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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1896)
Z4ei J • y K-'.J- '• * J Loup City Northwestern. :V(JI XIV LOU I* CITY, SI I HUMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. MARCH _NUMBER 1 The Northwesi ern PUBLISHED EVERY KRI.MAY AT TIIK COUNTY HKAT, uko »■;. iiKmwiiori'.B, Editor and Publisher T£i E$t 60 »«» Tsar. *1 1**14 ft A4**ftCS C— . . ~ ~... r-\: ' ■ rr- TTSSSX ftaurai at tba f/>up 1 fty Vortmtot m tor traaa mUHrlou tLroufh Um ioatl« a* clan i/iattar. Ooir Repotmcao Newspaper u Sderman Cooitr Tlx; N<*w Kra H'aodard comes out this w»-«k a» a Woman's Kdition, it < .1 ... .» . I.. I . I ..<4 A i/i m r,i||i.v,u ■ inn I 1 try . - " - • Hociety of Kearney. The issue was a hummer and reflected much credit upon the management. There will be live eclipses this year. There will be two of the sun, two of the moon and one of the democratic party —Fullerton News, The Nouthwkstkiin predict* that there will also be a total eclipse of the populist party tbie fall. ^ W, J, Broach, Mayor of the city of Omaha has announced himself as a candidate before the republican Htate Convention for the nomination of governor of the state of Ne brea ks Mayor Broaeh will undoubted ly make a strong pull in the race The Parol" coa-t and territories me said to Ic- solid for Mekinley at the Hi Louis convention, Theelcc tlou of M< Kiuley would benefit the west us well as the entire country because it would insure a protective tariff that would restore confidence to capital and revive National pros perity._' (’liinrmiio, If. 0 Cutting, of the fVmgressioiirtl committee for tbif the six h district writes VV. fl Conger, congressional committee man for 'In-rinao county that the commit! <■ will men, jn tne city of Kearney next Wednesday, March I |lb, at i o’clock f -r the purpose of fixing time and place for holding the congressional convention and transact such other business as may come before the meeting. We made a note last week that one of our citizens donned himself with a new suit of clothes and another had a new milch row, which items the editor of the Monitor dipped and got gay and said that Loup City was having a boom in consequence. Perhaps This would be considered a ■great boom for the people of Litch field and for that reason we can excuse the Monitor man for trying to make something out of nothing. Loup City has no boom but has u -substantial and steady growth ami the Monitor can note in its next is sue if it likes that there is tow be ing complete!) a new residence here, and citizens living hsre arc eon teuiplaliug the election of two rnori buildings, one a first class brick business block, ami one a two slorj residence. 1* might also note tliai y we have not tin-1 anv business fail urea Imre all through the hai'i time* and that there are a good muiiv new comer* already located here ami but few vacant resident* bouse* iu lowu, Th« fat hog and the milch cow are the t wo greatest t actors ill tin bauds id western farmers for com verting lheir grain*, grasses ami root crop* into a »on.tensed form ol merchantable product that ever) •lav in the y ear sell* for ua»h. .1 well bats item I ration call* for them sueeiilent gr (»«•-» ami roots to g aloug with drv eoru It is a bappi •wduunb'ore iu Nature a order o tbiwgs *ua< while tlm well doing ol itm farmer • live »(.>ck depend# m|*<I ^ s.ith a • oiil'li’**e n of fc«*d slnlt the land* up -n Wtileh lie g|i>Wa hii crops are also kept in a l**U*r stah «•( ferltlklt and cultivation by r#a •■•n of h wi g pr duces) acoottliuf In «uti. si «i«m of taiiili'A Hit1 warn*' Vo|.