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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1905)
Loup Gity Northwestern VOLUME XXII. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1905. NUMBER 47 , THE NORTHWESTERN TERMS:—#1.00 per paid in advance Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. Office ’Phone, - - - R54 Residence ’Phone, - - G15 J. W. BURLEIGH. Ed. and Pub. ADVERTISING RATES Displat Space—Rates furnished upon ap plication. Local Notices.—Five cents per line for each insertion. Notices set in black face type double the above rate. All notices will be run until ordered out when time is not specified. Notices of entertainments, concerts, lec tures. suppers, etc., where an admission fee is charged, or a momentary interest involved, five cents per line each insertion. Card of Thnnks. 50 cents. Resolutions of respect and condolence, $1-00, In memoriam poetry, five cents a line. Announcements of church services, lodge, society and club meetings and all public gatherings where not conducted for revenue, I will be published free. Professional Cards r. j. nightingaCJ; Attorney ini CmlcMUaw LOUP 6ITY. NEB AARON WALL Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBT.P. STARR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.i loop cn% nebrsskr. ; mil. //. ,1111.1/1 Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Ouly 9et of Abstract books in county A. S. MAIN, Physician end Surgeon Office at Telephone Residence Connection. LOUP CITY, - - NEBFL d. H. LONG PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CONNECTION VV. L. MARCY. DENTIST, LOUP 6ITY, NEB OFFICE: East Side Public Square. S. A. ALLEN. DEJVTIST, LOUP CITY, - - , NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. ^And tb.e 3?u.t>lic! THe St. Elmo Livery Bara Is under a new management. Give me a trial and if you have any thing good to say, say it to others; if you have any complaint, make it to me. Others can’t right my mistakes, but I can and will. Respt., T.E. Gilbert, Prop. PHONE, W9. 1 Give Us a Trial A Bound Front Barn, J. H. MINER. Props Loup City, - Nebr.j (Opposite Noithwestern Office) Finest Livery Rigs, careful drivers* Headquarters iorfarmers’ teaiuo Com mercial men’s trade given especial at tention. Your patronage solicited. LOUP VALLEY HERD Poland China Swine Bred and Owned by H. J. JOHANSEN Telephone LOUP CITY, Connection NEBRASKA - FOR SALE:—2o Choice Spring Boars and one yearling boar, sired by Memo Butler, 36885. Republican State Ticket. For Supreme Judge— chas. B. Letton, of Faiebury. For State Regents— Fred Abbott, of Columbus. W. L. Lyford. of Falls City. County Ticket. For Clerk of Courts— Joh* Mathewson. For Treasurer— Cahsten Tbublsen. For Sheriff— L. A. Williams. For Judge— G. W. Hunter. For Superintendent— M. H. Mead. Read the supplement accompanying this week's paper. It presents an array of facts for voters that should be read by all. We understand that in the east part of the