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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1897)
TALM AGE’S SERMON. "A NATION AT PRAYER" LAST SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. I-r»ni I be Kollowhn Tert: **1 Kstiort, Therefore, Thai. Klr»t of All. Nn|>|ill n»Cions. Prayers, Infereetsion ami Olv Ing of Thank*.'’ I Tim.. 8:4. ■■ KT which Ix>n n h to England, rta to France, rlln to Germany, >me to Italy, enna to Austria, Petersburg to issia, Washing* a Is to the Unit States republic. ie people who live here see more of the chief men of the nation than any who Iiv“ anywhere else between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. If a senator, or member of the house of representatives, or Supreme Court Jus tice, or secretary of the cabinet, or representative of foreign nuUon eiterr, a public assembly In any other city, his coming and going are remarked upon, and unusual deference Is pultl to him. In this capital there are so man/ political chieftains In our churches, our streets, our halls, that their coming and going make no ex citement. The Swiss seldom look up to the Matterhorn, or Jungfrau, or Mt, Hlanc, because those people are used me Alps. Ho w* at this I'apltul are so aci iistomeil to walk among moun tains of official and political eminence that they are not to us a great novelty. Morning, noon and night we meet the giant*. But there Is no place on earth where the Importance of the Pauline M. Injunction to prayer for those in em ! inent place ought to he better appre ciated. At this time, when our pub lic men have before them the rescue of our national treasury from appalling deficits, and the Cuban question, and the Arbitration question, and In many departments men are taking Important position* which are to them new and untried, 1 would like to quote my text with a whole tonnage of emphasis - words written by the sacred mission ary to the young theologian Timothy: ' 1 exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplication, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in au thority.” If I have the tlni<* and do not forget some of them before I get through, I will give you four or five reasons why the people of the United States ought to make earnest and continuous prayer for those In eminent place. First, because that will put us In proper attitude toward the successful men of the nation. After you have prayed for a man yon will do him Jus tice. There is a bad streak in human nature that demands us to assail those that are more successful than our selves. It shows itself In boyhood, when the lads, all running to get their ride on the hack of a carriage, at id one (-■••ts on, those falling to get on shout to the driver, "Cut behind!” Unsuc cessful men seldom like those who in any department are successful. The try is, "He is a political accident,” or "He bought his way up,” or “It 'Just happened so.” and there is an impa tient waiting for him to come down more rapidly than he went up. The best cure for such cynicism is prayer. After we have risen from our knees we will be wishing the official good in stead of evil. We will be hoping for him benediction rather than maledic tion. If he makes a mistake we will call it a mistake instead of malfeas ance in office. And, oh! how much 1_1-V— __till. a "ismiig one evil is diabolic, but wishing one good is saintly, is angelic, is God-like. When the Lord drops a man into depths be yond which there is no* lower depth he allows him to be put on an investi gating commiltee with the one hope of finding something wrong. jn general assemblies of the Presbyterian Church In conferences of the Methodist Church! in conventions of the Episcopal Church in House of Representatives, and in Senate of I’nlted States there are men always glad to be appointed on the Committee af Malodors,while there are those who are glad to be put on the Committee of Eulogiuma. After you have prayed in the words of my text, for all that are in authority, you will say, ‘ Brethren, Gentlemen, Mr. Chair man. excuse me from nerving on the Committer of Malodura. for last night, lust before 1 prayed fur those In cm! a* nt position. I read thst chapter In Corinthians about charity which I'hopeth all things" and "ibtnketb no A* 11.” The Committee of Malodors Is wp important committee, hut 1 here au» declare that those are incompe Apat for