-ti of ervtus \> braski Farmer null lrrl|ttl«R. Last week w<- published that people living on <‘l,,ar creek had discovered spring* of water which during the last three years had been dried up, on account of the unusual ly dry weatlu r, I' lias also been observed that the wells in Loup City have a niucfi more abundant supply of water than formerly, ever since about the middle of December last. By most of our people it lias been ascribed to the irrigating ditch above town, and hence was no mat ter of surprise, but »< now learn that ten Adcs below Loup City several farms have indications by the development of large damp spots on ibe surface of the ground that, nature is carrying on a system of tub-irrigation where there is no irrigating canal to which such a pfjenominon may attached. It has also been oiscoved that in many wells throughout the county the water which has been very hard has ahanged its quality and is soft, and more like rain water. All the circumstance* are very hop* ful signs for the future of this country. As tee fountains of the great deep have opened up from beneath and a supply of water is coming up Ailing the crevices and furnishing the natural subteranean channels with /valer, replenishing the springs and soaking up 'lie subsoil generally, | we may look f .r immense crops in | tlie near future. The pore of our ' soil are perpendicular and whi n j r ue power or me sun « neat i* jeii | by ibe earth, capilary attraction will draw the subterranean damp ; ness to the serface, giving us the heavy dews and welcome moisture i to which our climate has been a 1 ctranger for some time, excepting when ii tia* com*' to u* from the i cloud*, such supply being usually j local ra>ln r than general, and in suring crops on!) where tin.' showers fell And now aid) renewed hope let our farmer* pul in ail the crop* this spring that they can attend to well, and cultivate in good shape. The only farmers that really can expect good crop* are those that do good cultivation, and observation shows that the deligent farmer gets the best reward for his labors in all seasons. As to the causes which are producing this unusual supply of water our people are i i much doubt, and various conjectures arc ad vanced, some are of the opinion that the comparatively recent earthquake a and consequent shrink ing together of the surface of the earth is the cause; and others that it is oeesioned by the melting of the heavy snow in the, mountains; arid still others by the repul approach of the new comet. Of the cause we cannot offer any solution. With the results of wateron our soil we are very familiar, and anticipate graud results in the coming season from natures new depnr'nre. We hear uponull sides a good deal about the average farmer having to out down expenses. Mini) of them have come to the point of cutting down their current reading matter. If this is done ul all it ought to t/e 1 the la«t resort, uioess there i* actu ally more of tht-e papers and magu aloe* coming to the home than ' of the family seem to demand. Intelligent discrimination should then be brought into play It is an easy matter aud a common thing lot i a farmer to chew or blow up in amuse enough money in a year to Keep the household abundantly supplied •» liir ' the In it of |i‘.t Itt'ttiv upon alt plira*va f nf ail ipttoiMous licet should righl'ullt ■ I hi Ki|'( Imfoie tin i*-m g pm.p.p tint f I tin-> may be brought up to hr > d | luiude l men and women. \V< * 1 i lu liii r of rdfriii Intent mudi line • I *• three \Ve Km w ».l| slot it W. 1 Htft |rt It (tv tifoM|gtfl U« t*t* if Hj !i * j Miff IHiJdtH 4 #!ftf | Iff lift , • I’m t* Mi r 44 n|U k * tiik#ft? 6.11 • 41 ill 1 [ ■ K»‘* |» I Uf % wtj i-. « • t 1 i I Mllii til e » 4# i t*Jg H« I