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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1899)
koj^vVESTE R N * CRUSHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. OEO. B. BENSCHOTER, I Mltors ■nrt OEO. H. OIBSOW, I Pnbllahari TKRMs7-*1.'W PER TEAR, IP PAID IB ADVAWCI Entered at the Loup City Postofilce for t run s mission through the malla as second class matter. Offit ial Taper Sherman County Cyclone holes are being very carefully considered these days. The Republican state Conventic n will be held in Omaha on Sept., 21. Billy Bryan is a deseendeut of the Knights of the Golden Circle, and a worth) descendent at that. Sherman county has bad nearly as much rain during the month of June as we have had since wiater left ua After the rebellion caine recon struction, after Bryan would come distruction if he could find enough votes to elect him. W. J. Bryan for President and J. H. McLean, of the Ciociuuatti Enquirer for Y'ice, is ibe latest from the democratic wig-wum. Christian Science healing is cut ing a wide swath now days. It is bav t ng its boom, but like the itch, most people will get well of it io time. The Democratic party has got so rotten that men of known principle are leaving it. J. Sterling Morton has quit them cold and started a party of his own. Nebraska is getting to be a very wet country and fears are entertained that the essence of populisim is be ing too badly mixed with water to survive another campaign. YV. J. Bryan says it takes as much courage to fight the trusts as it did to climb San Juan Hill, perhaps, but W. J. cboses to fight where be can run away. There is'nt so much danger to his wind. Colorado will send a gold girl to the Paris exposition next year worth more than a million dollars. She will sail it the new woman or the shibboleth of YYr. J. Bryan. The Trust Octopus is the devil fish that the democrats have chosen for their emblem in 1900. But it is the same fish that has characterized their party ever since John. C. CalbouD preached nullification. When it comes to Chanties the YVorld Herald is strictly in it. Cy clone, drouths and pestilence awakes its philanthropic spirit and it calls for contributions. It is now gather ing in shekels to tide the democratic party over its coming bail storm of 1900. Colonel YVatterson of the Louis ville Courier Journal, says all politi cians look alike to him since the Democrats held their convention in his city. He is thoroughly disgusted with the antics of his party but has not quite mustered courage enough to quit the rotten old ship of treason. VS’e will soon be expected to hold a county convention to select candi dates to otTer themselves up as a sacrifice upon the altar of Sherman county politics, and yet no one has even been heard to remark of his fitness therefor. Don't all speak at once but semi in your names with a • please, not aa a campaign fund but as evidence of go«Nl faith. Ilavcioeyer the great sugar king says "The tariff is the mother of trusts," while our beet sugar Os narJ, tbe president of the beet sugar industry says be s n. — Trusts are Hie most every thing else they can'I lira unless thy have something to lice on which accounts fur their and den inactivity after a democratic national success Last fnii the pop stump trumpeters made the claim that ,"under the wise and beaidcten! rule of their party tbe school lands of the stats bad largely increased now |t la givsn o il that thin year util show a shorings over other year# of about gt uoo This slum was alia to the one that mada the state pesJUnl.arr seif sup porting |t oalv tainted in the mind of the pop politicians. The old time Alliance men and populists of the western part of the gtate congregated in Kearney last Friday, to reorganize the populist party on the basis of their first prin ciples, which have been lost sight of since fusion gobbled them up. The document wbieb they accepted as their articles of faith for political work iu the state is ulear cut, hon est and straight forward and with out a doubt was inspired from honest motives It sets forth the facts at the past few years experience has demonstrated, aud if reformers are preaching their doctrine from princi ple they should not hesitate to ac cept it. They give it out fiat that there is but ooe “reform paper” in the state that has stuck by the origi nal principles,(which we think was our Times Independent) but have all gone over to the most corrupt gang of state thieves