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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1900)
I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician, Loup City, Neb. Lioaal Daws. James Landers was down from Arca dia, Sunday. Go to Sheppards for fine band en graving. 9 7 Uncle Sam Uaucock was down street yesterday. Rufus Wilson of Ashton was in the city Saturday. Calvin Rightenour of Huxley was In the city Saturday Woolen Blankets at a great sacrifice at Jaeger*. Our next M, E minister at this place will be Rev. John Madely. Jerry Shrove Is putting down a hy draulic well at his residence. Mrs. Hash fell In a faint at the store of Cbas Gasteyer last Saturday. J. S. Sheppard was correcting the sights of the Boelusltes Tuesday. I>r. X. L. Talbot and J. C. Fletcher of Bolus were in the city Wednesday Will Mullck came up from Grand Island Monday to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Bryan and D. C Grow visited Omaha last week. Miss Erney Odendahl went to Boelus Tueseay to instruct her class in music. F. W Fuller and son Fred, of the south side were In the city Monday. Geo. Lee and J. T. Haleeacb shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday, Write Hayden Bros. Omaha Whole sale Supply House for prices and samp les Mrs. Noma Walker, nee Converse of Gibbon, was visiting her parents Sun day. Mr. V. II. Runner of Clear Creek, proved up ou his homestead Wednes day. The Sherman county fair this year, was a success once more, It was an old timer. James Landers of Arcadia, was doing business on the Loup City cattle mar ket this week. Samuel Leinir.ger, a former resident of Sherman county but now of Arcadia, was in the city Tuesday Wm. Sharp is tearing down the old Mellor store building and will make a dwelling bouse out of it. Mrs. James Inks left for Kockvalley. la., Monday morning to join her hus band who has located tnere. Mrs. John Mayes took sudden lief of the old man and left for an Indefinite stay at Omaha Tuesday, Geo. Truelsen purchased from Mc Nutt, the stock breeder of Ord, a fine pedigree short horn yearling bull. Mr and Mrs. K. L Arthur went to Dodgeville, Wis. Wednesday, to spend a fortnight with friends and relatives. A card from Rev. W. K. Matthews informs us that he will move his family from this place in the next few weeks, to Westerville. Any one Informing James I. Depcw where he left the large lamp belonging to the band will be greatfully remem bered by the hornetists. It brings to the little ones that price less gift of healthy flesh, solid bone and muscle. That's what Itocky Mountain Tea does. 35c. Ask your druggist. it you want your watch out in good repair by the only first class workman in the county call on G. H. Morgan, the Jeweler. When you want bargains In the line of Jewelry don't fall to call on G. II Morgan. He carries the finest line in the Loup Valley. W. It. Mellor went to Lincoln Mon day to attend a business meeting of the Nebraska State Fair Association. He remained over to hear Gov. Koosevelt speak. G. II. Morgan the Loup t.'lty Jeweler does all kinds of watch, clock and Jew elry repairing In a workman like man ner. When you have something to i!o this in line, don't fall to tall on him When you have no appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamtnrrlain'* Stomach and Llvet Tablet*. Price 3ft cents Sample free at Odendahl Bros Drug store Henry Becker ha* on exhibition ai the Jewelry atom of G 11, Morgan, « beautiful story A Clark piano with an automatic attachment for playing, upon which he haa been opening for the edt dcationofMr Morgan-*customers tht> week Why experiment on yourself with re medies of doubtful utility when ym can get Chamberlain'* Cough Itemed) which ha* stood the test of tune .' Twen tv live years tale and use hsve proves tbsl remedy to be a prompt end cerlali t ure for cold* It will cure a cold in i day If taken as soon as the cold h* been contracted and before It has set lied In Ibe system sold by udeadah Bros “I wish to express my thanks la Its manufacturers of Chamber lain * Colie Cholera and Narrboea Memedy. Is* having put wo lb* market »uvb a woo dortwl medlclno," say* W. W Mason gllk of Boanutoui leas*. There an many thousands of mother* whose rhll drenbavodeew saved from ailosks oi dy ten lory and cholera Infehium *k< must also feel (fc*»kf il It Is for sals by Odendahl Brea Boeckner the fashionable tailor. Go to Sheppards for first class watch repairing. A B. Outhouse made a flying trip to Boelus Tuesday. Cbas. Gonhiser is suffering front an attack of