Mil ill 1 luild l* I III . k| i I I j *♦# iu (h« 4 t*ii 4 I The Utirti hjng of the Olm y boom ; in Hoatoo w»* uliri'mt immediately!,, followed Jiv the launching of the CurlUle h om in New York. V; though (Jenernl Harmon »n» pro-j poaeil *omc ti ne ago 'here are »•’» era I other no tuber* of the eabinet yet to he beard from before the re turn* an all in and t|io nominal ion* cun I e declare'* el' »eil. Hut there nre two member* of the pre*li*ent’» i-lfMal family wlioae name* are never mewlloned in thin j connection, I’oatmaater Otueral VVil ^ ■on and rti erntart Mortlon, The I lattef h » tin- ilia'lnetion of being | the only Jabinet olfUer who during 1 hi* term of oftlce baa gone out of Ilia , way to air free trade notion*. No doubt they all lean that way, and perhap* a* atrotigly a* he doe*, hut they have the an run to keep tin ir lip* cloned. The gentleman at tire head of tin-department of Bgti'ul tore ia a* much given to prating of i free trade m Uncle Toby wan to telling In* war atory. To the poor < farmer* of the far wer*. who waul' d j the *eed coogre** had uproprlated to them he aeut free trade epmlle*. It will be ’ohuerved that no one rim ea*t or went, to propone J. Merllng Morton for preaidant, '«*< * ... I i.iu I ir *»»■'*** m ; <• i/»w "'»~r | sort, however, l# the Wilson ca-e. | As postn.asier general that gentle | u:;tn has done nothing to e»lnmend ! him to th* public or on the other : ,r»(l weaken him We recall no | i*<;i in hi* pie ‘oil capacity which | the people either pr*i"'<l or l»lKtrit-tl, In fact nothing that ('ailed out Comment of any kind. lie has been left to -uck his official orange uu I disturbed Hut during the first lodfof the Cleveland administration hi w.-.s aim >■»' o s conspicuous a ; liyui as lh‘ president himself, es | pedally while congress was in ses i hion. 11 v 1 f i*. dropped out as effec ns if the earth had opened Its poe* runs jaws and had gone to meet j Korsh. It will be remembered that when the Wilson bill passed the house the enthusiasm of the democrats knew no bounds, The father of the bill was taken upon the shoulders of his admirclng fellow congressmen and be was borne alonge in a triumphal march. The republicans were de lighted when the Me Klnlcy bill passed and there was a good deal of congratulatory handshaking, but nothing at ull comparable to the ovation Mr. W'ilson received on his corresponding occasion. Where are those enthusiastic friends now? It is true that shoal* of them were relegated to private life, bat most of them are still active in politics, and why do they not make themselves heard? There can be only one explanation. The democratic party want* to get as far away as possible from its free trade * until__ i .. i*. IVV'MII. »» MIIWMJ »<• ' about the leant likely to In; nominated for president of any man in the democratic party. In tbi* reaped In- outclaaaed e\eu .1 • Sterling Morion or Uavid Hill. Over tlte dealt | of the farther of the Wilaon lull aliouid be luaerjlji I in bold relief j the word Idtlb t'. l iter Oee III There ia ou other name uaed be fore the American |)enpl« today' which nniae* the hiieiaam of thtfj American people na doea that of j Major MrKinbt fit abnoit any atate before altival any audience, tlia lomtc of M’ Kitd»> i* greeted with the gri ale-t enthiisirtm. It ia eaa> to ace why. No man can know MrKb lcv and not |uta him. j ||e ia an A iiaricaii a 'nan of glial Intellect, Mini I nr Wei II lo lx-lot'll' | Mi i |Ut>'lo el tide tffc'il <’<ii|l|ttt i lie. m a ftii i t of iata r. a fiteml In .veil thing M. t fynai lalair and .1 11 lie pcojdi tnve him for It, ali*tton | Clipper r \ K ■ T||. I .