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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
v/ '7 ^ /Y-S^e/L P U k 3 Loup Or Northwestern Vol. XIV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1W7. DUMBER 3 Thf Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THU COUNTY SEAT. UKO. K. IlKfOW'IIOTKH. Editor and Publlahor. TERI'S *1 50 ft Tear. II PaW in Mvaaee 1 —-* IlWrKi It tbn Imp City liatom** far uu> r'~i— tbroaf b tb* mall* a* uaat alaaa m attar. FOK A UTKAIOHT TICKET MARK WITHIN THIN CHU CK, o For Judge of tlie Supreme Court, ALFRED. M. FONT. | | For Regent* of the State 1,'n Iverrlty, (Vote for Two, JOHN N. DKYDEX. CIIARLEH W. KALEY. — k’lit* JiiiliM* Twelfth .fiidlciftl I >imtr't•*f. WILLIAM (»AH LIN, For County Clerk, JOHN IIOI’I’ER. | [ r<n County Treasurer GEO ROE.NEW BERG. |—| For County Sheriff, I), ORMSBEE. Q For County .fudge, E. MINN. |—| For County Superintendent, ELSIE V KEARNS. [“] For County Corouor, MARYK.HHNDKICpON Q For County Suryeyor, WALTER MOON. |”j Laying all jokea aside John Min ahull la a pretty good aort of & fel low hut trbuts the mutter with John Hopper? He* all right? Another ten day a and the elect ion for 1897 aha!) have come and gene. The campaign for Sherman county thus far has been exception ally clean and we are in hopea it will rmain so to the Inal. The Titnua and the Monitor aeon to be worked tip to » high pilch an< __I.:_ -.11 i,:i c ••. —” to who thu Kuut ami Weal Side Popi are who have ilared to write an arlich for publication in i n publican pa per. If tiler renly knew who It wai titer would lie mote hui-mm than the] Hiv. Tlieee lellera are only fore runnera of tlie unileieiirrent that i drifting arrar from the pretended te form and free aifver inurement*. At ttie head of tin* column ap peaiii the republieiiii ticket u» it wii u)i|Hur on tin ballot. The Inde pul.di lit II III I all olbrl tiaki I will up pear III the value I rut, eaeh ill aepeiMte column. iii‘t ail on uni alie« t ol ptipei Thu i» thu form o b iii* t uml« i the new law Had ticket l» hr Mill'd with all t llibleie a- |i eted lit the *tate ventral e*»w tutt'rik til lb rrkpeeliv * pat tie* Tt i’ euOit* it for thu itepuhliu.iit tick t'* * I th« I. *a'i The IlldetH I.di t* p irtt ha* r tii ar|i l|n pot Inge II on* It ton di * ii tit rou atraign M« i *e pm| I ,«a ta Ike i Slide a III lop uf the In al l *vlkf'u.l bttl if )m Wlah lo tot*' I if Certain ttiw|iil|ti< im iwn tit lawn to k«<• then pu m o1 ofltIt the efoaa In Uiu • In * a the t i|i ant «•«« i ft >m i« Hi* til tie (Uafv tl Ihe tight of ir*l faa tidwle ton wlah to Vole for TIIK I.ITTLK tTlTTAIIK IIOMK Editor Jlrown of the Times■Inde pendent says: “Remember ulwa/> to put your cross in the Circle over the little e-dtago home." In making these crosses woald it not lie wei) to remember the Little Cottage Home ot Mrs. Klsiu V. Kearns, That Little Cottage Home should first of nil lie remembered. In Hint home there is sorrow, there urn trials, in that home sits the husband of Mrs. Elsie V. Kearns, a helpless cripple. He hss'nt beau able to leant that Little Cottage Home for years. For livelong years he has been unuble to prov ide for the household. There are also two littlu boys to care for in that borne, and Mrs Kearns, with her devotion to husband and love for her littlu ones lias industriously sought her old oucapation of tcuehing school in ord or to provide for that Littlu Cottage Home, Hhe has gone out day at ter day leaving her husband iu the big arm uhaitr will the two small boy s to keep him company until her re turn. The two boys are Just lurgu enough to go to school, Imt what could Mr. Kearns do without them, lie would be ail the more 'lonesome if they too, were gone from morning till night. He is leashing them every ilai' wiii It* M r* KuHriiM fiiinim/ the needed money to provide for that Little Cottage Home. A* county auperintendeut her work would bo lighter, her ineome neatly doubled and ebe could he near her husband more and the children could go to muIiooI. Ye«, remember this Little Cottage Home. Watch for iMri Keurn'a name on the ticket aid then make your eroaa there. You wdl lind it in the eol UDiU headed by the Abe Lincoln eagle. We appeal to every voter tu the county to remember Kleio V. Kcarn'a Little Cottage Home. At a populiat rully here I eat. week, at which judge Sullivan wan the principle epokeeman, the vorioue populiat county eandidatee were exhibited on tbe etego and all bal Mr. Leninger were culled on foi a brief talk. Willi the exception of the remark* made by Hherifl Patton they were indeed brief. Mr Patton, however, *poke