county officer* and cmun rooms ana officer* for Ur >n of the severa courts of record of the county, and n re-pro-.' rau-U and safes tor Ur safs keeping of county record* and to provide a safe ;aii of sufficient strength to bold prisoners. tad NTbernaa. county's coon bouse Is an old brick structure and in por repair and not fireproof, and wnolle inadequate for Uie ser vices required and unsanitary In a*agr particular. and tbe vau<t» areI sx fireproof and not of sufficient ca-1 p* t; to uo*d tbe rec ords of tlie ejam. and many of tl*e valuable records of the county affecting titles to real estate are in at *av protected against fire, and some of lb* mure ta.u*bie records are protected b> nssue 'if Ur hard through necessity taung lured hank vaults outside of tin court bouse. The county tall Is an old frame structure and is not of sufficient st reng-.1. to bold prtsjoers. and is un healthful and unfit for use counts supervisors of tlie county of in Uie state of Nebraska, or such other officers of said county as may be charged by law with the duty of tewing the taxes of said county, fur tiie time being in addi tion to aii ->ther taxes levy, or cause to ue levied annually tpon all taxable property in said county a tax suffi cient to pay ttie interest on said bonds as the same mature, and shall said board of supervisors of s&idcoun ty. or such other officers as mav be • ■tiarged by law with the duty of levy ing the taxes of said county for the true i eing in addition to all otiier taxes, levy, or cause to be levied in the year 1915, and each year there after. a tax upon all the taxable prop erty of said county sufficient to pay not less than C.Ml.Ot at the princi pal of said bonds annually for the Int t*eyears, and not less than W. ■*»'-mof the principal of said bonds each year thereafter, and on the 20th vear after the issuance of said bonds levy, .r cause bo lie levied, a tax upon al the taxable property of said coun tv an amoun* sufficient to pay the re-idue of said bonds then unpaid, and interest thereon, if any. And oe it further resolved, that the vote on said proposition shall be by ha ut in the followring form bo-wit: Official Ballot for Special Bond Election: To ' nu» for the issuance of seventy t thousand dollars of bonds of Sher man county. Nebraska, for building and ftmiMiinp a tire-proof court h ose and jaii in connection, and for the lew of a tax on ail the taxable property of said county. u> pay the interim: and principal of said bonds pursuant to Uw resolutions of this v*wia» ■i—Mun. make a crons thus V within Use Vvjuarv opposite the w nls: “For the bonds ana tax." T> against tlie issuance of sev. ent»•’ »e Utousaud dollars of bonds f Miertuan county, Nebraska, for tlie budding and fvmistrug a fire-proof court house and jail, and against the -■> r of a lax sufficient to pay Ute in to re*t c«i and U>e prim-ip* of said bonds pursuant to Ute resolution of sail nxkrew! this specta. election, make «m»* tf .;$(A within Uw> square opposite Ute word* “Against U>e xwtds and tax " IV Uw toads and tax .i 1 Against the bonds and Ut—,[ j The said balk* shall be prepared pr wrvd and delivered to Ute proper eieetyon officers a* required by Saw by tie county rieri of said county, at Ute time and In the form and manner j pr.»M be law and the veto* on said prypcalUbn to be received and counted and ret urn thereof mode, and -ar v a**ed by Ute officers and persons tn the count % as in form and manner provided by aw. and the county clerk is further ordered to procure and de liver to the proper e ectton officers Ute necessary poll bonks and other material* and supplies neoessarv for the submission of said proposition ati said spocia! election, and it Is further ordered that due and egal notices of j the submission of said proposition according to the foregoing resolution at the specia election as aforesaid be gnen by publishing the foregoing resolution, notice, and this order in the Sherman County Times Inde pendent. the Loup City Northwestern and tic* Litchfield Monitorforat least five consecutive issues, immediately prior to Tuesday. May ]2th. 1914. and by posting up at each voting place during the day of the election a copy of said resolution, notice and order. Tlie polls to be opened at 8 o'clock a. m and to close at 6 o’clock p. m. oo said 12th day of May. 1914. Ana * rwrea* t-f reason or ux* aftwraaM condition at Uwetx rt bouse and |a:i of wM couKt Uw record title ; to oar*, tract of m e»ute in aM eM»u I* to iu««r. ai*o Uw court noufd» aad Uw reward* lm«J< Inc Uw oktatok «f di -«wd person* are «n*afe aad ate to tw dcwtrotrd ter are or oUwrotar atari, mtftii resuit ID end «w luca’i-w aad jrrmat ettwuM Ana uw uakaattao owdiUoo of our ja‘ to daac*r-.