sciatic rheumatism. A. Sutton of Valley county was in the city the first end of the week John Travis and W. H Conger re turned from Omaha laat Friday. A new boy came to stay with Mr. and Mrs, W. O. Brown la9t Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sorensen of Ar cadia, were visiting friends in this city Sunday. Ludwig Larsen of Huzard twp. prov ed up on his homestead before Judge Angier Monday. The sale of Henry Stark last Satur day netted him 81,901, Jacob Albers whs the auctioneer. Geo. W. Holmes of the south side of the county took in the Roosevelt speech at Grand Island Tuesday. All kinds of 1 Jewelry repairing > SHEPPARDS. Promptly Done at) David Richardson, the fusion candi date for supervisor from the west side was in the city Saturday. No o^her pill can equal DeWitt’s 1ft tle Early Risers for promptness, certain ty and eilicicncy. Odcndahl Bros. O K. Rice of New Yoik atate and who owns considerable real estate in in Sherman county, is in the city. R. A. Wilson and daughter of Keya Paha county, is visiting bis brother T. D. Wilson of Oak Creek, for a week or ten days. Henry Stark will leave Mon. for Grand Junction, Colo., to look up a location In a ditferent climate for the benefit of his health, Mrs. B L y.rtbur attended Grand Lodge of the Degree of Honor at Lin coln Tuesday, as a delegate from Ash ton Lodge. Don’t forget that Jaeger sells underwear cheaper than anybody. Pure Whiskey HARPER Perfect Whiskey HARPER Every bottle guar an teed HARPER -Sold by T. H. Ei.s nku, Loup City. The mother of Mrs, W. H. Stevens, near Rockville, died Tuesday and was buried Wednesday. The old lady was 90 years of age. Mrs Mary Knowles and Mrs. Glass left for Kentucky Tuesday morning. We understand they intend making that their future home. O. Benscboter desires to announce that bis time for delivering goods here after will be; in the forenoon at 9 and II oclock and in the afternoon at 2 and 6 o,clock. The party that borrowed the rubber coat belonging to tbe tire department will recieve all tbe thanks due him from the boys if he will return the same and make application for the thanks. Tncre will be a Republican caucus held In Loup City next Monday at 3 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for township clerk for Loup City township, W. 11. Williams having withdrawn. ”Up to date“ Photographs at M. l.escbiusky's Photo Gallery Loup City duiing the month of .September and October on every Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, Ihursday, and Friday Stamp size photos 18 for 25 cents. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and sores are soothed at once and promptly healed by applying DeVVlU'a Witch llaael Salve, the best known cure for piles. Beware of worthless counter feits Odendabl Bros (Jo to Sheppards if you w ant a pair of Glasses that will do your eyes good, lie is the only Optician In this part of the country that ha* UP-TO-DATE in strument*, and KNOWS HOW TO I SK Til KM. A new remedy for biliousness is now on sale at Odendabl Bros, drug store it is called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet*. It i* quick relief and will prevent the attack if given as Soon as the first indication of the disease up pear*. Price 25 cents per hex S imple free — Oderulahl Bros J L Hopper wa* in the city three daya last week renewing oul acquain tance* and shaking hands with hi* many frieuks who were all glad to see him John went from here to Kiba, where he took charge of the Omaha (Levator t o. butineaa last Monday Mr* Hopper will follow bun with their household got >d*. It l* well to know that D*Wilt's witch Uiulhaiy* will heal a burn and stop the pain at once It will cure ec ! **n»a and skin disease* and ugly wound i sore*. || is a certain cure for pile* | ConnlcrlrUs may be offered you jtee I that you get the original DeWttt - Wl-tb Hazel Anise O-tendabl hr..