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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1896)
^ * The Northwestern - - 'X.Ag -- - - ■*UBLISHRD KVKRY KRlIv A Y AT TIIH COUNTY HK AT. UKO. id. HKSIPM)II«» I'CB. Fdltor and Publlebar TfcHMh >1 SO ft Y«ar. it Paid in Advaaeo . -issn -:—— -1 Ratera-t at tha fxmp City PoetoHles for traaa BtHlui through t-o mail* a* ••coni. •laaa matter. 1' 'T*1' ""’»»' ~ -sr«——rr« -M Only RepoDlicaa Newspaper id SDermao CoodIf KKPitHl.lnAN COUNTY CONVEMTON, A Republican counlv convention for Hher nmn county. Nenruska will In- hold In the Court Mouse lit. I.oup City. Nebraska on Haturday, April llth l«WI. at oae o’clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing delegates from said county to the convention to he held at broken bow April 13th mwi. to elect delegates from the sixth congressional district of Neb raska, to the National Republican convention at Hi. f.ouls. To elect delegates from said county to the Nebraska State Republican con vention at Omaha. April Hth. IHkH and to Iran sui". such other business an may come before Milileounty convention Representation In said county convention Is apportlonod to the several townships of said count v as follows: Oak Creek -J Rockville I. I.ogan 3, Clav. 3. Washington 3 Harrison 7, I Hint Hcott ‘l. Webster I ■“ Hazard ft. lamp City II llrlstol I Ashton I. tt I* respectfully recommended that town ship primary tnettlriya be held on Saturday. April 4th. Im. Republican cestral committee Sherman County By M. H Chairman. it. It. iii'mbows, see. pro tern. Republican Primary Elect Ion, Will be held at the Court House in F/«ii|i City. Net .on Hsturday, April 4th at 2 p. tit., fertile purpose of electing 14 delegate* to the liepiibllosn County Conventio to l>e holrten at the Court House in Coup City on Saturday April 11th. 1HIK1 W. T. GIBSON, Coin. The Boston school authorities are now discussing the furnishing of cheap lunches to the pupil* of the public school*. The expiriment has been tried in some of the schools in that city, hut it has been found that there is a tendency to “holt’’ the food. Lincoln republican* held their piimiiry last Friday for the election of candidates for city office* and at the same time gave the Manderson boon a thorough test by placing n asperate ballot box a’ each polling place in which the voter deposited the name of his favorite for presi dent. The result was: McKinley 2,(116, Manderson 343; Allison |20. A populist who is filling one of the important office of this county remarked to us the other day that to him it seemed very strange that l lie republicans of Nebraska were so strong for McKinley and did not work fur Manderson, a home can didate. Now we wish to ask the o neat pm, wbv was it that this same populist work for Greene for dis trict judge when there was a home . . 1 ; .1. * 0 Su u > as rule that won t work both ways. i’lirtind ir attention is directed to Uu- iii'iu hi our columns in which the Nulirasku (’lull offers rush ptUas lor i-'in• ril»iitIon "f articles on Nebraska ii» resource and tbo in 1 v»*ntu•• it ^ niters ili'* luMiii'-sci-ki-r. This will li.> of sp.-i-i il i'lierast to our readers bees use there are man) turning there possessed uf the taste for this Hint of work ns well its the tit lent and ability ’>• get up a utmnu contribm lion, nnd win the pnae ottered The Nebisski ('lull is a tu'*«t worthy iltovetueti' mill cult if perchance the prig- is i • it cHpluted (it caiitiol In* tit all) there "til leuiuiu Ihe sopreii.e salisfaeliou of having eon titbuied in a U'"‘d cause and teeeit jug a u cieiMOsftip In a good organi sati-ii Sim may also hate (be pleasure of seeing tour arttele* putt bailed in the 'I .b or named lit |bs t’-ininittin-as ntie id ipevial tuviil. A Mi'ttcion co issp .u dent sat* SbiUt