>oa to Uw IwalUi of an* aatorutaaMk *to tsaj bat* to tw u» earerraud tlw>*lf. be naaua etiereof Uw count* tea* twtnaw liable la dan: ar*» up ttua ouataod Uwrata Slow, uwfetce* t» H teat rod b* Uw Hoard af UaHf Sujwrtaews of ■aid «oant* if ^teroa*. ta Uw "itat* of Nebrwaa- w »** - ar wow on avei at Uw coon tew la Le> w Otj. Sr twteda uxcmwU wot jf **ud cooo t> aad uw own steer of awettac of •aid tawed oa Uw Xteb dst of Maicfc m* That U»r* tw aubteittwd U? Uw wen- »wm* of «a*d roeati at a owete * wet wo te Or bald tbrrete on Tuewda* Mat to* ITUt. Wl. Uw WOteia wterO a m wt fait* to Uw ?(* • » 5'jrw Of aoure « i*cfc O mate a part af tite roe oUon. •art ad wotatlw ft *tll hr ■ ”> »** ant te cwterr to *«ab»* d to jw'ekar a agitata* aad MM kHB aad jail tot sa»c. wont -1C* I* HEREBY GIVEN. TV*x ml a apacaal tnttta bo to l»e*I to sa*4 com* act Tonedas. May Dk. 1*5*. there «... be s-bn-Rsed bo U-e «eg* wane** of mad county, for their acceptance or tope—. the folkwrtag ^r°5«aii the Hoard «t County S-per mon of siwrmsb oounty. State of Nebraska ter and in tetal* of said eonnty bnue U* bonds »>f Aid coun ty to the sum of erventy-taie thousand ii~: •• »» d. arx of tiie dm.,rr!na tion at t:. »* to enct. for un purpose «f purchasing materia for. and build ing etwcung constructing. furnish i me and r impieTing a fire-proof court bouse w«h jail tn connection in said euunty. in the city of Loup City. the «nK< mi at said county. on block four 4 at the original town now city of Loup Oil. Gw county seat of said Hberatarj county Nebraska, accord tar u> the pint on file of said block four 4 . maid court house and yall to cost skk bo earned fti <*e».U» cuojp.etwd nnd famished according U) pan* and apedbeautan prepared by Keriingiiof A flails of Lincoln. Nebraska, on file tn the odice of the county clerk of eald county. Tie entire amount of tie proceed* of said bund*, or so touch aa may be found necessary. U> hr expended for said purpose. Aid Lund* to be pnyubie to bearer at the nice of the Treasurer of tiie >tate of Nebraska, ml Lincoln, at the expira tion of twenty yean from the date1 (hereof but to be made redeemable at the opuon at said county of Sher man at a n r time after tiie date o f the issuance o f the tan* on any interest pay-day in the sum of tl.uuo uo. or any multiple thereof. said bonds to draw four and one-half *t per cent interest per sn nnss from the date of imuanre of tiie same payable semi-annually. which said interest payments shall be e*1 by mu-rest <x*jp -i notes exp and ntnfisd bo *aM bails, payable to bearer at the state ars office of the Mate of Ne laterest on said bund* to be table on the 1st day of Jam; i. and tiie 1st day of July, I on the first day of January and an the first day of July each year Tbe nud bonds to be negotiated at a mu not lees than their face value bald bonds tn fen sold only tn amount* ntndsd and at the times needed for the eoneuwetion of mid court bouse and Jail to —Km, and the eoupone thereon which may be ma tured at the date of sale are to fee clipped therefrom, ao that said bonds wifi daw tote res’, only 'roc; date of And etanii the afanaid board of TV election to be held at the vari ous voting precincts as follows: Loup City township, at court liouse in Loup City: Rockville city tiall in Rockvijle: Harrison township, at town hall in Litchfield: Hazard Trumbie nail in Hazard: Ashton township, at opera house in Ashton: Oak Creek township, at school house in school district No. 56: Scott township, at school house in ir» school district No. 63: Washing ton township, at school