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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1905)
Every housekeeper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time, because it never sticks to the iron, but because each package contains 16 oz.—one full pound—while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in ^i-pound pack ages, and the price is the same, 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals. If your grocer tries to sell you a 12-oz. package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance. He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures “16 ozs.” Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing. Defiance never sticks. We have never yet seen a pretty girl with a swell figure who didn't try to find out if she was being rub bered at. What's in McClure’s. The October McClure's is devoted pe culiarly to American life and activities. Not a story in it, nor a special article, but concerns the real and immediate things that move this country at large Pastor Charles Wagner, the French clergyman-author of “The Simple Life." writes of bis visit at the White House, and with simple directness tells of the children and the household life of the president as he saw them. He writes an interesting and important es timate of President Roosevelt as a man. “What Kansas Did to Standard Oil" concludes Miss Tarbell’s story of the oil war In Kansas, and tells excitingly of how the Kansans rushed in and won. “Pioneer Transportation in America" is the truthful romance of traffic, an absorbingly interesting story full of curious information. In this first pa per Charles F. Lummis. foremost au thority on the subject, carries traffic through America's heroic age up to the beginnings of the great days on the plains. Every time a man cheats the devil he knows in his heart that sooner or later the devil will get even. SAYS AMERICANS ARE LEARNING HOVk TO EAT. In America, eating is becoming more of a fine art as well as a pastime and accomplishment every day. Americans are learning how to eat. They have passed the stage of civilization where anything and every • thing will go and are becoming par ticular eaters. | Nothing bun the white heart of the wheat berry (Pillsbury's Vitos) is NOW good enough for those who have tried this cereal breakfast food. It is the most economical and it is actually ’ the “Meat of the Wheat"—Sterilized— nothing added—nothing taken away; pure white in color, it serves an ap petizing breakfast dish, made in the greatest mills, of the best wheat, and by the oldest miller. PILLSBURY. This is your guarantee. Put up only in two-pound, airtight packages. Look for the words, “Meat of the : Wheat.” A package will make you twelve i pounds of Substantial family food and can be purchased at your grocers. Price 15c. Rock Mountain territory 20c. Ask him to-day. j He will gladly fill your order be cause he knows he sells you satisfac tion. Some people would worry them selves to death if they didn't have j trouble to think about. Important to Mothors. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORT V, a aafe and eare remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind YuC Have Always Bought. Most peop\c* are satisfied with what they have. It's what they haven't that causes their dissatisfaction. If you allow your wife to have the last word the row will soon end. Send a Postal for “ Book ol Present^^^^^^^^^ylMk ^0 Protect g The Health ^^0 of your families by insisting on ||w ^^0 Pure Food. When it comes to ■ff Baking Powder, it means a saving | Mf ■".! ^B of health and money if you use the I IB ^ ^ ^^B ^B standard article of purity and effi- ft, ^.Sr^L J M ciency—the wonderful foOUNCK^ m f 1/ A BAKINC ■ B IV W POWDER |pg| B An absolutely pure baking powder f ''xD AS ■ scientifically combined. 25 ounces |'jAo?Mv',“5•*‘?