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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1897)
THE NORTHWESTERN 9KO. K. BBN8CHOTKR, Editor * 1’ob. LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. -PI .. ~ » NEBRASKA NEWS. The school in district No. 71, Platte county. Inis been cloned on account of diphtheria. The disease of blackleg Is spreading to some extent among the cattle in Burt county. At Havelock, a six-year old lioy. who was allowed to.havea hatchet, chopped off two fingers of lilt little sister. J. W. Waddell, a Pawnee county farmer, lost a thousand dollars worth of wheat by the burning of bis stacks. Reuben Cabney, on trial at. West Point, charged with statutory rape upon Ellen Asplolf, 10 years old, was acquitted. The city council of Columbus lias passed the dog tax ordinance. It im poses a tax of $:i per bead on all canines and also makes provision for a dog catcher. A proposit ion has been made to the business men of Lincoln to sell them the Y. M. C. A. building for 973.000, to be paid In yearly payments of 92,000, without interest. A number of cars of sugar beets were shipped from Battle Crack to Norfolk. The beet crop is generally good, the average yield being from ten to fifteen tons per acre. There has lieen a larger acreage of full wheat sown in Adams county this season than ever before, and most of it Is up nicely. The earlier sown com rilulnl tf uolfiii'L tli.. ire/uinil The regents of the state university have received from Mr. Itryan a dona tion of $330. the interest from which is to lie used for an admit prize for an essay on the seienee of government. I’earl VVilsey of Kearney,a girl about 13 years of age. has disappeared and efforts to Hne her have so far fulled. She hus light complexion, is fairly good looking und weighs 113 |smnds. John Stewart, jr., the 13-yenr-old son of ,1. M. Stewart, the popuiist can didate for sheriff in lloit county, acci dentally shot himself through the calf of tlie leg while bundling a 33-cal iber revolver. A destructive prairie tire swept over tlie swuinp about four miles west of Dakota city and near Coburn Junction, •icing ignited by the ('., St. I’., M. A. O. rail wuy. About 300 tons of bay were wiped up und several stacks of wheat. Ten of tlie suspected pickpockets arrested at Tecumseh ut. tlie liryun meeting were liberated. Complaint was made against one of the number and he wus given a trial in the county court, blit, a ease was not made against him. ’Adam Kecbler, who lias carried on tile business in Harvard since 1S70, dropped dead while en gaged in setting a wagon tire. Mr. Kecbler was 7.7 years old ami his death is thought to In- from parulysls of the heart. The Omuliu school of luiv. an associ ation organized for the promotion of education in the science of law und for the establishment of an academy of law in tlie city of Omaha, have tiled articles of incorporation with the sec retary of state. Fve men. giving their nnmes us tieorge l’arezzo. Frank Uice, Fred Wilhoff, Jeff Ayres and Tom Harris, were arrested at Nebraska City. They are suspected of being the individuals who broke into till- Missouri i’licific depot at Talmuge a few duys ago. At a meeting of tlie board of regents of tlie I'diversity of Nebraska tin- con tract for putting up tlie new mechanic arts building was let to (trace A- Kel ley. whose bid was $35,(V1H. Some ad ditional items will make the amount SSI 1 .*s,s 1.T* bill n iiy ill I IS, ■lolin Shut. a well-to-do farmer of Kaunders county, lias just returned from a pleasure trip to the Hawaiian islands. He was well pleased with tlie islands and delighted with the climate. The natives impressed him us our In dians do here. They are opposed to annexation and live with u prospect of seeing their late queen restored to her throne. A party of eight surveyors from Fort Crook arrived in Wuiioo last, week and went into camp on u vacant lot in the eastern part of town. They belong to companies C. K. IS and II.. and Lieu tenant Dalton is in commund. The party is engaged in making a govern ment map of Nebraska. They have been at work now atxmt thirty days and will occupy two months more in the work. There has never licen a time in Polk county when hog cholera was as prev alent us now and the farmers arc los ing lltt-m by the hundreds. Prof. (■. W. tiregg. jr.. who has Ihu-ii experi menting for tile past year, thinks he has discovered