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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1900)
MY HALF SISTER ,V.\;i By ELTON HARRIS XXX CHAPTER IV. (Continued.) It was terribly Railing, but until she esme of age there was no help for It. Well, the only thing to do was to make the best of things, and be as happy as circumstances would permit. But this was easier said than done; there was not a soul in Chalfont she liked or trusted, and time hung heavily on her hands, for she could not always be with the Anstruther's, even had ma dame allowed It, nnd no one else came near them Madame, had she known It, was In rather a difficulty, She great ly valued the Anstruthers’ acquaint ance, making a point of stopping to speak whenever she mpt them in Rov erton, and hoping those who kept aloof from Chalfont would observe It; but, strange to say, she had forgotten Reg gie, who, indeed, was not often at •iome, and now Kate had aroused her suspicions she was much perplexed. She had her own plans for Mollle and If it came to a choice between tl em and the Anstruthers' friendship, she must reluctantly abandon their friend ship. Mollle soon found the difference; she was never left alone for a minute. Was she going Into Iteverton, madaine was going also, or Henri would accompany her; there was nothing he would en joy more. "What do you think of Henri, Joyce?” asked Mollle the Saturday aft ernoon preceding Easter Sunday, when she had managed to evade both the Dubois, and, taking Kate to put a wreath on their mother’s grave, had gone ou to the White house. The White house was not so large as Chalfont, but It had a beautiful old garden, and the two girls were wan dering up and down the sheltered paths, while Kate took a solemn, digni fied ride on the old swing under the trees that had recalled to Mollle her childhood davs. ‘‘He was very pleasant the few times ho has been here," .Joyce responded doubtfully, pausing to look at the yel low daffodils, the sweet-scented Jon quils that lifted their heads from the dark mould. "But do you like him, Mollle?" “I am afraid not,” said she, thought fully. “You see, Joyce dear, he acts so strangely. He pretends to me that ha loves England and the country, and 1 know he loves nothing but his be loved I’arls. Yesterday he Insisted up on accompanying me for a country walk, and madam said nothing, though she was angry when Reggie went with me to get moss. I know he hated It, for he had on French patent leather boots, and really could hardly limp home; and then, as I was going up stairs, I heard him swearing awfully to himself as he pulled them off. But he paid me compliments all the time, and he tells me that he adores ‘le rport,’ but he does not understand a gun, and he dare not drive the chest nuts, I know. And—and 1 cannot help thinking that because I shall have money-" Shw looked at Joyce, wistfully, and Joyce not wishing to meet those sweet gray eyes at the moment, contemplated the daffodils, while she rapidly turned over In her own mind how to answer. Revcrton both said and thought a great deal about the Inmates of Chal font that It would be a great pity for Motile to know. For good or evil she was unfortunately in Madam Dubois' rare at present; therefore why make her feet more uucomfortablr. than was necessary. That Henri was paying court to the heiress seemed likely enough; her for tune would be a large one to a French man, and that her own darling, hand some Reggie had more than a liking for the lovely, slender girl herself was equally true. Raising her eyee from the flowers, Joyce caught sight of both young men advancing towards them, and Reggie called out; "I have brought you a visitor, Joyce. Motile, come and have a swing with the child, for the sake of old lung syne." They all turned back together to the spot where Kate was slowly swinging herself to and fro. Hut Joyce felt far from comfortable us she stood with the young Frenchman w itching the half sisters, as Reggie's strong, brown hsnd on the rope sent them flying up and down Mollies plnk-and-white face like the spring day Itself. Kate* flasen curls floating on the breeto. It was a pretty pi* him enough of youth, and. perhaps, looking 4! two of the faces, of lots. Hot Henri did 1*01 seem to appre* late It as he iIiik! Icfr |y twitting bis silky little blirk moos taeht. while his sharp black eyes roiwl from one lo the uther, and his lemarhs grew fewer sad fewer. “I shall have a swing put up In ta* ground* announced Kate conies* end liigly as they came to a Kill strip 'Mother had ua* made near the tea pi# l«wa.