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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1896)
Lioaal Daws. A Boone, tiik Jeweler. Abe Travis went lo Lincoln Monday. Sieve dray made a drive to Kavelina Monday. 10 pounds l>e*r Oatmeal for V> cents at daateyera Judge Bent has moved Into the Plummer house. For the New Kllwood F'ield Fence, call at VVatkinson'a John Reed, of Arcadia drove down to our city Sunday. Dave Richardson, of Clear creek was in the diy Monday For Harness amt anything In the Harness line see T. M. Reed. Seed Bariev to trade for corn at Watklnaon's Jla'eware Store. A. J. Wilson, of Austin was doing business at the hub Tuesday last. O. ami A. M. Bennett made a trip to Arcadia Sunday. T, C. Chamberlain, of Film town ship was at the county seat last Tues day. U . A l/iiMaoun s.f fill ,r WUU doing business at the county seat last Monday. Cal) on W. I*. Heed lie will lie pleased to quote you the Lowest Price* on Farm Machinery. Mr*. Nellie Ksndall will open up her stock of millinery to the spring trade in a few day*. Now Is the time to sow Onion Heed, you can get new seed at the Watklnson Hardware Store. For Mlllett, Barley. Alfalfa and any thing in the way of Field or Garden seed call on T M Reed. F. W. Halters and Mr. Kast.of Danne brog were In the city last Wednesday and attend the K. P. banquet In the evening. A marriage license was Issued to Mr. •. W, Bower and Mis* Mary Gardner by III* hen ;r Judge Kay last Saturday. District court which wa* to convene April 7tb, ha* been adjourned until May 25th. The e will be a new jury irapannelled. Annihilates—Dr. Humph rey*' Specific M77'' annihilate* colds, and put* Grip to (light. For sulc by all druggists. Judge Kay united in marriage on Friday last, James Holdt and Miss Christina Khoda. both of Hazard Township, this county. Mr. D. M' Crlss ha* tnove^ hla family Into the Stapp residence. We under stand that he la contemplating taking a trip to Cripple Creek soon. When you want Job Work done don't forget that the Nowthwestekn olflee la equipped with the best Job outfit In this county and that we are doing work at hard-time* prices. I. B. O’Bryan wishes us to announce that be ha* the finest thorough bred Jersey bull in the Loup country which he will stand at his farm this seasou. Don’t fail to see him before breeding. J. 8. Bensclioter purchased a Hue team of horse* of Mr. DeLyster, of Wiggle Creek. Mr. Benschoter has also rented the Pilger farm south of town and will try farming once more in Sherman county. Mrs. L. A. Kosseter who is receiving Iliuuivui uviuv a» we uaittuu inuuu •«» reported much worse and yesterday morning her daughter Mrs. C. J. Odendahl received :i telegram. She left on the inoralng train. The Kpworth League will give a sociable in the Walworth Hall next Monday evening, March 10th It is giveu out as a book social and we are requested to announce that all are invited, M arm ion Lodge. No. til. Knights of I’.vtblas of Loup City, had work in all three ranks Wednesday evening. Members of St. Caul and liraud Island lodge were lu attendant's ami insisted in the work. Wives of the members of the home lodge served lunch in Watkluson's hall at twelve o'clock. A, l*,l ulley sold last week to Adam Hchaupp. our hog buyer, two pigs given to his wife by Charles lieidel, for #37 30or 4.40 per hundred. They were eight months and fifteen day# old and weighed, lb# two, eight hundred pouuds, W ho can beat this at this age The red hog I* (he hog for this court try While ad thersst of not sister coon lies are Mndtug gold U might lot well for Ikriiasu county to try her lock at Itudtog Ike ‘gilttvilng slug *' Mbit ILiiwii tiling tu Log to township about 7 in a mites i wilt* si l oop city came to town the o<h«r In am| b|i a sample of M* H'l l at the >ture u| t'bas. itasteyer. Mr*, harsh A Uituns, mutber »| \, II and W T Ultes# w**given • h*p pf ssrptlse last t huiolsv sltemuou at lh* home of her *v*o I| It l. ksuu 11,< surprise wa* in Ike form • > Mttkdit patty and dinoer a< • • t» thete sets # tsrge number of lsni» ! titan U p**» M(, nearly alliteing el4> v »t,» a <1 IWls tVWe phe o. v«t n s fr . i.Vip btrtkdsy annlyerstty It Is repot »d *» being a m«**t pto*»aot and nut*| gob ering A full line of New Seed* just recleyed at Watkinson's. Kdwein Harper. Jr , of the west ride was in town Monday. O. Manchester was doing burlnccr in our city the fore part of thin week. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder A Purr drapr Cream of Tartar Powder. J, S Bentcboter roads a trip to Grand Island Saturday returning Mon day. Tboa. Buiton, of the west tide drop ped •! M Into our general fund last Tuesday J, T Hal" made a business trip to Custer City, South Dakota last. Sun day morning. Ed. F. Chinn, druggist at Ashton lias packed tip hit goods and shipped them to Ht. Paul W. II Conger and A Wall attend ml the congressional convention at Kearney last Wednesday. Mr . Hen Mapes, of Hamilton county wbo has been visiting her sister Mrs, A. Folia of tbit city, left for her home Thursday morning. Why la the Timer considered a very unreliable paper? Because It takes back In one Issue what It says in the issur b<‘f. re. “Bkkaka Cow*;. Dr. Humph* reya' Specific "11" “break* up” h eo)J that "hang* on;" fits your vest pocket. Fur sale by all druggist*. (.'has. Container went to Sargent last Saturday t'- see his brother Henry of that place. Henry lias been sick fur sometime In fact his health lias been very poor for the last, year There was a reception tendered Mrs,' Spurlock, Matron of the York Jewels Home at the residence of Mr and Mr*. T. I, I'llger, last Saturday night Mrs. Spurlock. Matrou of the York Jewels Home gave a very interesting lectice in the M K. church last Sunday evening. The church was crowed. (Jhas. Brook*, formerly of tills place, hut who went to Larimle CUy about three week* ago died at that place a few days after arriving. Herman Sparling, of Ashton made this olllce a pleasant call last Monday and presented us with enough of the wherewith to Insure a weekly visit from the Noktiiw katkun until 1807. Don’t forget the date of tin grand ball to he given at the opera house by the Germania Society. St. Patricks Day, March 17th, is the date. It will he the best ball of the season. Dr. J. M. Jones, dentist of Uaveuna made these headquarters a pleasant call yesterday morning. He visited Ashton yesterday on professional, busi ness returning here In the evening. Posters are now out announcing the grand ball to be given by the Germania Society at tho opera hou«e on St. Patrick* day, Murch 17th. Admission 50 cents ladies free. A good time Is expected. A birthday party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gibson in honor of Mis* Bertha Rigbtenour last Saturday night, it being her 12th birthday, A very good time was had by the little folks. t (^iilto a large crowd attended the Firemen’* bill last Friday night but not such a crowd as has been present on former occasion. A good time is A re|iunru, At ine expensee were neces sarily large the receipt* were barely enough to cover them. Jacob Albers returned from a busi ness trip to Omaha Wednesday. He ha* secured the contract for road work again this season along th« R. & M from Palmer to Arcadia. Mr. Albers has held the position lor the past six years and seeuts to have given entire » -faction. oup City Fire department met in raguiar session last Tuesday for the purpose of electing officer* for the ensuing war the following o.ttcers were elected: Chief, C I4. drake; Foremen Joe McCoy I As»*l ¥ M M V Mallei. J Ass t. F M A Hoorn l*t I'ipeiuao, J I. depew 3ml I* M. " , d French Jrd I*. M J Johansen llvtlraiit, C J. Roll Coupler. J I. j Hopper