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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1899)
Little grains of wisdom and little ritunks of sense make the wounds of Cupid's shafts a little Icsh intense. Cough* unit Cold* Cured Quirk With Hr. H.lli Arnold'* Cough Klllrr All llruggUt* and C'uuatry Store* ick. * uottle. There is a certain pleasure in hav ing everybody hate you for doing as you please. About the greatest drawback to a man's happiness is himself. fIsTBIS I YOUR [STORY? I “ Every morning I have a bad taste In my mouth; my tongue is coated; my head I ! aches and I often feel dizzy. | I have no appetite for breakfast I and what food I eat distresses f me. I have a heavy feeling in I my stomach. I am getting so I weak that sometimes I tremble J and my nerves are all unstrung. I I am getting pale and thin. 1 I am as tired in the morning as ■ at night.” u Wiiat does your doctor say? ■ ‘‘You are suffering from im- M pure blood.” « What is hia remedy? £ I You must net have consti pated bowels if you expect the ( Sarsaparilla to doits best work. But Ayer’s Pills cure constipa tion. , We have a book on Paleness ’ and Weakness which you may j have for the asking. Writa to our Doctor*. Perhaps you would Hk« to commit eminent physicians about your condi tion Write us freely all the particulars □ In your case. You will receive a prompt f ; n,r' Addre**, Ok. i. C. AVKB. S i-ow.ii. Mu*. I FOR 14 CENTS We wiah to gain tbin year 3MA09 new cu atom era. and hence otfer ^ 1 I'kg. 1.1 Day iladiab, lUc Pkg. Jsarlr Wipe C abbnge, 10c *# Karlieat lied Beet, lUo " Long Lightn'g Cucumber luc ** halrer’a Beat I* tture, lie ** California Hg Tomato. 2uc *' Farly Dinner Onion, loc 1 ! M Brilliant Flower Becda. 1>c Wertk $1.00, fee 14 eeala, |HZ Above 10 pkga. worth $1.00, w# will mail yon free, together with our great Plant and need Catalogue upon receipt of tbla notice A 14c tioatage. Wo invite your trade and know when yon once trv >«l/,rr,e •eedayou wiiinevrr get alongwitn P not Chain. Onion Need IlHr, and up.R lkA Ppinioro at ll.B) a BbI• Catalog alone fa. Now* JONH A. HALZKft HKED 40., LA CROMMX. WIR. EXCUR SIONS.. Of bomeseekrrs and nettlers for tbe wheat loud* of Western < anadu over tbe prin cipal lines of railway once a week. For particulars apply to the Department tbe Interior, Otlawu, r'anada. or to W. V. Ilennett Mil New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb. M*«t imokfd in n fnw Hoorn with MAUSERS' LIQUID EXTRACT OF SMOKE. Mnrio frm Hlckort wood CMlpnr, rlnnoor nwrrtvr, nod mirnr t linn thn old wnj H«tid for circular- e.kUU kKUA UKU., Itlluo, Hn. cF°r UNCLE SAM Ami good enough for you. There le more of Carter ■> Ink u»ed l.y the C S. tioreru uient theu of ell other make* put together. It ri*li you no nioie than the |>ooreet — atk for it. Put ftp k 'lit f l«i Itikf Ink l*tciur«aM frM. CARTER S INK CO.. BoMon. Mass CURE YOURSELF! I M h>| U I f lthM4|iir»l tiM li«iyr«, | It Ofli tl* Me • 11 UA LHi«K«AiCk. •* •** *** R«W Uruniiu ' M' Ml*' I t • » » 11 . . » Hfcvt Yutti Hut «kr W* R* tul illy Tt^Al* CANCER »/' '""'v • * lilt | tliMI IH tilt Hi % t \ t I Mitt %• Or. Riy i Rtfldyilir, DROPSYr > i »* »«i ■ * ** •» BABA All I Vtti Ik AH kilt % Mk'h let |t The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ban introduced a new feature In Its sleeping car service arranging to at tach an ordinary sleeper in addition to the regular first-class sleeper now in service on through trains. Commenc ing with February 13 one of these cars will be attached to train No, 6 leaving Chicago 3:30 p. m. and arriving In Pittsburg npxt morning at 6:46, and returning leave Pittsburg on No. 6 at 7:20 p. m. and arriving in Chicago next morning at 10 a. m. Also on train No. 7 leaving Baltimore at 7 p. m. and arriving In New'ark at 10:22 a. m. next day. Returning on train No. 8 leaving