‘* s»lJ V* 111* posbiwa be* h bar rebell.ooa curia, aad fsaisaiag her hat "Oh, that la nut good enough,' re lufied the «kll4, her deep set grey eywe flaed **n her •>»tsr with swot ta owl sues "Vhaifwa' I# uiv pr*>pe«'t and I shall have everything done that I like," Reggie took his hand off the ropes with a mutterpd exclamation tha.t sounded not unlike "little beast." and asked Mollle to come down to look at the tennis court, and as Henri seemed determined to go also, Joyce disre garded her brother's appealing eye, and watched them off, for she had no ticed the sudden flush on Mollle's face. She knew bow tenderly the girl re garded everything her mother had done, and in some wrath determined to have a word with the vain-glorious owner of Chalfont, whom, Indeed, she would dearly have enjoyed shaking. Kate was looking after the retreat ing trio witii rather a disconcerted ex pression, for her slinip ears had caught lieggie’s remark, and she liked Reg gie; her boasting had been principally to impress him witii her Importance. "Every one seems to like Mollle!” she said crossly. "I suppose It is be cause she is a 1.'Estrange; Jane and Harriet say so. Though I think it is horribly mean of the Reverton people not to call on us, and make such a fuss over her, for, aa Jana often says, I am the heiress and mistress of Chalfont, and much richer than Mollle.” "I will tell you why every one likes Mollie,” replied Joyce, regarding the stylishly arrayed little Imp severely. "It Is not alone because she is very pretty, but because she Is always pleas ant and sunny. Who ever heard Mol lie say biting and unkind things on purpose to hurt people, or boasting about her possessions?" *'I suppose you mean that I do.” And Kate sat still on the swing, and flung I hey curls back with an angry gesture. "Yet Mollle has got some money, you ! know, or Aunt Clare would not make such a iuhs or ner. Harriet says mat she is sure she means to marry her to Henri; I heard her. But Jane says that with my persitlon I ought to marry a title; and I intend to.” And having delivered herself of these sentiments in her high childish voice she pushed the swing off with one thin, black-silk-stockinged leg. ■'Who are Jane and Harriet?” asked Joyce shortly. "My servants.” "Oh! And when you marry this nobleman, suppose you have two dear little girls, you will naturally leave this property to the younger?” "Certainly not; that would not be fair. 1 should leave the most to the elder, or divide It.” Kate had begun with lofty eloquence, then she caught Joyces eye, and, being a very quick child, saw the pit into which she had fallen, and stopped abruptly. "You think Mollie has not been properly treated9 The people In Reverton think so,” she ended, below her breath. "That has nothing to do with us, Kate,” Joyce said gravely. “But if you can see this, perhaps though you are bo young—you can also see how well Mollie behaves. She does not grudge you anything, though Chal font was her home before you were born. She never says bitter things to you, yet who has the most reason? 1 wonder you don’t love her!” Joyce never forgot the strange old , look on the little thin face, as the child glanced at her after a dead pause, j There was something both sad and weird about it; she might have been a hundred, with all the cares of life on her small shoulders, and looking at , her Joyce remembered with a wave of compassion that she was but 10. and. if report said true, her life had never been as other children's. She had been a tuol In her father's hands from birth; she was one in her aunt's now. Spoiled | from policy, neglected from want of 1 affection, left to the care of ignorant servants, who flattered her for their own ends and filled her head with nonsense, what chance had the un fortunate little heiress had? j "Come along.” she said, holding out | her hand to the silent child. *T see my mother be< kuning to us from the drawing room wind >w; let us run aud call the others in for some tear’’ CIIAPTKR V. The White Mouse was one of the most comfortable of homes, no dta i renal.