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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1900)
f TOL. XVII LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEB The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT • to r nr*- « rru, bio. n «.*»*«»*. fi«».ll»!i*r4 rtm- t * ntm m> ir ran. is 4Uv*k» ini ,ji. il, 1 - ink' L.-ahCTI.:? PoeaaAss for trait* tt. t».ot '.S' 4ft. tfa*- ttotlj* 4M> *' < Wi? «*» matter Vi * lb Lmng of tin- asvlute for tbe fr 1*1 <* minded at Beatrice, ao* *» »»«'• *r 1*0}nter are {dating a _ 1 It * , -••*■* The * »ot - etiK-r » took mg for *.be bide Mr* **r t. \V I«4-*(\ baa tired of Y Jot* - at. * ts- sli. >un.-*J tier in teapot* i.d i s *.t»g st co.J Tbi# ia a . ■ ■ t !*srt a* a fnrtter st’mpt siigtii {mil ffOOfg i® a j*«-e< t * : i- * r ' .at * inlet bas {.nit r * T- .uriah* i for a da % at - •in 4 f« 'be «ant of pfojier t irisbuaent, it is an niibia or* J jj7 ■ * »! *- tb •nutnent is a »l l n. r* .k*- t 'lf -b ambition. \ f» « it ** #."* i® Hairy's * t teas a* > »•] «aa tapping tbe eta"* **• a }*:arie fire, lint since Ocneral f*r •s(*or„ti baa taken charge ©f |i.e if - . nil g*»ne ’*© \V«* 4 »< r* fnil »{.*>• I«r |. . » !> r iEl 1 - l*<i. But tu j ■! * . u - • Ttio far-: It- £ *1 If * .!>•.!. *»«T. 1) I lilt-} * tit w „ I** k : » I» mocrralic It rffci ' w it- •O.kcUoft*. lti ] - *. • - - . {K-r erlit of U I• . * oni} * j - f rv f .. it venue* wan ttiar«;> .■* • ■* * .t ttai txpcMM. A & i if. : -tra iju 1* al * a - « . ’lie $#♦*< j.i« * OlaOVV. . i.r f -• tur of liiv >lc k ■ • rai.un la« Time* ■n j ui rua » f**tr aorriotrpad i titer- j <•; »»' t - * * .' <* if :.L' ^rent f u#t>* mmktmz ti<*« -u». j I*io*|*«»rity" * an a.a* : jj t. or b>*» * old •ir 1. .* - t. ** tii** * ‘»tnerml iia* tstra - -a* and ibe $> »p papers iiitr a - r- • r. • i (rota any fu'tn* r r« •*-.i *• » > k . I *IIM { Atilt u - fc\ n.'. a Tte BiuCi i. m * c «* «l M *41 t ■ ■■«■.. * - .. • L • twd) rot c cat'tiM XmMart warn«a* ■ a H i t .ri-.'* Tt - !;.*'• "-!■ • .a tar a* * -H-trltt i>. a*--*": a » nr t**d r*rx: aa wta »i iaj a' 5 ■ . .* t p n. and * *» t a. * r«.-f*tal tnmnuc* to a. t,; t in j w H -Tirroa. m «Ki:lKt» !.%:•!* A* i i. A work* ago Weflcir.f tnvitatioa* were rent out by li m B • J A As.gter. announcing aarriifi . ' daughter Sr. ;* J to M» i hi. s Knight, both *f tbia 9*f on Mote:*}' eve; :.g MteJ SI 1SI00. V* lien tbe rr- **• 1 There wvre about •M«a! fire %•» - peeaerit to uiToer* lt*e ret*- a t , t -odiirted by ’he bridet' f alter r ,r r-. hai 1 and *e*l ©' t zm «t to | *t ion be •©•' tec 3 j r a "O wma a pleaatest at. air a * si. f»r**eot «err trry agreej b y ei - • r • ■ s. v* 1 *■ let I Ire r* rrmoi y Mr kti ;li’ ha*. tL • week, ciood a ! n.- ter* in the gran,mer de partment td our l.ottp <fy High School rd * a t» g mat) much re-petted b* tbocr w t»,» tear# mark) lib u)«aia\ mtrcte. I"ne r» ie tts« grown up from eh- Hi.-i !*> cout.’y, hter par, *nu * c an. »i»g tbe team aettirra* teto* t* a lade of bigte muairal *ttai» • u.» •*»!■■-». as i («v r*b t k'iovn by alt,. * i-he* hem 9 te gl» leg ee prosperity and bappi ne*#. WHY S'«M»to! ex mrj ■? it. the land o«n a *\e* Hc:u* *#w.t»g M«rbincv B e ■ * £ M*tt. 'te never tiring -le i* ai * aya in good bu rn For -ale t»t r V Han. Alter *u6rr tig fiorn pur- f«»r fif '* i tear- I »«• < tired tor u« n* two X"!»■ •'' ”•* ila/el Salve.