*V<d for 25 cents. Your grocer refunds K^Ufi^FjC,3 your money if you are not sat- mm ^^^^isfied. Don’t accept a substi- ^*£E32£' Mm ^^B tute! They are impure and a men- _ ace to health. Ask for K C, 0S00 the standard of quality. MFC. CO. Chicago. WINCHESTER "NEW RIVAL” BLACK POWDER SHELLS ■ The most successful hunters shoot Winchester I “ New Rival ” Factory Loaded Shotgun B Shells, blue in color, because they can kill [1 more game with them. Try them and you ■ will find that they are sure fire, give good B pattern and penetration and are satisfactory B in every way. Order Factory Loaded “ New B Rival ” Shells. Don’t accept any substitute. I ALL DEALERS S E L L THEM | Dainty, Crisp, Dressy winner are a delight to the refined woman every where. In order to get this result see that the material is good, that it is cut in the latest fashion and use Sam©© rch in the laundry. All three things are import ant, but the last is absolutely necessary. No matter how fine the material or how daintily made, bad starch and poor laundry work will spoil the effect and ruin the clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure, will not ret the clothes nor cause them to crack. It sells at 10c a sixteen ounce pack age even where. Other starches, much in ferior, sell at 10c for twelve ounce pack age. Insist on getting DEFIANCE STARCH and be sure of results. Doflance SUarelhi Omaha, fSehraska. pan AKTI-GGIPINE AnlluKlnNt&S GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AMD NEURALGIA. 3 t *eil Antl-Orlpine to a dealer who wont Coarunx-e nO»0E38ALF0iHCW»£JfI It- <-all for roar MO>£Y BACK IP IT DOST CCRE. 1fa JF. W.memer,M.0.,*l&zi±luiUixi.Springfield, Jfo. — , __■„ ^ JA A I CO FOR FARMERS- Baytbeehea* ■3iiiK|*iMt"A»LipLA?la1P JuALtO bxr,- cF'ck&rTK |3 GUSIS WK£R£ kJ. USE FAILS.Pj '-• taro “»• ******* ^ HBeat Coast ejrcpL Taste* (Jad Cse H ■ - to thne. joig lit Jra^tm_gf Ej« fAtw Found Source of the Nighty Zambesi - *-— -—.—— African River Traced Back to Spring from Which Wells Few Drops of Water that Grow to Gigantic Stream. Major A. St. H. Gibbons followed the mighty Zambesi river from its mouth to its very source and found the spring from which welled the first few drops of water. He writes: “As we progressed the undulations became steeper and higher, the sur face being covered for the most part with small deciduous trees fifteen feet to twenty feet high. Here and there the slopes are covered with high bracken. Seven or eight miles brought us to a smail pool, which the guides asserted to be the 'beginning of the Yambeshe.’ To make certain that this was the true source. I traced the stream back along the eastern bank until it entered another stream S00 yards farther down. Here it be came obvious that the Malunda were fraudulently attempting to shorten the journey, as this stream is quite sub sidiary to the one it enters. Then, following the course of the latter for rather more than a couple of miles and crossing three or four small trib utary streams on the way. I at length found myself standing over the first drops of water which go to make up the mighty river of which I had seen so much.” Continuing. Major Gibbons says: “The river has its origin in a deep depression at the base of steep, wood* ed undulations rising very abruptly for the first thirty feat, and then with decreasing steepness for another twenty. The water oozes from black, spongy Nig. ar.d quickly collects Into a definite stream of clear, cool water. Tall trees, thickly Interwoven with an entanglement of winelike creepers and undergrowth, spring from this basin and inclose the bed for the first few hundred yards of its course. Such is the character of the Zambesi source and such is the character of the sources of nearly all. If not all, the streams having their origin in the dis trict. though the basin from which the main stream of the Zambesi springs is steeper, narrow er and deep er than any other of the many I vis ited. "As I lay that night beneath the bivouac of branches the boys had put together for me it was perhaps nat ural that my mind should linger on the many and varied scenes I had wit nessed between the boggy springs below me and the mighty river with its four-mile wide bed up which we steamed fifteen months before. The expedition was then a large one; 500 porters barely sufficed to move our equipment overland. I was now worming my way over what was prob ably the most remote region of the continent and in very reduced circum