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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1900)
I —" - —- - ■ YOL XVII LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1900 The Northwestern »UBUSHt£> EVERY **!DAY AY TH K ( Ot STY «E aT. • ro r B* * » M TCB. ' rci or* • ** m onw" i*»w*»b»r» Yf *.v* « rs» tkam if r*.j ra xorAlca tt tbr Ln: «tty iVuBet for trut :ne lA* n » » ft* #««•£ r id uiitcr. Tine prue *»f tobnceo msais* pret n a-ort tbe «skc batkboftn mjtw srr •*. ill samriag upwards ie* I re*ir hfif ibod import* egg* a r*b l.itti- a a ear. Tbe %■*■ t#*:«d Amrrtrss ben forest** tbe 3i Bi it (*•■« r,' t »b< # tor great aitattt •■{ pleasurs .o tbe pre*peet of soother tkre- eemett-d rice pr*a. Ihu: S/ht for !? kj He feara tb# U 2 ot Is • politico! kite «i»l ba lb# n i.a* ? f b t Aspiroltvs* if tbia tb sc ejtl 8#*# TLsr* «t» : i i**7 pound* o.f b* s eipaned *0 lsod 5f»2. « ' ** pound* is 1 !•*:•.« Tbi* **» at a re*oe of 137. • <.•«■•< j*»ur 1* it be r*j r'» f ? tl * rj.e farm pro da i utter tbe Sep* bit cos p^hcr of j • t*~t»on Jeff net ard for e: battled laa* F it* f r tb» ‘auri we gbt tkam ; * t*- p of tbe «<*tSd ard »f:er a i a- 1 t*r igzle « * roan la. Corbet • a» 4 /. to * r; A# a r gbl Lander • ii tbe it i«r }t« and Jeff still re tl Dl tbe d •; 1»- «ei os 1 hi* butter -a ? nattcrt Itr U#rsu LOg* tbe old bo me of «»etarai Jsak*oe i* * prenoaed. ;c tbe b pe vf f 'cor sapiro'JHj, a* « t So *a pienti of aftmsr era *« • _—»**. lei tl bero i * presi des* a *» K«aj« to excite list I'ttie -sieree:. !« - *s r'r tpcf:** -a . »o bur at lue f* 'u* ea ta tStisk f fci oniog l*- ** .* «;St 1 *# pu 1 be 'ieSr’T t * s*T And. e -se to think of it. et - • *1 l*r«npi nty BoalJ bare to ■*. %: -se. t« lab «ing aen are ail s' e r*. m**. : g decent na*:** «rd do a I »e t * ir \b p tie o<y|tn. f *':serr • .1 find t r. 1- S f ' thfe : ;s ■ o* v.d blading • e,te sr ttodt a* *ee foreign pnret f»«r Nu .« !Uap rsd •****! in • •lb of these 5 tiers there ba* l«ect sa sJisnto «f l#9 per ovtt in r»iue e ll»* foreign market aritbio t*o • «*ra J.*r an# sins odea Seed ortr ' jer eest • ibis tbe p»*t )r»r ii u%9 b*«c spoiling I? •*» • *rth uf cottoo geoj* *»eft tear, b«« onlr f.’Ti OjO worth r»x '.l« la f J &’-*%ea„ The new :*» .aw jaai enacted !*jr a Repob e- f*t„ *at * i *i»e o» this trade a xcel rt r* \ mod thereby here*1 ■nr otton gr were and mtsufadjr #ee a*.d oar whole popu lation It had m r aught to take a roter of the <:ltti diet not ioog to make a mot wba to ca*t hie ballot f >r for'© a* tua fall if wiodr Nets e a runim s a£a>nat that ex. B'-f tr at. M P KtoaaiJ. We » ni 1 !>e re;-reaetiled br a alatea me i *:• x mod we hope the i *t« ra of ibe h g • xth wili wake up to a tea all <o of cmr owed a before einction dat neat fall. H *V-ry viirmstiT told of bow a a : #r fata l tb* tflirt t of tbe bard tia * ut»«a h:a cofigrefati*n. At •be r o « «*r ft on* of bit aerxoas sa* *»-i, ^ *!l c tbe boua** «!o p*t tbtir dt* •» aUt. lu*t. Ioatartlr tmy sa*. aapaa tod child, with or* except <*«, ar t** to sbeir fact. 31* a*at* i the '•road, sa! aaid. ‘-Let *»*rt can *b<* ia not pay is; his *% aland op T e etreplioa a #te I a *r# wora. hungry .udicida h« I ta L.a ijf. tamsm suit. t ■!» a*» i*ed a perpendicolar po st" . a so I leaned «p*tj tb* hack of *% «#at in fmt of s:*a. * How la * tf end. the tniau * -» :Uatt taar* tb** ably mao ia *V- ’arge eoagregktion arho i« *»e*. i# to meet bta obi gtliob* '*’ *1 ;h.> t ab a arnapsper." ha meekly re t -r4. ‘ tad my Orelbrea bera, aLo bat# jo*t *t . 4 up. ar« tav an barn b ra bad-- “L»l at prat!" rx* clAiased the atiatater —Ex. Nebraska at! rd* a hlriking bor riHe ex:rr; '** of tbe effects of a j Drmocra'if a Imicisirati -a snd a free > trad* tariff, Its bank deposits show lit: ' Year. Amount. Igl* . ..