• p iMo-t* to <h Ira i u ni.In to tUi't l die pi f■ •• l* *e r>f r . n ■■ t i pr« -1 III tl« Mi I i ; Idi (in hi Brat, t » ic f r Mi Kodd •<* b'f till* n and • »« da i t lt«. li ant Muidai < >n j Ken tic i ann, W — V;!] the best SPRING MEDICINE * Simmons Liver Regulator don't 'Ofg ‘t to Like if, | lie | iver get* sluggMl lurin ' the Winter, just like all nature, imi the system l; onie* choked up hy tvs iu cumulated waste, whu li bring* on Y> ilaiia, I i: , -r and Ague and Rtieuma i*m. You want to wake up your l iver low, but be sure you take SIMMONS Liver regulator to do it, it also ’cguldte* tlie Liver - keep* it properly at work, when your system will be tree (rom xdsoii and the whole body invigorated. You get Till-: lti;s i HlAlOH In fC'tft system i* In Al condition, and that rill only bt when the Liver Is kept a< live, I rv a Liver Remedy once and note the liTference, Hut fake only SIMMONS I. IVI i' REGULATOR it i« SlMMOfr-, LIVER REGULATOR which make-* the iflerere e, I ake It in powder or hi liquid flready (irrpared, or make a tea of fhe I>6wder; but take SlMMOV LIVER I'tOU LATOR. You'll find t!, • RLIj / on • cry package. Look for It, J. If. fteliln A ( PJilladclphl'i, I’m, The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, ♦ lie larg* -,t watch case manufactur ing c'jin ern in the world, in now putting upon the Jas. lions lulled and other cases made by it, a !»ow (riii'/,) which cannot Ire twisted or pulled off the watch, 11 is a cure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old style bow, which is simply held in by frict ion and can Ire twisted off with the fingers, it is called the •nd CAN ONLY BE HAD with JtgL Ik .ring tbeir trade m»rV- y-T Sold only through watch dealers, without extra charge, A ik any jeweler for pamphlet or t end to the manufacturer*. fir. Price’* Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. A choi»« half -I'ctiou of highly rail tlvated land fur *»le, Price *210OJM). E'or further particular* call on or ad lire**, Eiaiieit A 0KN*cmrrER« at Loup Oltv. NOTICE or SUIT TO XON-KKNIPKMT MEEKSOAST -tatc of Sehra.ks, / „ Sherman Ootinty, I William Oanli. non resident defendant, will lake notice that on tt,e Ulli 'lay of January, l"ks, Bu«* K, Oiplcn, plaintiff filed III* pal it ion 111 Mm District Court of "ihermanCounty. Nebraska,agal■ William i.u*h L'mon Trust Company, >l< ary T, arke. Receiver Union Tru. ' ompany, Arml'iln* 1'. Culler, the ol,)ect n,'l prayer ,f which are to foreclose a <* rialn oort raRe execute I by Mm 'lefaa'laiit William bash to the ilefen'laiil Inlon Trust Oll'p'IMy UJIUn ui' MtllirWlllK 'Him ,f)| properly, to-wlti The North mat It imrier of iviil'in Twenty (■£) Townahip I ifleeri l.'.i North Italian Fifteen (lit weal Kill I*. M., in Sherman County, Nnhraaka. to eeetirti lha payment of a certain bond dated Ai>rfI lh I«r7. for the aiilil of Thirteen Hundred li'iilitra if.alii,Wii due and iniyahlii ou the IItit day of April. ISM*, anil Hint them la now due upon aatd hnnd and mortipitfe end lor ta»ea Iiiam aaid properly paid hy aaid llnrk K. Ilipleu the aoio ol Thirteen Hundred sixty four Uni lam and Klghly obu i elite if 1401 all and Inlet eal tuerenu Plain tiff praya for e decree that defi ndant* he i eif ti I red lu |«y the ainoonl due mi aeeoiiul of »aid bond, morttratf* and taiea an paid, • r that aaid premise# may he sold In aallety I he aunmiil lo'iml due mu arc r<"tuired loanewer aaid pidlltnn mi or liefore thelnd day o| Man n i» * Hated January Hill HM. Hi >11 p: imnek, t'lalul Ilf Uy It m i i.k i i. lit mu ink, Hk Untie ami kioin laoAi.k liana Atlaal Ilia tlliiti- ft, l.opia itkik, Clerk'd lilatrtrl Court huTUK op aCIT TO Ho* lll.alUP.XT likrikltMTA klatauf Metitaekk, | sloo 110,11 ( uuul), i • John J I'aaepo knr and llai i tel v Pen* packer, tout-real-lent defendants will lake nnlhe ihat on tti» Dili <l*y ol Januaiy. law, tin* k I Ihtdi it |i alntlfl Hied Ills pelttloa In t hr l>lalio (‘ ooiI of a hel ium county, Nelu >»ka. a*a'oat .1 .hn J 1‘nni too km, Harriet t f, "■ i ■ > km. I ni"n I nut • ooi P »liy amt lh III y I i laika, liorliai I a l"U I lUipau?, Iln ->.)»'