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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1899)
The Northwestern _ r~1 1 ii ■l . , — «U BUSHED EVERY FRIDAY IT THE COUNTY SEAT. OBO. B. BEBSHHOTEB, ( Editor* and OBO. H. OIBSOB, S Publisher* TERMS:—11.00 pch tsar. ip paid ii* advauck Entered at the Loup City Pottlofflce for tran * mission through the mAlls as second class matter. Official Paper Sherman County Wuero is ex-governor Holcomb? We hav’nt heard of him since he gave up his job. 6,000 more troops are now on their way to reinforce Gen Ous. in tin Philippines. If Agninaldo wants r job he had better do aa Gomez did latt week Hnd gel under the w ing of Uncle 8am. The Filipino Junta at Hong K >ng, are kept bust manufacturing newt for the outside .voild these days. They should bave asub marine cable eon net; led wah the tnou'.b of some of our U. 8. senators Agumuldo fears that if tin; U. 8. continues c mud of the Philippi • that gold collar he ordered will not be of much value only us a heir loom. The longer these senilorial lights continue the inure it occurs to the people that we should elect IT. S senators by popular vote. There might not be so much wealth in our “llouse of Lords'' but there would be as many statesmen. Business failures in tbe (J. 8. are gradually dropping lower in number and in January 1899 marked 20 per cent lower than in January 1898, and 58 per cent lower than in Jan u ry lR;>7 Tii" increased trade of |n< I . ,i ■ n Kur ■ j»** m il Js turn oinking this a creditor uali u. The Dmglev hill, or as the Demo Cliits called i' a Chinese wall, is prov .g i ri-i ml maker in the way , of getting in foreign wealth. The president struck the key note in General Gomez's case when he sent Commissioner Porter us an envoy to reason with the old man, and at the same time had General Brooks invite him to Havana to as sist in the work of reeonstrue Ion. The old patriot at once discovered that the presidents offer was a very liberal one, and was satisfactory to biin, although he had refused it wrh scorn before be was asked to accept an official position. W. J. Bryan says tbe peace treaty should be ratified at once and the disposition of the Philippines attend ed to afterwurds. Billy is right. He is too much of au American to wisii to belittle this government in the eyes of the world by rejecting the treaty, but issues arc mighty scarce with his party, and of course he wishes to preserve ouo for 1900 So he would postpone annexation of the islands to do service in the uext presidential campaign. But from present indications it will he a lur gi r r g '» b than free silver was. Ill Ur legislative full e»l between Iseral und Benjamin which resulted in the seating of laeral though Ben jamin had takeu his neat by the au thority of a certificate of election issued to him by a populist clerk, it was ascertained In the Ing .< in nil tier Mini laeral hid over 50 mxj (in in his district, und this Until .g w » r un lined in In Hie p..j . lilt '<• men. her* of l||- eelli in It lee I li ,! i«i»« I.4 HI die c.ise. S*mli rclniui w:ib it mighty little fun. when it couie* to issuing elsetion certificates IV. » 'I Kh ci haa deiermm e l t < in it xati t ii i"r» , i't i ( atrau» th nu exiaii j fuf • niie ti i in n ,( lO ihe srim hi i f lit inaif. tu ina - f * ilia* Ii qtiln in the mat ter and endeavor to place tie- a. ipo la.iiiliit win r% it bch*t» x rim in.| tilv will place tjcn. Mile* jti* win pv I he owintf t wants turn to I. • p seed I1 will gnr* bihi a t li in i to iitlMliln lr« tils charge* ma le tii ui.ti newspaper interview*. nr b* hiMstlf It* id r* p n-ibte fur tin m If Mils* tu right he should hava lihl »b< ovidi in « tnf re if. pr *p> i tribunals, and if he h*a j*»t Inti. tbtwiliig • If ht* an .it i h a ii sn m it Hal mM U«ai on* u«».t*« %«* *,.