stances—four boys and five donkeys.” Ways of Stags in Scottish Highlands - *-—-—— ” Soiling Pools '* Well Known to the Monarchs of the Glens— Fight to the Death Among Themselves. “There are certain spots known to and recognized by the deer in most forests called ‘soiling pools,’ ” says an English writer. “They are usually peaty pools to which the stags resort, often at night, to wallow and have a good time generally. Here I have oc casionally seen them rolling on their backs, though more often black bub bles bursting sluggishly on the sur face of the water have told me that I have come just in time to miss their late occupants. I was spying a distant hillside one day last September when some bright object flashing in the sun caught my eye. and looking through the glass I saw it was a stag. He wa* standing shaking himself by the edge of one of these pools, the water flying off him in all directions. It was the sun flashing on this which had at tracted my attention. The pools ar« much us£“d in the fall of the year, be ginning approximately on Sept. 20, known in Gaelic as ‘the day of the roaring,’ though, of course, the exact date varies very much according to the season. I have heard stags roar as early as Sept. 10, though this is rather unusual. It is more of a bel low than a roar, and is quite awe-in spiring at close quarters, more es Foolish Worry Over the Little Things Small Sting®. Not the Great Trouble® of Life. Are the Event® Over Which We Make Ourselves Miserable. “She was always nagging, always nagging about little things.” This is the only excuse that Fred Boyer of Berea, Ohio, can give for murdering his wife. It’s a poor excuse. A man hasn't the right to kill his wife because she nags or for any other reason. But there is a life of misery paint ed in that ore sentence, "Always nag ging about little things.” We meet the big things in life with smiling faces and brave hearts. We let the little things fret and w’orry us until we make ourselves mis erable, make every one at home mis erable, and too often make our neigh bors uneasy and unhappy. A big misfortune never feazes us. A pitcher of milk upset on a clean tablecloth and—poof! we are ofT like a flash of powder.. Willie falls down stairs, breaks his wrist. Mother sends for the doctor, helps to patch the little fellow up, and nurses him tenderly until he is well. The same Willie fires a stone through a six by eight window glass and he is “jawed” until he wishes he had never been born. Mistake Made by Many Business Men - * Imagine Themselves of Much More Importarce Than They Really Are—Time Wasted in Constant Rush. Annie Payson Call, writing in the American Illustrated Magazine, under the caption “Every Day Living,” points out very clearly how a great many people, business men especially, work themselves into the, idea that they are fearfully busy and rushed, when, as a matter of fact they would accomplish a lot more if they took things leisurely. She says: The average business man in this country seems always to have an at mosphere of “rush” about him; even when he is sitting down you feel that he wants to take out his watch, if he does not actually do so; many men have apparently lost the art of taking a real vacation. I remember an anec- 1 dote of a prominent man whose fam- | ily begged him to go off for a rest be cause of his extreme fatigue, who as serted over and over the impossibility of leaving his business, especially at Memory’s Thoughts of Baby’s Tiny Shoe - x---. “How Dear the Flood of Memory ! Is. That Rolls the Scroll Away. and Carries Heart and Soul Again Back to that Happy Day” Only a baby's Uny shoe. Teat's crumpled, worn and old, . S in the bureau draw « More precious far than gold: Knotted string with frazzled ends Tells of servke done When baby toddled on the floo . And chased the teams of sun. Little scars are show ins Across the wrinkled toe W-er- batv tried he- ftrat new tooth. Xu tue days oX 4-0. , Long:. Jong ago in day* of j *re Wbe 1 baby's ehubbr feet Just £1 this old and faded shoe pecially if the roarer is himself hid den. •’The end of the season is always the most exciting time, for stalkers. Stags then are