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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1897)
Til* I union* Yukon Klur, In Outing for September Bdward Hpurr, of the United Htate* Geological Wurvey, * e*aka u» follow* of the great Alaskan river: "thily 'wo route* are available. One luuai either go to St. Michael, In the Uebrlitg *■♦«, and thence up the River Yukon, from Ita outlet to the begin ning of '* headwater*, aome 1,600 nillea, or land at aome point of the Pacific, croa* the head of land and tap the head waters of the Yukon at their eource, "In «Hh-r event the Journey muat be completed before September, when the Yukon fre-rca, and Alaaka'a arctic win ter of th utmost, rigor aet* In and grip* it* vise, At the little town of Juneau we left the *tearner and made preparation* to turn our back* for good upon civiliza tion, Our proposed route lay ucroa* the coast mom tain* to the headwater* of a the Yuko- and thence down that river a* it highway, making such excursion* trow It m became necessary, "Alaako I* a moat difficult country for traveling, even In the only available short r,canon of It* arctic summer, there being no •oada; and even Indian trail*, on i front ' of the small number of na tive*, are very rare. The surface I* rough, being traversed by many range* of mountain*. Kven In the more level portions t avel I* hindered In the *um us»r by the wet mo** which grow* kite* deep, and by the Insect peat*; In the wlntei It I* made Impossible by the lo'cnee cold. In view of all these diffi culties, the peculiar relation of the Yu kon river to the coast I* such that, one might fancy Nature had arranged It ce pe tolly for a highway, through this In.ieicuslhlc Interior, in partal compen sation in man for the obstacles she ha* i ill. In IiIm way. Hu headwater* of (he network of dream* ultimately drain Into the Yukon river fortunately lie within *1.. on !li» northern or Inland aide of a range nt mountains which runs along the southern (oast of Alaska. Krona this point the river flows north, away from the i‘u, far toward the Arctic Ocean; then suddenly ( hanging Its mind, turns w-r: and linally, after traversing the wiiolr width of Alaska, arrives al the V Kehrrug Hea, Its entire course being considerably over two thousand miles. Kor n considerable distance It Is a tiroart and deep stream, so that one may go quite through the center of Alaska, from ecu to sea, by crossing only thirty miles or so of land. There, are various routes across the ro.isi mountains to the various headH of this, river. Of these we chose that over the Chllkoot Pass, which Is the shortest, although the mountains which must he thereby crossed are hfglur than any of the other routes. Il»ril«l>l|n of the Trip fa llir Klondike. -We were huddled together so closely that we perforce became speedily ac quainted, for although the space on lire floor was large enough for all of us tn sit down, there was hardly room to sLrcKh out. When we grew weary of chatting, however, and of listening to the sound of the water us the bout threshed Its way onward, we were forced try drowsiness to sleep where we eon id and soon sleepers were scattered around m the most grotesque and un comfortable attitudes. I had coveted a span ou or under the little table used for eating purposes, hut found that Cltoln position fully occupied before I made up my mind to retire; hut I fin ally wedged myself into a narrow space between the boiler unit the pilot house, y when throughout the night, passers continually stepped Iin my head. How ever 1 slept several hours. Tin system of eutlng is worthy of Hot• The table ui Cummoduti d uhout six at a time, whereas, us I have men tioned we were fitly or sixty In all. At efci h uirul cue or two, or sometimes three sets of pusseugers would he fed, then the cuplatl), the suitors, the Chi nese took, aud the dish-washer, after wtilth the rest of u* got our rations, tq good time. As we grew very huu gt> during this process, we would a tod around patiently waiting our Sk it C' to slip lu hut sometimes lie , ' - 1>HIVINCI A IHRUAIM WITH TUK N A 11\ KW fore we had tasted the tempting liver and coffee (to say nothing of the beans), we would be summarily ejected by the dish-washer, who was a very young man of dashing exterior and pe culiar vocabulary, and who would dis perse us with the assertion that "Hy -, the crew Is going to eat now." Crossing th* Now Famous « hi I knot Fuss. "The trip from salt water to the head of the navigable waters of the Yukon Is usually made In two *tages,,of each about fifteen miles. The trader at Dyeti had brought In a few horses, and we engaged him to transport our camp outfit and provisions over the first stage, where the trail, though rough, cau he gone over by pack-animals. Home of the miners, however, engaged Indians Immediately at I)yea to park the whole distance, and, as it afterward proved, this was the wiser plan. We could also have obtained saddle ani mals. but our little party preferred to walk for the sake of getting toughened for the harder Journeys that were to follow. "The trip turned out to be exception ally fatiguing, a large part of the dis tance being through sand and loose gravels In the bed of a stream, where It was impossible to find a firm footing; several times also we had to wade the stream. The valley along whose bot tom we were thus traveling was narrow and csnyon-llke, with steep bare mountains rising high on either side. The tops of these mountains, so fur us we could see, were capped with Ice; and ihls great glac’er stretched out long fingers down Into the valley along each of the gulches or recesses In the mountain wall. Finally, crossing the river a last time on a fallen tree, we followed the trail up Into the more rocky and difficult portion of the val ley; and some miles of ihls brought us, thoroughly tired, to our halting place. "From Sheep Camp, where we were, (he only way to get our supplies over the puss was to get Indians to carry them. Although these Indians are no stronger than average white men, yet they greatly excel them In point of endurance, and they willingly under I -- _-m, 1 high simmer in the chilkoot pass. 4o extreme fatigue for any limited period. At this time, however, the trail was no had, on account of the soft ening of the snows In the hot June sun, that they concluded to strike for higher wages. This was the cause of some little delay for us. Once we saw the Siwash safely start ed with their packs, we set out our selves, at al»out (I o’clock in the after noon. At this time of year the trip Is usually timed by the Indians, so that the deepest snow will he crossed between 12 o'clock at midnight and 3 In the morning; for In these hours a crust forms, which lu daytime is soft ened by the warm sun. Our way soon led us on to a glader-llke held of snow, which often sounded hollow to our feet as we trod, and at Intervals we could hear the water rushing beneath. The grade became steep, and the fog closed around us thickly, Joining with the twilight of the Alaska June night to nuke a peculiar obscurity which gave thiugs a weird, ghostly appear ance, As we tolled up the steep In cline of hardened snow, those ahead of us looked like huge giants; while those on whom we looked down were ugly, sprawling dwarfs. All the rest or the climb w.u over snow, the asi eut being very deep with I'llffs on all shies, which loomed up gigantle and ghostly. It is im possible to describe the •fleet pro I dot ed by these bare. Jagged rucks ris ing out of the snow held. In the silence the fog and the twilight We wert i forcibly reminded of some of Itore'i ■Imaginative drawings. After awhile the well-beaten trail faded to almost nothing, and at the same time the snow-slope became of excessive steepness. We were obliged to kick footholds for every step, on a surface so smooth and steep that a slip would have sent us sliding Into depth* which we could not see. looking down It seemed a bottomless pit, shapeless and fathomless, In the eddying fog. On the other side of the summit a short hut steep declivity led down to a small frozen lake, named by the miners ('rater Luke, on account of the steep, crater-llke walls which sur round It on three sides. On one side, however, this wall opens out Into a valley, through which a small stream runs; the lake Is. therefore one of the ultimate sources or me lusun, wan with a feeling of relief that we stepped upon Its frozen surface. The ckllkoot ■ tiillsn I’sekers. "At I)yea Is a small trading-post, kept by a white man. around which Is gather'd a village of Indians or Hiwash, belonging to the Chllkoot tribe, They are by no means Ill-looking people. The men are strong and well-formed; the women (naturally, when