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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1905)
c.—l ^ ., r . ■ - ■ - Duke of Orleans Adds 100 Miles to the Known Shore Line of Greenland The Belgica. Capt. Koldewey, the famous leader of the German arctic expedition of 18G9-70, wrote nearly thirty-five years ago, after he had planted his flag on the east coast of Greenland, at Cape Bismarck: “I am fully convinced that perhaps never, or at least only in very par ticularly favorable years, can any ship advance along this coast. The heavy sea ice. closely joined to the land ice, gives one the impression of a ram part built for eternity.” The present year has been one of those “very particularly favorable years.” If early in July we had been on the deck of the exploring ship Belgica, we should have witnessed the unusual spectacle of open water stretching far to the north along the eastern shores of Greenland. The Duke of Orleans had chartered the Belgica for a cruise in the arctic be tween Sptizbergen and Greenland. He did not expect to go very far north or to make great discoveries, though he hoped that his soundings and other oceanographic work might add inter esting facts to our knowledge of the Arctic ocean-: but the greatest chance an explorer has had for a decade came to him. and he improved it. It was the splendid luck of this princely traveler that he happened to be in the right place with a good ship when the time came to make a dash for the north. The management the Ziegler arctic enterprise heard that the duke, was going to cruise in t^e Greenland sea and asked him if 1 He would be kind enough to call at c Shannon island and see if Fiala and 11 His party might have reached that 0 4j«t. where supplies had been sent twOMr. Baldwin, the leader of the first s Mfeler expedition. C , ihe duke said he would call at ^ Shannon island. We know now that ® He found the Baldwin caches undis- 1 tprbed, for no explorer had been near ^ them. But there was open water to ^ the north! The Duke of Orleans did ! tj what any man of sense would do with -i 1 such an opportunity in his grasp. He R got up steam without an hour's delay 1 and set out for the unknown. e He crossed its threshold and sailed a in waters where no ship has ever been a before. We have, as yet, only a few c details of his remarkable journey, but we may rely upon their accuracy. 11 They were written by Gieut. Bergen- r dahl, a Swedish officer and a member 1 of the Duke's expedition. Returning 1 from the north he had an opportunity ^ to mail a letter in Iceland, and it was *' received by Prof. Nathorst of Sweden, 1 a geographer of the first rank and brilliant explorer who gave us our E present exact knowledge of the re- v markable Franz Jozef Fiord in East f Greenland. o rror. xsatriorsr mane tne letter pub- a lie, and it is easy, by referring to the accompanying map, to see just what the duke has accomplished. e The map shows Cape Bismarck in j t about 76 degrees 40 minutes north ; e latitude. Up to this summer it was d the highest point that had been at- a tained by ship in Greenland -aters 1; and also the northern limit of clbdge e journeys along that coast. a Thirty-five years ago Capt. Kolde- b wey, with eight men and a heavily P laden sledge, left his winter quarters r on the ship Germania at Sabine * island. Amid baffling winds and deep * snows the party plowed their way 1 northward, suffering bitterly from the 1 cold, though they tugged very hard 1 at the sledge ropes. When they dis covered and named Cape Bismarck a their supplies were so reduced tnat r they were forced to retrace their steps r to the ship. x This same point is said to have j been reached two years ago by Capt. c Ole Brandal and his steam sealer f from Norway. The ice conditions were £ not unfavorable there that year, and t it is believed that he reached the neighborhood of Cape Bismarck. r Between Cape Bismack and Inde- e pendence bay. discovered hy Peary 1 on his journey across the inland ice, t still stretched an unknown coast t about 400 miles in length. It was the c only part of Greenland's periphery f that was entirely unknown. It will be ■necessary to determine the trend of ( all this coast before we can accurate- S !y outline on our maps the greatest 1 islands of the world. i The Duke of Orleans has reduced < the length of the unknown coast line i by 110 miles by steaming that dis- i tance to the north of Cape Bismarck, i Calculating. A west Philadelphia grocer relates that some few days ago a little girl entered his store, and. laying down a dime, asked for ten cents' worth of candy. “It’s for papa," she explained. “I want to ’spise him when he comes home.” The grocer displayed several kinds, but none seemed to strike the fancy of his young customer, who finally said: “Give me caramels; I just love cara mels.’ “But I thought you wanted them for papa,” said the grocer. “I know,” assented the little girl, “tut when I give them to papa he’ll just kiss me and say ‘cause I’m such a generous little girl he’ll give them all back to me,’ so you’d tatter give me caramels.” More Than a Hint. Judge McConnell, chairman of ses sions, tells an amusing story against himself of a rebuke that was admin istered Ho him by a famous judge in the early days of his practice at the bar. In the course of a speech he was continually interrupted by the occupant of the bench, and at last he ventured to remark, in reply to an observation from the judge: “If that is your lordship’s opinion, I have noth ing more to say.” “Then, if you have nothing more to say,” responded the judge, “why don’t you sit down?” In conclusion, Mr. McConnell says that he took the hint and promptly sat down.—London Tit-Bits. Who Could Ask More? In a certain saloon in the center of the city there is a bartender whose knowledge of things not strictly in the line of his profession is just a trifle limited. One day the propretor of the saloon, said, noticing his poor methods: “Joe, you have no system.” The bartender slipped around to one of his colleagues and whispered: “Pat, loan me your system—the old man wants one.'—Philadelphia Ledg er , Properties of Tantalum. The success of tantalum as a ma terial for electric lamp filaments has drawn attention to the remarkable properties of the metal, and may lead to many demands itf the supply can be sufficiently increased. Chief of these properties, as Dr. Mollwo Perkin points out, is extreme ductility, com bined with extraordinary hardness. A diamond drill, rotating 5,000 times a minute for three days and three nights penetrated only a quarter through a sheet of tantalum one-twenty-fifth of an inch thick, and the diamond was much worn. This hardness suggests the use of the metal for drills in place of the diamond. Experienced Traveler. “Look here,” demanded the irate ho tel proprietor, “what did yon say to that last guest?” "Why,” replied the waiter, “he didn’t pass over a tip, so 'l said, ‘I think you have forgotten something, sir.”’ “That’s just it After you said that he returned to the* table and took three oranges and six pears.” 'here are' now only about 290 miles f shoreline to be surveyed to give s a fairly accurate idea of the shape f the island. The Belgica party made a rough urvey of the unknown coast from ape Bismarck to the parallel of 78 agrees 1 (J minutes north latitude and ave the name of Terre de France to le new shores of Greenland they had iscovered. They report that Cape ismarck is not a cape, as Koldewey elieved it to be, but is an island. is not strange that the German lilor should have made this mis- j ike. for be wrote that his party climb- | i to the top of this landmark during i violent snowstorm, “which effectu- ; lly prevented any great geographi al acquisition.” The Belgica then turned back to tore southerly waters. To reveal 110 iiles of unknown shore line is given ) very few explorers nowadays, and te fact that the work was done in a ;w weeks shows that luck is a very nportant element in polar explora on. The east coast of Greenland has ow been explored from Cape Fare ell at the southern end of the island ) the Belgica’s farthest, a distance f over 1,400 miles in a straight line nd far greater following the shore ne. What is needed now is a careful xploration of the shore itself be veen Shannon island and Independ nce bay, with a special view to the iscovery of Eskimo relics, if there are ny on the northeast coast of Green md. It was not known that Eskimos ver lived on the east coast until bout eighty years ago, when Scores y found numerous huts and fire laces near Scoresby sound. O'her ?Iics have since been found along te coast, but the east Greenland na ves were never seen by explorers till iolm discovered them in the fall of S84 and lived with them for about a ear. He found them in little settlements t Angina gsallk and near it, and they timbered about 500 souls. They had ever heard of their relatives on the rest coast or of the great world be ond How did they reach the east oast? It must have been ages ago, >r they have no tradition of their mi ration or of natives of their own lood whom they left behind. The prevailing opinion is that they eached their present habitat by trav ling around the north end of Green ind. If this is true the ruins of heir houses and other evidences of heir travels will doubtless be reveal d when the northeast coast Is care ully explored. A well known Danish explorer nam d Erichsen, who lived among the Imith sound natives of the west coast □r ten morths, is now trying to organ se an expedition to explore this east oast. His plan is to cross the inland se cap with a party of Smith sound atives and thoroughly study the lortheast coast from the land side. “Here, if anywhere,” he says, ‘‘knowl edge may be obtained of the very in teresting migrations of the Eskimos and large mammals from west to east.” The only Danish station on the east coast is at Angmagsalik, where a trad ing post was opened in 1S94. The ma terial condition of the isolated natives has been much improved, and they have also been beneficially influenced by the Danish mission established among them several years ago. In 1899 seven persons were baptized, the first converts to the Christian religion on the east coast of Greenland. In later years the ice conditions along the east coast have been more favorable for navigation than they were known to be before. The Danish vessel that leaves Copenhagen once a year for the new colony has never failed to reach her destination. The success of the Duke of Orleans this year cannot fail to stimulate explora tion on this side of Greenland, and it will not be surprising if the east coast is thoroughly well mapped within the next few years.