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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1899)
_ — ^ — — - - Lioaal Daws. - HI M_-I Mrs. W. E- Matthews is quite sick. A representative of the St. .toe Daily was canvassing the town last Tuesday. E. A. Draper was in the city last Monday- lie reports everything quiet in his neighbotbood. Dave Depew Sumiayed with his friend Peterson living near Arcadia, lie return?*! home Monday. Henry Lewis, of the west side was visiting in the city last Saturday even ing as guest of his brother-in law. Win. Seville. The county bridge contractor, L. M. Scott will commence the building <*f a new county bridge on Clear Greek, near Litchfield this week. C. A. Austin, who Is spending a fe* week with his family, having come down from Ills ranch In Cherry count v smiled In on us last Monday Bakn Fob Rent—A good lively barn 90x40 good location, 4 lots, corral In connection, 2 good wells of w »ter In quire of—B. T. SNYIlElt. If you can't push don’t grunt. If you can't run get off the track and let some one run that can But don't kick the fellow that wants to make Improve ments. A priceless blessing Is found in Dr. Sawyer's Arrilea and Witch Hazel Salve for piles, hives, scald-head, eczema pin worms, burns aud cuts. Sold by Oden (Dili) Bro’s. The Ohlsen Bro’s. flailed the founda tion for a new building for '1'. II. Eisner last Wednesday. The building w-i 11 be 20x50 and located on the Gistejer lot and will he used as a saloon building. “The modem pill” Is rightly applied to Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills, because they perfectly and com pletely cure billlousness, inactive liver and constipation. Sold by Odendahl Bros. The new bridge across the Middle Loup river Is completed and painted, that is so far as the original contract goes. The Supervisors may'conclude to beild another span and lessen the a mount of All Farm For Rent—160 acres all under fence and 80 of it as a pasture, good frame buildings, good water, ami only three miles from town and only 80 rods from school house. Inquire of B. T. Sntkkk, at his barn. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF and good to your friends. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best. HARPER Whiskey is tin* beverage for your friends and for you, Sold by T If, Ei.snkk, Loup City, Neb. Miss Mae Phillips, (be evangelist at the M. E. Church is holding revival meetings commencing last Sunday morning and continuing throughout the week. She is a very able speaker and is getting good sized audiences. Backache is the first indication of kid ney trouble. Urinary disorders, dia betes. and even Bright’s Disease follow unless promptly checked. Nothing bet ter to make perfect kidneys than Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. Sold by Odendah) Bro’s. Our water works proved themselves of very much value in our big Are last Tuesday. If we had not had them there would be no church in town and the en tire north center of town would be a black mass of ruins Pessimists should forever hold their peaco in the future. The Wabash Poultry Compound sold under guarantee, to cure Cholera or Roup and exterminate Mites or Lice or money refuueded. Salesmen wanted in every county, 82 to per day. sing le or doulble rig. for further particular* address, with stamp J. F VanMktkk, Parsons, Kansas. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to be a round ull the time. l>ut constantly sufl'er Ing. I had tried everything I oou.d hear of and at last waa told to try Cham berlaln’a Pain Halm, which I did, and w as immediately relieved and in a short time cured I am happy to say that it has not since returned.