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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1896)
Twtf North wkstfrn ffiar ■ *r•*** *r —r~*~ rs~fss -»UBI.i«MI£D KVKKY K»M? AY ®T I'M b. t lll)M V Mb. \T, uKo K. ItiilMnrllol'i it. BdHor and Publisher. TEi'.M’. 51 50 ftr Vssr It Paid n Adrsses BaUr*.i at tha laaf <##» C<«todl«a tar taa— 1-tfcraof b It* uiUH aa aatiad alaas iuattar. our Bepociicai NeiiMDir li Stemi Cooaty Tim (nun who atari* early and plans wisely will Im able to push tlm business of the fsr'ii to s successful finish. The man who starts late ami plans carelessly will lie worried ami pushed hv work passed due, eml possibly pushed by bis creditors Kugenr Moore, ex-state auditor Is making an active canvass for the nomination of governor on the • republican ticket, Mr. Moore's record as state auditor certainly entitle* him to recognition and proves hi* ability to fill the position Kit governor. We understand that there will he a meeting of the republican County Central Committee held at Loop City to-morrow at 2 o'clock p. in,, lust We nave had no official notice of it so are unable to state positively « a. i. t a u ... i. wiiri-iiisr m hi it m. i* i4 i«’ •< meeting* should be properly ad vertised and h tegular call made. The Congressional Committee for thin district convened at Kear ney last Wednesday, March I Itb, and fixed the dales for holding the congressional conventions as fol low*: The first convention will be held st Broken Bow, April JOtb, at 7 oelock p, m , and the second con ventjon will lie held at North Platte, August tSttli, at 10 o’clock p m The democratic aim independent papers over the stair are talking Mender*- n for president- and say jug I hut the republican papers should stand no for Nebraska s favored sou, in fact they are almost forgetting the candidates of their own party in their eagerness to in A uce the republican convention to choose a Mauderson delegation. The republican convention, however will doubtless act its own pleusure cot. cerning the matter. With bui one or two exceptions the repulilican papers that reach our desk Is for McKinley for presi dent, although they have nothing hut words of praise for Nebraskus favorite son, C. F. Mauderson. They stand for McKinley because he is the choice of the people and especially the people of the west, and because he is loved, respected and honored for his valuuhle ser vices given the nation in the past by his protective tariff' policies advocated in the McKinley hill ol of which be was the author, and which promised so much good tr tiM nil. They are also for McKinley y oecausu he bus virtually been a siiiudlug candidate for the past three years and during that time they have often spoken of him us such mid announced themselves as being for him. There is a fascination about Neb ruska which no one seems able to explain, aud those once uudei i>» seductive iutlueure are eittiei unable or uuwilllug to break ‘Ik charm Meu will leave the homri of tindr btrlh to seek their fortune! In the boundless West, and litas settled in Nebraska becomes so at laebad to tier beautiful scenery, hei miei|ualled opportunities, her sun reward |o the Inud uf (oil aud I Its general intelligence aud hospitality of Ihe people that though for aomi rearm Iticv mar dispone of their p* sessions lieii' and return to iiteir nn live state <*r country, Mine uut of let of them twcoine ibssaltsHed In a lei years ami agalu turn Ihdr face* W the w> st and Nebraska Men* Advocate The Homeatake Mining Company J of City, in the Muck lltll*, a | few day* ago *tiu"k a * iln which I although ainall, g:vea return* of j *2,»bo a dav In the lower level* | of the old Woikiog* of the company i another fab'doiialt rich “trike i« 1 aa|d o, have been made which run# up jo aa»nv value to the ihouaand*. Kx. Kearney citizen* tiavc apent all their money and worn theniaelve* weary booming the town oy putting up for caiiala, cotton mill*, angar factoriea, etc, are now devoting their attention to raiding celery The land anrrounding the city i* par ticular!* adopted for raiaing celery, and it ha* been demon*!rated to be a profitable crop. Twenty acre* of celery i* aahl to be worth a clear profit of $5,000. V'iaiona of a aec ond Kalamazoo now haunt the dream* of the Kearne) ite*. Muaon (lily Tranacript. The :»05 beet augar factories that have been running in France hand led 5,401,000 ton a of Meta up to January 15, or 1,707,000 lea* than in 1804-5, The augar produced wa* 500,2X5 ton*, instead of 677,lflf» of of la*t eeaaon. This decrease i* te»* than the diminution in ijuantfty of htf'f'Tm WOUM1 mm*, i»»r «»I*' in *-'* were richer in sugar than usual. A* last at ason was one of unprece dented drouth iti Frame, them is perhaps a little comfort in the fact for Nebraska farmers, Stale .Jour nal A runaway which might have result ! (.<| in a very serious accident, occurred ; in town, Wednesday atierimoon. The runaway happened just like many an J other has when .John Fair’s .earn which Pad l>ecn left unhitched in front of I' It. Ituryen’s hlaeksmitti -hop, while Mr. Fair attended to an eirand Inside, took S nolion Into It* head to tiikc u spin, Starting from there. It ran op main street ns far as Farl Komtd’s livery tiarn, then turned south toward M I, Frits’ lumber office, where In turning itie center short onto the street west, It C&me III contact wlih Flea’ scales, demolishing the framework and break ing the beam. At the Instant Mrs Jake Gorden, Jr„ »«■ coming up town from K Bartholomew’s, and seeing the runaway team coming, thought to get out of the way of it by getting behind the framework of the scales, not think lug of course that the team was going to come In contact wlrh It. When Mi*1 team went over the scales, the horses, wagon and framework of the scale* ap parently went over ths woman. When picked up the woman was partially Insensible and't was found that <|"ite a gash was cut in the upper lip on the left nut; of the race, and that there wa* also a cut above the Jeft eye while one of her hips wa* (juite badly bruised, and also her left band. However, I>r Lee pronounced none of her Injuries at very aerioua or dangerous. From Fries' office the team ran west a block and then north, where they were stop ped at the same place from which they started. This runaway Is another in stance of the foolishness of leaving n team standing unhitched on the street, acti It Is Indeed lucky that the result of it wa* no more serious Arcadia Champion. I- ROM CI.KAK (IHKKH. Clea' Creek. March Hth. ’Ml, As time draws near for a republican convention why not give Jake « boom aaii run him for president, lie would do fully as well a* Cleveland. The people have changed their nilmb about seeding, they think III' Hr*l ol April about the pm per time to sow wheat. School district 44 I* tunning a very inlete ling lyceuiu these time* ttchon In -II will ehunt In about two week' with a literary entertainment. Mr At* lleslop returned from Or* gull where lie ha* been for Ihe past ill moulli< IIIt.on Hairy will lii.tiiol Him In th* art of firmitiR litis *MutUi«r HindettoM Wl'l f41 ni Charley John sou'* place till* os on lire I-. H people will eotumeoei' i •siI", of meeting, at IrUtrlct fl 11*I■ week. James liny set is lioi »»> at gl'Hitat * •p«i lie call* it giving them away A. I Wilson ha* a married daughter bate from h "•»*" Ala MliiHUHtii I* tlit 4 it Ml lilt || f , I kfe >• |m IIN* K'fWl* I IfalMtllt lltti I llUM'Mh U»tf Hm In regard to'In* imsitioii a* can didate for governor t >ngrc-*iii*M Meiklej dm no: • I an> t t< le- mi * der-lo >1, n* Ii fig - e oidiil i »- T g iVi-rr.i.r if'I n - king el*e I h»VS no Hapirnti >n* f i I lie *«nator»lil|i there are plenty <f men in Nehi**k older in y nr*, in rbitseiisli'p m il ripir 111 expel ienee wlyo would 1>« h#»t*rr II e l mu' hate more clnili.