Newark at 8:30 p. m. and arriving at Baltimore at 12:63 p m. next day. The innovation will he that In these ordinary sleepers Pullman rates are reduced one-half, so that passengers have the choke of paying the highest price Pullman rate or take advantage of the cheaper rate offered In ordinary cars, The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Ih the first line to intro duce this service and its popularity has been predicted. Thomas A. Edison, Jr., taking ad vantage of the temporary silence of Nikola Tsla, lias announced that he has two plans for the removal of snow from the streets by electricity. One Involves the use of a portable nielter which is to be so constructed that the current necessary to heat the melting surfaces can he easily taken from the wires that supply trolley lines or eleetrle lighting circuits. Tha other plan bus as its feature a ma chine that must he a modification of the buy press, for its purpose Is to press the snow Into comparatively small “bricks’’ which could he handled easily und with expedition. Neither of these plans Is ready for a test, hut Mr. Edison Junior will tuk about them with New York's street commissioner before another winter comes. GOVERNOR M'CORD. Recommend* lV-rn-n* to All Cttturrli V lot lm*. Hon. Myron II. Mi Cord, ex-governor of New Mexico, in a letter to L)r. Hart man, from Washington, D. C., says: Gentlemen—At the suggestion of a friend i was advised to use Pe-rn-na for catarrh, and after using one bottlo I began to feel better In every way It Hon. M. H. McCord, helped me In muny respects. I was troubled with colds, coughs, sore throat, etc., but ns soon az I had t ken your medicine I began to Improve and soon got well. 1 take pleasure In rec ommending your great remedy to all who are afflicted with catarrh.—M. H. McCord. Thousands of cases if chronic ca tarrh have been cured by Pe-ru-na during the past winter. In spite <~f changeable weather. In spite of the na tural set-backs from catching cold, and confinement to illy-ventilated rooms, the great catarrh remedy—Pe-ru-na— has effected these cures. But now spring Is here. The days are longer, the sun is warmer, and the blizzard Is gone for another year. This pret. nts a much more favorable opportunity for the permanent cure of chronic catarrh, especially old, stubborn cases. Now Is the time to begin treatment. Other things being equal, one month's treat ment In the spring Is worth two months' treatment during the Inclem ent weather of winter. Insist upon having Pe-ru-na. There are no suc cessful substitutes for this remedy. Bend to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O., for a free catarrh book. Few men can keep their good resolu tions and a diary at the same time. FITS PfnnMfDtly('ir*d. Keflta or nervous****after flr*l day* um «.f Dr, Kiln* * Ureal Her*# Kestorar. H* nd for FltKK §‘4.00 trial lx.ttle and treatiM. UK- 11. li. Ku»ft, Ltd., *31 An h hi, Philadelphia, Pa. A man loses his appetite for a lot of things while waiting for them. to rritK a coi.n in onh oat Take Laxative llromn yuininc Tablet* All drugirUia refund the money If It full* to cure, etc. The gfiiultit tin* 1.. H y. on each tubleu The truin boy books more panengers than the general passenger ugent. Orders received for Richard's Magic Catarrh Cure for month of Jauuary, 1899: From Kansas 1,828 “ Colorado 1,628 •• Nebraska 1.901 ” Missouri 1730 - Iowa 1.283 " llituol* «72 " Wyoming 297 •• Idaho 220 *' Fiah 263 M leans 31! *• 16 other mat** 1.323 Total for mouth 11,132 Total urdets re ceived for year 1898. 93.2 W Itb hatd's Magii t'at.irrh Cu.-e h»* I ♦= it esamlacd Uv thmedi al staff of , (he VmerPati Jtttuual of IT ahh, |>uh I lUhed T.i New Voia tilt aud by them : I i ‘i i 1 ilfi.liii i lice I, | tin the market It la not lor sal" by J ! >tr >.«sUtt. iMd i*it v by the ntanufac 1 <ui«i« C M liUUnfd t‘n tl aha Neb ! IhtV hate red tired the |»t>« from IS uo 1 o f t * piidudtnu tk»Ur M*«' lal \to> . j tnlrrr, and two hoMlee > f m« 11• ia» a j j *H(1 iPrlttirRi tt rite to them today i J I hoy are reliable Insane ywttple it* ten t a MnN»|n>h us < I mksd Itratls the pea Hull') ai >tlitres une in i aatonallt It will not pay to he alway s a»kli g sill It pay t Home Range Comfort Compa ny of Omaha Takes Up Its Bed and Walks. NEW FIELDS AND FRESH VICTIMS. The .Mudtii Opelnull by TVhteti Citulffeoos Cuuglit arid \Vurk<<l fur Their Hard-Kem ni'il Wealth — Ittnare of the suiiullera. From the Omaha Penny Press. ‘•Yes, they have quit In Omaha. Their wagon* have all been sent to Kansas City and only a collection office will be maintained here long enough to settle up the business. We were do ing a land office business until the Penny Press opened up on us.” Thus spoke a party who was looking for a Job in consequence of the fact that the Wrought Iron Range company had been compelled to retire from this Held. Inquiry elicited the information that the paity spoke correctly and that this fake concern, that six months ago was doing a prosperous business in Omaha, had been compelled to retire because its nefarious methods were ex posed. It was also ascertained that notwithstanding the fact (hat hun dreds of their ranges had been thrown back on their hands, they still had cut in this city 1,200 of them When you come to consider that every one of these tanges was sold at from $20 to $30 above the price asked by local dealers for a better range, some Idea of the magnitude of the steal perpe trated by this concern may lie gained. These festive frauds delight to ope late In the rural districts. There they find a fertile and fruitful Held. They are smooth people and scarcely ever fail to land a victim when they start out to lo H(> 'Phis, naner has reneat edly exposed their methods, but as long as they ran still ply their nefar ious calling, it does not seem too much to keep dwelling upon It The effects of the fight upon them In Omaha Is apparent They have been driven out of the field. Only one week before they left they shipped back to the fac tory a large furniture car full of ranges they had been compelled to take bark. What has been done in Omaha ran bo done elsewhere, it is the duty of the press of the slate to takup und expose these frauds The press owes It. to the public to do this. In order that this may be done nndcrstandingly we here with giv« the modus operandl by which they work in the country: "They go to a farm house and by their smooth talk make the good wife believe that her work, done upon her old cook stove, Is twite an hard as it should be. That she Is needlessly wearing her life out and that she is r.ot being treated right. He adroitly cites the fact that men upon the farm provide themselves with all labor sav ing machinery In order to make their work easy. He pathetically recites the grievous burdens to which ye farmer's wife Is subjected and is moved almost to tear* as he contemplates her for lorn condition. "After he hue succeeded !n making her believe she is the worst abused mortal on earth, he has made of her an ally In the sale of a range and he then sallies forth to meet the head of the house He names a price of $<'<8 for a six-hole targe, which Is the style they usually *e«-k to sell Such a price for a cook stove" takes away the agri cultural gentleman's breath, but the wily salesman soon diverts his mind He sounds the praises of his range. Its superior baking qualities, the small amount of fuel it. requires, its lasting qualities, etc. And then the terms. He can have all the time he wants, and besides, will he allowed $8 for his old ’stove. *15 will he taken out in board and *15 more In hauling. This will reduce the amount he will have to pay to *30. "The halt usually works and the