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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1908)
w i A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THE % FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Loup CITY Conser-; vative % a and Strong I Real Estate and all classes of loans made promptly at lowest rates, with optional payments. THE NORTHWESTERN A Few Market Quotations. Corn, per bu. 56 <£ .58 - Wheat, per bu. . .78 ia .82 Oats, per bu.36 (g .4-0 ^Rj e, per bu. .60 Tiutter, per lb.18 (g .20 Epps, per doz.. . .14 Hens, per lb . .07 Sprinp chickens, per lb.do1.. % I Uoaal Loans on real estate, rail on John W Lous. T. M. Heed sells Manure Spreaders of the best makes. Phone A. T. Conner, 3 on G2. when In need of a drayman. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate, call on John IV. Lons:. C. F. Beushausen went to Omaha Wednesday to attend the democratic state convention. Ask your flour dealer for a sack of Loup City flour, best grade $1.40. Every sack guaranteed. The Loup City Mercantile Co. are taking measures for new spring suits every day. except Sunday. Our friend. G. H. Lindall. was up from Kearney on business. Tuesday, ret urning to his home Wednesday. Olives, the finest, in bulk, for sale by Lee Bros. They are choice. Hurry up and get some before they are gone. E. G. Taylor left for Omaha yes terday morning to attend the state populist convention as a delegate. We sell Alfalfa and Molasses, gaur anteed fifty per cent molasses and all new. for $1.25 per sack. Iunsdale & Son We now have Bock Springs Nut. Sunshine Maitland and l’inon Lump coal on hand.—Leininger Lumber Co. Parties wishing to purchase good Refrigerators can do well by leaving tiieir order with Christensen & Fer dinandt. Your horses need feed, so does your ground. To raise the feed try a Manure Spreader and you w ill have feed to sell. Alfred Chambers, formerly a resi dent of Sherman county, living south of Loup City and also iri this city died at Sargent on Tuesday night of this week. We have no particulars. Mr. Fred James of Hastings has taken a position with the Keystone Lumber Co. of this city. Mr. James is a cousin of Ward YerYalin. He is a very pleasant appearing gentleman. ^ Letters received from Des Moines ’ Tuesday evening give the glad news that the editor's good mother has so far recovered her recent illness as to give sure grounds for her complete recovery. Mrs. Estabrook of A rcadia. who has been visiting a daughter at Lincoln visited over a few days last week here with her brother. F. F. Foster, and family, leaving for home Saturday • evening. Remember men. the Presbyterian Brotherhood meees next Sunday after boon at 3:30. Every man wanted to attend. Short addresses will be delivered by men on. "Steps in the Pathway to*Success.” Mr. John Lofholm and Clarence Simpson and family left for Grand Junction. Colo., last Friday noon. /• where Mr. Lofholm will work this / summer, and Mr. Simpson expects to make iiis permanent home. The bankruptcy case of Frank E. Topolski came up for hearing before Referee Paine of Grand Island at the office of R. J. Nightingale last Fri dav evening, and R. H. Mathew was appointed trustee in the matter. Mrs. Richard Baker left Wednesday morning for Montezuma Valley, and will stop off to visit friends at Lin coln a couple of days en route. Mr. Baker expects to get his stuff loaded and get away by Friday morning. Mrs. E. E. Ditto returned last Satur dav evening from her three months’ visit to her old home at Wauseor, Ohio, and various other points in that presidential state. While absent a orother of Mrs. Ditto, who had previously visited her here was stricken with apoplexy, but was re covering his usual health at the time of her return home. > Notice. Parties who have my woven wire fence stretchers please ret urn. Resp. Yours. P. O. I!eed. Alfalfa Seed Those wanting Alfalfa Seed for spring sowing, please call and make your wants known. T. M. Eeed. Miss Hattie Froehlich returned home last evening. 3 on fill, Ashley Conger, the dray man. Get him. Mrs. YY. Ft. Mellor returned to Lin coln last Satnrday morning. .lames Johansen and wife and Mr Roliert Hinsdale w ere entertained last Sunday at \V. O. Brown's. I will guarantee 27c for butter fat. I test and pa\ cash.—A. E. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Cords were here from Rockville visiting friends the first of the week. The Loup City Mercantile Co. can save you money on a tailor-made suit. Mrs. Ashley Conger and baby re turned this week Monday from their visit at Avoca. Iowa. Judge Wall, Jno. YY. Long and C. C'. Carlson drove up into northeast part of the county this morning. I am too busy to call and see you. If your organ or piano needs attention leave your order at Jeffords' store. Max A. .Jeffords Mrs. H. M. Mathew returned Tues day morning for a few days' visit with her parents near Arcadia. Those who are wanting Grand Island woven wire fencing this spring call early and leave your orders. Resp. Y'ours, P. O. Reed. Mrs. W. A. Hayes and Mrs. John Zink and children left Tuesday morn ing for a few days' visit at Lincoln with their good mother. Prof. Dale left yesterday to attend the democratic state convention at Omaha, and Rev. McEwen is hearing his classes in his absence. Lee Brothers have on hand a fine quality of bulk olives, about the finest you ever ate. Call early before they are gone. Notice has been received from the postoffice department of the establish ment of the rural route south, to commence operations on the first of this coining May. Why not go to the Loup City Mer cantile Co. and have your measure taken for a new suit? They under stand the business. don't forget the date that Barnes, tiie Eye-specialist of Omaha, will !*• at tiie Wharton hotel. Loup City, on Thursday, tiie 19th. .Mr. inomas Mcraaaen aria miss Clittie M. Hughes were married last evening at the home of the bride's parents, only the immediate relatives and friends being present. ! We see by last week’s Arcadia Champion that the Keystone Lumber Co. lias purchased the Leininger lumber yard at that place, the trans fer being made one day last week. Farmers, we give more pounds of flour per bushel for wheat than any mill near here and every sack guar anteed. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Ashley Conger gave his wife a pleasant surprise on her return home from her Iowa visit, he having pur chased a tine piano for her and had it placed in the home in her absence. We received a most pleasant call on Monday from our good friend. Will Shumann of Ashton township. Mr. Shumann took a car of Logs to* >maha last week catching the market at about $4.40. A crowded opera house greeted the McKinnies at Arcadia last Thursday evening, and an enthusiastic audience promised them even tietter should they conclude to return in the future. They gave their recital at Aurora i last evening. Barnes, the Eye-sight Specialist of Omaha, who hais traveled over this road for seven or eight years, will be at the Wharton hotel. Loup City, Neb., Thursday, Feb. 19th. Please call as early as convenient. Dr. Bernard, the Grand Island Veterinary Sur geon, will be in Loup City Wednesday, March llth. Examination Free. Round Front Barn. Shoe Sale For Ten Days we wili seli odds and ends of shoes at a big cut price. 32.50 to $5.00 Shoes al! go at one price. $1.98 while they last. Come early to get your choice. Loup Citv Mercantile Co. Call and see me for harness and strap-work. Resp. Yours. !’. O. Reed. The ladies of the <■. A. R. gave Mrs. L. Holeomb a surprise on the afternoon of Feb. LNth. in honor of the anniversary of her birthday, quite a number of friends descended upon her home with a sumptuous repast, and presenting tile good lady with a valuable token of their esteem. These present were: Mesdanms Converse. Hunter. Reynolds. Rerh hold. Rootle. Johansen. Angier. Burns. McI>oriald. Kieth, l’erkiiis. French, Shot tier. Hilbert. Lovina Gih&on. (Grandmas Waite and Hibson. and Misses Nettie Conger and Minnie Hilbert. The train service on both the R. vV M. and the l'. I’, is getting no latter fast. Owing to the new nine-hour law for railroad employes, and the necessary addition f thousands of employes, the roads declare it is com pelled ;tu retrench in the matter of train service, hence have taken off daily freight trains wherever possible and substituting every other day ser vice. Hence on this branch we are to have every other day freights until such a time as the autocrats of these sy>tems deem it advisable to do other wise. Now. grin and licar it. will you? Motorman Huy Toulouse left last Friday morning for a few days' visit at Creston. Iowa, and other points in Iowa and Nebraska. His injured arm is rapidly recovering, and we hope soon to record that (iuy is able to resume generalship of the often balky new railroad motor power, be tween Loup City and St. Raul. Later Mr. Toulouse returned Tues day from Iowa and found the motor at St. I’aul in a supposed breakdown, but fixed it up and made the trip to Loup City that evening." He will l* in charge hereafter with the aid of a machinist until his injured ram is all right again. < me oi urt- permanent fixtures oi Loup City and. whir!, ha> iieen a business success from its initial day of opening, in .1 un.