*. .. 24,891,113 1*'»1. 17,20S.47G i * J4. 18,074,832 1 **5. 14,200,775 jletot. 10.227,537 I-.*7. 13,902,940 1 »> •*. 1 S,2 25, i SO 1*9*. 21,000,111 l istse fip’ire* represent tlie deposits ic n' .*nks in Nebraska under State • ti( rnsi -u only. Tbe deeliue dur ing tbe Democratic administration of l* *' ’*7 is as remarkable as the in crease in deposits under the pres ent administration of I'residect Mc Kinley. <iJas«e the brer, paaifj tbs blood, in «i£r>rat« the bo<ly by using LleWitt*? » 1 otle Early Riser*. These famous llt • e pdi» act promptly. Odendshl Bros. Pberea no t«enn’r in all the land. That tin with h*r t ,cr compare. Her* :p* vr* rr-\ her ev» • are bright, -ue ti kff Rockv Mountain Tea at night The a- lent* believed that rbftima : *n« «»s tb* uor» of a demon within a tnan Any one *bo h«* bad aii attack »f «e'st!e or inf -.mmarnry rheumatism : ■ that tb lemoni n' «■•> ,gh to asrant the belief It has •.< »■. r <-rr < j;m<'d that Chainberlaiu’e I'aiu Balm would cast out demons, but r a i cure rheutiattsn., *rul hundred* r *:‘m >: t to the truth of tle-tate inent. One application telievea tbr »I• ir? and th » q nek r«- i'? -*bu*h It affords » s or.e worth rsir* timet its *: 1 ■»- » • (id'-? :a V Bn ». Aa Spin*mlr n( U h»<t|ilD|i Couch !.*•' winter daring as epidemic ol whooping coegh ray tllkireu contract ed the J,*e te haring ?cecrc coughing apcKs VVc fnd _*<* i Ctiainberlain'a « ■ gb Remedy verv succe?»fy: .y for ri ip and : atu-a Jy tarred to It atphat I ae ir f ad it re ieved *the cough and effect !s c nipiete cur:*.—JollX ' . 1 Ll' Pr. ; : »: r X <*rvv odllons*, \i r *«»...1 X. Y. ibis remedy I# foi * a > 11 (J • l \ln .. T»r*uref K TTitaM” Juterse a fferit’* was end re I hy wit '.e»* 1 L Martif. of L»:\ e. Kr., before gave this eri >i et: *1 coughed every n gbt er * my throat wu nearly raw; t; en trr . I'-. King"* New Discovery at h gne inet tut re lef. i hasa used : • ir.j f.u.Hy for f jr Ttars and re- j *trs t •: a the greatrst remedy fer 1 c* * 5s and aii 1 Liroat. beat and I u-g iroebiea It ai.l «top the worst ongh a-, i not onlr preveets but ab*o-, e.v r ires t onaumptioa. Price 50c; and $1 >» Leery bottle gaaranteed. Trial *» ft:!«a free at—OJeudahl Bros. look here::: When you want a first clas3 iob of watch, dock or jewelry repairing done, don't fail to rail on G. H MORGAN. If your eyes hurt and pain vou and vou need glasses, call on G H. MORGAN, He is a graduate of the Omaha Watchmakers and Op tical College. All work guar ant«*ed to give satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. • •? Yours for business, G. H. Morgan, Loup City’s Jeweler and Op tician. A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cts. I Fanners' Eacjclopedia. Everything per taining to the af fairs of the farm, fcausebold and rtoci rids.xg. Km f ra.ii- truiles on r.e i-or-e the colt, boras hnbita. dis i wcs cf li-fc horse, tht form, graces, fruit culture, dairy 'r.y ', cat: t, f t;etp.swii:e poultry, bees, the o 9. toilet, social life, etc., etc. One of the most com plete Encyclo s A laTgv bt> >k. Sxib; x lJi inches. rH& pages, fully illus trated. bound in green cloth bind ing and equal to ether books costing - I'** Irdre this book send hs our special H.Ti w4 f 3$ i xtra for postage and »c S.,'«Md the bo k to yoa. If St is not setis ra-'*Gry o*: in a and -. e will exchange it or refund ytaarawaay. Send in-.' illustrated mia -■ •». c < :ae U>« k*»« .*i prices oo bo .is- FEEZ. *> v ua i**« v.