* for (hie Imp >ri*n< position at ii »• national capitr.), m | appreciate keenly how kiiid Nehra*ku and Nehiri«kn people have been to me. I feel that in many way* l have fallen short of my full duty, but wli.-iever my friend* have placed me in p within* of trutl I have done my best iu the past. ** I •hall in the future, i<> merit their personal good will end l.lieir general confidence, Nebraska is a corn tri'iitity of blight minded and intelli gent |n-i pie, mid to l»e governor of such n ( omiuoowe dih i-i honor and responsibility enough to nrou e the highest instincts of am man, and U) e ill into activity Id* best energiee. “I have been frank and open in announcing my candidacy not be cause I considered my claim* su perior to others , bill because i lie lieve that frankness and openness i f method due the public, not only from candidate*, but from all pub lic official*. I do not wan! a posi tion that cannot lc- scuircd by direct and straightforward methods, and that doe* not bring w ilh it the confidence ol llie puolic. rtaie Join nal. TO MKMf.H*. Special offer to Ksrmsr *iil>wril;*r». We have on hand DO Paimei s Labor Having Account books which we oiler free of charge to those of our Partner subscriber* who will puy up ull arrearages amounting m $1.50 or more, and one year in advance. The book is very valua ble and well worth $;/ 00 The first come, the first served. W« have sold over of these books for $2.00 cash and they arc well worth the price, but hard times and small crops have made it impossible for ui so dispese of them at anything like their value therefor we will give them away free of charge on the condition above stated. We make this offer to farmer! alone as they arc a farmer's book, especially ruled and constructed to keep an acurate account of the receipts arid dlsbnr semenis of the farm. Besides being an account (took it contains valuable informa tion,such ms the Nebraska herd law, telling you how to proceed in cas« you take up (/strays. It also con tains table of Heady Calendar, show a a! I . S Ilj^4 bin* |ii 'H ui»y w' given ijuunity, table of wage* bj the week, legal weiglita of buthell in pound* a* held by Hie different alatea, flow to plant tree* and ic fact a great deal of other useful in formation. Come early and taka advantagt of this offer. It will not last long. The gold craze in still raging 111 Nebraska, Norfork being the latent j victim loll. Ill doolie count) tit* people are not pruapccUllg for gold, 'coal or diamond*, but they are mak iug Kiibstautial ealculatloua on iui* ' ing as big er tpa a* can die produced in Nebraaka, and tliai ti ill bring gold Into the pockela, coal into the bin* and diamond*gaiott upon the *hirl froula \Muon N* «». The beet sugar contention held al | m rn-ii tmi a spit ndld auccea*. It waa ihe n.i'iia of sending broad east Information rcgaitllug thi augur 'net that aid be of in* Men** benefit to Nebraska utea in tht ueai fti*mt« IN rn |t> |t ) i hnt*e hall MWtlna *•! nlgM* tail litat»d land l< * «#ie |*rl*e a-Mo-M*1 Ini lari her |,*m i» atur* t ali mi or ml itrrii fnam A lt*s»i 11 »i»a, at l.nnp I lit i spring" medicine to Sim mon* Liver regulator don’1 forget to take it. I he I Jver gets sluggish during the Winter, just like all nature, and the system becomes choked up by the ac< wnulated waste, which brings on Malaria, l ever and Ague and Rheuma tism. You want to wake up your l.lvei now, hut be sure you Like SIMMONS Liver Regulator t0 do it. it also regulates the I iver keeps It properly at work, when your system will be free from polsori'and the whole body Invigorated. VougetTHi: IIKMT Itl/OOlrwhen your Ay stem Is In Aj condition, and that will only he when the Liver is kept active. Try a Liver Remedy once and note the difference. But take only SIMMONS Liver regulator — it A Simmons LIVER Regulator Which makes the difference, l ake It In powder or in liquid already prepared, or make a tea of the powder; but take SIMMONS LIVER REGU LATOR. You’ll find the RED Z on every package. Look for It. <J. If. Zellln Jt Co,, f'IUI*<lcl|,lils, I't. ! The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, th*.