county, wherein is the stronghold of populism, Gibsonites are discredit ing C. F. Bushausen, the populist nom inee for clerk, as in the west part of the ! county they are circulating in the re publican strongholds inveighing against John Mathewson, our candidate for the same office. There is no reason why populists should go back on Bushauser, j wlto is a bright, capable young man, any more than reason why republicans should discredit John Mathewson. Why should this personal fight be tween Gibson on the one side and Mel lor and Pedler on the other be dragged into this campaign? The candidates on republican ticket are neither Gibson nor Mellor candidates. They are good, honest, capable men, chosen by the par ty to fill the various county offices. Mr. Gibson has a personal right to run for county clerk, or for president if he sees fft, but after be has beenlwic'1 honored by the republican party, we insist it is not fair to the party that has thus hon ored him, to try to boost himself again into office by tearing down the struc ture that gave him official .honors. In stead of being grateful to the Republi can party and gracefully accepting its ultimatum, he is going about the county trying to build himself up by causing dissension in the ranks of the party which placed him on his present pedestal, and ride back into office oyer the shoulders of the regular republican nominee. The republican party does not care for au exhibition ot old sores and to that end have nominated men for the various county offices who are entirely free from care for or sympathy with the tiresome tirade and abuse as j mentioned above. There can be no just reasnn aligned for any republican 1 withholding his support from Honest John Mathewson. nor any reason why Mr. Gibson should receive a third term i with the consequent defeat of the regu lar republican nominee. i To The Voters. In the speech made by Geo. H. Gib son at the Baillie school house, on the evening of Sept. 28th, 19oo, Mr. Gibson made the assertion that I secured the reduction of the assessed valuation of the C. II. Sheldon land on Clear Creek, in Elm township, before the 1904 Coun ty Board of Equalization This assertion is a mistake as shown by the following affidavit: State of Nebraska i VSS. Sherman County, l E. H. Chambers, of legal age. being first duly sworn deposes and says, that he is a citizen of Columbus, Nebraska and is the agent and has charge of all the lands in Sherman county, be longing to C. H. Sheldon; that as such agent affiant appeared before the 1904 County Board of Equalization in Sherman county with a written request, written and signed by the affiant, asking that the valuation of the S W hi. Sec. 28-15-1 -. as found by the assessor of Elm township, in said county at $540.00 be re duced to i300.00 the same as surrounding lands, and said Board, after a hearing informed affiant that they would make the reduction. Before leaving Loup City affiant requejt=*d John W. Long to see