that ever disgraced a coinonwealtli. They back up their principles with convincing evidence, and honest men of all parties can but say atneu to what they have said. Now let us wait, watch and listen, and see which populist papers dare give publicity to these potent facts as promulgatbd by tha party they claim to represent. Keep your eye open populists, its worth reading! But we fear you will be compelled to full back on a reliable Republican paper for your ioformation if you ever see it. The First Nebraska boy* are cross | )g the briny deep again this time to be welcomed home by the entire state. No regiment fought better and no Btate will give their boys a warmer welcome home than Nebras ka. Sherman county had two repre sentatives in the Philippines sod two in Cuba. The two from Cuba are already home and the two from the other side of the world are on their way, and no Mauser bullet has left a scratch upon them. Our boys fought well and deserve a token of our appreciation. Let us give a cel ebration in their honor this fall. Let us set apart a day at the county fair dedicated to their honor and give them such a reception as is befit ting American citizens who go forth to carry the emblem of freedom to all mankind. They fought in the cause of humanity, they conquered through justice and right, and though the Tagal does not yet recognize ibe great blessing be will receive, from the fact that no other nation will dare to again seek to make slaves of them as long as Old Olory waves over them. Let us, with a full heart and open arms, welcome them home, and for that purpose, let the people of the county assemble on a certain day at the county seat to make their welcome home complete. For a business man to say to an advertising solicitor: “Ob! no. It's to dull to advertise now. Wait till times pick up a little," is equiv alent to a very sick man saying to a physician: “Oh no doctor, I can't take any of your medicine now. Pm to sick. W’ait until I get better, then Pll take It." When the pat , ient gets well, if he ever does he will not be in need of medi cine. The best time to advertise 1 is wheu the need of stimulant is greatest and that ia when business 1 is dull.—Madison C’ronicle ( A. Mr. Bette, of Chicago tin ok* ( be ban invented an automatic me i chine which will annihilate a cyclone, | aud otters his discovery to the gov I eminent of the (1. 8. free of charge if they will push lie manufacture end use. It is not said what polit I leal faith he belongs too It seems ' that nothing short of one of these machines will lie able to knock Joe r O'ltryen out. Uti buy one i When Israel 1‘utnum unbitebrd i fr«>m bis plow and rode to the front to I earl the Continentals against the i Uritlsh, his injunction si* to "Trust in Oml and keep your powder dry." but little did he think that that word * Trust" wt eld l»e the last hope of • the democratic party a century end i a quarter after -... > I >u. CaM’s UNMTMS |'o« nan*. *re i just what a here# used* when In t>e*i nmlUies. Tunis, UsnJ pwrthsr u4 i vermifuge They ere net fund hut med Mm end ihs best Is use tu pul e hurse I in prime swedithm I'rteelft eeuta per perkege Put tele by Odeudehl lis't, THEIR FIRST HORSE CAR. Th* People Were So D*llfkt«4 1%lt They Hole All Dap. “I: made the survey for the street car lines'in the City of Mexico," said the cifil engineer, “and when we got the track* down and the cars running we had a laughable tima Young men of the first families not only ventured to act as drivers and conductors, but in sisted on taking those places without wages. The thing was like a new toy to children. People paid fare or withheld it, Just as they saw fit, and some would ride around for half a day. The Yankee superintendent of the lines was in a sweat all the time, but it was kicking against a stone wall. “The tracks were single ones, with switches here and there for the cars to pass, but such little things didn’t bother the drivers. Borne of them would start the mules on a dead run and go clear to the end of the line, and others would pull out on a switch and go to sleep or indulge in,games with the pas sengers. I guess it was two months be fore the drivers consented to give up their siesta hours. At 12 o'clock pre cisely thevnules were brought to a bait, no matter where the car was, and the driver would walk off to eat, sleep and smoke and be gone two hours. No Mex ican ever hurriea Moat of the com plaints received were to the effect that the