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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1899)
MORE THAN EVER A COMl*LELE STOCK O! WIND MILLS, PUMPS, PIPES, MACHINE OILS, G VIlPEN AND FIELD SEED. I AM ALSO PREPARED TO DO s ANYTH l NO IN TILE LINE OF WIND MILL OR PUMP WORK. tfSr* TO MY PATRONS. ^ •- When in want of anything in my line don’t fail to call and 1 •.irn mv prices, NT<» other county seat in Western Nebraska can boast of a more complete stock than I imw have on hand. If you want a sulky plow, Dose Harrow, Seeder, Cultivator, Feed Grinder, Harb Wire, Hog Fencing, < ribbing, Harness, Machine Oils, Sewing Machines, Wrashing Ma chines, Windmills, Stock Tanks, Feed Cookers, Tank Heaters, hand and power (tot n hellers in fact everything from a Threshing Maching and Steam Engine down to a hay fork. With best compliments of the season I am. Yours very truly, T IVL REED. Bargains. All Parties making cash purchases of five dollars or more will (until further notice) receive a discount on regular prices 10 per? ©e|MT. REMEMBER: This does not apply to produce. The hutter and egg market is too uncertain to risk getting our money back on same. BESIDES: Merchants receive a discount for cash, why should not the customer fare as well." By looking over the fol lowing illustration you will notice that it will surely pay to take advantage* of our offer which applies to all lines we carry, exclusive* coffee* and sugar hills, excepted. OUR REGULAR PRICES. 4 yards. Extra heavy, all wool skirting at 40 cents per yard,.' $160 8 yards all wool dress flannell at 25 cents per yard,.. 2 00 5 yards “Southern Silk” shirting 8 cent. 40 IB pounds of granulated sugar for. 1 00 4 pounds Arbuckles Coffee for. 60 1 pair of extra good plow shoes for. 1 60 2 pair of extra heavy wool socks.. 60 TOTAL... $7 50 TEN PER CENT OFF. 76 TOTAL COST TO PURCHASER,. $ 6 76 Now you see by purchasing an assortment! similar to the above you get lb pounds granulated sugar for 90 cts; 4 pound* Arbuckles coffee tor 45 cents; one pair plow shoes for 81.35, and so on all through the list. * Trusting our plan will meet with your approval, I am, Yours respectfully, CjH/\S. GASTEVEp. V Tli<* Nation# Supply of Oo|il iChloutro IJuily New# i It is ii >t surprising (list the present financial condition of tin? United Stales should attract us much uttcn tiou abroad us did our re sult naval | j.nd military exploits The rep »rf ! of the director of the mint sets forth that this country lets a financial standing that is no le-s a marvel to foreign nations than it is to the peo ple of Atperie-k Mr 11* herls report show* that the available gold of the country atiiounta lo round nuiu's-rs. to $, which is an it- ue .v id #„”» |,iliio.ooil aiuee July, Is;it! I«ari!<* a# this sum appeo# t 'a i»s at ill 1st my when e iui> ii ii.i i ■>* # i. U -f o I a hi tty Hi o iti!; fin* jii in i * 11 f i I ft. Olio Ollll | «-\ M of I »r lujs <d ill . ilrii . j i. y : o <i n in t<a ess f i • h I I iu *} i III in i and |lilj,(l ' I liiltl in n* I Ii hi Kl .,1 .* p IS#' • • • I l K ill « I | flueh a laijt a I r > I i » * t the >| • iu1 111 t i. ltd i i'i *' ■ « ii III fur Is the jinnon mi i .«th • the trite tinl ion in f t u i>f t i» •uuntfv Mm |s*,» t|s, iv Ii,, Mw >• o iu talii n th« l»Uu e f f i eign commercial transaction!