‘ largest watch case- manufactur ing concern in the world, is now pulling upon the Jas, Bo*» Filled and other eases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot Ire twisted or pull' d off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that oefall \yatches fitted with the old style lsiw, which is simply held hi by friction and can lie twisted off with the fingers. It is called the .. '' r an 1 C/ ll ONLY HE HAD with ML cates bearini; their trade merit— Sold only through watch dealers, VPitfiout extra charge. A .-,k any jeweler for pamphlet | or r.s-iid to the manufacturers. Or. Price's Cream (faking Powder Most Perfect Made. ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE, UI INCV, II.I.INOIS. Tills Institution, chartered July, 1873, li ; conducted by the School Sisters of Notrt Dame, and provided with every requlslti ! conducive to physical, Intellectual and mora I development. The system of education embraces even useful and ornamental branch of art ant , science suitable for young ladles. Korcata* j logue, address MOTHER SUPERIOR, St. Mary’s Institute, Quincy, IU. NOTK'K OK HI-IT TO NON KKHIDKN T DKKKN DA NTS. State of Nebraska, t h Sherman bounty ji tleortfc Youijk and Annie Yunna hi* wife BOH ie*ddeni defendant* will tuk* notice thn on tii»' ktii ‘Inv of March. IHWJ, JO Ilia Hancock plaintiff tiled her petition In tJie dlntrlci court of Hfecrifmn County Nebraska iu/itlnm (Jcoi'KC Youiik Annie Youiik, hi* wife, Neb ru*kn Morti/ttF*1 * ompany. J It. Hlireck I*. If 1 iMlikc Jieceiver*John Hot the object am tiiaviM of which arc to foreclose a certall Itiuirii/ui'i- Mwiinl hy tin' lujfi'iuiitut*' o< iivi You op iiwl Annie Younif, tiU wife to thn Nt ti ruako Moririipe fowpany. and by H uaaluioo fill’ ll Vltlllilllle eiilluioeritllnn to lilt) plnllll If | Minin Uu' Mouth'Kiwi quarter of the Mouth We»i quin tor llio North tVo»l qiiurtur of tlto Mouth I Knot quarter South one huff of thr Muulh Kwai quitrli-r th» North Ku«t quarter of tba I Horttli'Wiut iiuurter of Suction Kievon till | Town.hip Thirteen i Hull!f Sixteen i lili will of till' Itth |. III. lb Hbf rtllXII I on bit" Nitlirnttku t'> aouur* the payment of u Mtrtitfii bond dated April Int HUM for that *um of ♦! .xai iluoulij liuVito 10 April Itl IMW iiuilthitl then U iiow one itct'orulutf to iltti term* of mill morfiotrc u|ton *ald I until utul nnu lem/e Ihr principal aum trfll 'fun with lot*m>l hi f i>"i ■ wilt IH i uuiiuiii from llir In ituv of iii'iolu-r luii unit nue coupon lull roil noli* for #r: t» j und Intort »i on »uiho front tlm lit day ■>! j I k tulmr l«MA III |o I- r rent |*er uliinim |Hiya oil M ini ubiiualli I'IhIhIIIT pray* lor u ih m ■■ ihui ili-fotuluut* Ih> rrqulrt l In pair Ho • itomfil duo on tHi-mint of raid l»*»ml im rqtiii • ml liner..t or lliai »aitl prcinU*'» muv hr i mioi lutallili the itiiiiioHi fiioHd due rtpl ar« required to mower mioi poiiiHin im ; or lul'iif tin unit tint ol April lux' i Hun 0 March Wh IMM y.i ix« It **i in h i*iiiiuiin : Alioit lit tV II tin Ally. iU't'la Mats i o i It oi lii»uii'i I'.nirl wt'HHiAii* M.\i i kulliw it haroliv yitrii that hy *Irion m la iluttial iiioilaanM iIiihI ioioImi wli, j oil and dalt ditil lit tlta ofHco ul llir t'oup IV t l»i k III »h. i m» I ..mill ». Nchmtbt on tin.4 el day "I it. Ii.lwt, |«ii aud nmilol hy tk i Mol l Itt ft P Meanl In tii.iit lli* |uiy Ittvttl nt lb* •Ulti of iftittl attd it pun allien 1 hut* I* on a lu* Ih* aunt »l p*i M. . iM'laoll i nt ma 'moo mail* In the p*yttt*iil nl aunt .n ot an I liu lull ul ul lief tit.wood ma* alia* havtoa •»*>• ineiiiuiwd lo o lunlia.ll I||H ... |nt* I I I'tllul I n II •ad I IN* pinitrity tb*te|U Ilf act IImmI, In t I till* act I liOi'l aluilalatal l"p itatl with tint *|n in* ..