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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1913)
•tat« Hlitoriefcl Bocie*/ Loup City Northwestern \ / 5 , • VOLUME XXXI_ LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 10. 1913 NUMBER 35 Professionm Cards ROBT. P. S TARR Attorney-at-law LOUP CITY, NEBMSKS. NIGHTINGALE & SON Attorney d taeicr-it-Law | LOUP (olTY. NEB * it. H. MATHEW, Anorney-ai-Law, And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts JLoip City, Xeb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lcvr ClTT, - NKBRAfKA. Only set of Abstract txxiksin coun t O. E. LONGACUE PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. ” TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 39 A. J. KEARNS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1‘lionr, 30. OOiee at Residence Two Doors East ef Telephone Central Loop City. - Nehraska a. s. MAIN PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Loup City, Nebr. Oilice at Residence, Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN Physician* and Surgeon* l'hone 114 Loup City. Nebraska Dr. James F Blanchard OSTEOPATH 1ST Office hours 1 p. m. until 5:30 p. m. only S. A. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State dank buildin?. VV, L,. MAIOJ*. DIlfMSiTi LOUP CITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Souaie. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. MeDonall Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. B, SWEETLAND PLUMBER AND ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 70 Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right Satisfaction Guaranteed H. KREBS funeral Director Licensed Embalmei Business Phone Black 6.c Loup City, Nebraska FRANK AD.WL General Blacksmithini Horse Shoeing and Wood work. Coma in and see me. Loup City, Neb. Its Progress and Prospertv Taken From Lincoln Trade Review Situated in the fertile valley of the Middle Loup river lies Loup City, the county seat of Sherman county, and one of the most prom ising towns of the state. During the past few years Loup City has experienced a reign of prosperity that is phenomenal in mtlny ways. Prosperity abounds in this county for it is one of the most fertile in the state of Nebraska. In the val ley, land values range from $50 up to $100 per acre, and are suit able for crops of all kinds. Out side the valley, may be found the upland prairie, suitable for culti vation and also affording excellent pasturage facilities for cattle. It has not been until recent years tiiat the real value of the farms of Sherman county has been realized. Judging from the past, one is safe in predicting that the land values of Sherman county have not near ly reached their height, and it is said by many in position to know that the land of Sherman county selling at its present price of to day is cheap land and a good in vestment for any one. There will be seen within the next few years a phenomenal growth in population, as well as increased prosperity of all kinds in this county, and it behooves one to watch carefully its growth, for ] it will be a record-breaker, and as in the past will in the future make even a greater mark than hereto fore. The country surrounding Loup City is no doubt the most fertile in Sherman county the surround ings most picturesque and the cli matehealthy and invigorting. s: Loup City is today a city of Excellent Financial Condition The finances of Sherman county . are in excellent shape. This coun ! ty has at the present time only j a small indebtedness which will be wiped out within the next two years iind the County placed out of debt for all time to come. It is the consensus of opinion of the business men that the county should be run on a business basis and to vote bonds for the con struction of a much-needed court until the county is cleared of all past debts, and then when that has been accomplished it will be an easy matter, by the voting of an additional three or four mill levy, to run but a short time, to coustruct for Sherman county a court house worthy of note and sufficient for the needs of the county. The above in brief is the plan of tho business men of the county now. Even better than the finances of the county are those of Loup City, for thie city has not at the present time a single cent of indebtedness. They car ried on extensive civic improve ments without having a single bond and for these accomplish ments the town is to be congrat lated. The prosperity of the county and the peodle therein is practi cally demonstrated by the com bined bank statements of Loup City, which aggregate at present time the following sum. Capital stock and surplus, $lip,449; de posits, $472,611; loans, $899,112. The prosperity of the banks is evidenced from their statements as shown above and their considera tion for the safety of the deposi tors is shown by the fact that they have cash on hand aggregating $158,000, or far above that re quired by law. 1 Another new financial - industry that has recently been established Hill and Electric Light Plant, Loup City, Nebraska - ' ! about 1600 population, and it has’ only started to grow, It enjovs excellent railroad facilities, being ! reached by both the Burlington J and Union Pacific lines. Within j the next few years, when the sur-1 rounding country shall have come into its own and its real merit re alized, it is safe to anticipate that Loup City, which must serve as a financial, business and distributing point for this territory, will great ly