cars went too fast Even after we got things somewhat systematic, Don Pablo Chora, the president of the road, returned from a trip one day to say to the manager: “ ‘Ab, senor, but I am afraid we shall never get our people to accept this enterprise. ’ “ ‘What is wrong nowt’ was asked. “ ‘Why, one of our greatest mer chants paid bis fare to be taken to the Alameda in 20 minutes, and, lo and be hold, the driver cut the time down to IS I We shall be ruined by moving folks around too quickly. Let os tie up the legs of the mules and take the whips away from the drivers I’ "—New Or leans Times-Democrat DOWN EAST CURIOSITY. On* Iuataae* la Which It Wa* Not ■aJUfle*. It takes a down east naan to ask ques tions, but once in awhile one of them finds bis match. Jonathan overtook a gentleman who was traveling on horse back, notwithstanding the fact that he had lost one leg. His cariosity was awakened, as he rode alongside of him, to know how he chanced to meet with such a misfortune “Been in the army, I guess?” was the anxious inquiry. “Never was in the army in my life,’ the travaler returned. “Fit a duel, p’haps?” “Never fought a duel, sir.” “Horse throwed you off, I guess, or something of that sort?” “No, sir, nothing of the kind.” Jonathan tried various dodges, but all to no effect At last, almost put of patience, he determined on a direct in quiry as to the nature of the accident by which the gentleman had come to lose bis leg. “I will tell you, ” said the traveler, “on condition that you will piomise not to ask me another question.” “Agreed, agreed!” exclaimed the eager listener joyfully. “Well, sir,” remarked the gentle man, “it was bit offl” “Bit off!” cried Jonathan. “Waal, I declare; I'd just like to know, powerful W6ll, what on arth bit it offl”—Chris tian Endeavor World. A Famish** Cat’s Prudearc. At Osage City Mrs. C. .A. Stodard was cleaning up her garret when by some means the family cat got into an old trunk filled with clothing and was shut in tight and fast. Just 20 days later Mrs. £tcdard was in the garret again and heard the cat’s feeble cry from the trunk. When the lid was lift ed, the cat had just strength enough to climb out. It had torn the clothing in the trunk all to pieces in its clawing and had gnawed the sides nearly through in several places. But perhaps the most singular circumstance was found in the manner in which the cat took care of itself after securing liberty. Mrs. Stodard set before it a big dish of mi’k and a big dish of water. It would lap a little of each and then He down for a few minutes, when again it would partake sparingly of the milk and wa ter, and this proceding it continued through the whole afternoon. If that cat had been a human, doubtless it would have swallowed all that was placed before it at one gulp.—Kansas City Journal Kat Bang l'o» Uragegela. The Engliah, according to Hcience Toar Toot, have adopted quite an orig inal plan. In many houses. on tha table by the aide of the pepper box and the aait box ia placed a aand box—a litt*> receptacle filled with vary fine aand, aa fine aa floor, which is sprinkled ov«r all the food. /. medical journal haa ad vised dyspeptics to adopt Ibia remedy Tba aand, mingling with tha alimen tary utaaa. renders it lees compact and makes digestion inure eaay. This haa become the fashion, and since the Eng ilah have began to eat aand It la certain that french anoba who imitate their neighbors arrues (be channel like ux u keys will euou be devouring II beside*, giavrl for digestive purposes haa Urea in ass by ustriches for a king Urns X taei o« Mle Hta«. Mrs li-uktey (severely)—It's ml n • mao f»r ins to aak » here yon wne ami what yw« were doing Uat night Mr ilskby (heightening)—I'm gteJ of that ft I coski at do It to save my •elf - Chicago News VetMsa Seaeeta. Tha man who tells yos a sec ret and aahe y«n not to tall dosan t treat yon right Ha enjoys telling It and MkMi yonr hat tag\ jset a* good a lists — At- hlaun Ulohn Hear Yea. Hear Yea, Hear Yea! ^ COURT IS NOT IN SESSION, but I am out making loud calls for you to come and see the car load of new agricultural implements and to learn of ■ THE BJG BARGAINS T. M. REED’S LARGE IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM Binders, mowers, hay rakes, wagons, buggies, wind mills, harness, so wing machines, wash machines, wringers, patent churns, everything in season sold on the lowest possible margin. COME ANI) GET PRICES ON BINDING TWINE AND STEAM THRASHERS. I