* an I pia.m id ahoh ui" in loti In** a in lain Madlfaia Mn uled hy Ihe dafi-iidaula Jotiii J P*he|>at-km and Hat tit I t Ptoirpa* fci i to Ihn defendant I'nion tl oil I uMipiatiy u|*t» the f"l|,.»inu iliui rllaul |-io|ii fly i lu w H the Not I It Ural ljue'fet nf kei I ion Pout ih tow ttkhlll k"t 1 o -I lli..ya t ,<u f I r«>u .<ll k'd u| Mo till I' It. in t’OMi'4'i I ouuly kelttaajle. lo aateate the ttavutetti u| w vet lam leoid Ilulatt Mai »' Wf, lot the anut of 1 aetre It in III 1 It-diatt tltroiao doe end in ■ aide on lit* Hm dat'd Mu, l«4, and I hit I halt la Hat due upon said bond and '•no I* a** uwd fof !*»*-» W|a>n -aid pto|s >1 k I’Mid by raid back t I'4 I■ M. ib* loo, of 1 a alt* Mwodtrd Pill* on* MMlaia and HI It i wit waul* d «v-ti i and iamt*«t I aoilirt piatafot *4*m*a I ha I dafandaot* to- -*t|»iC<*l to |a> ttkean*ou*it due on a* innwt id aaid lamd neoiatffe end lake* ao *i i, ttt tleal **• l iitMMiaea may ha autd lu Ml Mtiy ttt* amoonl loon I dm • lit ate te»|H|tt d to **#» »t aaid |al ll low o" >u I i tio. ll»> ,d dai of Maiyb lata lilt d lannitv I II. »«• biik i iwtha*, PkaiaiiM hpHteil kM tul t «<n* li* Moan and kloitltko nl 1 ana 11t**t tia atloiNvya I ol It Mata, i telk of IMlIyi * noil |». c |»OK. A.P. OUUilT, Vlrr I’ntlilrnl, Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Ix>an* on Improved farms at NINE per oent. Beet Company sad MIMV Ut be bad la the west. OouaiKimvn:-<%eml<ai National Bank. New York Cttj, 1.1/ Oaata J**tioael Mans Omaha Nebraska. W. .1. KIHIIKK, CKO. K. HKNHCHOTEK. Attorney end Notary Public. Publisher LotJP ClTT Noktiiwkstkmn FIRMER A BENRC’HOTER, HEJHj ESTATE •fitiEJYTN. 1,01 P CITY. • - NKHKAHKA. Town bit*, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale. 0 i 1 Hirtf^lffOC Co*t* no more t -»ther packageaod#—ne-erj <*<!• I" pdf/Hd"*£5. floMr—univer*!!, . ./'/It... : purest in the wot id. < Made only b) f mSH H k CO., New York. '»<j*d by «roter* ererywbc* < Write for Ann uml h noun r hook of vu!until o l. • ■ V , ~ ' . I*r4 TIMK TAMMS A MMtaotKI ItlVf MK, M. KAMI. WMT. 1:4ft I' M. fA**yn* ft AO F. M A. F W rut*. A(tf II. I*. UAII,WAr Beginning H onlay, November I7ili. train# will arrive ami depart #1 tlda nation aa f dlowa; lAiavaa fAtavea Monday. Tuead -y, I * ,u, W*dn«.d.yTbunalay. J " Friday, ) *'m a'urday I Arrlrea at l.oup City daily 7. .ftp. in Clot* I'oimaelloo at Orand laUtitJ for all polnta Ea»t and Wert r, w, <;i.iur BENHOHOTER, ruoi. or EXPRESS***' GENERAL DELIVERY LINE All K*[.r«»» or rr«l#lit order* promptly attended u. yj^r J.KIrtU) It Attni*nBUa,a^'*^aw' W*I4 *e»<! iniprofrettS ImimIm for »*l« An« <fioft«y to loan on r«nl hmIhiu Ml IIP CITY. • • MB RARE A. Do Your Frionds Woor Clothes? AQENTB WASTED, Mak. aionay »w */llk oar uwela uulAl, far Aral da»t tailoring at all kindt ai uo,mUr *rt*t Wm* far fall |uuim.»I*ii and it-* tal laratt la 4y*«t* Nathan WolfT A Co., ill W. Navanth •».. Cincinnati, O. Dr. Prlw'l Cream Hatting Homier A Pure Hraga ciaan at larlar t'uwdar. IKIM.HMIUKNT MOTH t I* UlaliiH I brutl iff *b..un»n t'uuuty, ttaWMU Mia It \ Mull, k. Plaintiff, f •< ill* untm aulialtant, brutal, .