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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1899)
f — ..~ T he Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY KKIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. «RO. K. BKNHOHOTKK, \ Editor* unrt UKO. H. OlliSON, { I'll 1>l I nil «• r n TKKMS: —#1.00 PEH VKAIt. IK PAIII IN AIIVANOK Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trim a mission through the mull* us second elua* mutter. Official Paper Sherman County AMHTON I.OOAI.H J. C. Stdiaupp made a trip to Loup City aid return on business Tburs ‘lay. Quite a delegation of Aahtonitea went to Farwell Thursday to attend tlie “hoiiNe warming” given l#y Rev. L. E. Humphrey, the pastor of the Preabjterian church at Farwell and this place. All report having had an elegant time. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smelser, Mr. 0. F. Heushausrn ami Alisa itlaneh Paige, and the Misses Neihler, drove over to Rockville Friday evening to attend the "Mother (loose” soeial. Mr, and Mrs. E C. Taylor return ed from an extended trip through the eastern part of the state on Sat urday evening. We notice that John Rupp sr. - and Jacob Rapp are here from Okla hornn. J.,K. Conklin made a flying busi ness trip to Loup City, on Monday. W. h. Smelser visited tbe bub Monday und Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Wichmau went to Loup City Monday, returning the same day. Aug. Sonstrom drove over to Rock ville Sunday for a short visit. Miss Fay Fair of Kockvllla1 was visiting her sister Mrs W. M. Smel scr, the fore part of this week. Mr. J. C. Todd of Elba, was a vis itor of our hustling town Tuesday. We see home made bills out say ing: “Fourth of July ball game, ABhton vs Arcadia, liicycle Race, Pont Race, Dunce day and night.” ^ No one seems to know who is the author, and the business men dis claim any | art of it. The sad news arrived Tuesday morning that Mr. Tbos. Woitalewicz had lost oi e of his sons. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at the Catholic Church. Our heart felt s\ mpatliy goes out to the bereaved family. Win. KmitZen drove over to Loup City Tuesday ou business. A large number of friends ot Miss Barbara dinner congregated at her home Tuesday evening to help her celebrate her birthday, and happy occasion it was too. All wished her many happy returns of the day. Peter Jepsen, the enterprising merchant from Rockville was seen on our streets Wednesday. I. M. Polski of Loup City was seen shaking hands with old frieuds here Wednesday morning .* very quiet school election was held here Monday night, Mr. Bartlia Jemew Lukaszewski whs elected di rector in the place of Mr. J. I*, lay er. MAKHIBU. At the home of the bride’s parents Mr. and Mrs J. P. Taylor, at high noon on dune Mr. Karl 11. K. Kendall of St. Paul, Nebr., and Miss Kvu M. Taylor of Ashton, Neb were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Kev. Lewis K. Humphrey The bride wore white organdry over cream colored silk, and carried a Im uijuet of white carnations. The groom* costume was of the conven tional blank. The couple entered to the at rains of wedding Mat. ii, executed hv Miss Nellie Acgier, ■ i.d l>•• • U. tluir places beneath < **»;•• a > dime l«etl inns of white II wt i*. i to . •, Luge and e iHaodhMi* l»u w indow After il>* irri»*i ty all preset t partook of ail ihyai.t dinner pr*p*i | ad for ike o< u> ion The tnuiig couple left amid a shower of Ih**I wishes, and lice * l| comae, ou the g ill P M Itatn f.n ! au extended wedding tout through j Ike Weal, after which Ik.