also have a complete stock of hardware and furniture going at very low prices. Headquarters at THE RACKET STORE, SOUTH SIDE R. R. STREET. IMPLEMENT BUILDING EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. T. M. REED, Loup City, Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Unprei-fiileiileil tow Biteg to Colorado Every day from Jmie 25 to July 11. Ooe fare puts §2 00 for the round trip to Denver, Colorado Spring, Pueblo, and Git-nwood Springs, Tickets good to return any time until October 31. Never before such an opportunity. Take advantage of It aod spend the sum mer iu tbe Heart of the Rockies—where heat and duat are unknown—where tbe sky Is as brightly blue as Italy’s, and the air as invigorating as a tonic—where you can bathe, and swim, and climb mountains all day, and every day. See nearest Burlington ticket agent and get full particulars, or, If you pre fer. write J. Francis, Genl Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omsha, Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE—Cheap Tickets to Detroit, Mich. Take advan tage of the low rates—One fare plus $2 for the round trip to Detroit—which the Burlington Route has made for tbe '99 meeting of the Christian Endeavor and go east at about half usual cost. July 3 4-5 are tbe dates of sale, Berths, tickets and information about return limits,side trips from Detroit, etc ,.can be had at any Burlington Route ticket office, J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. If ¥#u Qo to California Late in June or early in July, you can buy a round-trip ticket to Los Angeles at about half the usual rate. Liberal return limits and stop-over privileges. Don’t make a mistake ar.d go any other way than through Denver and Salt Lake City. That is the route near ly 20,000 Christian Endeavorers selected two years ago. Being the most elevated of all the di rect lines to tbe Coast, It is coolest and freest from dusk. Penetrating the very "Heart of the Rockies,” it surpass es all others in beauty of scenery. Information and California literature on request .J. Francis, Genearl Passen ger Agent, Omaha, Neb. BURLINGTON ROUTE FOURTH OF JULY RATES. Usual reduced rates—one fare for tbe round trip between B. A M. R. R. R stations not more than 200 miles apart. Will be In effect July 1, 2, 3, and 4. Re turn limit July 5. Fresh Bread every morn ing 6 cts.f a loaf. Cake every Saturday at A. E. Chase’s. AGENTS WANTED.—For “The Life And Achievement* of Admiral Dewey," the world'a greatest naval hero. By Marat Halstead, the life long friends and admirer of the nation's Idol. Blggesi and book; over 500 pages, Kxlo inches; nearly 100 pages half-tone Illustrations. Only $1.50. Enor mous demand. Big commissions. Outfit free, chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion company, ;ird Floor caxton Building., Chicago NOTICE. We will sum! tbe Stallion Bill Mac" tbe ensuing season at tbe barn of B. T. Snyder, in Loup City. B..T. Snyder, N. B. Thompson. CATTLE AND IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE. Tbe Ord State Bank will sell unprov ed farms oa time. Also cattle on tame terms. Ord, Nebraska. sim 50c W rtu lacloal ng thle ad. and nv and *»• will aand you thin beautiful Maud..line by «xpr««L C. O. auble.t to eaniulna lion. If found exactly oa repreaentrd you ana nay tba axuraaa agent our HHKI’ ULorncR price, BAU0 laas Ua HI cant a or fBJU nnd ex preaa charge a. Tbla la a regular Bit Inetrument, to I Id r.iaea.-l body. (A»cy paart nnd ebony eheabrrrd rdge. baautiful pearl butterfly guard plate raanwuod Begarnaard and nlcbel tall tltce. You eaa ba*a either a Maaduhae Uutiag.MeJoa«Vlella aa the aaoa teratn write fur VKEMaualcal ratal.* ' Addreae, A- lleepe, Omaha. Neh. Nursing Mothers dread hot weather. 1 hey know how It weakens and how this affects the baby. All such mothers need Scott's I mulsion. Itgitcs them strength and makes *thc baby's food richer and more abundant. - »-»► At* tNIM EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Calls Attended Night or Day G. H. Gibson, Funeral Director. Subscribe •» FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE ■Tim. ) » The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper .in SH IMAN COUNTY. -ALSO THE OFnClAL PAPER OF THE COITY. W J, FISI1KR. UEO. K. I1KNSCIIOTER. Attorney au.l Notary i'ublle. I’ublWhar I.orr ('irr Nkuiiiwaataaa Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Town Lota, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE.