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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1896)
tariff rim. passer. THE HOUSE EMERGENCY BILL PUT THROUGH. It I'auri by ■ Strictly Parly Vote Ite y publicans A4»|ilril no Iron I'M Hole noil Put It Through Democrat* Offer Objection*. Iiol lo Itln No Amend ment* Were PermlOeil. The First Rmergeney Hill. Wamfiinoton, Dec. 87.—The oom on rules of the House to-day re ported a rule to rote on the ways and menna committee tariff bill at 6 o’clock this afternoon and the bond bill at • o’clock to-morrow The rulee report was adopted in the House by 213 to HU. a strict imrty vote. In anticipation of a Held day In the House over the passage of the tariff bill, agreed on by Hie ways and means committee, great crowds were attract ed to the capitol and every available Inch of apace in the public and private galleries, save the sections reserved for the executive arid diplomatic corns was takes. Most of Hie members who bad pone home for the holidays had hurriedly returned and the attendance on the lloor was almost os large as on the opening of the session. Many Neruitors were also present. Imme diately after the reading of the Jour nal, Mr. Dingley, the chairman of the ways and means committee, reported from that oommittce the revenue bill, which the speaker immediately re ferred to the committee of the whole House. Mr. t'risp said that the committee minority hud hud no opportunity to prepare and file Its views. Mr Henderson of Iowa, from the committee on rules, then presented the special order under which the House was to operate. It was iron clad in Its character. It provided that immediately after the adoption of the gLdcr it would be in order to call up the revenue bill just presented by Mr. Dingley, and that the debate should A. I m -I .1. I. ...1st t 1 tervening motion, the vote should be taken on the passage of the hill. Mr. Crisp culled the attent ion of the House to the effect of the rule under which it was proposed to operate, and esKi'd every member to weigh his re sponsibility when be voted for It. Hero was a bill, be said, that affected every interest and all sections of the coun try which it was proposed to put through under n rule that deprived the members of any right to offer amendments. It must he taken or re t acted as a whole. What authority, le asked, was it on the other side which proposed to pass a ineusure of •uch importance under the crack of the party whip without the dotting of an "l* or the crossing of a “t"? Mr. Dalzcll, Republican of Pennsyl vania, said there was no one who did not know that a pecullarexigeney waa faced. Referring to Mr. Crisp's criti cism of the crackingof the parly whip, he said the Wilson hill, with 000 amendments, bad been passed through the House after only two hours’ de bate ami under a rule reported by Mr. Crisp himself. He appealed to the House to rise to the patriotic level necessary to meet the emergency and conic to the President’s aid. ’Mr McMillen. Democrat, of Ten nessee, i iplving to Mr. Dalzcll, said that I he ifference w as found in that y fact that there had been elaborate bearings l fore tbu ways and means committee ifore tbu Wilson bill was passed. Tl present bill had been completed C ristmaa day, when there was no opportunity to consult the treasury otlicials, and he declared that there bad been no opportunity to even read the bill. He complained of the cracking of the party whip, and said in conclusion that the same [tower which 'bad asserted Itself after the Fifty-first Congress would again be heard from after this exercise of party power. Mr. Turner, Democrat, of Georgia called attention to the fact that both Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle, whom he extolled as the greatest Secretary of the Treasury since the days of Alexander Hamilton, had given Con gress the highest assurance that there was ample revenue in the Treasury, Both the President and the Secretary of the Treasury had pointed out the evil iu the financial situation and its remedy. Everybody understood the stress existing. And w hat was to be the responses of Congress'.' Before all remedial legislation it was proposed to put a proposition to still further bleed and tax the American people. IlhlNDKRHON AKOUMK8 KNTHUSIAHM. Mr. Henderson closed the debate in a speech which aroused the Republi can side to greut enthusiasm There V was. he as id, a l>usiuess mat'er for a business people aud should be met iu a business way. Tlie Republicans were not afraid to ussuuie responsi bility. His side had been taunted ySutli working on u holiday. If the situation demanded it they would work ontiuuday, (Republican uppluuse. i Ih-tuouraliu politicians had emptied the treasury. Itepub'lcan politicians would Nil it They would right the • hip of stale that hud been plunging half seas under since the Ik-mocratm puny assumed the bridge. A Ik-uio oratic I're idenl had sent to • ongress a declaration « f war and three .lavs afterward had Hied a petitlou of !