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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1905)
r ► Loup City Northwestern volume xxii. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1905. NUMBER 49 THE NORTHWESTERN T SUMS:—11.00 PEK TEAK. IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflce tor trans mission through the mails as second . class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - R54 Residence ’Phone, - - G15! J. W. BURLEIGH, Eil. ami Pub. ADVERTISING RATES Display Space—Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices —Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black face type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures, suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thnnks. 50 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence. $1.00, In memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gat herings where not conducted for revenue, will be published free. Professional Cards : R. J. NIGHTINGALE Attorney ui ComssIcmUi* LOUP GITY, NEB-1 AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR Attorney-at-Law, LOUP CITY, NEBRSSKS, mil. //. Bonded Abstracter Loup City,* - Nebraska. Duly set of Abstract books in county A. S. MAIN, _ Physician and Surgeon Oftice at Telephone Residence. Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBR. J. H. LONG Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION W. L. MARCY. DENTIST, LOUP CITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. S. A. ALLEN, DEJYTIST, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Oftice up stairs in the new State Bank building. And the Public! Tie St. Elmo Livery Ban is under anew management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if yoii have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T.E. Gilbert, Prop. PIIONE, W9. Give Us a Trial Sound Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props Loup City, - Nebr. (Opposite Xoitbwescern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers Headquarters iorfarmers’ teamo Com mercial men's trade given especial at • tention. Your patronage solicited. LOUP VALLEY HERD Poland China Swine Br*d and Owned by H. J- JOHANSEN Telephone LOOP <TrY, Connection NEBRASKA FOR SALE:—2-5 Choice Spring Boar and one yearling boar, sired by Muni Butler, 86885. Republican State Ticket. For Supreme Judge— ( HA'S. B. Letton, of Fairbury. For State Regents— Fred Abbott, of Co'umbus, W. L. Lyfoeo, of Falls City. County Ticket. For Clerk of Couits— Jobs Mathewson. For Treasurer— Carsten Trcklskn. For Sheriff— L. A. Williams. For Judge— G. W. Hunter. For Superintendent— M. H. Mead. The Daily Great. A subscriber hands us the following rythmic report of the news found in one day's issue of a daily paper. Did the thought ever suggest itself to you that so much is chronicled in one day’s paper? Crisp, crackly and neatly pressed. Containing words the wo; Id's cbnfessed. Breathing finance in deep-lunged breaths. The clash of battle, its groan of death. Tilling with tongues fiery red. Of tbe Default: g Banker, A