liouse in sctiool district No. 43: Web6ter town ship. at scftool liouse in school dis trict No. T2: Clay township, at school house in school district No. 36: Bris tol township, at school house in school district No. 42: Logan town ship. at school liouse in school dis trict No. 31: Elm Tow nship at school house in school district No. 38 By order of the Boord of County Supervisors of Sherman count}, Ne braska. Sighed: J.H.Welty, Chairman [Yes] Signed. W. O. Brown, [Yes] Signed: Thomas Jensen. [Yes] Signed: Daniel McDonald, [Yes] Signed: Wenzel Rewolinski, [Yes] Signed: Hiyo Aden. [Yes] Signed: Howard W. Layg, [No] Attest: L. B. Polski. County Clerk of Sherman County, Nebraska. [sxal] W. R. Mellor just couldn't stay away, and came up from Lincoln last week to be present at the K. of P. doings Wednesday evening, going back the following morning. LP.CELEHTE JUHREBSAIT Last W ednesday ever mg. the iocai K_ of P. lodge celebrated ttie golden anniversary of Pythiamsm with an entertainment. followed by a lap sapper of two courses. The evening was very inclement, yet a goodly number of the brothers, their wives and sweet hearts were present. Sir Knight Long was master of ceremonies and made an interesting talk on Pythianism and the inception of the local lodge, with more or less history connected therewith. Fol lowing that came the program of the evening. The Pythian Min strels, composed of Sir Knight Allen as interlocutor, Sir Knights Schwaner and Johnson as end men, with Sir Knights 0. L. Swanson, Collipriest and Hinman members. The boys did a fine stunt, original in their get up and their instrumental music was “some classy” and took down the house and' then some. At the close of the concert came the eats and then home, sweet home just before the hour of midnight. It was a most enjoyable evening. GREELEY MAN FONRR DEAD <% * Chas. Stromberg, a bachelor living north of Greeley, was found dead at his home by one of the neighbors Saturday. It was at i first supposed that he had suicided but eo cause could be assigned for i such a deed and the general belief now is that his death was caused ! by the accidental discharge of a, gun. Apparently lie had just1 seated himself at the supper table1 when the accident occurred. Mr. Stromberg was about ot years of age and financially in comfortable circumstance's. He leaves few, if any, relatives in this state. —CM Journal. “WHAT'S HEXF WELL RERBEREB The Ashton Dramatic CSuK which gave the play "What's Next,” at the opera house last Fn- j day. far exceeded the most sari-1 guine expectations of their Loup City friends gave one of the finest entertainments so far given in our new opera house. We have not space this week to speak in detail of the cast, which was composed of some of Ashton’s leading busi ness men and most accomplished young ladies, and to speak in especial manner of some and not | of all would be manifestly unfair, for each in his or her part appear ed perfectly at home in the char acterization they assumed and seemed indeed for the time being the characters they protrayed. There is one thing assured, and that is that our little sister village has plenty of talent and of a high order, and are thoroughly appre ciated. as, though the night was very inclement, and gave a vigor ous bid for one to remain at home, the oper^house was well filled and had the night been pleasant the opera house would not have been able to accommodate all who would have been out to witness the splendid dramatic work of the dramatic club. Robespierre, 3-reel special shown at the opera house last Thursday night drew a good crowd who pro pounced it excellent. Mr. Dad dow is putting on an excellent picture service and it is highly ap preciated by all patrons of that place of amusement. Mrs.S. A. Allen went to Omaha yes terday morning for a few days stay. Mrs. A. L. Ballinger returned home to St. Paul Monday, after a few days’ visit here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen from Council Bluffs arrived last Friday for a protracted visit with their eon. Dr. S. A. Alien. KESKU Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nightengale leave