* i The free for nil running race at th* fair U-t week In wbhh Hie following • bor«ee were entered t. t. Iliwman'r bfwen mme, Judge W til tend J a |v,| ler* horse* of Ibi* city and Mr Lines , bora* from Maveana In a single bail mile da*b so »i>* by M Ibiauttn i mare In rial Ha fbii'lsy the t*, u«d *n»* of live eighths of a mite wa< again won by Mr Bowman s burse w a< fu REPUBLICAN RALLY lion. W. Summers, of Omaha, United States District Attorney, will address the people of Loup City and Sherman county, on Wednesday eve ning Oct. 10, at Society hall, Loup City. Mr. Summers is an eloquent and logical speaker and will talk from a Republican standpoint. All should come out and near him. Mrs. L. Mickley visited Grand Island Monday. J. I. Depew made a trip to Greeley Center Sunday returning Monday. Mr. Simons, the gentleman who has charge of tha II. & M depot at this place made us a pleasant cull yesterday. Eugene Tracy harvested about 200 bushels of potatoes from an acre and a half of ground. Big yield for this season. Mr. G. G. Long of Shambaugb, la., and brother of our townsman J. W. Long, arrived In the city Wednesday evening for a couple weeks visit. This is the seagon when mothers are alarmed on account of croup. It is quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure, which children like to take, Odendubl Bros. G. H. Morgan has now a $->00 stock of new .Jewelry for his costumers to select from, lie can suit you in any thing in that line. Don't fall to examine bis stock before making your purchases. Mrs. Henry Kensink of Divide took suddenly ill while in town last Satur day. Abe fainted in the store of Mr. Travis ami for some time was very sick, but with good attention was able to re turn borne Sunday morning. Wishing to close out my stock of men’s and boy’s suits, I will begin next Saturday to sell at a 20 per cent discount. J. Phil J aeger. The lollowing parties went to Grand Island Tuesday, from this place to take a look at the next Vice-President of the United States. Max Lcscbinsky, Harry Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. T Tracy, Misses Edith Prnith and Minnie Hick man and ye Junior scribe. Mr. E. G. Paige of Rockville twp and who has just returned from a six weeks visit to Colorado, made this office a pleasant call Monday. Mr. l’atge says that Colorado will be In line for Mc Kinley this fall. Ho says the few fu Sionista that are left are standing a round keeping quiet, looking wise and wondering how the-the thing happened so sudden and so hard. Last Friday night a pleasant little surprise was arranged inhonorof Mrs. Wharton's, the landlady of the Wharton House, birthday, and when she return ed from the lecture, about 9:30, the house was well filled with her friends, Music and games weie enjoyed for a couple hours, when a nice lap supper was served after which Mr. R. J. Night ingale, in a neat little speech, presented Mrs. Wharton witli numerable useful presents which had been brought for her by those present. During the winter of 1897 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Clay, Clay C., W. Va , struck his leg against a cake of ice in such a manner as to bruise it severely. It became very much swollen and pain ed him so badly that he could not walk without the aid of crutches. He was treated by physicians, also used several kinds of liniment and two and a half gallong of whiskey in bathing it, hut nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlains Pain Balm This brought almost a complete cure in a week's time and he bolieves that had he not used this remedy his leg would have had to be amputated. Pain Balm is une<|ualed for sprains, bruises and rheu matism. For sale by Odendabl Bros The illustrated Filipino lectures given at the hall last Friday and Saturday nights by Geo. K. Boomer were a complete success. The views taken on the ground by Mr. Boomer while in I,uzou, accompanied by the lecture delivered by him in explana tion of them, was a convincing argu ment to all who wished to see the right, that the course of the admin istration has been and is still, the j only sensible one toward the Fdipi nos. Mr. Boomer is thoroughly con vinced that did the democratic doc I trine prevail in this affair that wreck i and ruin would be the inevitable fate : of these Islands. lie pictures the Islands us ubounding in bidden wealth, as the gate way to the east era world atid a possession coveted j by all nations [|e aaya that the work of humanity la-gun by this j country lu rending Pub# and Potto Ho,i from Spam, should be continu •- I by holding the Phillptoes and es tablishing a stable government over them which will protect, not only from the designs iif other nations 'hut from the savags har'ctrilv of Ives whh It would etrculUsHV re* tit m the complete distraction of llo- 1' iltpmo* through their hatred of owe »ri‘«e for the other if left tu Work t-U' the ' own d. .to,., ■ The ahtt itiiper isiiats who be aid and saw those lecture* 4id w ts ted u i.imo l of the rtghteoosnw s of tbs course of the ad no to*' r si ton toward thow* pseipls must hw blinded bee s us* Us dust t waul to ssw Dr, W. H. Lewis, Lawrencevlll, Va., writes. * ’I am using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my practice among severe cases of indigestiou and find it an admirable remedy.” Many hundreds of physici ans depend upon the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure in stomach troubles. It digests what you eat. and allows you to eat all the good food you need, provid ing you do not overload your stomach. Gives instant relief and u permanent cure.