—Josil. Kin, at Germantown,Cal. For sale by o lendalil llro’a. Miss Pearl Sherman, daughter of Mr and Mrs, W N. Sherman, who live !i miles south of Loup City, died on last Tuesday afternoon at ,’Hni. Mus Sher waa Hi years old and an exceedingly bright girl she had nearly completed her education in the common schools and soon expected to apply fora cert I tlcate to teach. Hut death cut her down In the eariy bloom of womanhood 11„> cause of Imr death was measles the bereaved family have the sympathy of the tnth* neighborhood In this Me r hour* u| life's tadest berenv m*ltl Next i'ue»day night will be the n go Ir tie eitng night of the lire dfpartuieut, Let every man who ha* hi* name on the membership roll* come out. The annual electlou of oiticer* will tak» place a' that tune alao. and a general rejuvlna ling ii* l li i man la town who b*l|ev«a ,h*t h* can, and knows that he woubt step to his place wh*n the alarm of lire i* given the department wants and t-a* to come a ad I tin Wl h them Hut 001 the I * -1 Tuesday demon*lrated the fact that there la hut aa* Mre tor dude- a< d that |a nut here. OPERA HOUSE BORNS. Rt/ILOIMi ,vr MU I' CITY 19 TOTAL LY OK9TKOYKI* ORIGIN OF FIRE UNKNOWN HanlWuik t>y tltn llrtmen Prevent It* Sprraillug i;i*ewti«re The people of thin city were start'd] when the alarm of the lli« bell was sounded at about 12:30 or shortly after dinner last Tuesday, and hurrying out soon observed that it was no false alarm The largi opera house on the north side »»! the public square was eonipletly surrounded from sleeper to rafter with (Ire. The lire was, howeyer, hidden auil seemed to be running on all sides between the studding and was at llret hard to locate and hard to get at. There was also a sheet of lire which seeming ly spread underneath the entire surface of the ground floor. Smoke was issue ing from the side* and roof when the crowd gathered and the lire boys ar rived With cart and hose The tire boys worked faithfully and so did the citizens, but all hope of saving the building was soon abandoned and the oidy thing left to be done was to bold the lire In check as much a* possible lo give time to remove the contents of (lie building Three of the large rooms below were occupied l»v the higher grades of our city schools. Nearly all of the books and furniture were rein ved from the two.front rooms, these rooms being oc cupied by M. II. Mead, principal and Miss Minnie Hickman, teacher of the intermediate department. From the back room, occupied by Miss llood, teacher or the grammar departnc ent the books and only seven desks were saved, 1 tie h nights of Pythias occupied the opera room as tneir caste! hall anil owned nearly all the scenery which was mostly destroyed together with some other paraphenulla They saved their large piano and some more of their most costly goods. The German Medicine Company were playing a ten dajs engagement, but by hard work saved all their costumes and other property. The company's jug gler, Nello, Is credited with having, by heroic efforts saved a portion of the hall scenery and furniture. The tire boys played water on the adjoining buildings and saved them. So less than a half dozen buildings and possibly a dozen were saved by their persistant efforts. The building was all wood and the tire, fanned by a heavy south we«t wind raged fuilously. The burning brands were carried from two to four blocks and ignited the grass and rubbish in three or four different yards. The origin of the lire is not known although it is supposed to have caught from one of the stoves in the school room. It is possible that the lire had been stnouldriug for some hours before it was discover d. The day before it was noticed in one of the schoolroom that the smoke was unusually bad but as the stove smoked some, nothing out of the ordinary was thought of. On the morning of the lire school w as called but the room being even more dense with