-r will make Ikair home in Ml Paul, Nebi Mr Kendall vnisn lo ua as a model | young utaa of sterling pnaliWra with I very height pm» peeks for lUe future j while M>*a fsik'i ha* lived aumug ua ike greal*r pail of her life sail j has a host of fretnda who wish her j all the )oye poaatble Only the two fatuities and a few ( tallwiale freimls ware preaeu' at the j eeramnu) They go (ofth mt<* the a<nM •llh the cuagtaiidaltoa* au I U-at I Wishes uf all It l* I STORM AFTER STORM. Wlml. Hull Mini Kuln llo (lr«at llaina|[« to Crop* unit tMlinr Properly •Storm of Friday. A heavy rain and wind storm pre* vailed here Inst Friday evening, which In certain localities developed Into a cyclone and done consideruhl i damage, north and earn of town, where the storm was the worst. \V. K. Mellor'a barn blew down and scattered over 40 acres, Mrs, Wharton's barn and other out buildings were completely wrecked and abingles and cblmney torn oil' the house, T. M Reed’s barn was also laid low Win. Hharp’s barn was more or less damaged also the barn of Lewis Bechthold. A. M. Uennett and Carl Anderson both bad their wind mill blown down and W. II. Morns’ wind mill was evidently picked up and lifted completely ower some tall trees and dashed to the ground A freight car waa blown ofl' the U. 1*. track. I’eter F. Krlandaon had a large two and a half story barn completely twist* ed Into kindling wood. Ills boy was sleeping In the bam but came to the house just before It went. Mr. Frank Otlewskl's large frame barn was also completely smashed to pieces and other damage done about the place. He had a steer so badly hurt by the dying timbers that it hud to be killed. A ball storm visited the west side of the river in Webster and Washington townships and we learu that Charles Larson, W. M.Leinenger, A. L. Baillle, Anderson and McFadden, George Lee and others experienced severe damage. The rain fall which extended nearly all over the county was very heavy and the corn crop is booming. Stor m of Sunday Last Sunday afternoon one of the se verest storms that ever visited Sherman county struck and devastated the west ern part of it. The storm seems to ha\e gathered near Lee I’ark, and followed down C'lcar Creek striking Litchfield, about 4:30 In the afternoon. The wind was not as furious from reports as some we have experienced before but there was a number of wind mills blown down, some houses unroofed and several bar nes destroyed. The water came down in a regular deluge and our informant states that it was three feet deed in the streets of Litchfield. The hail was very large and broke every window glass that faced it, thereby making the dam age in that berg very heavy. The storm seems to have covered an area of about 25 miles square and very little crop is said to be left in its track. The hail reached within six miles of Loup City, cutting the crops of M. 11. Smith and Henry Reuslnk and others on its east line. Thu storm in the Loup Valley consisted of rain with a stiff wind but no damage was done by the rain in the valley as there was but little over an inch fell, but the water which fell south west of this place and east of the divide came rushing down the cauuons until atthe forks of Biown creek, and in the draw on Charles Van Aels' farm the volume of water was 35 feet deep and was about 5 feet deep in his house. It moved his barn a short distance and destroyed some $(J0.00 worth of Swiss cheese and much of bis farm machinery. It struck Geo. McKadden's farm next sweeping every thing before It that was smaller than his house. His corn crib, ice house and a seif binder was carried half a mile and about <10 head of hogs were drowned. Mr. A. button had 53 bead of cattle in a uasturo in the track of tile water,33 was still there the next morning, the balance were missing Sturm of Monday Monday evening at about 7 o'clock clouds again bewail to uppear iu the west ar.d gradually grew tuoie ominous sending most of our people tocellars and cyclone holes. The rain began to fall about U oclock and continued amidst hm(nl lightning and severest of thunder until II o’clock The conditions were terrorising, sometimes as calm as death >*Hb that »u*peu«e which accompanies It. and agaiu the earth trembled and rcyerbeialed from the deafening peal of thunder. The wind did not at any time reach alarming proportion There was 3 •!