i 14Isi•i’ll ill mill* *40 sever d gn ms of Heath a began Hie is*n aucs* f pt.i |>i e chucks A UiNH slai *-4d at the store ad-dlui s worth of produce |U eli - ss uf lit* gfufNMtM wanted that day, was gitin eiie* l»« for the ntuiusisl, which were 1 uncut as cash it that tint* at ant lime They were only intruded originally to puna current between llmorgiuelly holder* hut flnill«’ neighbor* began lifting them n* a circulating medium i among theimelveft and Inter on they began to appear in the hand* of other merchants who had taken the n a* eaftti, ntitil at the preaent time they are lined ao cxteii»ively that one llrm inform* the Journal that it pay a out the caeh on produce check* preaeuted for redemption be other merchant*, frequently to the amount of foO per month. It in Haid that they have been found a great boon to many farmer* whoae only product wuh from the produce they Mould market.’ K<ll»l»»'ft Kllftl HI* f.Urf.U “When I crime to New York to aell my Ural Invention" Mr, Kdi »oii lift id, “I wa* largely in doubt a* Pi it* value, I knew it wan u ufteful contrivance, but it wa* with Home diffidence Hint I entered the presence of the nianufactnrer with whom I opened negotiation* for it* diftpoHHl A* a hoy I had often longed P> pOftfte** five thotlftnrid dob lar*t and I had a good mind P> hold out for that much money, though I t.A.. el., el...* I .......1.1 I,.. ,b.;>,<r well to get two thousand dollars. Ho wlier. the manufacturer asked me liow much I wanted for the pat ent lights, I stammered and asked how much he was willing to pay. ‘•Oome around In the looming,* i he said, nun I went home hi dream a lieu t the live thousand dollar fortune I was going to get- per haps. When I saw him in the morning he said wiili a takc-lhat or take-nothing air of determina tion, “We have decided to pay you forty thousand dollars not a cent more.’ “I almost fainted; hut in less than live minute# I had stueh my name to a coutract and was out in the street looking in u half-dazed way at a check In my hand. 'Pay able to the order of '1’homas A. Kdison, forty thousand dollars ($40,000),' Then I began to think, and the forty thousand dollars seemed like forty millions, and I said to myself: ‘'Tom, you have been swindled. The check is not good.’ And when 1 went to the bank- I hud never been inside of one to do business and presented the check, 1 was not surprised when the teller scrutinized it, gluoced at me and pushed it back with a shake of the head and a remark that I was ! too excited to understand, but con cluded that rnv fears were confirm ed. So I stuffed it in my pocket and went, to see a friend to whom I related my experience. ••Let me nee (lie check,' he said. •Why that'* all right. You mu«t he identified.' And we went hack to the hunk. The c-N«hier new my friend and the money whs soon counted out Mill l wnisn't sure I wua itwnkc illlIiI I begun to feel Hint hear I lie Miiupof the new hank notes. It wins H hig bundle of money, and 1 stuck Some of it in i every pocket so that almost any where I pul un hand i e mid feel it bulging out. •AVheo l went to the hotel that night iio you thiuk l took my clothe* oil' Not much. 1 i-lcpi in them, ho I would it t wake up and tiud it was all a cruel dream. ' %N*. It til •Kt a.w at.KM. Ilill WHilirs' Hif* 'I tomato •* 1‘uuilil* ski Mad Milled a It»t. lion, M. VI1. || >wald, me *<<hl) known young |ttipitli*t ttbgisoailian from Mabeuis like* a joke, ami tell* one on lotus. If in llo» wi*i • (hiring the last i aiupalgn one ■lay," said Howard. ' I *m' l>* lit* top of a 'Win* hie table ttouiMain U< I mw a hunter of the luai s»f Hill ! tiaun.lvt* t«* * . um* hi* vole ilill | Was ii«>i at Monte, tmt hi* *11* was, . a tall, lean wstiuwn with du*iv lilav k hair, Mo|| in oiIiiiIm* > hvsk*. ami •unksn on, a Urge imnith large feet ami vrllow ImiuIi In dim* hand she held n box of snuff, in the other a tooth brush, and sin was spitting nrolr<*rii|in-, > Good morning, madam.' said I * Mow are yon, stranger?’ an Id she.' '<!« mum liiiaband at home, toy good womanV “No, he hain’I. 11“ went down in Coon Holler th.* morion before day, und I Imln't lookin' for him back until lowulda midnight ** Well, mad mu.’ S eontinued, I am a candidate for congress and hope yon will use your influence to get your husband to vote for me. I know that a woman of your inid Ice', jour beautiful eyes that shine like the dew drops on the tnoun tain lop when the light of the morn ing •un flrststrikes it, your fresh, rosy cheeks which the gods would siss as nectar, and jour entire charming personality I say n woman so endowed by nature must have great influence over her husband, for lie was indeed fortu nate to secure you for a wife, "I,aw, now, stranger,' • xelaimed the woman, *wli«n you come tulk in' that way, and bein' um how I likes your looks any w ay, I guess if Mill dander* don t vole lor you b«- need never expect to roost ’round tbe»e digging* no more, I HI ymi,' “I wa* much pleased with tlx progress I wa*. making and I ven tured to put the question of most j importance to me: “Are tin t*' »*»> I populist* iu tins i tuluity? “Dear me stranger she answer ed, ‘you an: a little mi'c loo hard for me tliis time. Vou see, I don'' pay much attention to them j things, hut Mill is u mighty pert hunter and ha* Killed and skunt almost all kind* of varmints in these mountains. Mut whether he ever kotch one o' them air, w hat you call it, stranger?- populist var mint*—is more nor I know. If you'll ju*t walk 'round tlx* hack side of the house, where he's got all hi* pelt* hangiu up a drying,’ you may find one o’ them things’ foa, now that I come to think about, Mill he yesterday mornin' killed! one of the dolgastedeat milter* I J ever see. It had long legs, bandy | shank*, long hair, and was cross eyed, an' I jest tiet a pound o’ home made tobaucr it, was a populist, though I never Iteern tell o' one afore. ”— Kx. WOOL. Tne democrat papers are pub lishing from time to time items of * l * .. __. . VIII O vs ■ * • A Pbilidelphiu paper no*,es a sale of ‘-Washington county wool” at Uo cents a pound, whidi is 7 cents higher than was paid for the quality under Inc McKinley laritf in l8ii^. This fact shows that the free impor tation of manufacturing wool 10 mix with American wools lias stim ulated manufacturers and increased the demand and price for home raw material. At the same time Ameri can elolli is cheaper than ever be fore. The American produeei can sell wool at n higher pi ice i> :i(J per ueut ami can buv cloth <>r clothing ut u lower pries by in per c * - u t than he could uiulr the McKiuUn system. ('Im ago Chronicle Now this is all bd»li, ami vary thin b >»h The Journal has heudo fnre given the tigeres of I lie uteri gn price of wools dining the past four tears, showing dial from the elec lion of a democratic president and congiess, with |t» jo m|o of free Wool, the plice h i V i-Ii.l bit d* * clincd, ami that it is now mi ti e average fr< hi HO to An p 1 cent i hi a|a<i ihau in I *■ t*^ met the aver age Id sc veil) tears prior to that date. Ilf course the readers of atteh Msis li kn,.w iiothli j of A sshiug tor. tsdnitt Bud! No such cIwmI lb a!|*di of wind is tmoii to III*' tnaikvl, a"<l their are pt»'u 'h tp >n twenlt to f> -lit II elilii|k)H ( mil ties lit lire psitiht, and WiImIj < au tfwre tip that parlicutai sod I ha* Is Width T nllti uedv thill II SPRING MEDICINE bSlMMO'iS 1.1'. Hr Hl.