>unir ruplee, (Republican applause | “tteare not for war," continued Mr Henderson “The ('resident demanded money. We will give it to him llul we have n d declared war, although war witi hud «> r*s,ij lari unt the business luiereslaof thce-miitry shiver beiort* lb steui|cst iu a teapot. The eou«ti« has assets. The Republican party H» • reluned to poWi r in the leg s *ti* t.ranch ,if the government tl will s h u have the eveeullve ami Ho to never again will our integrity be pul IterptestloM the I femur rat* had no right i o com pis a of whip and spur •ml gag after their pr-ueedtugs ua lb* W it. ott blit “ *w •MkUPMaate enauirrai* At l its p»« at Mr l.iuaey of North b . is aft, • stating that. as • ite pat' too. he fav .fi <1 the iweasura asti tf the rule e oumittae or lev WW M -l * too-ad to tk iigs rstl the P» ge t og. i ng Humadtueat* be tors te l il# «** taken “t wdt not,' replied Mr Itealar •.at the Ifeawwal* spplsadmi thi* rapir aa i Mr t rup •«im»e.i tisat the t# ata Wl .Oil Mg lo purest e of I hi •ale hat ..olrl-su halt alieited by thia ^ asst low and r««pawr It* ot» tael basaal urss *-*• ,>«.)* •.«•%« it. Democrats, but to prevent Republic ans from offering amendments which they might deem wise It was an at- ' tempt to make the Republican* appear unanimous. (Ilemocratic applause.) The rmc committee s order was then adopted— .1.1 to *!». a strict party vote, i save that Mr. Dinncy of North far- 1 oina, and Mr. Connolly of Illinois, Republicans, voted with the Demo- 1 crats At 5 o’clock, at the close of debate ns eel. by the rule the bill was paused by a party vote, and the house ad journed. __________ WAYS AND MEANS REPORT. ProjMt* for Temporary Klnanrtal Hellef •ml for Temporary Tariff Increase. Washington, Dee. 97,—Chairman Dingley of the ways and means com mittee to-day reported to the House the tariff and bond hill* agreed on by the majority of the committee. They were accompanied by the following reports: “Your committee regard tho chronic deficiency of revenue for the past two years and a half as the most potent cause of the difficulties which the treasury has encountered and an Im portant factor In the creation and pro motion of that serious distrust which lias paralyzed business and dangerous ly shaken confidence, even in the financial operations of Hie govern ment. It is a* impossible for a gov ernment to have continuous deficiency of revenue for two years and a half without affecting its financial stand ing as it is for ail individual, ft is impossible also for a government to eontinue in this coi'iHtlon without ousting a shadow of doubt and dis couragement over oil business opera tions within its border*. “Your committee believe* that it is the duty of the House of Representa tives, to which body the constitution commits the inauguration of revenue hills, to frame and pass a measure that will yield not fur from (M0,000,000, suf ficient to put an end to a deficiency Mint to do tills without ilelav. too. leaving to others, whoso co-operation Is required, to finally place such legis- j lutlou on the statute hooks to no-el the responsibility in their own way. And tiie President's special message setting fortli so pointedly the serious ness of tiie situation and tin; necessity for tiie promptest action only empiiit si/.c* the duty of the Mouse. “Your committee have not under taken a general revision of tiie tariff ou protection lines as u majority hope can be done in Isn7 or loll*, not only because they know that such tariff legislation would stand no chance of becoming a law, hut also because gen eral tariff revision would require many months, and the need is more revenue at once. “The bill reported by your commit tee proposes to make the duty on im ported clothing wool do percent of the duty Imposed by tiie act of I son, which would give an equivalent of 0 O-Io of a I cent per pound on unwashed wool, or 1 about 40 per cent ad valorem. This I reduction from the duty of tiie act of 1 1800 has been made because the res toration of the full duty in that act might seem to be too great a change from the present law to those whose I co-operation it Is neccs.ary to secure I in order to have any legislation, and | not as a measure of what might he ! done when all branches of the govern* i mentarofn harmony with the major 1 ity of the Mouse on protection lines. 