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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1899)
v<1'- XV-_I.OIT CITY, S111:1 CM A \ ror.VTY, .NKliRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH :i, if*# M MBEHffi » that T. M. REED MORE THAN EVER A COMPLETE STOCK OF WIND MILLS, PUMPS, PIPES, MACHINE OILS, GARDEN AND FIELD SEED. I AM ALSO PREPARED TO DO ► ANYTHING IN THE LINK OF WIND MILL OK PUMP WORK. ■ I •** TO MY PATRONS. -»* , . -1- • '■ --- ' 'Jl - V. - “t-, When in want of anything in my line don’t fail to call and learn my prices. No other county seat in Western Nebraska can boast of a more complete stock than I now have on hand, if you want a sulky plow, Disc Harrow, Seeder, Cultivator, Feed Grinder, Barb Wire, Hog Fencing, Cribbing, Harness, Machine Oils, Sewing Machines, Y\ ashing Ma chines, Windmills, Stock Tanks, Feed Cookers, Tank Heaters, hapd and power coni shellers in fact everything from a dimming Mach) g and Steam Engine down to a hay fork. With best compliments of the season I am. Yours very truly, T M- li EE33. CKIJA11. The lust decade has been a detr school of experience to us whose homes are in Nebraska. Hut with all the eosil) feature* in the case there have been, and there Mill are compensating ft stun - of great value. Much disappoints I hope, and crush ing debts call for str ng nerves, hut withal), things of much value have been revealed. We now' know that out land must have a certain <|uan tltyof water in order to insure a bar vest, and so all minds are interested in the water ipicstion. It is to be hoped that the final result of all this may grow to a sna malic conserva tion of all available w der for the un iversal good of all. Hut I write this to call utteutiou to something > f eijual value, but •'Jlbmething seldom spoken of. The last tin \eais have revealed (lie fact that Cedar and \*h will endure droulh mu'I storm when all else gives up ihe ghost. Both ate timbers of the bight - value. Both of them live when all else dies. Here is a most v doable ievelaiion coming out of "in tiu<• i experience, and if utiliz ed hh i dn rt a" milfi >n• in it, and a vmi field i f iicauty will be ad' «d. Nothing c"U;d atid more to the heal h t ! N iimska ilian groves n1 living green ou even tjuartei sec tion, and it is doubtful if anything could stlii more dollars value to every acre of our Ian I. flu- limber itself woii111 he worth main limes its cost, and the < diet on mm climate can hardlv la: irnmagiiicd, while ii is al so possible iirtt highly successful orchards could lie grown m the cen ter of every such grove. There are the best of reasons for expecting the most favorable result in the tainfall if i can be done, and is done. Leg islation could be invoked to exempt such groves from taxation and why may not Sherman county lead in such a measure. All of this is easily attainable if we can only get the public sentiment interested, and ex ecutive force :»l work In another article I will give attention to the difficulties at,(i the way to meet the dilileulties. •I. >1. Sstuku. Ttie expense of cleaning the streets of t pirtsli of London, and towing the refusi o il to i a #UO,tlUU annually. List year n plant for Kleeiric power was errected, and so arranged as to burn the refuse. Af ter pay ing all expenses of gathering the garbage and hauling it to the plant, tile net profit from the sale of power for lighting and tuiiihiuen Was $| i,UuO. Die plant coal jftttl, 0«»o, Just the amount which it sveaa to me city » ieh *e»r b leaving a surplus dial will pay tor the plant in lour years k IIII.IIII IU Ml I l l li Ulllk Our I'mb« r **(*.. mi In \> ■ <ki m, MiKi I y hr «♦ jr ham* : I'm .till in* ilmix In || ,t itm • nil ,|«(||| |, ll*i’ l l |U il n.l*’* til*, m* Mala iU| Otir ill-. Inr^. n alll... k la* nit.