Ha work who have, not In ggirlt ot conventionality, but In spirit "learnest importunity, prayed fur rie in high pueitlou I cannot help but I do like a St Bernard hotter Ip an a bloodhound, and I would rather L* a butnmteg bird among bogey such* 409 lhag g 1 row sauupigg upwu g*.d 19f> eases. ' knottier reeaon why we should pray lor tk ar lg otglgegl plgve la hevautar they hate much multiplied perp>xl iim mis city et this lime holds nun strode of meg who are etpevtast «d yrelviMegt sad t Sited Ml den guUi Pag* aa sever taka* are Bid of spplt* tot inii lot n* mu I bar* ao *i m M|ihy silk either Ike altered or pin •d si>««t at akai ate tailed <*•«■• teekere 1 It I had SM4 attend f*« ,e|i-d eppotgisteel aa Minister g.*t*ni«a>» Bom the IH*’ *« • «t iteeteg as every minster el lh# t|e eat h*s end I had at sr te k t fast* it# lor whom t wished «* w*-'"' * tyr sltaowd. these le e** igyti io a hews n'ti r • e.wiid *o.n*i **h ih» state or United States government. Those governments are the piomptest in their payments, paying Just as well fn hard times as in good times, and during summer vacation as during wln l ter work. Beside that, many of us j have been (laying taxes to city, anil 1 state, and nation, for years, and while we are indebted for the protection of government, the government Is indebt ed to us for the honest support we I have rendered it. So 1 wish success j to all earnest and competent men who appeal to city or slate or nation for I a place to work. But how many men j in high place in oily, and state, and J nation, are at their wits' etui to know , what to do, when for some places there are ten applicants and for others a hundred! Perplexities arise from the fact that citizens sign petitions with out reference to the qualifications of the applicant for tli" places applied for. You sign the application because the applicant Is your friend. People sometimes want that, for which they have no qualification, as we hear pen- j pie sing "I want to lie an angel,” when they offer the poorest material possi ble for angelhood Boors waiting to be sent to foreign palaces as ambassa dors, and men without any business qualification wanting to t>e consuls to foreign ports, and illiterates, capable in one letter of wrecking all Ihe laws of orthography and syntax, desiring to be put Into positions where most of the work Is done by correspondence, j iIf divine help is needed In any place j In the vorld it Is in those places where patronage Is distributed. In years gone by awful mistakes have been made. Only God, who made the world out of chaos, could, out of the crowd ed pigeon-holes of public men, (level op symmetrical results. For this rea son pray Almighty God for all those Id authority. Then there are the vaster perplexi ties of our relations with foreign gov ernments. For directions in such af fairs the God of Nations should be Imnl/it'o/l Tim domuti <1 of (ho ihbiIiIp is sometimes so heated, so unwise, that it must not he heeded. Hark to the boom Of that gun which sends from the American steamer San Jacinto a shot across the bow of the British merchant steamer Trent, November 8, 1861. Two distinguished southerners, with their secretaries and famlles, are on the way to Kngland and France to officially enlist them for the southern confederacy. After much protest, the commissioners, who had embarked for Kngland and France, surrendered, and were taken to Fort Warren, near Bos Uon. The capture was a plain invasion of the laws of nations, and antagonistic to a principle for the establishment of Which the United States government had fought in other days. However, to great was the excitement that the secretary of the United States navy wrote an applauditory letter to Captain Wilkes, commander of the San Jacinto for his "prompt and decisive action," and the House of Representatives passed a resolution of thanks for "brave, adroit and patriotic: conduct," and the millions of the north went wild with enthusiasm, and all the news papers and churches Joined iti the huz za. Kngland and France protested, the former demanding that unless the distinguished prisoners should be sur rendered and apology made for insult to the British flag within ten days. Lord Lyons must return to London, taking all the archives of the British legation. War with England and France seemed inevitable, and war with England and France at that time