Sec. ii If tiiluo i Tree*, j W. T tiibsou. I'aku Sluituunt l.lver Itegu Utnr how Its ju«t the remedy fur the spring ml the I ymr to a ska up the liver and cleanse i the a ho e »y sleiti uf the accumulated a sale ul lit*' winter “My wife cum j osttej more Malaria In Alabama in I |wtl with slwiHusi l.lver Regulator 1 th *n all the ‘ha-tots in the neighbor I htMut Me a hoi a siege uf Malarls u Uuruss itatily. and ll helped us’ — M \ Pry sol, IWlia* let i* doe Rc>>« •«*, o| Hrl*td l-noshtp j «ue hi* aife at* having trouble *nd | the wife ha* left home ami I* living at I s He ghbet* at pienrnt Khe Mtt he ta ' threatening In hill her and htmtelf, | I at year* be haa made hi* all noth J in ehni> h a dtstnme uf Its mile* sins j he ha* ha I tins* to sin b»*t*«* In th* J *tahle M e umts tatand that he h»-ten** tu he* religion I hey have lived tigrtlei ah »ol At »«%•', hot It h>‘ h* a* though the* all! hue tu •operate * Mo* of‘he children are giunu up, the 'V nunge *t In lag about t*» tea** aid IMkic—Win. Young, of thl* city, and ■ father of Mr*. C. II and Mr*. Deyid | French, died *1 the hoc e of hi* former named daughter la*t Monday at 5 o'clock |>. in. He waa 7.7 year* of age at the lime ol hi* death an ha* been a resident of Sherman and Buffalo couni Ie- for the past 21 y ar* having moved here in I be summer of 187-1 After flrat coming to l.oup City he then located In Buffalo county and for. year* real-led In what w ax then c lied the half-way houae hetween here and Keatney on the old Kearney Htagc line Many of our oil citizen* will remem her with pleasure the time when travel ing over the above route, the kind hospitality extended to them hv Mr. Young and hi* good wife. Mi Young j resided on the farm In Buffalo eoupfv for in mi v year* and until Hie death of hla wife when he moved to Loup t'liy and ti hi* declining year* made hi* home with hla daughter*, lie ha* been very feeble for some time and hl» death was no surprise to the com munity. Funeral service* were held at * o'clock in the Baptist chinch on Tuesday last and the remain* were in- i terred In Evergreen cemetarv. Grand Island. N'eb , Feb. 1.7th,iHtitl j Our book* are now open for con tract* anil will remain so until me eleventh of April I Halil) <l«y) unless the required acreage shall be made up pre vious to that date. No contract will he accepted from any other than parlies purposing to give the crop the best <>f attention, and who either own or rent desirable land adapted to the growth of the suyar beet. Not less than three acre contracts will Ire accepted Blank contracts can be seen by applying to .1. I'nif. .lAKiii-tt. Loup City. Nebraska. OXNARO BKETHUGAR< O I have Horse* to sell or trade. T. M.Kkkij. ftrliitf Your Friends to N«t>ru»ku The Chicago, Burlington & Qulnejr K. It. publish a sixteen-page monthly ; Illustrated newspaper called the •‘Corn j Belt,” wblcti give* in an Interesting wav Information about western farm lands, particularly those In Nrbfasks. The regular suhscrltlon price Is twenty-live cents per year, hut if voii want it sent to any of your friends living east of the Mississippi River, send ten cents in stamps for each such person, giv ug name and full address and the paper will be sent for one year. The B. & M. R. R. Agent will show you a sample copy of the paper on request. Help your Slate and Induce your friends to immigrate. Add rasa the Corn Belt. Adams Street, Chicago, III. —j—— King Solomon's Notion. That "There is nothing new under the sun” does not always convey the truth. Especially is tlrs true as regards the new composite curs now operated daily via the Chicago, Union Pacific and Northwestern Line between Salt Lake City and Chicago. These handsome Bufi'et Smoking and Library Cars are entirely, new throughout of latest design, contain all modern improv ment*. and are well supplied with writing