all on the move, and great fights take place. I have never had the luck to witness a real big pitched battle between ‘wo champions. I doubt whether they often fight to the death, but the number of stags with broken and damaged horns which are met with after the autumn season is over show that pretty severe con tests do occur. Stags always maneu ver, when fighting, to get their oppo nent down hill. They have tremen dous power in their hind quarters, and in this position can use it to the best advantage. Deer do not fight only with their horns, as both sexes will rise erect on their hind legs and strike savagely with the fore feet, the sharp edges of the latter making a very nasty wound. “A rather curious fact with regard to the fights between rod deer, illus trating the toughness and elasticity of their skins, was told to me by a Dorsetshire agent. There was a big park full of red deer on the estate, and a large number of stags had been killed owing to fights. On skinning the dead ones ho found that, though in many cases the lungs and flesh were pierced through and though, the skins themselves were comparatively uninjured.” K --- Wo down the big things. The lit tle things down us. If the mortgage must be given hus band and wife discuss the subject with grace and forbearance until an agreement is reached. That same husband and wife quar rel until the dust rises over the proper place to hang a certain picture. Kach thinks the thing is too little for the other to hold out about. Neither happens to think that the thing is too little to quarrel about. All through life it is the little things that make the trouble. All through life we climb the big roygh places and fret and sweat be cause we stub our toes upon the little lumps of clay. All through life we fuss over little things that don't make a whit's worth of difference one way or the other, that can't be helped by fretting, that can not be remedied by nagging. “She was always nagging about lit tle things." Many another husband could bring the same charge against his wife. It’s a pity. It spoils a woman’s hap piness and wrecks her husband’s life. It eats the peace out of a home as a nasty worm eats the heart out of a rose.—Cynthia Grey in Chicago Jour nal. that time of year, because there was one customer in the habit of buying very largely whom he felt that no one else in the office could possibly satis fy. Finally this man became so ill that he was obliged to be absent from his office. Shortly after his recovery he met his old customer in the street and went up to him with diffuse apol ogies for not having been ready to at tend to his purchase. The customer, having finished his business some days before to his entire satisfaction, looked a little surprised and said: “Oh! Weren’t you there, Mr. Smith? I did not know it. I am sorry yon have been ill.” The strain of self-importance is greater than we know. Indeed It is often self-importance, and only that, which is the true cause of nervous prostration. The great strain of un necessary and selfish responsibility is an octopus which, if it gets hold of a man and begins to drain him, cannot often be cast off without great suffer leg. O. wasn't h aby sweet! How d« ar the flood of memory Is, That r«>ils the scroll away And carries heart and soul again Park to that happy day. Happy fr> lot e and hop* i hat baby's tiny feet Would walk m go'*! and pleasant ways Adown Life's busy street. A^ain the little face. upturned Peers through taints of years; Again the baby voice Is heard fe<-k through the val»- of te’rs; Again the chubby dimpled hands Reach out to catch your own, When in your power to protect Iretlirtt Jajth is sbowr O. at a Stir-it of thoughts Of days when life was new. Flows in upon the soul, because Of baby's tiny shoe. —A. U. Mayfield In Denver Neva Tiny Eteohant is Dined. "Jumbo Junior.” a ttnv elephant that is now the pet of London, was 'dined'* by "some fair Americans” at i restaurant and afterwords "enter tained the company with favorite airs on the mouth organ.” Lewis’ "Single Binder” straight V cigar. Price to dealers fob 00 per M. They coat some more than ether brands, but no more than a good .V- cigar should cost. Lewis' Factory. Peoria, IlL Mike Sullivan. There are eight men in the vicinity of Solomon who are named Mike Sullivan. To distinguish tuem they are kmtwn as Mike Pete. Mike Bat, Smoky Bat. Prairie Mike. Mike Pan. Corner Mike. Wild Mike, Big Mike. Little Mike.