one con siders their mode of life) are Inferior to the men In good looks. These wo men have a habit of painting their faces uniformly black with a mixture of soot and grease, a covering which Is said to prevent snow-blindness In the winter and to be a protection In sum mer against the mosquitoes. Home have only the upper part of their faces painted, aud the black part terminates In a straight line, giving the effect of a half-mask. At the time of our ar rival the ludlaus were engaged very busily In catching and drying a small fish. This fish Is very oily, and when dried can he lighted at. one end and used as a candle; and for this purpose It Is stored away against the long win ter night. Ilritm of the Klouillkv. "Although there are very few peo ple In the country, one Is continually surprised at, first by perceiving a soli tary white tent standing on sonic prom inent. point or c:iff which overlooks the river. Ai first tills looks cheerful, and we sent many a hearty hall across the wat'-r to such habitations; hut our calls were never answered, for these are not dwellings of the living hut of the dead. Inside eaeh of these tents, which are ordinarily made of white cloth, though sometimes of woven matting, Is a dead Indian, and near him are laid Ills rifle, snowshoes, orna ments and other personal effects. I do not think the custom of leaving these articles at the graves Implies any be lief that they will be used by the dead man In another world, but simply sig nifies that he will have no more use for the things which were so dear and necessary to him In life Just as, among ourselves, articles which have been used by some dead friend are henceforth laid aside and used uo long er. , A Hallo! Ilos That Counts, Something novel in the way of voting machinery hus receatly been patented in England by Arthur E. Collins, city engineer of Norwich. The ballots are prluted on stiff paper or card, bound up in books, each leuf being so perfor ated that it can be torn off like a check from Its stub. The voter goes Into a screened room, where he sees a row o! boxes supported on a frame. Each box bears the name and other Insignia of a party or a candidate. V conspicuous indicator points the voter to a slot In the box. Into this the bal j bit fs (burst without any marking or folding, and after a few seconds it ! fulls through to a glass box, Into which all the other buxes discharge Alt elec | tlon official, on one side, aud the votci on the other, can both see '.he ballot aud be sure that It l« all right, bat the official cannot toll by which route It entered the glass-walleil receptacle, and therefore cannot tell how th, man ha» s ut 'll Just Within the slut. In 11 li ballot ! ten there t* an Inked roller and *»m< type, whbh print a numb*? i-n the m t I cf the I allot These PUD e * • ut I* success!, tt 11,01 '<|<iMtly, the) t un each part) * vili an ti is cast Moth I the t)au.I the h.ttuo tara <er oi I th« ballot*, ".ally taken of, record j this, and, thirefuw. Dust »■(*»■* wlwn j the polls cUis* K*t h ballot, after re m*i ut ea an t|t»l*nt In the glass I hi* fur 1 Inspection, dt ipe at III further, and goe* I into a much bigger reservoir tkat is j sealed |ts«r Unis ttien In the boose of a deaf mute broths! and ststei Atlllsst and John Harass who have ihel alone on a farm to<ai ! t'olutntOM kits, an in rest (gallon eons mltiee of a- rghbora found after h* 4eal.ll of the brother nt T? years hnoeo ! |U tge stMi uni of |*> (MM M tdeH ebitlt in ail Mrtt i*f MANUFACTURES' BUILDING. The Oreek Ionic style of architect ure characterizes the Manufacturers' building. The order is of heroic pro portions, carried out with great ar tistic care in every detail. The princi pal feature of the lagoon facade is a circular dome 1 AO feet in circumfer ence, rising to a height of seventy-five feet. The dome is supported on a cir cular row of fluted Ionic columns, and tb« space enclosed by them and under the dome is open, forming a grand, open, domed vestibule for an appnwh to tlie building. The inner dome is richly designed with ribs and panels and Is to he richly decorated In colors, while the outer is formed by a series of step* rising In the form of a coni* to the apex, which I* crowned by a richly decorated base or flagstaff. The outer row of dome columns Is detached and the entablature is broken around them at