today for Bellingham. Wash., their furore home. For a year fir more Mr. Nightingale had been closing up his law practise here with a view of removing to the Pacific Coast to make their home. Some months ago Mr. Nightingale returned from a visit west having decided on location at Bellingliam. a city of some Mo.000 inhabitants, his son going west later and re maining in Bellingham, while the father came home to close up business. For over thirty years past. R. J. Nightingale has been practicing law in Loup City, and is too well known to the peo ple of Sherman county for us to a<fd anything to his history here, where he has l>een one of the lead ing lawyers of this section all of these years. I) i ring that time, he has accumulated one of the most extensive law libraries in central Nebraska, and is known to be one of its most successful legal lights, considering his prescribed terri tory. He lias purchased a fine home in Bellingham, where he will enter the practice of law with his son, Herbert, and we fully ex pect that he will soon be one of the most active members of the bar in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Night ingale will be missed by their large circle of friends, Mr. Night ingale in the legal field and in social and lodge relations, and Mrs. Nightingale in club and social circles. The Northwestern will follow them with best wishes for their future happiness*. PETIT JURORS APRIL TERM The follow tng jury has hew drawn for the eoonng tern of the dnttnet eonrt which convenes April T next; Alvin €httaw%y„ L. X. Smith. G. H. Hosier, T R, Lay. R E. Gilmore. Henry Die fenhaugh. Stanley (wc, A. Hed land. Geo. R Lnkaaewskw Wm. Minnie. Jos. F. Karel. Henry Her mann. Ante* Dyweh. Oar! Farns worth. Hass Dietz. Edward Fa gen. Fred Trechaaeier. John Orel la. Geo. F. IVniglas, C. H. Kee. Roy H. Conger. G. C. Frink, Henry Apple. James Huryte. The meetings at the Baptist church closed last Sunday, Rev. Boukoutz and wife going from here to Dorchester, where we un derstand they will hold a series of meetings. During the weeks that Rev. and Mrs. Boukoutz have been here in evangelical work they have endeared themselves to a large number of people whom they have met in their work, and have been earnest workers izx the Mas ter’s vineyard. They go from here with the best wishes of our people for success in their chosen work. There have been quite a number of additions to the church instrumentality and there will be yet some who will join the church because of their coming among us. j mwm LAST NUMBER OF LYCEUM The last number of the Lyceum Bureau entertainments will be given at the opera house next Tuesday evening March 31, by Alvih Green, the prince of humor ists. He is said to furnish the fin est fund of wit, humor and plea santries of any entertainer on the boards today. Remember the date and be on hand to enjoy the j best of the lyceum entertainments. I 3ii Monday'* W«rld-BeraJd The following story about the disap pearance of Mr*. GwAeld Erring ton wa- printed: "Garfield Errington. a woathy young farmer of Ord. Neb., is ap pealing to the authorities all over America to help him find his wife and 2-year-old daughter. Mrs. Jessie Errington. 2b years old. and Goldie, the little daughter, board ed a train at Ord on December 13, bound for Omaha they were going to transfer here and continue their trip to Melford. Canada, where she had relatives they intended to visit. “Errington kissed his wife and baby good-by, helped them on the train, watched them enter the door of the car and has not seen them since. He is spending hun dreds of dollars sending a detailed description of the woman and baby to points all over the North Amer ican continent. The first he knew of their disappearance was when they failed to appear at Melford and her relatives wrote to him asking about her delay. “Mrs. Errington was light com plexioned, smooth faced, her upper corner teeth were missing and the baby is golden haired. “We never had trouble, but I lived happily together during our five yeais of married life," was Errington's report to the local l*>!ice. ‘There was no insanity in her family and I do