1 The duty on manufactures of wool is increased by a specific duty equivalent to the duty on wool. “The duty on carpet wools Is left at 1 thirty-two per cent ad valorem, where it wus placed in 1890. This is a purely ! revenue duty, as we raise very few 1 carpet wools. “Niicli lumber as was placed on tiie free list by tiie act of 1890, without tiie slightest justifleation, is restored to the dutiable list, but witli a duty of only sixteen per cent, of tiie duties provided by the act of 1890 giving an equivalent of only about fifteen per cent Such a reduction from the low rates of 1890 is justified only on the ground that the object of your com mittee lias been to frame a bill mainly on revenue grounds, in tiie hope that it would secure the approval of those in ofllciul places wiiose co-operation is essential to legislation, and who may be supposed to feet that in such an ex igency as now exists the public neces sity must control. T1IK BOND HIM.. The report on the bond bill says that i tiie Secretary of t he Treasury now has i the authority, under the resumption act of 1875, to issue and sell ten-yeur 5 percent bonds and thirtv-year I per cent bonds to maintain the fund for 1 t lie redemption of I .Tilted States not es, and that tie hud sold I no,him.oil of Die former description of bonds arid about H',‘,(M!u,ooo of the latter description of 1 bonds in tiie last two years, and as he announces his intention to avail him self of tiie uuthorily given by the re sumption act and sell more high rate unit liftitr t**rm liiiiul*. if neei-ssurv. tile | only question is whether it is not 1 clearly for the public interest that he should have authority to sell a lower rate and shorter lerir bond. The i committee thinks that it is clearly in ' the public Interest that he should liuve tliis authority and adds: “In Hrdiitluir this authority, how ever, we have lueltulnd in the hill a provision that the proceeds of bonds sold >.hall he used ■'* dusivelv for re demption purpose*, our object beinjj to secure sueti a separation of the re deuiptloii fund from the orjinary cash in the tr- asury as will maintain and protect the reo-rve tie also protrnte tbs' such isiuds shall be offered fur sale iu such a manner as to Invite in vestment among the masses of the people." !*l the certiti ales of Indebtedness tin report s* i "In onr jntlyunnl the a»-» relary of the I'resoiry should always hate such ati* Horny a* this to meet temporary dedclenete* that are liable >o arise I >*i,,», thi> ae hortly te given, the *H<.-»et try will Iptllrvc'ly u * th> proceed* of I* m is s»d4 sn i« r the irviui) t oil s i for rvtleiw tlm purps 111 liltb I the deh tenet in the rerenm- as he has t een doin ' in lb» two tears and a hit* Nitn Witaituto ibr 11 the I’rett dent and neereterr of liar |otm»nt am wrhorslt console, mg th »Ivoab.iiiy of shear la* Ueneml lilies I hat t ey lie »oo h in-en-ed by the In Its, < >d knik in which the general of i|u> nimy has W*« Indulging In regard to the Wenhneesul this v-mntrte nad •• bswt and the genyral metdliii to .« to war wtlb o.uitu e of ans^rs* v *a be twntlleelr stetsd PLEADING FOR PEACE. CONDEMNATION OF THE PRES IDENT*.-* MESSAGE. A Wirm Anil-War Meeting In Re w fork The Chief Kiemtlve lletiniineetl — Henrr (lefirge, l.vmsn Aliliott nntl Other Speakers tent Their Henllmrota — A Tninnlliintia (lathering Nome nf the speaker* lllasetl. ( oiKleam (he Meaasge. Nkw York, Dec. 2<l. Eleven hun dred people kasembled in Cooper Union last night to condemn President Cleve land's measage to Congress over the Venezuelan boundary line (|ueall»n. Ernest Howard Crosby presided. He spoke of the Monroe doctrine as fol lows: **We are, here to assert all that stands for the dignity of the American pcoplo and to counteract the froth at the mouth that lias become epbb-mio and seems to have taken bold of the people, AVc are here to protest