sumething that will prevent unit cure the disease in the tlrst Htugcs. lie is ridiitg about tbc conn- I try helplugthe farmers who have any I hogs left. A trump, who. to his two compan ions, guve Ids name US Morrissey, was | ruts over uud killed by section two of I train No, Isut t'ohuru Junction The three men Isuiriled the trniu at Dakota t'ity, riding on the top of a t*ox car H lii'ii nearing t olmrii Jimctiou a train matt started over tin* train and the luaii who wus kilicil uttempteil to go from one car to another, w hen he fell Itetuceti the curs and was instantly killed Ills right leg and right arm Were completely severed front the laaly. The receiver of the itank of Stipe rittr tv as authorised to declare u tllvl •lent! of It per cent at 1 he last term of court \u. koll» in countv A double runaway is- urrctl last wet U in Join* ott countv Live children were throw it out upon the road anti true of them was dangerously injured. Miss toil t rtt, V stilt-1 a former teacher 11| the primary dt pattmt-nl of U»e Ashland school left last week for the east. Miss tshlei recently la- ! mar heir to fttkissi left her hy the death of a relative la t onm-cl cat, and she has decided to spend the winter in New York city and other • astern paints. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED HERE AND THERE. Condensations that Embody a flood Deal of Information Without Heijulrlng Much Npace—Foreign and Domestic Newsy Notes on All fHibJeef*. Monday, Oct. 4. All Indication* point to a How of gold from Europe to America. Town elections In (Connecticut do not show much change since last fall. Oov, Holcomb of Nebraska ha* Issued the usual election prof tarnation. Edward Langtry, former husband of Lily Langtry, has become demented. The pope of Home Is In excellent health, report* to the contrary notwithstanding. Ily flood* In China Hfteen or t wenty thous and persons have recently lost, their lives. The Ijondon Olobs predicts that Henry fieorge will la; the next mayor of New York. The new Spanish ministry has taken the oath of office and entered upon their duties. The town of Austin. Fa., was swept by lire, hut five buildings being left' Hundreds are homeless. A protest has been Hied at Lincoln against admitting the national democrats to the offi cial ballot. A strong London syndicate Is corn lug to this country to endeavor to purchase the Union Pacific., Disastrous prairie fires have occurred In Minnesota and Houth Dakota. Home hiss of life Is reported. It Is rumored that Drover Cleveland Is pre paring to re-enter politics, having an eye on the New Jersey nenatorshlp. The steamship Christina has arrived at Havana with 92,000/104 for Den. Weyler, to be applied to military operations. The condition of the national treasury on the 1st showed: Available cash balance, f2l3,497.f!7v; gold reserve, 914*. 170*21. VV. K. Finch, of Wisconsin, has been appoint ed envoy extraordinary and minister pleni potentiary from the I lilted Mates to Para guay and Frugally. Tuesday, llet. S. Thirty-five conventions have been secured for Dmaba next year. The railroads are bringing many home sick eers Into Nebraska. Iri the Inter-collegiate tennis contest at New Haven Harvard won. A. large hotel collapsed at Charlevoix, Mich., killing twound Injuring ten. Prof. Francis W. Newman, author and philosopher, Is dead at London, aged tKf. Five political organizations will support Henry George for mayor of the greater New York. The veiled prophet pageant at Ht. Lout* was said to hi? the finest ever presented In that city. There Is a tight on In Chicago over the price of liner. The price bus been cut and the end Is not yet. Kx-Governor Holes announces that he will make no more speeches lu Iowa during the present campaign. Contracts have been let for a standard gauge road from Canon City to Cripple Creek, < ol.. to cost altfiut |J.000,000. The land owned by the Northern Pacific amounts to nearly <14.000,000 acres, of which almost all Is west of the Missouri river. A statement of the condition of the na tional t reasury shows: Available cash bal ances. fZIJ.Mffif.Osl; gold reserve, $14k,WMHI. It Is probable that K. W. Winter will lx? elected president of the Crilon Pacific if t he reorganized company gets control of the road. Hamuel If. McMillan, Culted Htates senator from 1876 to 1HHH. died at his home In Ht. Paul of anamela. He had been lit for nearly (4 year. The London