—Cyrus C. Adams in New York Times. ELABORATE MENUS IN RUSSIA. Succession of Solid Courses Make Up Formal Dinner. With the Russians of the higher class living is an elaborate function. When you are invited to dine with a nobleman you first stroll to a side board whereon are anchovies, smoked salmon, pickles, sardines, radishes, cold sausage, caviar and olives. The guests eat freely of these and wash them down with fiery vodka, taking about an hour to do it amid animated conversation. Some of the appetizers you would like. Salmon in jelly, for instance, is not bad. But salmon in custard is a little too much for the average Yan kee stomach. The company takes seats at the ta ble and the real business of the din ner begins. First, there is a great thick soup. Next comes a huge pike or a salmon, cooked to perfection and stuffed with cracked wheat. After fish comes on a huge loin of roast pork, or maybe veal; sometimes beef, but not often—generally it is pork cooked in a mysterious way which has added all sorts of strange and pronounced flavors to it. Roast or boiled fowl is the next course, and with it come pickled cau liflower, gherkins and vegetables. Then comes a cold pie of meat, fish and vegetables. This is cut into slices and served with mustard dres ing. After this you will, if you have survived so far, be expected to toy with a peculiar Russian salad, and to end up with a rich desert and black coffee. After a Russian dinner one can say with particular fervor. “Fate cannot harm me; I have dined.”—What to Eat. _ Thomas Q. Seabrooke and Jeanette Lowrie are back in vaudeville. Frank C. Bangs of the Thomas Jef ferson company, was a star with the famous Bojth-Barrett combination. Edgar Davenport has created eight een parts in prominent plays, includ ing that of Jack Larrabee in “The College Widow.” Geraldine Farrar has signed a con tract for three years, beginning in 1906, with Heinrich Conried for the Metropolitan opera house, “Queen Beggar." a new light opera for Miss Paula Edwardes, is to be produced soon. Harry Paulton and Alfred Robyn are the authors. Fritz Williams has been engaged to play the role of the Genius in a new play by William C. De Mille. en titled “The Genius and the Model.” Amy Richard, who was in “Babes in Toyland” and made her reputation as the Montana girl in “The Stubborn ness of Geraldine,” is now in vaude ville Wilton Lackaye’s production of “The Pit” is being emblazoned on the dead walls in the far West as “A ,Hit Wherever There Is Wheat or a Family.” Miss Ada Rehan, owing to ill health, has abandoned her projected tour in G. B. Shaw’s “Captain Brass bound's Conversion” for this season at least. Richard Carle rehearsed 330 girls in New York and Chicago before he selected the the 60 that are now in the chorous of “The Maid and the Mummy.” William H. Crane has begun re hearsals of “The American Lord,” in which he will open this month. The authors are George C. Broadhurst and Charles T. Dazey. Henry W. Savage has switched 1 back to the original title selected for 1 the Manuel Klein-John Kendricks I Bangs musical comedy, and it will 1 be known as “2905.” i Frank Gilmore, who heads the cast ’ of Rev. John M. Snyder’s New Eng land play, has been leading man for ( John Hare, Forbes Robertson, E. S. ‘ Willard and others. < Thomas Jefferson has a son named ’ Joseph Jefferson, whom the former : ( expects will play Rip Van Winkle in | ] time—the fourth Jefferson to play the j ; the Box,” Miss Carlotta Nillson. whc has always been seen in this country in emotional and characters roles will play a comedy part. Jane Peyton of The Heir to the Hoorah company has just declined an offer to go to England to appear ir i romantic play of the sixteenth cent ury in support of a star now touring the provinces, but who is to go tc London in March for a run. After a performance of “Leah Kies chna,” at the Manhattan Theater, New York, Mrs. Fiske remembered that she had just celebrated the tenth an niversary of her return to the stage, which took place Sept. 25 in Lancas ter. Pa., in Daudet’s "The Queen of Liars.” Of all the plays produced by the late Kirke LaShelle, “The Virginian” !ias proven the most successful finan cially. "Arizona” in its palmiest days is said to have never had such a profitable season as did this dramat ization of Owen Wister's story last seapon. Now that Richard