that such action was not forgotten. Subsequently affiant came to Loup : City and learned that no change had been made in the tax list, and upon asking G. H. Gibson, the County Clerk, why It had not been done as ordered, he informed affiant that “it must have been an oversight." and that he would see the chairman of the County Board and have it rectified.” Affiant further avers that W. R. Mellor had nothing to do with the reduction of said assess ment: that Mellor knew nothing about affiant's making'such request until affiant appeared before said Board and read his request. That to the best of affiant s knowledge and belief, said VV. R. Mellor was present before the board ' attending to other business, but in no way represented our interests in said reduction of said land. Affiant further aveisthatW. R. Mellor had nothing to do with the sale of said quarter, but that said land was sold to Pressly R. Bell, by K. D. Wilson of St. Edward. Nebraska, and further affiant sayeth not. E. II. Chambers. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me by E. H. Chambers this 29th day of September. 1903. W. F. Mason, iseal) Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 25th. 1907. L shall be pleased to have any person wli > so desires, to fullv investigate any act of mine, in relation to having any tract of land lowered for assessment Please examine as to value of same kind of lands in the vicinity, and ycu will see that my lands are now valued as high and higher for assessment as any like land surrounding. Do not be duped, but look this matter up from the records. Yours for fairness, \V. It. Meleoii. As the political tide ebbs and flora { you will not need ask where The i Northwestern stands, but it is pquarely with the republican party and its nominess. w ho are neither bolters nor independent?) but chosen by the pirty of progress to uphold the best interests of the county. IMAJESTICSI Sold during our Exhibition Week. INDIA mauestic •-•'■JESTIC «?AMO»9' SOLD .IN ALL OF THE ABOVE rcUMTNIES This is the largest number of stoves ever sold out of Loup City in the same length of time, which proves to us that the people buy the best when they know what it is and where to get it. Majesties are the best in the World and are only sold by I E. S. Hayhurst. NOTICE OF SALE of Lands for DELINQUENT TAXES For the Year 1004 and Prior Years. State of Nebraska, t n, Sherman County. i . ’ To all whom it may concern: You will take notice that all lands and lots on which taxes for 1904 and prior years have not been paid, will be sold at the County Treasurer's office in the Court House in Loup City Nebraska, on the first Monday in Novem ber, 1905. between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m.. said sale to adjourn from day to day until ail the lands and lots have been offered for sale. The following is a list of lands and lots to be sold, and the amount set opposite the descrip tion is the amount due and unpaid May 1st. 1904. For each amount will be added interest and cost of advertising. UAK CREEK TWP Township 18. Range 13 DBS. SEC. AMT sw4.2 $31 30 nw4. 