farmer agrees to make deal which seams to be po much to his advantage. "When the yocem to draw the pa pers the payor Is asked to name the time, one. two or three years when it will be convenient for him to take up the note. Then the salesman in forms him that in order to keep his accounts straight with the company the note must he taken for the full amount. **>8. , ar.d then the credits would he placed upon it, first *H when he delivered the old stove to the near est railway station, then the *30 for hoard and hauling as the service was performed. "When the farmer hauls the stove to town he finds no one there to re ceive it. The railway company will not do to unless he pays the freight in advance and he is left with the al ternative of doing that, carting it hue k home again, or duinpiug it tu a weed patch beside the roue!. He con soles himself with the thought that when they come to his house to hourd out the (15 he will get this mailer fixed up. It dices not yet enter hl*» Inncs'ent old |»ate I hat he has tceeli In the clutches of a »mooth confidence iiiuu. Kveu when he seen or hear* nothing further of them he still l*c (lives that he has only Rot *3t> to |uiv some time In the future when It H convenient for him tic do >u "The awakening comes in w» or w> days when a not tee comes through th • mall from a Ice* <ti tuiuk to the effec * that It hold* hi* note for *•>*. which Mill Im* iIim* In iftlitMil |U t|n>d M* i|it«atU»il |*f *Mi*|*t |»4*> I intuit.< 1,1*4 W it to I* Mi • liuli’ li*r 11" fttMtf*. M III* N (Hit I'rlHk |Jiirt list *f’*t Hi i*#nt titt* ftfltf it mis It Im lit ¥Mln Im ttfft* tl**-f»b t hii*$ Im* i r« ht *> • ,«»n tU* t*u«« TH* Mali l*o$ hi till 4t*Mtt «to*l It UMitfht th* IMH* 4ftt IN I* *» ft alMM Kilt«|M>»tl* 4 It It* N ill I Ml tot 111* N»t*n It li*r |« Ui |h| $>«»$ I toft* ttfefelf |r|l* * 4l( fMIMtll | tor Ur 114*1 ^UN U*l 111 I *|M t »' amt lu$ Ihr tot *1 IIlift<« f»tfe|* It . 41* ftiM} IN thru that ihi n t»i* MMiirtl tb# n**tt tftfefefttft r«MMl It III tl hft4 %4IM| I to** tffciM ill *141$liii* •Nnn* ti|nui him !!• (<>n*ulN * hr i#4h«ti»tg >g«i f«<r *>| tb« tftiMH M tow itlttofti totm ti* ^4*> ttot* null. To turn a new leaf Is not enough; there must be a new life lo mi'h the record. America's greatest physicians have con quered La (Jrippe ami Its after effects. Their treatment Las been thoroughly tested in the hospitals of Europe and of this coun try, and is embodied in ltr. Kav's Lung Balm. Ilev. H. B. Dye of Morrison. Iowa, writes —"Mrs. Dye Imd a bad attack of La (Jrippe w hich settled on her lung- Khe used Dr Kay's Lung Halm, with most decided good effects, which is a repetition of past exper ience with her. Nothing is so prompt and positive in its effects on Iter lungs," You should write for free advice and a Copy of Dr. Kay’s Home Treatment, an il lustrated book of 110 pnpos of receipts, etc. Dr H. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. It Is only the coward who finds it ne cessary to be cruel. Deafness Cannot He Cured by local applications u» they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, und that Is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness Is canted by an Inflamed condition of the mucus lining wf the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is iltuamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear ing, nrnl when It t* entirely closed deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and tills tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing v.Ill be destroyed forever; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but au Inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case Of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circular*, free.j CHENEy * co TolcUO| a Sold by Druggists, 7i>c Mall * Family Fills arc the beak l_ There are over 500,000 women earn ing their living to-day on the type writer. IN THE GREAT NORTHWEST. (.