«u awsvv. Address all ordtm to SaaLFI ELI* i‘t BUSHING Ci MPAKV. I* ubUfciM rs an ! Manufacturer-. Akros. Ohio Tb* SaameldCuxnpany U reliable.] -Editor A Keen Clear Rratn Tour beat feeling?, your social posi tion or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach and Liver. Dr.King's New Life Pills give increased ttrtngllt. & keen, clear bralo.b’gh ambition. A 25 cent box wii! make you feel like a new being Sold by Odendahl Bros. ' If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial, it will not cost you a cent df It does no go >d. One application will relieve the paiu. P also cure* sprains aud bruises in onc-thir I the time required by any other treatment Cuts, burns, frost bit*?, quinsey, pains in the side and ofc«>r. glandular and other swellings are .jut illy ••uicd by applying it. Every boul« warranted. Price 25 and 50 cts For sale by O.lendahl Bros. * J. C. Kennedy, Kornoke. Tenn , say*, "1 cannot say too much for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. One box of it cured what tba doctor* cal led an in curable ulser on my jaw.*' Cure# piles tod all -skin diseases. Look out lor worthless imitation. OJcndabl Bros. had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hope* of belDg cured till l began to use Kedol Dyspepsia Cure. It ha-done m? *o much good I call it the savior of my life.” write* W. R Wilkinson. Albany. T*i>o. It digests what you eat. Odendahl Bros Dr. Cadi's Condition Powders, are ju*f what a horse needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best in use to put a horse in prune condition. Price 25 cents per package. For sale bv Odendahl Bro’s. A Fast lllrjdf IJIder. Wi.l eftre receive painful cuts, sprains o-bru:M# from accident*. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, will kill the pain and heal the injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cures Ct;-dng, Chapped Hand-, Sore Lips. Stir:.#, Ulcers an J Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Try it Sold bv Odendahl Bros. -♦ » ♦ If sweet young widows want to ' :vetch*‘ some sweei-heart in tbe tangles of lIn n golden turl#, they’d better take If kr Mon tain Tee. Great Medicine 3*> cots. DO YOU HAVE rlKTT CERTS If \ have. Hi fell you hew to get tbt' rao*t for your money. Tha Semi Weekly Tonrna!. publisLeu at Lincoln. wants >everal thousand new sub-ciite rs and as a special inducement will mail the paper twice a week from now until the end of this year for only 50 cents Two papers each week with al the new# of the world, through the g-eio pi* idenlia! campaign and the campaign in this state for two United States senators and the state ticket Never in your life have you been offer ed s<* much reading matter for 51) cents. Send in your money right now. be cause the soccer you send it in, tba more papers you get for your money Address.Nebra«\a State Journal, Lin coln. Neb. _cam I Did you ever try to dodge the 1 rain-drops ? Did ret succeed very well, did you ? It's just as useless to try to escape from the germ* of consumption. You can’t do it. They are about us on every hand and we are con stantly taking them into our lungs. Then why don’t we all have this disease? Simpiy because these germs cannot gain a foot hold in a strong throat and lungs. It’s when these are weak that the germs master. The body must be well supplied with fat. The danger co:::s‘ when the blood is poor and the body is thin, if your cough deer not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay another day Take Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos* phites at once. It will heal thr inflamed membranes and great!3’ strengthen them as well. The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight increases. The whole body be comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. it’s this nourishing, sustain ing and strengthening power of SCOTT’S EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exnausting diseases, 50c and all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. N.