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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
Liocjal Dews. Alfalfa seed at Watkinson's. G. F. Hall is painting hi# resident-#. Ord prices discounted at Gasteyer’s. Good work harness for #14.00 atT. M Reed’s. John Long made a business trip to Hazard Saturday. Rev. Hodges was in Lou p City last Saturday and M onday. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS IN BULK AT T. M REEDS. F E. Brewer has j ust received an invoice of tine fruit trees. A valuable horse was stolen from Col. Young's barn this morning. Garden seed; new stock just in at the old reliable Seed store, Watkinson. County Clerk Rein is enjoying a visit from bis sister of New Yerk. Mrs. A. F. Werts and Miss Ida Nelson are visiting friends in Omaha this week. James Rentfrow returned from a busi ness trip to Omaha last Friday eveeing. Mrs. J. 8. Fyke started for Omaha yesterday for a weeks visit with friends. Mrs. A. 11. Outhouse went to bt. Louis last Thursday to spend a month with her parents. Do not fail to call and ace the new I’latina nml Celluloid Finish at the York Phato car Don't think because Grsteyer does not ask you two prices, that his go ods are not all right. Do you want to save a human life? Learn how much it will cost you at the M. K. church Hunday morning. Do you need a washing machine, clothes wringer, wash boiler, tinware, or anything in that line. If so call on T. M. Keed. Gasteyer now carries a complete stock of ready made clothing for men and boys. We are still taking photo's at 75 cents per doz. Lesch insky, Photographer. Adam Schaupp is treating his resi dence to a new coat of paint I>. L. Adamson is wielding the brush. Mrs O. B. Willard, of Chicago, sister of Mrs. C. J. Odendahl is visiting in the city. She returned to Chicago yester day. One Minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One Mlhute Cough Cure dose what its name implies.—Odendahl Bros. The rain Wednesday evening some what interfered with the K. P. dance and the attendance was not so large as expected. Those present report a good time. Mrs. C. E. Kosseter, now under the doctors care at Grand island is reported to he very aick. Mr. ltosseter left Tues day morning for that place. C. C. Pemberton, now residingoe the old Frank Saltus place dropped into our office last Tuerday and added his name to our subscription list. Don't fail to come and see the great show at Pilger’s store Easter Saturday and Monday, April 17 and 18, 1887. Every woman and child caliiDg at the store will receive a present. Admission free. J. B. O'Bryan has two excellent var leties of seed potatoes which lie is sel ling reasonable. Oue variety in parti cular will make in sixty days after planting and it of a superior ijuality. Mrs. McGrath aud husband went to Wood River last Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of her mother, she haviug received a telagram Informing here of the sad news Monday evening. We are iinformed l>y Supt. Johnson that the Teacher's Institute for Sher man county will commence July Hi and continue until July HO, Instructor*, A. II. lilglow of Fall* City aud Mrs L M Guthery of lielleview Nebr. K. K. Tamer of Compton, Mo. writes us that after suffering from piles for seventeen year*, he completely cured them by using three boxes of D>\\ itt's Witch llssel Halve It cures ecsema and severe skiu diseases Odemlnhl Pros. If you wish to get a good photograph go to the l.eschiusky Gallery, thauail* ry who h is slant* m town aa l you will get as good a Photograph as yea caa In the state. Our annual IMS cent per ilui Cabinet* reduction will he as usual la June M l.n»t tiia-nr artlsi, A W. Throckmorton of • lay town •hip made iheenheadhunt'ert a pleasant call last Toasday while at the eeaaty seat Ue deposited i»« dollars and will still rant lane tw read the N«*an» wmiii* Mr Throckmorton says that wheal saw tag Is %h«Mtt daee la his |»ari af the eanatrv The ladles of Use H*p* «t charch asrd Ikoeialy wilt hold art Hasict Haiti »« April 17th. in the bsslhltag twa deers West af trdsndahi Pros, drug rime fas* ihe parposei ; paying thnrvh Indebted aea* Thar* ml) Mt many uaelai mil shs asrd Haslet lokeaa oHetnd k>> sale tttnaer alii *e served at 1.1 teats each and supper ail) >e served si si* p in •e l th*aogb lire tceaUg at lltmii aaeh ’The elti* is’* *ad i mines* mea of the ally asrd ft>u*d* ta the eossatry vie sesdieli) latik d to *ttead and ard ike Mies la Ihhfyr Seed barley at Watkinson’s. If you wish fine Photo’s call on the York Thoto car. Ye editor has been sowing seed for a lawn this week. J. D. Ford is buying stock on the Union Pacific system. T. L. Pilger has reduced the price of Kerosene Oil