smoke than on the previous day was dismissed and the janitor was ask to take down the stove pipe and clean it Soon after tills the great danger became apparent and the alarm was given. The loss is estimated at nearly $5,000. There was no Insurance whatever on the bni'dlng or any of its contents The German Medicine < oinpany closed their engagement here last Mon day evening and proved to be with out d mbt one of the strongest and best companies on the road. They have been continually favored with good houses and in every act have pleased the people. They go from here to Ravenna. ’I he company is the strong est medicine company that ha* ever preformed in the city Warde, the fe male impersonator and sensational dan tcr NHIo. juggler mil slack wire actor; and .lame* liivl . eccentric comedian ate all artists Mil master of their pro fession. The company's dentist, l)r. Fred \\ . Miller did some very satis factory dental work Hr. Tom G So R* lie, llie manager and medical doctor l» a very pleasant and agreeable pi non and presents tbe business part at the nightly program in an aide, interesting and piecing manner. Our people re gret their sudden depirfu e which mu o.v iftloned by lbs burning of the niters It u-e where they were quartered l*bey bad bided tor two more nights • • • III" Uhermatt comity teachers a*»nela •ont wid hold tlieir 10 M meeting Mart h Hi » p m Program America Piayer. It. v Hstikss,; liulirsli, tm.i til inn. World of Matter ebapl .. t: j V| j * J11,it*4 ; (if Mora 1 lit* [. ,41011 Hu t l.'i it h. r, e in • tirtliur Pap* I, M * 1 • ten, \i.ini', cfcapi I \ <1 ** I I IMV..I H. I \| I|tMilt. I*re». Sri' « • • It t II K>lw ir I* pastor t.f it,. | g nk tUput t b*«ri t» at Mmer*vtil* |*a i • Urn thlfi'tlbf with 1 It*'win*11*111 w«» t4li*ol lain 1 iiaino. r|4i|('( p,. t || 4tin I lie *4t» ‘ A few appit*' Minna of this it mmeitl ptova,I of gr* a* •ettive to mi It lakiibtil the lull am all*.Il «mI re date. I tbe pain, **l|in 1*1 uni* *wft *t*r ptnrit in l giving Palo H dm a trial it wilt p 1 *„■ tiV" For •«!«• In 11 Imd.h! Hr It** The burning of the opera house la*t Tin inlay lias placed this town and com munity in a very had shape. The only pub’tc halt large enough to accommo date the crowds that gather to theaters, grand Imlls. public speakings, etc. Is in ruins, and ne are deprived of a public hall sulliciently large to accommodate the largo crowds which sometime* as semble for home entertainments and literary gatherings. The large and *pi cicus rooms on the ground floor were the only convenient and available rooms for tlie bigliei grades of our city schools, l he situation is one much to be deplor ed anil our citizens are confronted with the realization that something must, be done, and that too, w ithout long dd.iy The fact that our church1** hive l> ■ i opened for school purposes, think* to the generous church trustees and uit in hers, will not solv* dii* problem of j school prlvelage.a School board, teach ers, church member* ami eillz n- m,i*l all agree lint such a course Is but tem porary ut best. Churches were not in tended for school houses and It miud not be agreeable to con lnue the use of them long ns sueti, they make good school houses uever-the-less, but after being used as such we venture to say that unless inure expense is made to re paper and repair them, they will not, after a few* weeks of school, make a® g‘ o I churches. Church organizatioi s of the city have had a haul struggle to keep their buildings In good repair, and the cost of the s un * has, to a large ex tent been a tax upon its members, so It would tv unreasonable for the public to expect the use of them long for school rooms. Then wliat should be done? This ques tion cotne* to us over and over again, and the only solution found Is to build a school