would have made a restored American nation impossible for a long while, if not forever. Then (Joel came to the uf.arMio and he Inert the nretrtrien* anti his secretary of state. Against the al most unanimous sentiment of the peo ple of the north the distinguished con federates were surrendered, the law of nations was kept inviolate, the Lion's paw was not lifted to strike the Ea gle's beak, and perhaps the worst dis aster of centuries was avoided. • »•••» You see there are always |n places of authority unbalanced men who want war, because they do not realize what war is. or they are designing men. who want war for the same reason that wreckers like hurricanes, and founder ing ships, because of what may tloat ashore from the ruins. You Bee that men who start wars never themselves gel hurt. They make the speeches and others make the self-sacrifices. No- J lice that all those who instigated our civil war never as a consequence got so much as a splinter under the thumb-nail, and thev all diet) peace fully in 'heir beds. I had two friends as thorough friends as eld men ran be to a young man Wendell Phillips and Hubert Toombs. They were not timing those who expected anything advantageous from the strife, but look . their fusiliuns cunsciruiloualy. They both had as much to do with the start- j | Ing of the war between the north and j the south u any other two wen A } j million brave northern and southern ! 1 dead were pul in the grave trenches, but Uh- two lliitsirioua and hontst men 1 I have toenIluitrd were In good health long after ibe ending of thing* at 4p ! issuiuu and If tnoae wag advocated [ meganrea rmentiy that would have • brought on w *r between eur country i and if pain or tfngtnnd or fur key. had been n'«f»otiii ut bringing on the a bid* sole murder they themselves I bop* they wtlf be te reiebiste the I within in. iast «l a fur hey lb!* i > Ik** fc A i | **U ought to la wrrv fay pi* n» authority Is our only way of being of any practical service to them. Our personal advice would be to them, for the most part, an impertinence. They have al! the f;n ts ns we cannot have th«m. and they see the subject In all its liearings, and tve can be of no help to them except through the supplica tion that our text advises. In that way we may be <ni1nite reinforcement. Tile mightiest thing you can do for a man Is to pray for him. If the old Bible he true, and if it Is not true it has been the only imposition that ever blessed the world, turning barbarism Into civilization and tyrannies into re public*. 1 sa> if the old Bible be true, God answers prayer. You may get a letter, and through forgetfulness or lack of time not answer it. but God never got* a genuine letter that he does not make reply. Every genuine prayer to a child's letter to hie Heav enly Father, and he will answer it; end l hough you may get many letter*( from your child before you respond, some day yon say: "There! 1 have re ceived ten letters from my daughter, and I will answer them all now and at erne, and though not In jus! the wuy she hopes for, I will do it in the best way. ami : hough she asked me for a sheet of music. I will not gite it to her, for I do not like the music spoken of; but I will send her a deed to a house and lot, to he hers forever." So God does not in all cases answer in the way those who sent the prayer hoped for, but lie in all cases gives what is asked for or something better. Ho prayer* went tip from the North and the South at the time of our civil war and they were all answered at Gettysburg. You cannot make me be lieve that God answered only the Northern prayers, for there were Juui as devout prayers answered south of Mason and Dixon’s line as north of it. and God gave wliut. was asked for, or something as much more valuable, as a house and lot. are worth more than a sheet of music. There Is not a good and intelligent man between the Gulf of Mexico and the St. laiwrenre river, who dot* not believe that God did the best thing possible when he stood this nation down In 18«5 a glorious unity, never to be rent until the watera of the Ohio and the Savannah, the Hud son and the Vlabanta, are licked up by the long, red tongues of a worid on Are, Yea! God sometimes answers prayer* on a large scale. In worse predicament nation never was than ih,. niiuh icitlnn on the hanks of the lied Sea, the rattling shields and the clattering