** write* W M Raa \ i | Brook. \ | || bte • • • re-y » • g Re » are of r> untrt - fe’t* I» tea dab Brio F . S^viaf? niadiivicB call on T. jl r.etetel i ‘Tin V Til K Tliter* c*ri* to rr farm ate or. nay la*. 5 mate* WeMtef UMDI'in . <M Mr. S, IT, If, «mmi tell i*a »t*«r l»» yrar* With t,rw»«i te« *i4*. tatwmte m form of two m'a our m reraete awteer the wifart o«u*r will <<>;u< fterwtee* !»••• awoteraty. pay »barge* an* g*ateimal r»o art*® a©**** k <Ten*etb'’ liver, pu&ify the blood, iu \ gorate the body by using DeWitt's Little Larly Risers. These famous lit j t’a pills act promptly. Odendahl Bro« There'# no beauty in all the land. That can with her face compare. Here lip# are red, her eves are bright, **he takes Kooky Mountain Tea at night The ancients believed that rheuma tism was tbe work ot a demon within a man. Any one who b*s had an attack of sciatic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is demoni ac enough to warrant tbe belief It has never bees claimed that Chamberlain'# Pain Balm would cast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of the-tate ment. One application telieves the pain, and this quick re.ief which it afford# is alone worth many times its cost. For #ele by Odendahl Bros. An I |>iMriulr of W liooplng Cough Last winter during an epidemic of whooping cough my children contract el the J -ea-e hivng -evere coughing spells. MV had used Chamberlain's • »ugb Remedy very successfully for cr< p aid naturally turned to it &t;lhut time and found it re ieved "the cough and effected a complete cure.—John * . < ssoiiii. Proprietor Nurw od House, Norwood X. Y. Thii remedy is for • j,f by Odendahl Bros. Turburet'. A Witness Intense suffering w a* endured by wit ii-*' r. I. Martin, of Di vie. Ky.. before he gate tb.» evidence: "I eoughedevery fi giit until my ihroat was nearly ran then tried I*r. King's New Discovery a bicb gave instant relief. 1 l.ava used t in in) family tor four years and re ♦ mineiid t as* the greatest remedy fer * ugbs. h'oids and all Throat.«'best ami I,ting trouble* It w ill -top the worst .•ugh and not only prevents but abso lute y cure* < onsuiupt ioa. Price 50c and $ 10M Every bottle guaranteed. Trial pottles free a?—Odeudabl Bros. NUTL' E fob public ation department of the Inferior l.-iid <»nireat Lincoln, Neb. » May ath, l'JOO. i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha- filed notice of hi* ln tvtmoii lo mta tiaal proot in support of h * r4liit. and that said proof will be made J A. Angler, county judge, at Loup • Mr, Nebraska, ..n Ja;v :»rd. UHW, viz W: am It Mellor. Homestead Entrv. No i: : Um the northwest qnarter Section *. Towns*!:;. i'.. Rang- n. He namt- the fo. lowing wuuesmis to prove his continuous re*:.nice upon and cultivation of said .and, vis H. J Johansen, Loop City. Neh. J W Long. '* “ 44 J s Pedler, 44 “ •• S K i> alia way, *• 44 J W. JoiiNson. Regis’er. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Hepartment of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln. Neb. ) May lKtb. :90J. I Notice is hereby given that the following •tame settler has filed notice of his m tcut.oii to make flual proof m support of k;s claim, and that said proof wi.l We male before the conntv jndge. at Loup 1 :tr. Nebraska, on Jnue ‘iliiti, 1'.