\ 1 <1-*:;. has been tlie relialile old Pioneer Meat Market, presided over by that, v-teran in his line. S. F. Reynolds. For fifteen years. Mr. Reynolds ha> Iieen the leading meat dispenser in Loup City and Sherman r unty. and ever on the alert to provide for hF ever growing custom the choicest of everything in all that goes to make toe successful butcher business. In all that time, liro. Reynolds lias been behind the big meat blocks, courteous and pleas ant and suave, ever ready to meet the calls of the hundreds oi' 11is regular customers and transient patrons galore, and in everv case lias on hand the choicest of all kinds of meat at their disposal. In this i may be said truly, that meat markets may come ! and go. but the reliable old "Pioneer" market goes on forever in the hands of this prince of caterers of the tastes of tlie best people of the town and surrounding country. In all this time. Mr. Reynolds lias been the l>ower behind the throne, with the excepting of one short year, whin he felt liis health called for a short rest and leased the market to Messrs. Daddow & Biemond. taking his vaca tion for a portion of the time amid old scenes and with refreshing re newing'of old acquaintances in the east, returning and taking hold of the business with all his old time vigor, and since which time be has ] been even more attentive to the needs j and wants of his old patrons, keeping their custom and adding untold num bers of new and regular buyers. Mr. Reynolds always keeps the very best of corn-fed beeves on the block and at his feed yards for slaughter, the finest and juiciest of porkers, poultry, fish, oysters, celery, and in fact every thing one can expect to find in an ui>- j to-date market, and you have only to signify what you want to te sure to get it at the "Pioneer.” Mr. Rey nolds and liis number of ready assist ants will always be found prompt, courteous and on time in attending to your demands, are always prepared | to supply you in any amount from the smallest amount up to a whole l>eef or any number thereof and at as low prices as can he obtained at any other market here or elsewhere. The; Northwestern takes special pleasure in thus calling the attention of new comers to the county, assuring them them that they will be the winners by doing business with Mr. Reynolds, the pioneer of the "Pioneer." Dr. Bernard, the Grand Island Veterlnarp Sur geon will be in Loup City Wednesday. March llth. Examination Free. At Round Front Barn. We a pain present the roll of honor of those w ho have added or renewed their fealty to the Northwestern since last report. As their names are called, they will rise up and receive our benediction: A..I. Budler. C. .1. Tracy. Frank Otlewski. H. Ohlsen, .1. Sorensen. J. L. Cressler. Mr*. Maria I'yke. C. II. Leininger. N. F. Xeilson, McKinnie Bros.. M. Catudal. Geo. Newberg. I». S. Brakes. Geo. E. Bensclioter, Wm. Young. ('■ <’■ Out house, Wm. Shumann. We understand the village school board had one of the hottest sessions last Saturday ever in its history. Not having been present, we are not in position to give the proceedings, ex cept by hearsay, which would t*e most unsatisfactory. At the session, four of the high school teachers were re elected. namelv, A. M. Young. Miss Bess Crews. Miss Henry Young and M iss Nettie Conger. The election of the other four teachers was passed I over for a couple of weeks. On Monday last Be' . L. C. MeEwen j received the sad intelligence that 1 is aged father, Mr. .lames .MeEwen. had suddenly passed away a few day* previous. Mr MeEwen's life was spent at Greenwich. Prince Edward 1 Island, where he was born and where i he married and reared a family of 'live fiaughters and three sons, He was of sturdy Scotch-1 risli descent and had reached the age of almost eiglity-eiglit years. lie had lieen a ' reader of the Northwestern for some time and lias manifested great in terest in the doings of the community in w hich his son lives. < >wing to the distance Rev. MeEwen was unable to attend the last sad rites. The services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning were in (commemoration of the beginning of ithe tiiird year of the Presbyterian church in this city. At that time 1 officers of the church were elected as follows: Treasurer. $. E. Galloway, to succeed himself: Ward Yer Valin as elder to succeed himself: <’. E. Beitshausen a* elder, vice ('. II Lein ingcr. resigned: W. B. Reynolds and .1. \V. Burleigh, as additional elders. The reports of the various officers of ’he church and societies were read, showing the church in a most pros perous financial and spiritual condi tion. Seven members were taken in to the c-lmrch by letter and confession of faith. 