—Kansas City Journal. P ARMS FOK KKVT OR s\T.K ON mop b payments. J MCLHAI.L. Sioux City, la. Industries of Milan. The province of Milan is one of the Important industrial centers of Italy, It contains 300 silk mills, giving cm* ! ployment to 40,000 workmen: 200 cotton mills, with 25.000 workmen, and twenty woolen nulls, with 3.000 workmen. Ask Your Dealer for Allen’s Foot-Etse A powder. It rest? the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot. Callous. Aching, Sweating Feet aud Ingrowing Nails. At all Druggists and Shoe stores. 25 cents. Accept no substitute. Simple mailed FKEK. Address, Aiieu o Olmsted, LeUoy. N. Y. To Keep Hands in Condition. Hub the hands with dry salt after having had them in water for a length ot time; afterward rinse them and wipe dry. If thii; is done daily after the housework is finished it will keep the hands smooth, clean and white. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. This is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing only 12 o*. in a package, which they won't bo able to soli first, because Defiance contains IS o*. for the same money Do you want 1*? ox instead of 12 oz for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. The real Nemesis calls itself by the lame of "What I-Might Have Done." Why It Is the Best Is because made by an entirely differ- ! ent process. Defiance Starch is un like any other, better and one-third more for 10 cents ..- -- ---- Don’t be ashamed if you are poor Poverty is no disgrace. Defiance Starch should be in every household, none so good, besides l 07, more for 1<> cents than any other brand of cold water starch. Don't bo selfish. Don't live for your lelf alone. ... .. ...—..— r ~ _j ilfffR ^ Restedealebs 1 A.J. TOWU CO. ESTABLISHED ISM ■ — AOATO* NtWVOIR CHICACO ^OWE^AJUWAMCO^WTOIOfT^Air W. L. DOUGLAS •3i?&*3™ SHOES’*?* W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cit. Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. * BELLS V THAM tin non *£»wiit*»'rw»»be» *IU|UUU diaprsvt thf»Itumil. W. L. Oougla* 93.SO aboea have by their e» ^lleat atyle, eaay fitting, and aoperior wranng pi ai it lea, achieved the largeet rale of any f.I.fO Mtoe in tba world. They are luat aa good mm thoaa that coat you 99.00 to 97.00 - the only fitterence la the price. II I could lake you Into aty factory at Brockton. .Mae*., the laryeat in the world under one roof making mm'a lire fboee. and ahow you the care with which every pair of Doug lay «hoe» W made, you would rceli/e why W. L. Dou laa fj.go aboea are the beet ♦hoea produced In the world. III could ahow you the difference between the rtioee mode In my factory and thoae of other nakea. you would understand why Dour lei 93-80 aboea coat more to make, why they ho?d their ahape. fit better, wear longer, and ere <■' greater intrinelc value than any other 9J-SO ♦hoe on the market to-day. W.L. Owmfaa Strang Mm dm Shoo* for $9.50. 52.00. Boy o’ School A Broom Shomm. $2.5O, $2. $ CAUTIOH.-'™**- opon having V.Lfk)' z aa aboe*. Take no antotlttife, jCoue genuine ait bout bU name and price damped on bottom. WAXTKO. A ftboedeaW in every town where *"• 1* fJoogia* fibre** are wot aoid. ' Puli line of ♦ample* *ent free for inspection op*»o lygnot. j fmd Color £gefrf* uterf; t*«g mill not m-ntr or* *<g Writ# for IHo«tr«t<*4 Catalog of Fall fttyla* W. L. DOKiLAA, Iirockto., Maw PUTNAM ChterMrtfMfe brighter urt latter eaten than a«yri aai IMM) without mwo mbt! Writotortettert! WORKING WOMEN Their Hard Struggle Made Easier—Interesting State* ments by a Young Lady in Boston and One in Nashville, Tenn. AH women work: some in their homos, some in church, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never-ceasing treadmill, earuiug their daily bread. All are subject to the same physical laws: all suffer alike from the same physical disturbance, and thenatureof their duties, in many