hoofs of an overwhelm ing host close after them. An army could Just as easily wade through the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to Liverpool, as the Israelites could have waded through the Red Sea. You need to sail on Its waters to realize how big It is How was the crossing effected? Hy prayer. Exodus 14, 15: "And the Lord said unto Moses. Wherefore criest. thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go for ward.” That Is. "Stop praying and take the answer.” And then the wa ters began to be agitated and swung this way and that, way, and the ripple became a billow, and the billow climbed other billows, and now they rise Into walls of sapphire, and in visible trowels mason them Into firm ness, and the walls become like moun tains, topped and turreted and domed with crags of crystal, and God throws an Invisible chain around the feet of those mountains, so that they are obliged to stand still, and there, right before the Israelltish army, is a turn pike road, with all thrt emerald gates swung wide open. The passing host did not even get their feet wot. They passed dry-shod, the bottom of the sea as hard as the pavement of Pennsyl vania avenue, or New York's Broad way. or Jyondon’s Strand. Oh! What a God they had! or, I think I will change that and say, "What a God we have!" * * « The prayer that the great expound er wrote to be put In the corner-stone at the extension of the Capitol, 1 ejac ulate as our own supplication: "God ..... .. the I fni(<»l vjiutoc nf Amnrli-i ' '' only adding the words with which Robert South wasrSpt to dose his .ser mons, whether delivered before the ecu11 at Christ Church Chapel, or in Westminster Abbey, at anniversary of restoration of Charles the II., or on the death of Oliver Cromwell amid the worst tempest that ever swept over Ragland: "To God be rendered and as cribed, as is most due, all praise, might, majesty anil dominion, both now and forever. Amen.” lOluml WMImSI l‘ra|H>«t»g. Hew women, outside of royalties, ever popped the question" to a man, and perhaps only one has had the ex perience of being rejected |»> a man without having proposed to him. There was one. and the Mon I,. A. Tolls* iidi he lella the story In hla Tersoual Memoir of Ih-ujastin Jawett," master «>f Maillol oxford The muster's per sonality • as potent and penetrating, and good women felt its (aacinnUun. Va undergraduate was ill at luilloi anti his slater, .on. lug to Ox ford to nurse him was invited by Or Juwett to stay at kta kou*e like re* reived from him Ike martial kladnrsa and attention. ajx4 »fc«m braving said w ik murk hesitation ikat <ke would venture to aak n vary great favor dka again koattated, the master grew ttt easy eat bark■ I Inlff'o* It* Will >«« marry me * it Inst ska ##d#4 ll# |m* v4 <l|t All*! 4m* It M lirtp It #1*4 f*|4f#4t t Ml * < *M |«4 u*9 #i»4*4 Imi yiMi i*f f»*t #« 4 Dl* All1 VlU«ilHf4 91k# t »44| |f fci r«lki«ii f**« mm* 'l##t*‘ • I «* *m »** si I AIM |t« lw 4 444 ttfikM I MM flMduiMk I## *#f t |##?f 4ik# ImmI lA#i *#194—4 fid, ftillUMlI -■mm*' * -w«MMP W ll## 11*4*m i| # *4*414k I# Id#' I Id* *4 V4 A Avkulfc# |#f Id# *, f*m* It#* * FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Rom# t'p-to-ilat# Hint* About Cultiva tion of th# boll and Yl#lda Th#r#of -Horticulture. I Itlrultur# and ► lorl culture. SOCIETY exists In Holland for the purpose of reforest-' Ing waste places. The sand dunes re ceive a good deal of attention. John Gif ford. a resident of Amsterdam. Hol land, writes In Oar den and Forest as follows: The Dutch dunes are similar to those of New Jersey, and unless the soil Is covered It Is shifted by wind and wave. More than 4,000 acres of land In the neighborhood of the town nf Bergen Is owned by the government. This Is very much like the dune laad near Avelon, on the Jersey shore. There are residences surrounded by large trees In the lee of the Dutch liiacs. but everything has been plant ed, even the famous forest between the Hague and Schevingen, the Atlantic Rity of Holland, and It will cost the government at least 200,000 gulden to plant Its dune lands In forest. Many private holders In this region are not In favor of this work, some preferring to see It In Its unproductive slate, mainly for hunting purposes. The principal game, however. Is rabbits, und their extermination has been de creed because they are very destruct