5 29 33 sw4. 5 s2nw'4.6 n2sw4.6 s2sw4.6 ne4.7 sw4.7 nw4.8 se4. 8 sw4... 9 nw4 .10 s2sw4.10 n2sw4 nw4... sw4 .. ne4_ ne4... sw4_ se4_ ne4_ nw4,.. sw4... sw4... ne4_ ne4_ se4_ ne4 .10 ..11 .13 . 17 ..20 .20 ..20 . 21 .21 . .21 27 14 979 10 48 10 4 23 00 22 32 29 33 26 53 26 45 27 46 13 96 13 95 17 42 Township 13 Range 14. lot 1... . l 21 ASHTON TWP Township 15 Range 13. ....23 ... .28 ....28 .30 ne4... i se4. 3 nw4.6 pt sw4.7 swl.13 s3ne4.14 eSnw4.14 sw4..17 ne4. ..18 nw4.18 ne4.23 nw4.23 ne4.24 nw4.24 IV 54|ne4.26 22 421 se4.27 3.3 40 sw4. 27 32 11 pt w2 nw4 .. 27 27 91 nwi.33 19 53|se4.34 23 71 Ipt nw4 nw4.35 23 71 pt nw4.35 25 38! ROCKVILLE TWP 12 6VTownship 13 Range 13 32 37 ne4. 4 10 34 25 28!nw4. 4 1144 26 5 3iw30a ne4sw4... 5 4 18 28 79 18 61 22 85 1 04 27 28 12 81 13 58 20 82 25 79 22 85 17 98 15 87 17 9« 20 75 17 07 19 77 15 87 1 41 23 47 16 62 96 16 83 ne4 .33 30 69 e 10a ne4 sw4 .. 5 2 1; LOGAN TV\ V Township 10, Range 14. f'ES. SEC. ... 3 ... 3 ... 8 ...14 ...14 ...14 ...15 ... 15 ...IS ..18 AMT 30 36 24 20 23 07 21 97 ne4. se4. set. ... ne4. nw4 . se4. ne4. se4. nw4. sw4. net_ .. sw4. nwl.,. swt. set. Township 16 w2sw4. . . swt . net. nwt. nw4. s2ne4.15 Washington twp Township 16 Range 15 W3 SW4.3 se4sw4. 5 se4ne4 lots 1 and 2 and 3 and n2ne4. 6 lots 4 and 5.6 0 00 4 76 pt ne4sw4ne4... 19 40 pt nwtswtne. .. 18 21 pt ne4sw4ne4... 24 29 pt nw4.sw4ne4... 26 69 pt nwtswtnet... 18 37 18 36 22 67 .30 .30 35 18 11 9 74 12 15 22 73 Range 15. 3 .10 .10 .10 .11 6 70 8 8 8 8 8 net.9 nwt.13 e2swt and n2set 13 14 35 5 51 35 68 3 22 16 17 16 57 12 99 18 87 se4ne4 and pt lots 2 and 3.. .22 pt lots 2 and 3. .22 Township 14 Range 13. ne4. 1 23 85 ne4.4 16 73 39 17 00'net.5 17 19 44 14 76 25 98 64 DES sw4se4. lot2 ... lot 3 .. swt_ lot 5_ lot 6... net. SBC. .20 20 .20 .20 .21 .21 AMT 2 16 2 97 2 42 nw4. 7 sw4.8 set.8 s2se4.10 e2nwt.11 nwt.12 swt.14 ne4.17 nwt.17 nwt. . 18 12 98 swt ..18 n2ne4..30 swt..30 net.32 netse4.32 nwt.33 5 90 swt.31 24 36 < Township 16 Range 16 19 27 17 78 12 96 16 74 23 59 11 36 7 97 1888 19 54 16 89 16 35 14 72 14 68 864 21 16 I9 60 18 65 18 12 12 23 12 61 11 76 18 92 2 58 7 03 1 2 46S 13 72 15 68 2 72 11 80 11 80 10 06 set. 1180 i 11 80 i 5 90 ! 5 90, 11 80 i 4 55! 7 84 i 11 27 ’ 9 80] swt nwt. 1 w2sw4. 1 setne4. 2 swt.5 set. 6 net.7 set.7 net.8 e2nwt.8 e2swt.8 set.13 sw4swt .13 set.14 ne4.15 sw4nw4.19 nSswt and o2se4 19 sw4.20 ne4.24 swt.29 nwt... .30 s2swt.31 s2sw4.131 set..*31 w2set. .32 net.34 net.35 nwt.35 ELM TOWNSHIP. Township 15 Range 16. DES. SEC. AMT net . 1 ne2nwt.1 •2nw4.l n2swt. 1 n2nwt '.6 s2swt and s2set 6 n2net & n2 nwt 7 s2net and set nwt.7 swt nwt. 7 net. set. n2net and nwt n2s2net . swt. s2ne4.15 e2ne4 and net set.21 nwt nwt. .22 n2ne4 and e2set 24 s280 a of w2.24 n40aof w2.. ..24 netnwt.27 w2nwt and nwt swt. 27 netnet.28 nw4.31 swt.31 set.32 setnet. 