—Odendahl Bros. ♦ ♦- --- I'll I.I.M A N UIUMNAHY SLEBPIM1 CAK.H FOR TOURISTS are the most comfortable, commodious means of travel for large parties, In tending settlers, bomeseakers, hunting parties. These cars are run on the I'nion Pacific daily from Nebraska points to California and Oregon points, and are fitted up complete witn mattresses, cur tains blanlyets, pillows, etc., requiring nothing to be furnished by the passen gers. I'informed porters are in charge of these cars who are required to keep them in good order, and look after the wants ami comforts of passengers. These cars are new, of modern pattern, and are nearly as convenient and com fortable as IIrat-class palace sleepers. For full information call on or address H. J. Clifton, Agent -♦ -• ♦ The best method of clensing the liver is the use of the famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Karly Kisers. l-'.asy to take. Never gripe. Odendahl Bros. Ilurkleii's Arnica Halve Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses hny other salve, lo tlon, ointment or balin for (Juts, Corns, Hums, Holies, .Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Malt Kheum, Fever Sores, Chap ped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Odendahl Hros. — - ♦ — Do not get scared if your heart troub les you. Most likely you suffer from in digestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur< di gests what you eat and gives the worn out stomach perfect rest, it Is the only preparation known that completely di gests all classes of foods; that Is why it cures the woast cases of indigestion and stomach trouble after everything else has failed. It may be taken in all con ditions and cannot help do you good. — Odendahl Hros ♦ • ♦ -- Your blood goes through your body with jumps and bounds, carrying warmth and active life to every part of your body, If you take Rocky Moun tain Tea. Ask your druggist. I.Ki.AI, NOTICE. William C. Either), Plaintiff, vs. Alfred W. WPcox and Emma Wilcox, husband and wife, Defendants The above named defendant, Alfred W. Wilcox, will tuko notice that on the 3rd day of October, 19L3 the above named plaintiff filled his petition In the District Court of- Sherman county, Nebraska against the above named defendants, the object and prayer of which are to reform the dlscrlptlon in a certain deed, executed and delivered by the said defendants to said plaintiff on the ittli day of November, IM4, conveying to the said plaintiff by mistake, the North West quarter of (section. No. i!9 in Township 1C, north of flange Hi west of the 6lh Principal Ma rtdian, situate in bberman county, Neb. raska, but which Instrument should rightfully have conveyed the South West quarter of said Section 33, Instead of the North West quarter thereof: and further to have tnc said instrument made to express upon its face and to convey to said plaintiff the South West quarter of said Section 2U, Instead of the North West quarter thereof, a<> that the same shall be made to conform to and to eRlectuate the purpose and inten tion of the parlies, thereby to satisfy and cancll a certain bond tor a deed theretofore executed and delivered by the plaintiff to said defendant, Alfred W. Wilcox for the conveyance to him of the South West quarter of said Sec tion S3. Tou ure required to answer said peti tlon on or before the it!ttt day of Nov. ember, l'JUO. William f Fithkh, Plaintiff, l$y Wall a Williams, hlsattys. Dated this 4th day of Octtber, I!# i, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST BANK CHARTER NO. :.’0n, INCORPORATED At Loup City In the State of Nebraska. at tho Cl'iM of llustnea*, September 20, lw«) REWRITE*. l.oun* and discount* tj,*m n.1 Overdraft* secured and unsecured l.n|A 12 Stock* and securities *, >5r.'