Times says the Wolcott com mission Intends to mjaest the government to give an Immediate and final reply to Its financial propositi*. Captain W. A. Dunn has sold Ids slx-mlle hill copper mine at Houghton. Mich., to Cam eron, Currie A Co. of Detroit, broker* for New York capitalists, for nvou.uon As a result of ffio revival In trade, the mint In Han Francisco will at once resume the coinage of silver dollars in accordance with Instructions received from Washington. Daniel H. Lamont has fieen elected presi dent of the Northern Pacific Kxpres* com pany* which is an adjunct of the railroad company of which he Is a director and vice president. Jacob Harlan, republican nominee fur cir cuit clerk of Harlan county. Kentucky, was killed In a political fight on Ht ralglit creek. Joe Milton, democratic candidate for jailer, was mortally wounded. ' uimmim 'iriiiini . llllltilll n illDIIIUI report to thoMM’ivtury uf wur hIkiwi tlic ex penditure* during tin? yeur amounted to #.105,200 of which |1,972.7U2 were for the sub. slstence of tin* army and the balance to set tle claims and other purposes The supreme court of Iowa husiifflrmed tin* decision of the lower court In not holding H. .1. Spaulding. wlioomliuzzled IlM.uoo from the MTrctury of the state pharmacy commission. The court holds lie Is not a public officer, but merely an employe of the commission. Spaulding appropriated the sum to speculate In grain. Wednesday, October U. It Is so dry in Kentucky a water famine Is threatened. London dl*y niches report Indications of a < 'artist rise*. Prairie fires have done much damage hi the vicinity of 1 Idcugo. The government has received no offer from the KitglUli syndicate for the Luton Pudge. The Colorado I'uel and Iron Company will build a addition to lu plant ut Pueblo. Ten states were represented in the west ern watcrways<*oiiveiitliHi held In 1 hi vcn port. Iowa, by Ufty tit legates. A passenger train on tin* llostou und Maine r*md )uhi|mhI the tra« u, resulting In thirty |M'f*oti* Im lug Injured Mn l.«m Itlplcv Waters a bride of three months. committed suicide by hang ing herself at the home of In i sister. The app>dultneut of |(t se* \ Townsem). of Colorado, to w* judge of Dm* t idled * latest : court for I lie Indian Territory, Is mimiuus* ol. | Mr*. Langtry makes tits aumotnc* im ut ( that she lias retired from the st »g»* amt that I Iter strain yacht, Mbyte Lady*. wifi tw miUI, | Tbe president has appointed .Newton t*. i Itates, L * N » surge**!* Nl amt I’lttvf of I iHt' liunaiH*! isniPil** amt surgery »*f mw ) nary. l b*1 fain ni of N«*ni |tm. il«« %«trean t< us- j |eii*w< * sn-rk . « at IWUsml Me < was hrp1* If attended, many distinct Win'd |io>pl« ' being present The annual *u who v wUhi of im ha* * • tonal I **nm fi of Homan *»f tin* t lilted ] lip* * will tar held t*« ! • S' 9k 2< and 9* at hath Mi It tvsw i ass Hash tug too if ts irpabd that Min* ! Islet Mb oatf**ld has medoi no Aii^llt kmsi ] isiths'liuii fnwi % fatal y •hwittt sn >*• any I vdhmt got* foment og» ef sin i h snlUd U<t . ^atufa J II Kultes *ay * this leal la the I* st that j h anno* hwa w*a tw ntm-lavo | *a* * It** *•«» I pie WtU Haw this y**i nut measly not ami ’ • tit put away in the o* :a!*»•«♦•* **d of j i f M wtpi—i. ***** ul Mt> Mm* M* *«•* W>m4 IM PH t*! !•*» M,U *•*» *• «(• K^.IW ing raliroad* to issue 1.000 mtie tickets for fgl, good for use by any Beflibrr of the pur chaser's family. Wedderburn Ik Oa, of Washington, I>. C., wen* disbarred fr<m» practice before the In terior department a# patent attorneys or agents. Tim firm Is held to have I wen guilty "of gross fraud and unprofessional conduct.” According to private advices a vessel car rying supplies of medicine, clothing, arms 'and ammunition for the Cuban army left Montreal for Cuba last Tuesday. The scheme was not authorized by tho Cuban j’nta in New York. Attempts to get the Union Pact Ac to arbi trate It# difference# with the lines of the Western Passenger Association have fallen flat. The Union Pacific takes the stand that It will not arbitrate until the other road# have declared that they will not allow ths Oregon Abort Line any better commission# than they have been granting to tin: Central Pacific. Thursday, Oft 7* Three men were crushed to death Its the llornesteak mine at Lead, M. It. The business portion of the town or Mi: dora. III., was destroyed by fire. The shop# of the Central railway