house. When should we do It? It certainly stems to us that now is the time to commence. Ilow shall we build it? This question should le*solved after mature deliberation. Hut let os begin to delib rate, let us begin to devbe ways anti means by which to accom plish it anil then after this Is done let every citizens ill the dlstriet put (heir shoulder to the wheel anti help build a structure thut will be a credit to the town and one which will t.ccomrno date every branch ol our city schools. • ieo. Pickering, of Lincoln, was In the city Tuesday on a business trip ami while hero made the office of W. J. Fisher a pleasant call. Mr Pickering an<l Mr. Fisher are old time friends having been brought i d In the same neighborhood This is the tlrst time they have met in 18 years and this was by mere accident. tVlio I* To III u id ft. Kidney trouble has become ho pre-1 valent that it 1h not uncommon for a! child to be born alllicted with weak kid ' nej s If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, <*r if, when the j child reaches an age when it should be J able to control the passage, and It is yet j alllicted with bed wetting, depend upon it the cause of the dilflulty is kidney trouble, and toe first step should be to- I wards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as people suppose. If the adult has rheumatism; pain or dull ache in the back; if the water pass es in irregular quanti tics, or at irregu lar intervals or has a bad odor; if it stains the linen or vessel the color of rust; if the feet swell; if there arc puffy or dark circles under the eyes; your kidneys are the cause and need doctor ing. Treatment of some diseases may be delayed without danger, not so with kidney disease Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root the great kidney, liyer and bladder remedy promptly cures the most distressing cases. Its mild and extraordinary effect Is soon realized .Sold by druggists in fifty - cent and and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and pamph let telling all about it sent free by mail. Address Dr Kilmer «t t‘o„ Binghamton. N.Y. When writing mention that you read this generous offer m the I.ot i* «'ity Noimiiwkstkhn, ♦ • ♦ Tetter, sall-ltliHuin „i,,| T.rxeimt I lie intense itching audsmattlng irici dent to these diseases, I* Instantly aihy. ed by applying Chamberlain's Kye and Skin Ointment Many very had c -es have been permanently cured by it- It I- equally illletenl for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipple* chapped hands chilblain*, frost Mi,* and chronic sore eye*. j.Vu per nox l<>t sale by Ojcndabl tiro • • * l here I- nu medicine in, \. | ) 1‘trii dUcovt ied that lit- yotne- ,)■ % I mg In be cniiiparcil with Dr Masyrr'* I Wild Clurr v and I *r, f»r bad ,,f jt Hrnnlc litimu |iii i 'iin>UHipii„u. . , I any cough nr u| I si|,| O tend, hi Hm - • • • |||«U'jiiuhititwla »*iy nice line Ul 1 " *•» and -Inn a of the lale-i ,, , I »nu m ige. and am able i,, guirudnt I every %ni.| ll> ant |nu i i\,, i a m « « f bicin I, yitaii i ,n ii »« v» ’*• t r. - It V . , i , . j;,, , "w* I eta, tivi-i i ii,,, ui ' S..n ... . Ilivelv , fd., ,, •„ | ll I* gi*..Cme..| »„ t*e ) t'»l'" -war, ret 4t, I* u p,„ie i,\ n|. t '** *• " * «M‘ • eh in HURRAH FOR HAYWARD1 NAMI.Ii mil hi kATIIK liV ItKCl'BM CAN tJAlHTs .Judge M L. IIavward was made the unanimous choice of; the republican caucus forj 1'idled States senator Tuesday, j This result came at the end of the second ballot. Il'itnroM-kri'fl t *i Hi'.loit bale* lire new In pijci t via Hie i vm v i' inirii: TO WMTI.IIV r«»INTS I -|i -i‘ -||i> «*«*11f- lllplille H trip Ml it I I<>i b imi-a** or 11Ii-iisiir<• should gel to form.'I11 i.’gar ting tfie.i* greatly re* i!t|i-*'d fates, AdycHislilg MIHtter Hlld full Information cun tie obtained by culling «ti or addressing \V. I> ton, Agent. USUAL ** "ICE State i;f N", ntasltu * ., s, Tin- Slate of Jielir. County of Sherman I To I1 idellty Insurance Trust arul Sufe He* poult Company, non resident owner of the fol lowing described rcalostate situate lit Hoad lllstslct No. h of Sherman County anil Statu of Nebraska to wit: north east quarter of Sec tion U Township Id Kange If. west. Vou are hereby notllleil that complaint has been made to me us Hoad Overset r of said Road District that there Is an open well ami two pitfalls U|kiu the above described realostate und if the same is not filled up immediately, 1 shall pro ceed to till the same in the manner provided by law, as the same Is dangerous for stock. til veil under my hand tills -3rd day of Feb ruary vm. Jacob Ai.ukhs. Hoad Overseer of road district No. 5 Sherman county Nebr. NOTICE OK FIRST MEETING OK CREDITORS, In tlie District Court of the United Slates for the District of Nebraska. In Jlankruptoy. In tint matter of ) Timothy II. Eisner -In bankruptcy. Bankrupt. 1 To the creditors of Timothy II. Eisner ot Coup city, tu the county of Hberman and District aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the Hill day of February, A. D., ww, the said Tun otiiy li. Eisner was duly aJJudicated bankrupt; and ttiat tlie first meeting of his creditors will be held at my office in Grand Island on the 3th day of March A. D., ISOT, at 10 o'clock in tin; forenoon, at which time the said creditors may at tend, prove their claims appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as mar properly coma be fore said meetings. It. R. IloRTli, Referee in bankruptcy. Dated February ITth. ls«i NOT11 K OF FORECLOSURE or TAX-LIEN The State of Nebraska To Janu s L. Pitot, and Henry C. Palmer non-residents of the State of Nebraska. You and each of you are hereby notified that the following described real estate, situ ate In Sherman county, and .State of Neb raska to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land situate In the sooth west quarter of Section Eighteen (IBi. in Township Fifteen 115). North of Range Fourteen It) west of the Sixth Principal Maridlan more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at u point 1535 feet north, and 33 feet cast of the south w.'sL corner of the south west quarter of Section Eighteen ilN), Township Fifteen (15). north of Range Four teen (II) west of the Sixth Principal Merid ian, and running thence cast 18 degrees and 15 minutes south to the center of Dead Horse Creek, also running from the point of begin ning north 380 feet, thence east 10 degrees ami 15 ininuti -. south to the centre of Dead Horse Creek, thence down the centre of Dead Horse On > k to the termination of said first line, containing two acres of land more or less together with the flouringtnUl, machinery and water power, franchises and rights whatso ever appertaining to said mill located on su,d lund. together with the canal through which the water is obtained and flows and all rights of way appertaining to 'aid canal: also that certain other parcel of land contiguous there to and it. ■ critic.1 as follows, to-wit; Commencing at a point nine chains north on the west line of said Section Eighteen (1*> of the south west corner of Section Eighteen fl* ) and running thence north sixteen chains and eighty-eight links to the* canal ofthe Loup City Canal Company at Loup city, Sherman county. Nebraska, and from that jndnt Iu a direction twenty-six dcg'ves south of east four chain*, and from M-.. tic»* directly north to the o nu r of Dea : H • Cr* « k and from that point following De meandering «»f Dea<l Horse Creek down tie* centre thereof to a point in the centre of Dead Horse Creek dl r<M*tly cast of the point of beginning, thence west fourteen *ll» chains and thirty five links