tlm base of the dome, and over each column la a statue and pedestal having a* a background the stylobate of the dome. This treatment is very monu mental In effect, and while In good taste and harmonious with the architectural style It is at the same time original and interesting. Over the doorway leading from this vestibule Into the building arc three large panels between tha pi lasters to receive paintings which will be emblematical of the character of the exhibits. Flanking the central dome are beautiful Ionic colonnade* which form covered way* along the entire facade, atopplng at the corner towera. Over tlieae rolonnadea ar<- haluoniea ca pable of holding large number* of peo ple and opening from the interior gal lerieaof the building, affording a fine point from which to obtain an elevated view of the lagoon and the beautlea of the grand central court. The four cor ner* of the building are marked by square plain tower* surmounted bv or nate, open, columned pavilion*, circu lar in form and to aerve for electric lighting. The manufacture* building is .too feet long and MU feet wide, ft waa de*lgucd by S. H. lieman of Chi cago. i WOMAN AT THIRTY-FIVE. iSDillthf Tti*t ah* Kftr Oau Thar*. llial I* H*» Cluntilnf X«». In reality, a woman at S3 U otUl pausing at ill* height of her personal charm. .She gained tho height per haps seven or eight years before, but K she has boon careful of herself, lm i iiad small experience of sorrow and pain and apprehension, has not hud too hard work for mind or body, has had hut little Illness, has kept her temper and spared herself worry, she ha* not fairly begun tho descent; or If tho has, then there is a slightly ^atluiic charm about her, says Har per's Bazar, us about the golden tar nish of a res* that drops its first petal, bn' is still the rose. For into tho ticauty of 20, gradually unfolding and expanding up to 26 or 26, the soul unfolding and expanding, too, ha* Infiltrated u new quality, ono which is wanting to youthe xcept in ex traordinary instances,and tills beauty of spirit and of intellect has been added to beauty of ilcsli with every increas ing power. And then just as the con tours begin to yield and the Ijcuuty of the fleth assumes u doubtful part, when diet and exercise and massage and sloop and tho right colors, urul not too much light, all have to be carefully considered, and a veil is needed lo hide tho line lines when In the sun and if llotty gives “tho check a touch of rod" and the hair a dust of gold powder it is not our af fair to know of It, nor does it dimin ish the fascination sho unconsciously exerts then if sho has improved the years, comes the second stage—-the stage of a superior captivation to that exercised by tho mere fleshy beauty. It is in the years of this period that un consciously and unwillingly women charm men much younger than them selves, and always men of ruther ex traordinary intellectual power, Into proposal* of mamage. At till* lime a woman understand* herself and knows how to balani.'o and counterbalance, the circumstances of tho world about her. She has probably read many books; she has seen muiiy people; if she amounts to unything worth con sidering sho lias tact and skill and bush of manner, hIio ha* learned some thing of the intricacies of human na tii 10 and of tho secrots of tho heart; sho has learned how to render not only herself but her surrounding* at tractive; she is no longer exacting; site makes people near her comforta ble; she puls them Into conceit of themselves- that inexplicably pleas ant mood. And people sock her pres ently for the sake of being comfort able, and forthe delightful atmosphere that her presence seems to create; men admiro her, women adore her, young jioople follow her; sho is u social power, and is of more weight and consequence than any young per son not ujion a throne—for although sho live to threescore and ten, her throne la upon men's hearts. Orlglu of ••Mausoleum.•’ Mausolus was king of Carla and af ter his death his widow, Artemisia, erected a magiiitloent tomb to hi* memory. Indeed, it was so woudurful and surpassed all olhsr structures so much in its appearance and grandeur that the name mausoleum came to be the generic term for a cosily tomb. H remained standing for a number of centuries and then was destroyed by on earthquake. In 1404 the K nigh is of Htiodee built a castle from fragment* uf the mausoleum, and a* late a* l bid Mr. Newton under the auspices uf tho Kngllsb government. found the silo of the undent tomb and the fundamental outline* of the building According In tradition Artemisia mingled the ttshe* of hi no sol os with bar win* and died of grief trleedt as •■*** files, though obtrusive In the log days, ato In general in dispensable brctiour In their maggot stale they act at seat •Mger* There I* however, a dark side to a mature ily • nature In thnt It to ay quite unconsciously become th» teacr of mmo gr*«e. t ualagtou* iiissm flies ran tnhsel salable* i r •{■vs laii) «# >• «* * lib chulera germ#, limes It Is necessary to Seep dies sea* from a* tides of ksd when cholera or other infection# 4its* * t* »;•< ul HnSuks Powders. The habit of taking "headache powders'* Is Increasing to an alarm ing extent among a great number of women throughout the oountry. These powder*, as their name Indi cates, are claimed l»y the manufac turers to be a positive and speedy cure for any form of headache. In many cases tlielr chief Ingredient is morphine, opium, cocaine or some other equally injurious drug having a tendency to deaden pain. Tho habit of taking them Iseasilv formed, hut almost Impossible to shake off. Women usually commence taking them to relieve a raging hoadaoho and. finding it successful, soon re sort to the powder to alleviate any little palu or ache they may be sub jected to, und finally, like tho mor phine or opium (lend, get into the habit of taking them regularly, imagining that they are In pain If they happen to miss their regular doso. _ ______ President Cleveland's Portrait. A strange tiling has happened to an oil portrait of Mr. Clavoland, painted during bis first administra tion and hung in a Now York club house frequented by many of his ad mirers. There has lately appeared just upon the breast of tho portrait a large inverted ghostly head, with bald domo and well deilncd eyes, nose and lips. Kitber tho canvas was an old one or tho artist made upon it and afterward abandoned a bust study of hi* subject. The sub sequent coats of paint for a time concealed the lines beneath, but something in the atniospbero of tho room wheru the portrait hang* has gradually revealed the hidden pic til r-A ■auquet la • "MUlifaluMu* ** Word. The Philadelphia, l.edgor takes the loftiness out of a word that is in very frequent use; ".Styling a public din ner a 'banquet' Is something of a mistake; that is, if the use of llie word ■banquet’ la to add more dignity to the occasion or even to bo more uppish or bumptious or 'top-lofty.' 'Banquet.’ from the French and Spanish, means a small benoh, a little seat, and when spelled banqueta means a three-legged stool. It has reference to sitting while eating, instead of taking refreshment in •stand-up’ fashion, as at one of our Wistar parties or at afrce-lunch coun ter. The truth is that ‘banquet’ is simply u grandiose expression ambi tious and somewhat 'affected.’" Mbs Wailed Uiq. A case which was being tried before a New York justice was delayed by the absence of a witness named ,Sarah Money. The magistrate announced, with an attempt at wit. that the case would be adjourned without Sarah Money. One of the jurors, struck with the brilliancy of the pun. went home and told his wife that the justice had gotten off a wonderful joke by de claring that the case would be ad journed without Mary Money. ••Pooh." said the wife. "I don't see anything funny about that" ••Neither did I," responded iter husband. • uulil I got hulf way home, but it will strike you in hulf an hour or so." _ I lie iiiilk Mittk. The little Insect popularly called j the death-watch or tick Is a timber- I boring insect whioh usually com indices Its sound lute In the spring, and is no other than the call by which the mala and female are led to each other the same as with birds during the mating season The | sound they emit Is not owing to the voice of the insect, but to its beating j on or striking any hard substance with the shield or fore part ef its j bead- The prevailing number of strokes are from seven to nine and | eleven, and tt Is Ibis circumstance : which probably adds to the ominous character tl bears among Iff tad iu|itriUlioB« IHtf I I#* Ml#tit • IhtHt »lio b#v# i lUtly of ; lilrti hihtU #4% lh#t bi«‘4t uf #tlUt*#t < #11 mw I* |rt r#lbvr lb# (ritiiili tb#t» | lb# tiiiMiAtti til (iruttn m4 k«i4«k ■ tf* bul uul| ti » In# Mittg inhli b/ i luifft’%4t tfAMi lh#«r rtgM Ut tml a f#vi bu riti. bill awa lb# vfiMf lb#t |{inAtfrtki«ti« ul (iftttri Iiava M-iittti m4 |lib4« I# »#l4 l«t $n«*fwf | A tu4 ttlltA Iw b* t| lb# i i v«r| #1 v»l 4«iiruyiBK t*»tl# iH Bltft 4 <|>|tattA* bun lo b# lHAii* { I |t brl«| 44 lb# #%*♦"# #1 lb#. THE dim. WHO TEACHES. Kits Ought tu Hu u rurugun, hut Shu Vary O'tau ta Nut. Mound houlth la it prim* necessity for any worker in the world, no raattm* what the line of work may bo. but It becomesof tho greatest Importance It the work is to be carried on la the school room, write* Caroline B. I,e Bow In the Ladies' Home Jour nal. There not only the physical, hut tho nervous and mental forces are taxed to their utmost. The young grail unto ha* hitherto gone to school to sit comfortably at hsr desk; to stand occasionally for recitations; to use her voice but little; to have constant va riety In her work; to enjoy her recesa with perfect freedom and in congenial companionship. As a teacher she goen to school to stand upon her feet all day long, to use her voice incessantly, perhaps, too In a large room (Iliad with the tumult of the street; to keep noisy, and very likely, rebellious aud disobedient children not only quiet, but Interested. and to spend the recess in care of them in the halls and the yard. Besides this she is to stimulate iliolr bruins, and a certain amount of time—usually prescribed by a board of education, the members of which know little of the capacity and possi bilities of the youthful mind -Is allot ted her, in which she must, somehow or other,succeed in teaching them a certain number of facta—no allowance being made for the slownese, stupidity or disorder, which increases the fric tion of tho work Hitd delays, the doing. No matter how complete the education, or how enthusiastic the spirit, the power for physical endurance is abso lutely necessary. THE PERRIS WHEEL. ITIist the (Haul Liodartsklng Itsprssanls lu Hirlisslw. It is not easy for the mind to grasp tho stupendous nature of tbit under taking, says the Review of Raviaw*. The wheel itself is ‘260 feet in diame ter; at its highest point it is '2OH feet “hove the earth. That is to say that if the Hunker Hill monument wars usod us a yardstick to measure it the towering monolith would fall short fifty feet. If the wheel were set in Broadway by ths side of Trinity spire it would lift the passengers of its cars to a level with the apex of that Boaring steeple. The obelisk of Lux or, or Trajan's pillar, at Rome, would not lie long enough to serve as a ra dial spoke. Then, again, as to its enormous weight. Tho Niagara cantilever, just below the falls, was looked upon as uu engineering wonder when it was built Its construction requlrod three years. The Kerris wheel was built in five months and its weight is four times that of the Niagara bridge. The St. Louis bridge was another wondor and its weight is about equal to that of the big wheel complete. The t'ia cinnati cantilever is another huge bridge; it Is 1,300 feet long, and it would about balance the scale with Mr. Kerris’ big toy. And ihe one is set immovable resting on two sup ports, while the wheel is swung upon au axle lifted 140 feet in the ulr. It has thitty six cars, and in those two regiments of soldiery could be scap'd siui swept with an almost imperccpte bio motion high above the White won der. _ _ _____ A q>Mt i>r|M. A curious organ is to tie seen at the Jesuits' ehurob at Hiangbai. China it was man afar Lured by a nan vs. a "brutbar coadjutor" of lit* Jesuit order. The pipe# of the In strumed ere in bautlioo wood instead of metal. and the sonority is of In comparable sweetness, "angelic and superhuman." says a correspond »aL end such ae has never been heard ia tin rope •leslrlsltt la SlletMs. In the general report of Ike commie, cion in Prussia ta charge of mining matters, which bee reoobif) bean pub I !• bud, Ike commissioners slate I hat la l hair ion electricity ts psnfecvtiy safe for mute ms, provided v#r» is taken to see I bet condor tore are prop erly lasttstod, tamps well prole-ted* ut..l Hte current net too Inlmso A more extensive nee of eley-tric ty in attune would be poseibte were a pork* able ctaeirto lamp dev tend , v alMUcng simplicity duratPm of power, and xbewpoesa