33 e2set.33 swtswt.34 set .34 e2swt mndw2set 32 net.35 CLAY TWP Township 14 Range 14. se4swt. 6 298 14 I3 set. 6 15 93 nwt.19 15 93 ne4.20 14 16 swtsw4.26 It 16 lots 5 and 6.26 7 08 lots 2. 3 and 4...27 7 0s w2n w4 and set 14 04 nwt.27 2 70 swt.27 and set 15 55 18 52 1687 3 17 6 72 10 78 7 61 11 42 w2se4 set., swt... se4... swt... 14 40 7 46 7 T3 7 46 786 23 48 ...28 _28 ...32 ...32 ...32 .. .33 ...33 . .34 ....34 ...34 ... 34 net. net. set. net. nwt. swt.. se4. Township 14 net. set. swt. nwt. nw4. swt. nwt. net. set.. swt. 29 52in2ne4setnet and ne4set.30 19 88 nwt.... .32 10 88 892 885 16 61 10 13 10 76 10 13 13 18 10 18 10 14 10 14 11 29 Range 15 ..4 14 (H ..20 ..22 . .24 . .25 ..25 ..27 .28 28 .28 la 42 14 94 22 52 11 17 11 17 14 51 16 46 13 51 16 53 . 8 . 9 ..10 .10 13 6 61 24 51 20 46 15 4 15 76 17 00 Harrison twp Township 14 Range 16 3 19 w2 swt nw4. 8 46 14 09 20 33 984 13 59 4 61 1905 31 14 4 62 527 15 71 3 47 10 96 10 96 12 17 373 696 2 87 11 46 n2swt and swt swt.t e2net and e2set 5 w2net and e2 nwt. 5 w2set.5 w2nwt and w2 swt.6 set.7 net. 9 s2nw4 .11 s2swt.11 n2sw4.11 w2nw4.12 set.15 netset and set. set.IP nwtswt.20 nwtnwt.24 e2net.24 14 71 16 40 13 93 696 13 00 12 43 17 88 8 11 8 17 8 10 8 47 tort 12 43 4 61 4 02 8 61 vv TWt* Township 15 Range 15. ne4.6 13 91 se4. . 5 ne4.8 se4. 8 e2nw4.9 ne4..,.10 nw4..,. .10 lot 6.11 .11 .14 .28 30 32 34 13 91 13 10 14 14 8 37 19 94 22 57 3 93 495 14 25 lot 7 sw4. sw4_ .... sl5 a of nw4 nw4. ne4 .. _ LOUP CITY TWP Township 15 Range 15 15 73 14 80 se4..1 lot 1.11 n2ne.12 pt se4.12 pt lots 3 and 4.. 13 lot 1.24 pt SW4SW*.28 pt nw4ne4 and pt ne4nw4 ...28 ne4... ».30 e2nw4.30 e2sw4.30 sw4nw4.30 w2sw4.30 nw4.31 e2sw4 and w2 se4.31 5 43 6 77 15 23 7 45 684 4 04 6 78 11 88 21 96 w2 se4.31 nw4nw4.33 1 80 sw4nw4.33 14 17 6 78 336 3 43 SCOTT TWP Township 13 Range 16. 20 15 98 25 21 15 75 1 62 16 72 pt e2se4. 1 ptn2se. I pt ne4. l Township 15 Range 14. nw4. ne4_ se4. ne4. s2. .7 . 8 .10 12 .12 18 90 nw4 sw4... se4. s2ne4 and ne4. e3se4. ne4 se4.u 2 acres.12 63 1 16 81 23 74 18 04 23 61 15 40 7* 20 16 se4.13 e2ne4.15 pt sw4.18 pt sw4.18 pt sw4 sw4.18 pt sw4.. .18 pt sw4.18 ptsw4.18 pt sw4se4.18 910th strip ... 18 pt lot 1.19 lot 2 and pt lots I and 3.19 pt lot 4.19 ne4nw4. 20 SW4.23 se4.23 ne4.34 n2nw4.35 Township 14 Range 14 lots l and 2. 5 5 83 13 07 28 5! 47 52 712 5 04 46 34 1 65 11 11 11 11 12 04 4 63 55 965 se4. s2ne4 nw4. nw4_ sw4.... sw4_ se4.... nw4... and 10 06 3 14 504 19 00 ne4. 28 19 00 11 88 »e4.13 ne4.22 n2.23 ne4.24 sw4 nw4 w2 sw4 and se4 sw4. 24 804. 25 11 40jae4 loti.35 15 38 23 76 18 67 13 71 '39 19 ....14 s2 .. .15 ....17 ...17 ....18 ....18 .19 I iz 605 16 25 52 19 78 se4 ne4 and ne4 se4.20 sw4.20 ntswi.21 s2sw4 and s2se4 21 w2ne4.24 s2*e4.26 sw4nw4 and w2 SW4.27 19 78 1541 1541 20 95 15 40 15 90 873 15 19 8 73 17 48 956 12 52 nw4.31 sw4.*3 9 50 se4. 33 nw4nw4.34 HAZARD TWP 1322 14 59 2! 88 21 88 17 48 4 28 ne4.13 19 76 Township 18 Range 15 nw4. ne4.. nw4. sw4. net.. sw4.. nw4. 