not believe she lost her memory. We both idolized the baby. I am imagin ing all kinds of things that could have happened to her. She has leen gone three months now and every hour of that three months 1 have vainly hoped to hear from her.' He has offered a reward for information about her. He rehe lives in Cfcnada are also conduct mg a search." Investigation has lead to the db wwv that iwurheW Eniigttw b a brother to who b well known at Irene and who now lives in the north part of the county, near Burwell, tvartieM does not live in thb county and probably never has but has been known at Burwell for years. He is far from being wealthy farmer and many who have seen him in Burwell daily of late had not known that he was concerned about his -wife or child.—Ord Journal. OBR CITY WALKS TOO HARROW Not a few have called attention to the too narrow condition of the cement sidewalks on the main business street of our city. A j business man and one of the prin jciple merchants owning a building i and doing ft thriving business on said street, said to the reporter, I , wish you would call public atten tion to tiie fact that the walks are at least three feet too narrow for the traffic on said street. He wished sentiment could be brought in favor of the widening of said walks at least three feet, believing it would be for the very best good. There is no qnestien but that when ever there is much of a crowd in our city the walks prove way too narrow for the use of the people who line the street, and we be lieve the widening of sach side walks would be appreciated. On Monday of this week, John Eggers sold his meat market to his son, John Eggers, Jr., who re cently arrived here from Denver. The new proprietor is a young man with all the marks of energy and progressiveness showing in his make-up and we believe he will prove a welcome addition to oar business interests. GEO. L ZIGL I DIES SUDDENLY Ug» I—* Iwp illtfc iwt fvMTS At Apm fcao* Lssl UMn FIVE RIINO POKE PIT LIST TMMTE Last Friday evening, about € o'clock, at bis home in Logan township.George L. Zigler. one of the best known and highly resect ed farmers 'of Sherman county i died suddenly from a paralytic stroke. He had just driven in from the field with a load of corn fodder and had loosed the tugs when he fell at the horses heels under the front end of the wagon, where his two sons found him a few moments afterwards and car ried him into the house. Think ing he had been kicked by one of the horses. Dr. Bowman was sent for who on arrival found Mr.Zigler dead, had probably died immedi ately where he was found. Dr. Bowman phoned to town for Dr. Main, the coroner, who found Dr. Bowman's diagnosis as coinciding with his own. and held no inquest necessary. The funeral was held at the opera house in Loup City Monday following, deceased being so well and favorably known that no church would have sufficient seating capacity to accommodate all who would wish to pay last re spects to their departed neighbor, friend and brother. The funeral was held at 1 o'clock in the after noon. fully 509 being in attend and nearly exhausting the seating capacity of the building. The Odd Fellows, of which he was an honored member, had charge of , the services, closing with ritual istic work following short talk and address by Rev. Boukouts and Dr. Sutherland of the Baptist cburclu after which interment was had in Evergreen cemetery. In the death of Mr. Zigler, Sherman count has lost one of her best cit izens, a man highly respected by all, and one whose life was most exemplary and uplifting. In his death his family has lost a loving, devoted and affectionate husband and father; those who knew him a kind friend, and the people of the county a progressive citizen. George Leander Zigler was born in Lorain, Stevenson county, Illi nois, Oct. 24, 1862. In February, 1884, he moved to Ashland, this state, thence that fall to Mar quette. Hamilton county, living there until Feb. 19, 1901, when he came to Sherman county where he lived until death. In February, 1889, he was united in wedlock t > Miss Della Weaver, to whom were born two sons and four daughters, Ralp, Lee, Grace, Lila, Fay and Hazel,‘all of whom, with the wife, survive him. He is survived also by two brothers and one sister— J. C. Zigler of Savannah, Ills.; W. T. Zigler of Marquette, Neb., and Mrs. Katie Fullrath of Mt. Car roll, Ills. Deceased united with the U. B. church in 1894, which membership he retained until his death. Card of Thanks We wish to express our heart felt tlianks to friends, neighbors, the hrotherhoods and all who ga\ e aid amt sympathy in our deep loss «t towing ana devoted husband and father. ITEMS OF NEWS FROM ASHTON The members of the Home Tal ent Co.