against, the errors of tin- President of these United States." (Prolonged hisses arid applause.) The tumult that followed seemed for the moment as If it would break the meeting up. < ries of "put him out.” "get out." and the like were heard from all parts of the hall. Meantime, the hisses and applause continued. Just as ipilet had been re stored the speaker continued: "What lathe Monroe doctrine? It is not,'he doctrine of Monroe; it is not the doc trine of Grover Cleveland; it Is the doctrine as Interpreted In American history. When I was Investigating Kgypt, I was scandalized to find that Egypt paid an annual tribute of turn from Turkey, to whom it was paid, and who was stealing It. In the past we have nut been much better off. ilave we not stolen California and Arizona? (Wild cheers) Ilave we not atolen Texas?-’ Mr. Croshv went on from this to de clare that the whole Hurry was the logical outgrowth of the war spirit that has been gradually growing up In the country, and which is putting the Schoolboys In uniforms and building ships that we at least never ought, to Deed. Kev. I)r. Lyman Abbott, of Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, was the next speaker. Dr. Abbott said that when Mr. Olney says that If Dreat Britain is allowed to gain rwixscssion of 3<>0 square miles of land. 2,o*XI miles away, she will use It as a basis for Operations to push acquisitions, the Statement was ridiculous, because she bas already thousands of miles she Could use if so disposed. Nor Is this S question of duty due a downtrod den sister republic, said the speaker. •'Since Venezuela became a re Gibllc, Hfty years ago, she has len In the throes of internal strife. On the other hand, British lluianahas always been a peaceful nation, and whether the boundary of one be de creased or the other increased is a matter that does not concern us.” (ilnnd clapping and shouts.) "I stanu here tonight,” said he, “to indict this acceptation of the Monroe doctrine as characteristically and spiritually un-American. America is the peace nation of the world.” Henry (ieorge was the next speaker. He said, in part: "What, reason is there for this war? I believe in the Monroe doctrine and have stood for it. This, however, is not the Monroe doc trine, and what (Jrover Cleveland calls the Monroe doctrine is but a travesty on it and an utter absurdity. "I do not believe Drover Cleveland nsed Democratic methods with his message, and I hardly believe he pre sented it to his cabinet ” Cries of “yes lie did,” and “no he did not,” catiie from all quarters of the hall. Continuing he said: "Onr business is to mind our business. If we want to interfere in anyth :ng, let us do it where there Is a principle at stake. The advocates of this war scare do not mean war. They are playing at poli tics. ” Charles Frederick Adams denounced President Cleveland and his Venezu elan message severely. His remarks were received with a storm of hisses, Rev. \V. G. Bliss, associate advocate of Boston and Franklin Fierce also made short addresses. At tin- conclusion of the last ad dress the secretary read a letter from Dr R. Ileber Newton, protesting against war, and also u resolution which was put and voted for and against in the same voice. It was de clared passed, however. The resolu tion in substance is that the chair mun of tlie meeting amt tlie iH-akers are appointed a committee to secure the widest possible opinion to omsiM* the warlike methods i f tlie (‘resident. .v AM AGES CLAIMED. An (English Ksiwllr Makes a Kldleuluna lMimaad fur •tii.ouo. Limcoi.n, Neb., ih'e, VM. -Governor Holcomb lias received a letter from Neeretary Gluey, inclosing the request of tin- Hi | m4m for mOM), grow lug out of Ilia assault of the ICiiglDh family of Dawsous in Nebras ka by the Met any outlaw gang. Tha Dawsous elaim thalr property wss damaged to that cslrul by the alleged outlaw baud. The claim in Nebraska Is regarded as Uot only ridiculous, but absurd Ai< the properly the Daw a*'us had at the time was contains*! in a small wagutt drawn by two bruit eoa, and tbe outfit probably worth •» H They wer e attempt *Ug to trade horse* with Vie Met any, a local tough, and the leader of a geug of ruMiaus A free Ughl r> sultcil, In whleh the Iti ws>u*s *.