Great Man Dead. Startling Disclosures on the wit less stand A Tout insurancecoaipanys orgovernment land Indictments, Strikes. Embezzlement, Some Commute received by the President. Contract Let, Graft is Foi'^d; Great Discovery by a man Renowned. Session Adjourned, A Storm on the Lakes, The Government will investigate Kates. Murders. Theft. A Negro Hung. Market, The Weather. Great Contest Won. In a square oi red twell underlined) More C!rculation Than the Rest Combined. Want Ads. Personal. Medical, Lost. Found, Clairvoyants, Jim. Come at any cost. Pictures of those recovered tbeir health After trying three doctors and losing great j wealth. Failures. Comment, Tailor-made Suits. Saved by two bottles, Low Railroad Routes. Wheat at a stand still. Cattle are Strong. Great politician says the policy*' wrong. Well. 1 open, close and shuffle the thing. Special—Found Crazy. Breaks Political Ring. So by man s Daily Stentor hear all that's learned. But once read, it is old. discarded, burned. The great English actor, Henry Irying. died suddenly at his home in Bradford, England, last Fridav night. The death of ex-speaker Henderson of the National House of Representa tives, is expected hourly at his home in Dubuque, Iowa. The only pop candidate in this coun ty with a ghost of a ehow seems to be the gentleman, whoever he is, that is running for surveyor, the republicans having no condidate for that office, lienee the why. Judge Tucker, who was recently | appointed associate of the supreme [court of Arizona, from Nebraska, has | tendered his resignation of that office at the request of President Roosevelt, owing to certain irregularities, and I Judge Paul Jensen, also of this state, has been appointed to succeed him. Carsten Truelsen is receiving best of encouragement over the county in his candidacy for the county treasurership. aud there is no doubt of his easily winning the race. From all parts ot the county we hear that he is a sure winner, and with him, also, it is only a question of how large his majority will be. _ The election of Prof. M. H. Mead for superintendent of our county schools, is now practically assured, and the question is only one of majorities. Prof. Mead is a splendid educator of long years' experience and will carry the schools forward to a still higher plane of excellence. There can be no mis take in placing that gentleman at the he d of the county school system. In conversation with a prominent republican of !>heiman county, the other day, and who had been reported as a supporter of George Gibson for clerk, he said: * Before the convention I was in favor of the re-nomination ot Gibson, but when I learned that he said he would run independent, if he did not receive the nomination at tbe hands of the republican convention. I was not in tavor ot his re nomination, and had I been at the convention, at which I was air accredited delegate from my township, I should not hi ve voted for his nomination. I am not a'Gibson, man, nor for any man who would do as Gibson has done ” The situation in Sherman county gro'S brighter with