2 8 ..10 ..1ft ..11 .11 .11 .12 15 86 15 96 22 15 21 40 15 12 18 lQ 15 It 18 1« 8W4. se4. ne4. e2nw4... ne4 .. se4. se4. ..12 .12 .14 ...14 ...15 . 19 .20 18 lTi 5 and s pt lot 8 22 16 pt lot 6.22 15 ISi.swl nw4 ws2 wl II 311 and lot 5.26 21 47 e2ne4.33 21 06;e2se4.33 12 02 76 14 36 9 ri 16 \ s2sw4.24 15 96;Township 13 Range 14 se4 nw4. BW4. ne4 . swl. se4.. 8w4 ne4.. nw4. pt sw4 .24 .29 .29 ..29 .30 .34 . .34 .35 BRISTOL TtVP Township 13 Range n2nel and nwl. ne4ne4 ... ne4se4 and ne4. nw4nw4_ s26e4 n2 ...30 ...21 s2 ...21 .. 21 .21 nw4sw4 and lot 8 73 swl. 6 17 62 se4..6 I6 67ne4.r 16 42 se4 . 7 19 69 se4.. 9 21 06 nel . 10 28 11 nw4 .10 15 68 nw4. 13 20 48 swl. H 20 48 se4.18 25 nwl.21 w2nw4 and w2 sw4.22 swl.24 26 60 nw4.25 4 66 nw4.29 nw4.30 26 52SW4.30 6 17 n2nw4.33 6 16 s2nw4.33 w2se4.33 13. 16 13 1730 17*9 19 73 27 58 21 92 28 9< 24 67 23 6s 22 60 26 06 24 97 31 32 25 oo 25 (10 25 00 13 42 11 03 13 70 LOCPCITY VILLAGE Original town Lot 1 and 2 I to 5.. 9 to 12.2 9 and lo”.'3 II and 12. 3 13 and 14. 3 16.3 22 . 3 23 and 24. 3 blk amt 1 ? 1 0. 2 11 33 2 58 62 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 2x75(1 in 13tol5 5 1 23 1 35 2 06 1 02 99 2 16 15 25 17 91 64 61 62 94 9 88 2 88 16 70 6 18 15 45 27 42 5 46 8 86 61 15 44 7 50 7 73 1 16 3 09 9 26 13 and 14 .6 13 to 17. 7 13 and 14.10 15apd 16.10 17 to 19.10 1 to 12.16 21 to 24.16 4 and 5..17 s2 18 and 19. ...18 1 .19 7 and 8.19 20 and 21.19 I and 2.20 5 .20 6 .20 7 . 20 II and 12.20 8 and 9.22 13 to 17.22 18 to 22.22 23 aad 24. .22 1 and 2.23 19 to 24.23 13 10 18.24 13 to 15.25 19 .25 22 and 23 .... 25 24 .25 13 and 14.26 15 and 16.26 22.26 13 to 17.28 18 .28 20 to 24. 28 1 to 3.32 4 to 12 .32 13 to 16.32 17 to 22.82 22 and 23 .. 34 34 and 35.34 36 to 40.34 41 and 42.34 13 to 47.34 62 to 64.34 66 and 67 .34 68 to 70.34 73 to 74 .34 1 to 5.35 10.35 17 and 18 _35 19to21and24to33 35 First Addition w 467 ft . 1 all.2 ail . 3 n2.5 all. 7 100x800ft. 8 80x500ft. 8 100x295ft.8 100x150ft. 8 99x150ft . 8 all.12 Hogue's Sub-Division 1 to 3.4 11 84 14 to 16.4 92 all.5 5 14 Lalk & Kriechbaum’s Addition 4 and 5.2 6.2 8 and 9.2 10 to 12.2 1 to 6... .4 8.5 19 .13 20 .13 21 to 26 ...18 4 and 5.14 6.14 13.14 5 and 6.ffi 1 I 38 1 52 31 1 30 6 08 9 88 76 1 52 76 and 8.36 9 to 12.26 13 to 15.26 10 .26 17 to 20.28 1 to 6.32 18 54 I to 6.33 2 46 ASHTON VILLAGE. Lot Block Amt 9.2 7 .4 8 .4 9 to 12.4 s 3 ft8 & n 20ft 9 5 4 and 5.6 8.6 all.7 17.9 II .10 12. .10 50x115 ft in 7 12 .15 .15 aDd 4.15 Bad ura’8 Add .5 First Add. to 14.1 1 and 2.5 1 to 8.6 Taylor’s First Add 1 81 east half 3. 61111 to 15. 1 1 24|19. 1 80 22. 11 81 23. 1 22 25 . 2 62 Taylor’s Second Add 2 60;3 to 24.1 6 90 50;l to 24.2 6 5 i 2 58:ROCKVILLE VILLAGE: 1 22iLot Block An;’ 10 301.5 12 1 65 3.5 12 2 47:5. 5 12 1 0211 3 5 7 9 11 13* 15.6 <:*, 78 3 80 1 33 2 58 31 2 67 80 37 36 1 1 02 8 24 1 3 5 and 7.7 1.8 5 .8 7.8 all.9 1 to 6.11 7 811 and 12.11 61 9 and 10.11 06 1 to 3.15 41 4 to 6.15 82 7.15 16 27|8 to 12.15 1 to 4.16 06 5.16 06 11 and 12.18 1 and 2.19 6 .19 11 and 12.19 s*4 2.20 t»*4 3. ....20 S1! 