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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1899)
VOL. XV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1899 NUMBER 47 that T. M. REED has MORE THAN EVER A COMPLETE STOCK OF WIND MILLS, PUMPS, PIPES, MACHINE OILS, GARDEN AND FIELD SEED. I AM ALSO PREPARED TO DO ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF WIND MILL OR PUMP WORK. . . =' . . . = _ , ' - V » TO MY PATRONS, « W hen iri want of anything in my line don’t fail to call and learn my prices No other county scat in Western Nebraska can boast of a more complete stock than 1 now have on hand. If you want a sulky plow, Disc Harrow, Seeder, Cultivator, Feed Grinder, Harb Wire, Hog Fencing, Cribbing, Harness, Machine Oils, Sewing .Machines, Washing Ma chines, Windmills, Stock Tanks, Feed Cookers, Tank Heaters, hand and I power corn shellers in fact everything from a Threshing Macbing and Steam Engine down to a hay fork. With best compliments of the season 1 am. Yours very truly, r£. M RICEI). . _ _ . t , Lickty Corns Down Heavy UK BXHONEM THE STATIC AI DIIIIK ANI) IIIS JJKTIIOI) OF DOING IllJs INKSS WITH INMt'KANCK GO'S Samuel Lichty, one of the officials of the insurance department to the State Auditors office, ha exploded a bomb which lias given Auditor Cori ell a good shaking up, Lichty was a few day s since, bounced from his official position and give as a reason that be objected because the State Auditor did not enforce the law regarding the collection of moDi‘3 cue tin state fr« in insurance companies, but iliat oil < i methods of extiacliiig money from tjiem lias beeu n»pl<*y< d, lie says l>\ this neglect to collect s the law provides over #25,000 a yeai i- lost to the slate, t»u' lit the other methods em ployed it would seem that what the state fund lacked ot get'ing the offi. cials got 1 • -r them dvc.-i v - sum ole of one of the tin thods he sights that the Auditor s % nephew, J. A. ^ Sin psi ii. .. insui:*i * examiner, ellMgi o a | i :.t n tp 100. for only two days work as Mich ex, v, lu ll die lew i \|>! < h says that In wa oidy (-titilIt ' i'i s'd per day; i i tic dc r cast- in* charged Sd 10. The c, lie says, protested agnioit cjich .exboruitunt charges hut Dealt) did so to avoid trouble with the auditor, To use Mr. Lii'hlj’s own words lie Htivs: “Soon after the populists en tered ihe state house on eruption came also. They distributed no end of railroad passes. 1 pro tested that thin was an insinua tion that populists were base de eeivets, but was astonished to find that these gifts were so generously received. A little later and just be fore the railroads were assessed tor 181*7, with Auditor Cornell as chair man of such assessment board, un ele guut train was backed tip to one of ttu* depots of our city. Everything on this palace on wheels was as free as the air, and it carried the otate Auditor and family also Deputy Auditor I'ooi and others from the capital a thousand miles into the re sorts of the northwest ” Mr. Elchtj denounced these ja unis a suicidal to his parly ai d tin n adds, "l-ron, this on I saw the slate house conver ted into a great free pass broker shop, with some of our high salaried officer* doing very little besides get ting free p isses for themselves and friends.” lie sights cases where warrants have been drawn with ut au >>nlV •>! law, and to-'.me of the hirelings of the auditoi wh > m re doit g work that should have li n ■ ■ i>» the auditor himself. In on. < >. hi mmii'iBt Ui« nnltwfi lining o| •Too. and it aiolitt-r tunc Iglli, Mr detail'd out r similar ch»rg*», ,11 «| ahi ,i In stood ready to prove nad against which he has lie II I'otl I lliu ally w ! >(' llt lilv pi nesi'ag il e.oU|(| .mi d ■ In 1 to i t . ami Mo* e »li lc * I gr«ml c iii It .... Ibnif it i o | i |. > i v i No w> ip i it rf, , i , these statements of Liclity are correct Mr. Cornell and his bondsmen will likely find them selves in a similar condition. As u result of Liehty’s exposure Governor I’oj titer lias appointed an investigating committee and also requested the state legislature U> ap. point a like committee to thorough ly examine into the matter. THU WAV TO (iO TO CAI-II OUM A. , is iii a tourist sleeping ear personally conducted—via the Burlington Route. You don't change ears. You make fast time. You the linest scenery on the i globe. Your ear is not so expensively Mulsh ed nor tine to look at as a palace sleep er, but it is just ns clean, just, ns comfor table, just as good to ride in. AND NEARLY 820 CHEAPER. The Burlington excursions leave ev< ry