Carle has sue cessfully launched his new farcical ppera, “The Mayor of Tokio,” he is spending all his spare moments pre ?arirg the libretto of “The Hurdy-Gur 3y Girl,” an urban musical comedy which will be produced in New York text summer. John E. Kellerd will be seen in his priginal role of Col. Thorpe in the all star revival of “The Heart of Mary and,” to be presented this season by David Belasco. Mr. Kellerd later in he season will be seen in a dramat zation of Miss Mary Cholmondeley’s lovel. "Red Pottage.” "The Jury of Fate,” the newest irama by C. M. S. McLellan, authoi >f “Leah Kleschna,” has an almost mtirely different cast of character? or each act. As in the old morality days, a man and a woman are showm n several environments and among arious groups of people. Liebler & Co. are going to produce lhanning Pollock’s dramatization ol The Bishop's Carriage” somewhere mtside of New York. Miss Mabel 'alijiferro will play the part of Nance )ldcn and Arthur Byron that of Mr. .atimer. Mary Hampton will also be member of the company. Prominent characters in the new play, “As Ye Sow.” part m as many generations. Thomas W. Ross the star of “Fair Exchange,” is the brother of Hope Ross, the charming actress, who re tired from the stage when she mar ried a Brookline society man. It is predicted that unusually large numbers of foreign performers will be seen in the vaudeville houses this year. Acrobats and jugglers are most numerous in the lists of bookings. The bowlder over the last resting place of the late Joseph Jefferson at Sandwich has no tablet thereon. Thomas Jefferson and family have de eded to have the matter for future generations. Chauncey Olcott was leading tenor it the Lyric theatre. London, under Charles Wyndam’s management when called upon to take up the romantic Irish roles in which he has since been so successful. E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe began their second joint season under the management of Charles Frohman it the Euclid Avenue Opera House, Cleveland, Ohio., Sept. 18, with “The Taming of the Shrew.” In the new Shubert production of the English extravaganza, "Babes in the Wood,” not only the babes but vlso Humpty Dumpty, Cinderella, Sin bad and Little Jack Horner are among the characters. There is talk of an Augustin Daly memorial for New York city. Old-time members of the Daly stock company, among them John Drew and Otis Skinner, have recently been ap proached on the subject. Richard Mansfield asks a denial of the report that he is to produce a henchman’s version of “Don Carlos,” translated from the German by R. D Bovlan, and edited into- a practical acting version by himself. Eleanor Robson may appear in a new play by Clyde Fitch in the course of the present season, but just at present “Merely Mary Ann” seems to have as geat popularity as ever. She is playing it in cities never before visited by her. When Henry E. Dixey and company begin their engagement at the Mad ison Square Theatre in “The Man on Miss caeciha Rhoda, who is play ing Betsy Lincoln with "The Mayor of Tokio,” is the only Icelander on the American stage. She was born of American parents in the cold nor thern country, and came to this country as an infant. She has never since visited her native land. May Boley, one of the prima don nas in "The Maid and the Mummy,” says she never has known stage fright. Adele Rowland, the other principal singer of this company, says she suffers agonies every evening during the fifteen minutes that pre cede her first appearance on the stage. v-uenuan oimpson uas a novel gown. It is a glass dress discovered by the singer while in San Francisco with a Chinese merchant, and the brilli'.nt shimmering effect from the front is said to be bewildering. The glass, is woven wonderfully into the silk, and the fabric is soft and pliable as the ordinary material. “The Lion and the Mouse,” by Charles Klein, author of “The Music Master” and other successes, will have its first presentation on any i tage at the Park theatre, Boston, Oct 23. Henry B. Harris, under whose direction the production will be made has selected Grace Elliston and Ed. rnund Breese to create the two lead ing roles. Rev. John Snyder originally wrote "As Ye Sow’’ for the late Sol Smith Pussel, who died before the play was .