*w Yack, * ^ A Woman* Awful Peril. “There if only one ebanee to save your life and that is tbrongh an opera* tiou’’ were the startling words heard by Miss. J. B Hun of Lime Ridge, Wis., frani her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jhundice. Gall stones had formed ami she con stantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful stomach. Lire? and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50cts. Guaranteed. For sale by Odendabl Brcs. TUCK AT TO GO TO CALIFORNIA. Ii iu a tourist sleeper, personally con ducted. via the Burlington Ronte. You don't change cars. You make fact time. You see the fluest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper, but it is just as clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ride in—and nearly $20 00 cheaper. It ha? wide vestibules; Plntsch gas. high back seats; a uniformed Pall man porter; clean bedding: spacious toilet rooms; tables andabeatiug range. Being strongly and heavily bnilt, it rides smoothly; is warm in winter and cool in summer. In charge of eteh excursion part* is an experienced excursion condu. :< r who accompanies it right through t Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha, St. Louis, Lincoln ami Hastings every Thursday, arriving San Francisco Allowing Sunday, Lea Angeles Mouday. Only three dnj s from the Mi«souri River to the Pacific Coast, including a stop-over of 1| hours at Den ver and 21 hours at Salt Lake City—two of the most interesting cities on the con tinent. For folder giving full information, eall at any Burlington Route ticket of fice. or 'write to—J, Francis,—Gen’J Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb. A Follower of Measles—In many inst inevs a persistent cough follow's an attack of messlee. In speaking of this Mr. Walter B. Be* 1, editor of the Elkin. X. C. Times, says: “Three weeks ago I had an attack of measles *hich left me with a bad cough. 1 took several doses «tf Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the cough has entirely disappeared. I consider Chamberlain's medicines the best on the market ” For sale by Oden dahl Bros. The New Werner Edition of Webster's Dictionary........ Newly end magnificently illustrated. We offer yon the hint Dictionary ever put on the market at a low pr e. This new edition cot.tains many special festurea nuchas dictionarycf Synonyms and Antonyms, lexicon of foreign ph ases, dic tionary of i-hrcviations, colorei platen, etc., etc. Remember this is not the cheap hook but a beautifully printed edition on hue paper with thousands of valuable additions of aid to students' and business men. If vou desire this book, tend os onr special offer price, Sl.OO.and we will send you this groat dictionary, bound in cloth or send us $2.00 aud we will send the same book boand in foil t&n sheep, with a beautiful coyer design. The hands me.i low priced Dictionary ever pub* liehed For every day use in the omen, home, school and library this dictionary is absolutely un equaled. Forwarded on receipt of onr special offer price, $1.00 for cloth binding or $2.00 far the full tan sheep. If it is uot satisfactory, return it and we will refund your money. Write for onr special illustrated catalogue, quoting the lowest prices on books, FREE. We can aave you money. Address all orders to The Saalfield Publishing Co. Publisher?, and Manufactures. Akbok Ohio. The Saalrteld Publishers is reliable. ! -Editor W J. FISHER, Attorney at law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Guana. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Nobthwkstkrr Building. LOUP CITT, - - KKuhass a. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT. I ( tnnk A. s* MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I.OCP CITT, - • N! HRA-KA. orriCE.—One door east of Cbase'a drug store. W. L. MARCY, nE.iri ist OFFICE ON* EAST S1DF. PUC-IC SyKARE no VP CITY, NEfi. J. E. INKS, . PAINTER, Fipst Class Work Guaranteed IOUP CITY. - - - NEB Has arrived and those who were anxiously waiting for the first sign of spring were glad to sec him. As they watched him hopping about it probably occurred to malv that it was not the first robin they had ever seen. They have seen men ROB BIN’ their fellow men by asking exhorbitant prices for goods. W ell, we have been in business for years and we have our first robbin’ yet to do Speaking of robins and spring reminds us that we have a special to t om municate to you and that is that we had good reasons to expect that spring would come sooner or later, and in view of its arrival we laid in a most exceptional line ot spring goods: and we are fully prepared to meet the demands of our many customers. If vou want a bargain in any thing in the line of general merchandise: DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, CLOThING Hats, Caps, Notions and a fresh line of Groceriei call on J. PHIL JAEGER, South Side Public Square Loup City, Ntbr. \Ir ANTED—Hone*>i man or woman to travel for large house: salary ffi5 ■•nthly and expenses with increase; position permanent; inclose self-addressed stamped en velope. MANAGER, 33d Caxton bldg.. Chica go, 111. 7-1-19 AKTED—SEVkRaL BRIGHT AND HONEsT, persons to represent ns as Managers in this and close by counties. Salary fJM' a year and expenses. Straight bona-fide, no more, no leas salary. Position permanent, onr references, any bank in aay town, it is mainly office work conduct •fl at home. Reference. Enclose seir-ad. M*«ssed stamped envelope.—Tbk Donut. »» Compaht. Dept. 3, Chicago. 9 -J5 to 3 190 AGENTS WaNTBD.—For-The Life Aad Achievement* of Admiral Dewey," tbs maNtd*. greatest naval hero. By Manet Instead, the life-long friends and admirer •T the nation** idol. Biggest and book; over 909 pages. 8x10 Inches; nearly 100 nacea half-tone illustration* Oalv fi.go Bnor. Bona demand. Big oommlsaions. outfit chance of a lifetime. Write quick The Dominion aompany, 3rd Floor caxtos •a tiding, Chicago Facts That 1 Ready Every Patriot January 1st and Voter ; Ought to KaowJ THE 1900 AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. Jk Political Pe;ister Containing Full Information Upon All Statistical Facts and Figures* The j New 11 600 Congress. \p^ ! A Complete Guide to the Forthcoming Elections of 1900. SPECIAL < The South African FEATURES. J War; War in the Phil ~^—* ippines; The Interna tional Peace congress; Our Naval and Military Establishments; The Samoan Settlement; The Great Trusts and Their Capitalization, and many other subjects of equally vital interest. _ We have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of James Reutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. We handle a complete line uf WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, our priceu are right. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION McDonald & HALLER, Loup City, Neb. I Wholesale Prices I to Users. IM Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay t| postage or expressage and we’ll « send you one. It has 1100 pages, p 17,000 illustrations and quotes tj prices on nearly 70,000 things || that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all I articles quoted. ! H The Tallest Mercantile Buildinf in the World, MONTGOMERY WARD Sl CO., MONTROSE BIGYCLE1EFREE on approval to your address WITHOUT A CENT IN ADVANCE. SEND US YOUR ORDER, state whether ' u w ish ladvs or 'nan^J heel; give color, height of frame and gear want' i an " I " ILL WHIP THE WHEEL O. O. D. on approval. ah win.