Thursday,reaching San Francisco, Sunday and Los Angeles .Monday. Por ter yvitli each oar. Excursion manager with each party. For folder giving full intorinatlon cad at nearest B ,V M. It K. depot, or write to J Francis, Gen’l Pas senger Agent, Omaha, Xeb llANGKliS OF TIIK GKII'. The greate st danger from l,u Grippe is of it* resulting in pneumoitia. If reasonable cure i* used, however, and <'haiub-r'lain** Cough Remedy taken,all danger vvill l>e avoided Among the ten* of thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe we have yet to learn of a single case haying resulted in pneumonia which shows conclusive ly that this remedy is a certain proven, tive of that dangerous disease. It will cure la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For «ale by Odendah! Bro's. For La (iripp*. Thomas Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue corner Jackson st , one of Chi cago's oldest and most prominent drug gists, recommend Chamberlain's Cough remedy for iagrippe, as it not only give* u prompt and complete relief, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. For sale by Odendahl Bro’s. An lIonpHt Mevllclne for Lu <«rl|»|»r*. George VV. Waitt of South Gardiner, Me., says: ' I have had the worst cough cold, ch'lls and grip and have taken lots or trash ot no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. pi have used one 50 cent bottle and the chills, cold and grip liaye all left me. 1 congratulate the manufacturers of an honest medicine,” For sale l»y Odendahi IJro's. — • -♦ If Von Am Colne to the t*aoIflr Coast don’t complete arrangements until you have secured Information regarding the personally conducted excursions to San Francisco, I.ot Angeles and Port land \Satbel .N10X PAHFIC. These ex cut-ions leave Chicago. Minneapolis sad St, Paul every Thursday, and Oma ha every Friday in elegantly upholster ed Pullman Tourist Sleepers; illuminat ed hy Pintsch light, heated by steam. U iggage checked througli from starting point to destination Prompt and satis factory service. .Matty hours quicker tiiue than any other line For full particulars call on or address IV |», t 'I.UToN, Agent. 11 tivt Mu ti irons wanthi. rvi-.y *» • r r n,i . I the t'hUqqiti ■ i»v Mumi HiiUt. fMl. t'miiiiiivkiitmhl by It*® lioi I u* tiflH’Ul MUb»?ii*a t«> tfei V\ar Ik-I Martin* ui Tb» busk rn*m vtuiim in ar»ny .ji . .* Morrill in th, b l4t ||..M.lulu I 'ill'iik Itt in** Amir i* an trvnofct4* all I I i n »hi» *k of ill* o n m it »iii v. I I n> t IM ikr ru*r t iniUI*- at tkt fall vt Mamia. I 1*1 ft . » ts i by .. M- fLin nt . t at»b« th pn J ■£ r! l^r* |^!UJ,’lt. rv'rn |.*,: p'alt [SUGGESS^k I iXj* m it»ii u ut rettwi I Ml* I’ll *4 1 vt«v kati s M.H CUJI. I \ Ml «MB eve 4 >4M - • m r»'y «i ‘ »»i f • mi mHmHI j iHt Vf44| I fOTICE OK'HE OK TAX LIEN The State of Nebraska To James L. Pitot, and Henry Palmer ion-residents of the State of Nebraska, You and each of you are hereby notified hat the following described real estate, situ tie lu Shcrmun county, and Statu of Neb •uska. to wit: A certain piece or parcel of and situate in the south west quarter of Section Eighteen dm, in Township Fifteen IB), North of liange Fourteen (14) west of the sixth Principal Muridlan more particularly Inscribed as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at a point 1535 feet north and Cl feet east of the south west corner of the mutli west quarter of Section Eighteen (18), rownslilp Fifteen (15). north of liange Four ■ecu (II) west of the Sixth Prluclpul Merld an, uiul running thence cast 10 degrees and 5 minutes south to the center of Dead Horse Jreek. also running from the point of begin* ling north siflo feet, thence east 10 degrees tnd 15 minutes south to the centre of Dead Horse Crock, thence down the centre of Dead Horse Creek to the termination of sold Ilrst Ine, containing two acres of land more or css together with the Hourlngmlll. machinery Hid water power, franchises and Tights whatso ver appertaining to said mill located on said land, together with the canal through which ihe water is obtained and llows andLnll rights uf way appertaining to said canal: also that ■ertula other parcel of lund contiguous there to and described ns follows, to-wit: Commencing at a point nine, chains north on the west line of said Section Eighteen (18) of the south west corner of Section Eighteen (18,i arid running thence north sixteen chains and eighty-eight links to the canal of the Loup City Canal Company at Loup City, Sherman county, Nebraska, and from that point in a direction twenty-six degrees south of east four chains, and