.’7 llankinu house, furnllute, fixtures l,*AO(lo Other Real Estate l,7»*t Current eipense* and taxes paid in* IT Check* and other cash item* PdotiT Due friMi. National, state and Priv ate hank* and banker* I*..TON) Cash Nirklce and cents f “ Currency I.IK1 if " Specie .’,.V7 ,B» t, M> Stt Total li \tiii itie*. Capllal duck paid in wv«“ n> | sarptu* fund »,»• 8 j Cuditl lc<t pruHt* i, *. c. Individual deposit* subject In chec .. *i.a~* a* Demand ci ttIdeate* of •lepoell "JP ** Adi • Total • *«l *1 state of StbNikt t , County of ahuitaan i * I, t P I Utley, i |«MH of toe above aetoed Rank. do aoleare.y *aaar that the above •tatetueut la (uttv-'t and a Ire* copy id in a re|awl made to Ike **als Pan*, tad board t P *'• i . v » t - • *i a» nat m t iituti PtmkM 1 lUkitr, lUivilur aasaafttmd and tsiirv to dfarv nr Isa *fi e day uf septMtWM, MW kssiiu J sentiwm till Motary fsMU d» » %(■!•*« H tMftl |* » •% ; Astigmatism! I * Astigmatism is not a disease but is simply a defect in the shape of the eve ball. It necessitates an irregular strain upon the muscles in adjusting for different objects. There is no condition which causes so much discomfort and fatigue, (Especially flead Aefyes A peculiar feature about astigmatism is that people who have it seldom know that anything is wrong with their eyes. They lay all their suffering to some other cause. The'/ believe that they can see as well as any ono and in a good many eases they can. The overwork is going on just the same. | If any one thinks their eyes are not right come in and see me. I am the only optician in this part of the country that can correct astigmatism. Eyes tested free. I. S. SHEPPARD, The Leading Optician and Jeweler. Loup City, Nebr. ADAM SCHADPp. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. I also handle Hard and Soft Coal and exchange flour and feed of all kinds for wheat. HARPER WHISKEY RECEIVED GOLD MEDAL. (Special Dispatch,) Paris, Au# Do.— American whiskies received the oliicial approval of the exposition today, when Gold Medal was awarded to Bcrnbelm Bros., Louisville, Ky, on their I. W. Harper whiskey.—Sold in Loup City, by T. II - —-— — You little knew when first we met That some day you would bo The lucky fellow I'd choose to let. Pay for my Rocky Mountain Tea.— Aak your druggist. - ^ ♦-— H day alarm ) clocks js Sheppards. &3.50cts at J Job Couldn't Have Stood It. If he’d bad Itching Files. They’re terrldly annoying; but Buckleu's Arni ca Salvo will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, Fains or Bodily Eruptions it,s the best salve in the world Frice 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by druggists, Feelings of safety pervade the house hold that uses One Minute Cough Cure, the only harmless remedy that produces immediate results. It is infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. It will prevent con sumption.—(Jdcudabl Bros. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. WUl Defend la Foreclosure Cue*. AI.SO DO A General Real Estate Business. OIRra la Noam w (at (Ha llulldtag. IOOr (JITI, - SKIIH.ttKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, louv am. i i m A. S- MAIN PHYSICIAN A Hl’MiKON I.Ol l* CITY M VUtlA'iK A ♦ »» Hi i -oaa <iw<i <ui .*i m>«M i - — VV I., MAKCY, n i;.vi i sr tirys *. >n ■ VAT AIDA flt’cktt V^848i j i.ovr * /r» .vaft Oil the loth of December, lbl)7, Rev, S. A Donaboe, pastor M. K. church, South, l‘t. 1‘leasaiit, \V. Va. contracted a severe cold which whs attended from the begglnnlng by violent coughing He says; -After resorting to it number of so-called ‘specific*,’ usually kept in the house, to no purpose’ I purchased a Dottle of Chamber Iain's Cough Reme dy, which acted like a charm. I most cheerefully recommend It to the public.’ For sale by Odendahl Hro*. NOTICE rOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Ncl> i Aeplemcr 5tli, 1900 \ Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made b»fore the county Judge at Loup, Nebraska, on Thursday, October 22, 1900, viz: Mary A Baird, Timber Culture Entry No. ?6urt, for the 3. E. fourth Section 2, Township 15, Range 10 west of theflth p. m. 3he names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Draper, Chris Zwlnk, James Bowen, Anton Dymek, all of Loup, City, Nebraska. J. W. Johnson, Register. The complete service of - “CHICAGO PORTLAND SPECIAL” via Uuiou Pacific, enables passengers to reach the principal cities between the North Pacific Coast ami Missouri Kiver not only in the shortest possible space of time, but also in the most comfortable ami eujovable manner. Thu dining cars on this train are stocked with the beat the market aitorda. At’ meals served a la carte, H. •*. Cmkton, Agent. KVKV YOUR On Slii'i pnnl s Jewelrv Store if you want bargain* in tin* jowrlry «n»l nilmvian line: ami if you want guisaraor vour i'VM t«*ati*«| for kI.ioim mm* him llrmii giv« you inforuMlioM that wilt U> of i aim* to you. I ?*. rtllKITAKI). rW tutl U|rih'MI ||4 Jitdlrf il lb* •uMHir.v