system of Macon. Oa., burned. Loss. $75400. The president lias Appointed Augustus O. Heyfertof Pennsylvania consul at Mtrat ford, tint, During the fair festivities at Kansas city thirty person# were Injured by a falling plat form. On the 6th ths sum of £100400 ($500400) was withdrawn from the Dank of Luglaud for shipment to the United Hate#. The girls* dormitory of the Mouth Dakota Industrial ftfhool was destroyed by lire. Heven live# were lost In t hs conflagration. Yellow fever Is gradually Increasing in New Orleans and other southern cities. At Mobile the disease has reached flu* 100 murk. The general officers of the national W, C. T. I', have requested till local unions to hold memorial service* for the lute Oeneral Neal Dow. The Iadroit. opera bouse Is a mass of rulds. The flames spread toother buildings and be fore controlled had done damage to exceed 0300400. Light bandit# held up a Chicago A Alton succeeded In robbing the conductor and ex press agent* of personal effect*. Kdltor Ifran of the lncouo©la*t receIved a •ever© drubbing at Waco. Tex., at lie- hand* of three trustee* of Ituylor unive rsity, about which be had published an article. George H. Robinson. who several rnontti* ago mysteriously disappeared from Omaha, ha* been found In Michigan. During Id* en tire a law me he claims id* rn I ltd ha* been a blank. Gaulemabin ln*urgent* have lost Que/al tenango and »u*tatried a wvert* defeat at Tofotonh'apan. turning the war strongly In furor of Director Barrios, say* a .New Vork Herald dispatch. official notice has been given by the Union Pacific to It*connection* In Chicago that the negotiation* between that road and tin* Ore gon hhort blue have t**©n brought, to a con clusion without any of the matters in dispute Is*lug nettled. Harvey <'berry, who bad Just returned to Washington from Nebraska, where be bad sold bis farm arid bad fP.000 on bl* person, wu\ waylaid by three footpad*, knocked senseless and robtc d of the money and a val uable gold watch, Yrltlmf, October M. Disastrous forest fires have been raging In Manitoba. bugene V'. Deb* Is about, to make speeches in a number of eastern eltie*. henator Thurston was In Wasbingt/m on the 7th and called on the president. The drouth In Tennessee Is unprecedented, bate crop* have t#een literally burned up. John Y*. Hart of Nebra*ka ha* lawn rein stated uh a tagger In the agricultural depart ment. lion, b. M. Ammermami of herariton. Pa., capitall*t arid ex-congressman, died sudden ly of heart disease. •lose hllvorlo .lorrln. formerly Cuban settu tor, I* dead at bl* home In New Y ork City of pneumonia, aged HI years. The design of Prof. Jtclnholti Be gas. the celebrated sculptor, has been selttetetl for the ilisrnarek monument to Is* erected In Berlin. The comptroller of the currency has called for a statement of the condition of the na tional bank* at the dose of business, Octo ber 5. The lord mayor of l^mdon announces that the Indian famine fund contributed by Great Britain, the (Tilted Matesand India amountt to H.frXMXN), Hecretary YVIIson of the agricultural de partment Is making arrangement-* for tie pur 'base of foreign s -i.-ds for distribution by Oetolier Htli was "Nebraska Bay" at the Nashville Centennial exposition, (oncruor Holcomb. Hon. W. J Bryan, Heuulor Allen ami others were In attendance. The president ha* appointed the following consuls: Itufiis Hemming of Ohio, at Edin burgh, Hcotland: Samuel \. McAllister of Bcluwure, at Barbadoes, West Indies. i It Is understood that the supreme court j will hand down Its *1‘*c1hIoii tills autumn in what are known as tin* Nebraska maximum freight rate cases and that It will In- in favor 1 of the railroads and against the stale. Br. Jameson, the leader of tin Transvaal , raid, will seek a seat In tin- Cape's assembly , ut the m*xt general election. The chief plank In Ills platform will la* "Federation for \ South Africa." Saturday. October P. Kx-Heitator John U. Me flier sou of \ew Jersey Is dead. The corn crop yield of Nebraska this year is 2NMK»7.*ffI bushels. Heuqtor Allen made quite a lengthy ad tlri*s. ut Nashville on "Nebraska Bay." The second l*r*-.bylerlau church at l.a * fayette. Inti , was destroyed by tin The repttri that |>‘4Mi00.