increase in population, wealth and general prosperity. Successful Commercial Club Business men of Loup City are well organized into a commercial club that has done much for the prosperity of the city. The club at the present time numbers some seventy-five members, all active in the wort and taking a great inter est therein. E. G. Taylor is at the present time at the head of the chib, with W. S, Waite secre tary. T>t tell of all the numerous , accomplishments and the benefits accrued to Loup City from this active club would take so much time and space that it seems un_ necessary to list its accomplish ’ ments here, but in passing frony this commercial club of Loup City it is to be congratulated upon its work in the past and spurred on to even greater work'in the fuT ture. What a live commercial , club can do for a town has been demonstrated in many instances in 1 this state and Loup City is an ex t ample of this, for too much credit ' for the phenomenal growth and prosperity of Loup City cannot be given the members of this live club in Loup City is the First Trust Company. The directors of both the First National bank and the Loup City bank are stockholders of this new firm. It is engaged in a general trust company business, handling trusts, mortgages, loans, providing for the exchange of land and security investments among the people. This company was organized in April of this year, and has a capital stock of $25,000, It will no doubt prove a valuable asset to Ihe community and uid materially in bring in vestors to Sherman county. In civic improvements, Loup City surpasses many t°wns af pro portionate size. One of the fea tures of Loup City, is its wide, well lighted streets. The roads are well kept up, thus affording farmers easy access to the city. The town is lighted thoroughly throughout and has now over 25 miles of cement walks. Park Development. One of the features of Loup City is the excellent park to which they have immediate access. This park is the pride of the citizens of Loup City, and there is no other town in the state of Nebraska that can claim a parkof this kind for their home town. The. merits of this park cannot be appreciated without a visit to it, for it is difficult to explain the many interesting features of it The park is known as Jenner’s park, and it is situated immedi? | ly outside the town in a beautiful canyon. Here shade trees are abundant and in natural beauty it is not excelled by any similar place BENNETT QUARTETTE. in the state. .Here the owner of the park, Henry Jenner, has col lected many curios of great value, which are open to inspection. A complete menagerie of many and and various kinds of animals are caged here for public inspection, and aside from these many inter esting features of the park, are botanical gardens, trees of various kinds and almost every form of amusement that one would expect to find in a place of this kind. The park is well kept up, lighted throughout by electricity, and it gives to Loup City excellent op dustries of this calibre mean much to a city. Dr. J. F. Blanchard, proprietor and physician in charge of the Infirmary of Osteopathy, has here commodious quarters and is a val uable asset in this line to this set tion. Loup City is the center of the Sherman County Telephone sys tem. with valuation at the present of about $65,000 and they furnish excellent service at a reasonable rate. Loup City claims at the present time one of the finest hotel build Loup City’s New Opera House portunities for instructive amuse ment on all occasions. Fin* Opera House Loup City recently opened one of the finest opera houses in the state of Nebraska. The opera house has been completed at a cost of $25,000, with excellent outside ap pearance and inside accommoda tions. The electric wiring was done by C. R. Sweetland of that city and speaks well for the home talent work. Thos. Daddow is the proprietor of the opera house and brings to Loup City through this many excellent shows and entei tainments. Industrial Progress The electric light plant of Loup City is well to the front when com pared with electric light plants in the smaller towns of the state. It renders to the people 24-hour ser vice, deriving power from the Loup river, storage batteries and gasoline power engines and is able to give the city continuous light service. In connection with the electric light plant and deriv- J its power from the same source, is the Loup City mill, one of the largest flouring mills in that ter ritory, which is kept in constant operation, day and night, due to the demands for their product. The mill has a daily capacity of 100 barrels and distributes an excel lent brand of flour throughout that territory. E. Q. Taylor is proprietor of both the mill and the electric light plant. The Crystal Bottling Works of Loup City does an extensive busi ness throughout that immediate territory. They have a daily ca pacity of 125 cases and the plant is modern and sanitary in every way. A. O. Lee is owner and manufactures and distributes all kinds of soda waters, eiders and fountain supplies. The Ravenna Creamery operates a branch here which consumes much of the large supply of milk from this territory. Up to a short time ago the city claimed an excellent brick yardr owned by Henry Ohlsen, which was estimated at a value, prior to its destruction by fire at $15,000. It is said the owner contemplates rebuilding the plant on even a larger scale. It is hoped such will be the case as manufacturing in togs