each succeeding day for th-* success of the entire repun lican ticket The s’rongest man on the populist ticket, or one that is supposed to be, is Judge Angier, and fiom what we can learn over the county, his chances are going glimmering. He is up for his fourth term in the judge’s office, «nd the voters are feeling that ■ he has hold of the public teat long enuugh. If the populist party turned down Rol Hendrickson because he had held office too long, by what manner of reasoning can they expect to re-place Judge Angier in his office, thereby making fish of one and fowl of the other? Rol Hendrickson made a good and efficent county superintendent of schools, yet we understand Judge Angier was one of the st»ongest op ponents of Rol’s re-nomin tt'oa because of too long holding of the offical teat, 1 The judge should ba consistent and > make Judge Hunter's e’ec>ion muni* mons. Bitten by a Pet Wolf. Harry Jenner’s 10-year old boy was badly bitten on the right arm. between the wrist and elbow, last Sunday, by his favorite wolf, badly lacerating that member of his body. Had it not been for the fact that the wolfs teeth had been filed blunt, the accident would have been much worse. As it is the bites and the pulling and hauling around the animal gave the little fel low proves rather severe A Serious Accident. A serious accident occurred in Wach ington township last week Monday, in which Morris Fowler, a young man living some five miles south and west of Arcadia, broke his leg and received many bad bruises beside. His team of colts became frightened just as he was getting into a light wagon he was driv-! ing. and his slicker getting caught on the brake of the wagon, he was thiown ! under the rear axletree. his leg twisted the knee joint being thrown backward neath the leg till the bonis protuded. The team ran peihaps an hundred yards pulling off one shoe and pinioning him in such a manner that he could not extricate himself, in which condition he was found when a neighbor stopped the horses and he was relieved He was taken to his home and Dr. Lee called from Arcadia and his injuries attended to. lladdix Secures Bond. The attorneys for W. S. lladdix, who was recently tried and sentenced to the peuitentary for twelve years for the murder of Melvin Butler. committed last April, succeeded on last Saturday (September 30th) in securing the re quired bODd, and is now awaiting the decision of the supreme court. The bond was placed at ST.000, and as llad dix was unable to secure bondsmen in this county in the ten days time asked for by his attorneys, he was taken to the penitentarv on Friday. Sept. 22 and whs not released until last Monday afternoon, when Judge Wall and II M. Sullivan presented the required bond, which was approved by the su preme court, and Heddix was released and came to Broken Bow on Tuesday morning, where he will stay during his release. The bond was secured in Sherman county Wii%re Haduix former ly resided. MAKES STARTLING REPORT State Chemist Shows What Some Patent Medicines Are. * At a total cost of one cent I manu