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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1914)
BULK TO NET A .carefully kept growing bank account will naturally shift ones thoughts from “bulk” income to ‘‘net profit or savings. And, it is the “net” savings that really count and add to your yearly ac cumulation. OUR PLAN is fitted to the needs of man with either steady or varying in' come. It is definite, systematic. Why not "make friends" with it? Loup City State Bank bap City, Nebraska. SOLID COMFORT GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOUS We have them in Brown, Tan and Black, Velours. Nu Buck. Gun Metal, Patent and Vici Kid at. Prices from fci.50 to 15.00. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. E. E YOUNGQUIST, Prop. I When Looking For a Square Meal Co To THE IDEAL RESTAURANT also for a Good Lunch We also carry a Full Line of Bread and Pastry Goods and also sends Bread by parcel post. South Side Public Square. I Wm. Dolling, Proprietor - \ WE HAVE ON HAND t Rock Springs, Juniper, Hanna, Monarch and Maitland Lump Coal Also Canon City and Rock Springs nut and Anthracite stove and Nut coal. Our twenty-six years in the coal business here enable us to select the coals of quality ' i Try your next order from here. f KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY - _ 2 DO YOU REALIZE Hm Stmt is the baud hr Cheap Laid? ! If you have come to know what it means to own a farm, I can put you in a position to secure one whose cost will be within your means. TMK MONDELL LANDS. You can file on a 320 acre Mon dell tract in Wyoming or Montana and make it yours at a cost to jou of only $22. You can, also, buy 160 acres more adjoining for $1.2o per acre: you can Income the in dependent owner of 48<i acres of good grazing and farm land for $222. Our inquiries indicate an extensive settle ment of these lands this coming season. The lorth Platte Valley ud Big Heri Basil There are in these valleys Government irrigated home steed*. Cary Act and Deeded lands. The Burlington's new 1 central Wyoming main line traverses both localities, and will put them in close touch with Western markets. For Junker particulars, write me. D CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agt. 1004 Farnum St. Omaha, Nebr. THE NORTHWESTERN Entered at tne Loup City PostofUce tor tram*mission through the mails aa aeoonu clan matter. Office Phone. Red 21 Residence, - Black 21 J. W. KUKEEIGH.Editor and Pub. J. R GARDINER Man&gar. Fire Commissioner Ridgell is hot, and the more he thinks about it, the hotter he gets. “What in thunder is the use of having a penitentiary if the par don board is going to let people out as fast as we put them in?” exploded the fire commissioner the other day, when he heard the board had paroled Richie, a ipan sent up from Thurston county for setting fire to a pool hall, admitted it, got sentence of 1 to 20 years and was let out at the end of 10 months and 1 day. The fire commissioner says arson is one of the most difficult things to secure conviction on and he thinks of little use to convict if the board is to undo the acts of the courts. To a large extent a court sentence does not spell much to the evil doer. . . 4 Wonder how many lawyers will be left in Omaha to do business, after the grand jury indictments of le gal luminaries are finished, and the courts get action on the cases. Quite a number have been indicted for blackmail, the latest being no (ess a personage than John 0. Yeiser, attorney for the state pardon board, candidate for the republican nomination for governor the spokesman for the Roosevelt forces in Nebraska and for over 20 years a leading Omaha attorney. And t the Bee is to be given credit for perforating the stink bag and scattering the perfume broadcast over the city. What next? The Democratic United States senate has voted down the resolution to provide for a constitutional amendment giving the ballot to women. The result was 35 to 34. It would have required a two-thirds vote to pass the resolution. Norris of Nebraska voted for it, but Senator Hitchcock’s name was noticeably absent from roll call, It would be interesting to Ne braska people to know how he stands on that great question. It is a shame to refuse women the ballot, and at the same time grant it to all kinds of he-males, good, bad and indifferent. There is no justice in it. Anxious, office-hunting democrats are having all kinds of fits because Gov. Morehead has come out as candidate for congress in the First district and refuses to again become a candidate for governor. This mix democratic medicine all up, and the governor’s ambi tion means a jobless lot of patriots. And that hurts. RESOLUTION, NOTICE AND PROPOSITION. Whereas, Under the laws of the State of Nebraska it is made the duty of the County Board of Super visors of each county in the state to provide for a safe and suitable court house for the transacting of the county business, and to provide suita ble oflices for the accommodation of the county officers and court rooms and officers for the accommodation of the several courts of record of the county, and tire-proof vaults and safes, for the safs keeping of county records, and to provide a safe jail of sufficient strength to hold prisoners. And Whereas, Sherman county's court house is^n old brick structure and in poor repair, and not tireproof. and wholly inadequate for the ser vices required and unsanitary in every particular, and the vaults are not tireproof and not of sufficient ca pacity to hold the records of the county, and many of the valuable records of the county affecting titles to real estate are in no way protected against lire, and some of the more valuable records are protected by