>umtl< tin ashed the Me*ar tys, w hu sought safely ut Might That Was the ead of the matter *•«*•« Milt iMalntel k> *(*• Dai tAist t ttr. t»hia-, Ihs h — At aa earl* hour yesterday m owing Mre de,t<o«*i the large Mouriag mill wf l t* Junes A la, la this eit*, eattGag a toss of | lil ts u Oh sl ab and Intlldtug The uidl was one **f the dot tm It ta the territory an t was the Urgent tu Us shorn* ■ in < a >'||WI tty of (I** barrel" ae*g*a« •mwal IMsA l.uaims itec f* "targma Michael |)arg ‘Maaotf htepuiab. better knows ga iwoglus st» p« sk the ta»*«m% Mu* giaa uihttist was hilled yesterday by g letltue l I* ait* DISABILITIES REMOVED. Th« 4#n«fr \ to Knitorr Kr Con f v»rle* r* Ir*. W ssirmo ton, Doc. ‘JC.—’The Senate to-day without eveo dividing, pawed the hill to remove the political dis abilities of ex-Con federate*. The Itev. Mr. Mllburn, the Mind chaplain. in an eloquent prayer on the Christmas season, made nasslng alia* alone to current public event* by in voicing peace and good will among the nation* of tiie earth Du motion of Mr, Allison of Iowa the Senate agreed that it would ad lourn from to-day until Friday. In presenting a bill authorizing the Secretary of War to iwue Springfield rifle* to state military organizations in exchange for old gun*, Mr, Hawley of Connecticut, said: "In order that thla shall not tie construed so a* to add to the war sear* I will say that it Is merely a question of business. Many 1 of the gun* In use by state troops are of antiquated pattern, liy the adop tion of the Kragg dorgenaon gun— which 1 think was a mistake the War department li*s on hand a large supply of good ’Springfield rifles and the na tional guards should have them in ex change for the worthless arms." Mr. Squire of Washington, spoke against the injustice of employing for sign engineer* on American ship* re ceiving subsidies from the United States government, and offered a bill to overcome the practice. The project of a pan-American po litical union, embracing North, Sooth and Central American republic*, was presented in the Senate to day by Mr, Allen, Populist, of Nebraska in the following resolution: “Whereas, decent events have •hown that Kuro|>csn nation* are making un aggressive attempt to ob tain a greater foothold on the Ameri can '-ontiiient, and "Whereas, such an attempt show* the necessity of a closer union of the American republic*, “Kcaolvcd. 'Dint it I* the aenae of the Senate that the United State* of America should as speedily as possible invite all American republics to enter intoa closer union, to let known ae the I'an-American union, for the pur [rose of promoting the general Industry and commercial welfare of the mem bar* thereof and secure said republic* from Kuropeaii or other foreign encroach ments.” The resolution closed with u sugges tion for a common unit of value be tween the republics of America. It was referred to the committee on for eign relation* TWO BILLS DECIDED UPON Tart* sad Mond* Will Ha Handled la Separate Arts. W**uisotos, Dec. 24,—After a long meeting, in which .Speaker lived, tbe Republican member* of the House ways and means committee and other Republican leaders participated, it was decided to divide the relief meas ure to be be introduced in tbe House Thursday. One of the bills will be a tariff meas ure to Increase the revenues. It will, if signed by the I'resident, continue In effect until August I, IMiS. It will provide for woo! and woolen duties 40 percent of the McKinley law rates, for a duty on lumber to) per cent of that of 1 H'in, an increase of 26 per cent in tbe present rate* on cereal bread stuffs. dairy products, poultry and live stock, and a horizontal increase of IS per cent of all other present rate*. The second bill will provide fqr two issues of bond*. The first is to lie an unlimited isr.ue of three per cent Bra year - >in bond* to protect the gold re serve, with tbe provision that tbe cur rency redeemed by the proceeds shall not be paid ont for current deflefta in the revenue unless the expense* of the government are It excess of the rev enues, which It f* expected they will not be If the first bill is in operation. In addition, the s -ond bill will pro vide for ne year t -o per cent treas ury certificates of indebtedness not to exceed $60,0*10,000 in amount, and to oe disposed of at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, to meet current deficit* In the revenue. These are to be offered for sale at the sub vs i anui n o uc|mi*ivui »m i/i mio (§>'▼ eminent. It 1m possible also, that there may be added to thin bill a plan to