very intel ligently and to the point and left » very good itnprecsion on hi* bearer* Mr. Patton i* about the only cun didutu that the populiata feel cure ol electing, lie ha* made a very good and efficient officer. About the onl< fault ve have to find with Mr. Pat ton in that hu has dinorimiaated against this paper even when oui friends ask to have their sherii sale publications done here. Hu this is a fault that many dike hold era In all political parlies have, anc we have no desire to wage \vn 1 against Mr. Hatton beeuute ha, too posesaes these i|uaIilleatioiiN. Whet Mr. I'edler wus sheriff all sherii sale notices of ordinary length uos tliw litigants Just ijni 00 per notice land although liu favored his owi patty paper with the grater portioi u( Ida puhliuatioiiH lie would plat i mi line of them with thv Time vt lieu reipienled to do mo by tic partita interested. tV hell Mr. Ileiid in k*on was sheriff he did the satin - tiling and gieat wus the wrath o ttii' Tillies theliof. ill. tlnndrink i moii used the short form of liotiei •oil'll a* Mr IViloi bad been usii.| but was tn re generous with tin i piuitviM and alto w nil legal lwt»» In in IV Ati to go oo pi t notiae Hut illg Mr llefiilllek»' n • last l» IIH o . idfU e lie thought at new time to u» S t* < gi t fill III of tiotlSe Which bill i Isa ii adopted lit populist* ahvtitf in i.iiii s-'iooie’ ■ >t O' tody us* lj u U»il|| |» I Hi Ml M (t * I d • Ml | tun th* legal tat*' np *•» ft to tl,' * ■ g|.«p«t hutirr lie alm< I mm* i il aUI* f* ii t>Si b onto lhs*Uor' f is • M< l*at'' ii riiii' *|h l*ll*v»i ti 1 Ik* ohl addage that o|o Ik* vt' O'i ladot.g the spoil* W* h» St nltaw a I i t>pt#*l the long f»im til satis* sm Ini lam ipiilltj tbs iibss* *» l" poor n(ifortuuiite mortgagors to re deem their home by doubling the kohIm of sale noties, which costs are taxed against the property and must tie paid before the mortgage itself; ami all this too In order to keep their own parly paper alive to assist in carrying on the “great re form work’’ which they are “earnest ly and persistantly" doing. Hut wu started out to »ny that Mr. Patton has made a good ollloer. However this personal matter which alone uoucerna us and the unfortu nate mortgagors ought not to be brought into polities, neither had polities ought tie considered in coun ty matter*. Mr. Patton has proved himself to bo ctllcient in olllco and Is well liked by the general public. His integrity to do the right thing by the right parties, according to Ids own way of thinking, has never been questioned, lie is a hull ful low well met, always ready to speak, al mi) s smiling, ju*t the sort of fel low that the editor is pleased to meet. His opponaut, Mr. Ormsbee, nom inee on 'lie republican ticket is u lirst class man, In every way quali fied to nil the position. He will carry the entire strength of the republican parly uinl where he i* best known will command many imlupcndant vote*. The race between then will lie close and interest iiiif. The Time* i* requested to please not ! gm hie I he above statement* but to print! the article n* a whole. One Hollar to I HIM). For one dollar bill The Hem I- Weekly j State Journal will bo *«nt from now un til Jauiturv 1,1 MW A good long time to get two Idg paper* every week with I all the uew* of trie whole world; all the j Male new* and lu feet more new* and ; general rending matter than you gel lu any other Mlalo paper. The Journal I* ► pending money and effort in writing ' up the Interest* of Nebraska ami netting our Htata'f advantage* before the people of tbo whole country. Nobr**ka'» pros perity will bring thouaaml* of farm buy#)* to our slate You ibould read The Journal which I* not no Omaha paper or h Lincoln paper, bat a state paper in It* truest sense. “Wbat will | be for the beat Interest*of Nebraska* I"' ! Is the flint (jtteiftliMi' asked by the The ! JotirnHi when called upon to decide ■very N braskan should do bis bust to j keep The Htate Journel befere the I people and that hast mean* by leading j In One Dollar which will pay for the paper to January, lMth. After you read It tend it to your friend* lu the east and let them see wbat great things we arc doing in Nebraska. Wend lu your debar to The Slate Journal, Lin coln. Nub. Thu sooner yoa send, the more paper* you w'll get for your tnoa ey J. C. Bernr, one of the best known citliaas of Spencer, Mo., testifies that be cared himself of tbo worst kind of pile* by using a few boxes of Dewitt'* Witch llsxel Halve. He had boen troaldcd with pile* for over thirty year* and had used many kind* of *o ealled cures; but DeWItt's wa* the one that