(lito bus U*i*ii but for the I uton I’ucitic has l*-en conltrvm-d Ttie president has appointed II, II. Bridg* mail of New Voru minister Id It ritx In. i Bls4*repunch's amounting to t.YxMUft Iihu- « been discovered In the accounts of I tie i auditor i»f llrisiktyn. , The government building ut the Trans- t Mississippi ex|SMiUh*n Is at nine in u. pushed . forward lo completion Umvnitir Brake of Iowa, now at F.ii’elslof ( Spltiigs Mo, Is SO si Ml,it it, |l (l .cfi |l« will never leave there allie A dispatch from lohMs**)* II is reported ] there that the Mug of t **r* a Its* posdaimt «j himself cinpi i»*r of « or* a I t allure* for Ihe week emit i*t tk*t a a* re | * -Ti In the l ulled males a* against M* U»l j I |t at and W In t an tdu against h last tear j ' i hurt's* Ihvhuf NIvwIim * B has de* I t'lmol an appoint merit as *»tp Hith stlria of I 1 d« t havtarl and Mori** Indian *>1***1*. Mlu j Wesot a i•••*»*» Morgan who was hung al iitnaha. I I* said taf one »*f live h» a* |M|,s'tS to bfvv j mad* v > **nf* s*< «» and by another that t<> | did not. j | Ha list t'hh wgo Halt pi *j« v to sign a * * n j Hu* I t**r next yen* a ** slnaisC p hsktfs I ■ k» sdiol Ms xignaturw tu an agree** nt u> I | piay In t M« ago ape- ta1 Master 4 t*i*i*k a II '*taul <nt the sat* of Mo Ikltiv po p* rl> ObMer<| i«| *h« kssvs* l*a it* ifUfit) oH»s(4kh>4n) a >n * f*gr vk I*»*•* • k««> Vo* i at II « n» IsuSig the tltphnnath • k«s|* * •« |n*r!*d at gelnil •* t«is| laatMsi a v«*at Ms* |h*v« 1 uf ynwSSu* u| W» *«M9 Mm* #S« wilt If I p*ar • ttPWklt Ihspep *l» •<-•*« ti‘ >*.« 1 *4#t to tlm I nllad ataita I ITS WORK IS DONE. CLOSING SESSION OF THE IRRI GATION CONGRESS, C.nor of the Keeolntlone Adopted—Col onisation of the Arid W.«t 4 onimend e#l—filieyeone, Wyoming, M the I'laiv for the Neit Meeting—The Kieeutlre Committee end t liolee of onteeri for the Kniulng yeur, riming of the Irrigation Congreii. On the last day of the irrigation eon ifHena in Lincoln the following resolu tions were adopted: “The value of the irrigated farm and the security of the hompsthereby crea ted arc alike dependent upon the elfl dent public control of the water sup ply and the prevention of water becom ing a speculative commodity, We Ix'licve that the waters of all streams ihould forever remain public property and that the right to tlielr use should inhere not in the individual or the llteh. hut ill the land reclaimed. ‘‘Whereas, The perpetuation of the forests of the arid region is essential to the maintenance of the water sup ply for Irrigation as well as the supply if timber for industrial needs, “Resolved, That the president of the i'nited States lie memorialized to, so vH>ti us a proper and adequate form of Administration shall be provided, with Jruw from entry or sale under the act >f congress of March I), lsiil, ull the public lands which arc of more value for their timber than for agriculture >r for their minerals. "Whereas, The present public land laws having developed under the eon litions where irrigation is not a neecs lity and having iti their operation proved utterly unsulted to the condi tions and the needs of the arid region, rt i i<l “Whereon, The present policy of livided control between state and nation of the public lands und Maters if the arid region retards development, misleads settlers, hampers enterprise ind Is responsible for the rapid de struction of western forests und pasture, "Resolved, That we favor the crea tion by congress of a commission of ikilleu and experienced persons to In vestigate the condition* now existing tnd to submit to congress such changes m our land laws as the investiga tions shall show to be desirable. "Resolved. That tile executive com mittee be authorized to appoint a com mittee to proceed to W ashington and irgc the early creation of such a com mission. We favor the construction at the earliest practicable date by t,hc general government of two reservoirs, recently located under the direction of the I Tilted States engineer corps, one -ach in Colorado and Wyoming." 'I'hls section brought a minority re port us follows: "Relieving that the construction of itorage reservoirs for irrigation pur poses is not a proper function of the Federal government, but its work ■hotlld be confined to surveys and in vestigations for tin- collection of Infor mation in regard to water supply, ex tent of irrigable lands, location of res ervoir sites, etc., tlie minority of the committee on resolutions recommends that the resolution favoring construc tion by the federal government of res ervoirs tie not adopted." The majority report was adopted. “Resolved. That we commend all •tforts bsiking to the colonization of tlie arid westand the creation of homes there for the worthy poor. “Resolved. That We have heard with the greatest interest and pleasure Mrs. liooth-Tucker's presentation and ex planation of the plans und purpose* of the Salvation Army in organizing col inies of tin- worthy poor of our great, .