ive. Thirty years ago experiments were begun by the famous geologist Staring for the planting of Ihe dunes, Imt the work was frowned upon and discontinued; the trees which he planted still remain. In Ihe eastern »nd southern parts of Holland there are vast stretches of rolling heath lands, a continuation of the Euneberg er lietde In Hanover, which stretches through Schleswig-Holstein and Den mark to near the Zuydcr Zee In Hol land, The soli Is sand and gravel, tn.iniv rlaclal drift. In which may be ieen Irregular lee-worn pieces of rock from the Scandinavian peninsula, rhere are reasons for believing hat at one time this region was partly forested. The names of places in old Dutch often mean forest or wood, and Mr. J. «. Sehober, the pioneer of heath plant ing in Holland, found part of the trunk of a large oak buried deep in the ground in his plantation at Hcho venhorst. A few sheep can live upon the scanty herbage, and as soon as a little humus forms on the surface It ift removed by the peasants to mix with manure. The beating force of winds and rains has compacted and leached the surface soil. I/>w heather and crisp lichens cover the ground, reminding one of the sterile fields in •outhern New Jersey. It Is even more barren than the fire-swept plains of f)ccan county, in that slate. With work, this whole heath can he re ■falmed. The huge experiment which Mr. Scbober has had the patience and patriotism to begin proves that trees will grow there. A careful working and a little enrichment of the soil are all that are needed at first. When Mr. Schober began his plantation at 1’ut ten, 40 years ago, it was all a desert heath. Conifers from all parts of the world are growing there luxuriantly, and, although his experiments will not be complete for years to come, they show, at least, that a great variety of conifers will grow on the heath lands of Holland, and that certain species are, of course, much better adapted to the soil and climate than others. Many tests must be made before conclusions as to the very best varieties are war ranted. Mr. Schober has planted also iHiK** qimmiurn ui owun-u i'***1-. which he receives a revenue. This wood Is cut and carefully sorted, and the poles are shipped to the Belgian mines. What surprised me most on this remarkable plantation w’as to aee species from the Rocky Mountains and the Atlas Mountains thriving in theae heathlands. The most beautiful trees lu this large pinetum. as I saw them, were Abies nobllis and Cedrus Atlan tic's. A great deal of private planting ha* been done in Holland with very little encouragement from the govern ment. In tlie southern part there are large areas in Scotch pine and coppice oak. The willow hue been planted in immense quantities along the l<ek, the Rhine, the Maas and Waal. In lb* sandy heath regions much of the soil has been Improved by planting one of the lupine*. I.upiuus luteus, a beautiful plant, which may be useful in Amer ica as a green niauure, atnre It eeerne to flourish on very sandy soil. The American locust, Roblnia paeudaracia, la a favorite tie* here, since It grows well on poor soils, and it ia quit* the tisuiai to plant It nlong railroad em bankments. It i* al»o a favorlta shade ire* In many Usrman eltlea. and, when properly trimmed. It has few equate for the purpose. Our wild cherry, Pruaua eerntiaa, also seena to ibrtvo on the heath lists Httittv pttfi «m». ftNk IN «rilif Vit til Kkfliiiil In Nil »n i« iN im»*«*«l Mlf j>u« 1‘Nitdk Ilk* iuiHi il«H Nfikkltkflit.vN tit* lNull (N iNk tl HrUttun kutikl fifult IN IN Nf I * rttlfkltyf ♦-***• l#Nl hit 411 *vr# tftf i4u4 Mi mN* Iif him I **#4 IMlttUftH* II. Il9«||| IN ('cr'ifclfy ii#Ntt#INNN ll N4# ml4 Ik# mMNv #N# *|ltf IlMkl, tllNl ll MInIII In Nf. Nn$ tlNki tlN t (vy mi #*t*NN #t|M hm filiM IN tl* NNf mi |inI* M, Awfcl NNN iNf 4 tlhfetNr 4N«| N NNNf*Nf N» M>| lUIIMr Nltkk * Ml*N tilftwl tklt AN I |*t 4 ««**|| Mill *4 NHkuNNN •**NMI IN ItNh Illy 4 l|«iM lift nI Inn4 It *1 INtt#MN$> 4*N Vf N*t IMfc>4# tt# much of this little germ, when every thing we know of it goes to show that we have had It always with us, and with plenty of food, some lime, and the soil of the Held, we ran cultivate It by uncountable myriads in an old fash ioned compost heap? Truly, It might be a money making business to culti vate this germ In this easy way and sell a big heap of compost at a dollar and