* niche* of water fell and enuilng as 'I did upon in already conked eat h the ito sl was alarming f r ihoae lltlng on lie |u«i r lands Very lr«* to Idg is are left • lodlng ><\er ll.e >iii illri streams ami agieat »■ m-nwl of grading l» w nalietl aw ay. No hall ev imp anted the »i»riu and when til*- cloud* began In break a greet soapeyne a«« lifted from all »<>VH fc ft» hit High*, sealed hull fur Cea f arm si akarutaw coasts l«* laree years, «iawsstis| Marsh isl, isss. will Im rsesits* at the • wwwty ciara * tdh«c, at lamp ellf, y*s | nwUi »» nr betas* tsetemhef lei. if, mi* farm . attain* w a, •#* lam lailnwl , right af eat. and right si *n of Irtiga { I taw mm* pear aa4 peelut high way a heat ! m he paid la rash, terms lu he »e* ha f | • aim la ad*sa«e and was ha f cash at the ayp'ietiu* of . s t twi I • «».> iu fwrw | tah Uissd a oh annsus** mshiiii t ha > ueatp hoard isaatsa the right t* releet any aad ad beta. Sllnl t Mpi'iiy, as itytla dwaa IS lags June M>sennit, >vee*t «teia antis te SUPERVISORS P ROPE EDI NOS. Loup City, Neb. June U. MP>. Be It remembered that at un adjourned regu lur session of the county board held on the IS, day of June Ikiiw, ut the court bouse In Loup City, Sherman county, persuant to adjourn tnenl of March 17, I8WU Present S. N. Sweet land Chairman: O. L. Way, J. P. Lcinlnfccr, Lewis Bechthold, v. C. Delderlchs, and Peter McKson, Supervisors; T. 8. Nightingale, county attorney and John Minshull county clerk At sent a. Dickerson supervisor; the follow lug .‘roceedlngs was bad and done, to-wit; The proceedings of the county board as the same appears from page Mi to page al7 of this book wi re read and on motion approved as read. in the matter of J, A. Shipley requesting an adjustment of his land tax. The same was laid over until next regular meeting. Ernestine Dolit appeared before the board and requested her land tax for the year I Mi stricken from tho tax list, for the reason tint (Inal proof hud not been made. The county clerk was ordered to write to the U. S., laud office for Information. Before the bourd camd Paul Schelewskl, and asked the county board to strike from the tax list of Logau township for the year Dti3. taxes charged upon a certain crib of corn, and the said Scbelo".„ki having under oath.stuted|lhai said corn was by him kept for purposes of feed log. and not for speculation. It was on motion ordered stricken from the tax list. The request of J. Phil Jaeger for Phoenix Insurance Co., of Hartford, asking the Imurd to make an order striking from the lux list of MW certain personal lax was denied. On motion the claim of W. II Conger as agent for Phoenix Insurance Company, for tire and tornado policy upon the court house for Eli oh was allowed, und warrant ordered drawn, also claim for Barker estate for brush and earth used in the wing dam on the site of the new Loup river bridge. Whereupon the board adjourned to June 17, 1*1W at 8 o'clock a. m. of suld duv LoupCUy. Nebr., Juno 13, 1 m. Ho it remembered that at a session of the county board Supervisor* of said county, hold en ut the court house in Loup City, in said county on this 13. day of June lr!w a* by law provided, for the purpose of sitting a* u board of equalization. Present: 8 N. Sweetland, Chairman, O. L. Way, J. P I^.iniugcr. Lewis Bechthold W C. Deiterlchs, Peter McKeon and A Dickerson, Supervisors, T. S. Nightin gale county attorney and John Mlnshull coun ty clerk. This day was spent in matters of equaliza tion, also the follywing days of June 14-18-lfl. June 17, I8y# was by the board consumed In the proper equalization of the assessed valuation of cattle, horses, mules, etc, whereupon the county board adjourned this session to # o'clock a. m. of June 1U. isyii. John Minnhiu., County clerk, by Louis Hein. Deputy