>n was ever heard there. The very servants, who had been in Mrs. Vnetruther'a service for years, seemed to share the prevailing harmony of contentment, and tuoh a pride In «*rt I ing the family faithfully. And Mollie could not but notice the 1 difference as. after « somewhat i|ulet walh home «l ns th> c .untry road that 1 '■ (‘•rated the tw ■ houses b> about a mils the ga'*s of t hnlfont had «i*a«e I 1 to hehlad I to at ant a morose hashing I maid opsaed the hall door No h«uvh could hs*s been h*t>p> under Madam* Imh >la tyrannical rule Mollie had write lie h» f gild t i that, and al*>> another potat wamely that both moth*, ant ► >w were to he h*pt at arm* length that sh* was a j 1 Rnrtti* and iouM net could nut • '•’ad th* H tal she had *alh«d hunt* ;a n |w* ment of ludlguatlon because Utenrl. after all tbo rebuffs she had given him, had actually dared to call her “Mol lee” before the Anstruthers and a few vlstors who had come in, and assumed airs of proprietorship as he marched them borne. So as Kate skipped off after the sulky-looking maid, she turned abrupt ly to the young man, who was loung ing In the doorway furtively watching her with a faint cynical smile in his round black eyes, She was blit a school girl, this young English moes, tut she was adorably pretty, wrlth a skin—ah, such lovely white skin— what would not Celestlne or Lucie give for It! “Monsieur Dubois.” she said gently, fixing her clear gray eyes upon his dark (ace, "now my half-sister is gone 1 wish to speak to you—to remind you (hat wo ate mere acquaintances, and to such I am not 'Mollle,' but Miss I.’Estrange. I am sorry you have forced me to mention this. I hoped that you understood it.” Kor a moment they stood facing each other, but her eyys never quailed before his; she had spirit and courage, this mere school girl, he recognized, yet a very evil look caine into his face for a second ere he replied: "And why for not, mademoiselle; you arc my mother’s ward, and that long-legged Anstruther he calls you what he please, doesn't he?” "The Anstruthers are old family friends,” she said hurriedly. “But it is not a subject to argue, I simply state my wishes, which I feel sure you will respect.” “Do not be too confident,” lie mut tered between ills teeth. "It is pos sible that I may resent being treated worse than this other fellow—” "You have uo right to resent any thing, monsieur," she interrupted, with a haughty gesture. “I am alone here, liut I can appeal to Madame Dubois, as I am in her care." And she paused Irresolutely as his mocking laugh fell upon her ear. "Bah, mademoiselle, she lives but for me!" he said, with veiled Insolence. "I am master here.” It was true Mollle’s heart was beat ing uncomfortably fast; the prospect looked gloomy; but she had plenty of spirit, and Henri's whole manner was so detestable that her pride came to her aid and stilled her fears. “If I am not treated with ordinary politeness, and allowed to live In peace, I shall complain to my trus tees," »he retorted, with flashing eyes. "Of no use at all," he returned, with a sweeping bow. Then, coming clocer and laying a small claw-like hand on her arm: "See here, Mol-lee, you are in my mother's power absolutely for two years, and she has an awful tem per when opposed. You had better bt | friends with me. I, Henri Dubois, offer i you my friendship.” Mollle shrank from hla touch, from the sound of his thin, false voice, with unutterable loathing, realizing, poor child! with terrible distinctness that, like the man In the parable, she had fallen among thieves; then a ho drew back, throwing up her head with a sfornful jerk, while her knees trembled ho much that she leaned bark against the door for support. "You have again disregarded my wishes, monsieur." And by a great effort she spoke flrraly. "I have noth ing more to say.” And she went dow n the steps into the garden. (To be Continued.) Kcuiona of French I’reparrtlona. Lord Salisbury is not wrong when he alludes to the very unfavorable feel ing toward England existing through out the world, but to suppose that this feeling can lead to anything mere un less England herself provokes'it, espe cially to believe that this pretended ex plosion is to occur at any precise date, such as November of the present year, Is simply Idiotic and ridiculous. In any case we ure sure of one thing, that France at any rate is contemplating nothing of the kind, and in the present state of the world a coalition could not he formed against England with out France. It is true that for some time past we have become accustomed to contemplate the possibility of a rup ture with England, and we have even made definite preparations In conae quence, but we have been compelled to do this by circumstances that were not of our seeking, which we have been very reluctant to take into accouut.