factured 129 bottles full of parent medicine that is retailing at drug stores every day at 50 cents a bottle.” This startling statement was made by state chemist, Barnard. ”1 find,” he continued, that this prepaiation is the most absurd that could be imagined. I found it to contain nothing more or less than lake water, taken from L^ke Michigan at Chicago, and containing a very small per cent of sulphuric and sulphuris acid. The preparation is called Liquozone.’” Barnard also exposed several other patent medicine articles but his main complaint is against food stuffs. It is admitted that reputable phv sicans of the state have applied to the state board of health to put medicines out of business. That the state can do it is dhubtful as there is no law against them.—D de (Ind .) Weekly Reporter. Union Pacific Low Kates. Home-Visitors Excursion to various points, tickers on sale Noy. 27, 1005, only, return limit Dec. 17th. Winter Tourist Rates to Colorado. Tickets on sale Oct. 1st, to May 81st. ■Special Homeseekers rate to various joints south and west, on sale first and third Tuesdays each month, to and In eluding December, 190*5. Win let* Tourist Tickets on sale to various points west and south. If you contemplate a t;ip anywhere at any time, I would be pleased see you as we may lie able to save you both money and time. F. H.ILser, Agent. Burlington Bulletin Of Round Trip Bates. Special Homeseekers’Rates: Gre«t iy reduced round trip rates to the Nor h Platte Valley and the B'g Horn Basir. Oct. 17th, Nov. 7th and 21st, Dec 5th 19th. This is an unusually good cbince lor you to look at lands in these new regions, which offer a big profit to those who secure them ea lv. Homs Visitors' Excursion: Visit tl e old home when you b ive cleared up the season’s work. Cheap excursion rates to various sections of the East I he only excursion. Nov. 27th, limit twenty-one days. Winter Sunshine in the Mountain*:— Daily low excursion rates to Cob rado. A cheap way to spend lhe winter in California: The very lowest one-way rates daily to California and Puget Sound; when von add the one-way rate ea-tbound, in th« Spring, vou have secured a very low round trip rate. Through tourist sleepers tu the w hule Coast region. Cheap Homeseekers’ Rates to the West, Southwest and South the first and third Tuesday of each month. R L. Arthur, Agent. NOTICE OF SALE of Lands for DELINQUENT TAXES For the Year 1964 and Prior Years. State of Nebraska. j ss Sherman County, i ’ To all whom it may concern: You will take notice that all lands and lots on which taxes for 1901 and prior years have not been paid, will be sold at the County Treasurer’s office in the Court House in Loup City Nebraska, on the first Monday in Novem ber. 1905. between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m.. said sale to adjourn from day to day until ail the lands and lots have been offered for sale. The following is a list of lands and lots to be sold, and the amount set opposite the descrip tion is the amount due and unpaid May 1st, 1901. For each amount will be added interest and cost of advertising. OAK CREKK TWPTownship 13 Range 14 Township 16. Range 13jlot 1. l uks. SEC. ant ASHTON TWP swt .2 $31 30 Township 15 Kange 13 21 ilWl. swt. 5 s2nwt . 