cases, quickly drifts them into the horrors of all kinds of female complaints, ovarian troubles, ulceration, falling and dis-1 placements of the womb, leuoorrb«va, or perhaps irregularity or suppression of "monthly periods." causing back ache. nervousness, irritability and l&sdtude. Women who stand on their feet all day are more susceptible to these troubles than others. They especially require an invigorat ing. sustaining medio me which will strengthen the female organism and enable them to boar easily the fatigues of the day. to sleep well at night, ami to rise refreshed and cheerful. How distressing to see a woman struggling to earn a livelihood or per form her household duties when her back and head are aching, she is so tired she can hardly drag about or stand tip. and every movement causes pain, the origin of which is due to some derangement of the female or gan is tr,. Miss F. Orserof 14 Warrenton Street. fteiston. tells women how to avoid such suffering; she writes. IVar Mr*. Ptnkham t — “ I suffered misery for *«*v**r*l r*av* with trrwgular itmutnutinn. Mv l>nek ached; f bad Insuring down pain*, and fr*pi*at h«%d » 'he*; t coal l not *le»'i» and could hardly drag around I consulted two physician* without relief, and as a l i t report. I tried LydiaK Pinkhatn’*Y*gi»tal*iet'otnpoun'l,atvl to mv surprise, everv ,*■ h*» and pain l«ft ms l game.I ten pounds and am iu perfect health * Miss Pearl Ackers of 1127 North ''tun* mer Street. Nashville, l'enn., writes lw>ar Mrs. Ptnkham - " l suffered wifji painful peri *1*, *"f»rs backache, bearing-down pains. pain* a-r e* the abdomen; was verv nervous and tnota ble. and mv trouble grew wi»r*»> every month, Mv phrsietnn failed to help me and f deei led to try Lvdtn F. Finkham* Vegetable t’ompound. I soon found it was doing me good. AH mv jiain* an 1 a''h»»s liWaup «r*dt and L no longer fear my monthly periods" Lvdia E Plnkhnm's Vegetable Com* tpound la the unfailing cure for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscle*, and displacement with ail its horrors will no more crush you. Hack ache, diasitieas, fainting, hear* ‘ing down pains, disordered stomach, moodiness dislike of friends and society -all symptoms of the one cause —wifi1 Ire quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your suf ferings to a woman, and receive help-' fill advice free of cost. Address Mre.* Pinkham, Lynn. Mass. j Lvdia E. Pinkharo's Vegetable Comprjnd Sacci?.ds Where Others rad/ YOU NEED SUCH A TONIC Until Mull’s Grape Tonic Was Brought to America, the Following Was Incurable. READ THESE STATISTICS-WE CAN VERIFY THEM: 90,000 people (lit* yearly from the results of Constipation ami Stomach Troubles ami their attending ills. Niue in every ten have it. Many don't know it, and a g<«xl many who do know it neglect it until it. Is t<x> late. Some get so bad they think it is incurable, ami then they reseat to the physic or pill habit, where the real trouble )logins. You and 1 know that Pills and Physic make us worse, we become a slave to Ihem. and dually they lose their power and paralysis of the intestines occurs, and then slow death. * Now Constipation and Stomach Troubla a>« just aa curable as any other disnassi ws oavs proved this fully by curing ovsr 10.000 ths last two yssrs. Many of these wsrs ths most chrome, ssrloos, compli. coted kind in which ell other remedies snd doctors had failed snd hops dispairsd of, but our trsatmsnt cured them quickly and to stay cured, Mr. Thompson, of peorta, who bad suf fer«*d nil his life and hud given up hope, was cured by *-4 bottles Hr 1)111, of St. I>>uis, w hose health Iih<1 been broken down, claims that several bottles cured him, that it !s a spleudld medicine for Stomach and Bowels, nn<l the le-st general tonic lie ever saw Hr Hedrick, of Kansas City, who bad constipation so bsidly that he verged U|*»n nervous collapse, says to bis great surprise after trying everything else waa cured by Mull's Grape Tonle, he says it is the best thing for Stomach ami Bowels and kindred ills, that has come to his attention in Ids professional career. Mrs. Alcoba, of Chicago, who was a con firmed invalid for years, after taking a