to 12 cents a gallon. Now stock of Garden and Fiold Seeds at T. M Seeds The York Phoho car is now in Loup City and ready for business. WINDOW SHADES, cut and fitted without extra charge at Watkinson s. Remember the York Photo car will only remain a short time in your city. Janies Kentfrow and family arc en joying a visit from bis brother this week. r. L. Pilger is selling ail goods for cash or produce only. Positively no credit. Picture frames and furniture repair ing carefully and promptly done at Watkluson's. Photographs 75 cents per doz. at Leschinsky’s gallery. Hicli Cattle, of Lincoln spent Sunday in the city. De returned home Mon day. Miss Lula Bower, went to St. Paul yesterday morning for medical treat ment. Peter Rowe did a very neat job of feuee painting in float of the Travis residence. Dr. Humphreys says as ‘'77" is to Crip, so is No. 10 to Dyspepsia. The cures-»26 per cent; at all druggists. Another soaking rain came last Sun day night and Monday forenoon. The ground is so wet that It has bean an up bill Job for the farmers In trying to get their wheat sown. Torturing, itching, scBly skin erupt ions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by I>eWitt'g Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles.—Odendahl Bros. A chronic politician has thus written to a lady whom he sought to marry : “My dear, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for your hand, and I shall use all fair and honorable means to secure the nomination. I know that there are many candidates In the fleld and I hesitated long before entering the race, but now I am In to stay. My views on matrimony have often been expressed in your hearing, and I need not express them here You know I favor the gold standard of love and the maintaliiancA r»f that Kf anrlunl affttr fiiAT> riage. If you decide to confer upon me the honor 1 seek, please fix the date for a caucus with your mother, I have no objections to her acting as chairman, provided it is clearly understood 1 am to be chairman in the permanent organ ization. Should the result of the cau cus be satisfactory we can soon hold the primaries and select the date and place of the convention." The following brief telegram answered it: “Caucus unnecessary. Nomination unanimous. Come at once and lix the date of ratifi cation." TREES ANI> PLANTS. A full line Frnit Trees of best varieties at bard times prices. Small fruits In large sup ply. Millions of Strawberry plants very thrifty and well rooted. Get the best near home and save fright or ex press. Send for price list to NORTH BEND NURSERIES, North Bend Dodge County Nebraska. I.»up City Market Report I’rtce* paid tor n • ii Wheal. M Oat* .... T .1* llog* 3.S0 Co** and heller* 54 Feeder* , 3 an Mutter, per pound Id Kggt, per do* a | l.iht li ihmirr, Omaha, Oku ago, tUiU*. M, J*#m |»ii. hull Lik* Oily. Riiu* 4* Oltjf. i"oftUi»4. hi. I .out* 4a#ii til | tini* all §o»>* ** ( Lot aiul Houlk ft r*l IMIllM Ml4%II 41 VlM iuHa 1 *** vi . laiiy vfe##|4 fiii* a< I M am V W vu 'lallf, • o«*4 in»<tay fat 4U«4t4* • **|ta ! »**#§*> »♦.# a***l hk-- tiMaa •flUM* *■ * * * j ««at« ‘«* if at** f * * *a*M ♦**-• ftm >»•! !•# *wt ym*al la i d« i' DtiMHi $iai#« m§ i *iMk-'ia f t* !*(«**amim****. 4 oh# la*-'a a *4 I *u a#«* r,*i um «.«# am»m t*» % 9 4#*n j 44*«m *o J* til \*4 la, 4##a 1 *N**4*» Ilak#*#*# l . M>MMI Meptun tug kas>isi. K*imn:>*i tiih lltshd •III Ifih* »* • <I*par4 al 1*1* I H.IM M IlHWIS !.#•«*• D*i»* M , iay« i I****-**' ( * <w ft aktiaRi*J I kuf**$a* ' ^ MMMajs ? ; PiiimlM ' krvt*** al !.*•*»§» i llf 4* *t $ 4 jt a |fei> | i al l*Un * •* ■*»# *i faMtaM k *t| ** I ft *n»4 k ft ! «»*• %** ♦« 4 FACTS CONCERNING THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OF SHERMAN COHNTY. Continued from last week. TIIE FIRST GRAND FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. The 3rst Grand Fourth of July celebration took place in 1878. al though the event was observed by the settlers before that. In 1878, however, great preperstions were made. The celebration was held at Loup C'ity and waa attended by people from all parts of ttie county. The weather was One up to about four o’clock when a furious rain and hail storm prevailed. A good program was carried out and all seemed to enjoy themselves until the storm materially changed the situation. The large general merchandise store of It. Taylor, which had just been completed was headquarters for the picnic. A party of folks living down the river started for home after the storm and as they were about to cross the Dead Horse creek came near being swept down stream. One team just crossed the bridge, and got well up the hank on the other side when a wall of wuter, said to be about 10 