|*«a>w|, |i»l*mt*Mla tulkr UNkauau kallr ul lb* aalai* u| i Anal* t. H>4'l. da. a»*il. .tulniulaui yuu mill lak« imllaa that -•« li» lain day t4 January, lata, Tta* |l«talilf luiain altttl bar im.iiii.ih lu iba Aiairin marl In amt lot ab*«Hi*H t.'iiniy k*bju«a*, again*. caid ••ulcnlani*. Ilia ok I** l ami |rray*« iff a blab ar» l« Inin Itaa • fat Mm. iiilAmb la aanl lit It t Jarktoa Ik* lb*u ounnly litaaatttr i .1 lot •!,< i u. , t . .ruul t, kal* ittla Ini lb* d*ilauu*«i ut , tt> lb* >>•• i alia in* turn ..l in at in *1, *101*11 tnanli, Hui.iaaka. and tm lb* aMUMMfavbl trait nl .art, i*aa and **t All >1 lli . a nttr. t». »|n nl# on* ami )*» It, lb* tttlfftaai loan tat* 11 ut I .111(1 111*. . *l.«an.att ■ maty, tiki»m abittb aaid la a **,» .ail i brat* » a* h* Ik* *1*1 day >4 ' atiHratM. taff duly miita l la Ik* ylaia lliff.lbal ««*#* !* an* Ja- lb* nalwtid [b I«I>1 ll.a an in >4 fi I a* laaaa ad |tua ii l plaintiff I n a Jtt'iat >4 lawliaai* ami “i.|t* >4 u . tt* aanl *. a tat l*t • luana t» i.tlt.'d luwiau aanl yalilMa ! nn ut iMMitaa Ik* *>th day .4 Matt a Id* ul Iba a !• *ati <»* 11***#**, f ail ba laa.n *« Mu*, anti |t>ll*i aiaalnl a* ini. i Ma« It A kb a, Plaint a lb it**, a lit <•#» It*. Aliy A t leal I "bi* Util*, * at a 4 Iba Itultt. 11 » tl THE MILD POWER CURE* HUMPHREYS* Ur. Ifuinpl.rrr*' Hmdln are adastMcadJIr aad careful!/ prepared llamadha, ilfad (or jaan in private practice and fur over thlrt/ /ears hr the people with entire aw near. Kvar/ *tnfl* kpeclIWa apodal care tar the dlaaaaa aaraad no. ,eft tat” -Wrrno WonSVerer?WortnlSl?. ! Toeililiiai Colic, Crying, Wakafsta** < lllarrhcu, of Children or adulta. yaBSflgtKBiSis i Barbs, Odd*. Bronchitic... • sera lain, Tootbacli*, Facaacb*. •—Headaches, M<* Headache, Vertlao. , lO-U/epepeln, Blllousne** O*uUps0*a . 11—Mapareeeod or Falafal Ferteds. • 13-Whites, Too 1'rofijas Period*. I la f roua., Hoanenaa*,^. , 14 Hall Ubourn, Kr/«lp*l*#.Eruption*. , 15 HI.eame iUrn. or Hhcumatlcfaln*.. , Baturin, Chill*, Fever and A#u*.... , las, Blind or Weed In*.. $s#r^yaBaeto: hooplas tlaeab. , Bibma, Opprvaaed Breathlna........ < L^Ulwbnrjraa.^IiBfiabedBBarlnr , .serai — 3» Klduer Ulaeaaes.. . UM-Msrvaua |)lfUlltVt • r • rtiaair«a«»|l •re Horn Mouth, or Canker.. . IfcuTpbtberlaTcKraird Hire Throat.", *5-4 broele ( uuaeeilau* * Eruption*. , U ea II DR. HUMPHREYS' QDID 4CC #7 SPECIFIC FORBKlr,ZD * l ut up lo email bo. tie* of pb-waat 0Mb|M OU/ourvastpocket raa t/hreaftH*. «V *♦** pMt -a«ia an nub* <Bk> Iw tfluFiiitih Mahual vSii1ms«iI* ttnvu*d,> m+a*4tr— utamiuiMi'■*«. om 11 * i u mauiB at, n« nu SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS9 WITOH HAZEL OIL “TMf PHJE OtNTMNT/ {ssssssasassa?* FBJOB, M OTi. THi*«^^g|||. baa » BnaaMH •* ***a r~t»*n ** mh**i <rf mm HI*«**>»•»**•«*•,HI anaanauiat,iwM. W i. mak< y. « DENTIST.* iikMUK la K«*4 a*4 Htnr WMMg, *Ml llil* I'.iUn t.uap (!ll|, *ab. MUHTUAUK MU kultw la baivbv girau lhal bi nirta* ui k . banal ui.tiigaga 4al*4 blnka* tNlk -a. au l lair At.-4 lb Ihw »gl** ul lb* !*■>«*• It talk .4 4>iw t VMM a Ilf. V i.iaib* .»* • Jltl 4»» •>! iMblal, HkB »*4 #*m Mint H| taabbaf Alult lu « C Me*4 U> laaara lb* 1*1 (Unlit *4 »ba •*•«* .4 >»■.•»> MM.I m*w» • nidi ll.nn t* (*•«* 4w* Ih* «» ul *4. M Itmeult bar lb# 'win m*4« tu lha t* rat* a I 4 I I in*, a*4 annuli a* .ilfeaf klian I .<*»*< ** »i*n«g ba*'» «..»II»mI«4 \u ml#* i*.4 4*i4 hi »mi bail ilwiwl, I a ill ■all lb* tttutwilf IbalnlH 4**«*lla*A. In a II t Ian amntl b*a4 »lw4. i«bn In* MMM*. • Hb *»4 abliba. a* f Ilka MaUbbiwa • i «>i «*ib»i iMibt |4 '« » »**h nan *a* bln* till I. •**«». lb *••»« • ***!*. • ..lilt |. a. ..»• U*n* w*l mill*lm *•*♦ i ... . a ..Lb **< • mu* .Uni. « l>ka*. ailb Man: bn* a, It •*>• b val *a»4 kata M *ba |ii.i Ibl amp iHtf, Hab a* lla lath »V •" *■»•** taibai */ m u$ tan*Jar. lutnl Ibla i**b int >4 r4wn*i» uaa • I Kiln it ugagn-h