*** viz: Alw«r; Homestead Entry. No. • for tne north east quarter. Section 86. Tomu*bit> 16, Range IS. lie names the fol lowing witness to prove bis continuous residence up n and cultivation of said land, viz: Cieo. Kitta', of Ashton, sebr. sieve Kittle, 4 4 44 44 Andre w Kan 44 Frank Font. J. IV Joimsox, Register. look here::: W hen vou want a first class job of watch, clock or jewelry repairing done, don't fail to call on G. H MORGAN. If vour eves hurt and pain V 90 * \..u and vou need glasses, call on G. Ii. MORGAN, He is a graduate of the Omaha Watchmakers and Op tical College. All work guar O w an teed to give satisfaction or mooev cheerfullv refunded. » — Yours for business, G. H. Morgan, [>»up City’s Jeweler and Op tician. A $4.00 BOOK FOR 75cts. Tlie Farmers’ EDcyciopedia. Everyth inr per tt the ai lairsof the fans, hOuseL'.lA .ad stofi raitta?. Em .*»m: o .‘irih its on Utc Lots:. she colt, nm-e ha cits, dis cuts of the horse. it» Hirm fruit cultutr. dnirY iBg.Ooiitrery health cattle.: -hi • j-.e-winc. poultry. tot dog. toilet CCCUi < of die n. st com plete li n y c 1 tv j>ed:ns in <j tertce A le’ ' U • k bX-^V X XVa illl iK- tiBt pag-s. fit.Illus trated, board ir. green cioth bind nag snd equal tc other books costing WOO. Ifyon «i«*irc this bi .ok send us our speeta: o9er (flee. SO 7S, and Sb.j) extra for postage and »f will forward the book to you. If it is not satis factory return it and we will exchange it or refund puir money. Had for our Bjiecial illustrated rata ■ Tt*a. (luoting the lowest prccs on books FREE. Vt t can aaee v <«u mom: v. Address all orders to J PAALHEI.II Pt BLlblllNti COMPANY. Publisher. and Manufacturers. AKUos. Ohu Tba MaaineUl Company i» reliable ] Editor A Keen Clear Ilmtn Tour best feelings, your social posi tion or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your stomach and Liver. Dr.King's New Life Pills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box will make you ftcl like a new being Sold by Odendahl Bros. If troubled with rheumatism, give Chamberlain's Pain-Balm a trial. It will not cost you a cent *il it does no goal. One application will relieve the paiu. It also cures spraius and bruises in one-third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frost bites. quinsey, paius tu the side aud chest, glandular aud other swellings are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price go and 50 cts For sale by Odendahl Bros. J. C. Kennedy, Kornoke. Term., says. "1 cannot say too much for DeWitt'a Witch llazei halve. One box of it cured what tha doctors called an in curable ulser on ray j*vv." Cures piles and all skin diseases. Look out for worthless imitate Odendahl Bros. "1 had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up hopes of being cured till 1 beg an to use Kedol Dyspepsia Cure. If ha- done me so much good 1 call it the savioi of my life.'* write* \Y. £ Wilkinson. Albany. Term. It digests wbat you eat. Od ndahl Br» S Dk. i ai>y's C ondition Powukks, are jusr wbat a horse needs «hen in bad condition. Tonic, Flood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best in use t > put a horse m j r .ne rendition. Price 25 rents per package. For- -ale bv Odendahl Bro's. A i'U'l Blcrcle lildsr. Will often receive painful cuts, sprain? o” bruises from accidents. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. will kill the pain and beal tbe injury. It's tlit* cyclist's friend. Cuts Uhatinz. Chapped Hand -, A ore Lips. Burn-, Ulcers and Piles, cut guaranteed. Only foe. Try it. Sold bv Odt ndahl Bro*. - • - It sweet young widows yraat to ‘ ketch" some sweet-heart in the tangles of their golden curls, they'd better take Rocky Montain Tea. Great Medicine 35 cents. no VOL HAVE 1 II TV (ESTS If you have, will tell you tew to get the riiott for your money. Tba .'tsci Weekly Mato Journal, published at Lincoln, wants several thousand new sub-cribers and as a special inducement will mail the paper twice a week from now until tbe end ot this year for only 50 cents. 7'wo papers each week with al. the news of the world, through the great presidential campaign and the campaign in this state for two United States senators and the state ticket Never in your life hive you b >en offer ed so much reading matter for 50 cent?. Send in your money right bow. be cause tbe Soccer you tend it in, tba more papers you get for your money Address. Nebraska State Journal. Lin coln, Net>. Dkl you ever try to dodge tlie r? ’ -c reps ? 1.1 net c ec -. \c.v V" % c*J yet:? .. as useli-i3 io iry to ese.v.o ' c ths germs oi ccntur: r-uon. *1 * ! can’t do it. "i key a: J ubov. | on every hand a x. v,. a- - : 1 sianl'y taking them *3to a lungs. Then why dt n’t v e s’? h (’lie glic.' u« 9 -- 1 these germs car.nct g-./n a ft hold in a strcr.g i a It i?s. it’s ■. .. r ' ! weak that the germs mm. ei I The body muzt b* we'a- r y;• ; 1 with fat. The dairy.- <• : when the blood is poor and body is thin, if your cough <k not yield, and your throat a., lungs feel raw and f erv, y c should not delay a rather a | Take *g e IS1 t Sx ifc 2, JL-. of Cod-Liver Oil with Hvpt' h ' phites at once. It w ill heal f V i inflamed membranes and great ! strengthen them as well. Td digestion stronger, the appetite better and the wcl. increases. The whole body be~ comes well fortified and tht germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It’s this nourishing, sustain ing and strengthening power of SCOTT’S EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting diseases. «oc and $1-00, alt druggists. SCCT1 & liOWNt. Chcmsts N-•»/ York. A Womans r . m r- ■ , “ i here !■’ it-, . < r.• - ;.w* your * tion” < • - Mist, I. i: j k« r tried ui i ,■, , ; stoma*-;! * » , g| Gall >: . - , StiRt i use K h‘ r- : i and i. f ! Loss *■! .. , - G uariii,;i. y , • ■ ins: v \ \ iu t..s ;.j i is Ul H t v'*ti] iNt N-'i1 ; 7 duc-t'd. Vi.* ti I:; •. y . i don'r i d; go f y 7 ■ You Sir i- i Your *: }•,<•: . .. nished :i ii.idii t, : . mk ci» •!., j>.-* - e good i* ehfiPH gas, ip ;ii . • : ] man v >r t r: * . >, toilet r «>i; >: ; Being \ ; ... . rides s;.j0 -I. 3 . ; -,'a: *n i .... cool t;i ui"Mr* It) Ct ' . f. ' .: j; ’ , an exp; * It ■ iu ■ who SUV S j: ;.- :V Los At 1 a r > i ■ t\ \ . ( ... ;; ■ anti il:;- ,'s e Sau i Ang* the M ; - iue’uilin;; ; - verandah .• ... , of th i Linen: For :,• ea.. fife, ■ A TV: . Inst:: s ' : • t attack -f ; ... In ■ Mr. V. • V- Tit • X . C 5, ■ 1 ll«- ♦ . - i ‘ -* • • - me v» i" h : 1 ; do«i*> n| * ’: ■ I' and the eon: h ■- < , . V ; I c.u.- i.i r • .; best on t.:* dahl V s. B *. a ii. > v-’ • • ... 'ialfiF .!> Bii-ii1 ikj ...» - :\-v. ■ , T a low j M* ‘' A anil Air,. ■ tioaar ■. , Z\C * f. bc^nti! thousfi ;i> . and ;»r,:. r.r ?v- * :■ { your-: bs *2 C"' ; fitl* t 1 - Tiie ! ,'P'-r Usnez. . . . . • it :;:r: v _%s jl - :, ’nrle-r's; • *' »■ e * **•v v “■ * *■» w „ Addres f.’: The Saalj-a u Vr;:-li \■.; C A' ' ’ • r : ■vi AK\ r ' Mil • iTfce- Ss: ]J'-: P;;r A * *• aJ i i w t Will : 4*z:i< Goner ': • .. . * r ry - - phys : > .■ . umt ' . v. • • : OFFIi'F.