feet lugh came rushing down. The others saw the danger just in time to hold up nnd back out of the way. A cloud bud bursted up at the head of the creek and a torrent of water came down and swept every thing before it. The whole country between the creek and river was completely submerged. Every bridge on the creek was taken out. Many people were campellcd to remain in town over night. The court bouse had just been completed and us the hotel accommodations were not sufficient to accommodate all, its doors were thrown open to the pub lic ai.d many sought shelter theirin. The court room was turned into a dance hall and the young and old past the evening keeping time to the merry strains of the violin. A few famlies living on the bank# of the creek in tli<- hills, east of town where the cloud burst occurred suffered considerable as a result of >i .. a. - i vf i if T_l. rv* i „ * t,,...., tui. .'Mi. HUM •'» • <», ,1 V*A. |/l» M »» “ - w - - — that afternoon attending the celebration, while their son and daughter, W’illie and Kate were at home. The children were in the house, a sod structure, when the water burst in on them. They first climbed on a chair and then on the table, but in a few minutes everything in the house was afloat. Kate worked a hole through the sod roof and with her little brother climbed out on the top of the bouse. As soon us their condition was discovered help was at onee secured and they were rescued. Otiiei families as well ns the Whartou's lost stock and farm implements. FIRST COUNTY FAIR The first county lair was held at the county seal, in 1*79 and was quite a success. A lino display of all kinds of crops was on exhibition and the farmers took great interest in it. A good program of races, atbeletio sports and other amusements was the order of the day. On# of the principal features of the program was the horse race between “Happy Harry," owned by John Harkins and “Hump Back," owned by Rev. Maxwell, Methodist minister at Loup City. Happy Harry was a very old pony. He was so still and lame that he iad to be helped up in the morning and treated for several hours before the races. Bat he had a record as a ruce horse just the same. It was hardly ex pected that Mr. Maxwell’s pony could wiu, as Happy Harry had the rep utation of winning every race in which he was entered. But it was through that Hump Back yvould give him a close chase and make the race interesting. Mr. Maxwell was interviewed on the subject and en tered a Bolomn protest. He did not believe in horse racing and so would not consent to let his horse run. But the boys thought they would have some fun out of it and by eareful management succeeded in getting the pony out of the barn without Mr. Maxwell’s knowledge, and at the proper time brought him to the ecore. Mr. Maxwell was not on the ground attho time the pony was brought out, but arrived just in time to see him coming in on the home stretch. Hump Back was about a length ahead and the crowd cheered. The elder joined in the sheering and waiving his cane in the air, ran toward the track and shouted: “Hurrah! My pony is ahead!!’’ The local editor at the time made some comment upon the race, pro voking a little mirth at Maxwell’s expense, to which the elder took ex ceptions and at his next meeting spoke of the editorial and gave his hearers to understand that if any more such articles appeared he would attend to him at the same time remarking that he had “had other editors to deal with.” I’ERLIOl'S ADVENTI RE OF JUDGE WALL WITH THE OLIVES AS OTHERS SAW IT. Haviug read the Interesting narative of Judge Wall s experience in 1*7* ... ttttpn fmn. Ceo Renachoter's “History of Sherman County" and having been a resident ol thut place at that time, and present at the house of Justice Hutchison at the time spoken of. I will tell you as eear as 1 can the real fact* in the ease. First. Mr. Hubert* was not arrested for cuttle stealing, and as the charge he \va* arrested on was never proven, it probably was a false charge and it is not necessary to repeat 11 how. The gang of •desperadoes,” who stood on guard over Hubert* was none other i ban Mr. If \ < apellan and lie did not have any tire arm*, neither did he u*e any force. Ila simply requested Mr Hubert* several times not to go Mr Wall came to tin door, banded Hubert* a revolver, and told him to . Itotb started of and they were followed a short distance and civilly !