increase the currency by authoriz ing national banks to issue circulation to the par value of all the government bonds deposited by them with t he gov ernment as security for their notes. Muli'siu I raise Mr. Cleveland. ‘ City or Mkxk o. lice 28,—Th, press !3iilinues to give hearty support to i resident Cleveland, one journal call ig him the champion of all the Auteri <*n people, and says the Monroe dim ;-lne now has become a broad prin ciple, aiHrming the right of aii Auteri tns to their own territory and the lenaee of absorption lias disap|>eared ircvcr lor a I ailed America WASUIMIITo*. Ih*c. :.ll. — Urjor-sciita I Ivc ilcaeii of Ohio to day introduced in iui|Hirtant bill which Is the out mwth of Ms* Venezuelan dispute. It > an net authorising llo> President of he I ui ted Mates to call au interna iouul conference of ail lha Net* World npuhiies for the purpose of deeleriuy he Monroe doctrine lo be iuteroa ion t! law rltsslaiasuH. IrslM ug IJusrtsrs. fei Paso. Tea, Dee. Marita lullan, manager for Hob HUsiinuuiu*, ’ la* selected training quarters la dares, Msa , scross the river from ' his place, Julian said that Ptiasliu arms buitcls out Maher In sta rounds, au.t he Would put Up lha ee* lire purse won. as a side let with or belt and light the latter the neat lav. Its atssssst Mite* tsaaiwls*. " ssuismoa, isc la I he Preehieat leal t*> the Neaate to dar the nomine I nos* of lieutenant • »d> nel Amoa stichuet. Major WtlPam Hi ary Hue# Ind Msi ur I Moms* ileary Handbuiy, i torpa of engineer*. a» member- of the 1 Vistusn river asoniut** o*» Vstai to sessile lirMsa I mu auo, lh>e in,---A frlghtfal dv insmite e»ph*sior* ueearved yegterday pm section No It o| the drainage panel, about an mde ftioa lha tuwa »*f H'-as* -villa t wo men were la ■ ' i,o I s ad *m t dv* fat*ll) aad ins severely iaiaresl FIGHT WITH A MANIAC. He Ontj ••rroiflrrot tth*ri HU ls.| flail n»n Killed. Oi.aiii r. Kan, Den. 27. — At • o'clock this morning Sheriff lilover and hla depulies, K 0. Kosa and Will lilover, tried to capture 'baric, llindman, who fur several days has been de ranged and wild llin I man bad driven his atepmother and her son from home and then broken up the furniture, and declared he would not be taken alive, j Hindman was upstair*, amt when called on by the sheriff to eome down | he rescinded with a shot from a re volver. I be ball passing through the sheriff's overcoat anil across the breast and through the front linger of hla left hand. The officers ran out and Hindman hasteued downstairs, shoot ing at them through the door* and windows several times. He then look possession of the honae, barricaded the doora and took with him, upstair*, two repeating rifle*, two pistols, knives, reaora and a savage dog, People were afraid to pass near the house aad the family did not dare to return home. The county attorney advised the officers to not kill Hind man unleaa In aelf defense. At 1 o'clock this afternoon Sheriff (ilover and a poaae of officers secreted themselves iri the adjoining buildings and aoon Hindman appeured on the porch of tbe second floor, throw ing furniture from the room* to the ground. When the sheriff called him llindman fired on the officer and eight or ten shota were exchanged. A bullet killed the dog by the side of Hindman, and when I'liudman saw that Ills pet was shot he threw hla firearm* to the ground and Jumped from the porch and surrendered. A dozen officer* aoon surrounded him and placed him iri Jail. Over OK) round* of amunltlon were found In his room and had he not , given up beesuse hla dog was ahot he u'iumi nsvi vyi'm inn unirrrv on lor » Week. Hindman lias been sent to the asylum some four or five times, but after a few months he has always i*-en discharged apparently cured, lie has been out now for over a year, lie is a brother of ex-Judge Hindman of this city. The officer* dare not go within shooting distance 1 of the house. The capture must he made by strategy, but the killing of someone is feared, and no one seem* willing to assist the officer* unless compelled to do so. SUGAR DUTIES. Mr. Omard, President at tfi* A utriicsa Sagar Association, Talk* Omaha, Neb, Dec. 27,-11. T. Oxnard, president of the Amer ican Hugar Association, say*' "While Congress is placing a duty upon so many other thing* why are the American auger producer# not pro tected? I was surprised to note the aetion of the way* and means commit tee in