a quarter a small bottleful, which will only supply one acre. I think of the last compost heap I made. It was In New Jersey. There were three hundred loade of half-dried swamp muck, as many loads of stable manure, and enough air slacked lime to whiten It all through. It was the departing point of my use of artificial fertilisers, of which 1 had become Independent after three years' liberal uso of them. This big compost heap, spread over 20 acres of land, gave me great crops, and enabled me nearly to double my stock >f cows, and so Increase my manure heaps another year. It took a winter's work to make this heap of manure; but can It he doubted that this way of making manure Is precisely the same as that of the chemists who are selling little bottles of It for five quarter dollars? There were the ma terials for breeding these nitrogen germs, of which I had abundance; for Sir J. B. I .awes, with whom I was In correspondence at the time on this sub ject, wrote me that my poor Handy land had undoubtedly more than a thousand pounds of nitrogen to the acre. But It wanted rousing up. and this big compost heap certainly did do the needed rousing. I often think of this and study out Us results and wide applications, and feel sure that thin way of inoculating the soil, to which my father Introduced me many years ago, Is precisely whut we want now. Make the winter's work one of gathering the materials so easy to he got .for cultivating this invaluable germ ourselves, and do not send to Germany for little bottles filled with them at the price mentioned. Honey Farming, The honey trade In this country has grown to great proportions, for honey has ceased to be a luxury, says the New York Tribune. “It forms part of the grocer’s stork In the smallest ham let and bakere and candy makers and patent medicine men use It by the' hogshead. There are several firms In this city who regard an order of $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000 worth Just as a dry goods merchant looks on an order for fifty yards of muslin. New York, Bos i nml f'l. Inn no a I Jin nines n f I hft trade In this country, and l^ondon rules the world. The supply Is steady, /or If there Is a shortage In one part of the country or the world, another part Is sure to make It up. There Is no use In attempting to make an estimate of the value of the crop, but It will go well Into the millions. It Is known that there are 30,000 beekeepers In the Fnltrd States, and many who are un known. Honey comes from all parts of the country, but California and the northern states supply the greater part. The southern states do not fur nish as much ns would be expected, partly because people are not paying attention to the work, and partly be cause bees are not cared for as well as at the north. The honey which the southern slates do send Is different from that of the other states; the product of Florida Is considered the best, but that is only as a cheaper grade, Itraiu* In Hit* Poultry Yard. Not long ago, says an exchange, an hour was spent with a farmer who, witling to work, is not yet able to see the returns for his labors says Michi gan Fruit Grower. Years of experi ence should have fitted him for suc cess as a poultry keeper, because he likes the business, yet the neglect of a few fundamental steps prevents him from realizing. His hen-houses gave no evidence of a thorough sweeping for months: the grain is fed In heaps, where the hens and chicks can gorge themselves. There 1ms been no sep aration of the flock, and liberal feeding has made the hens overfat. The grain has all been thrashed, at a cost of S to 8 cents per tyushel. though the bens would do better If they had the work to do themselves. There was no evi dence of n winter supply of grit and gravel and no sign of a bone mill or block where fresh bones could be crushed. If that flock pays the ex pense bill for the next five months, It will do well, yet It was as good a flock of hens and pullets as one would ask for. It la the neglect of these lit tle things which, taken singly, may not count for much, but collectively lury Brine mr <|nv«uuu iui mr muu ami not In his favor. Heeding t'lover.