* lias not been upon our sole amt while the a mount lias varied c m»i hr bly ou« year with another total credit up proxim tu •* $ I,H30,1)00,000. A very large proportion of thm lias been paid by bonds aud oilier .securities in alien hand*, but. Uteriv we have drawn upou the at >< ka of foreign gold in 'In* adjustment of trade Imb ances aud at tue same time we have bee,i able to retain tin* predict* of our own mines. It i* an interesting ipie»*ioi: whether we u.tu hold the position of lining '* «n*'lll ir nation, which ilia neon *o I*inc held b <*t .1 Mi nil, hut. a* pr. ie i* ii nliin/ l i indie ale abb* elttnge III OUT f >r« li/'l ' I I'll ia-ll « of t lfi| iijiit |i • n aeml ing ‘tl Mittdt tor "*Uk r>-mi lent*, a I refits t t-% entlvelv I i the eam'* rimi * i i emits i, I i xj*ect t I g«* flfM*, * »t*tun ill**. »* >1 (dtiii-U*, IM 141*1 l* liol|i» I ■ \ •• *t Ml nil tlgii* lint tit i prove to *>e nil sew* m«4 iiu e ,i uii mi | at’ 1 fit, (lit mol tile it i xix j; •*| it* it t!xe er**| • pulls f If alii til tie I* Ip* waul anv further information, ask Mrs. (). W. Taylor, or call at thUofll ■«>. Valley County Time*. Wo tiuderalitnd that aomo <>i our Loup City ladies have been invent ing to the smile goods with like n suits. OAMUKIts or THKi.KII*. The greatest danger fro® f,» (Jrlppti is of it* resulting In pneumonia. If reasonable e ire I* used, however, amt i 'haiiitierlaiu's t tough Itenieily taken, all danger will he avoided Among the tens of thousands who have used tins remedy for la grippe we have yet to learn of a single ea*e haying resulted in pneumonia w hleh shows eouvluslve ly that thi* remedy Is a eertaln prsyrm line of toal dangerous disease I will cure la grlp|*e In P*»s time th e any other I rent melt It is nh usaul and • ale lo take Kor sate lit lib idihl If to'* S ul I s • * 111* |*s rhoma* Whitfield A t*o , do U «iia>h ayentie otfast Jit'k*on si , one of I’M i 1/ '* <>i H «t and inihI pr uilti»ul drill! gists, h i oiniorint t.hsm ierlan.’s * iiugti r-tn* dy for lagtl|;|«e •« it not only giv< • a pi toil pi and rooipirv rel ■ lit also I' o* I>tsri* atijf lemfett'A of fa grippe lu irtull in pnriimtrt la, I r sale 111 tM<fl, till Mot's and you will say that my goods are FIRST CLASS AND PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. I *iu nuliiOitil mi'Ii mil nil juoti * ntnl by Hulling mi g>mtl» at elo*«' 4iirc' iit<| Ki*t (>itig n uii < lii,i* in ii from can <>uivlv pUnn \ n I • vh » l irr *'• li .Intiitvei b*-1‘• i»f UAKDWAItK AXl» IIXVVAKK. AND ALSO A Ml K UNI: OK KK It NIT l UK SITU AS >«: i it »,nt», fi.i 4 i I tii I’ ti n «limra, It*■«,k r». K*1*-Iihi«m» miilt**, i ii|,i . ,ip|n. \V r«lrt* * Cm i r l*i*'t»>r« • |n nirf (mtiii • »i’l| in ' »(•• BBl thing IOM M Mil, * \|y priti’s « II k»«'|i ytt i4u«'^sing how I eau soil *«» ebenp. Call m l you "ill lx* ©mtviiteod N " ir» for liargaiitM. PACKET STORE \V ANTKII-SKVBKA1- TRUSTWORTHY I'RB i- m-in tins untie to uiunuKe our busineaa in tin n own uml nearby noun ties. It 1• mainly oilin' work conducted at home. Hal Hi tirui^lii am a yearaiid eapenaea—de i ..I i llili- no morn, no leas salary it hi v i neti nonius Knelose relf-ad dreased euve ope. Il.-rlmrl K IIoms, t'raa. !>• |il u t luciiRo, ill. 3-10-0 TIMK la MON K V. it In n you sre traveling, due coustd m ;itinn should be given to the amou-.t ■ 'line h|>i-nt in milking your journey. IIK I NION PACIFIC IS the Best K hikI inuU'i the Fa-TimT TIME by i. \ Inn. - in a»li Lake City, Portland nmi t »lif" ilia points For nine tables, folders, Illustrated i. n |i mi jilt in il< seriptive of the ter i ii traversed, eatl on—W. D, Clut ton, Agent Wskti.K 1' Vmul TEuarwoirrtiT, I >in.> in ibis stale to tuauage our bua ii tlietr own and r.earby eouutlee. I - main.I nlllre work conducted at in '>il» v -iraighi »W»o a year and i - .... ,1. Hnlte hiinsllila, no more, ,iUn, Monthly |?) Refer h in. -elf-addressed -utiiped • e Herbert K Hess, Prest I *• |it M 4 'huaii|{u A rmta a An iNi an'vki* kvkuv I Ota Itlllvplpf' •i nml ay »a» UeS> a to im War Ue • rlllen Iw . tk« t*a- tea ana tatai at Hisnlwa .. •» I ram S4M at e- Asm sal alth Dawey. ■ latt at Manna il n4 »r><last |>*a MH #* > I* sitae Ut«v ail IMS! Ilw. *4 Saar I saw