did the work aad ho will verify Ibis statement If any one wishes to | write him,— Odnsdabl Bro*. A few weeks ago the editor wai tak en with a very severe cold sod earned him to be In the most miserable eondi . tion. It wa* undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe, recognizing it e* dangerous ho look Immediate step* to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertise ment of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy | ami the many good reecoinmendalion* | ! Included therein we concluded to make ! r n nrst mat oi me medicine. lo say that it was satisfactory in Its results, U putting it very mildly, Indeed. It acted like magic and the result w as a i speedy and permanent core. We have , no heslteoev In reccemmending this i x iidleiiM'ungli Itemedy to anyone sill let t'd with a cough or cold In any form. 1 I In'limner of l.llwrtv, Idhenvlown, . Mart i,oid The and 50 ucnt sues for »Hle In Odendahl Mros, You can't ud'ord to risk your life hy allow tog a cold to develop** into the poeumoola or consumption. In-taut re j lief ami a certain cure are afforded hy \ ■ due Mlhttle tough Cure, Odendahl , Ritu *1 l»isltgurment for lue hy hums or scalds may tie avoided hy Using 1 *eWilts Witch llaael Halve, the great remedy j for id * s and fur ail ktn la of surra and sk'u troubles,* odendahl Hr*** knit t. to SuXiKtsluOr ' t last t|i Xtdsis, l*rfsad«nt. Wilt I take 'is dial us Its lItli .IsV of Met I aiisi in I tk*tti# M> l*4>M iif Ij*i« | It* ht««l j t in are m ilk** i •>*4411 mI *t «t »m *•* IvbldHI, <m« * . IflhhieHl, tM ’'' Ik#* Ahtl |tuy«) mI »Mt4 1 ..(« t>* at*!«IH # Ml Rtlv<t»»vtt *<m*I 4 l4«l n* Ik* fe*#t*«a»i • «*M| Ik.•Ill# M#4**l*** k»t tlltldl •Nfcft4‘ifH#4»t : M mm * kumm li#«* )mm #UlKHil * i tAdtt* I kf«d *N lo «»«• •« «d«i t»«ltUt*«4 »**» M* W(t*|« ilk# fill 4if ar| |*#M# «•**/##- M# . • f I*#k«sl Or idktl tiki , MM t iiiMi ktinift.iuMif } Ait##* M* • H« Mki , 1 i *« »# tsiii. (nil |*i#i!t*« iMMii BARGAINS' BARGAINS Cash vs. Credit! The philosopher tells us that “knowledge is power.” The greatest power however, lies in the wisdom of applying vour knowledge bo as to obtain the best results. Ourknovl edge of what is best suited to the needs of many in the way of dress, coupled with our great buying faculties, makes it possible for us to clothe you in a highly satisfactory manner and at prices which were unknown until we originated them. t\ I Instead of sidling on time and charging the same old prices which the credit system has always compelled, we do just the opposite. We buy for cash, get cash discounts, and by so doing ara in a position to sell you for cash at the lowest price. -9*0-0-0-0-04? >-<— Our new fall and winter lino is just bubbling ner with good things. Hright cherry patterns to match the faces of a well-bred and happy people. 1’here may be starvation in India, war in Cuba, and issassination in Spain, but in Nebraska there are beautiful crops, better prices, and signs of pros perity throughout the entire state. If you would liave a share in the good times give us your ;rndo. ^SF Hat* and < aps, Dry Goods Mittens Hosiery, Underwear, Neckwear, Tinware, Wooden ware, . Graniteware Cloth- Cutlery, illg. eto. etc. A FINE LINE OF NOTIONS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS’ CAPES, CLOAKS and JACKETS, for the ladies. TAILOR MADE SUITS for the men. YOU NEED THESE GOODS, WE want your money. Yours for Business, A. E. Chase. Proprietor of the Cash Bargain Store call on T. M. REED fora Wagons, Buggies, Disk Harrows, Sulkie or Gang Plow or anything in thia lino. Priees all right. 1 alao carry a complete stock of Harness aid harness fixtures, Washing and Sewing Machines, Oils, at.: an l everything in tha line of hardware and tinware. EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, • UOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. ty ANTED Agent Both Men and Women It you in willing to work, we van give yn employment With GOOD l’AY. an you van m>rk all or part of the tlun and at home or traveling. The wot U light and ea«y. Write at once fi terms, etc., to Tiik Hawks Ni hsbhv Oomiianv. Milwaukee, Win. 'P INKS. 1 * rMof. or EXPRESS ani. GENERAL DfcLIVERY LINE All fcs|tr«MN» or ITr«itft»i ontsni immspi Ati«inittHt u» t|t h. NIGH ITM'JAI.K, IjAWYEH* tioes i BMtril u« m Colliciioi Haim A Snuit t’ubiiH, sue T»n-»iil«r n. oMw list t> oa Hoartt or nut hank un;r ari. • • uiiltUi. \y AHuriiMu-Mt-Lit w, AM> St HUY PlMLIf. Will Defend in Foretlmuret .»* IIAtl |Ht 4 GkSkHAl. Mfc%! fcHf A I K Mi SIMM* iNkw la feuaiaaMim 4IW par tin • • »*wu»a * ■ II li » I • k r y I ' 4 - - -