thorough course or Mull’s Grape Tonic says she was able to leave her bed after the third bottle, ami Is now enjoying good health. Sbo had tried everything that rarno to her notice. Mr, Crow, of St. Lou s. bad dyspepsia, liver and bowel trou ble for H5 years, which he contracted dur ing the Civil War. He said he never could get anything that even afforded him relief, but that a short treatment of Mull’s Grape Tonic completely cured hhn. He recom mended it to old soldiers so many of whom suffer with the same complaint. Mr McCurdy, of Troy, Ohio, was one of the greatest sufferers that ever came to our attention. There apparently wasn’t an organ of his body free from disease: Idver Trouble, Stomach and Kidney Trouble, terrible piles that kept him in agouy. Bowel* would nM act for days, heart action hid. emaciated. rim down and completely discouraged. He resorted to every known moan*, doctor*, reinedle«, halli*. etc . all to no avail. He says: "Boon after I started Mull's Grape Tonic mv bowels began to act regularly, the pain left me, and my general health buiit up rapiilly. I heartily reoom mend it ns an absolute euro to which 1 an* a living witness.” These are only a few of the very wont cases of the thousands cured by Mull’* Grapo Tonic. We o*n cure you, no ms Her Now bed off end to prove II we will seed you without cost e bottle of Mull'e Orepe TOnlc end In structions how to use it. The digestive organs are strangely sub|SCt to the cura tive power ot Mull's Grape Tonic. There Is no scheme about this, but • fair, seiners chance for you to tost this Rrand treatment for youreolf, In your own omo without cost. If you have Rheumatism, Stomach, Bowel, Kidney, I,ting and Heart Trouble, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, eold, fever, dlar Horn, loss of sloop and strength, run down, I*n«’s, appendicit is, fistula, bad bhssl, dl* /incss, bud complexion, etc., remember they are the result <>f Constipation and Mull * Grape Tonic, will core you. It is a splendid Tonic lust us I>r Dill states. Everybody should use it. Typhoid fever and appendicitis are unknown in famlUe* where Mull's Grape Tonic is used. You need such a Tonic, begin to-day. Ikm’t wait but send now for this free offer and got well. G<»»1 for ailing chil dren and nursing mothers. Its FUCK COUPON. IO/S Send this coupon with your name and address tool y«»ur druggist’* name for » free bottle of Mull siirnpe Tonic. Huouacb Tonlo Kiel l onstlpatiod < ur«v Mull’s Grape Tonic Co., 148 Third Ave.< Nock Island, III. (Hit Full AMni and »>i<« Plainly The bottle contains nearly wires times the rag- sine. At drug spares. , * The genuine has a date and number stamped on the label—take no other from your druggist. MOVED to our handsome new building, the most complete end runs! modern retell building in the west. A visit to Omaha is not crtmp!et«, without you spend e portion of your time looking through this fine new building, whi^h i# ••ompleiely Ailed with all the latest Ideas iri Furniture, ltu*». Carpels snd Draperies. ^ Orchard & *OW VI 414, 4Id, 414 4. IdTIt %T„ OMAHA. FOR WOMEN troubled with ill* peculiar to tn»ir Nl, M9 * dOBCM t* *««. cetstBl. TAvioagBlv kills rrrms, »tvp» AUcMrfei, Mai* i&3aamsti(/a a*4 Ixa! , •orises*. i Is fa fwwlar V/tm to be itt jmrm enter, and b Ur mart (In s »t«, l-»*<a: .ai aad WMwanks! than Ikjo I *;inseplxa lot ail TOILET AND WONGNU SPECIAL USES V'* sale at dre/jp***,'/»«*at* a U/a. Trial B«* and «t tMt/wdlom Pna. Tm* A. PAATOM COHPANf POStON, MAW. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 40—1905. ' To many point# in fllfnoi**, Indiana, Oh<«. k4>n«»< k>. WoKtorw I'oonaylvan* i», N*-w York and Wmi Virginia, at OUKATt Y liKlim i/ H ATKif Thr W A BAKU iw-- «.,|»4 road t>#4. rork an*, ro w **ril»m*>nt. Ra cUnina < air ear* i»KAT» KflfcK » For rau** »M»f* and ail information rail at Wstba-h t'ltjr Olfl**'. i«k/l Far* AADl ML Ot n«i'0»*« IMKIIV *5. dOOHr.*. o. A. V. V . Wap. It, ft., Omaha, N#b When Answering Advertisement* Kindly Mention Thl* Paper. FADELESS DYES lief #««. On* Hk erne**?* eafcw* aN Stor*. 1h*f 4** in b****r th»» am on**? *r* Tm zan «■* wmc M< i« (*•«*. mommom omuoco:?uml£rii% mSiolU