— Paris Journal des Debuts Tit* anstalnliag I »**r nf Ita liana One of the most courageous marches ever taken was that of t'ol Willem ks to Kuuiasl. We hear that during the march from Kumasi the whole party j lived on bananaa On one occasion they even waded shoulder high through a river for two hourw. Doe* anyone want a higher teat of endur ance on a vegetable diet than thiaV The Vegetarian laynaM Reach IMgaity bkaaai* that the dignity of the tiupretae beach la sometimes burdensome la It lost rated by a remath made by Justice Brewer to a Washington official the I juslii* was about to take his vat a i turn, and he watd "I am glad I am going to a rewort where I raw wear ! one gallua no collar, sad roll up my .acts I R«m4« l« %% a# *4 It re i*« ant th* Bahama m> p | *04 »t ill the ffaaat road* l« tba world th*r *f« made of coral, and are at , smooth a* a dan- lag ff«or sad n*t«r Hrt» Th# coral ia laawthal and pr-taa-1 w th rw'taia It la pew* | tkaiii aaltu OUR POLICY RIGHT. SENATOR NELSON LAYS BARE THE AGUINALDO PLOT. I'rotertofate I'laii %<ltu< utril Mould V iolate Our Treaty Pledge, and Turn the Itlaud. Over to the T*g*l A»«a»* •lu. Senator Kuote Nelson opened the Republican campaign at Alexandria, Minn., September 1 with a masterly speech on the Philippine question, de livered In his usual concise and con vincing manner. The town hall was packed to the doors. Senator Nelson held the attention of his audience and at times the applause was deafening. He was at his best. The speech was entitled “The Phil ippine Question In Its Various As pects.” Senator Nelson opened with this convincing statement: That our country bad good ground for declaring war against Spain and that the war was a Just one, fairly and humanely carried on to a moat successful, honorable aud glorious Is sue, is conceded by all. and Is not a matter of controversy. The American people, without regard to party, are responsible for the war. The bill ap propriating 150,01)0,000 for war prepa ration and the resolution declaring war were passed by a unanimous vote nf both houses." He then rapidly stated the events which led to Dewey's victory and to the advent of Aguinaldo on the isl ands by the courtesy of Dewey. Suspicion was iirst directed toward Agtiinaldo by General Anderson when on July 18, 1898, he notified the war department: ”1 suspect also that Aguinaldo is sec retly negotiating with the Spanish authorities ns his con fidential aide is In Manila ” On the 24th of (he same month Aguinaldo advised General Anderson of the "undesirability of disembark ing North American troops In places conquered by the Filipinos without previous notice to this government' (meaning to himself). Kt-vlou of r.tvolo »t Mnnlls. Senator Nelson renewed the events of June and July In a rabid manner effectually disproving the time worn and long disproved argument that Dewey entered Into an alliance with Agulnaldo. As early as June » Agulnaldo Is known to have been In secret negotia tion with Captain General Augustine, the Spanish commandant at Manila. His Idea was an alliance to drive the Americans from the islands LATER ON A GENERAL MASS ACRE OF OCR FORCES AND OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE WITHIN THE CITY WAS CONTEMPLATED. On the 7th of January, 1H99. Agui naldo wrote from Malolos to a friend In Manila, among other things, as fol lows: "I beg you to leave witli your fam ily and to come here to Malolos, but not because I wish to frighten you. i merely wish to warn you for your satisfaction, although it Is not yet the day or the week." 1 lie tprUInf .