neglecting this feature. Raw sugar is produced In the United fftato* by the rival* of the trusts. The American producer* are struggling for existence, and an Increased duty on raw sugar is the only practical method of stimulating the industry In the United (states. The duty on refined sugar help* the great augar trust, but the duly on the rev/ article assists thr producers of the conntry generally und Indirectly the great agricultural Interest*. A duty of 10 per cent on both raw and refined wonld help tin- American beet sugar produc ers, without benefiting the trust, since the trust must purchase ita raw ma terial abroad. The production of every pound of sugar by the American producer* entering into consump tion in thi* conntry means so much lea* On sines* for the trust, hence the trust i* anxious to hinder the de velopment of the home producer. The danger is that the ways and means committee in ignorance of the true situation will fatally cripple the rapid ly growing industry of licet sugar manufacturing in the I'n^tcd .States The West Is intensely interested in tbia subiect. An Anarchist Cuovaatloo Nkw Yokk. Dec. 'il.—The aeventh convention of the Hebrew anarchists took place yeaterday in the American Star hall. Fifty delegates, twenty of them from neighboring cities, led by Delegate Press of lloston, comprised the convention. The utmost secrecy prevailed, and not one of the anarch ist delegate* would condescend to di vulge hi* name, or even the eity or town which he had been delegated to represent. _ l.ivr: STOCK AMO I'HOIIUO; MAUKKIS> Inim Mew Vnrh. Chicago, si. I.nuls Ouiiilnt Hint I Isewliere. OMAHA. Huiter Creamery separator I# Hi ill It ii tun I air lo good country Cl hi. II eggs 1 resit ........... Is 44 is'. chicken* Pressed, per tk .... H It H‘« Huek-, Per It. s & Ii turkeys IN r *• . t* to !<• Prairiei hlekeii* Pardo*.5 AO H H t,eesc |*i-r lh ....... 7 to l.eiunhs Choice Mtaslnaa .... * 31 he 4 An tiraugi • P. r litis . 4 o> hi I Ml Apples Per hhl... 4 TA h 4 .11 sac,I im.I.U.h* IiCMhI, per hhl SO' tS" J 75 Potauas Per hu ■ lA h 40 beans Navy, htind-plc< I «> 4t l .A i r.iuls-rrles . up.' lisl, pr.uhl s to tf to May I plainl per leu A Ah 41 7 •• i,it.mis Per bn . ....... s* 11 40 litnom lireeh, per 8*. ■ 1 II -'t lings Miked ns. ting . J .It »a 4 4> lings Heavy » eUbis i to ht i 4 lleetes s|, ekery and feeders ! 40 %y • '4 • Iteid Steers ... • b • 8 •*» Pulls .I W> <1 t ft slug* »,.... I fa a i Ai I .,|< eu . - «' to A M IHea .... ... ■ *> is* i »«• ..... I Ml to 8 •> lli lfl * > . .. * ft f * k* W eslenis .. 4 MU to 4 R sheep I toils Ik a I 3 j sheep Mikvd natives I 4« to 4 7» « IIP A*>t». Wheat Nt, 7. spilhg MC» * f , I i ufa J'vr hu .... . ,,...... f t *a 41 , j Mats Per hu 11 *ysa |o, S*utk is u i ii , | .ar.l , 1*1 *41 ! , j . sill* Rohrs lui.g* *ieef* 4*1 to I I hi kilos* Pe* , e« , ., ..... 4 C. Ate. j P>>g* \e. t*.es 4 «* «s 4 w * bwap I its — 4 tot ie 4 * * sheep ntkltriti, J AM at 4 h VIM Vl'Kh Mhtotl Nt. r,iedail«lef 4* to **-* j ,.*« v* 1 .. . H a n * i ptb Nu I, . ....... ... h 0 tt t I. «»*4 1 mu # * , if U lit |» V• t MM • « If > » s M i i*f)i I * * i**4 ii ji 41 I M«l »h* >‘M . H «# I* * Mt . * »4 |m»- Mftu * 11 • t Hfkit# tlf f* i& ^4 4 I 4 | tUb SfttUfc* , M, lift *• | g* iMMft - * 1 * I n W 4 >M j h V N >V »I 111 Wheal V.t I hard .... «• to > j < uih Nu t M 4* H'l . ml. hu 1 .... w to II I *t|| i|.«i|ha*4 hvihla I •• tola. [ Mug* NDtot Pa- kvvs |)l> kwfg I aaih* i to to 4 | STUDY OP THE MOON. PMHlIarttlH MaUd in Ita App««raM« •t l>IIT*»r«*nt TIibm. To tha caaual obaarvar tha motlona of tho (noon appear to ba exceedingly whlmaleal and Irregular: If Ita placo In the sky la watched It will bo found that It Is flrat north and than aouth of tha aitn’a path and that It la aomatlmaa aaat and aomatlmo* weat of that lumln ary. Tha laat two motlona ara ateady and regular from aaat to weat, carrying the moon In Ita andlaaa awing around the heavens, atsrtlng at naw moon near tbs sun snd progressing until at full moon th* whole vlalbla portion of tba sky separates the two bodies. After this tbera art two weeks In which the moon the whole visible portion of the approaching the eun from the other aide, then, again apparently all of a sudden, it passes the sun snd we behold • "new moon." Tha north snd south motion* of tba moon are entirely dif ferent. While performing Its endless Journey from west to east there are two apeolal