6 niswl.6 5 29 33;net. 1 II set. 3 9 79j nwl.6 s2>wt net. . swt... nwl... set_ swt... nwl. s2swl n2swt nwl.. swt .. nel.. net... swl... sel... nel .. nwl . swl... >wi.. nel... net... set... net .. net . B .. 8 .. 9 ..10 ..10 ..10 .11 .. 13 . IT . .20 . .20 ..20 . 21 .21 . .21 lOtSipt swt. 7 10 47iswt.13 23 00js2net.11 22 32 e2nwt.14 29 33: swt.17 26 53tnet.18 26 4.5; nwt.J8 27 P net.23 13 96 nwl.23 13 95; nel.24 17 42 nwl.21 19 54;net.26 22 42 set .27 33 40 swt. 27 32 11 pt w2 nwt .. 27 27 91 nwt.33 19 53 set.34 i pt nwl nwt_15 pt nwt.35 !3' 23 71 25 3s 28 79 18 61 22 85 1 04 27 28 12 81 13 58 20 82 2.5 79 22 85 17 98 15 87 17 98 20 75 17 07 1977 15 87 1 tl 23 47 16 62 96 16 S3 ROCKVILLE TWP 32 37 .23 . .28 ..28 -30 ..XI LOGAN TWP Township 16, Range It DES. 12 68 Township 13 Range 13 10 3t lit! 1 18 2 12 9 00 t 76 net.. set.. set.. net nwt set net.. set.. nwt. swt. net. SEC. ... 3 .3 ... ti ...11 ...11 ...11 ...15 ...15 ...18 ... 18 swl.22 18 1! ..30 9 71 .30 12 15 .35 22 73 Range 15 nwl . swl. sel .. Township 16 3 .10 .10 ..10 . .11 .15 679 17 00 19 11 It 76 25 9s 617 | w2swt. swt ... | net — nwt_ nwt— s2nel . Washington tvvp Township 16 Range 15 DES 3KC. AMT swtset.20 lot 2.20 lot 3 .20 swt .20 lot 5.21 lot 6.21 net.29 n2net.30 swt..3<) net.32 netset.32 n wt.33 Township 16 Range 2 16 297 2 42 12 98 2 72 2 36 20 W 5 90 10 03 21 91 It 35 5 51 35 68 3 22 16 17 16 57 12 99 18 87 16 73 39 swt nwt. 1 w2swt. 1 setnet.2 net...4 25 28 nwt. t 26 53 w30 a netswl... 5 30 69 o 16 a net swt .. 5 w2 swt.5 setswt. 5 ant;setnet lots 1 30 36 and 2 and 3 and 21 29 n2 net. 6 23 07 lots 1 and 5.6 21 97 pt netswtnet... 8 19 4" pt nwtswlne. .. 8 18 21 pt nelswlnet... 8 24 29 pt nwlswtnet... 8 26 69 pt nwiswinet... 8 18 37 net.9 18 36m wt.13 12 22 67 e2swt and a2set 13 setnet and pt lots 2 and 3 . .22 pt lots 2 and 3 .22 Township It Range 13. nel.1 23 k5 net. t net.5 nwt. 7 swt.8 set. 8 s2set.10 e2nwt .11 nwl.12 swt.14 nel.17 nwl.17 nwl. 18 swl .18 n2set.18 nwt.21 >et..23 net.26 net.31 nwt.31 5 90}swt.31 21 36 e2swt andw2set 32 16. net.35 2 58 7 03 2 46 19 21 17 78 12 96 16 74 •23 59 11 36 7 97 1888 1951 16 89 16 35 It 72 14 68 864 21 16 19 69 18 65 18 12 12 23 12 «1 11 76 18 92 CLAY TWP Township It Range 14 sw rt...5 h u -et.. setswt. 6 set. nel. set. net. e2nwl.. e2swl_ set 6 15 93l nwt.19 . 8 . 8 . 8 .13 swtswt .13 set.14 nel.15 swlnwt.19 n2swl and n2set 19 swt.24) net.24 swt.29 nwt.30 s2sw4.31 s2swt. .til set.31 wise! .32 net.31 net.35 nwi.35 15 93 11 16 11 16 7 0* 708 11 04 2 70 13 72 15 68 11 80 11 80 10 06 1180 11 80 5 9») 5 90 2 98 15 55 18 52 16 87 3 17 6 72 10 78 7 61 11 42 net.20 swtswt...26 lots 5 arid 6_26 lots 2, 3 and t...27 w2nwt and set nwt.27 swt.27 w2set and sel se4. swl. sel. swl. set. net. net. set. 11 80jnwt..34 t 55:swt.34 7 81 i set.34 11 27 Township It Range 15 9 80; net.t 14 01 . 