• i|Ue*!ed to return but the rem»#*t * a* u tbeaded. Court was not iu *e«*l<.u at the time and Hubert* was awa'tlng trial, set for a day or two later Several men In the neighborhood wejt the next day to get blui back, among them I* I.g Hubert 1 lodge. I>an.el Adam- Hill Wilson, Salem Town, and I think H, l\ C hristian. They met one or t<*o of Olive'* uie« at l.eup t ,ty and they emne back with them Mr. Heberts lived tn k tier Ml an t tty and the Justice lived In ttnfah* • 'utility, so I Ihuk Mr Wall knew his Unetneaa. A* I lived In Hweetwater so lung and »>*tag * close ue‘gbimr of ali MINIS r.i .M that trouble r \ ept Mr W all and !b« Olive'*, I don't like to »*«■ them oi as out law * stall were g d men aed good neigh or* l*l»a.e give these Jew line, a place as I .lou t Want my old neighbors ml* represented In that wav Ha* UiM»t>tlk l*«h* W'e giv* the thwvr Utter spoon taaui htaioiv a* It msivsbll diitwis ho mum former report of th* e« uitstv Of cootse »v were n*»t *i Hneel> • aier at the time the trouble ne*.l and know only »h*i ha* been t.d,| us VV. wilt sat hoe. %*r, t »*t Mr Well, hi.ns.df, i* mil aeihsMtty ft* the fornssr atatewent Mrs lister tlaltns »« hnve »*eeti n r«atd«*t nf *•> «leat*o *•»•» pi.*»ut at th* lUMto s limit h*'ia lie* tisbawsl i* le the •« « aetietanwated i*r other old aetlUt* whom we t*e»* h*d *» opportunity to owtrtw with the subject We du nut shh la Ire he ,U i •>< da* raiding t>< II \ F»|«lls». H •* Uudgea. To*n W liaun u« Vdaiw* ** Utsg outlaws Mr t spettan ttvee in Hheiwnn *ot»uty tad*y «e*i mi highly respected nn*l l* ms*. »d «st heat vttussa W « sw. ol t have stated in * >»r t urner artwiia tea, that it • *» thanfht that the eh sign against H’alU *a« ei|ho»t frnt*dnll»m *e the , i.navoitui* <n*d* n • attempt to pro*e it |i«gaoling the situation at I, «.p oppten*** Wihsslsi <Mh* h» those who were eve witnesses, but all agree with us in onr former state ment that Wall outwitted the whole outfit by calling county eotirt, etc. Other old settlers speak of the happening as follows: That Hodges, Adams, Wilson and Town came over to the county seat the next day with a warrant for Wail and met Hob. Olive and one of his cow boys by the name of Car on their way over. Car and Olive came on to Loup ( it) with them. They rode up to the Wall resident and asked for the men> when Mrs. Wall informed them that they were not there. After threaten ing to break in the door Wall came out und in a defiant manner asked what was wanted. The warrant was produced by constable VV’ilson. Wall slapped it out of his hand and said he would not go with them. They insisted, and Wilson again attempted the arrast, where upon W all struek at him with a knife. At this Wilson drew his revolver but his hand was staid by Hodges who stepped between them. Wilson then called for a rope and said lie would tuke him any way. At this Olive jerked his lariat from the saddle arid at the first attempt caught Wall around the body and over both arms. It was then that Wall, seeing that lie was powerless to resist longer, played the chiming part by offering to go with officer of this county and asked them to go to the court room. They nil went to the court mom cxreut Hodcres whohail charceof Roberts. The wrangle in the court room was about as formerly stated and the ar rest of Olive, Car and Town was made ami finds imposed. The trouble occurred at Sweetwater on April 3rd. at Loup City the 4tb. and on the 5th. warrants were issued out of Walls court for the arrest of Hodges and Wilson. These men were brought to the county seat by constable Brum baugh and fined for contempt and insolvent behavior on April 4, al though it is said that Hodges was not in the court room on that day. They asked for a hearing but us the court seemed satisfied in his own mind that they were guilty of the offense charged he Imposed the fines without further ceremony. This difference of openion has caused the writer to thoroughly look ap the records in the case and wc find that Wilson was fined $30.00 and Hodges $i0.00. Both refused to pay their fines and'the officer was commanded to take them to jail. It is said that their fines were eot paid and that the citizens informed the officer in charge that it was unjust and they should not be put in jail. The records show, however, that Wilson's fine was reduced to $5.00 and Mr. Hodges to$1.00 and they are both marked paid and prisoners discharged. Of the fines of Olive, Car and Town we have been unable to find any record. Continued next week. i FOR AND ADVERTISE IN THE The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper in SI IMAN COUNTY. W. J. FISUER. OEO. E. BENSOHOTER, Attorney and Notary Public. PublUber Loup <Jrrr No«T«w*»T4|ttyj| • FISHER & BEN8CHOTER, BMM B9T%MTM .iGRJV'ifi. LOUP CITY. • • NEBRASKA. Town litiU, WiM, Cultivato l au<l Irrigatel Until for Sale U. C IH>r 4. |\ ITU.IY, V!«• |'r«*M»ut t Mb4*r. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Tr/ai saoud Capitol Stock, • . $50 .000,