%-.dy for production. He says it is not a miracle nor a scriptural play but a simple human presentation oi New England life, In which the good man and the selfish man reap the kind of harvest they have sown and nothing else. De Wolf Hopper's new musical com edy by Ranken and De Koven, was at first called “Elysia,” For the ben efit of the public this has been tran slated by Prof. Morgan of Harvard with the aid- of other learned class ical scholars, into “Happyland,’ which translation now stands as the title of the piece. They say It is not so happy as yet, but shows promise. American Settlers on Land in Canada Wheat Acreage of Our Northern Sister Enormously Increased by the Influx of " Yankee" Farmers Into the Country. The Yankee settler has turned Do minion ranching country into valuable wheat lands by the mile and has in creased the wheat acreage in Canada by millions of acres, says Public Opin ion. He has brought into the mining center of British Columbia the mod ern process of smelting ore. His is the controlling force in the important extensions under way by the Canadian railroads, including a new transcon tinental line through the north coun try; for Canada’s two greatest railroad systems are directed by Americans, men who gained their railroad experi ence in the “states”—Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the Cana dian Pacific, and C. M. Hays, presi dent of the new Grand Trunk Pacific. The Yankee canal at Sault Ste. Marie, which celebrated its fiftieth anniver sary recently, caused the construction of a similar interlake waterway on the Canadian side, and these canals combined discharge more freight than any other artificial waterway in the world. Time was when Jack Canuck resent ed the encroachment of the Yankee settler. His feeling has changed, for Yankees and Canadians amalgamate I readily, being of the same Anglo-Saxon stock, both having forced recognition of liberal institutions from the throne. Natives of the old English provinces in eastern Canada—many of whom, by the way, are descendants of the "loy alists,” or, as Yankees called them, “tories,” in our own early colonies— with Americans from the “states" have established in Canada's “west” free schools, a free church and religions toleration, liberal local autonomy and the eternal supremacy of the English tongue. Old Quebec province, domi-' nated yet by French customs, the French language and the code Na poleon, contended stubbornly against the growth of Anglo-Saxon toleration in Prince Rupert's land, but her pow er has been vanquished. Manitoba province, until 1890, was compelled to recognize both English and French as official languages, but popular sen timent ressinded that dual compulsion. In the new western provinces there are settlements of Galicians, Menno nites, Doukhobors, Mormons and oth er sects or creeds, but, over all, Anglo Saxon influences predominate. On Do minion day I saw the stars and stripes and the union jack waving together in Regina, the capital of the new Sas katchewan province; three days later I saw them again entwined in Calgary, Alberta province, on the Yankees’ Fourth of July. Fisherman in Rain of Mountain Trout - * -- Waterspout Drew Fish from Their Native Element and Sent Them Back to Earth Before Astonished Sportsman. About nineteen years ago, before the hills hereabouts became the summer resorts for the state’s elite, and rustic cottagers were scarce on the moun tain sides, I rode over from Golden to Wellington lake on a burro, more to acquaint myself with the country and, of course, incidentally to shoot any game 1 chanced to spy, says a writer in the Denver Post. From a distance I caught sight of the lake glistening in the sunlight like a big patch of snow, and the closer I got the more decided I became to pitch my t£ut on its green carpeted banks for a few days’ recreation. There were trout, two and six pounders, in the lake in those days, and I caught lots of them. One afternoon dark clouds began hov ering around the mountain tops, and by dusk the wind had gained in veloc ity and great whitecaps appeared on the lake, to be transformed into clouds of mist which sprayed the mountain sides like an April shower. Off in the distance I heard a peculiar wind sweeping over the mountains and shortly the pine trees on the op posite side of the lake began swaying heavily, as if they would break, and broken boughs filled the air like the wreckage of a cyclone. Hardly had the trees ceased their violent shaking when I gazed in wonder at the water spout forming in the middle of the lake. It was a splendid spectacle as it gradually grew in height, spira shape, and in diameter appeared to be twenty feet at its base. Like a monument it rose on the surface of the water, when there came another distant weird sound, and in the fierce ness of the trees' agitation I lost sight of the waterspout, but soon another loomed up nearer to shore, and when it collapsed there was a rain of live trout, gentlemen, I say genuine Colo rado mountain trout, and they lay scattered on the ground for quite a distance around me, but hardly any weighed over three ounces. How do I account for it? Well, I figured it out this way—the water spout happened to form over a large school of fish near the shore where the water was quite shallow and the suction of the whirlwind was so great it raised the fish that were in water only a few inches deep. Rather than see the fish perish on land I busied myself for an hour throwing them hack into the lake, but in many life was extinct, having fallen on the rocks from a height of probably fifty feet. Truth About “Friend ot Your Youth” Not Always as Welcome as the Verses of Poets Have De picted — Knows Too Much About the "Salad Days/* It s a subject that's dear 