•tier Front tint Kanaaa and Xebnuka Dtlffilci lo Oauplitii. Prince Albert, Sask., 17th August, 1898. William McCreary, Esq., Immigra tion Commissioner, Winnipeg, Man: Sir—We, the undersigned delegates from Kansas and Nebraska, U. 8. A., In reporting the results of our trip to Dauphin, nnd subsequently to Regina, Prince Albert nnd the middle Sas gatehewan country, beg to say that our ilckets wtro limited to 21 days, and ns we had other large regions to visit, we could only spend a short time In the Dauphin country. We examined, how ever, the principal cultivated areas in the southern parts of township 25, range 19, the great wheat fields of Wle hurt, Buchanan, Owen, Smith, Ross, Sinclair, the Whltmo-ci, Drlnkwaters, etc., and subsequently, others to the north, ar.d never, in our experience, have we seen finer grain. The whole country Is watered by numerous streams flowing from the slopes of Riding Mountain, and excellent well water Is found everywhere at from 9 to 18 feet. Extensive forests of spruce and tamarack cover the northern parts >f the mountains, from which timber is manufactured in Dauphin nnd else where, and sold at 511: a inousanu at the mills. Wild bops and wild fruits are abundant, and ripen In the open air. Vegetation throughout is surpris ingly luxuriant, and without hesita tion we would rank the whole regie n amongst the best grain growing areas of the eontlnent. The output of wheat last year was about 75,000 bushels, but 1 his year it is estimated at over a mil lion. Westward lie the homestead lands which now, and when fresh sur veys are completed, will afford com fortable homes to thousands of dili gent families. Tho great Gilbert Plains, also, we were unable to visit, w here grain grow ing has been conduct ed with the best results for years, and which will become a vast wheat field as soon as a branch railway reaches there. Settlement Is speeding In all these regions, reminding us Indeed of the early days in our own states; and, as we have examined, since our visit to Dauphin, a portion of the great coun try lying south and east of Prince Al bert, we ran readily imagine the tide of Immigration which will soon flow into the Canadian west. (Signed) George S. Bennett, Hall’s Summit, Kan.; S. \V. liennett, Hall’s Summit. Kan.; E. F. Brooks, West phalia, Kan.; John Flannery, Stuart, Neb. Infidelity plucks the flowers and scoffs at the gardener. Pinos Cure for Consumption is tbe (test of all cough cures.—George W. Lots, Fabucher, La., August (It), 18%. People would have fewer troubles if they spent less time in talking about them. An Old Crooked Stick QDD A |f\| > held up a hobbling man after a 5 CT All straightened him up, v <3 I • J Av* V DO VJlL sound and cured. r\if\jcvrvrvrvrvr\ rvrv/N rv ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ y% ^-v ^ COMFORTING WORDS TO WOMEN. Tho Surgical Chair and its Tortures May bo Avoided by Women Who Hoed Mrs. Pinkham's Advice. Woman’s modesty is natural; it is charming. To many women a full statement of their troubles to a male physician is al most impossible. The whole truth may l<e told to Mrs. 1’inkham because she is a woman, ana nerauviee is rreeiy offered to all women sufferers. R Mrs. O. E. Lai>u, of 10th and N ^ Sts., Galveston, Texas, whose letter Is printed below, was completely discouraged when she tirst wrote to Mrs. Pink ham, Here is what she says: “ DkakMur. Pinkuam:—I wrote to you some time ago, telling you of my ills, but now 1 write to thank you for t lie good your remedies have done me. I havoused two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com pound, three packages of Sanative Wash, and one box of Liver Pills, and to-day 1 call myself a well woman. I suffered with backache, eon- / stunt headache, whites, sick / stomach, no appetite, could not / sleep, and was very nervous. At ^ ! time of menstruation w as in ter- / 1 rible pain. Your medicine is t worth its weight in gold. I never can hay enough in praise of it. 1 have recommended it to many friends. If only 1 all suffering women would try it, there would be more happy homes arul healthy women. I thank you for the change your medicine liar, made in me. Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. I’inkham's advice, have saved tliousnnds of women from hospital operations. The lives of women arc liurd; whether ut home with a ceaseless round of do mestic duties or working at some regnlur employment, their daily tasks muko constant war on health. If all women understood themselves fully and knew how exactly and soothingly Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound acts on the fernule organs, there would be less suffering. LydlaE.PInkham’sVcEetahleCompoundiaWoman’sRemedjforWoman’snis The safety vaults of your heavenly treasures may he the hands uf the needy. MERIT ALWAYS WINS. A SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISE IS BASED ON MERIT. Til* Importance of Informing tho Public of the Vain* of un Article Through the Leading Newspapers, The few remedies which have at tained to world-wide fame, as truly | beneficial in effect and giving satisfac tion to millions of people everywhere, aro the products of tho knowledge of > the most eminent physbians, and pre ; sented in tho form most acceptable to i the human system by the skill of the world’s great chomist3; and one of the most successful examples is the Syrup | of Figs manufactured by the Callfor i nia Fig Syrup Co. Unlike a host of : imitations and cheap substitutes. Syrup of Figs is permanently beneficial in its i effects, and therefore lives and pro I motes good health, while interior prep ! urntions are being cast aside and for gotten. in olden times if u remedy gave temporary relief to Individuals here and there, it was thought good; but now-a-days a laxative remedy muat give satisfaction to all. if you have never used Syrup of Figs, give it a trial, and you will be pleased with it, and will recommend it to your friends or to any who suffer from constipation, or from over-feeding, or from colds, headaches, biliousness, or other Ills re sulting from an inactive condition of ! the kidneys, liver and bowels. in the process of manufacturing the pleasant family laxstivc made by the California Fig Syrup Co., and uained Syrup of Figs, figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste; but the medicinal properties of the remedy are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxa tive and to act most beneficially. As the true and original remedy, named Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowl edge of that tact will assist in avoid ing the worthless Imitations manufac tured by other parties. The company lias selected for years past tho Icad ' lug publications of the United States through which to inform the public of the merits of its remedy, and among them this paper is Included, as will be seen by reference to its advertising col j umns. What a jolly old world (his would be if everything on earth was as at tractive as the shop windows. Onion Seed 08c r-.nil (Ip n l.h. Catalogue tells how to grow 1213 bus per acre as cut-lly on 100 bunhola. Largest growers of Karl lest Vegetables nnd Kurm Heeds. Kurilest vegetables always pay. Halzcr’s Seed* produce them weeks ahead of others. Coffee Herry 15c per H>. Pota toes 11 20 a Hbl. Cut this out and send with He for great Catalogue and 10 packages of vegetable ami flower Seed novelties to JOHN A. SAL/.KK SKKO COMPANY, LA CKOHHK, W1S. [w.u.J It's a poor kind of repentance that doesn’t Insure a repetition of the of fense. CRFSCKNT IIOTEI, F.IIKFKA HI-KINfiS, ARKANSAS, Opens February 23rd. In the Ozark Moun tains. Delightful