reason of the board through necessity having hired bank vaults outside of the court house. The county jail is an old frame structure, and is not of sufficient strength to hold prisoners, and is un healthful and unfit for use. And Whereas, By reason of the aforesaid condition of the court house and jail of said county the record title to each tract of real estate in said county is in danger, also the court records and the records involving the estates of deceased persons are unsafe and liable to be destroyed by tire or otherwise, which might result in endless litigation and great expense. And the unsanitary condition of our jail is dangerous to the health of any unfortunates who may have to be in carcerated therein, by reason whereof the county may become liable in dam ages to those confined therein. Now, therefore be it resolved by the Board of County Supervisors of said county of Sherman, in the State of Nebraska, in regular session met at the court house in Loup City, Ne braska, the county seat of said coun ty, and the usual place of meeting of said beard, on the 18th day of March. 1914. That there be submitted to the legal voters of said county at a special election to be held therein on Tuesday. May the 12th, 1914, the proposition which is set out fully in the following form of notiSe, which is made a part of this resolution, which said proposition it will be necessary to carry, in order to enable said board to provide a suitable and proper court house and jail for said county, to-wit: To the Legal Voters of Sherman County, Nebraska: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a special election to te held in said county on Tnesday, May 12th, 1914, there will be submitted to the legal voters of said county, for their acceptance or rejection, the following proposition, to-wit: “Shall the Board of County Super visors of Sherman county, State of Nebraska, for and in behalf of said county, issue the bonds of said coun ty in the sum of seventy-five thousand ($75,000.00) dollars, of the denomina tion of $1,000 00 each, for the purpose of purchasing material for. and build ing, erecting, constructing, furnish ing and completing a fire-proof court house with jail in connection in said county, in the city of Loup City, the county seat of said county, on block four (4) of the original town now city of Loup City, the county seat of said Sherman county. Nebraska, accord ing to the plat on file of said block 1 four (4). Said court house and jail to cost not to exceed *75.000.00 completed and furnished according to plans and specifications prepared by Berlinghol & Davis of Lincoln, Nebraska, on file in the office of the county clerk of said county. The entire amount of the proceeds of said bonds, or so much as mav be found necessary, to be expended for said purpose, said bonds to be payable to bearer at the office of the Treasurer of the State of Nebraska, at Lincoln, at the expira tion of twenty years from the date thereof, but to be made redeemable at the option of said county of Sher man at any time after the date o f the issuance o f the same, on any interest pay-day in the sum of *1,000.00. or any multiple thereof: said bonds to draw four and one-half (4j) percent interest per an num from the date of issuance of the same, payable semi-annually, which said interest payments shall' be evi denced by interest coupon notes exe cuted and attached to said bonds, also payable to bearer at the state treasurer’s office of the state of Ne braska. Interest on said bqnds to be made payable on the 1st day of Janu ary, 1915, and the 1st day of July, 1915, and on the first day of January and on the first day of Julv each year thereafter. The said bonds to be negotiated at a sum not less than their face value. Said bonds to be sold only in amounts needed and at the times needed for the construction of said court house and jail In connection, and the coupons thereon which may be ma tured at the date of sale are to he clipped therefrom, so that said bonds will draw interest only from date of sale. And shall the aforesaid board of county supervisors of the county of Sherman, in the state of Nebraska, or such other officers of said county as may be charged by law with the duty of levying the taxes of said county, for the time being in addi tion to all other taxes, levy, or cause to be levied annually upon all taxable property in said county a tax suffi cient to pay the interest on said Itoiids as the same mature, and shall said board of supervisors of saidcoun tv, or such other officers as may be charged by law with the duty of levy ing the taxes of said county for the time being in addition to all other taxes, levy, or cause to be levied in the year 1915, and each year there after, a tax upon ail the taxable prop erty of said countv sufficient to pay not less than *2,000.00 of the princi pal of said bonds annually for the first two years, and not less than *4, 000.00 of the principal of said bonds each year thereafter, and on the 20th year after the issuance of said bonds levy, or cause to be levied, a tax upon all the taxable property of said coun ty an amount sufficient to pay the residue of said bonds then uppaid, and interest thereon, if anvl And be it further resolved, that the vote on said proposition shall be by ballot in the following form to-wit: Official Ballet for Spaciai Bead FUpHab' CtOCUvfl. To vote for the Issuance of seventy five thousand dollars of bonds of Sher man county, Nebraska, for building and furnisidng a fire-proof court house and jail in connection, and for the lew of a tax on all the taxable property of said county, to pay the PUBLIC SALE OF DUROC JERSEY BROOD SOWS ! To Be Held at the 0. A. Woods’ Barn, Loup