\k»IiiiI Our King. Senator Nelson gave full details of the barbarous orders from Theodore Sandico for an uprising In Manila, to be accompanied by the burning and looting of the city and the murder of all foreigners Ineluding Chinese. Con cluding Senator Nelson said: “I have thus aimed, in this brief but authentic narrative of Agulnaldo and his Insurrection, to show you the Inception and nature of the Tagal re bellion In Luzon, and the character and purposes of Agulnaldo and his military chiefs. Agiilnn tin'* I.uet for Power. “It Is evident that lust of power and self-aggrandizement, rather than the real freedom of the Filipinos, has been the aim and purpose of Agui naldo and his chiefs from the begin ning till the present time. “The insurrection which he and they started in 189« they abandoned for a price in December, 1897. When war came on with Spain and Dewey was about to start for Manila, they saw an opening and easy way to start another Insurrection. To Dewey they professed a desire to aid him in ex pelling the Spaniard* thpir heredi tary tyrants and oppressors. "Among themselves they planned, through the aid of Dewey and his forces, to enter l.uzou procure arms and atari an insurrection, ostensibly against Spain, but really tu hostility to the 1'nlted States They i sine to Luzon under false pretenses and with base treacheiy in their hea'ts. “They had no suoner landed and gotten their insurrection afloat and irmed their forces with weapons, fur tiiahec! by Ib-wey. than they began to open negotiations with the Spanish I commander, for the purpose of com binlng wi'h him to expel our force# from Manila Failing to get this to | operation, they laid «|.ge to Manila for me purpose of cipturing and loot I ing tl before the arrival of our fortes When our troop# Dually lauded, they received them In an unfriendly and hue! tie spirit and eon tinned tu haras# and annoy th*m tn various wav* tad ' alien Manila *m . aptured by our ! fur.,-# without their co operation .ml ! they >tn hot permitted to enter and ....t i> •. • . ... d " .... and assumed a belligerent at III tr ie to i They net* opened nego I nation* with t)*n Mloe a* lltwlo, tu the purpMee of wabittg common enuae and combining him again*! our furve#. an * through hta Son * they •», #in| p»*ewi in of the city before the ar ‘ rival of vsr fwrvw *»..*■ le mi ta I Wh*a Manila aarrendared ml is# • were no longer any Spaniards to fight, they renewed their siege against the city and our forces with increased vi gor. They planned to burn, sack and loot the city, and to strike down and slaughter every living human being in it. except their own people; and two brutal, though abortive, attempts were i made to carry out the barbarous and demoniac plan. If we study the records and proceed ings of their so-called government, it is apparent that it is nothing but a pure dictatorship—a mere military oligarchy of Agulnaldo and his chiefs tall Chinese Mestizos)—with no basis of choice or consent among the masses. It exists end Is tolerated, such as It is, through fear and ignorance. Ig norance of the Americans, their char acter and system of government; and fear of Agulnaldo. his junta and armed followers, la it not plain to any un biased mind, after studying tne record of Aguinaido and his juntH ever since the insurrection of 1890, that it is as much our moral duty to relieve the Filipino people from the incubus and tyranny of this military oligarchy as of Spanish rule'.’ It would be a greater misfortune and greater calamity to hand the Filipino people over to the mercies of such a government than to have left them in the hands of the Spaniards, is It not our moral as well as our legal duty to suppress, first of all, this insurrection, started under such false pretenses, with such treach ery and under such auspices and lead ership as this Tugal rebellion in Lu zon? Ilry*n ln<Jor«*'<l A<l in I Hint rut Ion. We acquired the Islands fairly by conquest, ratified and confirmed by a treaty, which had the indorsement of Mr. Uryan. He was at Washington on the eve of its ratification and urged his party to Join in ratifying the treaty. The insurrection of 1898 would never have had an Inception nor flourished but for the fact that our flag was In the islands, and permitted Aguinaldo and his chiefs to land. Coining Into (he islands under our flag, our protection, and our assist ance, as they did, Agulnaldo and Ms chiefs had no more legal or moral right to set up a claim or title hostile to the United States than a tenant, coming Into possession hy the permis sion of his landlord, has