material, the leading daily papers, illustrated ' periodicals, maga zines, etc. The fact that these cars run daily via "The Overland Limited-’ and that the Union Pacific wtBthe line west of Chicago to Inugerate this ser vice should commend Itself to all. See that your tickets read via "The Over land Route” For February. I«M Hbrbest Tempi, for the mouth • > ultove Lowest * below Mean above Coldest day Fri., 7th warmest day Wed. 3fllh. No. days sunshine is parts of day* sunshine II No. of days Wind from the South 3 NW II xW 0 NK 3 •• 8K 3 •• •• without wind 3 No humidity perreivable durian the month OHsKHVEM c. s ukfaictmf.nt of AomrrLTC«F. WKATHKK UCREAl' Nil. I. WHITCFLAU Fair Weather No 7 Fl.AU Main or snow No*. Tup HALT wit it* tx>WBN Local Mains. No t lit.*' a THTAIN.U* Tempieinrr No. 3 WhitC rt.Au with Ht-ACa wj iaie in • enter fold Wave latsaeartatios ‘*r ui»» When No t Is plat ed above No* I. i and 1 It indteatvs warmer weather and when plated ta*|oW Nos I 3 and 3. It thdiewies totder weather When No. 3 Is pia*'«l below Nos I wud 3 lair or wet w«*wther with tsiM wa>e Awarded highaal Honor*, World'* Fair. DU BAKING POWDER MOST IMKH CT MAM. A |NN C' >|*a i fWAtu of 1 idn I'. a.Ur, |rws haws Aw amti, 3tail ac *** v*6-* •**•*«'ic* 4d AVAR* THE ITaMMKD DON’T DO IT Cy , Dlapute with a T woman when Inbe nay* our Lfiooda are the Only ()m*n to Huy. Bt* eaunc aim known wimt ahe in tiilkmg about. Argue wii.Ii her (when ahe «ayn (tur Prbe* are MoNXY'BaVKHN. She talka like ®A a aenaible woman who known what’n what, wy Try to excuae vouraalf for go* * ' mg to Home oth |er a tore inatead Bm ‘of Our*. You uB know that you can offer no renaon that can be sufficient CTj for panning tfje atom where t[M the BlCST arid CtlKA I’EHT go together. Hr I r* Kxpect your wifi; to meet toil pleanalit I V if you've gone 'to aorne other ntore than Ourn, when nlie exprennly told you to go nowhere elne. Don't do tbene thing* if you expect to live long and keep rour/ hair on. VVK WANT ALL l’KOPLK TO DROP IN AND MKK OIJH NKVV STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Qnee&svare, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Famishing, Goods, Notions* Etc* IT IS THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! We have got the Strongest Line We have Ever Offered in this Market, All at Extra Low Prices. ^tToup BAIT IS BARGAINS jg» T. L. FILGER, New York Store. Coup City, Nebraska THE BEST PUCE to trade is Gasteyers—And Consumers are convinced of this when they read our prices. What Do Vow Think of Thist bents underwear, per suit .70 Ladies hose, gnrunteed fast black, pair .12 Gents all wool “ “ “ .1-10 Childrens *• “ “ ‘ ' Mens work gloves, horse hide.50 Infants hood, silk or velvet, each.70 Men's “ “ oil tanned .75 Silk Tam O Shanters “ . Steel Enamel Ware, First Quality. Coffee pots, 2 <jt each. l'‘‘u kettles each. 0.»J Tea pots, 2 <jt each. 45_Handle stew pans, l <tt each. 15| APPLES! $1.00 PER BUSHEL APPLES! ™™" OIL. Lewis L}#, per can...'.10 Kosene, per gallon . -JO Kagle “ •* *• .OS Headlight, per gallon. . .— ■ - . . .- ——* MAKING powdkk. stakch. Calumet per |Mmn*l.30 Oelluloiil per lio* .10 .. it .j,% Ar|{i> glofc* I luHce* .35 Ainurirau family ’• ..i.lft mmmm Altl. PACKAGE COFFEE TWENTY ONE CENTS. Dried Fruit Cereal* Apricot*, per pouud....... •• Navi Urn.. per pun ml .or I Vac bee •• anrl lo Cal Pink licuu* ‘ •* .01 Plum* »• •• .t*l It tat sw***! * •* ........... o.s Prune* ** ** 0* |He*l Japan rice •* ** ....... .07 jtUUiM "I*. • "'j N H Tu (M'ltvi u«|«g ii iiHtkl* i<l |l iMiur Ht"1' v. U.< . Ilii'dllf-ltl *b» b*’*l Ijd »• • til n»»* a t* ll««»k fu iiit m |MUliMwwidg iv «t«u»» «»l ll«> ui uttuiv, *l»w •ml *» »* < tM*|tw«) M »f> tt l»l *t *tll |i»» a !*»•*• »l(u| « valaaMa V»tm *u<l IIummI* *1*1 K«v'|«|ii|MdMg. Until filial «vi»r emvAilly mid tula* your ru*lt iiimI produrt* to (i.•#. i