* that played “What's Next’* at Loup City Friday night speak very highly of the treat ment accorded them by the Loup City people, they report an ex ceptionally large house, and most cordial treatment from the many people of whom they had to ask favors. Judging from the ap plause and the comments of the people *ith whom they talked believe that they succeeded in pleasing their audience. They wish to thank the people of Loup City for their patronage and hos pitality. and assure them that at any time that Loup City should want anything from Ashton, they shall have it if it is is power ed the characters W 'What's Next' to give it to them. rolls around Ashton should p»k> up a handsome majority m its favor, if this can be done Ashton will have something to which it can pcmt with pride in future years. The B. B B. dub werr enter tained at the S. S. Pol ski home last Tuesday evening. This club affords many glorious times to its members and all concerned. Mr. McKline was one of the happiest men in Ashton on St. Patrick’s day wearing the genu ine Shamrock from Ireland in the old coontry. Henry Ojendyk and Harry Lo renz t le auto expert (alias) Barney Oldfie d were on the go all day Monday visiting in different parts of Sherman County. We. the members of the R B. B. club wish to correct jui error] in Ashton's last weeks sterns, stat ing that said club sang and yelled until the marshal told them to stop—night being the time to sleep, etc. T>#- was simply a joke —some of the young men. who had no intention of sleeping for some time, told the marshal to stop us. At the time it was only 9 o’clock and part of the girls had gone home and the rest were on their way. and the noise had stop ped some time before. The club will forgive the offending parties providing such thing does not oc cur again,—The members of the B. B. B. club. The B. B. B. club painted the town very green every principal corner also sidewalk, were the victims this time—some class to that.—A traveling Salesman said is the graduation exercises over with—and one of the townsman said, “you are dreaming man. you get to wait till in June.--“O’, said the traveler, “I was judging by your walks that it was all over with. ” “Oh no, said the Ash tonite “you see. we people here in Ashton graduate, at least twice a year, this time the B. B. B. club graduated. The Metropolitan Policeman, Chas. Shamrock is still wearing the smile ‘'that won’t wear off.’1 He says wasn't that a boost they gave us in Loup City. If anybody wants to know how batching is ask Steve Polski or Jos Hruby they can tell you how to do it in a way of cookng and frying- eggs. Jos. Jankowski, the enterpris ing cashier of the Ashton State Bank purchased a new Ford auto from the Ashton Auto Co., last week. Miss A. Zochall was a St. Paul visitor last week. Job a Hansen and wife of Minne apolis were Ashton visitors for a few days. Miss Ina Todd left Saturday for Burwell after a few days visit with her parents and friends. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith, Friday, March 20tb, 1914, a baby boy. Par! Chilewski is remodeling his blacksmith shop for scone other business. The B. B. B. club, in honor of the patron saint, painted the whole town with green paint. Mr. Golus of Loup City was an Ash ten visitor, Monday. Petar Boss moved to Loup City the latter part of last week. Everyone should put their shoulder to the wheel and T>oost for a new court house for Sher man county. A new court bouse is for the good of the whole coun ty and something that is badly needed, and when election day