climate. Beautiful scen ery. Uneqtialed medicinal waters. Cheap excursion rates. Through sleepers via Frisco Line. Adress J. O. Plank. Man ager. Room II. Arcade, Century Building, or Frisco Ticket Office, No. 102 N. Broad way, St. Louis. Many a man will slam the door in the devil’s face and open a window to let him In. j Circumstances may make you poor ! in pocket, hut you alone are to blame | if you are not rich in thought. || Try Grain-O! ! iij Try Grain-O! j ] | Ask you Grocer to day to show you J < * a package of GRAIN-O, the new food X , > drink that takes the place of coffee. X J l ^ The children may drink it without ♦ t ► injury as well as the adult. All who X ! > try it, like it. GItAlN-0 has that i J * rich seal brown of Mocha or Jnva, ♦ j < ► hut it is m ulo from pure grains, and X ,, the mostdelicute stomach receives it Y ' ► without distress, j the price of coffee. ♦ ' < ► 15 cents r.nd 25 cents per package. + J J Sold by all grocers. J J l Tastes like Coffee J < * Looks like Coffee ♦ '» Insist that yonr grocer give* yon Q RAIN-0 £ < | Accept no imitation. 4 A GOOD GARDEN Isa pleasure and anroflt. (iresory’i seed book dl i recte a right liratnnlug. (tregory'e Seed Insure tin | must successful ending, (let (he book now It’s free. WMES J. H. GRfcUCRY A SON. MsrbishM*. Mass. WANTED Case of bad health that R I P A N * will nut beuefll Send 5 cent# to Kittens Chemical Co.. New York,fur l() saumles and I.UW icstlmuulala. W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 10-180® tibeo Answtrlnn Rdvcmsei.tent# Hmdly Mention This Taper. <^OWE/?fr ffsu BRK^ I SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. |k.« I tw fi»«4 I • •* 4 ««»■ ktn'nxh X nH.i.oi' It 1.14 .M I 141 »ii| kx«4 «)M J>* in Ditlui I • It Mnt« kilf th* I ilk l! mj klkkfl If lint In. MW ill mill •uotl »»«• f>« »U WU4 ' I ill iWm h . ■ vn,i There’* Only One Stand ard of Quality In Athletic Goods "Spalding.” Accept no sustitute. IU »- ■ wav i *1 ki-<K4- t r*» A U HH«tH Hi * tk'l • H,. *#•> t» «.>•< Or. Kit's Uh on*: : v ADVICE '■>' »ur l-hy.l.Un ....I a FREE SAMPLE „ of out 111 iihI an- !•«*•* Iren Itook I Mating till tU»ea*c» %% tilt .V i \« client 11*« 11ic*a are some of the reasons why j«»n ilimitt) n rite lie. Dr, Kay’s Renovator , ute« tbr rrry w»u*t <•»•'* of l'v«pei <la, liatnlptUoi, lleatiarh.*. l.l»*r and K,..m-y tliatatri. NmhI fur proof < f II. Wr It iaraiilw It. Write u< about all of you, •yn.pbuiK. |>r Kay'* Ht-ontntor I* nk, by druggl*,*, or •rut by mall on rtolpt of ,«»*«>. ts rwu, and Ill.tM*. L1>.H Or. S. J. KAY MEDICAI CO., w*«i*>a OWr« Omaha, Web. iuiiubimuiiuitimMliwufliiiHuaiuiiuiuviMiiUHMiiutioiiMiU^ll^i “THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS.” BE WISE AND USE SAPOLIO WE WILL BUY IT FOR YOU. : *• >1 • I !«<•■ ■!»•»« ■■ H*<| % f , y ( , 4* 4 •* 1 ! *f ^ rt* I 1 * r T | - - , i | ,!». a I if lit) »■ -it -i» " *! * (*■•* ‘ ■* •'<•* Oft-t I |W*h •• .Illln.lUf i* lllai, I'wiktUUlHt '* * * II > ’'. f u k: | | ,.i. f ‘ *v*i , » ■ ' f * * I' > ,* It* ‘, | iii,i| V.,,.,. if, , 4"'i. ” y »»** )*> Hi' ** > II ***•*"'* I ill nil .1,1 |MI|. 'flu! I ,f,.| .1 Hill f aul .«4 ■tSilMML .** 111 ' I ■' li.ij( li.,1 f‘ • i %. I * I. H* .i bififfi j.p{, . t*s f, ,| I’Momit %\i» *ui**»mruitv \k\mi;m«. ^ 4 ■ f t ■ ** • ***' liitt* *it*l * \i it ihm| 4% IIhi nkly t til# #4 Mij »• f JlMl 1C *•**.» Iph# l“‘* »Mt lifM Ik i~*»m u>,«| h *«•« m< lM*« Motif •#t*l * | |m t *4«itivft •wf *im%4k iH.iii*, •» 4»| ft i IM kf % II liiti M4|h| (4 I41 •fVitii t 4 o* mu Jnih *Mi •*f •*<•«• ' Ml n ill t\% ell) «««•#f l| ‘I'M*’* *- *h” |l ii'f i f ill Wivfivt. t li i u M l>> ait >* ** i*4m4i4 4*« If#*!* i«ii #| i af 1 fH %* ,f*»| *« •* I (Hfuklt t f*UiMt |U •I’ 4; In* • l4C«**»t HJJItilf. *4 llrl* t i»> |4Hli I F M ft** tlk# I i. <« Vt•**«#««; H##fc « \ 4*4 Of,AHA *UN4 HAIINU COMPANY, Hth rioot. Petton Hem.