10 the makers of verse. In mellifluous measure they love to re hearse The tender affection, unchanging as truth. Of the tie that unites us to friends of our youth. Now, I find the friend of my youth oft a bore, Whose very existence I’ve cause to de plore. A rem’niscent ruffian of unerring mind. Who rakes up the past that I wish left behind. If you are not as young as you'd have folk believe He’ll expose all your guileless attempts to deceive; On the slightest excuse he stands ready to state That you were at college in seventy eight. When wooing a maiden you hope you will win This friend of your youth is quite sure to butt in, , With irrelevant anecdotes fitted to show You a heartless Lothario ages ago. He never allows you a chance to forget That you did foolish things that to-day you regret. But leaves the impression you’re still the young ass You were when belonging to So-and-So’s class. You wish to appear a man sober, sedate; To pose as a pillar of Church and of State; But vain are your hopes while this keep scented sleuth Drags into the light' indiscretions of youth. If you show him the door or cut him, ’tis sure That the world that knows little of what you endure Will dub you a heartless hyena, in sooth, A monster who turns down the friend of his youth. Oh. no: it is vain that you hope to elude; He’s always at hand with rem’niscencts rude; And when you are dust he’ll publish a book On "The Real Mr. Blank,’* where your goose he will cook. Nay, I’m sure if I’m called to bright realms in the sky Some friend of my youth I shall find hov ering nigh, Rem’niscent as ever and quick to ac quaint The angels they needn’t take me for a saint. —Ernest De Lancey Pierson, in New York Times. One Strawberry—One Franc—One Tip - *-— American Diner in Paris Restau rant Remembered the Waiter in Leaving Portion of Fine Fruit as Guerdon. Roland Morrill qf Benton Harbor, Mich., has a peach orchard of 5,000 acres in Texas. This is probably the largest peach orchard in the world. “When I went to Texas,” Mr. Mor rill said recently, "they raised only cotton there. But I soon found that peaches as line as California’s .could be grown in Texas, where they would ripen nearly a month ahead of all oth ers, and accordingly I went in for Texas peach-growing, and my fruit fetches the highest price on the mar ket. So rare are peaches when mine appear that they command a rate al most as high as fruit brings in Paris. The best and also the costliest fruit in the world is to be found in the Fris ian restaurants. 1 know a man who lunched at the Cafe de la Prix one fall day and noticed with surprise some superb strawberries on a sideboard. How much are your strawberries?’ he asked the waiter. “ ‘A franc, monsieur,’ the waiter an swered. “And accordingly the man ordered some, and a dish of berries, each as big as a crabapple, was set before him. He enjoyed the splendid fruit. But when his bill was brought he found that he was charged 10 francs—$2— for the berries. ■> “ ‘Waiter, how is this?’ he said. ‘I am charged 10 francs for these straw berries. whereas you told me they were only a franc.’ “ ‘A franc apiece, monsieur,’ the waiter said gently. "Though this man had been ‘done* he paid. But he gave the waiter no tip. As he was walking out the waiter said reproachfully: ‘Sir, have you forgotten me?’ “‘Forgotten you’’ the American said. ‘Certainly not. I've left you a strawberry on that plate there, which is equal to a tip of 1 franc.’ ”—Chicago Chronicle. Good Reasons for Keeping Boys Busy Old Adage About Idle Hands as True To-Day as When First Uttered — Statistics That Are Worth Ponderinit. That “Satan finds some mischief still for Idle hands to do" is as true to-day as in the days when men could see, or thought they could see, the horned head looking over their shoul ders. It is now claimed that there is satisfactory proof, derived from prison statistics, that busy hands keep boys from starting in lives of crime. A writer in the North American Re view asserts that manual training is almost as good a preventive of crime as vaccination is of smallpox. It is said that the warden of a penitenti ary was asked: “What per cent of the prisoners un der your care have received any man ual training beyond some acquaint ance with farming?” “Not 1 per cent,” replied the war den. "Have you no mechanics in pris on?” "Only one mechanic—that is, OBe man who claims to be a house pain ter.” “Have you any shoemakers?” asked the. visitor. “Never had a shoemaker." “Have you any tailors?" “Never had a taiior." % “Any printers?” “Never had a printer.” “Any carpenters?” “Never had a man in this prison that could draw a straight line." if these are facts, and representa tive facts, that rapidly developing branch of education which deals with the training of the hands ought to enjoy a well-deserved boom. Even if the picture here painted is too rosy to apply to any other penitentiary it is, neverthless, true that our boys will not learn much badness while they are busy with something that is worth while.