Loup City, Nebr,, June 17. ISWI Hoard In session pcrsuuut to udjourmeut of June 13. Present full board, except Deilerich, also clerk und attorney. On motion the personul taxes for Isus*. against* Wm Quinn were ordered stricken from the tax list. On motion the claim of Arthur 11, Hansel fur $3112.37 for making earth till on east end of new hridge was allowed and warrant ordered drawn. The request of F. M. Publee to compromise or remit taxes was denied. Board adjourned to 9 o'clock a. m. of lune ‘tO I HOW, Loup City, June W. iswi. Hoard In session pursuant to adjournment of June 17. 1HW». All members of bourd present, also county clerk anil attorney, This day was passed by the board on compu tation In mutters of equalization. Whereupon the board adjourned to June 31 I SOU. Loup City, June 20th, 180#. Hoard in session pursuant to adjournment of June 17 18W0, All present: The following oflicial bonds were approved: Carl Anderson D- D. Grow, and Tbos. Clancy bond for justice of the peace. Jurgen Carstcns. Andrew Paulsen, Wm. Garnett, Fritz Jo hansen. Kdward Hrcwer, and S. N, Paulsen bonds for load overseer. The following official bonds were not ap proved: K. H Wait, Herbert Haker, and John Hollenbeck for the reason that the dale of their appointments are later than tho date of their bond and qualification. , On motion the county treasurer la instruct ed to redeem from tax sale the south east quarter of Section 28. l»-lfl eronoously sold for taxes of istw, said taxes having been paid to the treasurer of Washington township. In the matter of the petition of Claus J. JhDhOlMl Odm asking fur tbt Nltblltb went of u road commencing at south east corner of section 31. 14-13, the same was granted. in the mutter of the petition of Christ item l*r and others for the establtshius it of u road to commence at south west corner of Section 13 IS, the sume wus vranted The application for allowaace for damages made by Nancy J Charlton ttlledgiug that fuui damage had resulted to her by establish mi nt of road No. We was denied. In the matter of the petition of Carl Ander son and others asking for a Uew I.rider arcros* llayes creek on the Me Alpine road, said pell lion was granted aad Supervisor Lain nicer instructed to build said bridge. flans aud -'peeltlcations for a uew brU's’i aeeross Oak Creek ou county line as received from tounly Clerk u! Howard county acre i «amiueil and clerk ordered to ascertain from rierk of Howard couuty the cost of such a hr litse The ps till in of Niels h Jansea and others askitia In the establish no it I of a pet*Uc t.sit , "luao iu ms at the north east corner stake is tween «*-, lions I aad t in ij was a'auted as prated lor provided all claims lor daui sees hied re this rued priseedluss arc ealwd ue or befofe live Hrsl day of hepleatber Nh The brMee committee preseat the Ml»«i>f report to enlist t haul Mf«, tuna hr idee •mmitiis having mod* a carelwi etaeuna ln'Snllki1 whlirkkt West of Lili iHi lu late It eonstr s* led Uf tf I, h'liM, stok r his iue tra* i Wt ia the tear l*n, IImi the same i.* '« *. foltoes Cm. ih three state* east spas heias IS fact loan era ter State ft feet k*a* and aest atasn If fact bote total Vi feat ffce Workman ship .la this bride* Is hot fiat class the ahota el the a.-rs taxes rough and irregular *• tv- .ut'i.' ud that the claim of the sohiract w “s this brisk* ne httoasd at the sate of • It at Respes lfi»Uv vskwiIWi J f I- * t-. sr tt I Vk . I.. a s ft | d v s. an mills a. esi.ti irpifl ta< ssiepted t Ns ta-eveut the riant id tf hsadt as to tieiii *f Midge east of like lie nl i. «ima*d for at l*i i >sit se the *««■ of Mil a a. yet ' sJs*» i ■ f > t %S> sssamittee * ft s* w the ■I'm i ).'«.* is w>l i .