1>. L. Jacoby of Hamilton county, who last year purchased the old Kay farm in Logan township, arrived last Saturday with his belongings to take charge of tiie farm on March 1st. He unload his goods at McAlpine. being the nearest point to his farm. Mr. Jacoby, a* we have said iiefore. has been one of the leaders of repuplican ism and an active participant in its workings in Hamilton county, and will prove a valuable addition to Sherman county republicanism. Of course, Mr. Jacoby is a reader of the only true republican paper in Sher man county, the Northwestern, and it wishes for him and his good family the best of success and happiness in their new home. A fatal runaway and accident oc curred near Ashton, one day last week, resulting in the subsequent death of the 10-months old child of Peter Kwiatkowski. The facts as related to us are as follows: Peter Kwiatkowski. wife and baby had been to Ashton to visit relatives and were going home in the evening in a buggy, when a team belonging to Jos. S/.vvinski. which was following behind, attached to a hog wagon, t>e came unmanageable, ran away, throw ing Mr. S/winski to the ground and nearly killing him. and into tlie buggy of Mr. Kwiatkowski. overturn ing both vehicles, throwing the oc cupants to the frozen ground, fatally injuring the infant, winch died two days later, and causing a frightful mix-up of all the animals and fora time it was feared tiie death of the: mother and father also, or their serious injury. Fortunately, however, they extricated themselves from the wrecks without further fatalities. The baby was buried later from the Catholic church in that village. R. P.Starr's Good Mother Thursday. Feb. (i, loos. was a day not soon to bt forgotten by the older generation of Lander, as on that date occurred the 78th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Adilade Starr, and her elderly lady friends wer united to help tier celebrate the occasion. The guests appeared dressed in the quaint costumes of three quarters of a century past, and the powdered hair, "corkscrew" curls, high combs, caps and straight part in the hair were worn by all present. Then the soft fichus and handkerchiefs were also worn, and one lady possessed an ancient knitting shield which was proudly displayed, and the entire company sat busy with their knitting a- the white haired, gracious hostess entered the room on her return home from dinner with a friend, to litid her home invaded by loving friends. A huge pyramid birthday cake with 7s candles occupied the place of honor for the birthday dinner which was composed of chicken pie. tarts, ginger bread and numerous old time good things to eat. Mrs. Starr was pre- \ sented with a beautiful easy chair by the guests present. The ancient dames in attendance were Mesdames Sara Earl. Bruce. Millhollin. Scott, Kosher. Stone. Merril. Hagans. Birch. McLaughlin. Hay, Carter and Gifford. Lander. (Wyo.) paper. Dr. Bernard, the Grand Island Veterinary Surgeon, will be in Loup City Wednesday, War. II. Examination Free. Round Front Barn. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. Lund Office at I Lincoln. Neb.. February 27. 1908. Notice is hereby given that Walter M Shelter of Loup City. Nebraska, has filed ; notice of his intention to make final commuta tion proof in support of his claim, viz: Home- ' stead Entry No. 18505. made Nov. 22, 190»>. for the St: *4. SW 'n Section 20. Township 15 N. Range 10 W. and that said proof will be made before .J. A Angler. County Judge. at Lo« p City Nebraska, on April 18. 190s. H»* names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of the iand. viz: W H Hill of Lite* field, N< b.. Thomas I’arsley of Loup City. Neb.. 'Samuel Esterbrook and II. Burtntr both of Litchfield Neb. CHAK. F. Sn f.dd. Register. (Last pub. April 9.) GET TOOK EYES ON THESE BARGAINS ONLY A FEW Of the Many. Dr. Shoops Health Coffee, per lb - - $.15 Meadow Sweet Apple Butter, per can - .10 Champion Peas, per can - .10 Chipped Dried Beef, tin can - - - .12 Eagle Lye, 4 cans for ----- .25 J. M. Gooseberries, per can - .10 J. M. Mincemeat. 3 pkgs for - - - .25 Barrington-Hall Steel Cut Coffee - - .35 Red Rose and Old Time Coffee, per lb - .25 Smoked Halibut, per lb - .15 Smoked Salmon, per lb - .10 J. P. Coats Thread, per spool - - - - .05 American, Washington. Columbia and Wm. Simpson &. Son Prints, per yd - .07 Biar Sales, Small Profits. C. C. Cooper [ ! Loup City, Nebraska, LUMBER Posts, Shingles, Lime and Cement Hard and N>ft Coal Always on Hand. \gents for Shenvin-IVilliams Prepared Paints KEYSTONE LUJVIBEF CO. Have a complete line of the following coals: Cannon City Lump and Nut, Rock Springs Lump and Nut, Hanna Lump and Egg, Monarch Lump and Eastern and West ern Anthracite. E. G. Taylor, J. S. Pedler, C. C. Carlson. President. Vice President. Cashier DIRECTORS W: R. Mellor, J. W. Long, S. N. SwEETLAND LOUP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, Capital Stock, - - $25,000.00 Individual Liability, $250,000.00