-tiUI.ATOR don’t forge* to 11 - it. ! - l iver gets sluggish during the VVi-i , J lilu all nature, and the l . ■ . < hob- 1 up by ‘ the a. ..ii bit J ' v.hleh brings on M larla, Lever ■> and Hheuma tlwn. You ,,i t .!k n,* your Liver now, but be • j la! SlM.'loNS LIVLH Rf/il! '• i ' n, do It. It also re ilaie. Hi • I , it properly at w k, wh i v ill be free from poison and u ■ el- 1/ invigorated. You g-.t Till I,lAMJDwhen ym r sy ite i ■ - iitfon, and that will only I w i ■ • i. t r is lo pt a-, live, Trv a Liver H r * . and note the dlfiereri. H I. 1 IMMops tl/I.p HI;*jt . WOP ll •; SIMMONS IVfck Hi.u( i ’ . ' Ii n ui ,.-s the differen I i , r or in liquid already prepa ! i tea of the riwder; but lab. :. i • ...• I.IVLHHi OU ATOH. Y -i !i:. I ■ >fhl) 7. on every package, | . . J. U. Z, . , . .. .. 1- ..I . i1 fN MEN’S IIOTKR, ^ vh»i'.,n EXPRESS •GENERAL DELIVERY LINE, i A f. > - <-i V relgfil order* promptly aft tided to Do Your. Friends Wear Clothes? AGEHTS WANTED. money raty with our sample outfit, for first da -. Tailoring of ail kinds at popular prices. Writs for f all particulars and special term* to AyentM. Nathan Wolff A Co., Ill W. 8evonth 8t.« ClncInnatl.O. \\T !, MARCY. oy'KIi K-III and Marcy Block, Bft*t 8lil« public lajnaro. Loop Oily, Sob. «' .J.FIHIIER, flttnrnBH-at-La w, W' id ami improved lands for sale And money to loan on real oh taut. LOUP CITY, • - NEBRASKA. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Moet Perfect Made. THE MILD POWER CURE& HUMPHREYS’ Dr# Humphreys* leedflffl are scientifically and carefully prepared Ju uwdlen, used tot yuan In private practice and for over thirty years toy th<i ru.<.f.Li wltk imtlni kiii-ppmi. V.VPT* tlntfl* Specific a (pedal cure for the disease named. ■o. demur 10a men. f—Fever*, Congestion*. Inflammation*. ,3 3—Worm*, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... .3 8—Teething* Colic. Crying, Wakef urn* ,3 t Diarrhea, of Children or Adi. ,4..... ,3 Dyteulery.flrlplng. Billon*C .lie.... ,3 Cholera Morba*, Vomiting. ,3 9— Cough*, Cold*, BronehlUt..-. ,3 ft-.aeurulgiu, Toothache, Fg.-n4.dia.... .3 8— lleodachc*, sick Headache, Vertigo, ,3 10-Dyspepsia* lflllousnes*. Constipation ,3 H—(suppressed or I'ulnful Periods. .3 HI— White*, Too lTofuso l'erloita...3 13—Croup, laryngitis, Hoarsen***.33 14—Halt itbeuin, Erysipelas. Eruption*. .3 13-Khiuiiiail<in,or ithouir.atlc l'*lu».. .33 18—Malaria, chill*. Fevi r and Ague.33 17—rile*. Blind or Bleeding. .3 Ift-tlphlhnlioy, Boro or Weak Eye*.. .3 ■ ll-Cnlnrrh, Cold In the Head .3 30— W hooping Cough. .33 31—Aatbma, oppressed Breathing.33 33-Fur Disebargea. Impaired Hearing .33 38—Merofula, Enlarged elands. Hwrlllug .3 34-timerat Debility. I'byskulWeakness .3. 33-Dropsy, uud Beauty heeretlona. .3 38-HeH.isleboeaa, Blekneag from Hiding .33 I ST-HIdnry .... .3 ■ik -Kcrtiius Debility.1.8 38-ftore Mouih, or Canker.. .3 30-lriiiui »• WeaUnua*, Welting lied. .3 31-Painlul I'erluds ._.3 ril-Dlaeaseeol the llesrt.l’alpltgtlonl.8 .'Cl- Epilepsy. Spasm*. W. VHu«’ Banco.,. 1.0 I .-14—Diphtheria, CkeratedBur*Throat.. .3 i 3,3-t hronle Congestions A Eruptions. .33 “77”Ctt , uTtc^c ronGRIP,25c. Jut up III *m*l\ t)OMN Cif pit iMAIlfe pcilttlAijUBt PUi )uur »t*l |KM-k«4. in Ucfcgf uu, UK 381*1 |~«t io>4 on W4»ff4 «f pia* I* l. a. a .. >|g.v .t' l 3 |b«vih<. I,; U*8.;«4ll„ UlftfUlUktt'■iU*l<MIIAlUtttUuai»i*tkklt lukfc SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PH.E OINTMENT." FeeWha- Fttoraal orlatent*!, W»»4<* BU-Mlagr lulu1 >114 *U‘ lb • In* ■* Ilk*.Hug of lbs HsoiaM. taut, ikf la tn*n**il*i* it*. e*to wrtala 1*8106) M OTS. IMUtMimMSa b*4 s» #►»•*•». *• #- .11 ** hH s* iv .vl at ttia. Bi entasis' ItaiAilll *»•* *tut»«»t., Inlaih a it i ’ V' Kloli v ini ill Tbo; M U*44f> tot} tiitit Uh * \ltl« lli 4l) |>J **• f tltli T I M Hi il ©Oul »t It lil^tirr |i r t« in M J*r l tilt lliAil ||W Itlltl ' fttudvr lb Kiii|**jr Me*i, i# n Uitt I ll hm( * « |< «I Hl«i| |»ttl Jfi* bio ijittl >Hltf j |m*i f * i • tdt' lft til© riu'fli i»l lIk ill iiMH r tin « ©bit *tii ium'i mt u Hut*.