period* In which H either movsa far northward or takas up 11s position low down In tha aouth. In spring the first motion I* north, but afterward tba general motion Is reversed. In Decem ber you will note that the full moon oc curs at the most northerly point In ber course and In June at tha most souther ly. This Is why ws have most light from the full moon of winter snd least from that of summer. Observations on these various movements Indicate to us the path which the moon move* about the earth and also show us that that body In different parts of Its orbit Is at varying distance* from the earth. This Indicate* that tbe moon's path Is rot a circle, but an ellipse, having the earth In one of Its foci. Tbs moon be ing governed directly and held In poal tlon by the attraction of the earth, bolds IU primary movements In a path around our globe, hut the attraction en ergy of the aun and of the giant planets, perhaps In e lesser degree, produces motions In ths moon which may be summarised briefly as a combination of the six following movements: O) Its revolution about the earth, (2) Its ravo lutlon with tbe earth about tbe sun, (2) the vibrating eccentricity of Its orbit, 14) tbe slow, direct rotation la tbe "line of apsides," (6| the retrograde rotation In tbe line of nodes and (•) Its rotation on lu axla. St. IxmjIii Hepublla. • AN INDIAN WAR-DANCK, A Dakota Chief Take* Mishap Whipple aad CUIIKatlea to Task. Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, aaya that the Dakota Indians once held a war dance near a mission bouse. Ha went to Wabasha, the chief, and said: "Wabasha, you asked me for a mission ary and teacher. I gave them to you, I visit you, and the first sight Is this brutal scalp dance, i knew the Ohlp pewa whom your young men have murdered. His wife ie crying for bar husband; hie children ere asking for their father. Wabasha, the (treat Spirit boars hie children cry. He ie angry. Some day he will ask Wabasha: 'Wbara is your red brother?'" Tbe old chief smiled, drew his pipe from bis mouth and said: "White man go to war with bis own brother In tbe same country; kill more men than Wabasha can count In all bis life. Great Spirit smiles; saye ‘Good white man! He bae my book. I love him very much, I have a good place for him by-and-by/ Tbe Indian is a wild man. He baa no Great Spirit book, kills one man, baa a scalp dan&. Oraat Spirit la mad and says: ‘Bad Indian! I put him In a bad place by-and-by/ Wabasha don't believe it!" DIES IN CAPTIVITY. A IkirlM Taueger Kept la a Caga fee Mnvxral Months. From the Chicago Tribune: Llttla Billy, tba scarlet tanager which (or several montba had been A willing captive In W. F. Monroe’s cigar store, to the Tribune block, died yesterday after noon. The bird came the night of April 14 last. It was a stormy Bunday even ing, and the Tanager, very wet and scarcely able to fly, sought shelter la the brightly lighted store. It was thought remsrknble that so shy a bird as the scarlet tanager should have strayed Into the heart of a great city, and still more remarkable that Idltie Hilly stayed so long. For, though the doors of the store were open all sum mer, hs never tried to regain his liber ty. A large bird cage was placed In the store, and In this the tanager ate and slept. Its door was left open and Little Hilly preferred th pass most ot his time hopping and flying about the store. After he bad been In the store several weeks be became comparatively tame, and permitted the clerks te fesd bint. II Is said liters Is no record of any other scarlet tauager living In captivity so long Dalle* Mate* I4*aa* Mt eases "Oe“ In prohibition Vermont, where It Is claimed that lbs prohibitory law Is strictly sad Impartially snforced. there are aow In force 414 federnl licensee permitting tbs sale ef liquor, about one for every 714 inhabitants, la Hutlaad mere is une license for »'•<) Wl Itt habitants, sad la Montpelier one fer every 144 permute WHei the t lmiliii V*repeal. The Seventh day Adventists la Ml*h last the thief renter ef the suet, are proposing te discard the preeant names ef the day ef me weeh because ef their heathen origin They will dwsidaete them br number, ae la done la the Hi hie, escept that they will, ef nears*, rail rU lords» the UehbelA Ae* thee *Me IM I too ties Rees. dh* You thlah pretty well ef your self, dea l yeuf lie 17 I thlah t am set tar from an angel Indianagwltu lours al,