—. .if Cca,t en:,-j o: A Irujr t'* ■" v. . jr* **• ~ ~r r’v w? r #* I*- **<. , W w /» Av 'j * Jt. ja..^ ■» « a. X ' » X. OFF!C-. v A E'.'T : V -, LOUP CITY, X1-: IJ. J. E- INKS, PAINTER, First Claa> Wc vk za. a . veal : OVP CITY, - - - NEB w . tl se who were anxiously waiting for the first sign of spring wtre -c l As they watched him hopping about it probably occurred to ma»y : : t ie tir>: robin they had ever seen. They have seen men BOBBIN’ - l n ' y ashing exhorbitant prices for goods. h 7 in nusiness for years and we have our first robbin’ vet to do and spring reminds us that we have a special message to com u« ; .a nd that is that we had good reasons to expect that spring would :k * : ‘er. and in view of its arrival we laid in a most exceptional line ot spring goods: : w prepared to meet the demands of our many customers. If vo« : - * * ni any tiling in the line of general merchandise: : I GOODS. BOOTS and SHOES. CLOTliING L ps Notions and a fresh line of Grocerie* call on ?\ J\ JAEGER, South Side Public Square Loup City, Nsbr. \ . ■ ' ■ : *’ *■ *‘si or woman to ;: salary a ••«* i>r; position el'- sed si ail t en • \' • • 1- ■ •. K ■■ (bldi-'-. Chios'- • — • h:;iuht and - to represent us us - a; t close by counties, a r ’ expenses. Straight ■ •• aiot' m • -s >alarv. Position l1' ■ • ‘ ■ i pen:-f», nay bauk in ■ ■*- i ■: u. • «•tiie< work cunduct «' • -p "e:>S'nelose self-ad. “ : CD v elope—TlIK I> vix. ■ in •; Chicago. »■ “5 to :t 1m) — F r “The Lue AM - "c it:,, Dewey," ilia Itv Mr. rat fr:- 10$ aad'admirer ■ ■ • “ *1 Fiit.test arc book; ' Dn:lies; nearly l.H> jmimc • \ Oalv #,..■>;> Enor 1 ■'i- comm I. ms. Outfit • ' * to*. Write quick. av, :.."i Floor carton i»u u '..::f,»Caimia*>. Faeli That * — —'— ■■ i E, cry Patriot --( ac,d Vote# 0.. it to K&owj «■> J* -—J ^ T: 1 ' I 8M5|*n • • t I. oLisitU-qu T\TTF. VJJrvcr r>x^xrr\x a . 1 y i rosier t a i x -. -: v v*E iflw\!jlU o rmatfan - T FTi'cT Facts 'V t*ll "S f** ff-iflUC i-gu-ta* -V'V.'V'VfVH, +V"** ( { i ‘1A , * " , vV 3 * *’, A Comdete ( ;* T - *v ;—* • A*' * r < '*> .'*■: Of i ,' ilO • rC-.* *7- -» C . . v.. Whv in the Phil ones; The Intema .... . C.vUOur Naval !: ’intents; The t.c •' ; The Great T r Capitalization, and ■.s jel equally vital c ML ory i p each of i ' a. Jrt (he American - - o r d s Mac . «£. /vh^jy. 1 i E STANDARD F F FAN ANNUAL* T"co IF'F Postpaid to any address. : :.'T; I THE WORLD, ■EXE J™: FuRtscrBldf tel* Tiortu fiTi mu e>Biiii,n v't'- r» hi I ft pin Slost v,G°a * * **:» * £ I rl £ !LbVANC F/.ANHOOO Cures Impotency, Night Ilmissions and ai>t:as£;-, all effects of self .abuse, or excess and indis cretion. A nerve tonic* and • blood builder. Brings the Kpirik "low to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. tBv mail fiOc per box, 6 boxes tor $2.50; with a written guaran tee - > cure or refund the money. j Send for circular. Address, NERV1TA MEDICAL CO. Ci;raon & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL FOR SALE BY i ODENDAHL BKOS., Loup City, Neb \\ e have purchased the stock and pump and windmill business of dames Reutfrow and are now ready to continue business at the old stand. We handle a complete line «f WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable, our prices are right. W£ REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. McDonald & HALLER, Loup City, Neb. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage and we’ll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17.000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. The Tallest R? rcantile Building in the Morld, MONTGOMERY WARD Sl CO., Owned sr.d Occupied Exclusively By Us. Michigan At. a MndUon s*., chicag*. MONTROSE BICYCLEWFREE on approval to your address WITHOUT A CENT IN ADVANCE. SEND US TOUR ORDER, Kune whether you wish Indy 's or man a wheel: give color, height of frame and gear wanted ana w r. n 11.1- Mllr Till WHEEL C. O. D. on appr va.. M >wmg you to uncrate and ex amine it fully before you accept it. If it is not all and more than we claim for it and a better wheel than you cab get for any where near the price from any one else, refuse it and we will pay all express charges I ourselves. The "MONTROSE" Bicycle $1 ft. 50 at our Special Agent's sample price of ▼ I V< is the greatest bargain in a bicvcle ever offered. " < guarantee it equal to any Mt> wheel on the market! and you need not if you do not find it cs we represent. He are Eat LI *1 > r. Bill ttt MiM l U TI KKKS and take this method of quickly introducing our IfMHI MO!»El>. This offer of a sample wheel at this low price is made to secure a RIDER AGENT in ea*^ fc1wn *® rrpre^nt ns and take orders. < hir agents make money fast _ , . „ _ ’ ' rnmiriAITinUP Frame a. *4 or » inch; ladies . S Inch Beat SPECIFICATIONS. 33* *£■*"'•“binrjtth forged connec tion s flush joints improved expander device to fasten seat pwua handle liar; Hoyal Arch crown; tCcelebmted Mnvtehuteand hanger the easiest running known: Keeord “A- tires, the best and one of the most exnensivettreson themarket The genuine g4 Me«ager nygieale saddle; pedal*, tools and access.iries the lest obtainable, ijiaroeled In black, man Kin or coach green, highly hhi-hedaudon^^it^. special finished nickeling on all bright parts He thoroughly lest everyj tece of material that goes into this machine. Our binding year . gaar antee band with each bicycle. _ ,, ... _ rpcc to any one sending the |]AM cash in full r net send free a genuine Burdick HM*»' mile harrrt meter: or a high grade floor pump. Your money all bask if you are not perfectly satisfied. ____. CHEAP WHEELS. concerns and bifr Fipply houses advertise and sell as high (Trade. , however, at kb to ST stripped; or».7b to *12.50eomplct. We c-- not guarantee n r how mend them BEFORE OK1IKKIM, a bicycle of any on. t matter * no or now cheap, write ua and let us tell you how much we can save you on th* ' r bv dis If you I m ADI C ta D||V a wheel »c canaasistyouto EARS A wJ nid one i«er*on are URASL. TO BUI tributinp catalogues for ns a fv» da "■ , » hlch In each town for this purpose. We have several hundred (.Rd.Mt B AM* « Hi l l-** tali. n in trade wMch^re wi o close out at ph to #IO each; also some shopworn samples and 'va nmdcls very cheap- »cnfl tor W K BE 1.1 ABILITY Is unquestioned. We refer to anv bank or business house in t hica#«- b P.^ lt^ railroad company. We *ill send you letters of reference direct from the Unrest hanks * Uic-w. epun YfHIR ORDER «X>>1 This low price and these special term* of shipment v. ithout deposit win vCctU Ivlin V i1 II Ell lie withdrawn verv soon CVGive name of thi' i J. L. MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, Chicago, »• A P. CULLEY 4 p. CULHI*. President FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transected* _ Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y„ Omaha National Bank , On aba, Nebraska. m *