- > >-u to urn-rate and ex amine It fully before you accept It. If it is t a.l and more than we claim for it, and a better wheel than you can get for any where near ta« price from any one else, refuse it and we will pay ah express charges ourselves. the “MONTROSE” Bicycle $1 0 50 ml our Special Agent's sample price of ^ I ... is the jrreatest torvain in a tiicycie ever off ere " ♦ *niarantce it equal to any NO w heel on the market! and you n*W ■ t it nor nay a cent if you do not find it ns we represent. We an 1 \< LI *1 * 1 BIC 1 C LB MA-MTAfTl RER* and take this n - . ■ • i“'ckly introducing our liWO Muni:i>. This offer of a sand » 1 th>s low Prt" made to secure a RIDER AGENT l» each town to represent us and take orders. Our agents make moot} f&>t- r . CnrAiriMTiAilC Frame tX S4 w ladies, if ln« I^*st SPECIFICATIONS. - Owns, flush Joints, improved ett<a: : P***^n“ handle bar; Koyai Arch rrewr: the cele Mb* U 1>i.l[.sat'd hanger - the easiest running known; Record “ V ’ ' !rt,'w ■BQSt expensive tires on the market Th. 4 - Mesinger Itjgleale saddle; pedate, tools and accesson- able. Enimnkl la black, maroon orcoach green, high:' nt*!' •nished nick.-lytg on ai height ;., . • , "'.-e I of material that goes into this mac: binding years guar antee hand with each bicycle ... _... ... TDCC to any , ne sending the *1 "‘*r_. . . ■ HLfc send free a genuine Burdl. k ’* ’’ V?~ JXt tmeter; or a high grade floor pump ality-ain n perfectly satlsned. flUEIB uiurri » We do u -t - v dure the cheap dtpart CHEAP WHEELS, n t supply houses advertise and . r r - . i ' *T stripped: or ».TS to M2 Shcompl-te. ■ l" r ..k,, or how BEFORE URHt KlNt. a bicycle of any ■ 1 1 ' " “.".TlVhine “ cheap, write us and let us tell vou how much we can save . t lttrt OF bv dis If you ||HiB| r i. RIlW a wheel we can assist y u • lb-' V <7,5 ,Jrs..n are IlMDLk TO BUT tributtng catalogues fori- iSt-aite which wo ta each town for this purpose. We have several hundred faFCOA D RA>1> W HEEL* t-»; > •“ R * ' „ u.t will close ont at fS to *10 each; also some shopworn and •» models v '* '*<%**£ “‘‘l ®l R RELIABILITY Is unquestioned. We refer to any bank or business k “ V, vou wish it railroad company. We will send you letters of reference direct from the large-1 deoosit will €CHn YAIIR ADnCD today This low price and the-e special term. uent without deposit wm wtHls IwUlI Ull IlCn he withdrawn verv soon . WGIve name of tin J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chicago, m A complete History of each of the Ships in the American Navy, by Edgar Stanton Mac lay, Historian U. S, Navy. THE STANDARD AMERICAN ANNUAL. > Postpaid to any address. ! THE WORLD, Pulitmer Bldg. Ke*k> York, --- NERVITA PILLSSS Cures Im potency. Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self abuse, or excess and indis gj^jcretion. A nerve tonic and we^blood builder. Brings the /V'Afpink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. 9|j^^j^By mail 50c per box, 6 boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund the money. Send for circular. Address, • NERVITA MEDICAL CO. CMon A Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL FOR SALE BT ODIN DAHL BEOS., Leap City, N«b A. P. CULLE 4. p CULLliT. PrwidenR QU&m. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business TransscJtad. i i Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. \ Om&h* National Bank, Omaha, Nebraaka.