• ©dipmi Uu* l« . 4 utA Ul btft klMU»l lit IttfCl fii| ftih • iniMt* HiaI© •Jtmftml. I [>, <: doe, A. P. CULLKY, Vltw-Preslilenl. (ashler. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Ix)aria on Improved farm* at NINE per oent. Beet Company ac4 M kn to be bad la the waft. OoKKierovDarrs:—Chemical National Bank, New York GHy, R. Yd Omll CXionaJ <Uu> nrnsla Nebraska. W . J, KIMIIEK. CKO. K. BENBCHOTKK. Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher 1/tvr ClfT NonTHWMTtaN FISHER & RENSCHOTER, REAM. ESTATE AREJTTS. I.OI I' CITY, - • NKBKAHKA. Town Lot*, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale. PUR \ I tmwAKK j is the whole stoiy I of Imitation trad* I . t I —ut><i|«-1 about ' ARTAUD HAH OVERSOW I 1* #nrt/*jfr/>r Costs no msire than o'iierpackaifeioda—never r*«iW* p l" pdvH,c"K5. Ikiur—universally j :r.< twitted purest In Ihc world. I Made only bj CHURCH t CO., Hew York. Sold br grm-er* everywhere. / Write fur Arm umt Hummer Uuuk <>f vaiua/i.' r; ’ '' IT -tre- •- TH-T ' ■WV 't'' > 'Y nrrw» .HTISTTO HOMES. 225 DesIgns All for IOc. Th* larftMl eolloetloD of of,.inflate 4<rlco» orrr mihUabad li, anr arri..i*4tior*l to.ok In tin- world. ») eliurcn <lo.l, ia-a« laUrrtor.— I».U1,1«. COLONIAL HOMES . . 24 daalrn. iacm., or both hook, for Mat*. Anr on* aolok to build. or .-Tor lat.rollsr to i.uihi, ibouiaiasd r-r n,. «,. h*a limio-t adltion.) of “Artl.tli:« I < oloolal flow*..”_ HERBERT C. CHIVERS. Architect. 'SSUSMUSH ST. LOUIS, MO. Doctor Henderson 102 i 104 W> 9th St., KANSAS CITY, HO. Tki Old Reliable Doctor. A Regular Cradu Jo in Mtdkino. Oldoti in Ago ana longest Loc ated. OVER 27 YEARS OF SPECIAL PRACTICE. Authorized by the Htsto to treat CHRONIC, NERVOUS and SPECIAL IHSIAHIU. Cure* guarntc. (1 or money refunded. All m( furnished ready for us.. Nona leury or Injurious medicine* used. No detention from wor;:. 3‘at., nls at u distance treated by mall and express. Moduli. * enl everywhere, free from gaze or break age. Charge* low. Over "*.UX> eases cured. Age and experience are Important. Head little hook, then elate your case. Bend (or opinion unit terms. Consultation freu and coutldei.ual, personally or by letter Seminal Weak ness«5c Sexual Debility, (1tfrmalorrk<ra and Imk-’itnry-) cannedbvyoutnful fohlesondexcesses,producing nervous ness, losses, pimple* and blot rheson the face, m .of blood to the head, pains In the hack, confusedl.h-usand forgetfulness, banblulne**, ( on to society, losaof sexual power, loss Of manhood, Ac., cured lor life, lean stop all n u .sen, restore lost sexusl power, re store nerve and brain power.eulwrgeund strength o w. as i.urtsand make you til for marriage. <vnhilic thatti rrlblo disease, In ull Ct, j, i tin- permanently cured with rtvpnm-s. |t* form* utid stage*! rd IIU.IUIC out cau*tlc, cutting, bon for life. Blood Polaonlnff, BldnDlsrt*. . * or sound. No pain, no exposure. !'*■ Ulcers, Swelling*, bore ,, <' rrh.ea and «'.• a . <: <e the treatment at.borne. Gleet, ami all forms of rrlvsht IJisca.. s Ph dHtlfllisiTI The Great Fur* tab Bdtlveiy cured or money reiunded ^ ' 1 > 11 tx bit lit Hto i.aia11cCure. ,1AC for both sexes, W pages. M plo- A I * Itl I Gt. UK. Tlrngputesl discovery III OOlV tures, lino to life, with ft,11 des* i * ..nul* of mcdlotnc Ot e .lose give* re* criptkmof nlKive diseases, lbs cff.-, and i .• » y ■ s remove fever and pain In cure,sealed In plain wrapper fw lie lnr.*.ipe J p.lvl.. * ruin alow days. Xn'r'-f*tutemeiB . Heud this little »»...* and n„. * r<|. • ..( Mainp for circular. MHMMH Free Museum of>my V£5 1 11 Ilf., like models and WaxOgur. * ■ n r. .sioflestl... M Uon*- l orrmon v%I1 wmln. h <* //*u^4 • ini in fro iroivH / wiUforfait far ateuvo duva- i* thut / w**ot <«*’#• RRHHMRHK^’ • ' % ■ JXX ..tftRWRMMHHBli