-- As the seed of Al elke clover Is only hnlf the slse of com mon red clover, from four to live pounds per acre Is nearly ss good ns nine or ten pounds usually sown >f red clover. Hut It Is batter to put on n little heavier seeding than this, as the Alsihe Hover, perhaps because of Its small seed. Is more likely to be de stroyer! before the plant gets Arm hold of the soil It does not pay to seed light with any hind of Haver, nar yet with grass The space not occupied by the valuable crap will not ba vacant, for wood seeds ate always ready for just such opportunities. Mammoth ot pea vise Hover, as It Is aftsa called has a slightly smaller teed thaa the medium red clover Hut It grows so strongly that a lees amount of oeed of the mammoth slaver will give a seed in, rtoae rue ugh la esHude every iking j slse II 'here »*♦» «>•••'•*» I' sullli , ih seeding many *»••** “* ***da would 1 be MSS uwmeteu* thaa they rye Ms The lean hod tabs* in the market sad ms duea tfce twt Hag The etty bull ‘ters trny tfcetw Is a great dldereasa ig i teals among tketr vttatamsrw la a *>ge ta.rt la hew b.,g. *ae I man dose netktag but keep Ike stable ! iteaa Tba Irwppiwgs gre out allowed t* tegogib her Ass miAuig* ""■"■■■■"■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a LESSON Ml. APRIL ’.8 CON VERSION OF GENTILES. Golden Text: *‘Thei» Hath God Granted! fhe Gentile* Repentant * I'ntn l.lfe** Arts 11-IM The Growth of the Church of .lesn* I'lirUt. * 1«J have for to-day*# le*«on Acts U: 10-2*. Time, a l» 4<»-44. - Probab's the Go» pef wa- preached to the Gentile* at An* i<> h .4l»owt th« natiie tine* that it was so plainly stal ed by IVt#*r to Cor nelius at Cae**rea. Hamah** wax sent from Jerusalem to Antioch pm hap* a» earl1, a* Hot 42 A.D. \Ve know that th*» fa trine mentioned In verse 2H, a* the * loan of the passage selected for our study, wal ut It* worst in A. I) 4* Martial a* weut to Tarsus for Haul perhaps in 42. and he. with Ftarnabas. rea died Jerusa lem about the time of tin* paxsover In ths spring of A. I). 44. Place The city of Antioch, the metropolis of Homan Syria, enthroned like a queen of beauty on the verge of the blue Mediterranean It# emTiaiit lug groves were the abodes of lust and Its half million Inhabitants were abandoned to sin, whh*h some of them put filed as a business, some m a pleas ure, and. strange to say nearly all* ar w religion 'Hie Preachers To Antioch came a little company of tiellavei* In Je mu*. who had fled ftum Jerusalem hccaun* of Mix persecution by Haul of Tarsus. At first they dlxcloMed their troMUh of sal vation only In a Jewish synagogue hut, having btcatbed the broad spirit of Hteph en, they soon told the story of the cross to Gentiles. God's Hplrlt attended the preaching of the word, and many soul# were saved. Around these unnamed preachers, the unconscious founder* of a world-wide Christianity grew up a church where the distinct ions of Jew and Gentile were for the time being forgotten. It is u strange story; how the mother I Church at Jerusalem was startled by in# news of this innovation, how the liberal minded Flarnahns wax s**ni to Antioch to direc t the new movement, how the work so grew upon this good man * hands that before long he realised the need of a help er; how out of all the believer* he selected that very Haul whose persecution had been the rruuns of sending the first preachers to Antioch how »he llttlr hand labored until the meeting pla< * In fUrwroci street was thronged how the growing faith was baptized with a new name and how from this Church were first sent II b eral gifts to saints In need. and the that stream of missionary effort went forth to convert tin world. The full text of to-day -* le-son follows! 10 Now they which were scattered abroad upon the per seen t Ion that arose about .Stephen traveled as fat as Phenlce. and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to none hut unto flu* Jews only 2b And some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which, when they ware corne to Antioch, spake unto tlu* Grecians, preach ing the Lord Jesus. 21 And the hand or the I xml was with them, and a great number believed, and turned unto too Lord. 22 Then tidings of these thing# came unto the ears of the church which . I.. fs.i t h Barnabas. that ho should go »*< far as Antioch. 23 Who, when he came, and had seen the fare of God. was glad and ex horted them all. that with purpose or heart they would cleave unto th«* Lord. 21 For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much peo ple was added unto the Lord 25 Then departed Larnahas to Tarsus, for to seek Haul: 23 Antioch: who. when he WO* come, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and he exhorted them all, that, with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. 