28 ..28 .32 .32 .32 .33 ..33 .34 1088 892 8 85 16 64 10 13 10 76 10 13 13 18 10 18 10 11 10 14 11 29 ELM TOWNSHIP, set.20 1542 Range » swt... SEC. AMTnwI... 6 61 24 51 20 4*5 15 4T 319 ‘.*0 33 9 84 13 59 Township la DES. ne4 . 1 ne2nwt.1 82nw4.1 n2swt. 1 n2nw4 .6 s2sw4 and s2*et 6 n2ne4 & n2 nw4 7 s2ne4 and set nw4.7 sw4 nwt. 7 ne4. 8 se4.9 n2ne4 and nwt.. 10 n2s2net.H> swt.13 s2ne4.15 e2ne4 and ne4 se4.21 nwlnw4.22 n2ne4 and e2set-24 s280 a of w2.24 n40 a of w2.... 24 netnwt.27 w2nw4 and nw4 swt. 27 netnet.28 nvv4.31 sw4.31 set.32 se4ne4. 3:1 e2se4.33 sw4sW4.34 se4 .34 WEBSTER TWP Township 15 Range 15. ne4. ft 13 91 se4.5 ne4.8 <el. 8 e2nw4.9 11 VH 22 52 11 17 11 17 14 51 IB 46 13 51 16 52 15 76 17 00 14 71 16 40 13 93 696 . ...24 14 40 nw4.25 7 46 sw4.25 7 73:nw4.27 7 46 net.28 7 86|se4. 28 23 48jswl.29 29 52 n2ne4se4ne4 and ne4se4.3o 19 88|nw4.:12 Harrison twp Township 14 Range 16 w2 sw4 . 1 8 46 nw4.4 14 09 o2swt and sw4 sw4.4 •2ne4 and e2se4 5 w2ne4 and e2 nwt. 5 l 611 w2se4.5 19 0r;w2nw4 and w2 sw4.3 set.7 oe4.9 s2nw4.11 s2sw4... ... . .11 n2sw4.11 w2nw4.12 set.15 ne4se4 and se4. se4.19 owtswt.20 awlnw4.24 e2net.24 pt swtswt.28 pt nw4ne4 and pt ne4nw4 ...28 net.3o e2nw4.30 e2sw4..3«i ^w4nw4.30 31 Hi 4 6-. 5 27 15 71 3 47 10 !» 10 9* 12 17 3 73 6 96 2 87 11 46 ne4. nw4.. lot 6. lot". swt. sw4... .... sl5 a of nwt nw4... ne4. LOOP CITY TWP Township 15 Range 15 se4. 1 30 15 lot 1.11 n2ne. 12 pi se4.12 pt lots 3 and 4. .13 lot 1.24 .10 .10 ..11 ..11 .14 . 18 . 30 . 3> 34 13 91 13 It 14 14 837 19 91 22 57 3 93 4 9? 21 96 14 2. 1 S 15 73 14 SO 13 00 12 43 17 88 8 It 8 17 8 10 8 47 20 74 12 43 4 64 4 02 8 64 5 43 w2swt nw4_ e2sw4 set.. w2 se4. .30 .31 677 15 23 7 45 684 4 04 6 7s 11 88 and w2 31 .81 14 17 6 7H 3 36 3 43 nwtrlwt.33 sw4nw4.33 SCOTT TWO Township 13 Range It pt e2se4__ 1 ptn2se. I pt ne4. 1 9s’nwl. 3 25 21 swl.3 6:se4. 3 15 1 62;s2ne4 and ne4... 4 63 1 16 23 74 ism ^3 61 15 iU Township 15 Range ll.joet se4 15 72 e2se4. 8 7 72 .11 nw4. ne4. se4. net. 7 18 9o;2 acres .12 .. 8 ..10 . 12 ..12 .15 ..18 . 18 ..18 . 18 20 16;se4.13 IS 07| set.14 ss. e2net . pt sw4. pt swl. pt sw4 sw4.. pt swl.. pt sw4.. 18 pt sw4.18 pt sw4se4.18 9 10th strip . ..18 pt lot 1.19 lot 2 and pt lots 1 and 3.19 pt lot 4.19 ne4nw4.20 sw4.23 se4.23 ne4.34 n2nw4.35 28 51 47 52 7 12 5 04 46 34 1 65 11 11 11 11 12 04 4 63 56 965 s2net and n wl. nw4. sw4.. swl. se4. nw4. 1006 3 14 5W 19 00 19 1188 9 51 Township 14 Range 14 lots 1 and 2_ ne4. set net. n2.. net. 6 .13 .13 22 .23 24 5 8? 19 76 16 38 23 76 18 67 13 71 swt nwt w2 sw4 and set sw4..24 set.25 loti.jf.35 7 3fr 11 46 It 606 16 25 52 19 78 u2 ...15 ...17 ...17 ...18 ....18 ...19 19 78 15 41 15 41 20 95 15 40 15 90 set net and net set.20 swl.20 n2sw4...21 s2sw4 and s2se4 21 w2ne4.24 s28e4.26 swtnwt and w2 ' swt.27 net.28 nwl.31 swt.33 set. 33 awtnwt.34 HAZARD TWP Township 13 Range 873 15 19 8 73 17 49 956 12 52 1322 14 59 21 88 21 88 17 48 4 28 15 nwt. net.. nwt. swt oe».. swt. set.. nwt. . 8 .10 .10 .11 .11 .11 .12 15 86 15 96 22 15 21 40 15 12 18 18 151» 18 16 Swt... . set. net. e.nwt .. net _ set. .12 18 1' .12 16 ft .. . It 15 U . u 3» .15 2147 ... 