* * os the saint* a** a*- a s * in lad as ahatvfvl *a the t-'t si sum **t fit it t own it hsssrd thee minmreed tu Intata as af Ins ;» l«e* Jukh Mis.m at Co Ckfk Ut lsS*«|s Hat* iWpoty tsMitsei eeat a sea J Phil Jaeger’s LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Those'shoppers who wish to make a sea sonable purchase in season comes here, for they know we have just what they want and when they want it. Our stock of isew SPIKING GOOQS is here. It is fresh and complete. Wo are headquarters for anything needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Suits, Spring line of bools and shoes, fancy silks, block crepoo, wash dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkoline draperies, Scrim, No tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc. QOJN’T tui^jn youf? back on a good thing. Don t forget that in new spring novelties we can show you many new things that have never been shown before. And above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store, inspect our goods and learn our prices. we cap and will meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible bargains for the season. We invite you to call. Yours Truly, J. Phil Jasgsr. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public, Will Defend In Foreclosure Ctw also do ▲ General Real Estate Business. Office In NoftTHWESTKRM Building, LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT, l I IB A. S' MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - - NEBRASKA OFFICE.—One door east of Chase's drug store. LIVER! ! I THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER l ’LL CU E'i IBiliouc no99. Constipation, Dyspopsia, iSIck-Hoad - |ache and Liver Complaint. ^ 6U*eS COATBD. TOO PILLS Hold by all druggists J or sent by mall. L_Jfcnrlts McSkil Co . Chicago / ______ X r [40 PILLS] ^ LIVERITA 25 CTS FOB SALK IIY ODENDAHL BROS., Loup City, Nflir. LKUAL NOTICK Mini* of N*-i'ra»kn rouniy of Mtu rmuii VIII- 1 iu * of Loup city a k. IMhmI* of r«|M*tihra f«ir which uppruprta ttec aliuultl !«■ mini*- for «'I> .urlOM munlt'lpkl yrnr ,i- fulto«*> K<*r (icnorml Kim*l l*urpow a #"*»• **l '* MfM4 “ ** tutuu t»’»tf*r “ “ MMW ImcrrHt on W«irr lt**n»U tauai ViUnii' *iur i««l mil Ktiioi a.;wi» Tin * non* irtrlme for I hr atimlc |mI t*>«r Millbri May lr-1 lit a no 4* fulii** . I ■ U> iirnl f umI purpuMi* ft *••>*# HtMM r>*n.l too MM *V 41 * r fiut*l MU) 1*1 IM, Ota « *la r aAtftkl J ulMWaml auioj ftl num M **f*l»t of k Ithitfv 11*01*1 Wiimm my k.> ..J .*•'! Ik* atlul *01*1 Vim** uk I Ilia tlkt aka > of Julio laM) lot.) J I'Hil Jo a,< I'knliMM Ail..* 1* II • Ultwilblk Ml r krlvhkUl of I'lk* tiff I'll, «Jf* ‘ituiltig my btotkff't l«l» alt I •» • from hImIm ibtuRniliiH, • t»*m ti' iUtij ' Pat* HiIik wit tbr oil j nmt <r ti»*i uiiw wr i*n*f. Mim UlL* 1 • b*»» tnliitk.t to III* |arowi| l 1* p*lu Wtal.h kill* llltluatfftl at furil*. K»r t«k« Lr «lliui, ESTHAY NOTICE. Take notice that on or about the 30tb of nay I look up one re<l steer, years old paat, with while spots under holly and white alar In forehead Wh« taken up on my farm, the northwest quarter of flection TJ, Township Id, Range 18, Oak creek Town ship, Sherman county, Nebraska, Owner can have property by proving same, pay ing for tills notice and cost of keeping. Ka/.mikk Sow a k in ah. NOTION FOR PUliLH'ATION. Department of the Interior Laud Office, Lincoln Nebr. i May, -Mud, 1HW. f Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler hus Hied notice of his in tention to make llnal proof In anpport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of sher man county at Loup city on July 1st, lfMW, viz: Harry E. Uwcley, Homestead Entry No lTiA'A, for the North west quarter ol Section ifl). Township 13, Range 111 west. lie names the following witnesses to to prove his continuous residence ufion and cultivation of said land, viz: Fred Hrewor, of Litchfield, Nebraska. John Pritchard, of " •• Henry Doon of *• “ W r. Gray, of •• « J. W. Johnson, Register. NOTICE FOR PC1JLIOATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. 