| N| (0«UI.*<». I.l .ll . • l...| 1.1 a. |||« I’lilHi |.*nra 1.1.1 *l*l.v*r fr •!.» Hi o • 'l l IM..*’ *N*.| la** Mi . It,.., », ,hl| i «r lit. »*r..l.». I..M 111. MAI Dm* • a»i «(..• A i. .a .l\i 1* ixiaii .1 ,* III _ II IIOMikII a IIMia II. .. '*• >• ar» tlmi -I ... lltr |« ,| <* k * i .U M •*# *11. * at | I A a It..* ■« t*|i . <i |( Wn, It* • t t I* itua l| iniiv rl|k| b*NM j ta's lame leg At the law suit, before Judge Murphy last Friday, resulted in binding the dc fen.lent over to J)Ut. court, for driving off John Starks cows without license. 'l ire Gowisi school district celebrated the anniversary of Washington’s birth day. Patriotic songs, speeches and the like was hud, and a general good time is reported. Milt. Hill and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl baby to live with them. Rkcokokii AhIITON LOCALS Vheo. Ojcndyke and Thus. Jarnrog, returned from a business trip to Linciln on Wednesday afternoon, W. < . Kettle received a car load of lumber from Omaha, Thursday which he intends to put into a new house, It seems as If some of the spray from the wave of Prosperity must have been striking < bet. hr. s Howard, formerly of lincjus, arrived Friday evening and 1 as con cluded to cast tiis lot among us, and practice medicine. His office is just one door south of the bank hr. How ard comes well recommended, and any one in need of an able physician should call on the doctor. Wlu.t has become of •‘Onlooker?’’ Pet us hear from him and Rockville. Prof. 0. F. Beushuuscn, with the as sistance of ids pupils and s few friends, gave a very nice entertainment in the Brown school h use on Friday evening the 2-f A large audience si.on tilled the building and even standing room was at a premium Everything passed off smoothly. What seems to be almo-t a coil fatn in j waf ended by the arrival of a car load of the Black diamonds on Wed nesday . The Polish Society shipped h car load ol hogs from here on Wednesday. The National Advertising Co., was here Monday and Tuesday evenings They had small crowds. 8. Hadura and Jamrog A Galczenski, each received another car load of farm machinery this week. They seem to lie expecting a large trade hi that line. O I, Mercer's baby is reported on the sick list. The latest bulletin is that the little fellow is improving. We hear Jake Zioueht is intending to leave ttiese parts for K insas this week. Miss Kosey Hinrichsen Jell the last part of last week for Omaha. Any one wishing to buy a good im proved farm should call on W. M 8mol ser, as lie lias one which is a bargain for i someone, (tall and get all the particu lars It is reported that the high school entertainment billed for the ‘2‘J, and postponed on account of Wednesday’s storm will be held the lltli Inst. We saw Earl Kendall of Ht. Paul, on our streefg Wednesday evening. i. <;. r. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Publio. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases. Also do A General Real Estate Business. Office In Nouthwkktehn Itulldlng, how CITY, - - M.liltASKA. A- S> MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP PITY, NI HKASKA. orrics. -One door east of Chase's drug store. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT. I I HD. MANY HOURS QUICKER via TO Tin: PACIFIC COAST. Than by any other line. Til K CLEVELAND LIMITED Carries the Government Fast Mall S A N F R A N SC I SC< >. PORTLAND. nyi y ' >V) Hours to Sanfranslsco. 4 i f>H Hours to 1‘ortlauil. From Missouri Riuet, For time tab.ue, folders. Illustrated books pamphlets, dlscrlptlve of the territory traversed, call on tv, D. Clifton, Agent. BIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive- Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated, By JACOB BIGG LB No. 1—BIQQLB HORSE BOOK Alt about Horses—a Common Sense Treatise nuh over 74 illustrations , a stuuuard woik true •, Ctuls No. 2-BIQOLK BERRY BOOK All utiout KTOW1UII Small t ruila—read and learn how i ioniums )}colored lifelike rr(iroductionao( all leuilmu varieties uud loo other illustrations Trice, y, Cents No. 3—BIQQLB POULTRY BOOK All Blum! I'otiluy , the br*t rotillry Book In t iMrmr ; !^ll»rwrvthiuM ; wilhjt co)«»r«d Ml* - likr rt| roduetioat of all Ihr print 1|>«1 breed*, with ioj otbci illuttrAtion^. I'rtot, CroU. No. 4 BIQQt.E COW BOOK All ghoul Cow* Bad ihr Ifetiiy UininfM • hmini Rgrtii •alt, cttnuim • toluied lilt like it \ i«»hn tiftm ,,feuih bleed, with i otlin illu*4i .uiou» |yki y. tcuU No. 6 BIQQLB SWINE BOOK JiMtuut All about III «« hreedina. I'reillua iiut.h. try. |Horn** etc L« > Uiu. Wff k brni.tiiul haU l '*»« • and other eogt ay luge |*t ue, y.> Cent* The HKMILH ttUUkl sft utii«4«««:,or initial,o*eful' you smi MtiuvUiiuK ilkfllirui mi | t dtiti<tl,M>itii*ilil9 They «*»t hating m r#tU»ii **le ftUat Ur*l North and JH1® rvery -me who kerf* a th tw, Cow, llug or khuknt, «m glow* kmAll | liiita, ought to ati«vi rurhl •Why for Ui MMMa.Ii t*Ot»h», TUt * FARM JOURNAL ,w^‘.yr* **■' • »••*» »«»*«**««• t. L “th‘ **T»*i ; «ti Mi m« iUIi .« ,i„ Y»» «rwiI tank.** **14 » !«„• »».* |(mi„h. id «*«.***%» u« ****** *u,t " b*ilt*#*l*f tt *4m Any ONE of the HIGGLE BOORS, uni the FARM JOURNAL ■ VI‘*K* i»«m«ii4.ir9 *>f i -- » | | . 4 | * Ji Ita# Msfcii Lt Mi r« .«* »,um» i % inii i vi Hui ** imhm »i>*14 JHtiwA »*. t * iitaiM <1-. •« >•< niMiii is i>uokk >••• VltHil It .'«» I HIM lit Hill .. ' " -— lift I I ____ . I’LL LET TOE k JUDGE and vou will say that my goods are FIRST CLASS AND PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. I sin aotjafcd witli amnli proflts ami »»>• wiling m\ goods at Huh, Hgurea suit k*-«*pinK a nice line to wlwl from can anrely Dleaw you I liave a larger Mloek Ilian ever l*efore of HARDWAKK AND TINWAKK, AND ALSO A NICK LINK OF FCKNITI KK SUCH AS lieU room auiU, l»lniu« ebair. Common eiiair., Roofers, ..on tal.l. - upiioartU, W artlroliea (Voter tal»i.« iVturea, uOture frames, well m fai l am tiling vou Mill. Mv prum* will keep you guessing how I can sell mo cheap. Call an«l you will ho convinced Voura for bargains. PACKET STORE J ' . ,r W ANTKIi-SKVKIIAL THDSTWOKTHY I***, suns In (hi* male i<> m.-naire <>nr bualueaa in Hu Ir own iiml nearby counties. It la ; mainly office work i innluuleil at home. sal '*iv nIi null! a:m i y fur and expenses—de ni»ii«, imimlldc. uu more, uu salary »i"iiihlv f. Kfi’ftcnees Kudos* self-ad dressed mi vi* o|m* Herbert K. Ileaa, Prea. I>e|ii m t'biciiHO, hi 3-in.«t timk ie momkv. " ben you are traveling, due consid • ration should lie given to the amount ol Mine “|n'nt In making your journey. I III, I N|ii\ |‘A< IrlC i* the Bust ld*k wild ma - - llie KanTMT TlUIC by I many hours to Halt hake Oily, Portland anti < 'ailfoi ma points for linn iable*, folders, illustrated book* plianiplet* ili *criptive of the ter itort traversed, call on—\V. I», Our ion. Agent • • • W antkp "'l l i hat. Ttttsrwoitriir, pet "tins in ibis slate to manage our bua* tt*e** in their«»'- n and i.rarity countie*. It W mainly <>ttb < amk eoNilin'tod at in uu Halarv stialghi fix si a year aud ripi'ien di Anltr, bouaide, no more, no |e. s»btrv. Moi tbly #78 defer. •'in e Kudo.If aililreased stamped envelope Herbert K llesa. 1‘rest Hr pi M< hicago V' <*« »"«’ V\ tNtgti y,\ ».HV ‘ HI ( the Pbm,.,.tiM,, • H* - .. uiu.l».| ti> lie &■