>« Fighting in lie Mmlrn. I n«nrg*nt « Aituck Out-po*t« at Manila but are IJrttvHy Utf^ulrd SEVERAL NEBRASKA BOYS KILLED. PEACE TIIKATY ItATIKIKI) IIY THE UMITKI) STATE SENATE. The insurgents of the Philippines S'i hli.illy it Hacked llie Americans Saturday night at about H:ilO and with the exceptions of a brief lull, kept up the lighting until 1 o'clock Sunday, The Arneri ears Inns is reported to he about 40 killed aid 15 wounded. Seven Neb rn-ka boys are reported among tbe iiiiinber killed. Pispatehe- from Hong Kong and Manila till of u terrible slaughter of tin ei *tm. One report from Manila si.jh til*1 careful estimates places the Filipino I ►««« at 2000 dead, 0,500 vv ii eh -i and 5,000 taken prisoners. A Hoi g Kong dispatch says: ‘•the iebel forces have been driven buck ten miles and that their losses are estimated at 1,9U0 killed. During tlie engagement with the land forces the United States war slops under'orders of Adtneral Dewey shelled a train loaded with insur gents and most effectually shelled the entire lino of rebel trenches. A force of Filipinos eousertrated :n Paco Church where they made a stand in the upper storries. In the fuee of u terrific faseladc the church was entered try the Americans, sat urated with coal oil and set on fire. As the rebels emerged from the binning structure they were either lucked i IT i r taken prisoners I’iir tin k is thought to ire pre •nedi u'l'l On tin- part of the insurg ent leadeis. For ome days t’enor \ ii i |o v. itij ot.n r Filipinos, who formed a junta have been at Wash ingtou and is charged with having communicated with Agumaldo, in fi rnung him of the date upon which the senate would vole upon the peace treaty measure. The fact is new pretty well established that this in f< rmalioi was designed us a signal for hostilities, the Filipinos Imping thereby to iutluance the vote of the U. S. senate against the treaty. It had the oposite effect, however, as after the news of the attack and its awful consequences had been receiv ed at Washington, two or three of the senators who were to vote against the tui’u ure voted for it, and thus it was ratified by the necessary two thirds majority with but a single vote to spare. The vote on the treaty stands: Yeas !j1 , Nay * 27. Both senators Allen and Thurston from Nebraska are found in the yea column. Orders have gone out from Wash ington for general Otis and Admeral D«*wey to use their own judgement and to crush Aguinaido if necessary. Republicans must feel mighty proud <>f its legislature on the seua <oii .1 <1 *e-tion.—Onl Journal. V« s, ii is rather disgusting. It mak* oi,»* !»*.*' like the pops did six \ears a.o when thej comprom ised on Allen. Advice to Consumptives l h. .* c three great reme- II I* dic> t i it every person with v. il;!u ! ’*,or wi'h consutnp- II lion it clt, iiould understand. ;; Tht.c remedies will cure ll about tv iy case in its first p | stages ; and many of those II { more advanced. It is only the mod advanced that are : □ n these are I / relieved and life I' tiy prolonged. jj these ri ntcdics ? I r. pr*.per food and ; t> ; itsfon || tr t it Hi/a lle afraid of nit m>t of ft ■ sh aiv. "i1,1 • i itnutiiur* t food and drink : I pleats-t*f mill;. 1 hi it d forget | 1 mhion . I obU -t, t' <■ most thoroughly | tested an 1 (lie higlint ctl 1 dofserl of all remedies lor I weak tin its, wcilt Itmiffli#^ * Etc: ii nr all it * *. , , n.. .a a.*< k I I fc- irr*i * ,» v-k. fHOOHKMM.'.IH.. I I A LOUD CALL for our delinquent subscribers to cull ami settle. We must have money Please answer the cull. 1'ar.inlp Complexion A majority of the Ills atllicting people to-day can be traced to kidney trouble. It pervades all classes of aoclety, in all climates, regardless of age, sex or con dition. The sallow, colorless-looking people you often meet are afflicted with “kid ney complexion ” Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color, Bo Is their complexion. Tnev may suffer from indigestion, bloating, sleeplessness, uric acid, grayel, dropsy, i heumatisin, cat arrh of the bladder, or Irregular heart. You may depend upon it, the cause la weak, unhealthy kidneys Woman