City, Nebraska, Saturday, April 4th, 1914 At One o’clock sharp, the Following Described Property 20 HEAD OF BROOD SOWS 20 2 tried sows, 18 Spring Gilts, these sows are not fat but are just in good breeding condition. They have been wintered on Alfalfa hay and ground Wheat with plenty of exercise. They will weigh from 200 pounds up. They are all sired by my old herd boar DUTCH CHIEF, Mo. 129967, now mated with my herd boar Cedar Grove Cliff 2nd, No. 151819. Terms of Sale ! A credit of 8 months time will be given purchaser giving bankable note at 10 per cent interest from dateof sale. ! No property to be removed from premises before being settled for. MN KLIMPER COL J.G.PAGELER, Auctioneer. C. C.CARLSEN,Clerk interest and principal of said bonds pursuant to the resolutions of this special election, make a cross thus [X] within the square opposite the words: “For the bonds and tax.” To vote against the issuance of sev enty-tive thousand dollars of bonds of Sherman county, Nebraska, for the building and furnishing a tire-proof court house and jail, and against the levy of a tax sufficient to pay the in terest on and the principal of said bonds pursuant to the resolution of said notice of this special election, make across tlius[X]within the square opposite the words: “Against the bonds and tax.” For the bonds and tax.f ] Against the bonds and tax.[ ] The said ballot shall be prepared, procured and delivered to the proper; election officers as required by Jaw by tnu county clerk of said county, at the time and in the form and manner; provided by law, and the votes on j said proposition to be received and ! counted and return thereof made, and canvassed by the officers and persons in the county as in form and manner provided by law, and the county clerk is further ordered to procure and de liver to the proper election officers the necessary poll books and other materials and supplies necessary for the submission of said proposition at said special election, and it is further ordered that due and legal notices of the submission oft said proposition according to the foregoing resolution at the special election as aforesaid be given by publishing the foregoing resolution, notice, and this order in the Sherman County Times Inde pendent. the Loup City Northwestern and the Litchfield Monitor for at least five consecutive issues, immediately prior to Tuesday, May 12th. 1914, and by posting up at each voting place during the day of the election a copy of said resolution, notice and order. The polls to be opened at 8 o’clock a. m. and to close at 6 o’clock p. m. on said 12th day of May, 1914. The election to be held at the vari ous voting precincts as follows: Loup City township, at court house in LoupCity; Rockville township,at city hall in Rockville; Harrison township, at town hall in Ltbrh{ie!d; Hazard township, at Trumble ball in Hazard: Ashton township, at opera house in Ashton: Oak Creek township, at school house in school district No. 56; Scott township, at school house in in school district No. 63; Washing ton township, at school house in school district No. 43: Webster town ship. at school house in school dis trict No. 72; Clay township, at school house in school district No. 36: Bris tol township, at school house in school district No. 42: Logan town ship, at school house in school dis trict No. 31: Elm Township at school I house in school district No. 38 By order of the Boord of County Supervisors of Sherman county, Ne braska. ' I Sighed; J.H.Welty, Chairman [Yes] Signed: W. O. Brown. [Yes] Signed: Thomas Jensen, [Yes] Signed: Daniel McDonald, [Yes] Signed: Wenzel Rewolinski, [Yes] Signed: Hiyo Aden, [Yes] Signed: Howard W. Lang, [No] Attest: L. B. Polski, County Clerk of Sherman County, Nebraska. [seal] Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, i [ss. Sherman County, ) In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Henry Nlesner, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 5th day of June, 1914. at one o’clock p. m., and on the 5th day of October, 1914, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is tire 5th day of October, A. D. 1914, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from the 6th day of March, 1914. witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 6th day of Match, 1914. E. A.Smith, fsMAL] County J udge 1 Last pub April 2 L^atest Music — 15 Cents a Copy, Handled by —— WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? Do you want to trade your farm or city property for a farm or city property elsewhera? If so list your property with we and I will find you a deal. Business done strictly on commission. I have ranches of all sizes to exchange for small farm or income property. Following is a partial list of bargains that I have at present: Good house of 6 rooms, barn and black smith shop on 5 good lots, only one block from main street, for sale at a bargain or would ex change for cheap land ' I have 12 good resident lots, well located, 3 blocks from the court house square, that I can sell in lots of 2, 4 or 6, or will sell all at a bar gain, owner might accept some trade. See me at once if you are figuring on buying choice lots. I have a good driving team and harness that I will sell at aba-gain or exchange for a good auto. If you fail to find anything in the above that interests you just let me know and I will try to find something that will. List your property with me for quick results J. W. DOUGAL REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Loap City, Nebraska. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Matinee every Saturday afternoon Change every night and nothing #but the best of pictures will ^e shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW