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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1897)
Thk Northwestfrn PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT, (nun. k liBNHOiiorion, Bdltor and PublUbar. TEKMS $1 60 par Taar. II Paid in Advanst c. . •f=3=r=sn-rr=r.-.---rr:.-.-'-rr--sr ■■Uni n th* lamp Oily rmtofivn for Una* riImUiu through th* mailt *• ••n.uid, • la** hi*tt*r. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE TICKET. For Judge of III* Supreme Court. A. M rOST. »or lugerit* Of the Slate, University, JOHN N. DKYDKN, If, VV KA/.KY, •luillnlal (lunvantlan. IJy ordzr of Hie Judicial I,'orurnlitee of the Twelfth Judicial district of Nel> rcska, a republican Judicial convention Is hereby called to meet at Kivenua In liult'alo count y oil the noth day of Hep tember, |HI)7, at th* hour of J p. in. of guld day forth* purpose of placing In nomination a candidate for .he oillce of Judge of mid district anil transacting imy other huslucss that may proper ly come before said convention. The countries are entitled to the same r representation us given In the state con vMiition, to-wlt: Buffalo ffuiicr county. U< Dawson county.10 Hherman county. 4 It Is recommended Hint (lie ihdcgsies present he authorized to cast the full vole of the convention. Dated August 18, IMU7. A K Hum i'll i kv. Chairman. Hunk K. Uv.kman, Meeretary. Call for KaiMibJIrau f ount y Convention A* per adjournment of the Kepubll can county convention on the 19th day of August 1897, I hereby cull the recon vening of the same at Loup City on Friday, the l <l»y of October, 1897, at. 1 o’clock p. in. All delegate* are re queued to be preseut. All township* not represented in former convention are requested to hold primaries and scud delegates to this convention Said Convention will place In iioiniiialiou candidates for the several county offices on thti Republican ticket and will trail 8 sact such other bu*tne»» as may proper ly come before the convention. The representation for the several townships are as follows: l.ogun :i Washington ‘ Klin • Webster.* boupcily.,, . W Ashton .. ,, w Itocbvllle. a i'lay.: ' Harrison . 6 Kemt . ' Hazard . a llrlslo,. * Oak Creek l It Is recommended that the primaries be belli at the earliest convenience after giving due notice, f 'll A*. GlIlsOM. K. G. 1'APiK, hecretary. Chairman. Call For Primary. The Republican elector* of l.ogan Township, Sherman county, Neb., are hereby called to meet In primary meet ing, on Satuiduy, September 'J5, 1897 at 1 o’clock p. m., at the school house, in district No. Ill, in Logan township for the purpose ol nominating township officers and three delegate* to Repub lican county convention, to be held at Loup City. October 1st.. 1897: a’so to elect three delegates to tin* district convention to nominate a candidate for supervisor for Loguu and Washington townships. Jacob Ai.uku*, Committeeman for Logan Twp. rOnu of our implement dealers wan heard to rt-muik the other day that the manufacturers of wagons could l hardly turn them out fast enough to supply the demand. This is all y oilier uiaiked evidence of prosperity k Mi,t only are the faruiets improving their eon'litloli Ut 11 «> in uufartur un is of « . ;ous am1 olht r farm ian iileiuents, with then large force* at work In the factorie* are getting more onl, is than they can till. All the answer tin- average pop paper* ami the populist political!* can » ty to UtU I* that it su| l last long, or ih .V they would like to see this piosp, lily only tor the poor pv.ipie ot |vtta,ipe I'row tin* you niigtil e»»d) see that Ihrv woultl rattier *ce the Utioiing men of Awertea go man lung agaiu in the l ow aruiy e< luiuu than to have a uondillon ol tilings pie v ail mu would (one Ih* lit U people of Foreign e audios pi assist a little in looking after their si>«U poor l ast w u they howii i| shout the in ate Use , apital ot I itelgn t*.,untiles controlling the market* of Ihs Wofnl this year the 'iisrvMpi mnll"U» of hump* a* thei *ou,d hatg t**u Imttvve afv t«<*vtv|ug their devoted* atuuitou H it thu kind u> aia‘W«e«t !« Wt to he w .mis led *1 B \ They have been defeated on every proposition thus fur udvanaed and It is the only possible argument left for them. Thu minute they are es topped, by force of elreuinstances, from howling about the depressed condition of the people of America they continue their wail of woe so affectionately? lavished upon Uu poor people of some of the richest nations on earth. Ob, what consist nuey. Wilt the masses go blindly on, listening to tliu leaders of this third party movement who are com posed principally of dugruntaled ofllue seekers who fail to gut office elsewhere. Why bav'nt we us good a right to have our wagon and other factories running as they have in other countries. The English papers do not 11k* the Dingley bill. What cure we for that so long as it furnished re vein- to run our government, revives tlm business interests of this country, gives employment to our laboring men and puls a damper on the schemes of the English syndicates to monopolize the business interests of this country, The people of Jackson Mississippi arc again afflicted with yellow levct. Nails arc now retailing in town three pounds for a dime. A short time ago it was two pounds fur a lime. So inudi for the Dinglej bill. Tuesday of last week was report id to he the banner week in the wholesale business intercuta in the* History of the great city of Chicago. Will Home populist brother live ami j x pin in. Supervisors Proecdings state uf Nebraska, l sliurtnan <'minty, J ' Loup City, Scptembei II. IHU7. Belt r - mein tiered that, flic adjourn -it session of lliu county board of Hup srvbora of said county was held on the l l'h day of September. IHU7at lh"court liouae in Loup t.'lty in said comity pur luaut to adjourn men t of duly 14th, 1HW7; present being -). 1*. Lenlnger, chairman, M, Keyoilnski, 8, Hweetlund, Louis Hechthold, Henry Hunker, Peter NcKeon and 1. W. Karnes, supervisor; .1, W. Long, county attorney, and Louis Keiu county clerk, and the following proceedings were bad and done at said session, to-wit: The minutes from previous meet - ing as the same appear from page 70 to85 of this book were ou motion upproveihas read. The official boud of Ceo. \V. Hunter justice of tlio peace, Loup City twp was examined and on motion upproved. The petition signed bv Kudolph Fen der, el. al. for the establishment of a public road wns taken up for consider ation and »aa laid over to 1 o'clock p. in. of September 15, 1807 in order to allow the petitioners fur said road to appear before the county board In * i.s.i......... r It appearing to llie hoard from the petition signed by J. F. Roberta, et ul asking for the establishment or a pub lic road commencing at the north east corner of section SO, township 18, range Hi, and running thence west on the sec tion line to the north west corner of section88, town 13, range Hi, aud there Lci fitiuatlug, the said proposed mad is a public necessity, anti tin* board ton lug carefully examined the road, coin - i tultiloiiera report, the published notice | the claim for damage* Hied, together; with the report of th« appraisois, doe- | on motion adow said petition and the I road as petitioned tot is ordered*-slab ablUbod and recorded, piovidcd the | claimant* for damages agree to and d>' accept uuo half <> the damage* f-uud ] hr the appraikor* In iull payment of . • ui h ilauiage*. the Mine to he paid by | Scott loan hip as ht law provided It appealing to the board from the petition signed by N U. Thorn p- n et. al, asking for the establishment ot a public road to commence at tin Middle i t.oup llrtl on the mciUmi line between n'l't'oiu 13. and .4 township II, I range 14 ant) running tUeio-e vast abmg the sr * Hum line latssra - lid n,t inn * In Ike not lb east ciuo of section 44 at the point where said line lul. i»»*is rwad Hu. 14 and there let ui in sting that sal.) Heel Is a p Mis* ne* -silty and the board bating r-stelttlly *asminsd ail lb* proceedings here In fur* had In amine-ii*n there silk dsns on mo lion aline sslii petkttew, a* I the said load as pstliissned f-»r is wf hired eslats iishsnt pristrded the thiwwlt lor dam •g < sgtee Iss and tb* aesept tree bs f Use dsuisge mini n* the apple**-** in fail patmetit • ! *al«t damage- *»•**» to i be paid by Leap City township accord ing to law. The report made hr th« commlttael relating to apportionment of achool Judgement funds on hand with the county treasurer was on motion ae ceptsd and committee discharged. The report was as follows: Amount on hand In treasurer's oMIue In Judgement fund of school district No, l), was #12.93, transferred to gen eral fund of Washington township, III school district No, 7 there were #0*0 which was divided the several districts as follows \o,7, #1.50 No. 82, #1.60 No. 02, 1.00; No 30, #1,00; No. 48, .00; No. 20, 00; No. 32, ,00. In school district No. 1 there were #807.80 on hand which was divided among the following school districts; No. 1, #503.05 No. 31, #04.24; No. 45, #113.44, No. 67. #06.31. No 73; #51.29. io school district No, 5 there were in the hands of the county treasurer #8.60 In tno Kcdinnn Judgement fund, #1 8H in the Buckner judgement fund, and \ 20 In the Price judgement fund; As Use Price ami Bed men judgements were paid all whs placed in the credit of t>c Buckner judgement. Districts Nu.41, 02 and II had the following amounts In thtdr respective judgement funds on hand which amounts wi re left lo the credit of said districts No. II, M23.55; No. 02. #2.07 No. IJ, #H,0I. lo district No. 10 there was #j:ih.s# "ii hand which wa* apportioned as fol lows To district No 60, #24 Ot; No.22 #25.Mb No. 31, *22,30; No. 57, *22.74; No. 10, #47 70. The appeal for ai l made by K, rt. Murphy, overseer of poor on behalf of llai rison township, said al l being re pleated for the purpo-o of paying ph) •Iclums bills amounting to #170. Incurred In the treatment of one Bonis Mead win considered by the county hoard, ind the aid rnpirated In said appeal Is.tils.ll ll.s., I ,, ^ I.I to return to K. H. Murphy the hills ut 'ached to said appeal. County hoard adjourned to y o’clock, [>, m, September 15, J8!>7 Attest Louis Mein. County clerk. Stale of Nebra-I.a I Sherman County ( *'*• Loup City September 1.1, |8b7. Tin- county board In session Ibis lb day of September IH'.l'i at tb court I louse, pursuant to adjournment of Hop-; ember M. 181)7, re-ent Indug d. J*. I [,eluiii/,er, Cbulrinaii, all the membeisl if the county board and J W. Long, | .•oiinty attorney and Louis ltelii county i flerk. f '1 lie county treasurer Is Instructed to .raesfet to the county general fund, the itnouui of each tax twice collected, once liy the treasurer and again bv the ' .own-hip treasurer) and that he charg* j lie various funds with the amounts | Jfedited to tlie said funds liy reason of j >lie of sal I double tax collected. The comity treasurer Is ordered to transfer from tbu county general fund to Ilie county bond fund the sum of 92,000, Said amount having been ap piled in the payment of enmity bonds under the order of the couipy board. On motion I W. is authoriz ed to purchase lumber for and cause Ilia bridge across Hover creek at the Kelnartson place to be repaired, upon notice being served upon him as to the dangerous condition of said bridge. Clerk la ordered to advertise forbids for the repairing of the bridge across Loup Klver at Loup City, and for building bridge across Davis Creek on public road between seolious four uud nine in town 10, range Li, using tbu old material on hand of old bridge; bidder to furnish plans and specifications, the isoiiiity board reserving the right to re ject any and all bids. The ehnirmau I* iippoliit<-<l u commit Ice toaacertalk what repair* urn needed un Hie liuildtiii'k and Improvement* on the coniilv poor farm aud to cau»e *ald repair* to bn made. Continued in-xf week. IIOW TO KINO (II T. Kill n bottle or common ala** with urine and let it utand tacnty-fqur hour* a nedluo nt er aettlinff indicate* au un i health) condition of Hie kidney*. W hen urln- tdaina linen it I evidence of Uld ney trouble Tun fte.jiiciil ,|u*ire to urinate nr pain iu Oie back. 1* al*o con* ■ Viiicinjf proof that Ihe kidney* and; hi adder are out of order wliar to mi T t ie I* comfort In the kicin l»dk» #o . olten r*pr*«*ed lint hr Kilmer'* j t>» Hip U'Ot, (he ureal kidney reined) j ftilffil* every wt»h In rellevinu pam Inj llte beck, k Ulnev», liver, bladder and every part of ihe uiInary •■••*«£»* It correct* Inability (o urinate and >ca|,| in® pait i t»'li..; I' ot had effect*! folio* inu tt*e of Ufioir, Wine or beer,! •ltd utrti'u.urt that ■ upit t*anl neve** | lit *»f !*e i«® emupeIU-<1 to |i t up many j th-.- - 1 u® Ihe t. ®ht to urinate t he ioit-1 «mI the •iUiuidla*r| effect of He t*itp Moot 1* mint IraliiVtl. It tl|*.!t the hl»he»t hi® it wonderful , ore* vl lire t«o*» dt*ti».*ln4 t ***>•, if you need ! * « *.l -|..e v no .hould h**« the beat ••ibib. <li >t®<ti< |<t|. e itt'i* cent* and one .|. dal 1 on MM hate a •ample j holt'* an ! 1 hath hi*S b-tlb w«t free • bj m*M Meet.on the N it* a at a n * j and **t i | owe (rider** to (it. Htim*v diw H t(l iioion V V It* |tm pee ot of ihl* paper goataatee the ®«o HMM'o of up* offer. REPORT OF THE CONDITION -or— Firs! Bail! of Loop City, rilAKTKK NO. 250. A 1 1,011*1 in, IN Til fe. XT AIK OK Nlll ItA'KA, AT T1IK CWAK or HI rftINKXX. SKITKMOKK Htb, 1897. IIKNOUKCKr, l.ouu* uiKldiM-omiiN ♦’J2.WJ.flft Overdraft* h cured and unucurcd 299:12 block*, bond* Hecurltlo* Judgment*etc. jtfliao Dunklin/ Iioii*!. furniture and fixture* 2*19 fl7 Other Heal KMate . 2.77ft Hft i unent cxpon*e* and taxe* paid J.fMM 9* Utut from National. Btatc and Private hanU* and hanker* .. I.flftx IJ rath ... - .. Total . rWTFT, l.l AISII.ITII.X. uplful ntock paid In.. .HKJ.uuu.uo I udlvlded profit*... 1,49ft. ft I Irxil v i'lual deposit* *ubject to « keek. I ft 770.9' |j/ i'. i!»d c* rtlflcttte • of deposit Total. . .t:w I™ *• Male of Nchru*Jtu. • ys9i ountv of Htierman. i I. A. 1* < ulley, Oihbler of the above named bank, do wolriinly *wear that the above *tate l* true to thebo*t of my knowledge and s(:||4 f A P fi l l.I V Cttihler ATTKHT. [j f Dor, Director, \r Director. Hub--i rlbf'd and awora to before me thl* 17 or of H»pt*mt*r. 1*97, R* J NlOMTINUAI » |hlal) Notary Public. ,ly Co min Union expire* March 17th. 1992 $7,800 Given Away J o par on* who make the greatest nani* .(•r of words out of the phrase, “Patent Attorney Wedderhurn." For particu* nr* ai|dri!»H the Natlouol Jtecorder. Washington, l> W i lilted* A<* KN TM: In every district on lie continent to take order* for high grade < anadlan-grown Nursery Htock ind Heeds. I.argert and most complete issorlinent In tin- trade. I*'a*t selling iperlslfles siipberb samples furnished free; c-i re-ponduuce In any langnugi'. These positions me money makers, and territory should he secured at onee for Hit) season by all hustlers looking for u good thing. Our salary or cinninlsslon dfi-rs w ilt Interest anyone not earning it 000 t'O per yei-r. Oct, In cominunlea loll a till oor IM- im-sI oilier An opportunity to represent a. well -stutdlshed limi " Ability more Import tilt I bun experience. 1,1 KK MtOTIIKItS OoJUI'AHV loernatial Nurseries, bb-.igo, III, Montreal, <gue. Korin i r S'. V._ KUHK BIOYOLK*. The HI ate Journal Is offering a llrst class bicycle free to any person who will gd up a club of 100 yearly sub » crltiers for the Heml-Weekly Journal ut. 91.00 each. The bicycles are covered hv as strong a guarantee a* any $100.00 wheel and are first class In every re spect. Any young man or wo man can bow earn a bicycle. If you find vou cannot get the required number, a liberal cash c mmission will be allow ed you for each subscription you d get. You can get nil your friends and neighbors to take the HemlWeekly State Journal at $1.00 n year. Address State Journal, fdacoln, Neb. 'WANTED Agents Both Men and Women If you are willing to work, we can give you iniploymmit with GOOD PAY, hoi) you can work till or part of the time, mil at home or traveling. The work In light ami easy. Write ut once for lerius, etc., to Tin. Hawks Noiiskhy Comiiam .Milwaukee, \VU. |t INK*, 1 * . mm or EXPKfcSS **“' GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. Alt or P'eight order* |.i.».|.tl> iliitiitlu*! to |t k. MllliriS IAl.K, LAW YE It. D.'fi i neierti U« ill CoiitcPM ntiitsi A Nuiaiy fans, iiHu«aplMt in* f V |.«» [ tl«> In 0*1 Wr OHK I* OH non Ml o* » It.* t HASH MUT cm, . • IKItUii \y J 11 in it Alturnuu*i«t*Li»vw, AMI NOTH* \\ ill I Wen l in l ttivi Itnurt* i .t*#» A*.nil IMI A UCM.HVl, ItC\l. » »I Arc HI »tMM* • awe i« a •rn»»»i *•»*-♦*» *,«e t a* t III • * .»»*«*** I>. O. DOE, A.«P. GULLET, Vice KreiilUeut. Omrtuer, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stoek, $60 ,000. Loana on Improved (ansa at ROVE par cant. Baal Owpwj and M MM U> be had In tbe waet. 0o»m*aroai>KaT.:-O>airl«:»l Rational Book. Haw York Oty, I. Yd >**004*1 JUmo«. Omaha. Nebaaa-* . J. KISH Kit, GEO. E. BENSOHOTER, ttorney mi l Nm iry I'ul# Kniillalmr Lour Girt Nobtuwk.tbbn FI HI i EK A BENSCHOTER, #;.##, RSTrtTE .1GKJYT&. LOCI' CITY. • NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lands for Sale 4. , , ^ ^ ^ dS ^ 4*- A. * *. 4*1 ^ * T-£ - ^.-«^L. ^ f *1 ' ,TW*te Direct from Mill to Wearer, * Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. ★ t ■< The Commieion Houee. The HVholeealer. The Jebber and Store Keeper. » ■ E.KOSENBUKGER&C0. s02.204B.iMSt., NEW YORK CITY, f - l . ■ — ? \ Our (irt'nt flitranln Ottrrt t BOYS' ADONIS SUITS, trim sxtka faih 09 ram, The** Hull* art g*f*0mut4 to be gn/ul* from Important Wool CJIi«V fot, la thank, Blue. Cngr and Brown, In hUam front .1 toliyaare o£ in. Ma ta up double- breasted* with Bailor Collar-Collar Conor emnrolUmed — lined with ftu6 uuo-fe AdMtvt Twill Sfttoea and Patent Waist Band a. Trlmialo* em.1 Vf ork man shiv Uio very las*, m* r-.r *»«•• Ml t« « fears. wlUoni ^ lUi.eiuo •* * J’JST THINK OF IT ! * » A CUerCM MADE TO ORDER I SI4.CQ Isag£ muitI j()f $6.98 What you can save t*y buying direct i from ih# manufattuier. Guaranteed to be m^de from All i Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray, Black or Blue Tweed, made in I -it '>'We, lined with Imp rted I r b-i trimmed and finished in the best of < .u mm Tailor manner. You cannot * die ate It in your town for 114-00. ■.L1% )4 to 42. The same goods made for 1 Youths, 13 to 18, inlong Pants, p nil - , .t end Vest."*ul' I low to measure men's a youth s Suits: Measure around the breast and wai .t over the Vest, and from crotch to heel tor Pants. When ordering, send Post-Office , ! apress money order or Kegistered <: tier' Money cheerfully refunded if t ; factory, Send 2c. stamp for * measure, measuring J rlc £ar*ett Value cptr Offered IP On tecount of tlv* fallur# of on« o* IP the largest Commission Houses here, reprs- R tenting ■ Woolen Mill In Ireland, w«P bought left Soring the entire production of l their grey end bUck IrUtl frier* of 6,eoo > pieces at a eecrlftce. Therefore we are eMe to sell them et the above, lee* than tba ’ raw tuatarlal price, Rto yg, aaver he fere in the history of cl thing end ? propebuaavaf •«•'» w‘U you have e chance lo get half such a value for your V money. Above price l*»e then the newteilirduty on the material. They ere * made up double breeeted at per cut below with retecd euma lined throughout with V extra heavy woven plaid lining., pinked . facing., ell pocket* fremed end well stayed with extra deep etorm collar end throat letch. Above Ul.tere are retailed at #m.oo 7 after three are doeed out we will not be . able to duplicate them for double the . price oa account of the new tariff duty. ' > Mcieuir# earn* ae for a Secit Coat, glv- m > ing lenrh wanted. Id alto lilgbt and a > weight. 5 ""A le. stamp will 9 ' bring you tamplta, ® catalogua, tap* 3 measure end blankly C ^ We pay "express ts charges snd should Sr , you not feel satlstled vj we will refund the £ > money. _ ■ """Remember you ** ► bdy direct from one / of the largest Cloth-, Ip ing manufacturers In America. P I MONTHLY SUFFERING. ‘T'housands of 1 women are troubled at 1 monthly Inter • vala with pains It in the head, y hack, breasts, B shoulders,sides B hip# nud limits. • not tufier. _ These pain# are symptoms of dangerous derangements that eenba corrected. The men ■ atrual function should operate ■ painlessly. Wine®ot make# nien.tiu tU. n p ilulesa, and tegulsr. It puts the dell cste m.-u»tiual organs in condi tion to do their work to opart y. And that stops all tnta pain. Why will any woman antler toon h a!t«r month when Wine of Caidui will t*lte*« kerf It costa f i tar at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle In s>jf fur chliS, iu case, lettailing spacial dtre* tiusts, lag symptoms, "The I adiea' A iwpaitm«i»," The CHattohoogu Medhiua Cm, Ch.ttsu- gs, Ictus. . ibhi^i^hhhhhihhhhhhi i £. 'ft, tfr ^ i HUMPHREYS* No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 “ Worms. No. 3 “ Infants’ Diuaaaea. No. 4 '* Diui No. 7 " Con No. 8 Cures Non No. 0 '* Hetoi*' No. 10 “ Dy* No. 1 1 “ De! • <1* No. 12 “ Leu No. 13 Cures Crt No. 14 *' Skin . No. IB " Hheu •. No. 10 M Malm No. 10 ” Catari No. 20 Cures Whooi * • < No. £1 “ Asthma No. 2 4 11 General •• ’ No. £0 “ Ses-Sn i. . No, £7 M Kidney 1' *•- ■ >• No. 28 Cures Nervous I' 1 • No. 00 M Urinary l» • No. 02 ” Heart Dn No, 04 " Sore Tliiv No. 77 ** Colds ant! < lit II■ sranait II saurtvsi< *» •< » «.» Mill St' t ill Null Sutltae I SMSStel »•■'*•* •• tkf * rx? ygyv»iy 4/. «4.*4 IIS «#• *;» 04«^f»|VlW U4W i* Ml *4 - Nil HUMPHREYr WITOH HAZEL OIL •TM« MU 0taT«»8«nr.