* ■ ply in* lint, l.iwnii * lt*o* uatkt I awthy I'lou, I* iHt lt til mil lino* Hit h I'limui aouttii. lu aiaat ia|«ir, worth itotl, nut Hutu cot cutiTyaitir lial* It Law. Until. # O I*. ON* •lilin* phi*, * <ln •*eal he* ill ll loch vui aaid a»i» lit tukn p m lu lui ip t Hy, kiu no the mh dav >d Vlmili I .*• 4 it lu ol •*••! day Itatcd II.i« i dh day nt r«ht .Kiy, iw% ft I' llcaii. M Ii <• COR. K Y. CULLKY. FIRST RANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, SSOOiOM. --- fx>ona on Improved form* at NINE par nant Boat Coapasy aal to ba bod la tba waat. CokBsaroBDEimr.—Cbamleol Rotloaol Book. Raw York QHf, I. Tj OaaH ■atiunal U/>»> <!«#><» Ralaaafca P 'W J. FIHI1EK. GEO. K. BKNHCUOTEK. Attorney and Notary Publl*-. Pwbllahrr Mm:p Crrr W'tBTMWBarkBO FIHHER A BEN8CH0TER, * KEA B* ESTATE AUEJTTS. MM P CITY. • * VKBfiAMKA. Town l*>t», Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Land* for Hale. T _ ► PUR “ 4 _ > J I iwwAuii I is the whole ^tory , ' I of Imitation trada I . (j | mark* and fabrli. | HDOUt > W\ AND H? ’ i^ER SOPA j tn Cwtenoaorc’ tio'.i>rpukag«iod»— nr-r- r .! H pd"»5\<l:“v3' ftyur “UflJvcr uiiyi. purcu la the world. • 4 Made only hj CHURi if K CO., Hew York, ' old hr grocer* ercrywhe-'. Jr m Writ r for A no and Ham mar fHtok of tmhul/la H t.nsu w tgrn—- “ r-- .. rr£~ . , --rn-f " iy»MP —..— TI.HK TAIII.K urKi.isnrim A mimmoiki kivkk k. k. K AM I. Will. 1 asp M. l>Mve. «j#0 I’ M A. V IV K.HTM. A lit V. Y. KAIKWAT i nlng H itld*y. November 17th.; train* will arrive and depart at tl.l* •mtlou U4 I diowi: Leave. I,e«v«» Monday. / . Tnvad.y. / I**' P Krlday, | m a'l.rdat I " Arrive* at Loup City daily 7. dip. in. < :io*e t’onneeSloti at ttrand I.Untl for ' all point. Emil and VVe.t ' r w Cl.IMK., BKNHOIIOTKK, yj CKO.-, ok EXPRESS A*"' GENERAL DELIVERY LINE All K*pre.» or Kreltfl.l or»l*r. promptly at ten<l»'l U> I.KISH I H. Aiturneu-at-Lauf. W'id and improved land* for sal* An" money to loan on real estate. I A) IIP CITY. • • HKBBASlA. Do Your Friends Wear Clothes? AQBWTB WANTED. Make money easy with oar sample ouiAi, Cor dm class Tailoring of ell kinds *t oupuler prices. Write Cor Cull p-iutulsis sod speuef lerias to AytnU Nathan Wolff A Co., Ill W. Savanth St.. Cincinnati, O. BEST LINE TO ST. LOUIS i AND CHICAGO THE MILD POWER CURES. HUMPHREYS’ Hr. Humphreys' Mamstdns am astaatHaaMr and carefully iirspamd lnnflaa. wad far mam In private practice awl for «r«r thirty mam hr the people with entire semen. krsry sfa0e ftpecMc a special cam for chs dlaaaaa aaamd. so. gm/mrrM> man 1-rrrm, OoBawaMona. Indaanwmne. MS 3-Warms, Worn, frerw. TVori,, O.U.- ^ MB t UrseMw^Wlna.JMHwm^iSa.... MS Hw» sms? *£«*«--41 7’H/wSfMy Rr'IlKRRM/,,,/ «PR (hUssralftiB fmtmrAm,,.« *m t-HMiarlmh Mlek Msadnka, VsrWso. MB If-Ptrnrds, Juuoosasar, boaettpattaa MB 11 watrmirf or Palafel Faria da MB I3—Whites, Too I'rofuso Partoda.. MB g IB-BhsaiMtlam.or MMosaatte rates.. MB IB-Malarla, UMila, Fsvarahd d#aa.... MB IT-PI lea, Blind crMaedtac.. .If 9l-Aath!^*^tSSli'Wmitet"l"" g 93-Bar Ulsrbarsee, Inulntlavhf MB 93-Mcrofela, Knteriied (rkadnhmdllad M 94 Oentrsl DeMlIir. n»dSw«tam MB 3 97-Kldaer PjaMM......MB 9ft- Narraas PtMHlf....«.-....-«..I.iJ 33 Mors Msatb, or f'anksr..."......... ,9f 3»-l.'»learr Weakaeaa, Wstttaflad. MB St-Pslafal Ferlads... MB .13 IMseaasaofthe Heart.PsIpUaUoa).## 93—kellapsp, hpasma. M. Vitus-beam...I.if 34-Dlphlberla, Uleeraleddow Ttanafc. MB 3B—C'hraale l.en«rslls»s k ISruptloaa. MS “77"“ “"S®* ro.MBP.2P. ana s> browns. «r ml »<n r*« m «m»t Hadm M Mssssif laslsrssaa >Hlwl,i nsllsdBm H(,aruaairaak.c4k,iiihauaaatnai.,u«MM SPECIFICS. HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT." tfaM Lf ikMiNU, m amt >rft i tt| mi hmM •# him h II mu t •- »*» <*.. i»»* i»• rnrnm m.. •" d til' I lUKl'Y. *DENTIST.* iMH K In iKwl »<••) Nnwv Miuck, tut ktilt l‘util in »>tiiar«, l.*i«(i Clin, Mai. M. **•*»•* M* L ««»li #■> • • «• ’ M Mil qm« <, •« I # Nniir ftrtnc * #* ... * * U* * 4*mm tfcwiO IMMI ■ . k,u.i ... ... i •»« “.S-.WMtl IM i <■* '*>'1 -• [ A i • 11 MM Ml MOM M O.A.CttOWAOO. WPP *AM . <M* * *'MilW***t II I. *%%%%%%%%%%%%