from thence directly north to the center of Dead Horse Creek and from that point following the meandering of Dead Horse Creek down the centre thereof, to a point in the centre of Dead Horse Creek di rectly last of the point of beginning, thence west fourteen (14) chains and thirty-five links more or less to the point of beginning, containing fifteen and one half acres, more or less, was Jon the 2(>th day of June, 1897. purchased by the County of Sherman, at private tax sale, from the treasurer of said County of Sherman, for the dellnqnent taxes for the years 1893, 1H91 and 1895, for the sum of $709,38, said land having been llrst offered at public sale and not sold for want of bid ders the said land being taxed in the name or James L. Pitot and Henry C. Palmer, that there Is further due the said county of Sher maa the taxes for the year 1890 in the sum of $131.91 which with interest and adver tising amount to the suin of $155.73 uml the further sum of $131.81, taxes for the year 1897. which with interest and advertising amounts to the sum of 1143.17 and you are further notified that unless the said above described land Is redotuned from said taxes on or be fore the 26Ut day of June 1899, an action will be commenced to forelose the tax-lieu in favor of said County of Sherman, in the District Court of Sherman County Nebraska In the manner provided tiy law. Dated this ninth day of February 1899. Thu Ciidntv or Shkkman, Purchaser, [Scall by John Minshuli,, County Clerk of Sherman County Nebraska. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law_and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In North wemtsrn Hulldtus, LOUP CITS’. - - NKItKAMKA. A. S. MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Lori* r|TY, • • N lllHA-h A orriGfc. ‘One door chiI of drug R. J. NIGHTINGALE, . l<OUP OITT. i l KD t'abiuel Photo's ^1 *d) per <b»y. until Jail. l*t at Ecu ehiti»kv ' Gallery lamp City. » mwi <k>i«n TktiivesiNt Pea kill. Ik lt)l. III MMM4RM klMla.M la I heir *■»» tM m.i y ratt«ll«, I, .• '■“‘ •I » »*** . letukd. *, )•<(■> a. Ret* e»j .it. y >.i jr• &. an>i « i ■ * .*1 I.‘ I* 1 I (HI |,«. Mtelf. U' .(.* I' 11 k'lltttcll- . * kiKMM Ml it III) IkiI k, II**-, It***, |*» M »'V, .(it, I. * - — ■ ■ ... ■ ---—____.__ I'LL LET 111 k JUDGE and you will say that my goods are FIRST CLASS AND PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. 1 am aalialled with •mull profit* and by selling mt good# at o|o»4 figure* and keeping a nine line to from ear. *im-h pku , t u, I have a larger stuck than ever before of HARDWARE AND TINWARE, AND ALSO A MCE LINK OF IT UNITE UE SUCH AS He.l room euita, Pining tbaira, Poinmon «I. .»r», Mocker*, K<t .imiou raid. *, t upiioard*, W urtlio'H * (V liter i»ln> «. Picture* pt'turi fmtm*, will ju faet ant tiling you want. My price* will keep you gtn »«ing how | can sell so chimp Call and you will be convinced \ our* for hnrgitiiij. P/tCKi-T SfOpE. W AN ran-kavKKAL Tkubt wokthi Pwe. sons In this sihUi to nninaKe our bustnaaa In i b< lr own it ml nearby count tea. It ta mainly ottb-n work unmim-ledal home. Sal ary sirmglii •wo a year and espmigei*—de finite. bonutlite. no more, no leaa salary lb.btliIv $'/S. lint ere net's Enclose sulf-ad iltt-xseil envelo|ie. Herbert K lleaa, I Tea. Ilepl M. i bictiao. 111. S-10-W TIM* IN MONEY. W b«'tt you are traveling, due outlaid eratiun should be given to the amount i|f lline spent In making your journey. I III! I \ ION PACIFIC is the Best I,ink ami makes the Ka*te»t Time by hi >1.y iioiti - to Nall I,ake City, Portland .".ltd California points Pur time table*, folder*, illustrated imhik p'l.miplet* descriptive of the ter Hurt traversed, call on—\V, l>, ('i.iy Ton. Agent ♦ • • WANTEI* •'EVMtAlu I'HL tTWOHTUT, pet .1 - in thl- slate to manage our but* 'in in their on n and near by counties. I' l« mainly iltk’e work onhilueted at ’-b no - . it\ straight ytioo a year and ■ ij.. i i. tjrttttlta, honatlde, no mure, no k-«» salary. Monthly §73 Kefer ■ ne Km > o e.>■ addressed stamped envelope Herbert I Hess. Preat Itept M t bn ago V ‘i1-1 *tt I 11>EA \v 4S t Mt> EYKMY 1 • -t On 1‘bltiniaass • si . at H . •!. i t ,«iito„i Htloasst br iks (1st *»>. >■ ■** < ‘!*s. >w| til at. aii to lSr War 0*» C* k a aw* amtea ta war , -. > i n iJo l*». its auk * « iftias to- taiat si H.'SilsN !| ** it U„ »i**a kw* at si . ni>* suk AgsiNuM • k t lie Or*a*law alia latl. I « Um» *11 at Mwaikk . *•* .t «, w« Wl ul etytari wBh . *»>*•« i «• » l w r<»> < die e»»«f » » * - ♦><*• Imp ah • » <* • » ■ “*»«t !*•# «<< ■ »* * in. . a. . si*, laaarmaaa Uidg i kutis HI