19 21 06 set.20 15 Art s2swt.24 8 73 set.24 17 62 nwt.27 16 67 swt.27 16 42 net.29 19 69 swt.29 2106 set.29 28 11 swt.30 15 6s net.31 20 48 nwt.34 20 ts pt swt.35 25 BKISTOL T WP Township 13 Range 13. n2net and n2 nwt.20 26 60 netnet .21 4 66 netset and s2 net .:.21 26 52 nwtnwt.21 617 s26et.21 6 16 nwtswt and lot 5 and s Dt lot 6 22 t pt lot 6.22 >wt nwt ws2 wt and lot 5.26 ;e2net.33 e2^et .33 12' 14 : 9 7 16 Township 13 Range I swt set_ net ... set set — net ... nwt nwt... swt_ set_ nwt... w2n wt swt. swt.»t nwt.25 nwt.29 nwt.30 swt.30 n2nwt.33 s2nwt.33 w2set.33 and w2 9 10 10 13 It 18 1 16 17 3 17 < 19 7 27: 21 ! 21 ! 28: 24 i 23 26 i 24 1. 31 25 i i 25 ( 25 ( . 13 4 IK? 13 7.; 1 35 2 06 1 02 99 2 16 15 25 17 91 4 64 61 62 91 9 88 2 88 16 70 6 1" 15 45 27 12 5 16 8 85 61 62 61 1 15 l 02 15 11 7 50 7 73 1 16 3 09 9 20 LOUP CITY VILLAGE Original town Lot blk amt 1 and 2 . .. 1 $ 1 0 I to 5.2 11 33 9 to 12. .2 9 and 10.3 II and 12.3 13 and 11. 3 16 .3 22 . 3 23 and 21.3 22x75ft in l3tol5 5 13 and 11 .6 13 to 17.7 13 and It.10 15 and 16.10 17 to 19.10 1 to 12.16 21 to 21.16 4 and 5.17 s2 18 and 19. ...18 1 .19 7 and 8.19 20 and 21.19 I and 2.2o 5 .20 6 .20 7 . 20 II and 12.20 8 and 9.22 13 to 17.22 18 to 22.22 23 and 24.22 1 and 2.23 19 to 21.23 13 io 18.21 13 to 15.'.5 19 .25 22 and 23 .... 23 24 .25 13 and 14.26 15 and 16.20 22.26 13 to 17..28 18 .28 20 to 24. 2' 1 to 3...32 4 to 12 .32 13 to 16.32 17 to 22.32 22 and -> _ > 34 ant! 35.3! 36 to 10.31 41 and 42 .51 13 to 47.34 62 to 64 .34 66 and 67 .34 68 to 70 34 73 to 74 .31 J to 5.35 10 ..35 17 and 18.35 19to21and24to3335 First Addition w 467 ft.1 all.2 ail . 3 n2.5 all. 7 100x300ft. 8 8Ux500ft. 8 100x295ft. 8 100x150ft. 8 99x150ft . 8 an ...12 Hogue’s Sub-Division 1 to 3.4 11 81 14 to 16. 4 92 all.5 5 U Lalk & Kriecbbaum’s Addition 4 and 5.2 6.2 8 and 9.2 10 to 12. 2 1 to 6_4 8.5 19 .13 20 .13 21 to 26.13 land 5.14 6 .14 13.14 Barker’s First Add 7 to 9.1 1 55 10 to 12.1 1 55 1 to 12.2 1 9-. 1 to 4.6 11 73 11 to 13.6 9 58 20 to 21.6 2 57 12 to 21.7 7 12 13 to 21.8 6 IS 1 to 9.11 3 09 Blackman’s Sub-Division 1 to 1.12,7 72 Barker’s 2d Add 13 to 21.6 1.8 3 to 21.8 12.11 6 to 12.13 1 to 1.14 90x300 ft. 240x300 ft. 3 09 J. Wood Smith’s Add 1 23 7 and 8. 8.. 9.. 10. 11 .25 .25 .23 .25 .25 .25 5 and 6.26 .26 II 11 41 41 11 ■11 61 03 1 23 91 1 21 3 to 12.26 13 to 15.26 16.26 17 to 20.26 1 to 6.32 18 61 1 to 6.33 2 l i ASHTON VILLAGE. Lot Block An 9.2 .1 8 .4 9 to 12.4 s 3 ft8 & n 30ft 9 5 I and 5.6 8.6 all.7 17.9 II .10 12.10 50x115 ft in 7 12 1 .15 2 .15 3 and 1.15 Badora’s Add .5 First Add. 9 to 11.1 1 and 3.5 1 to 8.6 : Taylor’s First uid * 3s 1 52 31 1 3* 6 Os 9 H> 7ti 1 *: 7t> *6 3 8* 1 S3 2 58 31 •’ 57 87 3 80 37 36 I 38 1 83 57 88 45 2 28 Amt 1 81 east half 3 6! 11 to 16 1 21 19. 1 80 22. 11 81 23. 1 22 25 . 62 Taylor’s Second Add 2 6“ Ito 21.1 6 90 50! I to 21..2 6 50 2 5- ROCKVILLE VILLAGE: 1 22 Lot lil .2k 10 3 > 1.5 1 65; 3.5 ~ 47 '».5 1 02-, l 8 5 7 9 11 13 a 15.6 1 01 jl 3 5 and 7.7 2 06 1. ..g 6115.8 1 55! 7.8 92 ait.9 61jl to 6.11 92; 7 811 and 12.11 6119 and lo.11 2 06 1 to 3.15 11 1 to 6.15 82! 