■ities to settle arid build borne* upon the rich irrigated lands of the west. Mu irs is a grand, noble and patriotic work und deserves the earnest com mendation and support of every citizen if our country. The west extends its icurty welcome to those worthy peo ple and pledges our sympathy and *np wirt in aiding the people to make nippy homes upon our rich and pro iuetivc lands." Delegate S. M. Krnery of Montana .vurmly protested against a project vliicli hi* siKSi'rti'il wits hi ni in I tn hrintr a) the* western states a population hat might prove undesirable, but this notion to strike out was defeated. I'he report of tin* committee was then ulopted as a whole. Cheyenne, NVyo,, was settled as the ilaee for the next meeting. The election of otlicers being in irder the roll of states was called, and he following members of the execu ive corn mi ttee were named: Cali for* lia. C. M. Heintz: Colorado, A. I/. Kel* ogg; District of Columbia. K. F. Itest; daho, F. J. Mills; Illinois. C. A. Dark; vansas, ,f. A. Churchill; Kentucky, A. iV. Dickering; Missouri, Thomas vnight; Minnesota, I’. .1. Frost; Mich gun. O. K. McCutehen; Montana, s, M. Outcry: New Mexico, Thomas .1. Clark; Nebraska. Matt Daugherty; Nevada, I. It. Muxori; Ohio, W. Fawrcnce; Oklahoma, II. K. Dlu/icr; South Da iota, C. V, tiardner; Tennessee. Chas. I’. Harrison; I tali. II. F. Shurtleff, Avoiding. licorge Fust. The executive committee made its ■eport, having selected Joseph 'I. < ary ,f Wyoming us chuirinuit; I U, Mills if Idaho, sceretury. and C. M. Ileint/ »f ( ulifoniia. treasurer. The selection >f the committee to wait u|sm con gress fvu* left to the chairman. It i us decided that each tne lit tier pres* tit be churged #1 ineiiils'iHhip fee. The e«mgress adopted u supplement* irv resolution eiulorsing the Herman rrigtttioll and commission bill, \% hiell irovides that the governtn* ut cede to urii state I ins* lino acres of arhl lands, iruvMt d thc\ rec laim the same within ell da> S after the cession. Tin* business having t*ceti completed, Inn convention adjourned sine die *1*1# l.ittcnlii dispatch I lie state let iga 1**11 ass* s' la t uni elected tin* Follow ing >itlv«r * for tile coming tear President, k ti, W oiledisaigrt < If Ice president W 4 \kc is secretary Joseph fiber elder. treasurer. T t f«|o>d Hi# imaitiMo «m resolution* was in* line text to report ki the executive ..mudIt**, which was author taed t<« a*t *MI the report Preshlvtit Wolfrn hiig« i staled that the * wliiv and it her iMwimillox would U ap|s*iaU'd d an early date and announcement of h# wlotlia w»»i*U| Is made thro igtr ha public press MORGAN TO HAWAIIANS. Tim Drnilor Explain* to tlm NUm'ani tlm of Anntsttlnn. Sax Fraxciuco, Cal., Oct. II.— Ad vice* from Honolulu are that United State* Senator Morgan addreaMtl a crowd of cnthuftlantlc Hawaiian* a week ago, telling them that the United State* eouhl and would execute any contract, into which It might enter; that the Ml,000 htlandor* were numeri cally Inalgnlflcant ax compared with *0,000.000 American*, and that the United State*' dc»lre to annex the Iwland wa* not became of the pro grc**l*ene*n of It* people. The nenator concluded: “I ahn 11 taka much pleaxure In informing my colleague* Jn thu Senate of what I have seen here, of the fertility of the »oll of the*e Ixluudx, the Intelligence and phy*h|u<- of their inhuhllarit* and ul*o of their evident d<-»lre to continue In the march of progre**, and to irn pre»* upon them the Joy I *hull feel If wo can claxp your hand* a* brother* of that great country to which we lie long, hut It will break my heart If, after all your differing* and endvav or*, you ahould drift back to barber !