the right to question or set up a hostile title to the latter. We acquired, hy conquest and treaty, as complete a title to the Phil ippine Islands as to Porto Rico, and we have taken no more steps to obtain the consent of the Porto Ricans than of the Filipinos. The government we have established for the Porto Ricans is a government we have given them, and not a government they have given themselves. Merely it Thru! Affair. According to the most conservative | data, the Philippine group embrace an area of about 120,000 square miles and : a population of 7.000,000. Luzon has a 1 little more than one-third of this area ! and a little less than one-half of thU population. There are three different | races and over eighty different tribes. | of various degrees of civilization, In the group. Most of the people belong to the Malayan race; less than one-half million belong to the other two races. The principal tribe is the Vlsayas, oc cupying the Vlsaya group of Islands, situate between Luzon on the north and Mindanao on the south. The Vls ayas occupy an area of 28,000 square miles, number about 2,600,000 and are as civilized and Intelligent as the Ta gals. The next tribe. In numbers. Is the Tagals, who occupy .Luzon, and number 1,664,000—about one-half of the population of this island. Tho insurrection is a Tagal insur rection, and the insurrectionary gov ernment is a Tagal government. The other tribes anti the people of the other Islands liar] no voice and were not rep resented in the formation or manage ment of this.government. The Tagal government of Agulnaldo In Luzon originated in and rests wholly upon military force, and has not. even In Luzon, to say nothing about the many other important islands, come into ex istence or continued by the free choice | or voluntary consent of the people sought to be governed. Its scope and authority is limited to the territory oc cupied by its armed bands and detach ments in Luzon. The consent of the i governed is neither asked, sought nor 1 expected. The great masR of the peo ple are as helpless and where within | reach of the Tagal government under as ablest subjugation under Agulnal I do a military oligarchy us they ever were under the Spuulaid* in the years t nut ate past. Hrvmi Iftmilil Vlnul Utwn Old 4i|orv. It is to such an lusurret tlou and to such a government that our adversa ries would have us lay down our arms utul sut rentier our control and author ity. It Is this Insurrection . ami this government that we should have en t cotiragtd and set up a* a permanent establishment and have made our selves the protectors of It la to thta government of Agmualdo's that we should Mi* title and authority we acoutrsd from attain When we ratified the treaty we ■hotiId have given assurance of all this and then all would have been well |t la because we have failed lo do all this and because we are sup pressing the inmrreetloa bringing or der out of chaos and attempting to give the h'tliplaos a Just safe and lib eral government superior to any they Law ever had or possibly .wold a. uoira tbtooah Agmnaldu and bt« . htefs i hal we are gotlty of iittperl > slisin an*l guilty of threatening Ho liberties of nur owa people by an la 1 creased standing a*m* tnisss iwrsrnassi lit f |T Id ONLY ON HIS turn < |SM* THU MM htOA.' It' IStriY tN|l tOtMt Ml IWfsmtl. HEIGHTS. WHEN HR COMES TO LAY DOWN A PROGRAM OF HIS OWN HE IS LESS ELUSIVE. LESS STARTLING. AND APPROACHES REPUBLICAN GROUND NEARER THAN HE APPREHENDS. In his Philippine program he would, first, establish a stable form of gov ernment. That is exactly what the Republican party aims to do. But this implies that there is no such gov ernment there now, not. even Agul naldo's government. What Mr. Bryan admits by implication we assert as a positive fact, and we further as sert that the first step In the establish ment of a stable form of government Is to suppress the existing insurrec tion and insurrectionary government, and that a stable form of government can not well |>c established before this is done. IMr*r«*nf In Cm* of Culm* Even this Mr. Ilryan admits by implication, for he says we should do as we have done in Cuba. And what have we done there? When our forces went to Cuba there was a Cuban re public and a Cuban army. There was no Filipino government nor Filipino | army when Dewey