21 for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith; and much people. To-day's lesson should also Include I t 'or/12-20. 12. If Christ he preached that he ro*« from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrect Ion -In every center of the ancient world Paul ami other consecrated men wer*- proclaiming, with uimpuiled enthusiasm and power, a new creed and a new personal experi ence. which In blessed result.* far outdid all the religions men had ev^r heard of. Hut the very gist of this creed I he very basis of this experience, was that a liv ing man, who while on *-arth secured Ine salvation of his fellow-men. now sits on the throne In heaven, earing personally l or all hi* follow ers—d I vine in his power human in his sympathy. 13. If there be no resurrection of the dead, then Is < brlst not rlsen-'The same truth turned around. Christ died lo raise us from the dead to eternal life. But If he hart not pow*r to raise himself he cannot raise us. But If the resurrection be an Impossibility hh some of you teach—them of court**4, he had not power to raise himself. If you deny either you must deny both. 14. But see where such a denial will bring you: Our preaching \alti. and your faith Is also vain-Destroy the resurrection, and you have destroyed Christianity from root, to topmost bough. If you cannot be sure of any of the (fospe! story you must h*a\e out all that relates to the resurrec tion of our Lord; you cannot be sure of any Christian doctrine if you must deny i he • resurrection of the Just." All < hrfs Han hopes group themselves about this precious trutit: It is the foundation of our faith. If*. We are found false witnesses of God -The twelve were * eyewitnesses of the resurrection of Christ, which had oceurred only twenty-!lv» years before this epistle was written. Paul heard of it not tlien from them merely, but by di rect revelation. Hut if it was false, then altogether were false wit nesses--the basest "frauds'’ that ever lived. 1«. This verse Is the repetition of verse 13. 1«. Ye are yet In vour sins- Your pardon de pend* on Christ s atonement. Hut If he does not ever live ubove for you to in tercede " the atonement story i» a fiction, and your faith hi vain that I* good for nothing. 1*. "Ibath end* all if there Is ito resurrection, there are no hoavwnly • harpers harping on their harps. for ever glorifying Him who brought them up from the grave. Id. If hi this life only we have hois* In Christ, we are of all men most miserable, because w« are of all men most deluded We are sa«rlnc imt e\ cry thing for nothing "one main .itrinft or ri*ni union “* I mmI* put. It. !■ *«»••*• f» A iiothrahl* s.r.r, h«cau** of thr rmnhallt' aaaortlpn of i hr tli.t ;lau*r, ami hot ana* of tho two hrautlful Ilnur#* ul »n*»fh »»< in* 0. 0tul I'laimr til t'hrtat ha* U- . ntr th* Aral fruit, of I hr .Too I ho i» Until* 1. h.lar that all .hall rl»*. **«• lot* » » II ill Tho»r *ho hav .11-1 ha*r. att.r all only .l»iu " 21 Hoilt •l*‘<Mh j»“d 'If* • ftor liraih an« .oi».*|uon.«. iha ftr*» of Aiiam • »in *ho .rroh.l of Jooua Ifh uiniih lUrr «lu /» All fh» of. ui tlwW naiiiro hlrnlUal *lth AoOiu taiol that i* all of ll.■ ill* all *•*«» afr ln ***«•* .i* tiil»'**l ouh ‘"hrtat of a. *h* htl, w».i n iisrrtKl i »»>aII I** oioiia .it*. 3 In hi* *••* mi,,t *»'■• hi on#, ftl. 'omoi Tt*r •*** *-««»lt** af **u» [aoj H "fhh ***•*; Wl»»• “•* * I .ft* a M otoftMiiwt that r#r.»#***'# an<* .. .. if “•}<&* »f» I , Th* *n«» I* uaaalty mtlorataotl tw <»f.r io th* «'h*ao of Jno t>r»»*nl t»* toioMitoii dt*a4 ha* a 4#ll%#r«4 '*»* • **• tToa'uta ... <1-1 n-Mwaina th* *Vaa# .»if .Mil It thl. |*i*«it. I* a s**»taal l» Huol n * *H*a tt*, .«h.i. at* *alIt#trot h«Mi ID.) all tu'h'tMt ?!‘| tir.i th... a»* h* •*•* .'•ot-.'-l uTnht l« ih* hoaiiW i***m of #ar*fc at*4 hill him* or iNt«rk*T. A rklWfl|»MI *r.a«t *u ibta •ahuiti kh* <«**♦*•»» tko huh ** h« Irani ta out % Han t i*ml»« k«it 1**4* * • Hwiitii * day i*t *h*») klt» > <4 Urn •I roof. iut Mft I* 'dWiw* »«**•** M* » tao.l* It*.*. * kail. *#* !!*rb A «hMkd Mh i«r *»< d **d»W mhmiiia raft* ftautwf •*•***• Mr a* « M W haiblKf *»h»»«4* **“ m*o***4 « •«*4 4*»* u> tit I lk« '♦!. I*' W ffdapra 1 ihkl