1 May Zlind, 1 ( Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing.named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In supiiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Sherman county at Loup City, Nebraska, on July 1st, 1hii», viz: Thomas Clancy, Timber Claim 717a, for the South east quarter of section U, Township 13 north of Range 10 west, 11c names the followug witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Tbeo McOosb, of Litchfield. Nebraska. Arthur Minsliull.of 1 •• Joseph < nbiser, of •« •• O. I>. Eaton, of •* •• J W. Johnson, Register. NOTICE roll FUBI.I ATION. Cand llittee, Ctn» oln, Nebraska ( April pith, IM»> i Nolle* is latte by given that the (allow j llltfltanind settler ha» hied nolle* of hi* intention to until* Unul proof In support of hi* claim. Ud Unit vaid proof will *ie ■nude before the I’uuiity Jirlge of hhenuan County. *i Coup, Nebraska, on July til I*, vl* John I*, i at urody, Home En»ry No isua, lor the weal half North east ,|uatter net linn *t, tuvn ■hip Hi, Mange l« weal lie multi the followinit • itiiMrer to prove It I* continuous residence niton niut i ulllvntion of •■PI land, via; J nates lei mud y, of Arcadia. Nelrr i liariee r. |* Cane, uf *• t.'larenee Careen of •’ •* i liatle* J Me ottuiv, of fluiley, *• J. W J . lisvna, Meglsler. • nil ft'Ml.It ATION. Us|>artnisul ef tha Interior Candidate at I ineoln. Nebraska.. June «t, I MW , Not lee !• hereby given that tha follow • lug namad aeUler ha. g >4 hatha I hta iHteaiiua Mr Make Neal prs».| la support ut hit i lain, and that tald proof will be ma-ie hefuta (he eemtly Judge at Coup t tty. Nt irgmt hi. an vi< NrederleN ( tana tiara. It tmesiead Katry .No t*wt far the raath anst fourth, hMmk l*. Tee uabip it worth ut range II weal or the Hk y a Hi a eared the fuitow tag • llaaraea la prove hut toatlaauun real deaea npwa aad va Illation ul said land »•* atephen 1 » aveateai, sum ns I IM. ■toe, a# Coup t'ttp, Meary «. atari *# Utvlda, Adolph «> atari, I tt. hCv d J W Juaao.a t*g< t r laaeka.w j YOU NOW HAVE THE OP PORTUNITY of consulting one of the leading pbysi- t clans ami surgeons (in the treat meni >f chronic and nervous disea-es) or this country, Di{. BEA He is well known in Nebraska, and is reliable as well as eminent In his profession, and has but few superiors in his line of diseases, and, from reports of the press, his rooms are crowded wherever he stops. By the request of his many friends aud patients who have usually gone a long distance to see him, he has decided to VISIT LOUP CITY, and will be at ST. ELMO HOTEL, THURSDAY Juue 29tb, 1899, one day only, returning every 4 weeks for six months, Consultation and examination FREE to all DR. REA. HI* Imminent ami ekatutnaliou* w« itnder*ULd are lu*et| upon new methods, ami are tltullar aa are given In toe eastern and southern hoepluls where he learned hi* business, lie treat* chroutu yaltarh, disease of the ear,nose, throat and lungs, dv*|>«p »la. Ilrlgtil'a dtaease, dlatvete*. liver, •totusvh, constipation. rheumatism, ••hi onto female and •eaual dt»#a**» nett* ralgla, wiallcs, dl/*tma*. nervowuo'-a, •low growth tn fbildreu and alt watting di•«■#*«•* In adult*, deloriultie*. club feet, t urvalu e ol the spine, di*e;’*ea of t lie V *m, par djf»ls, heart disease. e*r«tna, farieuoete. and hydrocele t sneer, tumor*, wen* and birthmark* removed \>>ong, middle aged and ohl. u» •riled »r •Ingle men, and all who *u#ei with 10*1 man tt»od nei * too* debility •neruia tor me* MMoluai low***, decay. railing memorv, weak eye* *tnniied develop* mem tar* of energf. Impoverished blood. ptuipte* at*o bleed and »ku* die •tw Kroption, hair lathng, Mm*# pale, •weiling*. ante throat, nkers, efert of ntereorv kllnev aod Mi ‘ Irr trau* '«*, w hi en. loirning orioe. tuwoni >e*<« e, gleet, mterure, leveive searching <rr*h ment, f'ompt relief ttolb «t»i treated I'oiltleulUlh ottl privately I Me* dilute, tow* and rapture by our use method.