as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer’r is wimp Hoot, the great kidney llyer and bladder remedy will build uq and strengthen weak and unhealthy kid* neys, purify tlie dlseared, kidney polt oned blood, clear the complexion and soou help the sufferer to better health. The mild ami the* xtraordiriary effect of Swamp-ltoot Is aoon realized It stands the highest for ita wonderful curea of the most distressing cases,aucb as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, rheumatism and Brigkt’a Dis ease, which Is the whrst form of kidney trouble. At druggists, fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell ing all about It. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writ ing please mention this paper. -—r A etrlctly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, paecessing nil modern improvements. GiiQioniiiSfl Edi Id Hie Best. Pnee’'. ■ i Obtain thorn hv ;i"y r i:- al dealer end comparisons. (US Croats £■.*.!_. iOER£, ILL MANY HOURS QUICKER via TO THK PACIFIC COAST. Titan by any other line. THK CLEVELAND LIMITKU Currie* the Government Fast Mail. SANFRANSCISCO. PORTLAND. net v } Hour* to HanlrancliH'o I Ax Hour* to Fort land Frnm Missouri River, For l|tt»lllbi«it folitaro, lUualntteU books |>«ui|»til*t». <li*oM|»ttv» «• lb« territory UorsrM, »4il tm W, |» CiirToN, ' r •■••Ml. l Mo - • « BO YEARS* It LXPtfiltNCL WgS |m fHBif "" 13 F \m J J 1 L J -J ” /.ill | B VI J 1 1 | n k | I MW m 1 | ] I I B J * t ' -r Team Manna fFMbil!v Oraiuna " 'nw1 CoEvni^ntaAe AkftlOE | *t«f • k §h4 Ore fi|4l' 'E s«f 'f ***• •#«* »# HI *»« n h frw »Ui i.m E« Et'OeitlV-A M I »«•**••»>« litifcitliHii i«'«t#44- 'Ul IIEHallw»R In 1«M m* i fvf MIwha I t1 eftli t%k««4 4 ila‘4l A i v*««4v« • >«*••*! • ‘**r*rs ttt Ik# $ ' ilk Hmcrican. a .• -I » .*'. I M.Mt r*. •a “**'• *9 ♦- ■*'» '“•*<, 1 .**•. Hi t*** t 1A fl» IUa4e| fef a I >*«fIv«;wi MUNN *: Cr. N.wYorlt I Nil_| J. Phil Jaeger WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK OF WINTER GOODS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING STOCK. DON’T FORGET THAT WE WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO BUY ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT CLOSING OUT PRICES. MAKE OUT YOUR LIST AND BRING IT TO US. SOME OF OUR SPRING GOODS ARE HERE AND MORE ON THE WAY. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THEM. THIS WILL BE A MONEY SAVING SALE FOR CUSTOMERS, AND A SPRING CLEAN UP AND MONEY SAVIGG SALE FOR US. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, J. PHIL JAEGER, Implements and Harness. Our stock of implements and harness is now in the house and samples on the floor. We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring. These Lilies are Composed of so Many Different Kinds, Sizes and Prices that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here. MANY AKE NEW THIS SEASON, HAVING NEVER BEEN SHOWN IN THIS MARKET BEFORE. While there has been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you will find by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. We ask you to come and see us and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the prices. Respectfully Yours, _E s. HAYHUPST. A CATALOGUE sent to you by one of the catalogue houses may look well to you but, say, citizens of Sherman county does that Catalogue house pay any taxes in our county? Does it help support us in any way? Now candidly, would’nt you rather do your buying at home. Then come in and see our line of Watches, Clock*, Jewelry and Silverware and lat'a talk the matter over. Keeping your money at home is the only way to build up our community and we are convinced in our own mind that our prices arc as low as any one*, and even vou will sav so when .yob have Inoktwl over our Mock ami compared them with our vary low price. V.m will lllul u. alw.y. willing to allow y..„ gcmU .ml tall vou at their merit. I Iwinking you for past favors we remain, Yours successful! v. a » I. S. SIIEPPEK1), alewHcr nml Optintii