entered Manila bay, in Cuba, through our efforts, and aid ed by the good sense of Gomez and his i chiefs, the Cuban republic has been permitted to expire and the Cuban army has long ago been disbanded, and by the aid and co-operation of the Cubans we are engaged in the effort of establishing de novo a stable gov ernment there. Had Agulnaldo and his chiefs followed the example of Gomez and It is chiefs we should beforo j tills have been long on the way to wards establishing a stable govern ment In the Philippines. Under the circumstances we have not. as Mr. Bryan contends, been dilatory In es I tablishing such a government. In : i846 our armed forces took possession of California, and continued to hold it pending the Mexican war, the ratifica tion of the treaty of peace, and until It became a state In 1850. California j never had a territorial form of gov ernment, hut remained under the com trol of the amy from 1816 until It be j came a state. There was no Insurrec i tlon In Callfornla.and yet,for upwards of two years after the treaty of peace. It was governed through the military department of the government, and this was held by our supreme court to be a valid and constitutional gov ernment, nor were we accused of lin ing dilatory in giving California a state government. Rut It is asserted that the Filipinos are entitled to abso lute Independence, and that we have no right to govern them without their consent. Our Put; » Sacreil One. If this Is true, what, light have we to Imposes any form of government upon them? They may Insist that they have the right to establish just such a form of government as they see fit and that It Is not our business to establish uny form for them. What then? Arc we to abandon the scheme or are we to watch, wait and pray for their con sent, or are we to go on regardless of it. And in case we do go on to estab lish a stable government without their consent, and they see fit to resist and to go into an Insurrection—as they | are now doing—against our present I efforts to establish a stable govern ] meat, and we resort to arms to repress such resistance and insurrection—as they are now doing—against our pres ent efforts to establish a stable gov eminent, and we resort to arms to repress such resistance and Insurrec tion and Insist upon establishing a ! stable government at the point of the ; bayonet, will not this bring us back j into the slough of imperialism with the ghost of a standing army in the background? There is only one sure escape from such a gloomy outcome. It Is to leave It to the Filipinos to say what constitutes a stable form of gov ernment. Hut If we do that there Is really no occasion for our giving any consideration at ail to their form of government. There is no need of giving them any form of government at all. That should be left wholly to j themselves. A« t •* m rrotectorm*. Having given the Fll'pinos a stable j form of government, Mr. Bryan would give them their absolute independence and then protect them from the inter ference of other nations. If It is our duty to establish a stable form of gov ernment. It follows that It la our duty to see that such a form of gov ernment Is maintained, for without It, we cannot afford them adequate protection against other nations. if we assume a protectorate over the islands, foreign governments would i expect and require, and would have a right to expect and require that we maintain a stable government there government that would protect the life, property and commerce of for clguers to the same extent as among i the civilised nation* of the world Wit hunt such a government we would. before the world, have no wore right to say in foreign nation*, ywu must keep out of the Philippines, than we have to *ay to foreign n* lion* at thl* lime, that you must kw»p out of China the ■’Miwlwtli N«ab*( If we were to aesume a protectorate 1 over Chine It eonld b# our duly lu eev the) China accorded ample protection iu ike live* property end buelpee* <1 foreigner*. tad recent event* hev* j > lemon at re ted what * teak tkia would he Xi..I the |’lll|»(HM I* all Ikett entirety, with their ever* then eighty ) different trttaee and tbetr varied end I inferior degrees of clvtliaettoa are far tea* tiled for *elf •evernmenl then the t hin*** who have meiaiglae4 »t hltcioi gn.emmegi for «eat«m>