7.15 S to 12.15 I to 1.16 5.... ............16 II and 12.18 1 and 2.19 1 22 16 2 06 2 Ufl 2 06 1 03 3 10 8 21 8 24 1 55 9 26 * 6. 11 and 12. *4 2. 1 02' n'j 3. »*•* 1 • nG 2. .19 .19 .20 .20 .20 .26 .26 41 21 42 62 1 &5 50 1 23 1 23 6 26 1 02 52 9 89 1 60 80 4 31 1 03 1 02 41 1 81 .28 .28 .28 58 17 12 23 23 12 21 40 ]-. 1 5.* 1 89 13 3 66 11 13 31 1 81 12 06 21 35 12 10 to 12.28 nH 1.30 sH 1.30 n>4 2.30 3 and 4.30 5 to 7.30 11 .31 LITCHFIELD VILLAGE Lot Block Amt 7 and 8.1 J and 10.1 I ....5 •2.'...5 3 to 6.6 10.6 II .6 12.6 13.6 15.6 3 and 4.7 7.7 10 .7 11 to 18.7 9.•. .8 10.....’.8 12 .8 1 .9 3.9 7.9 t.10 13 to 15.10 13 12 2 .11 3 05 5.11 12.11 13.11 11 to 16.11 11 and 12.15 5 48 61 48 3 41 1 52 5 48 62 6 10 60 1 81 5 19 3 66 3 05 1 11 2 13 60 60 3 01 3 01 6o 18 1 88 5 17 3 05 1 09 6 10 .15 .15 .16 .16 .17 .17 .17 .18 . 19 5 3 ».4 20 9 to 12.3 81 11 to 12.6 41 19 to 22.*5 23 and 24.6 7 72 11 and 12.7 41 1 to 3.8 31 4 and 5.8 21 19 to 22.,., .8 41 23 and 24.8 2n 1 and 2.9 24) 3 to 6.9 42 19 . 9 11 20 to 24.9 621 1 to 3.11 filj 12 .12 31 7 to 12.18 1 24i 13 anil 14.18 41 15 and 16.18 41 17 and 18.18 41 6.23 41 22 to 24.23 1 25 In witness whereof I have hereunto set ray hand and ofllcial seal this 1st dav of October, 1905. S*. N. SWEETLAXD. Treasurer of Sherman Co., Nebraska. 92 04 49 48 30 2 44 23 1 22 29 FAIRVIEW PA KK l.ot Block Anit 1 to 4.2 2t 5 .2 07 6 and 7.2 1 80 H AZARD VILLAGE Lot Block Amt 10.6 10 .7 11 .7 2 .15 5.15 IiW. HARPER $ KENTUCKY WHISKEY for Gentlemen who cherish Quality. For Sale by T. H. Eisner Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that Cars ten Truelsen and C, E. Mellor, heretofore doing business under the firm name of Truelsen & Mellor have this day dissolved partnership by mutual consent. C. E. Mellor will continue in the business. All book accounts now owing to the firm are payable to Carsten Truelsen. Dated this 10th day of October, 1905. Carste* Truelsen. C. E. Mellor. The expected has happened. Tom Dennison, the big Omaha gambler, goes scot free from complicity in the old Pollock diamond robbery. But, then who believes him guiltless? W. R. Mellor HAS FOp SALE Section 17 -15 ■ 15 4 1-2 miles west of Court House At $13 per Acre ( ail on T. M. REED for Buggies, Wagons and Agricultural Implements of all kinds. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Undertaking and Art Goods C. H. LEININGER Furniture Pianos and Organs Don’t Forget that 1 Have ANew Piano _For Sale It is one of the finest instruments that has ever been brpught to our city, and the price is reasonable. I also have some framed pic tures in stock on which I am making *pec ial prices. My line of Furniture is com plete. I have the best Kitchen Cabinet for only $7.50. An extra good Extension Table for $11.75. Beautiful Axminster Rugs tor $2.75 Call and See us. a YBUB TOWN Ik How some of our merchants kick if the people send to M. W. or IS. & R. for goods, but they keep sending for one thing they can get at home for the same money, and just as good, and that is L CITY FLOUR Loup City Mill & Light Co.