*m and oblivion.” TELLER PESSIMISTIC. The Cola'afln M«oi*tar »*c« So II, pa fin •llfti III Till* Caniitry. Ukxvkk, Col., Oct, II,—In ;,n Inter view on the unfavorable repiy antici pated from Oreat Krltaln to the Inter national bimetallic envoy*, Senator Teller *a!d: ”1 have all along »uid that France might be willing to open her mint*, but that »he would uxk more cone** *lon» to allver than Orcat liritain would be willing to grant, and *o the D/Miri • Iibr vTiMiiM v'mhj m; naix^iiv. Moreover, I believe even if Fngland should open the mints of India to the free coinage of silver as France re quests, anil France should open tier mints, and the liank of Fngland should hold one-fifth of its reserve In silver, the present administration would do nothing for silver In tills country, ” rresebsr Springs a Surprise. Nrvai>a, Mo,, Oct. ll,—Filler .I, ,T. Lockhart, pastor of the Fliristfan church of this city, doubly surprised his friends here yesterday. During the afternoon, in company with Mrs, Loi* Fuller, a wealthy and handsome widow of tills county, he drove to Fort Scott, where they were married, and later In the evening after returning to Nevada, he resigned Ills pastorate, IDs chusch edifice cost $3'i,0o0, and was erected through Filler Lockharts effort*. He goes from here to Fan ton, Mo, where he lias accepted the chancellorship of the Christian uni versity. 4 f.aufplry Driver's Haiti l.-ic't. St. JosKl'II, Mo., Oct. 11,—Hiram M, Davis, driver of a laundry wagon here, has recently received $31,000 from the government in payment of a claim for horses and mules owned by him trod killed by tile Indians twenty-five years ago. The entire amount of the claim was $50,000 and the balance will he paid in a few days. He will go to Denver to live in comfort. t’roivlrjr Is lbs Murderer. Kansas Cnv, Mo,, Oct. If —Frank Crowley lias confessed that he is the | man that stabbed and killed John W. Dunlap of Kansas (,'itv, Kan,, near the corner of Fighth and Delaware streets Thursday night, lie says that he committed the deed in self defense. He will he charged with murder In first degree. Frowley Is a member of the tough "Dirty Dozen" gang. I niUlIxtiori l»y Argintlnn I 4vorml. New York. Oct 11.—A dispatch to the Herald from Hueno* Ayres say*: "The finunc:; committee of tlie cham ber of deputies has approve I tlie bill recently introduced nrovidiug for a retaliatory tariff on American import* ns recommended by tlie president in Ids lust message to Congress.” CiiirMgn ll»y Ml NmIivIIIo. Nashvii.i.k, Term., Oct. II.—The various delegations from Chicago to participate in tlie Chicago day exer cises at the exposition arrived at 7:30 o'clock this morning and were met by a reception committee of representa tive citizens. At l;3o o'clock the visit ors went to tlie exposition grounds. 'l lie attendance there was very large. K«rtlii|im)i* In SlMsnnrl N'r.w Mahniii. Mo., Out. II. At .I a. m an earthquake shock was felt here, but iiu ii.image was done. New Mad rid w as the scene of a violent earth quake ill 1*11, when a great part of the hind in tlie entire county sunk several feet, and wu* overboiled by water from the .Mississippi. A |ii**|*iini|nfit Weltin'* lluuliln Crime. Yoke. I’u , tint l Mrs. Jcroun Klion burger, a widow, shot and hilled her -t-yeur-old boy and thru plueed 'lie reuilver to her own head and bred, lntl.rtmg a dangerous wound The mother had become despondent through |*ivefly. siiuisivr iu Mull*it \\ t sill s o i. i-• l*"t ii 111.- I'resl ‘tvui Its. uppomted tie >rgo II llrulj* man of New tuik m tester to Ikriivits ti*«f Atnensi * list« i»**-i tt t»iiixittut (let it At si t;!Ua I twib asylum Hi * mom tig llear Ad J mi re I Jehu Mullen lira I y : .mb u lit I Was pis.'. .1 iqmii tlie retired list tIt I Its i del It 9 h im* *»f mtilliry *t*«» k, I It * f«!H#r ii iittUbif i in lliv 4 41 of ill I* II* t»*»4tt !***• VtM 10 K tun tiff, is i | | tViii .*m J* %%■ it4 f««niv# I# * 4 ♦«» for Ml in (hi trtlf I. K wl IM I ini S«r *44 tank, ifiii Itit*# 4 tritffli Kmt • iumwwI W *U> Rsumi flnrglar Shot Cottonwood Faija, Kan.. Oet 9 — Last night about 11 o'clock an unsuc cessful attempt was made by two rob ber* to loot the general merchandise store of t; I. Maule at Strong City. One of tlie robber* was »bot by Mr. Mauln'a son, Alex, who was sleeping in the store at tlie time. The wounded robber give* bis name u* Ueorge it. bishop of liloomfield, Iowa. Thera is little hope of ill* recovery. He said hi* partner wan * barber from New ton, Ivan., whoso name he refused to give. Salvation Arm/ Colony Flans. DkNVKR. Col., Oet. 9.—Thomn* Hol land, national ooolal secretary for the Salvation army, will leave for New York to-day. Commander booth Tucker will bold a conference with capitalist* in .New York October is, when the last detail* of the proposed colony will he arranged. It i* now definitely nettled that 1,000 families will be placed in tlie Arkansas valley. W»y l«r May Make Trouble Maioiid, Oet, 9.— General Weyler, it is believed, will fight tooth ami nail against being removed from Cuba, lie is trying to terrorize tlie Liberal min istry Into retuinlng him In command in Cuba until next Juno, and, if re nailed now, bn will use Ills influence to create disturbance* in the penin sula or deliver himself to the I'urlist*. A Nspliaw of « levalanil W Kmcohia, Kan., Oct 9.—A warrant, was issued yesterday for the urrest of C, K. Hastings, a nephew of drover Cleveland, Hasting* Is charged embezzlement try O, VV. Yutc*, state agent of the Union Central Life insur ance company. The nlvar Hinnel Involrml. Nv.w Yokk, Oct. 0.—Tho Farmer*' Iman and Trust company bus brought suit against the Hudson River Tunnel company to foreclose a first mortgage deed of trust amounting to f.!,750,POO. IOWA F’ATtNT OFFICE REPORT. — - • - - Dks Moi.nkn, Kept. 29.—During tho current week applications for i.nited States letters patent have been allowed to Iowa Inventors us follows: To I'eter J, Quirk, of lies Moines, for an apparatus for weighing and dumping coal. This machine is constructed to receive a <juantity of coal us it is dumped from the mine elevator, to automatically weigh the coal thus received and held, to indicate the weight upon a suitable dial, and to provide simple, convenient und easily operated means whereby the coal thus held and weighed may be discharged into a car or a wagon To Matthew Kehoe, of Cushing, for u two-horse evener, the object of which us des cribed in Ins specification is “to relieve the single trees pivotally con nected with the ends of the double tree from tortional strain, and to avoid the dangers and accidents incident to the ordinary manner ol connecting and using double trees and single trees on a two-horse evener.” To Rurton A. Walrath, of l.t-high, on ameehanical movement. This inven tion is designed for use in governing the motion of un engine as it is im parted to other machinery, and is so constructed that the motion of the driven shaft may be reversed or held stationary white the driving shaft ol the engine is continually rotated m the same direction. Valuable information about obtain ing, valuing and selling patents sunt free to any address. Thomas (1. and J. Rai.i-ii Obwio, Solicitors of Patents, (hid intention*. r* i Above are shown three odd contri vances taken from Sues' Machine Movements, copyrighted ls'.i?. The first shows a bread cutter, while the other two show mechanical contrivan ces* by means of which the wheels, P and It may he rotated. Inventors and others desiring free information as to the best method of seeuring their in ventions should mid res s Sues *V Co., attorneys at law and patent experts, bee building. Omaha, Xeh. I.IVfC STOCK A S l> Pltom t r; M tl(KHT. OiiuIhI l«Mi» I ruin Nrw York. Chicago, HI, I out*. OiiihIim ami Idstvtherc. OMAHA Hatter C re outcry separator '.0 H 31 lltlller Choice fancy country 13 it iln, t ' , spring Chlcktn* IM II* . r/j1'- 7 i urke) s iM-r Ih, . <» 66 s I' 1*1 V i* . . *.'i <*A N» l.cnton* Cltolct l|e%sln«M.. 4 3 • <•<> * f.i» Honey Choice, per II) 13 "• |.| I »(} till.* }MftiU •*» u> .V, • rani* rric*. * apt* < oil, iter hi*1. •* ig n ,tu ll» -Hits Hitittlpickfd Nmy I *' I mi I'lilitkits |*4 » ha .»0 H Me Ofangt % |*i lua .... 4 ’tv «>A i An Apples 1*4 t hid . .... 3 b# : 3» llay C.dAitU period 4 A f«u sol I It OMAHA sT«h U MYhUI I*. Hogs Choice tig III l *•» . «*4 H**g* Heavy weight*. .1 ,Vl b* d o H» rf %|t efs . ........ | g| p I &D hulls . 1 at )( ) gt S|aV» .... ,.. , i f t <1 ( m 4 tilt * ,4 >» tM> 40 VO *lfHi I mh tA I . tit i i«i Co**,...K 4M II 4 W II* If* t % i ,»i p » »i»a k* »« anti |. 4 «|« is 3 • | I* s)m« p W t stem |. „to I A* i i»t m t p sht t p Xulltc *>. tin i* t • *» g j i III* A«*o VV l« .»i Xo 2 spring a* <t| MS. • ora t*i N . v.‘r«4 ms IS«|S {*• I l«» It 4 t 4 4 (h»t* t Vt 2 A v* M H>* ? * „ p. I timlky *ot| him*, pu t imi t >•* .* I ghi Hi . •*! 1.4 I it*' |*» I*** !•« 1 it a 1 U 4 *11 it 4 !•*•*. 4 1,4* f «tt« Is I hi 4.4 I m • alia WtsItH* (odtit t AM tl | M M>sfs I'll**.* tight | • g t 4# •biy \«tiii 1 t u* u 1 * XI * Vttlik VV la si X*4 | ted VI i*lv| 9* gk pi '“«* '•* I M *4 Ml V. t » 1# < 4 fca : £!i 3 k*4>M,lh « m, * tin *»- • * I k.