store or less* t«• the point of loginning, containing fifteen and one half acre*, more or less was Jon the J0th day of June. I*dt7. purchased by the County of Sherman, at private tax sale, from the treasurer of said County of Hhrman for the de|in«|ftent tax*s for the \*ars l*vJ 1*1*1 and I*%C» tor th© sum of #*tsi ;■ s»»d land having been first offered at public sul« and not sold l»*f amiiI * f bid U* ra tie said land being taxed In the naui> of James i, D tot and Henry t I'aliii* r ttiat theie la furthei dm* m* sdi*i <»niit> of ihrr* itiua to*- ta»- - t*»f the *i |tv*i u tie sum of i fd>tt ‘Ji »-* fi with in ' »t and itdvei IU" • •!> >|il t«* the s oi of f i.k\ * * and the « *ui «i t. (<*>>• 11nr usrr ’ Iu III' <U- »*l 'll:1 II **(,, | :J *11,. niftplf | !*■ I < r ,1 i -,•** ij-i* • % * '■..Ml * , . in , r,I r | I* *' H I *tt .| IIIIIMH I* Oftiwr. « .• * •- Ul si, « ,mi» \ « ra>lto WlMH' ftl •Vtti.HlHI *’*» •»,»• *<l lb*, amis Iu B*tmM «*** »«*»*«*•• mil: , •** »*><! |..,<| |r If «fl|r. || U >' ■ M.ri,ii,i*1,lf4»lk*.M*. *»U _ Ml *it« »> * * »* *s.»r < •» Nature's Danger Signals, ~ O Do your (‘yes blur at times? Do they hurl after reading? Are there frequent headaches? Are the muscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet? They are w NATURE’S DANGER SIGNALS. Only when sight is gone is the terrible danger realized. It cost so little to help tlie the eyes. If done in time I can give them early help. Later I have to refer the work to occulists. I examine the eyes in the most intelligent and careful manner and without charge. If glasses are needed I can supply the correct lenses mounted in any manner desired I. S. SHEPPARD, Jeweler and Optician. NOTION FOB PUBLICATION. Land oftlee, Lincoln Nebr > February, and, IHWfl. ( Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler lias filed notice of 111* in tention to make final proof 111 support, of til* claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge at Loup CltJ, Nebraska, on Tuesday, April I, IH'tf, viz: Wm. Quinn, Jr., Homestead So IsMJ, for the South oast quarter, auction ■21. Township I f, Bunge 15. He names the following witnesses to prove hi* con tin* < uous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John O’Neill. Charles i •Cochrane, Michael Kntes, Jacob Wolf, all of Ravenna, Nebraska. J. W. Johnson, Register. NOTICE FOB PCBLI ATION. Land Office, Lincoln, Nebraska f January 2Uh, IW-». i Notice is hereby given that the follow ltig-namcd settler lias llled notice ol Ills intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge of Sherman County, at Loup, Nebraska, on April i, I'-'A viz: Owen L. Mercer, Homestead Entry, No. is.! 15, for the North east quarter, gee. lion is Township 15 north of Range 13 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ti|>on and cultivation of said laud, viz: Anton TopoUlu, samncl Blumer, Fred Newman, John Johnson, all of Ashton, Nebraska. J. W. Johnson, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln, Nehr. ) January, 5th, 1*92. 1 Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make final proof in nupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made be I ore Juilson C. Porter, U. 8. com missioner, at LilchHeld, Nebr., on Monday March ’JO. 1*99, viz: Thos M. IJurke, II E No i~4n, for the Northwest quarter. .Sect ion 1, Township 11, Range lii west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Edward N. Harper, Adelbert J. Wilson, James K. Gray, of Litchfield, Nebraska and Marshall Picket, of Hazard, Neb raska. J. W. Johnson, Register. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska i V s s. The State of Nehr. County of Sherman ) To Charles E. Andrews non resident swner of the following described realcstate situate in Road District No. 5 of Bhermau County and State of Nebraska to wit: south west quarter of Section 18 Township 111 Range 15 west. You Jure hereby notlUed that complaint has be tin math- to me us Road Overseer of said Road District that there is an open well upon the above ilescritHHl rculeslate anti If the same is not (tiled up immediately. I shall proceed to till the sume In the manner provided by law, as the same Is dangerous for stock. Ulvi n under nv hand this 2,trd day of Feb ruary istsi J Ae on AI.It Kith, Road Overseer of Road District No. 5 Sherman County Nebr. I.KUAI. MOTIOK stun-of Nebraska / •k The MaU* of N«*t»r < **uutv of 4 To ('bark"* K <;il>*un iimi real dent owner »f lh« following «h-*rrihe<! r* uioalutt* situate m Hoed OUtrli’t \f«* fk of Sherman rounly ainl Slate of \»*h?» k:i to wit North hair Inulh w»;«.t I 04rtla ami north half of north **a*t fourth Swtli'ii I T«wti*hl|i I* If iuko I. a*»nt Vuu an* lu*rel*> mill!!**! that rein)daint tth* ta «‘ii t-* m«- a* uwl ontfuwr of kviil riant Ui -i i n i that it»«r«*U an »»i«n well upoh tin* nta *« iiiai’rtiN .1 real lutati amt If th* mhw ii Hi t ftlleii ii)» imiio I alkali i»ri*» • i «t to till th* ume in tin* itatnit i |irundi *i in law* a*, the mm i itiiinffwai for <iturt> ttikoli unitor my ham! Ihta Mnl tla* Of t ot* mart IMh J tt **t» At tit.M*. Iliad no* OM nf r*a**i i: »ti H t So h hut rmaa * «mMY Nvtkf it i‘tti Mit.u i him* tv ini t ii t % ► itv ♦••t ’ f r '»<•- stiii , mf (lie ri.ll i i * * ’ Hi Murat Mistral i«*ttiMi*atoh*ut lu Um> Uot i. nmmi a** i «th tat IIUlortaM to the Mi at IK l>v*rtu«M in* t«» k a, writti-n m - **% «aio|M«t '4** I nih I v «n IK* IV a HU tt fiftl m the K |»nai at il« n*4uiw it H«^n*, hom# in the taiiktn irenrKi * at U in* I *« Hfc‘ ul t |IU|»I With V »oi » > to k ii th* t»»* »•(*** mih I *« » n I tt the !».m# of htttth at ih«' fall of W«Uiia ihiikau* * ho a** ilneilm of wt*#4oal hie • lalkft » »»* « • •* i-wi iti |*t «•!*<*• ■ * »u§ 4 -n l #ot u - & l.< * • |M oft*k n « >*■» Wat i*o < t mkt HtteK In* y atl t*a- *> I • -a * *i k* S II ill ffo \ • k*rvrnm t A lh#U» s. • $ lu^ilnkf* o ft 4 * h a, » PlliilliS Wishing to close iny Photo Gallery at Lonp City I will make Photographs from now until April at the following extremely low rate: ©abipet Size: [Guaranteed finish] $0.99 perdoz ©ard Size: [Guaranteed finish] 75 C, pef doz ]VIip. SIZ€ [Guaranteed finish] 50 e per dos. STAMP SIZE: [Smal hut neat] 3 doz for 25 cents M. I.ESCHIXSKV Artist. TIMK TAIII.K J.OII* CITY. N I'.IUt Lincoln. Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Uutte, St. Joaeph. Salt Luke City. Union* Oltjr, I’ortlunil, St. Loul*. Sun FrancLco, anil nil point* ami all point* Ka*t anil South. Writ THAISM I.KAVK A* HII.I.MWar uolsil KAMT No * I'dMitntfvr 7 •» » »»» N»» »4i k niitMtt ,J •• V *«» ilil | N*• " Kf| No. M l*a***i*otK«*r i IA i* m No ,v» i if i * It t. I It -'it n» *U«e|i|tt»r «lIi»M**r wifi um iit»u«c « !* »>» .tin fn • ■ on Ihrotltfli Ifitit* rtu|i#!l «o|f< dial - * c iNfo %i4i«n}li«**t to *«!!• inmi tu I llio 1 it* I M.tlt aor t uIIit*I t Km ltit(* iitattou, >it %|»«*. thil* I « ^ him! tlCfctU t . i wo «*r writ* lo A i a\ orti I % nit t* J. MlAHi'1% ticu r. •• M4*»r I III* »U.t, N* hi t-k»i, I I* HAM, H. Ft, Iruvi't•Ifttpi Niiitilav | .4 it o t « # m No I o* • U>iiitUv . WmIih * i t* 4i**l I Iftkiv | ill I* It* No (*NV*N luMit, 1 »« t^t *»•*♦ itAlUI'l t) t «UWt|i lit I* lt> No «. ant*•*daily • ifipt ni i ioivihIi II l> a to No in tta (tail) *%• «•}»! <*tiH*i t| |«i« gll.H* * ♦»'* |» HI IriNi e iOigrAtett iml tl m# I ton# tt.ll, »ol Ih i * I* I Ml Mil, A»D- tat Mh t A ‘ * » i*M»ttl*»N r .1% !** !,% Ml aUa* 4 bum# roll »U*tl ft! 111.I j * « .. Latte, n. ..i Iii . M„| *ef,ati.,u I h* > «»> mrt |,. -I I ne «L J I. !oe a»t*l the It *1 tu t,*e I I | Ul a Inin* hp >r *• • ... I* i • t • » * p.r I ,.„ k. »..r *„»■ b. 04. it t,s It „ ,4