4.20 1 55V , 2.26 9 26 7.26 ‘2.27 2 .28 3 .28 4 .28 10 to 12.28 n*4 1.30 s*4 1.30 n*4 2.3o 3 and 4.30 5 to 7.80 14.31 LITCHFIELD VILLAGE Lot Block Amt and 8.1 9 and 10.1 1.6 2.5 8 to 6.6 10 .6 20 1 41 21 42 62 85 50 1 23 1 23 6 26 1 02 52 9 89 ill <6 23 S5 S4 12 58 47 12 2.1 28 lv t 4t 1 11 51 1 89 12 3 66 11 13 34 1 81 12 06 24 35 12 5 48 64 48 3 44 1 52 6 48 Barter’s first Add 7 to 9.1 1 55 10 to 12.1 156 1 to 12.2 4 92 1 to 4.6 14 73 11 to 12.6 9 58 20 to 24.6 2 57 12 to 24.7 7 42 13 to 24.8 6 18 4 to 9.11 3 09 Blackman’s Sab-Dlvlsion 1 to 4. 12 7 72 Barker’s 2d Add 13 to 24.6 1 60 1.8 20 3 to 24.8 4 31 12.11 1 03 6 to 12.13 1 02 I to 4.14 41 90x300 ft. 1 84 240x300 ft. 3 09 J. Wood Smith’s Add 3 .4 20 9 to 12.3 81 II to 12.6 41 19 to 22.6 82 23 and 24.6 7 72 11 and 12.7 41 1 to 3.8 31 4 and 5.8 21 19 to 22.8 41 23 and 24.8 20 land 2.9 20 3 to 6.9 42 19.9 11 80 to 24.9 52 1 to 3.11 61 12 .12 31 7 to 12.18 1 24 13 and 14.18 41 15 and 16.18 41< 17 and 18.18 41 6.23 41 22 to 24.23 1 25 11 . 12. 13. 15. .6 62 .6 6 .« .6 1 3 and 4.7 5 7.7 3 10 .7 3 11 to 18.7 4 9 .8 2 10 .8 12 .8 1 .9 3 3.9 3 7 .9 4......10 13 to 15.10 13 2 .11 3 5.11 4 12 .11 5 13 .11 3 14 to 16.11 1 11 and 12.15 6 13 .15 14 .15 3 5.16 8 .16 3 .17 4 .17 2 5 .17 I.18 1 1.19 FAIRVIEW PARK Lot Block Amt 1 to 4.2 24 5 .2 07 6 and 7.2 1 89 HAZARD VILLAGE Lot Block Amt 10.6 1 70 10 .7 1 70 11 .7 23 2 .15 11 5.16 12 $§SBfc8£*8SS38588ftfe322883K8§£2*“ For Sale. 235 good, heavy feeders. If interest ed, write O. & J. VanHorn, North Loup, Nebr. 45 Notice. Any person found disturbing any tence or driving over the southeast onaiter of Section 4, Township 15 north of Range 14 west, will be prosecuted for trespass. Nick RAnsen. A Few Market Quotations. Cattle, per 100 lbs Hogs, per 100 lbs. Corn, berbu. Wheat, per bu.... Oats, per bu. live, per bu. Eggs, per doz ... Butter per lb_ $2.00@$3 00 k 4.65 .35@ 37 .51 @ .66 ,18(® .21 .45@ .50 13 15 HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY lor trflll U’llicl’ w ho i For Sale by T. H. Eisner Buy a Farm of W. R. Mellor Call on T. M. REED for Buggies, Wagons and Agricultural Implements of all kinds. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. A. P. CULLEY, President. W. F. MASON, Cashier. THZIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Loup city. General Banking Business Transacted. We Make Farm Loans at Six Per Cent. We Negotiate Real Estate Loans. We Buy, Rent and Sell Real Estate for Non-Residents. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha, Nebraska. A Picture Never Looks well unless it is properly framed. I have just received some and am prepared to frame pictures to suit you. I also have A New Piano and Music Cabinet in stools; Come and get prices of my goods, before buying elsewhere. I will use you right. Undertaking and Art Goods G. H. LEININGER Furniture Pianos and Organs