of any small city in the state. This hotel was recently completed by Mrs. Viola Odendahl at a cost exceeding $25,000, and is known as the Hotel Frederick. It is mod ern in every way. In addition to the new hotel, the cit-.v claims an other excellent hotel, the equal of any in any town of similar size in the state. This is the Milburn ho tel, owned and operated by E. A. Milburn. The city, with its most excellent hotel facilities has set a criterion to be followed by many towns in the state, for there is no one thing that will create so favor able an impression on a visitor as decent hotel accommodations in a town. In this, Loup^City, with its excellent hotels is at the top. There are many new* buildings and business improvement of late and the town is to be congratulat ed upon the appearance of its busi ness buildings. There are many modern stores finished complete within and without in the best manner possible and this gives to the city the appearance of pros perity it desesves. In general, the retail stores are perhaps above the average. * A necessary facility to a town is good waterworks system. In this respect Loup City can claim a great deal, for they are equipped with a modem and sanitary water system, with mains practically throughout the entire city, giving an excellent quality of water to the consumers at the rate of 20c per 1,000 gallons. The plant is municipally owned and has proved a great success. Loup City supports two pros perous newspapers, the Times and the Northwestern. The latter is one of the old established newspa pers of the state, and its editor, J. W. Burleigh, has dohe a great deal in boosting for his town and county aDd making his newspaper a valuable asset in the community. It has the largest circulation of any newspaper printed |n Sherman county and might be considered tue county NEWSPATES OF ShKBMAN COUNTS, We have attempted herein to enu merate a few of those important things for which Loup City deserves credit. Many of these have been ac complished within the last few yean, and it appears that Loup City is just attaining Its stride in its quest for I greater business and more prosperity. First Trust Company Loup City, Nebraska C. BRADLEY. President E. A. MINER. Secretary W. F. MASON. Vice President C. C. CARLSEN. Treasurer IF YOU HAVE IDLE MONEY or money earning laps than 7 per cent put it in our LAND BANK, have it well secured by some of our personally in spected, carefully made, title approved, tax free first mort gage securities on rich Nebraska farms. Let our everlasting hills and rich valleys guarantee to you the prompt and cer tain payment of the principal when due, and interest at, say 6 per cent, paid twice a year. You know and we know that THE VERY BEST SECURITY ON EARTH IS EARTH ITSELF. The best earth is that which grow* the greatest variety of crops' corn, wheat, alfalfa, cattle, hogs and sheep. Put these gilt edge, tax free securities in your strong box, laugh at your assessor, grow fat, livelong and feel easy. They will pro tect you against want, give you a decent burial when you die provide for your loved one when you’re gone. $100 loaned at 4 per cent semi-annual interest for 20 years will amount to $2208. $1000 loaned at 5 per cent semi-annual interest for 20 years will amount to *2685. *1000 loaned at 9 per cent semi-annual interest for 20 years will amount to $3262. $1000 loaned at 7 per cent semi-annual interest for 20 years will amount to $3659. \ou will no doubt loan your idle money, just take your choice. (the home ofI • • | Quality Groceries | Come Give us a trial! You Then will De clare our Grcories the Choisest Our PRICES FAIR Most Obliging You’l Find Us Anxious to Pioaso Ever Striving Our Best YOUR WANTS TO APPEASE ,—I & « k I_, | Try These—They’ll Please | ~ _ _ _ m 'rutted Wheat Post Toasties Grape Nuts Corn Flakes Rolled Oats Cream of Rye Cream of Wheat Big‘TM Food Shredded WTheat Oranges. Bananas * Grape Fruit * Lemons * Apples * Berries in Season * Dates 2 Figs J Prunes ' . s | The Quality House EMaollshed 1888 Add to the value of your property A coat of new paint adds greatly to the attractive ness and saleability of property and whether you paint outside or Inside, house or barn, it will pay you to use Monarch paints. They wear longer, cover more space, and cost less than any other first-class paint. Get your free color cards and circular ex plaining why,'at the The Rexall Drug Store wm. Graefe, Propr. The following business and profes sional men of Loup City, who believe in advertising and developing thei: town are readers of the Trade Review J. P, Leinihger Lumber Co. Milburn Hotel. Gus Loren tz, clothier. Crystal Bottling Works. Daily & Krebs, furniture. R. H. Mathew, attorney. Win. Graefe, drugs. O. F. Petersen, hardware. Loup City State Bank. Keystone Lumber Co. E. G. Taylor, mil! company. J. W. Burleigh, Ed. Northwestern. Dr. J. F. Blanchard. First National Bank. Swanson 8s Lofholm, drugs. Henry Jenner,. park.. A. E. Chase, general merchandise. Hajhurst 4 Gallaway, hardware* The Hotel Frederick. J. W. Long, real estate. First Trust Co. C. R. Sweetland, electrician. Thos. Daddow, opera house. Worry Often Kills Insure your crops against hailstorms and you won’t. It doesn’t cost much with us, in fact, costs less the quicker you do it. First Trust Co, Loup City, Hsto. Schwaner can and will save yon money on a piano. Paine & Flshburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Neb-, lenamentg Visit tonr large Factory •_ write or eatalogae. * ,■